Intelligent, quality double No.1, ask the M5 series to turn over the whole rim by strength.

   Recently, the new energy vehicle market is still hot, new forces continue to exert their strength, and established car companies are booming. In the second half of intelligence, it can be said that market competition has entered a white-hot state.

  New energy vehicles are highly endowed with intelligent selling points by the market and capital. When every family spares no effort to roll up software and hardware in the aspect of "intelligence", they often ignore that after stripping the word "intelligence", how much strength can they have in hand-to-hand combat as a car?

  Coincidentally, as a new energy brand that has just achieved the fastest production of 100,000 vehicles, AITO Wenjie, backed by Huawei’s deep empowerment technology, released AITO Wenjie M5 Smart Driving Edition on the eve of Shanghai Auto Show, with a price of 279,800. The Intelligent Driving Edition is the first to be equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system and HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0, creating a "double intelligent ceiling" for intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit.

  Under the leadership of Huawei, the M5 Smart Driving Edition in the world has performed quite well in the smart driving level. It is equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, which is the first to realize the urban, high-speed and advanced intelligent driving function that does not completely rely on high-precision maps, bringing an infinitely high-order intelligent driving experience close to L3, just like being equipped with a state-level "old driver" with millions of kilometers of driving experience.

  It is worth mentioning that the introduction of the M5 version of the intelligent driving in the world has also broken the "law" that the high-end intelligent driving products in the market generally exceed 300,000, which has really promoted the rapid arrival of the era of popularization of high-end intelligent driving. For friends who want to have a more comfortable and convenient intelligent travel experience, the M5 Smart Driving Edition is definitely the first choice at the same level.

  For small partners who don’t need smart driving and pay more attention to practicality and cost performance, AITO Jiejie also launched the standard version of Jiejie M5 to meet the diverse needs of different users. The M5 series of Wenjie itself shows its strong product strength by virtue of its excellent performance, endurance, safety, reliability and interactive experience. The upgraded M5 standard edition is firmly based on the three core labels of "endurance ceiling", "performance ceiling" and "reliable ceiling".

  The standard version of Wujie M5 has the leading all-round long battery life of the same level. Under CLTC conditions, the pure battery life is upgraded to 260km, which meets the requirements of pure electric commuting in urban areas. Under the condition of full fuel and electricity, it can achieve a long battery life of 1455km, and it can drive directly from Beijing to Shanghai without refueling and charging all the way, providing users with broader travel possibilities, and making it possible to travel in go on road trip and across provinces.

  The endurance of the M5 standard edition of Wenjie has been significantly improved, mainly due to the blessing of the new intelligent extended range technology. This technology can effectively improve the power generation efficiency of the range extender, so that the endurance of the power battery is by going up one flight of stairs, and the power performance is better and the energy consumption is lower under the condition of low temperature and power shortage, thus making the actual car more economical and environmentally friendly.

  In addition to the powerful comprehensive endurance, the M5 standard edition of Wenjie has reached the ceiling level of the same level in terms of performance control. Million luxury car class all-aluminum chassis, solid and honest materials, unsprung weight lower control is better.

  At the same time, the application of HUAWEI DATS dynamic adaptive torque technology directly improves the driving experience to a new height, with more timely dynamic response, higher corner stability and greatly enhanced driving quality. With the help of hardware and software, the acceleration of the M5 has reached the 4-second level of super-running, which is rarely matched in the same class.

  On the level of intelligent interaction, the M5 standard edition of the world also shows strong advantages. The upgraded HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0 once again brings unparalleled interactive experience to users. Whether it is voice control, intelligent navigation or car entertainment system, it can bring drivers and passengers a more intelligent, convenient and comfortable travel experience. The intelligent interactive experience of HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0+HarmonyOS 3 system can be said to be No.1 in the industry, and there is no one. This all-round intelligent experience is undoubtedly the core value advantage of AITO’s brand under the deep empowerment of Huawei.

  Recently, with the release of competing products of various brands, users obviously have more car purchase options in the price range of 200,000-300,000. Although many competing products are similar in battery life, performance and some intelligent functions, the M5 standard edition of Wenjie still has obvious advantages under the comprehensive empowerment of Huawei’s technology and quality. In particular, its HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0 provides a richer and more intelligent car experience.

  In terms of price, the price of the M5 standard edition of Wenjie starts from 259,800 yuan, which is undoubtedly a very reasonable price compared with its powerful performance and advanced technology configuration. Moreover, AITO also provides a series of car purchase policy support and initial sales plan, such as an optional fund of up to 10,000 yuan, so that consumers can buy this model more affordable.

  To sum up, there are bright spots in the M5 series, and users who pay more attention to performance and intelligence can find the best choice in the M5 series. With the change of model M7 in the second half of the year and the listing of model M9 in the fourth quarter, the AITO model family matrix will be further improved to provide users with better product experience and service. We have reason to believe that this brand will continue to maintain its leading position in the future new energy vehicle market, and we will wait and see.

Changsha Auto Show: Beautiful car models become beautiful scenery.

Auto show site

Auto show site

Auto show site

There are more beautiful women and more audiences.

  Zhongguangwang Changsha News (Reporter Deng Wenhui correspondent Guo Guoquan) On December 11th-15th, 2008, the 4th China (Changsha) International Automobile Expo was held in Hunan International Convention and Exhibition Center. Changsha Auto Show offers a feast for consumers in the central region. The auto show was co-sponsored by Changsha Municipal People’s Government and China Automobile Industry Association. Car exhibitors from more than 20 countries and regions at home and abroad brought more than 500 well-known brand cars to the stage, including a new car launched nationwide and more than 30 new cars launched in central China. The auto show has an exhibition area of 70,000 square meters and an audience of 200,000. During the auto show, the beautiful car model became a beautiful landscape.

Editor: Liu Li

Online Reading Club | How do we read Zhuangzi today?

The Form and Meaning Transmission of Books

Time:14:00 on Friday, December 3rd.

Location:Yangtze Collection Live Platform (Link Address: lesson_id=20211202103105275206b118)

Speaker:Zhao Yi (Professor and Doctoral Supervisor, Institute of Classical Literature, School of Literature, Nanjing University)

Teacher Zhao Yi’s main research interests are China classical philology and China cultural history. In this lecture, he will take the ancient books displayed in "Qianhua Nanyong Collection of Treasures —— Nanjing University Ancient Books Exhibition and China Ancient Chromatic Prints Special Exhibition" as an example to talk about the book form and meaning transmission.

Peach Blossom in the Sound —— Online Reading Meeting of Jiangnan Trilogy

Time:December 3rd (Friday) 19:00-20:30.

Location:Himalayan APP· book island live broadcast room

Guest:Ge (writer, professor of Tsinghua Middle School), Yang Chen (voice actor), Shang Hong (actor).

A dream about "Peach Blossom Garden" depicts an island of dreams and broken dreams. In 2015, Ge Fei’s trilogy Jiangnan won the ninth Mao Dun Literature Prize with the highest number of votes; In 2021, the new classic combined with Himalaya, and once again interpreted this century-old drama of chasing dreams in Jiangnan with sound. On the evening of December 3rd, Teacher Ge Fei will visit the audio live broadcast room of the Himalayan "Book Island" to talk about the trilogy of Jiangnan with the presenters Yang Chen and Shang Hong, and see that the peach blossoms are still the same, listening to the mountains and rivers and dreaming.

Images and Metaphors

Time:December 3rd (Friday) 19:00-21:00

Location:Tencent conference (ID: 590398820)

Speaker:Niu Hongbao (Professor and Doctoral Supervisor, School of Philosophy, China Renmin University)

Metaphor is used in vocabulary, language and images. Metaphor is not just a rhetoric, but a universal way to construct meaning. It can be said that metaphor is everywhere, whether it is daily language or images. So, what are the similarities and differences between lexical language metaphor and image metaphor? What are the types of image metaphors? And how does image metaphor work? These problems are the key to understanding image metaphor and the core of the operation of cutting into the meaning of images.

Tracing the Origin of Classics —— Hebrew Classics and Their Ancient Versions

Time:December 3rd (Friday) 19:00-21:00

Location:Tencent conference (ID: 66064328322)

Guest:Huang Wei (Lecturer, School of Literature, Shanghai University), Li Siqi (Associate Research Fellow, Department of World History, Fudan University), Chen Zhan (Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College), Liu Boyun (Teacher, beijing language and culture university Institute of Advanced Translation).

In this "Academic Flash" activity, four guests will talk about Hebrew classics and their ancient versions from the perspectives of Hebrew classics, lxx, Tagum and Besi translations, and the Dead Sea scrolls.

Map: A Key to Open Fantasy Space

Time:December 3rd (Friday) 20:00-22:00

Location:Tianmao century Wenjing flagship shop

Guest:Norloth (illustrator and translator), lulu (literary editor)

The Atlas of China, drawn by john howe, the conceptual designer of The Lord of the Rings’s The Hobbit series, is an indispensable collection-level graphic reference book for reading Tolkien. On the evening of December 3rd, we invited Norloth, the administrator, freelance illustrator and translator of China-Turkey Red Book, to be a guest in the live broadcast room of Century Wenjing Tmall flagship store, and together with lulu, editor of Zhongzhou Atlas, we talked about the fantasy world created by Tolkien from the atlas.

From Jiangnan to the Sea —— Art History and Modernity Turn from Chinese and Western Perspectives

Time:December 4th-5th at 8:30.

Location:Tencent Conference, Bili Bili (live room number: 23904061)

Guest:Li Jun (Dean of School of Humanities, Central Academy of Fine Arts), Zhang Xiaoling (Dean of School of Fine Arts, East China Normal University), Yang Bin (Professor of History Department, University of Macau) and Huang Xiaofeng (Professor of Central Academy of Fine Arts, Vice President of School of Humanities).

On December 4-5, the 15th National Academic Year Meeting of Art History in Colleges and Universities will be held with the theme of "From Jiangnan to the Sea-Art History and Modernity Turn in Chinese and Western Perspectives", which will be divided into main forums and youth forums, online and offline, and the participating guests will explore art history in Chinese and Western perspectives.

I am sober and seriously crazy-I see myself in Don Quixote.

Time:December 4th (Saturday) 14:00-16:00.

Location:"single read" wechat video number

Guest:Ma Boyong (writer), Huang Yuning (publisher, writer and translator) and Cheng He (author of drama structure).

