Lei Jun revealed that Xiaomi’s self-developed motor V8s got on the bus at the end of the year, and the speed of 27200rpm was the first in the industry.

IT House reported on April 18th that during the live broadcast this afternoon, Lei Jun revealed that Xiaomi’s self-developed motor V8s is expected to get on the bus at the end of the year, but the specific model has not been announced yet.

At the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference held in December last year, the Xiaomi Super Motor V8s was officially released, claiming that the speed reached 27200rpm, ranking first in the world.

The motor has a maximum horsepower of 578PS, a peak power of 425kW, a peak torque of 635N?m, a maximum efficiency of 98.11%, and a power density of 10.14kW/kg.

The motor is the first in the industry with 960MPa special silicon steel sheet, self-developed rotor design, bidirectional oil-cooled heat dissipation, S-shaped three-dimensional oil circuit design, 54 slots and 6 poles design, 8 layers of Hairpin flat wire winding, and the slot full rate is 77%.

Xiaomi also revealed that the company’s laboratory has pre-researched a 35000rpm motor.

Shiyan market is abundant in New Year’s Day holiday, and the purchase and sale are booming.


During the New Year holiday, the consumer market reached its peak, and Shiyan increased market supply to better meet the diversified and personalized consumer demand of the people.

Early in the morning, the citizens who came to Huaxi Rural Shopping Mall were bustling, with fresh meat, fruits and vegetables, and all kinds of new year’s goods were dazzling, and people were busy shopping during the walk.

Fan Dengke, Deputy Manager of Market Management Department of Huaxi Rural Mall, introduced.Since last weekend, the sales volume in the market has increased obviously.Average dailyvegetablesThe sales volume is 500-600 tons, the fruit is 200 tons, and the sales volume of meat is 30% higher than usual.

In Baichang High-quality Agricultural Products Logistics Park, rice flour, grain and oil are neatly placed according to different brands and specifications, with sufficient supply and rich varieties. All kinds of non-staple food such as melon seeds, peanuts and candy are placed in the most conspicuous place in the shop.

Around the important time nodes of New Year’s Day, major supermarkets launched promotional activities, prepared the supply of goods, increased supply, and ensured that the holiday consumer market had sufficient goods and complete varieties.


The tourism market is booming and the consumption vitality continues to be released.

In the Datang city that never sleeps in Xi ‘an, Shaanxi Province, the "secret box of the prosperous Tang Dynasty" is popular, attracting many tourists to experience interaction; With the "three-piece cookie oven with dipping sauce and soul barbecue", Zibo, Shandong Province has become a top tourist city; The "village supermarket" in Rongjiang, Guizhou Province spread all over the network, driving the local tourism market to "blowout"; Spending the least money and playing the most cards, "special forces tourism" has become popular among young people … One hot word after another, one online celebrity project after another, and one scene of fiery consumption, which reflects the vigorous driving force for the recovery and development of China’s tourism industry and the great vitality of tourism consumption.

Since the beginning of this year, all localities have regarded tourism as an important industry to expand domestic demand and boost consumption, introduced support policies, introduced measures to benefit the people, and carried out promotional activities to promote the tourism market to show a trend of "high opening, steady walking and accelerated recovery". According to the data recently released by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, in the first half of 2023, the total number of domestic tourists and domestic tourism revenue (total tourism expenditure) were 2.384 billion yuan and 2.30 trillion yuan respectively, with year-on-year growth rates of 63.9% and 95.9% respectively.

Travel demand is released.

The tourism market has accelerated its recovery.

"Climbing Siguniang Mountain in Sichuan is really a good place to spend the summer." Not long ago, Zhu Mo, a girl from Nanjing, called friends and friends to complete the "punching in" for the third time this year. Previously, she and her friends explored the most beautiful highway in China, Sichuan-Tibet National Highway 318, and completed the "Special Forces Tour" of climbing Mount Tai at night to watch the sunrise. "We love outdoor travel so much that we can’t wait to plan our next trip after a journey."

There are not a few people who are enthusiastic about traveling like Zhu Mo. In the first half of this year, the demand for mass travel was released, and the domestic tourism market accelerated its recovery and continued to explode.

The tourism market in Xinjiang is extremely hot. Tianshan Tianchi, Sailimu Lake, Bayinbuluke and other scenic spots have ushered in the peak of reception. After the single-library highway was restored to traffic, the tourism orders in Xinjiang increased significantly. Data show that in the first half of this year, Xinjiang received a total of 102 million tourists, up 31.49% year-on-year, and achieved a tourism income of 92.276 billion yuan, up 73.64% year-on-year.

With "there is a life called Yunnan" more deeply rooted in people’s hearts, the popularity of Yunnan tourism market continues to rise. Zhao Guoliang, Party Secretary and Director of Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, said that in the first half of this year, the province received 539 million tourists, achieving a total tourism revenue of 639.432 billion yuan, up 40.0% and 48.8% respectively, which were 134.9% and 122.2% respectively in the same period of 2019.

According to the comprehensive calculation of the monitoring data of Jiangsu Smart Travel Platform, in the first half of this year, Jiangsu received 478 million domestic and foreign tourists, a year-on-year increase of 98.3%; The total tourism revenue reached 610 billion yuan, up 83.5% year-on-year, up 10.7% and 2.3% respectively compared with the same period in 2019.

