Rush to the hot search! Oriental selection responds to "bad head meat incident"

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  On March 16, one "The news that the trough meat sold can only be refunded rushed to the hot search.

  According to the hot search, on March 16th, Wang Hai, a professional counterfeiter, issued a document saying that on March 15th, 2024, CCTV exposed the braised pork of "Yuhuiyuan" plum vegetables produced by Anhui Donghui Science and Technology Food Co., Ltd., all of which used grooved meat, and contained a lot of untreated lymph meat and thyroid gland. The grooved meat was not a food raw material and was forbidden to eat, which was seriously inconsistent with.Standard ". This product has been sold in the live broadcast rooms of ""and "Crazy Xiao Yang Ge" ".

  In response, the customer service responded that the above-mentioned braised pork with plum vegetables is indeed a commodity of cooperative merchants. At present, Oriental Selection is responsible for customers, registers customer information and order numbers, and handles refund-only business. If the customer has other demands, it will be recorded and fed back to the merchant for processing.

  "As long as you have purchased this product, you can register through Tik Tok online customer service or 400 customer service. The platform will pay this part of the fee in advance. After registration, it will be returned to Alipay account within 2 working days. " Dongfang selected 400 customer service staff to tell China.Newspaper, CSI Taurus reporter.