The musical "I, Don Quixote", based on the novel "Don Quixote", has been performed for five years since it premiered on Broadway in 1965, creating a record of 2,329 consecutive performances. In 2012, the English version was introduced to China in seven acts, and the Chinese version was first introduced in 2015. In 2022, it will be the 10th anniversary of the premiere of this drama in China, and it will be re-arranged. During the 7th One-way Street Literature Festival, we invited Ma Boyong, a script consultant who participated in the creation of this musical, Cheng He, a writer of translation and drama structure, and Huang Yuning, a writer, to have a conversation, to talk about Don Quixote, a daydreaming knight of Quehanna, to talk about people who passed by in a night boat and walked on a long journey of life, and all those who were still obsessed with exploring the truth of life from the "The Impossible Dream".

The trend of rule of law in the modern world

Time:December 4th (Saturday) 14:30-17:30

Location:Live TV Geleshan Lecture Hall

Speaker:Cheng Liaoyuan (Professor and Doctoral Supervisor, School of Law, Chongqing University)

In recent 70 years, with the changes of the international community, there has been a remarkable wave of rule of law around the world. Countries from Europe to South America, from Africa to Asia, and the United Nations all claim to move towards the rule of law, and a worldwide era of rule of law is gradually coming. This magnificent wave of the rule of law is caused by many factors, including the construction of a modern country, the great changes in market economy and trade, science and technology, the protection of democracy and human rights, and the reflection and rescue of suffering and fear. Observing and analyzing these problems will provide us with a global perspective to understand the rule of law in China. Around these problems, we invited Professor Cheng Liaoyuan from Chongqing University Law School to visit Geleshan Lecture Hall to discuss and share with you.

Meeting Dante in China —— Commemorating the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death and the centenary of the translation of The Divine Comedy in China

Time:December 4th (Saturday) at 19:00.

Location:Tencent Conference (Link:

Speaker:Wen Zheng (Professor, Italian Department, Beijing Foreign Studies University)

In the history of western literature, Dante’s contribution and talent are incomparable, and his poem Divine Comedy is "the pinnacle of genius and hard work" (in Lao She’s words). Since the Florence poet died 700 years ago, knowing this 14,233-line long poem has become "the greatest happiness for literature" (in Borges) for many people. This year marks the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death, and all over the world are solemnly commemorating one of the greatest poets in human history in various forms. We are in China and Peking University, reading and discussing Dante is both a need and a responsibility.

Breakthrough: Recitation and Dialogue —— International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong Series

Time:December 4 (Saturday) at 20:00

Location:Phoenix net

Guest:Anna Stasis Westernidis (poet), Wang Jiaxin (poet, poetry critic) and Qian Yingchao (lecturer, School of European Language and Culture, Beijing Foreign Studies University).

In the second season of International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong series, the Greek poet Anna Stasis Westernidis was invited to talk with China poet Wang Jiaxin and Qian Yingchao, a lecturer at the School of European Language and Culture of Beijing Foreign Studies University.

The Decline of the United States, the Rise of China and the Relationship between Great Powers —— Why the Theory of World Political Cycle is Wrong?

Time:December 4th (Saturday) 21:00-22:30.

Location:ZOOM conference

Speaker:Peter Katzenstein (Professor at Cornell University, USA)

Nankai Yunzhong Lecture Hall invited Peter Katzenstein, a professor at Cornell University and an academician of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, to have an online exchange. He will give a lecture on Sino-US relations and talk about why the theory of world political cycle is wrong.

The Flow of Language —— The Translation Wave in Eastern Eurasia in Modern Times from the Perspective of Global History (about 1200-1850)

Time:December 5th (Sunday) at 10:00.

Location:ZOOM conference (ID: 81919525639)

Speaker:Sun Laichen (Professor of History, California State University, Fullerton, USA)

The study of global history mostly emphasizes the flow and dissemination of goods, people, technology and ideas, while this lecture focuses on the language flow (translation) that has always been neglected, aiming to explore the important role of translation activities in the eastern part of Eurasia (mainly including East Asia and Southeast Asia) from the breadth and depth of global history. The lecture not only emphasized the great promotion of the westward spread of the west wind to the east since the 16th century, but also paid more attention to the great influence of the internal vitality of Asia on the modern translation. This lecture will define "translation" as various forms of information conversion between words and languages from the broadest perspective, and deeply explore the translation forms that have been neglected for a long time.

Common Reading of Meiyuan Classics: Rosefinch by Ge Liang

Time:December 5 (Sunday) 15:00-17:30

Location:Tencent conference (ID: 998444278)

Guest:Ge Liang (writer), Zhang Juan (associate professor, School of Humanities, Southeast University) and Lin Peiyuan (writer).

This salon of Meiyuan Classic Reading Group will discuss and exchange the novel Suzaku written by Ge Liang for his city of life, Nanjing. Ge Liang will talk with Lin Peiyuan, a young writer, and Zhang Juan, a teacher from the School of Humanities of Southeast University. In their communication and interaction, we will feel the charm of Nanjing, a tolerant and generous city where old and new coexist.

Crossing the language gap, it is all open —— Theme Salon of janus Translation Funding Scheme

Time:December 5 (Sunday) 15:30-17:30

Location:"single read" wechat video number

Guest:Liu Qing (distinguished professor, Zijiang, Ph.D. Supervisor, East China Normal University), Luo Xin (Professor of Ancient History Research Center and Department of History, China, Peking University), Fan Ye (Associate Professor and Translator, Peking University Foreign Studies University), Happy (Editor-in-Chief, Poet and Translator, World Literature), Dong Fengyun (Publisher) and Lu Dapeng (Translator).

In ancient Roman mythology, Janus had two faces, one facing the past and the other facing the future. He is in charge of the entrance and origin, as well as the exit and end, one after another, from beginning to end. In the world of literature, the translator is a "double-faced gatekeeper" like janus. In the summer of 2021, Oracle Bone Inscriptions and the One-way Street Foundation launched the first "janus Translation Funding Scheme", which is still under recruitment. During the 7th One-way Street Bookstore Literature Festival, we invited Dong Fengyun and Xu Nan, representatives of the sponsors of the janus Translation Funding Scheme, four judges of the funding scheme-Liu Qing, Fan Ye, Luo Xin, Xing Xin, English and German translator Lu Dapeng, and Xia Peng, the strategic supporter of the project, to talk about the behind of the scheme and the importance of building a more inclusive world through translation at present.

New World: China Practice and Origin of Asian-African Unity

Time:December 5 (Sunday) at 19:00

Location:Tencent Conference (ID: 912648817), Bili Bili Town Reading Club

Speaker:Yin Zhiguang (Professor, School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University)

In this issue, the town reading club is honored to invite Mr. Yin Zhiguang to share the theme around his new book, The New World: China’s Practice and Origin of Asian-African Unity.

Dunhuang studies from an international perspective: Dunhuang as historical materials and Dunhuang as space

Time:December 6 (Monday) at 20:30

Location:ZOOM conference (ID: 85768531693)

Guest:Lin Weizheng (Associate Professor, Department of Art History, University of Chicago, USA) and Maria L. Menshikova (Senior Research Fellow, Oriental Department, Russian hermitage museum)

The forum "Viewing Dunhuang-Mogao Grottoes and Yulin Grottoes in Roche Archives" jointly organized by Princeton University Press and Peking University Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences invited top scholars at home and abroad to talk about the application of Roche Archives in Dunhuang art, cultural sites and historical research, and the research opportunities it brought. In this lecture, Lin Wei, an associate professor in the Department of Art History at the University of Chicago, is discussing the internal spatial structure of Dunhuang Grottoes and its academic value. Maria L. Menshikova, a senior researcher in the Oriental Department of hermitage museum, Russia, will introduce the Dunhuang historical materials collected in Russia and their research value.

Holding your hand: the couple’s love in Qing Dynasty

Time:Wednesday, December 8th at 9:00.

Location:Tencent conference (ID: 667376394)

Speaker:Lu Weijing (Professor, Department of History, University of California, San Diego)

Arranged marriage has been maintained in China for centuries, adapting to changing cultural norms and becoming a part of people’s life experience. Lu Weijing recounted how the marriage practice in the early and middle Qing Dynasty was influenced by rich and complex traditions, and at the same time was reconciled by the historical situation of pursuing "love" in marriage at that time. Lu Weijing found that while the couple’s love blossomed, the couple also encountered new conflicts and tensions with the extended family. From a new perspective of emotional history, Lu Weijing re-examined the complexity and diversity of arranged marriage criticized since the May 4th Movement, as well as the cultural construction of intimate relationship and happy marriage.

Attachment: Preview of offline activities

Beijing | Chinese History in Archaeology —— Sharing Meeting of New Books of Chinese History of Yuenan University and Tracing Back to China

Time:December 3rd (Friday) 19:00-21:00

Location:Bi ‘an Bookstore, 1st Floor, Mudan Science and Technology Building, No.2 Huayuan Road, Haidian District

Guest:Yue Nan (best-selling author) and Xu Hong (researcher, Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

Since the birth of modern archaeology in 1921, major archaeological discoveries have blossomed everywhere, rebuilding our understanding of Chinese civilization every time. Through 12 archaeological discoveries, "Yuenan University’s History of China" witnessed China’s million-year human history, 10,000-year cultural history and 5,000-year civilization history! On the evening of December 3rd, Yue Nan and Xu Hong will start from Erlitou and Sanxingdui to talk about "Chinese History in Archaeology".

Beijing | Old City, New Sound —— Pictorial Narration and Reproduction of Historical Blocks

Time:December 4th (Saturday) 19:00-20:30

Location:SKP RENDEZ-VOUS, 4th floor, Beijing SKP Shopping Center, No.87 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District

Guest:William Wang (Associate Professor and Master Supervisor of Hunan University of Architecture), Sun Yuan (Associate Professor and Master Supervisor of School of Architecture and Art of Beijing Jiaotong University) and Zhu Qipeng (Architect and Design Moderator of Magic Architecture Research Room).

On the evening of December 4th, we invited three architects, William Wang, Sun Yuan and Zhu Qipeng, to visit SKP in Beijing. The three guests will listen to the new sound of history together with the readers from the perspectives of urban renewal in Chaozong Street in Changsha, modern parks from the perspective of multi-culture and the study of Qianmen Street in Beijing!

"Weird Aesthetics" Sharing Meeting in Shanghai | Junichiro Tanizaki

Time:December 3rd (Friday) 19:00-21:00

Location:Sinan Bookstore, No.517 Fuxing Middle Road, Huangpu District

Guest:Wang Yao Yan (novelist, screenwriter), Tracy Cheung (artist)

Junichiro Tanizaki, who is good at writing long stories, is equally wonderful in short stories. We invited scholar Wang Yao Yan and independent designer Tracy Cheung to talk about the beauty of Tanizaki’s words. From Tattoo, a rare work, to The Cursed Script, a mystery literature, or Genjyo Sanzo, which is full of wonderful fantasies, human nature is subtle and tortuous in different periods and different themes. This paper interprets how Tanizaki found another way to reach the true nature under depression, depression and pain.