Qian Ning, deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, said that since the beginning of this year, Jiangsu has accelerated the upgrading and expansion of cultural tourism consumption, effectively guided and expanded cultural tourism consumption, and accelerated the release of cultural tourism consumption potential with richer consumption scenarios and more diversified consumption choices. "We have created a number of immersive experience projects with unique creativity, such as" natural history on the cloud "and" dazzling intangible heritage ".The coverage of digital RMB acceptance in the province’s tourist attractions has reached more than 1/5, and the cumulative sales of’ Shuiyun Jiangsu’ digital tourist card has reached 34.52 million yuan, driving tourism consumption by 125 million yuan."

The recovery of Hunan’s tourism market is equally rapid. In the first half of this year, 416 tourist areas monitored by the province received 182 million tourists, up 116.86% year-on-year. Operating income reached 21.455 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 135.01%. According to the relevant person in charge of the Hunan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, in June this year, Hunan has issued an initiative to all cities, prefectures and 389,000 cultural travel volunteers in the province to encourage and guide the vast number of cultural travel volunteers to "go where the masses need it most" during the summer vacation and carry out cultural travel volunteer service activities such as "civilized tourism" and "tourists are satisfied in Hunan".

"The tourism consumption data in the first half of the year is a normal rebound after three years of epidemic, and it is expected that this year will exceed the level of 2019." Jin Wei, deputy director of the Cultural Finance Research Center of the National Finance and Development Laboratory and secretary-general of the 50-member Forum on Cultural Finance in China, believes that the evolution of scenic spot tourism to global tourism, sightseeing and holiday tourism to personalized tourism and short-term tourism to long-term residence will have a great impact on the tourism market in the post-epidemic era.

Ma Yiliang, chief statistician of china tourism academy (Data Center of Ministry of Culture and Tourism), analyzed that in the first half of this year, the overall performance of China’s tourism market met expectations, showing the characteristics of accelerated recovery and scattered hot spots. Since the May Day holiday, the tourism market has remained at a high level. In the middle and late June, the summer tourism markets in various places started one after another, and the number of tourists in most destinations continued to climb. "The recovery of the tourism market in the first quarter was relatively slow. In the second quarter, the market heat has spread to remote destinations on a large scale, and the uneven recovery of the regional tourism market has been alleviated."

Enterprise confidence is effectively boosted.

Business performance has grown steadily.

With the rapid recovery of the domestic tourism market, tourism enterprises actively innovate and develop product projects, effectively improve the service level, and achieve a "big turnaround" in business performance.

Up to now, more than 20 A-share listed tourism enterprises have disclosed their performance forecasts for the first half of the year, among which more than 10 enterprises expect to record positive net profits for the first half of the year, and many enterprises such as Lijiang, Qujiang Wenlv, Jiuhua Tourism and Guilin Tourism have recorded net profits for the first half of the year.

"In the first half of the year, the overall operating data of BTG Home Inns was unexpected, and the average occupancy rate recovered to about 80% in the same period of 2019; The average house price is 120% in 2019. At present, the overall situation in 2023 is optimistic, especially in the leisure tourism sector. " Sun Jian, general manager of BTG Home Inn Group, told reporters that the three-year epidemic impact has made the hotel industry face many challenges and given the hotel people time to think calmly. "Since the beginning of this year, what we have done is actually very simple, which can be summarized by the words’ specialization and novelty’. For example, in terms of’ specialization’, BTG Home Inns has rebuilt three major capabilities: one is professional product research and development capabilities, the other is professional customer marketing capabilities, and the third is professional hotel operation capabilities. "

"In the first half of 2023, Huangshan Scenic Area received 2,091,600 tourists entering the mountain, up 527.00% year-on-year. The main business achieved good growth, and the overall performance is expected to turn losses into profits." Yang Yi, director of Huangshan Tourism Promotion Center, said that behind such achievements, Huangshan Scenic Area actively grasped opportunities, scientifically formulated market policies, increased marketing efforts, and innovated and iterated diversified tourism products.

"In the first half of 2023, various businesses of Guilin International Travel Service grew in an all-round way, achieving an operating income of nearly 60 million yuan, seven times that of the same period last year, achieving explosive growth." Chen Xi, Chairman of Guilin International Travel Service, said, "The Zhou Bianyou products of Guilin International Travel Service sold out immediately after the opening of the group, and the business of official visits and overseas visits surged, and the consultation on outbound tourism business was hot; The ticket business in scenic spots has grown rapidly. Taking Impression of Sister Liu as an example, more than 150,000 tourists have been organized, with a year-on-year increase of over 200%. In addition, the conference and exhibition business has accelerated its recovery; The research business continues to be hot, and has received a total of 12,000 students. "

In 2020, the hit variety show "Where is Dad?" once made Yunnan Puzhe black fire. With the recovery and development of tourism, there is once again a tourist boom here. Especially since the summer, thousands of tourists have flocked to the 10,000-mu lotus pond in the scenic spot to enjoy the charm of natural scenery. According to statistics, in the first half of 2023, Puzhehei Scenic Area achieved a tourism income of 24.6623 million yuan, an increase of 82% over the same period in 2022.

According to the big business data released by the Ministry of Commerce on July 20th, in the first half of this year, online travel products, scenic spot tickets and online entertainment sales increased by 272.4% and 69.8% respectively, which was 156.6 and 50.6 percentage points faster than that in the first quarter.