Shanghai | Heroism of Ordinary People

Time:December 3rd (Friday) 19:30-21:00

Location:Building a bookstore on the first floor of Jiayu Building, Building 8, No.18 Gongping Road, Hongkou District

Guest:Liu Qing (distinguished professor, Zijiang, East China Normal University, doctoral supervisor) and Shen Yifei (Associate Professor, School of Social Development and Public Policy, Fudan University)

Looking at the present, the relationship between major powers is changing, international epidemics are raging, and social anxiety is spreading … The truth of life is often cruel. How can ordinary you and I seek our own "small fortune" in the surging waves of the times? As individuals, do we also have heroism belonging to ordinary people? On the evening of December 3rd, we invited Liu Qing, a scholar of Daguan, Zijiang distinguished professor of East China Normal University, and Shen Yifei, an associate professor of sociology at Fudan University, to visit Jiantou Bookstore and Shanghai Pujiang Store to talk about the heroism of ordinary people.

Shanghai | Daily life is a miracle —— The journey of the soul in The Guardian of Lies

Time:December 4th (Saturday) 14:00-16:00.

Location:Pudong Library Rong Study Room, 3rd Floor, No.150 Pucheng Road, Pudong New Area

Speaker:Liang Yongan (Professor, Chinese Department, Fudan University)

Emanuel Bergmann is a cutting-edge German writer. The Guardian of Lies is his first novel, which takes us to Prague in the early 20th century, just like a "spiritual adventure". On Saturday afternoon, Liang Yong ‘an, a doctor of literature and a humanist at Fudan University, will be a guest at Lujiazui Reading Club, and start a spiritual journey with readers that spans the times, regions and generations.

Shanghai | Old Pidgin: Daily Life of Modern Shanghai Residents

Time:December 4th (Saturday) 14:00-16:00.

Location:No.1262, Yan ‘an West Road, Changning District, No.7, Building No.7, Shangsheng New Institute, Renwu Bookstore

Guest:Chen Zuen (scholar of modern history in China, special researcher of Institute of History, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences), Zhang Guowei (media person, writer of literature and history).

"Pidgin" is a special image in modern Shanghai and an important cultural symbol of Shanghai culture. On Saturday, we invited Chen Zuen, a professor of modern history in China, a special researcher at the Institute of History of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, and Zhang Guowei, a famous writer of literature and history. The two teachers will lead us to visit the urban humanities and appreciate the modern history, discover the first big Japanese trading company that entered Shanghai through the old masonry scenery, and pursue the famous place of Sino-Japanese cultural exchange in the late Qing Dynasty and the western restaurant that led the Shanghai atmosphere …

Shanghai | How do we read Zhuangzi today?

Time:December 4th (Saturday) 19:00-20:30

Location:Zhida Bookstore, Floor 1.5, Fuhua Science and Technology Building, No.525 Guoquan Road, Yangpu District, Activity Space

Speaker:Chen Yinchi (Professor, Chinese Department, Fudan University)

As an eternal motif in China’s traditional literature and thoughts, the magnificent Kunpeng, wonderful fables and profound thoughts in Zhuangzi have participated in shaping the spiritual world of China people for more than two thousand years. So, is it still suitable for us today, and can the wisdom in the book still enlighten us today? On Saturday night, let’s listen to Professor Chen Yinchi.

Shanghai | Sharing Meeting of "Heart Following Xinghai to Nature —— Environmental Explanation of the Source Region of the Yellow River in Sanjiangyuan National Park"

Time:December 5 (Sunday) at 14:00

Location:Hongkou Branch, Commercial Press, 3rd Floor, 1925 Bookstore, No.856 Sichuan North Road, Hongkou District

Speaker:Yong Yi (environmental education scholar)

On October 12, 2021, China officially announced the establishment of the first batch of national parks such as Sanjiangyuan, Giant Panda, Northeast Tiger Leopard, Hainan Tropical Rainforest and Wuyishan. What is a national park? What is the difference between a national park and a national forest park or a wetland park? Why did China start the construction of national parks today? How to take a day trip? This Sunday afternoon, meet with "1925 Bookstore", and Yong Yi, former director of environmental education program of World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), will chat with you!

Guangzhou | Li Gongming’s "Old Works and New Reading" Phase I: Study and Reading

Time:December 3rd (Friday) 19:00-21:00

Location:Activity room on the 3rd floor of Xueeryou Bookstore, No.93 Xingang West Road, Haizhu District

Speaker:Li Gongming (Retired Professor, Art History Department, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts)

Li Gongming, who insisted on publishing a reading note every week in Shanghai Book Review for many years, not only tried his best to promote reading, but also looked forward to seamless communication and dialogue with people who love books. On Friday night, he will visit the excellent bookstore and share his reading with you.

Guangzhou | The Symbol of Youth in an Era —— Reading Long Live Youth

Time:December 4th (Saturday) at 15:00.

Location:Activity room on the second floor of Xueeryou Bookstore, No.93 Xingang West Road, Haizhu District

Speaker:Lin Songyu (Professor, College of Literature, Guangzhou Huashang College)

Long live youth was written in the 1950s when Wang Meng was 19 years old. The novel has a certain influence among generations and is a symbol of youth for many people. This Saturday afternoon, we invited Lin Songyu, a professor at the College of Literature of Guangzhou Huashang University and director of the creative writing teaching and research center, to start with Long Live Youth, and to interpret the theme, literary elements and literary history significance of Long Live Youth as a red classic from the relationship between the ideological value of the text and the times, the artistic characteristics and the creative trend in the 1950s and 1960s, combined with Wang Meng’s creative experience.

Guangzhou | Apart from this life, we have no other time-sharing meeting of the new book "I love this crying romance"

Time:December 4th (Saturday) 15:00-17:00

Location:Multifunctional Hall, 6th Floor, Guangzhou Book Center, No.123 Tianhe Road, Tianhe District

Guest:Yan Ming (photographer), Mai Mai (writer, reading promoter)

With the artist’s sensitive and concerned eyes, the photographer Yan Ming found the stories that each of us in China had witnessed or experienced on a mountain, on a pile of walls, on the skirts of monks and on the silent faces of rural villagers, and gained dignity in this persistence. Twenty years of perseverance and hard work have brought fruitful results. These life experiences about traveling and meeting, fate and choice, conformity or self-reliance, as well as years of photographic thinking, are all condensed by him in his masterpiece "I love this crying romance". On December 4th, Yan Ming will take this masterpiece, visit Guangzhou Book Shopping Center Tianhe Store with writer and reading promoter Mai Mai, and talk about the story behind the picture frame and the little-known moments on the road of life.

Shenzhen | A Writer’s Retrospect and Prospect —— Sharing Meeting of Han Shaogong’s New Book Life Suddenly

Time:December 3 (Friday) at 20:00

Location:2014 Fuzhongyi Road, Futian District, Shenzhen Center Bookstore North District, Big Steps

Speaker:Han Shaogong (writer)

Life Suddenly is a new collection of essays by the famous writer Han Shaogong, which responds to the questions of the times. On Friday night, Han Shaogong will come to Shenzhen with a new book to meet readers and share his writing and spiritual world.

Nanjing | The Sadness and Revival of Nihilism —— Martin Mittelmayer’s Hundred Years of Dadaism

Time:December 4th (Saturday) 14:00-15:30

Location:Golden Eagle Art Museum, 52nd floor, No.888 Yingtian Street, jianye district.

Guest:Liu Lizhong (poet and novelist) and Zhu Zhu (poet, curator and art critic)

Isn’t Dadaism a distorted pretense, a sharp incident, and a provocative nonsense? In short, this cultural nihility that made World War I possible is being impacted by many noises. In any case, Dadaism is first and foremost a movement of artists and life strategists, who have responded with enthusiasm and bravery to the world that is becoming more and more unclear. German writer Martin Mittelmayer shows the surprising practical significance of the answers to the above questions in the Hundred Years of Dadaism, and how Dadaism continues to influence contemporary culture. In August, 2021, the book A Hundred Years of Dadaism was published in Chinese. In this reading salon, we invited Liu Lizhong, a poet and novelist, and Zhu Zhu, a poet, curator and art critic, to talk about this book and communicate with the audience.

Hangzhou | Put yourself in the other’s shoes —— The release conference of the new book at ease: China from 1981 to 1984.

Time:December 5 (Sunday) 19:30-21:00

Location:One-way space 1F, B103, Zone B, Yuanyang Ledi Port, No.58 Lishui Road, Gongshu District

Guest:Lao An (photographer), Sang Gege (writer) and Sun Shanchun (professor of China Academy of Fine Arts)

Andrea Cavazzuti, an Italian photographer, has witnessed the development of contemporary art in China by shooting videos and documentaries since the late 1990s. At Rest: China from 1981 to 1984 is his first photo collection, which contains more than 190 frames of photos he took in China from 1981 to 1984. On the occasion of the publication of the book, we invited the writer Sang Gege and Professor Sun Shanchun from the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts to travel with Lao An in China today and yesterday, and between China and the world, in search of a new understanding of self and the other.

Hangzhou | the daily life of creation

Time:December 6 (Monday) 19:00-20:30

Location:One-way space 1F, B103, Zone B, Yuanyang Ledi Port, No.58 Lishui Road, Gongshu District

Guest:Xu Zhiyuan (writer) and Huang Xi (talk show actor)

Creation is not a privilege. In the past, we seized inspiration in language and writing. Now, the development of technology makes the flashes clearer. Grasping the "crystallization" in daily life, we can all be creative and become interesting, romantic and creative content creators. At the 7th One-way Street Literature Festival, Xu Zhiyuan, a writer and founder of One-way Space, and Huang Xi, a talk show actor and CCTV host, were invited to have a talk on "the daily life of creation", and to talk about how the "daydream" sheltering troubles in their hearts ignited the fire of creation, how to record their lives, keep unexpected thoughts, and how to find their inner direction and be determined to walk in the long journey of life.