Wang Degang, vice president of china tourism association, president of Shandong Tourism Industry Association and president of Shandong University Tourism Industry Research Institute, said that in the first half of this year, the national tourism industry has fully resumed normal development. At present, it is the peak season of summer tourism. Cultural and tourism departments all over the country have adopted policies and measures to actively expand the consumption of cultural tourism and stimulate economic growth, vigorously promote market players to develop new products, new formats and new services suitable for summer tourism, and stimulate the consumption potential of cultural tourism. Scenic spots, amusement parks and other tourist sites are crowded, the occupancy rate of hotels and homestays is close to saturation, and the consumption of catering, shopping and entertainment has increased at a high level, which fully shows the strong recovery of the tourism market and the recovery and prosperity of the tourism industry.

The overall industrial development is improving.

Recovery and revitalization of the future can be expected.

According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the contact service industry grew rapidly in the first half of this year, and the added value of accommodation and catering industry increased by 15.5% year-on-year. The demand for services such as exhibitions and tourism has increased, and related service industries have also maintained rapid growth.

The tourism market is hot and the business operation is improving, which also drives the industry confidence and the overall improvement of the industrial chain. The Report on Investment & Procurement Index of Cultural Tourism Industry in the First Half of 2023 jointly released by china tourism academy and China Amusement Park Association on July 11th shows that in the first half of 2023, the overall investment in cultural tourism industry picked up, and the confidence index of entrepreneurs in cultural tourism industry and investment field increased significantly.

79.2% of cultural tourism investment/operation enterprises carried out investment activities, and 46.0% of tourism manufacturing/service enterprises carried out investment activities. In 2023, the investment in the cultural tourism industry gradually stepped out of the cold winter and entered the recovery channel, and the return on investment of cultural tourism enterprises showed a trend of stabilization and recovery.

Local tourism authorities have also made constant efforts to guide the industry to develop well. Yan Naimin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, said that in order to ensure the healthy development of tourism, Xinjiang continued to intensify the rectification of the tourism market, and strictly investigated "unreasonable low-cost tours", operating travel agency business without permission, changing routes without authorization, and compulsory shopping. At the same time, we will strengthen the supervision of the hotel market in conjunction with relevant departments, promote the implementation of guided price and maximum price measures in various places, resolutely crack down on problems such as price gouging and non-performance of travel contracts, promote the "Smile Xinjiang" action, and further polish the brand of "Xinjiang is a good place".

"In the first half of this year, Guangxi made two-way efforts from both ends of supply and demand to promote a strong recovery of the tourism economy, and the tourism market reappeared the steaming’ fireworks’. The tourism economic indicators of the whole region generally recovered to the same level in 2019." Qiu Yuhong, director of the Policy and Regulation Division of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, said.

According to the data of Meituan B&B, in the first half of this year, the number of B&B employees on the platform increased by 47% year-on-year, and the number of employees after 00 increased by 140%. According to reports, in order to help young entrepreneurs quickly fill the shortcomings of management and marketing, Meituan B&B also launched more than 260 free courses online, guiding more than 30,000 B&B practitioners to grow continuously, and finally getting the "awesome landlord" traffic incentive.

"The recovery of the tourism market is stable and good, tourism professionals has accelerated its return, and the situation that the balance sheet of tourism enterprises continues to be repaired is increasingly significant." Ma Yiliang believes that in the first half of this year, various localities actively organized festivals such as music festivals, concerts and village supermarkets, and launched "pet tourists" measures such as tourist bus, opening government parking lots and inclusive traffic law enforcement, which played a key role in accelerating the recovery of the tourism market and guiding and stimulating tourism consumption, and accumulated valuable experience for the camera regulation of tourism economy.

(Interviewer: Wang Yang Grace Wai Wong Zhao Tengze Hui Gao Kuang Weinan Wang Sichao Yan Zijun Li Yuanfeng Written by Wang Yang)

Source: China Tourism News

The combination of physical education and football dreams is clearer

  Wandering in the beautiful campus of Yan ‘an Second Road Primary School in Qingdao, intoxicating black and white elves can be seen everywhere. On the playground, small football jumps at the feet of children, and the pictures displayed along the stairs tell the course of the development of school football characteristics … The whole school has become a "football cultural magnetic field", infecting every member in it.

  Qingdao is a well-known football city in China, and the popularity of campus football is ahead of many places in China. In football activities, students have been trained, improved their skills, learned to cooperate, and enhanced the cohesion of the community.

  In the past year, the national campus football developed vigorously. Like Qingdao, all localities took measures according to local conditions and created a good atmosphere for the development of campus football. Campus football is sweeping across the country with a rapid momentum. There are more and more green fields on campus, and more and more children are jumping on the green fields. The characteristics of campus football are constantly expanding …

  Promote campus football into an upgraded version.

  Over the past year or so, all provinces in China have innovated campus football work, designed the overall idea of campus football work at the provincial level, and issued relevant implementation opinions on promoting campus football in primary and secondary schools.

  Beijing’s 2016 football project will be included in the selected test items of the senior high school entrance examination, and at the same time, the football project test will be explored in the senior high school physical education examination.

  Guangdong Province has initially established a campus football network with national cities as the main line and provincial cities as the supplement. In the next step, Guangdong will continue to expand the football population and cultivate educated football people, and integrate the promotion of campus football into all aspects of school education as a breakthrough to promote school physical education reform.

  In order to promote the popularization of campus football, Hubei Province has included football in students’ extracurricular sports and extracurricular sports activities. The Office of the Leading Group for Campus Football Work in Henan Province has "three chapters" for all campus football pilot schools in the province: football classes should be included in the school-based curriculum, and at least one football class must be guaranteed every week; Two big recess activities for half an hour every day, one of which must arrange football-related content; A class football league must be held once a year.


  There is a strong "whirlwind" in campus football.

  In this atmosphere, the League Four has been promoted smoothly, the camp activities have been carried out brilliantly, and various cups have continued.

  On November 26, 2014, a national video conference on campus football for teenagers was held. The meeting proposed that we should adhere to the combination of sports and education, be determined to reform and innovate, and promote the popularization of campus football.

  Yuan Guiren, Minister of Education, said that the Ministry of Education will dominate campus football and launch a series of measures to promote campus football into an upgraded version. The goal of the Ministry of Education is to strive to support the construction of about 20,000 schools with football characteristics in primary and secondary schools and 200 high-level football teams in colleges and universities nationwide by 2017, and to form regional characteristics. In addition, according to the national campus football competition plan, four leagues are organized for primary schools, junior high schools, senior high schools and universities.

  Then, on March 16th, 2015, the General Office of the State Council released the Overall Plan for the Development and Reform of Football in China, which is the goal of China’s 10-year plan for football and has raised football to the height of "national policy".

  Known as "the biggest reform in China’s football history", this plan has defined 50 specific measures, covering the reform of the Football Association, league reform, national football construction, youth training system, bid for the World Cup, China League Football Lottery and other fields. It is estimated that by 2025, 50,000 schools with football characteristics will be built with 50 million students.

  On August 13th, the website of the Ministry of Education officially published the "Implementation Opinions of the Ministry of Education and Other Six Departments on Accelerating the Development of Youth Campus Football". The "Opinions" pointed out that the goal of campus football is to basically build a youth campus football development system with China characteristics by 2020, which conforms to the law of talent growth, with extensive participation of young people, continuous improvement of sports level, dynamic institutional mechanisms, strong basic conditions and vigorous cultural atmosphere.

  In September 2015, after comprehensive selection, the Ministry of Education identified and named 8,627 primary and secondary schools such as Chongwen Primary School in Beijing as national youth campus football characteristic schools, and 38 counties (districts) such as Yanqing County in Beijing as national youth campus football pilot counties (districts).

  The Ministry of Education requires that characteristic schools and pilot counties should open an Internet-based campus football information platform, publicize the progress of campus football, report football activities, exchange work experience and display characteristic achievements. Education administrative departments at all levels in various localities incorporate the work of characteristic schools and pilot counties into the education supervision and inspection and the evaluation of school physical education, and carry out special inspections on a regular basis.

  Since then, the blueprint for the development of campus football has been basically drawn. However, how to make this whirlwind of campus football stronger and more lasting? You can find the answer in the concrete practice at the grassroots level.

  Hardware and software "grasp with both hands"

  For a long time, a prominent problem that restricts the development of campus football is the lack of venues. In some schools, "there is no place for children to do exercises, and there is no place for them to play football".

  This situation is particularly prominent in some schools located in the center of big cities and in the old campuses of some schools. These schools are not short of money and excellent teachers, but the limited space is the biggest problem that restricts them from developing campus football.

  In order to solve the problem of football venue conditions, Beijing has adopted the overall planning of the municipal and district governments, rented social venues to carry out football activities through the government’s purchase of services, and built small venues and cage football and other characteristic venues according to local conditions inside and outside the urban campus; And in the outer suburbs, thousands of simple football venues have been transformed by using community space and idle lots.

  There are more than 1,200 students in Chongren No.2 Primary School in Qiaokou District, Wuhan City. The school is located in the commercial and prosperous hexagonal street area with limited sports venues. Schools adjust measures to local conditions, strengthen the basic technical training of small venues, such as dribbling, bouncing, arch passing, simple two-one tactics. With the help of the resources of the District Cultural and Sports Bureau, the school carried out football training in the nearby Liujiaoting Stadium. In 2014 alone, the school "produced" four national youth team players at one time.

  In terms of funding guarantee, many cities are unequivocal and give strong support to the development of campus football. In 2014, Guangzhou Education Bureau issued a subsidy of 1.76 million yuan to 54 traditional football schools and 4.56 million yuan to 304 campus football promotion schools in Guangzhou, totaling 6.32 million yuan.

  For many problems that have long plagued the development of campus football, many places have innovated systems and mechanisms to solve them, and made breakthroughs in building campus football league system, compiling campus football teaching materials with local characteristics, and creating campus football development atmosphere, so that more and more children can enjoy the happiness of campus football.

  In addition to paying attention to the improvement of "hardware" conditions, many places have also set their sights on upgrading the "software" of campus football. In many places, combined with the local actual situation, the superior resources are used to develop campus football. In the promotion of campus football, various localities have made characteristics in building platforms, innovating institutional mechanisms, constructing campus football league system, compiling campus football teaching materials with local characteristics, and creating campus football development atmosphere.

  Don’t give extra points for exams, just for freedom.

  "We can’t guarantee that every child will become an international and a star in the future, but we can bring joy to each of them." Wu Mingyu, director of Mianyang Education and Sports Bureau, Sichuan Province, said that according to the calculation of Mianyang Education and Sports Bureau, by 2017, there will be more than 100 youth football teams in the city, and thousands of students will participate in football training and competitions.