Chengdu | Left-handed Science and Right-handed Poetry —— A group of scholars who are good at both arts and sciences

Time:December 5 (Sunday) 14:30-16:30

Location:No.918, South Section of Tianfu Avenue, Tianfu New District, Luhu Eco-city Art Exhibition Center Xunlu Library

Speaker:Zhang Xiuzhi (media person)

Poets have never been a profession, so why not study both arts and sciences. On December 5 th, Zhang Xiuzhi, a senior media person and chief reporter of Xinhua News Agency Sarajevo Branch, shared with you the talents and stories of a generation of scholars who are good at arts and sciences.

Xi ‘an | Atlas of Xi ‘an, Replicating the Cultural Genes of the Millennium Ancient Capital —— Sharing Meeting of the New Book "Xing Zhi: the Form of Xi ‘an Ming City under the Spirit of Place"

Time:December 4th (Saturday) 15:00-16:30

Location:SKP RENDEZ-VOUS, activity area, 9th floor, Xi ‘an SKP Shopping Center, No.261 Chang ‘an North Road, beilin district.

Guest:Li Hao (Professor and Doctoral Supervisor, School of Architecture, Xi ‘an University of Architecture and Technology) and Yang Yang (Architect and Curator)

On December 4th, Professor Li Hao from the School of Architecture of Xi ‘an University of Architecture and Technology and Master Yang Yang from the School of Architecture of Tsinghua University will visit SKP RENDEZ-VOUS in Xi ‘an to share the fourth series of "Xing Zhi: The Form of Xi ‘an Ming City in the Spirit of Place", and lead everyone into the Ming City of Xi ‘an to explore the hidden cultural genes of this ancient city with a thousand years.

Xi ‘an | Loneliness and Affection: First Reading of The Book of Songs

Time:December 4th (Saturday) 19:00-20:30

Location:SKP RENDEZ-VOUS, activity area, 9th floor, Xi ‘an SKP Shopping Center, No.261 Chang ‘an North Road, beilin district.

Guest:Zhu Hong (Professor of College of Literature, Shaanxi Normal University), Liu Weiping (Professor of College of Literature, Northwest University), Jiao Ling (Deputy Editor of Shaanxi Normal University Press), Pang Jie (writer, poet, literary editor)

For example, Pang Jie said frankly: "I want to sort out the love in the Book of Songs and expand it in the contemporary era, and see those distant sorrows, those loneliness and affection, and the telepathy of people today; I want to sort out the plants in the Book of Songs, see how many they have disappeared, and see what they look like if they are still alive today; I also want to sort out the pain and hesitation, hearty and awakening in the era of the Book of Songs … "The so-called" Book of Songs "is actually an old acquaintance. On the evening of December 4th, we might as well walk into the Book of Songs together and re-understand the "loneliness" and "affection" that have been circulating since 3,000 years ago …

Wuhan | past lives of Yongle Ceremony

Time:December 4th (Saturday) at 9:30.

Location:Changjiang lecture hall of Hubei Provincial Library, No.25 Gongzheng Road, Wuchang District

Speaker: Chen Hongyan (Deputy Director of the National Library of Ancient Books)

As the fourth college collection of the National Library, the collection and preservation process of Yongle Dadian in the National Library is full of legends. In this lecture, the speaker will share with you the past lives of Yongle Dadian from the following aspects: its writing process, its compiling method, its value, its dispersion and aggregation, its protection and restoration, and its publication and dissemination.

The Significance of Wuhan Yongle Grand Ceremony in the History of World Culture

Time:December 9 (Thursday) at 10:40.

Location:Changjiang lecture hall of Hubei Provincial Library, No.25 Gongzheng Road, Wuchang District

Speaker:Xiong Zhaozheng (writer, literary historian)

"Yongle Dadian" from the pre-Qin Dynasty to the early Ming Dynasty is all-encompassing. The Concise Encyclopedia of Britain says that the Yongle Grand Ceremony is "probably the largest encyclopedia in the world", and it is more than 300 years earlier than the encyclopedia edited by Diderot of France and the famous Encyclopedia Britannica, so the Yongle Grand Ceremony is not only a treasure of China’s cultural heritage, but also enjoys a high status in the world cultural history.

From AI perfume to AI beauty algorithm, can we find the optimal aesthetic solution?

  The information that artificial intelligence system needs to perceive mainly comes from its vision, hearing and touch, and smell is also a valuable direction. At present, researchers have been studying odor sensors and their applications in environmental protection and other fields.

  During my stay in China International Import Expo(CIIE), in addition to "hard-core" intelligent technologies such as bionic robots and automated production lines, AI beauty consultants, virtual makeup artists and customized skin care products driven by artificial intelligence also attracted many people’s attention. In recent years, artificial intelligence, which shines brilliantly in the fields of image, video and speech recognition, has gradually penetrated into the beauty industry. The market shows that the perfume prepared by artificial intelligence has received good feedback from consumers.

  "Perfume preparation is a complex system engineering, involving raw materials, processes, users, markets and many other factors. Searching for the right solution in the vast parameter space is a huge workload. It is difficult to exhaust all feasible solutions only by relying on manual experience, and it is likely to miss the best solution that is most popular with the market and users." Sun Zhenan, a researcher at the Institute of Automation, China Academy of Sciences, said in an interview with a reporter from Science and Technology Daily.

  AI flavoring does not depend on fragrance to judge the order of putting spices.

  "The information that the artificial intelligence system needs to perceive mainly comes from its vision, hearing and touch, and the sense of smell is also a valuable direction. At present, researchers have been studying odor sensors and their applications in environmental protection and other fields." Sun Zhenan said.

  Previously, IBM made an artificial intelligence perfume apprentice — — Philyra。 Philyra is a creative artificial intelligence, which can study the existing perfume formulas and compare and analyze their components to develop new perfume formulas. Philyra can also obtain the popularity of perfume in different genders, ages and best-selling places. Combined with big data algorithm, Philyra will output a new perfume formula, which can achieve good results in the predetermined target population.

  Sun Zhenan explained that unlike perfumers who need decades to train their sense of smell, artificial intelligence does not rely on the sense of smell to make perfume. AI Blending uses advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze and learn information such as perfume formula, raw materials, historical sales data and industry trends to predict human preferences, thus creating a new perfume formula for the target population.

  David Appel, a master perfumer, did an experiment with Philyra: a perfume made entirely by Philyra was model A; The b model is mainly made by Philyra, and the perfumer is used as an auxiliary modification; The C model is led by the perfumer and assisted by Philyra. After the completion of the three perfumes, they were put into test. The test results showed that most people chose the A perfume created by artificial intelligence.

  "Compared with artificial perfuming, AI perfuming does not rely on fragrance to judge the order of perfuming, but uses deep learning algorithm to analyze and customize the blending method, which is a method different from traditional perfuming thinking; AI perfume will not be influenced by personal preference, experience and cultural prejudice, but digitally quantify the sense of smell and explore more creative composition combinations and formula; With its powerful computing power, AI perfume can quickly calculate the most popular perfume formula for target customers, shortening the perfume development cycle. " Sun Zhenan pointed out.

  It is also used in intelligent medical beauty, hairstyle design and other scenes.

  According to Euromonitor Consulting’s forecast, 2019— In 2023, China’s cosmetics industry will maintain a compound growth rate of 8.3%. Faced with the growing cosmetics consumer market and the popularization of concepts such as scientific skin care and functional skin care, major beauty and skin care businesses are also actively using cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence to launch customized products that better meet consumers’ individual needs and bring more comprehensive product experience.

  Sun Zhenan said that in addition to preparing perfume, artificial intelligence is also used in many scenarios such as intelligent medical beauty, hair design, virtual makeup, customized skin care products, skin diagnosis and so on.

  Sun Zhenan, a researcher from the Institute of Automation, China Academy of Sciences, and his team of researchers have explored the editing of face images and the application of beauty, medical beauty and entertainment.

  For example, at the IEEE International Conference on Computer and Pattern Recognition in 2019, they proposed a face age transformation technology based on wavelet domain, which can predict the change of face with age, and this technology can also be applied to personalized recommendation of skin care products; In 2020, they proposed a face attribute editing technology based on sample importance sampling, which can edit the skin color, hair color, adding or removing glasses and other attributes of the face, and can be applied to the makeup design of the beauty salon industry to provide users with diverse choices and references; In 2020, a face composition editing technology based on reference images was proposed, which can manipulate the shape of facial features and assist medical cosmetology, give more guidance to doctors and patients through the preoperative prediction of plastic surgery and trauma repair surgery, and make a more scientific cosmetic plan.

  "The application technology of artificial intelligence in the beauty industry has saved labor costs for enterprises, improved customer service efficiency and brought convenient and comprehensive user experience for consumers to purchase products." Sun Zhenan said.

  Sun Zhenan pointed out that from the current application, the personalized customized skin care system allows each user to have a dedicated skin care beautician, analyze the photos provided by the user by using face recognition and face analysis technology, and evaluate their skin condition, and then use the recommendation algorithm to select the most suitable product from the existing products for recommendation; The facial beauty evaluation system provides valuable methods and tools for medical cosmetology, which can assist the hospital in cosmetic surgery. By comparing the detected data with the standard beauty model, it provides the cosmetic surgeon with the best scheme for improving each part. AR intelligent makeup trial uses face recognition and virtual makeup rendering algorithm to realize the makeup effect of products with different brands and colors on the face, which reduces the cost of makeup trial, expands the beauty retail terminal and meets the demand of fast fashion.

  For aesthetic standards, people and machines will influence each other.

  Different people have different opinions about beauty, and it is difficult to quantify and form a standard. However, "everyone has a love for beauty", and the aesthetic concept of the public still has rules to follow. For example, a beauty who is truly beautiful can still be recognized by almost everyone.

  "Artificial intelligence’s understanding of beauty requires the training of big data. At present, the definition of beautiful faces and the face value of artificial intelligence cannot be separated from the supervised data marks of human beings, because artificial intelligence has no understanding of beauty itself, and its grasp of beauty depends on the face data it has learned and the label data set that artificially defines and quantifies beauty." Sun Zhenan said.

  David Appel thinks that artificial intelligence is not a threat but an object that needs cooperation. Machines have no unnecessary feelings and prejudices, which can significantly enhance human creativity and provide the most novel algorithms.

  Previously, the CARTO artificial intelligence fragrance blending system was produced in the well-known perfume company Givaudan. The system used the odor atlas collected by IBM, hoping that the fragrance could maximize its olfactory performance in the formula.

  For another example, Shiseido Optune personalized customized skin care system consists of a smartphone application Optune App and a dedicated machine Optune zero. Optune App displays the user’s skin condition (skin texture, pores, moisture content, etc.) by analyzing the photos taken by users with machine learning technology, and sends the data to Optune Zero through the cloud, which selects the most suitable combination of essence and moisturizing products from existing products according to the algorithm and produces them directly from the machine.

  "In order to eliminate the preference of artificial intelligence for human aesthetics, the data used in the training algorithm should be as comprehensive and diverse as possible, and multi-dimensional and multi-angle standards should be integrated for learning. However, it does not rule out that autonomous evolutionary intelligence has the ability to discover beautiful people and things unsupervised. For example, machines may automatically search for star photos that attract public attention to learn aesthetic standards independently. " Sun Zhenan said.

  In Sun Zhenan’s view, with the application of artificial intelligence in the beauty industry, people and machines will influence each other on aesthetic standards. "On the one hand, human beings have a personal preference for the standard of beauty in a broad sense. When algorithm experts use a certain definition of beauty as a standard for machines to learn, machines tend to be aesthetic standards of this definition. On the other hand, when the machine recommends the medical beauty scheme it thinks for a long time, the user aesthetic system of the artificial intelligence system will also be affected. "

Quick literacy of baseball rules! Solve your puzzles for many years in an instant (graphic version)

Last night, I sent a literacy video about baseball rules. Some fans sent a private message saying that they couldn’t keep up with their ideas and asked me for a text. So I’m going to show you a graphic version today, and I’ve added a lot of explanations and explanations, which are more detailed and understandable.

There are two boring people, throwing the ball to kill time.

One throw, one pick.

Throw, catch, throw, catch …

This game is too monotonous, so we should add some tricks. So a third person was called in to make trouble.

The man held a stick in his hand to stop the pass. As soon as the ball was thrown, he swung it away.

Those who throw and catch the ball should try to avoid the ball being intercepted and try to complete the pass.

The two sides formed a confrontational relationship.

If the ball is hit, someone has to pick it up. So I called a few more people to pick up the ball.

This kind of game is still a bit boring, so keep adding more tricks. After the ball was hit, the batter ran wildly to see if he could finish the square route and return to his original place before the ball was picked up.

If he can run back to his original place, he will get a point.

But the difficulty is too high and should be reduced. After the ball is hit, he is allowed to run to these positions and stay there first, but he doesn’t score.

Obviously, the faster the catcher picks up the ball, the more difficult it is for the batter to finish the distance.

So the batter tries to hit the ball as far as possible, and it is best not to pick it up in a short time, so that he has enough time to run the whole course.

Therefore, on the whole court, everyone is dealing with the batter, and the batter has to fight with many opponents. So everyone was divided into two camps and dressed in different colors. So it is divided into two teams, A and B.

Team a, there is only one batter for the time being; Everyone else belongs to team B.

Team a, that is, the batter, is the attacker with sticks; Team B is the defensive team, all wearing big gloves.

Offender, strive for more points; The defender tried every means to stop the other team from scoring.

This is the baseball game.

That passage just now has broken your fear of baseball. Below I will talk about the basic rules more formally. If you don’t understand some places, just skip them. It won’t have much impact.

1. Competition system

There are two teams on the field, such as Team A and Team B. The two teams take turns to attack and defend.

There are nine innings in a game. Each game is divided into two and a half games.

In the first half, Team A attacked and Team B defended; In the second half, Team B attacked and Team A defended.

In reality, the visiting team usually attacks and the home team defends in the first half. After three people from the visiting team were out, the first half ended and the second half began. In the second half, the home team attacked and the visiting team defended.

The attacking side is responsible for hitting the ball and running the base, with the goal of scoring;

The defensive side is responsible for pitching, catching and passing the ball, so that the attacker is out and the attacker is prevented from scoring.

After nine games, the team that scored more points was the winner. If the scores are the same, they will play overtime until the outcome is decided. If the scores are very different, one side will lose, and then the game can be ended early.

2. Venue

The playing field is a fan. This is a right angle. Within the right angle, it is within the boundary; Outside the right angle, it is out of bounds.

Note that the range within the boundary is infinitely extended.

This red arc is just a field line, not a boundary. Even if the ball flies over this arc, it is not out of bounds as long as it is within the right angle. It is out of bounds only if it is exceeded to the left or right.

There are four bases in all. They are home plate, first base, second base and third base. This position where the pitcher stands is called the mound.

The batter stands next to the home plate, either to the left or to the right. There is a little distance between the batter and the catcher, so there is no need to worry that the batter’s stick will swing on the catcher’s head.

3. Team members

The two teams each have nine players.

But at the beginning of each half game, only the batter plays alone. The other eight teammates are waiting outside.

The batter flew the ball, started from home plate, captured first base, and became base runner. Next, the second batter comes on the court. If he also makes it to base, then the third batter comes on the court …

Because there are only four bases. Therefore, there are only four players on the offensive side at the same time.

The nine players on the defensive side all played together from the beginning.

These nine people include: a pitcher, who throws the ball; A catcher is a person who crouches on the ground armed to catch the ball; There are also seven wild players, scattered on the field.

The seven outfielders include: left fielder, center fielder and right fielder, as well as the first baseman, the second baseman and shortstop, and the third baseman.

Step 4 run the base

A. One bag can only accommodate one person.

B base runner in the rear can’t surpass base runner in front.

C. When the batter hits the foul ball, he must start running and run for first base.

From these three ABC principles, we can deduce the concept of compulsory base entry.

When the batter rushed to the first base, base runner, who had already occupied the first base, had to go forward and rush to the second base-because a base bag could only hold one person, he had to give the first base to the batter. This is compulsory base entry.

Step 5 score

Under the siege of nine opponents, the batter captured the first base, the second base and the third base in a counterclockwise direction, and finally ran back to home plate, so that the attacker could get one point.

The rules of baseball game are designed around this core content.

It’s very difficult to run back to home plate. Many times, the attacker was killed before he ran far.

For the defensive side, as long as three attackers are out, this half game can be ended and another half game can be started, and the offensive and defensive relationship can be reversed.

Step 6 get out

How did base runner and the batter get out? In other words, how did the defender kill the attacker?

Mainly in these ways.

Type 1: catch and kill

The batsman flies the ball, and the ball is caught by the defender before it hits the ground, so the batsman is out immediately. It’s called killing.

Catch-and-kill doesn’t distinguish between inside and outside. As long as the ball doesn’t land and is received by the defender, it is catch-and-kill.

Type 2: contact killing

The defender holds the ball in his hand and touches "base runner who hasn’t run to the base bag", so base runner will be out. This is called touch kill.

Between defenders, the ball can be passed around

Type 3: Blocking

Example: The defender who stepped on the second base got the ball, and base runner, who was forced to run to the second base, was expelled. Then the ball was thrown to the first base guard, and the batter who was running to first base was also banned. This is a double kill.

Similarly, there are three kills that cause three offensive players to be out.

If there is no one on the base, only the batter rushes to the first base, then the ball is passed to the first baseman with his foot on the first base, and the batter is eliminated.

Banning is suitable for the situation of running (compulsory base entry), and its essence is to let people who are forced to base have nowhere to go. Instead of running in the case of a must-run (active base entry), you can only use a touch kill to get out.

The base guard can’t stop base runner from running the base by tripping or other physical obstacles. Only after we get the ball, we can kill base runner by touching him or blocking him.

Contact killing is easy to understand. Focus on banning.

Banning is to occupy base runner’s target base first after getting the ball and before base runner. So base runner will be homeless.

Some people will say, then can’t base runner run back? You can’t.

Because the way to ban is used, that is, in the case of forced base running (forced to run, must run).

For example, if a batter hits a foul ball, he must run to first base. Because a base can only accommodate one person, base runner, who was originally at first base, had to run to second base-he had to vacate the position of first base for the batter. So at this time, the second base keeper got the ball and occupied the second base first, so base runner was homeless and had to be out.

Type 4: Strike out

The batter was struck out when the strike reached three. Now let’s talk about what a good shot is.

7. Good ball and bad ball

This virtual yellow area is called the strike zone.

The range is the three-dimensional space directly above home plate, from the batter’s armpit to his knee.

The referee has the final say on the specific scope.

Each referee’s criteria for judging the strike zone are slightly different, so professional players will know the judgment preferences of each referee in advance.

The ball thrown by the pitcher, which crosses the area, is a good ball, and if it doesn’t cross, it is a bad ball.

However, the batter missed the ball, missed the ball, or hit the ball out of bounds, even if it did not pass through the strike zone, it was still a good ball, and the number of good balls was increased by 1. However, it should be noted that if the number of good balls has reached 2, then playing a foul ball is not a good ball or a bad ball.

8. Walk to base

If the pitcher throws four bad balls, the batter is walked to first base.

If the first base is already occupied, then the first base base runner will be safely pushed to the second base. And so on.

That is to say, if the first base, the second base and the third base are already occupied, then the batter will be walked to the base at the same time, and the third base will be safely pushed to the home plate, so the attacker will get 1 point.

9. Touch the ball

The pitcher throws the ball very fast, and it hurts when he hits the body lightly, but it hurts when it is heavy. If it hits the batter, it is a touch ball. Touching the ball will also let the batter walk to base.

It should be noted that the condition for the touch ball to be established is that the batter should have evasive action.

In many cases, the batter must play and perform accurately-not only to dodge to meet the judging conditions and reduce the harm to the body, but also to let the ball hit itself to get a walk on the base.

It’s up to the referee to decide whether to count the touch ball in the end..

But not every batter likes to walk the ball to base. Because they would rather hit a hit or even a home run by themselves (the probability is very low) than have a touch ball.

On the other hand, on the defensive side, they sometimes deliberately throw a touch ball to send the batter to first base safely. This is because some batters are too strong, and the defender is afraid that he will hit a home run, so he simply gives him a touch ball and sends the athel Loren to first base.

10. Hits and home runs

After the batter hits the ball, he successfully gets on base, so this time the bat is a hit.

So as the name implies,A hit is a hit that brings safety to base..

Hits can be divided into first base hits, second base hits, third base hits and home runs.

The so-called home run is that the batter hits the ball to the home run area (outside the home run wall), and then the batter can run safely and leisurely and score 1 point.

If there are already people on the base, they can also run back to the home plate to score.

In the best case, there are already attackers on the first base, the second base and the third base, so the batter hits a home run and all three of them and the batter can return to home plate in turn. So the attacker got 4 points at once. Such a home run is called a slam home run, also called a slam gun.

A home run with no one on the base, only one run, is called Yangchun home run, also called Yangchun cannon.

Then you should also understand the meaning of two-point gun and three-point gun.

11. Stealing bases

Once the pitcher starts his pitching posture, base runner can sprint to the next base bag.