  Combining popularization with improvement, paying equal attention to class and playing field, and persisting in benefiting all students are the ideas of Chongqing Pengshui to carry out campus football. In the process of promoting village school football education, Pengshui County insists on classification and popularization, and promotes it according to its materials. For schools with only grades one to three, focus on offering theoretical courses to popularize the basic knowledge of football and promote basic skills; For students above the fourth grade, in addition to theoretical promotion, they will also try to popularize simple skills.

  "The significance of vigorously promoting the end campus football is not to cultivate future football stars, but to let the children in the mountains have a healthy body and tenacious will with the help of football as a carrier, and put wings on their football dreams." Jiang Yong, director of Pengshui County Education Committee, said.

  In such a campus football environment, which does not add extra points to the exam, is not utilitarian, but only happy, the children are galloping freely and growing healthily.

  Campus football activities have been carried out in many schools, and a large number of schools have achieved certain results in carrying out campus football activities. In order to get to school early and play more football, many students in the primary school attached to Tsinghua gradually develop the habit of going to bed early and getting up early.

  The person in charge of Chaisang Primary School in Xunyang District, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province told the reporter that carrying out campus football activities has improved the qualified rate of students’ physical health, improved their overall quality, and achieved ideal competition results in various sports competitions at all levels.

  Accelerating the development of youth campus football is an important measure to fully implement the party’s educational policy and promote the physical and mental health of young students, and it is also a basic project to improve the development level of national football.

  It can be predicted that when children who practice football reach a certain scale and their skill level reaches a certain height, high-level children will naturally emerge, and China football will have a bright future.

  The deputies said

  Alva Wang, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and deputy director of Sichuan Provincial Department of Education:

  Campus football should do good things well and do big things.

  For campus football, we should do good things and do big things.

  Campus football is a breakthrough in cultivating people by virtue and educating people by competition. The country also considers it a major event, so it should give full play to the scientific effect of campus football. Campus football is different from social football and competitive football. It should have its own rules. Its more goal is to educate people, rather than focusing on achievements. Campus football needs to let students know why they win, because they win with their own strength and wisdom. At the same time, campus football can also cultivate students’ awareness of obeying rules. For example, the basic rules of "you can’t play football with your hands" and "you can’t play basketball with your feet" are helpful to establish students’ awareness of rules, professionalism and professional ethics.

  Campus football is not about cultivating athletes. There are 12 million students in Sichuan who take part in campus football, but few of them can become professional football players. Then why should all students participate? Because we promote campus football, we hope to cultivate seeds, seedlings, top players and players. The goal of campus football is to cultivate builders who understand football, abide by rules and have a strong body, not competitive athletes. (Interview with our reporter Zhang Chunming)

  ——■ Typical case—

  Wuhan Xinhe Village Primary School:

  In 49 years, "kicked out" 34 international players.  

  Located in a crowded old residential area, Wuhan Xinhe Village Primary School is surrounded by buildings on three sides. Campus area is small, only more than 6000 square meters, is a standard "sparrow school". However, there are not many students at all, and more than 80% of the 1036 students come from the families of migrant workers.

  It is such an ordinary primary school that regards "Happy Football" as a characteristic education. It has persisted for 49 years in a narrow space and lack of professional teachers, and has successively stepped out of 34 "international players" such as Feng Zhigang, Zheng Bin and Lei Tenglong, and has become a famous campus football characteristic school in China.

  The school only has a trapezoidal artificial lawn sports ground and a stormy playground. In the words of principal Hou Lin, "there is no place to row the runway".

  However, when you enter the school, you will find that most of the children here wear jerseys and sneakers to go to school; During recess activities, students flock to the playground, mostly playing football; Even during the break, teachers and children danced self-made football exercises. Every class has a football lesson every week, and both boys and girls will kick a few feet.

  "In order for all children to feel the joy of football, the school adopts time-sharing, venue-sharing and reasonable arrangement of teaching content to ensure the implementation of school-based curriculum." Hou Lin said, "At present, there are 24 classes in the school, and each class has a football team. Every day, more than 100 members of the school team practice on the playground for two hours after school.

  Although the campus is small, Xinhe Village Primary School has turned "small" football into a "big" culture on campus.

  The flags, uniforms and slogans of each class are designed by the children themselves. On the court, girls also have to show up. When boys play football, girls play football baby and cheer for boys. Teachers also put football into Chinese and math classes. In addition, every year’s "Campus Football Festival" and every semester’s "Healthy Cup" class football league, all children participate and enjoy the endless happiness brought by football.

  "For children who don’t like playing football and love painting, they can draw football; Love writing, can be a football reporter; If you love to be handmade, you can create your own World Cup. " Wang Jianhong, director of the school’s football education, said.

  The "cradle of international players" originated from the first children’s football team in Xinhe Village Primary School in 1966-Shan Ying Team. In that year, Yang Zheng, a math teacher who had just joined the work, tried to gather children to practice football in teams. In the past few decades, school leaders have changed from batch to batch, and the "Shan Ying Football Team" has been marching from district and municipal leagues to national stadiums step by step, and the characteristics of football education have become brighter and brighter.

  Now, Xinhe Village has two full-time football coaches, and hired retired parents from the provincial team to coach the football team to ensure the implementation of the school-based curriculum.

  In a class football match after school, although the players were all teenagers, the game was wonderful. On the court, he played well and was very devoted; Off the field, the cheerleaders on both sides kept shouting and cheering. The goal was scored, everyone cheered, lost the goal, stamped their feet and regretted it, and the joy was written on the tender face.