If the batter doesn’t pose or miss the ball, the catcher will pass the ball to the baseman to get base runner out.

Note that if the ball is out of bounds, then stealing the base is invalid and you should return to the original base bag.

12. Forced return to base

The ball is caught by the defender, and the batter is killed, so base runner must return to base forcibly and touch his previous base bag again before he can start running again.

Therefore, if base runner is sure that the ball will be killed, he will stand still on the base bag and wait until the ball is received before running into the base;

If base runner is not sure whether there will be a catch, he will run a few steps and wait. If there is no catch, he will continue to enter the base. If he is caught, he will quickly return to his original base.

11. Explain some things again

The heavy-eyed man standing behind the catcher is the referee, that is, the referee, who has supreme authority. In addition to the referee, there are four referees in the vicinity of the base package, including the first, second and third bases. In some competitions, there are also right-line judges and left-line judges, with a total of six referees.

The catcher put his hand in his crotch and made various gestures. He was indicating to the pitcher what way to throw the ball. Sometimes it’s a signal to the base guard.

Someone out of bounds is doing a seemingly inexplicable action, which is a player in the command field.

The core rule of baseball is simple, that is, hit the ball out of bounds, then go around and return to home plate to score.

Knowing this, there will be no fear of difficulties.

The details of the rules are extremely complicated. But it doesn’t matter. As long as you often watch the game, the details of various rules will naturally become familiar.

So, be sure to watch more games.

Baseball is a team sport, which is very antagonistic and passionate. During the competition, there is also a strong drama and suspense. Therefore, watching baseball games is not boring at all, it is very interesting.

Although this article only talks about a few rules, knowing these is enough to support you to appreciate the game. If you don’t understand, please keep it for later use.

(End of full text)

The combination of physical education and football dreams is clearer

  Wandering in the beautiful campus of Yan ‘an Second Road Primary School in Qingdao, intoxicating black and white elves can be seen everywhere. On the playground, small football jumps at the feet of children, and the pictures displayed along the stairs tell the course of the development of school football characteristics … The whole school has become a "football cultural magnetic field", infecting every member in it.

  Qingdao is a well-known football city in China, and the popularity of campus football is ahead of many places in China. In football activities, students have been trained, improved their skills, learned to cooperate, and enhanced the cohesion of the community.

  In the past year, the national campus football developed vigorously. Like Qingdao, all localities took measures according to local conditions and created a good atmosphere for the development of campus football. Campus football is sweeping across the country with a rapid momentum. There are more and more green fields on campus, and more and more children are jumping on the green fields. The characteristics of campus football are constantly expanding …

  Promote campus football into an upgraded version.

  Over the past year or so, all provinces in China have innovated campus football work, designed the overall idea of campus football work at the provincial level, and issued relevant implementation opinions on promoting campus football in primary and secondary schools.

  Beijing’s 2016 football project will be included in the selected test items of the senior high school entrance examination, and at the same time, the football project test will be explored in the senior high school physical education examination.

  Guangdong Province has initially established a campus football network with national cities as the main line and provincial cities as the supplement. In the next step, Guangdong will continue to expand the football population and cultivate educated football people, and integrate the promotion of campus football into all aspects of school education as a breakthrough to promote school physical education reform.

  In order to promote the popularization of campus football, Hubei Province has included football in students’ extracurricular sports and extracurricular sports activities. The Office of the Leading Group for Campus Football Work in Henan Province has "three chapters" for all campus football pilot schools in the province: football classes should be included in the school-based curriculum, and at least one football class must be guaranteed every week; Two big recess activities for half an hour every day, one of which must arrange football-related content; A class football league must be held once a year.


  There is a strong "whirlwind" in campus football.

  In this atmosphere, the League Four has been promoted smoothly, the camp activities have been carried out brilliantly, and various cups have continued.

  On November 26, 2014, a national video conference on campus football for teenagers was held. The meeting proposed that we should adhere to the combination of sports and education, be determined to reform and innovate, and promote the popularization of campus football.

  Yuan Guiren, Minister of Education, said that the Ministry of Education will dominate campus football and launch a series of measures to promote campus football into an upgraded version. The goal of the Ministry of Education is to strive to support the construction of about 20,000 schools with football characteristics in primary and secondary schools and 200 high-level football teams in colleges and universities nationwide by 2017, and to form regional characteristics. In addition, according to the national campus football competition plan, four leagues are organized for primary schools, junior high schools, senior high schools and universities.

  Then, on March 16th, 2015, the General Office of the State Council released the Overall Plan for the Development and Reform of Football in China, which is the goal of China’s 10-year plan for football and has raised football to the height of "national policy".

  Known as "the biggest reform in China’s football history", this plan has defined 50 specific measures, covering the reform of the Football Association, league reform, national football construction, youth training system, bid for the World Cup, China League Football Lottery and other fields. It is estimated that by 2025, 50,000 schools with football characteristics will be built with 50 million students.

  On August 13th, the website of the Ministry of Education officially published the "Implementation Opinions of the Ministry of Education and Other Six Departments on Accelerating the Development of Youth Campus Football". The "Opinions" pointed out that the goal of campus football is to basically build a youth campus football development system with China characteristics by 2020, which conforms to the law of talent growth, with extensive participation of young people, continuous improvement of sports level, dynamic institutional mechanisms, strong basic conditions and vigorous cultural atmosphere.

  In September 2015, after comprehensive selection, the Ministry of Education identified and named 8,627 primary and secondary schools such as Chongwen Primary School in Beijing as national youth campus football characteristic schools, and 38 counties (districts) such as Yanqing County in Beijing as national youth campus football pilot counties (districts).

  The Ministry of Education requires that characteristic schools and pilot counties should open an Internet-based campus football information platform, publicize the progress of campus football, report football activities, exchange work experience and display characteristic achievements. Education administrative departments at all levels in various localities incorporate the work of characteristic schools and pilot counties into the education supervision and inspection and the evaluation of school physical education, and carry out special inspections on a regular basis.

  Since then, the blueprint for the development of campus football has been basically drawn. However, how to make this whirlwind of campus football stronger and more lasting? You can find the answer in the concrete practice at the grassroots level.

  Hardware and software "grasp with both hands"

  For a long time, a prominent problem that restricts the development of campus football is the lack of venues. In some schools, "there is no place for children to do exercises, and there is no place for them to play football".

  This situation is particularly prominent in some schools located in the center of big cities and in the old campuses of some schools. These schools are not short of money and excellent teachers, but the limited space is the biggest problem that restricts them from developing campus football.

  In order to solve the problem of football venue conditions, Beijing has adopted the overall planning of the municipal and district governments, rented social venues to carry out football activities through the government’s purchase of services, and built small venues and cage football and other characteristic venues according to local conditions inside and outside the urban campus; And in the outer suburbs, thousands of simple football venues have been transformed by using community space and idle lots.

  There are more than 1,200 students in Chongren No.2 Primary School in Qiaokou District, Wuhan City. The school is located in the commercial and prosperous hexagonal street area with limited sports venues. Schools adjust measures to local conditions, strengthen the basic technical training of small venues, such as dribbling, bouncing, arch passing, simple two-one tactics. With the help of the resources of the District Cultural and Sports Bureau, the school carried out football training in the nearby Liujiaoting Stadium. In 2014 alone, the school "produced" four national youth team players at one time.

  In terms of funding guarantee, many cities are unequivocal and give strong support to the development of campus football. In 2014, Guangzhou Education Bureau issued a subsidy of 1.76 million yuan to 54 traditional football schools and 4.56 million yuan to 304 campus football promotion schools in Guangzhou, totaling 6.32 million yuan.

  For many problems that have long plagued the development of campus football, many places have innovated systems and mechanisms to solve them, and made breakthroughs in building campus football league system, compiling campus football teaching materials with local characteristics, and creating campus football development atmosphere, so that more and more children can enjoy the happiness of campus football.

  In addition to paying attention to the improvement of "hardware" conditions, many places have also set their sights on upgrading the "software" of campus football. In many places, combined with the local actual situation, the superior resources are used to develop campus football. In the promotion of campus football, various localities have made characteristics in building platforms, innovating institutional mechanisms, constructing campus football league system, compiling campus football teaching materials with local characteristics, and creating campus football development atmosphere.

  Don’t give extra points for exams, just for freedom.

  "We can’t guarantee that every child will become an international and a star in the future, but we can bring joy to each of them." Wu Mingyu, director of Mianyang Education and Sports Bureau, Sichuan Province, said that according to the calculation of Mianyang Education and Sports Bureau, by 2017, there will be more than 100 youth football teams in the city, and thousands of students will participate in football training and competitions.

  Combining popularization with improvement, paying equal attention to class and playing field, and persisting in benefiting all students are the ideas of Chongqing Pengshui to carry out campus football. In the process of promoting village school football education, Pengshui County insists on classification and popularization, and promotes it according to its materials. For schools with only grades one to three, focus on offering theoretical courses to popularize the basic knowledge of football and promote basic skills; For students above the fourth grade, in addition to theoretical promotion, they will also try to popularize simple skills.

  "The significance of vigorously promoting the end campus football is not to cultivate future football stars, but to let the children in the mountains have a healthy body and tenacious will with the help of football as a carrier, and put wings on their football dreams." Jiang Yong, director of Pengshui County Education Committee, said.

  In such a campus football environment, which does not add extra points to the exam, is not utilitarian, but only happy, the children are galloping freely and growing healthily.

  Campus football activities have been carried out in many schools, and a large number of schools have achieved certain results in carrying out campus football activities. In order to get to school early and play more football, many students in the primary school attached to Tsinghua gradually develop the habit of going to bed early and getting up early.

  The person in charge of Chaisang Primary School in Xunyang District, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province told the reporter that carrying out campus football activities has improved the qualified rate of students’ physical health, improved their overall quality, and achieved ideal competition results in various sports competitions at all levels.

  Accelerating the development of youth campus football is an important measure to fully implement the party’s educational policy and promote the physical and mental health of young students, and it is also a basic project to improve the development level of national football.

  It can be predicted that when children who practice football reach a certain scale and their skill level reaches a certain height, high-level children will naturally emerge, and China football will have a bright future.

  The deputies said

  Alva Wang, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and deputy director of Sichuan Provincial Department of Education:

  Campus football should do good things well and do big things.

  For campus football, we should do good things and do big things.

  Campus football is a breakthrough in cultivating people by virtue and educating people by competition. The country also considers it a major event, so it should give full play to the scientific effect of campus football. Campus football is different from social football and competitive football. It should have its own rules. Its more goal is to educate people, rather than focusing on achievements. Campus football needs to let students know why they win, because they win with their own strength and wisdom. At the same time, campus football can also cultivate students’ awareness of obeying rules. For example, the basic rules of "you can’t play football with your hands" and "you can’t play basketball with your feet" are helpful to establish students’ awareness of rules, professionalism and professional ethics.

  Campus football is not about cultivating athletes. There are 12 million students in Sichuan who take part in campus football, but few of them can become professional football players. Then why should all students participate? Because we promote campus football, we hope to cultivate seeds, seedlings, top players and players. The goal of campus football is to cultivate builders who understand football, abide by rules and have a strong body, not competitive athletes. (Interview with our reporter Zhang Chunming)

  ——■ Typical case—

  Wuhan Xinhe Village Primary School:

  In 49 years, "kicked out" 34 international players.  

  Located in a crowded old residential area, Wuhan Xinhe Village Primary School is surrounded by buildings on three sides. Campus area is small, only more than 6000 square meters, is a standard "sparrow school". However, there are not many students at all, and more than 80% of the 1036 students come from the families of migrant workers.

  It is such an ordinary primary school that regards "Happy Football" as a characteristic education. It has persisted for 49 years in a narrow space and lack of professional teachers, and has successively stepped out of 34 "international players" such as Feng Zhigang, Zheng Bin and Lei Tenglong, and has become a famous campus football characteristic school in China.

  The school only has a trapezoidal artificial lawn sports ground and a stormy playground. In the words of principal Hou Lin, "there is no place to row the runway".

  However, when you enter the school, you will find that most of the children here wear jerseys and sneakers to go to school; During recess activities, students flock to the playground, mostly playing football; Even during the break, teachers and children danced self-made football exercises. Every class has a football lesson every week, and both boys and girls will kick a few feet.

  "In order for all children to feel the joy of football, the school adopts time-sharing, venue-sharing and reasonable arrangement of teaching content to ensure the implementation of school-based curriculum." Hou Lin said, "At present, there are 24 classes in the school, and each class has a football team. Every day, more than 100 members of the school team practice on the playground for two hours after school.

  Although the campus is small, Xinhe Village Primary School has turned "small" football into a "big" culture on campus.

  The flags, uniforms and slogans of each class are designed by the children themselves. On the court, girls also have to show up. When boys play football, girls play football baby and cheer for boys. Teachers also put football into Chinese and math classes. In addition, every year’s "Campus Football Festival" and every semester’s "Healthy Cup" class football league, all children participate and enjoy the endless happiness brought by football.

  "For children who don’t like playing football and love painting, they can draw football; Love writing, can be a football reporter; If you love to be handmade, you can create your own World Cup. " Wang Jianhong, director of the school’s football education, said.

  The "cradle of international players" originated from the first children’s football team in Xinhe Village Primary School in 1966-Shan Ying Team. In that year, Yang Zheng, a math teacher who had just joined the work, tried to gather children to practice football in teams. In the past few decades, school leaders have changed from batch to batch, and the "Shan Ying Football Team" has been marching from district and municipal leagues to national stadiums step by step, and the characteristics of football education have become brighter and brighter.

  Now, Xinhe Village has two full-time football coaches, and hired retired parents from the provincial team to coach the football team to ensure the implementation of the school-based curriculum.

  In a class football match after school, although the players were all teenagers, the game was wonderful. On the court, he played well and was very devoted; Off the field, the cheerleaders on both sides kept shouting and cheering. The goal was scored, everyone cheered, lost the goal, stamped their feet and regretted it, and the joy was written on the tender face.

  In Xinhe Village Primary School, such competitions are held almost every day. Children not only get health and happiness from football, but also have many other gains.

  A recent survey by Wuhan CPPCC shows that compared with other schools, there are fewer "chubby" and "nearsighted" students in Xinhe Village Primary School. "This is due to the popularity of campus football." Wang Jianhong told reporters. (The original text was published in the fifth edition of China Education News on March 25, 2015. Our reporter Zhang Chen Li Xiaowei Cheng Mo)

The transfer fee is ready! Manchester City found Calvin Phillips body double, and the champion attribute conquered Guashuai.

Manchester City has brought Calvin Phillips from Leeds this season, but the English midfielder didn’t get many playing opportunities in his first season at Manchester City. At the beginning of the season, players’ injuries were the main influencing factors. Although FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 successfully participated, he was once again excluded from the team’s main force because of overweight after returning to Manchester City. It can be said that Guardiola has not found a way to activate the midfielder. Of course, Manchester City will not sell players this summer, but Rodley really needs a player who can share the pressure for him, and Manchester City has also locked in the target.

According to news media N1, Manchester City coach Guardiola has found a midfielder who can replace Calvin Phillips, form a good rotation with Rodley, and even have a competitive relationship. This person is none other than Chelsea’s Croatian midfielder kovacic. Joining the Blues from Real Madrid in 2018, kovacic has helped the Blues win the Europa League, Champions League, World Club Cup and Super Cup.

However, with the departure of Roman Abramovich, the Blues under Burleigh’s control are now playing very badly on the pitch, and Burleigh spent 600 million pounds to sign for two consecutive transfer windows this year, but the final result is not satisfactory. On this premise, the Blues will sell a large number of players this summer to ensure their financial balance, and the contract between kovacic and Chelsea will expire in Ming Xia, so it is very likely that the Blues will sell them soon to earn a transfer fee.

There is a high probability that Chelsea will not qualify for the Champions League next season, and many players in the team will also have their salaries reduced. Of course, these players were signed during the Burleigh period. As a meritorious player during tuchel’s coaching of Chelsea, kovacic’s blue career has basically come to an end. However, kovacic, who is only 28 years old, is still at the peak of his career, and Guardiola is very fond of the Croatian midfielder and hopes to sign this player for Manchester City this summer.

Guardiola once said that Calvin Phillips needs to increase his rhythm in short passing. In the game with Sheffield United, Guardiola continued to give players playing time, but more could only be returned, and he could not find the opportunity to adjust his body forward. Obviously, Calvin Phillips could not provide much help to Manchester City on the court when he was on the court. If players want to gain a foothold in Manchester City, it is very important to add some extra training, but Manchester City obviously can’t just wait, but wants to take the initiative.

It is reported that Manchester City is prepared to bring kovacic from Chelsea for a transfer fee of 30 million pounds, which is not low, and if Manchester City is really willing to pay such a high price, kovacic himself is obviously willing to join. After all, you can win more trophies in Manchester City, and compared with the chaotic Chelsea, Manchester City is obviously a good place for kovacic.

Of course, it is not known whether Calvin Phillips can lead to the outbreak of Manchester City’s second season. Like Grali and many other players, he has grown up under Guardiola’s guidance. However, it is obvious that Calvin Phillips’s first season in Manchester City is not mature enough for various reasons, and players should consider their own future. Therefore, it is very important for Calvin Phillips to integrate into Guardiola’s tactical system as soon as possible.

Future Technology: What will happen to our life?

Nowadays, technology is developing at an unprecedented speed. New technologies such as artificial intelligence, drones and virtual reality are subverting our way of life and making our life more convenient and efficient. In the future, the development of science and technology may be more rapid, and the changes will be more profound and extensive. In this brand-new world, we may face many new challenges and opportunities.

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the computer system to achieve a certain degree of autonomous decision-making and task execution by simulating human intelligence and learning ability. In recent years, artificial intelligence has been widely used in various fields, including natural language processing, image recognition, speech recognition and so on.

With the continuous progress of artificial intelligence technology, its impact on society and employment has attracted more and more attention. The following are some possible impacts:

  1. Automation replaces some jobs: Artificial intelligence can perform some jobs that require manpower through machine learning and independent decision-making, such as data processing and customer service, which may lead to some traditional jobs being replaced by automation.
  2. Create new employment opportunities: Although automation may replace some traditional jobs, the development of artificial intelligence will also create new employment opportunities, such as data analysis and machine learning engineers.
  3. Improve production efficiency: artificial intelligence technology can help enterprises optimize processes, improve production efficiency and reduce costs, thus improving the competitiveness of enterprises.
  4. Personal privacy and security issues: Artificial intelligence can collect and analyze a large amount of personal data, which may cause personal privacy and security issues.

Generally speaking, the development of artificial intelligence has brought many opportunities and challenges to society. In the process of dealing with its influence, we need to pay attention to human welfare and moral issues, and at the same time, we need to constantly improve our technical level and adaptability.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is an unmanned aerial vehicle, which can be operated by remote control or preset program. In recent years, with the continuous development of technology, drones have been widely used in various fields, including transportation, military, security and so on.

In the field of transportation, drones can be used for logistics distribution and traffic monitoring. For example, drones can deliver express parcels to your doorstep without manual delivery; At the same time, drones can also monitor traffic conditions in cities with traffic jams in order to make timely adjustments and optimizations.

In the military field, drones are also widely used. UAV can be used for reconnaissance, strike, aerial refueling and other tasks, and its maneuverability and concealment are incomparable with traditional military equipment. Moreover, with the continuous improvement of technology, the weapons and equipment of drones are becoming more and more advanced.

In the field of security, drones can also be used for monitoring and support. For example, drones can be used to monitor borders and coastlines to prevent illegal entry and drug trafficking; At the same time, drones can also be used for firefighting, rescue and other tasks to improve efficiency and safety.

Of course, with the increasing application of drones, it also brings some problems and challenges. For example, the privacy and security issues of drones require the joint efforts of the government and enterprises. At the same time, the regulation and management of drones also need to be strengthened to ensure their normal and legal use.

Generally speaking, the application prospect of UAV is very broad, which can bring many benefits and conveniences, but also requires us to pay attention to and solve related problems and challenges.

The development of virtual reality technology has attracted people’s extensive attention. With the continuous development of technology, virtual reality technology has been gradually applied to entertainment, education, medical care and other fields, and has played an important role in these fields.

In the entertainment field, virtual reality technology is widely used in the production of entertainment content such as games and movies. Virtual reality technology can provide users with more realistic game experience and movie-watching experience, thus increasing users’ immersion. In addition, virtual reality technology can also be used for live broadcast of concerts, exhibitions and other activities, so that the audience can feel the atmosphere of the event site personally.

In the field of education, virtual reality technology has been widely used in learning and training. Virtual reality technology can provide students with richer learning experiences, such as simulation experiments and virtual field trips. Through virtual reality technology, students can have a deeper understanding of the learning content and learn and explore in practice.