  In Xinhe Village Primary School, such competitions are held almost every day. Children not only get health and happiness from football, but also have many other gains.

  A recent survey by Wuhan CPPCC shows that compared with other schools, there are fewer "chubby" and "nearsighted" students in Xinhe Village Primary School. "This is due to the popularity of campus football." Wang Jianhong told reporters. (The original text was published in the fifth edition of China Education News on March 25, 2015. Our reporter Zhang Chen Li Xiaowei Cheng Mo)

Multi-party trading scheme triggered the storm of players leaving the team

More than a month after the opening of the free trade market, the issue of the departure of Harden and Lillard has not been finalized. The Philadelphia 76ers are reluctant to trade Harden to the Clippers, which has caused widespread discussion among fans and the media. The American media put forward a set of four-party trading scheme, hoping to solve the demands of all parties. First, let’s take a look at the details of this four-party trading scheme. According to media reports, the program involves Philadelphia 76ers, Houston Rockets, Portland Trailblazers and Los Angeles Clippers. Philadelphia 76ers will get Lillard, Houston Rockets will get Ben Simmons of Philadelphia 76ers and mccollum of Portland Trailblazers, Portland Trailblazers will get Harden and harel of Clippers, while Clippers will get Kent Bezmore of Philadelphia 76ers and Nicholson of Portland Trailblazers. This trading scheme is indeed feasible. For the Philadelphia 76ers, they can get a top point guard, Lillard, which will further strengthen the team’s offensive strength and make it a Eastern powerhouse. The Houston Rockets can get Ben Simmons and mccollum, which will inject new vitality into the team and play a vital role in the future reconstruction. Portland Trailblazers can get Harden and harel, which will provide more offensive options for the team and enhance its competitiveness. The Clippers can get Bezmore and Nicholson, which will bring more outside firepower to the team. However, we can’t ignore the possible problems of this trading scheme. First of all, for the Philadelphia 76 ers,They may lose a young and promising player Ben Simmons, which may have a certain impact on the future development of the team. Secondly, Houston Rockets may need some time to adapt to the new system, and need to re-establish a team basketball style. Finally, this trading scheme may lead to the strength gap between teams becoming more obvious, which will lead to the imbalance of the league. To sum up, although this four-party trading scheme is feasible, there are also some problems and challenges.

After the NBA playoffs, there are many rumors. The most striking thing is the news about the trade between the Blazers and the Heat. According to reliable sources, the Trailblazers have successfully acquired Harden and Lori from the Houston Rockets, and at the same time, they have also won some promising draft picks. The Heat, on the other hand, bought a number of outstanding players and potential new stars at the expense of Lillard and nurkic. This transaction has undoubtedly brought great changes to the two teams. For the Blazers, the joining of Harden and Lori will greatly enhance their offensive strength. As one of the most dominant shooting guards in the league, Harden’s arrival will inject more firepower into the team. Lori is an excellent organizer and defender, and his leadership will play an important role in promoting the team. In addition, by gaining some potential draft picks, the Trailblazers also laid the foundation for future development. The Heat lost Lillard and nurkic in this transaction, but the players and draft picks they got also have great potential. Lillard is an excellent shooting guard, and his joining will fill the vacancy of Heat’s backcourt scoring. Nurkic is an excellent inside player, and his arrival will strengthen the team’s strength in rebounding and defensive end. In addition, by winning the draft pick, the Heat also have the opportunity to further improve their lineup in the future. This transaction is a victory for the Blazers and the Heat. Both sides have improved the strength and competitiveness of the team by introducing excellent players and potential new stars. At the same time, they also laid a solid foundation for future development.

The Portland Trailblazers got a chance to rebuild and the 76ers became younger. After the NBA playoffs in 2021, both the Portland Trailblazers and the Philadelphia 76ers encountered some difficulties. However, it also provides opportunities for the two teams to rebuild. This article will focus on how the Blazers use this opportunity to achieve reconstruction, and discuss how the 76ers can reshape the team through a younger lineup. For the Blazers, they need to re-examine the core composition of the team. Although Damian Lillard is the leader of the team, his performance in the playoffs has been unstable in the past few seasons. Therefore, the Blazers need to find a superstar who can partner with Lillard to enhance the team’s competitiveness. At the same time, they also need to strengthen the defensive end and improve the overall defensive efficiency. In order to achieve these goals, the pioneers can consider making some transactions. They can exchange some role players and future draft picks for a strong player, or try to sign free agents to supplement the lineup. In addition, they can also increase the depth of the team by cultivating young players. Through these measures, the blazers are expected to rebuild and challenge the western strong teams again next season. In contrast, the Philadelphia 76ers have begun the process of rejuvenation. They traded veteran Al Horford, won seth curry and Dolente Maze this season, bringing fresh blood to the team. In addition, the 76ers also have some young potential players, such as justin anderson and Thales Marks. By training these young players,The 76ers can gradually build a young and energetic lineup. However, it is not an easy task to achieve successful rejuvenation and reconstruction. Teams need to give young players enough time and opportunities to grow and develop. At the same time, the coaching team also needs to develop a tactical system suitable for young players to help them better adapt to the rhythm and intensity of the NBA. Portland Trailblazers and Philadelphia 76ers are both facing reconstruction opportunities. Through wise trading and training young players, these two teams are expected to reshape themselves and achieve better results in the next few seasons.

The Blazers and Heat pursued the championship, the Philadelphia 76ers became younger, and the Bulls failed to rebuild. These are the most concerned topics for fans in the current NBA league. Both the team’s efforts and the challenges they face have brought us a lot of enlightenment. First of all, let’s take a look at the efforts of the Blazers and the Heat to pursue the championship. Trailblazers have always been one of the top teams in the western region, but the championship is far from their vision. However, they did not give up, but improved their competitiveness by introducing excellent players and building a balanced lineup. Similarly, the Heat are constantly looking for a breakthrough, and they strengthen the team by trading and signing contracts. This kind of unremitting efforts and the pursuit of victory are worth learning and using for reference. At the same time, the Philadelphia 76ers chose the road of younger lineup. They believe that by cultivating young players and building a tacit team, they will be able to achieve greater success in the future. This long-term vision and confidence in the future have injected new vitality and hope into the team. Although they may not achieve brilliant results in a short time, this strategy of investing in the future is worthy of our affirmation. However, the bull suffered setbacks in the process of reconstruction. They used to be one of the most influential teams in the league, but they fell into a trough due to a series of wrong decisions and management mistakes. This story tells us that reconstruction is not smooth sailing and needs correct direction and decision-making. The failure of the bull reminds other teams to stay awake and alert at all times in the pursuit of success. All in all, the efforts of the Blazers and the Heat,The young lineup of Philadelphia 76ers and the failure of bull reconstruction have provided us with valuable experience and enlightenment. Whether it is a team or an individual, only by persistently pursuing the goal can we succeed. At the same time, correct decision-making and management are also crucial.

Two basketball superstars, Lillard and Harden, have recently expressed their desire to leave their original teams, and they are eager to pursue the dream of a championship. This news has aroused widespread concern and heated discussion among fans. For Lillard, he has always been the core player of Portland Trailblazers, and he is deeply loved by fans for his excellent scoring and leadership. However, for many years, the performance of the Trailblazers in the playoffs has never been satisfactory, which has given Lerade a desire for the championship. He hopes to join a more competitive team and cooperate with other superstars to compete for the championship and realize his basketball dream. Harden is the soul of Houston Rockets, and he has become the core of the team with his excellent scoring and organizational skills. However, in the past few seasons, the Rockets repeatedly hit a wall in the playoffs, unable to break through the defense lines of the western strong teams, which made Harden doubt the team’s prospects. He is eager to join a more competitive team and cooperate with other top players for the championship. The two superstars’ willingness to leave caused the fans to think. They believe that for a player, winning the championship in his career is a crucial honor and an affirmation of his basketball career. Although staying in the original team may give players more opportunities for personal and team development, if the team cannot provide enough competitiveness and opportunities, leaving is a better choice for them to realize their dreams. However, some people questioned Lillard and Harden’s decision. They believe that as the core players of the team, they should assume the responsibility of leading the team to rebuild.Instead of choosing to escape from the predicament. After all, basketball is a collective sport, and only through the efforts and unity of the whole team can we succeed. Lillard’s and Harden’s willingness to leave caused a heated discussion among the fans. Whether they choose to stay in the original team or seek new opportunities, we all hope that they can realize their basketball dreams and bring more exciting games to the fans.

Harden is determined to leave the rocket, and may play a small temper. The news caused an uproar in the basketball world. As the core player of Houston Rockets, Harden’s departure is undoubtedly a huge blow to the team. However, we can’t just blame it on his small temper, but should deeply analyze the reasons behind it. First of all, Harden’s departure may be due to the team’s lack of competitiveness. In recent years, although the Rockets often qualify for the playoffs, they always lose their combat effectiveness at critical moments. This undoubtedly made Harden feel depressed and disappointed. As a top player, he is eager to win more honors and titles, but the current state of the Rockets can’t meet his expectations. Secondly, Harden may also be troubled by interpersonal relationships. In the past few seasons, Harden’s relationship with teammate chris paul has attracted much attention. The friction and contradiction between them may have influenced Harden’s decision. If there is a problem with the unity and harmony within the team, the overall performance of the team will inevitably be affected, leading to the core players choosing to leave. In addition, Harden may have been tempted by other teams. In the NBA, strong teams compete for top players from time to time. If other teams can offer better contracts and more attractive competitive conditions, then Harden may choose to leave the Rockets. After all, every player wants to get the best treatment and opportunity. Whether because of competitiveness, interpersonal relationship or other reasons, Harden decided to leave the Rockets. We can’t simply attribute it to his small temper. As a fan,We should understand and respect the players’ choices. Harden’s departure is undoubtedly a challenge for the Rockets, but it is also a new starting point. The team needs to re-evaluate its own problems and find new directions and strategies.

Thank you for reading this article. We look forward to seeing the Blazers and the Heat perform better in future competitions. This transaction has undoubtedly brought great changes to the two teams, and we will continue to pay attention to their development.

Du Feng lost the trump card! Guangdong Hongyuan Core announced its departure from the team, and Zhu Fangyu failed to retain people. Zhao Rui regretted it.

On August 3rd, Beijing time, China Men’s Basketball Team is preparing for the Men’s Basketball World Cup in Europe, while Guangdong Hongyuan is preparing for the new season’s CBA League. For each CBA team, entering August is actually a very tense month, because the personnel adjustment and registration of each team will enter the final acceleration stage, and each team will be finalized before the end of this month. Who will leave and who will join each team in the summer will finally surface and settle down this month.