In the medical field, virtual reality technology is also widely used in surgical simulation, rehabilitation and other aspects. Virtual reality technology can help doctors to operate and treat more accurately, thus improving the success rate of surgery and rehabilitation effect. In addition, virtual reality technology can also be used in psychotherapy and anti-pain therapy to help patients relieve pain and discomfort.

The development of science and technology in the future will bring great influence and change, involving all aspects, including society, economy, education, medical care, security and so on. The emergence of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, unmanned aerial vehicles and virtual reality will greatly change our way of life and work. In this era of rapid development, how to deal with future changes has become an important issue.

First of all, we need to strengthen the research and development of new technologies. Governments, enterprises, academic institutions and other aspects need to increase investment and support in science and technology to promote the development and application of science and technology and better meet people’s needs.

Secondly, we need to adapt to the development and application of new technologies. In the process of the emergence and popularization of new technologies, we need to constantly learn and adapt to make better use of them, so as to better adapt to the changes in society and life.

In addition, we need to pay attention to the risks and challenges that new technologies may bring. In the application of new technology, some security and privacy issues may be brought, which need our attention and solution. At the same time, the development of new technologies may also have an impact on some traditional industries and employment, and we need to pay attention to and help the affected people.

Finally, we need to build a healthy, fair and sustainable development environment. The development of science and technology needs to be carried out under the legal and ethical framework to ensure that the development of science and technology is in line with human interests and values. We need to establish and maintain this environment by various means to ensure that the development of science and technology is sustainable and beneficial.

In a word, the development of science and technology in the future will bring great influence and change to our life and society. Faced with these changes, we need to strengthen the research and development of new technologies, adapt to the application of new technologies, pay attention to the risks and challenges that new technologies may bring, and establish a healthy, fair and sustainable development environment. Only in this way can we better cope with future changes and achieve the goal of sustainable development.

Strong Eagle No.20 | Opening Ceremony of Kong Jianping’s Mentor Group of Nanotechnology and the Third Strong Eagle Teacher-Student Tour

On the afternoon of March 4th, the opening ceremony of Kong Jianping’s mentor group and the third Strong Eagle Teacher-Student Tour were successfully held in Zhejiang Nano Technology Co., Ltd.. Teacher Kong Jianping, the chairman of Zhejiang Nanotechnology Co., Ltd., the founder of Rainbow Life Ideological and Political Education Platform, the founder of Qiangying, and the executive vice president of Zhejiang University’s School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, attended the event. The 19th and 20th sessions of Kong Jianping’s mentor group participated together.

At the beginning of the activity, Mr. Nova, the mentor team of Kong Jianping, introduced the six major sectors: chip, cloud computing, blockchain, AI, application and terminal.New infrastructure of meta-universe industryDevelopment opportunities; Teacher Sunny explained it for everyone from five aspects: story, style, economic dividend, innovation ability and meta-cosmic imagination space.How to do a good job in NFT project blue chip,Compared with the characteristics of Web2, this paper analyzes "why web3.0 is the future" from multiple dimensions, encourages students to publicize and innovate spontaneously, and promotes the healthy positive cycle of NFT projects.

Subsequently, the 19th student Lou Song shared with you.Innovation opportunities of NFT AMMMa Jiahao discussed with everyone.Governance problems and values of DAO creator communityIt is pointed out that DAO creator community has the characteristics of reducing management cost under the inefficient-oriented structure; Shen Yining, a 20-year student, combined his transformation experience from investment bank to content blogger and analyzed.New ideas of traffic growth in Web3 industryZhao Chengcheng introduced how his entrepreneurial project Mind Network was built.Decentralized privacy data lakeGet a place in the industry.

Finally, Mr. Kong Jianping analyzed the top ten pain points of Web3 entrepreneurship for the students, pointing out that the core value of blockchain technology is not decentralization and building a new economic model, but to form a stronger network effect and share liquidity by opening up the user system, thus creating value and income. Mr. Kong suggested that entrepreneurs should be ecological to each other, reject leverage, rely on industry dividends, adhere to the spirit of hard work, and jointly move towards the application Web3 era in the next decade.

During the opening ceremony, Mr. Ruan Junhua introduced the mental journey and value thinking of establishing the Rainbow Life Platform. Teacher Ruan put forward three suggestions for the students: attitude, persistence in long-term, unremitting efforts and courage to pay in following the great cause; Inherit, learn to carry forward the spirit of Zhejiang businessmen, understand the spiritual strength of mentors, and influence and drive more people; Grateful, grateful to the mentor’s educational feelings, grateful to the platform, but also grateful to the opportunities provided by the country and the times.

Later, Ruan Junhua expressed sincere gratitude to Kong Jianping for his re-joining and the strong support of Nanotechnology, and awarded him a letter of appointment as a mentor.

Instructor Kong Jianping issued admission notices to the students in turn and took a group photo.

knowledge gained by study

Ruan junhao

In this study, I deeply realized the rapid development of the digital age and the powerful power of scientific and technological progress. The following are my learning experiences:

As the next generation Internet, the core idea of Web3.0 is to establish a decentralized and open network ecosystem. Compared with Web1.0 and Web2.0, Web3.0 pays more attention to personal privacy protection and data security, and also pays more attention to users’ control and autonomy of data. When studying Web3.0, I deeply understand the importance of decentralization and autonomy, and realize that digital assets and digital identities will become the core content of Web3.0.

AIGC represents the development of digitalization, intelligence, connectivity and security, and is one of the four core technologies in the digital age. AIGC has a wide range of applications, including natural language processing, image recognition, machine learning and so on. When learning AIGC technology, I deeply understand the influence and importance of artificial intelligence on the future. At the same time, I also realize that the development of artificial intelligence needs a lot of data and computing power support, and blockchain technology can provide a safer and more reliable infrastructure for the development of artificial intelligence. For a person who wants to enter the field of web3.0 entrepreneurship, this is a blue ocean full of opportunities.

Finally, I want to thank Mr. Kong and Qiang Ying, who gave me a very good platform and a great learning opportunity.


First of all, I am very grateful to the activities organized by Mr. Qiang Ying and Mr. Kong, which made me learn a lot. The content shared in this activity is very diverse and rich, including the infrastructure facilities of the Metauniverse, covering the whole industry chain of chips, cloud computing, blockchain, AI, applications and terminals; There is also the blue-chip market of NFT, the rising logic of mainstream NFT (such as BYAC/Azuki) and some emerging projects. There is also a story about how the DAO organization works to create a science fiction work. In addition, there are some hard-core contents, such as transactions, private data sharing, etc. Although time is limited, I can’t fully understand them, but it also broadens my horizons, gains some new knowledge and enriches my understanding of web3.

Finally, Mr. Kong’s sharing also benefited me in particular, including the development history of web3 industry, the top ten pain points faced by entrepreneurs, the advantages and disadvantages of web2 and web3, public chain ecology, regulatory policies, opportunities for globalization and so on. Teacher Kong suggested that it is very important to choose an industry. No matter what industry you do, you can spend at least 10% of your energy on web3.

zhou weijie

This activity gave me a deeper understanding of the business of the Meta-Universe industry and the Meta-Universe track. During the activity, several students shared their own business projects, and many of the technical terms made me feel the gap between being deeply involved in an industry and understanding an industry in a simple way. Bringing in the sharer’s perspective makes me understand that the understanding of business model and the combing of industrial development logic are far more important than what technology we have mastered. We need to look at business issues from a more macro perspective and use technology to help us deepen our understanding.

In the process of sharing, Mr. Kong put forward several ideas that inspired me deeply. The first is that we should fully grasp the industry dividend, look at the industry, and then deepen the cultivation. The second is that we should think more about how to use new technologies in application scenarios that could not be realized before, instead of iterating over existing things with new technologies. I am very grateful to Qiangying for giving me this opportunity to communicate with outstanding predecessors, and I am also very grateful to Teacher Kong for taking the time to guide us.

Ouyang shengxiong

I am honored to participate in the activities of Mr. Kong’s group, which made me gain a lot. As a small white who is not specialized in the web3 industry, I have learned a lot about web3. For example, the sharing of "Governance Problems and Values of DAO" made me understand a very interesting case, in which 100 people can create a science fiction novel together. Everyone can exert their unique creativity. The introduction of Decentralized Privacy Data Lake made me understand a new form of data privacy protection. In the web1 era, our data is crawled by portals, in the web2 era, the data is held by giant companies, and in the web3 era, we can protect our privacy relatively to a greater extent through encryption services. As a person who hasn’t entered the venue yet, I think I can spend more time paying attention to the progress and dynamics of web3 later. Thank you very much, Mr. Kong.

Shan Zhang

Thank you very much for the third mentor group activity organized by Mr. Kong and Qiangying. In this activity, six guests shared their entrepreneurial experiences and experiences on the track of Web 3.0, covering the current application scene of the Metauniverse, how the financial system supports the development of Web 3.0 projects, the application and innovation of NFT technical support, the exploration of DAO community management mode, the password for realizing traffic growth and the new mode of private data management. Through these sharing, I have a deeper understanding of the Web3.0 industry. I think this decentralized idea can bring some new ideas to finance, social governance and industrial production. During the instructor’s evaluation session, Mr. Kong shared his understanding and experience of Web 3.0, covering a wide range of contents, including organizational forms, relations with the government, opportunities for Chinese entrepreneurs in this track, etc., which broadened my horizons. Dean Ruan also shared his initial intention and feeling of establishing Rainbow Life Platform and Strong Eagle, and sent a message to the students, which made me know how to be grateful and give back to the school and society while growing my own skills.

Wen Chen Yiming

The theme of this activity covers the new infrastructure of the meta-universe industry, the blue-chip road of NFT projects, the innovation opportunities in NFT AMM direction, the governance form of DAO creator community, new ideas for the growth of Web3 industry, decentralized privacy data and teacher Kong’s sharing of the industry. In the process of listening to everyone’s sharing, I learned a new organizational structure model, DAO, which is a decentralized autonomous organization. Members of the organization can freely put forward proposals and organize everyone to vote according to the importance of the proposals. It is an effective way to cooperate with like-minded people all over the world. In this way, the 19th Ma Jiahao seniors completed a book about the meta-universe, which shows that everyone can play their respective strengths in this model. In addition, some students explained the new ideas of traffic growth, including traffic entrance, activation mode, how to retain existing customers and how to let customers promote spontaneously. Finally, Mr. Kong explained to us some pain points in the web3 industry and his understanding. Through this activity, I gained a lot of knowledge about web3. Thanks to Mr. Kong and Qiang Ying for their careful preparation.