August of CBA is destined to be a month full of suspense. Each team will complete the arms race before the start of the new season. Everyone will make every effort to strengthen the lineup of the new season, strive to adjust the team’s lineup to the most ideal state, and strive to make a good result in the new season. Guangdong Hongyuan, as the team that won the championship the most times in CBA history, failed to reach the semi-finals last season, which can’t satisfy the fans. If the team’s performance can’t improve any more in the new season, Du Feng will also face the risk of leaving school.

Zhu Fangyu, as the general manager, naturally wants to actively operate the team in the transfer market. Although Chen Guohao, who has been coveted for a long time, failed to win, Zhu Fangyu will also try to leave several core players who want to leave the team. Zhao Rui is the first to bear the brunt, and the renewal of the contract must be completed. This is the core cornerstone of Guangdong Hongyuan. Once these core players leave in the new season, the heritage, team spirit and temperament of Guangdong Hongyuan will decline a lot, and China women’s football team will be put on the agenda.

Zhao Rui is currently preparing for the World Cup with the China Men’s Basketball Team. It is expected that Zhao Rui’s contract renewal will need to be finalized with Guangdong Hongyuan after the World Cup. Generally speaking, players of the national team will have a specific extension period for contract renewal, which can give them a relaxed time to negotiate contract renewal with the club, including Zhao Jiwei of the Liaoning Men’s Basketball Team. These players expect that the Basketball Association and CBA Company will specially open an extension window to give them time to negotiate with the club in the later period, but there is little suspense for them to stay with the top salary.

However, recently, a core general of Guangdong Hongyuan confirmed to leave the team, which has brought great losses to Guangdong Hongyuan’s back line. This person is Zeng Maozhou from the back line. In the new season, Zeng Maozhou confirmed to leave the team and return to Tsinghua University to complete his studies. Last season, Zeng Maozhou’s performance in Guangdong Hongyuan was remarkable, and he had a stable output in a limited playing time. His departure will definitely make Guangdong Hongyuan’s back line lack of a qualified substitute, so that Zhao Rui Hu Mingxuan and Jeff can wait.

Manchester United accepted Maguire’s half-price slump and claimed that he could transfer.

Manchester United accepted Maguire’s half-price slump and claimed that he could transfer.

British media Team Talk》20 said on 20th (Korean time) that "Manchester United will accept the reduction of transfer fee and sell harry maguire (30 years old). Some clubs still believe in Maguire’s ability. West Ham United and Tottenham Hotspur have potential candidates. "

This is a humiliation for a former Manchester United defender. Maguire joined Manchester United from leicester city in 2019. At that time, the transfer fee was 80 million pounds (about 132.2 billion won), the highest in the history of Zhongwei. Manchester United entrusted Maguire with the captain’s armband and gave him trust.

However, as the days passed, Maguire’s malaise continued. It is common to leave space behind the opponent’s striker with a slow foot. Usually fatal mistakes are the reason for concessions. Criticism from local fans has intensified. According to the British "BBC" report, a supporter even threatened Maguire with family terror. Even when he played for England, he booed Maguire. In addition, under the leadership of the new coach Erik ten Hag, he was completely excluded from the competition for the starting position. Head coach Hager appointed Rapha?l Varane (29) and lisandro Martinez (24) as the main defenders. Usually, left-back Lu Kexiao (27 years old) is the central defender. In fact, Maguire was pushed to the fourth and fifth places.

After all, Manchester United are trying to sell Maguire in the summer transfer window. He also accepted a reduction in the transfer fee. According to Team Talk, Manchester United offered 40 million pounds (about 66.1 billion won) for Maguire’s ransom.

However, I think it is very unlikely to go to Tottenham. According to media analysis, "If Tottenham bring in former leicester city coach Brandon Rogers as the next coach, they will recruit Maguire."

The media then added, "Maguire hopes to renew his contract with Manchester United for at least two years." "Manchester United still have three Premier League matches and the FA Cup final. This is Maguire’s chance to say goodbye to the club."

Premier League-The Reds have one game left, three points away from the top four, to retain the Champions League. I hope Liverpool will draw 1-1 with Villafimi.

Live on May 20 th, Beijing time at 22:00 on May 20 th, the 37 th round of the Premier League, Liverpool vs. Villa. In the first half, konate sent a point, Watkins missed his own penalty, and Jacob Ramsey pushed the goal; In the second half, Gakpo scored a goal that was blown by Fan Dike’s offside, which ushered in firmino’s tie at home. In the end, Liverpool drew 1-1 with Aston Villa, 3 points behind Manchester United in the fourth place with one round left in the league, and Aston Villa ranked seventh in the standings with 58 points.

[Key Events of Competition]

In the 27th minute, Villa took the lead, Douglas-Louis took the ball, Jacob-Ramsey put in a push to break the goal, and Villa led Liverpool 1-0 away. ↓

In the 90th minute, Salah made a cross from the right, and firmino flew into the goal, making Liverpool 1-1 at Villa. ↓

[Moment of Competition Focus]

In the third minute, the camera was given to the audience, and klopp, who was suspended from the game, watched the game from the audience. ↓

In the 20th minute, Villa counterattacked, konate fouled Watkins in the restricted area, and the referee blew a penalty. ↓

In the 22nd minute, Watkins took the penalty and the ball missed the goal. ↓

In the 39th minute, Villa made a direct free kick, and Jacob Ramsey inserted a small angle in the back row to hit the door. allison attacked in time to save the ball. ↓

In the 40th minute, Diaz headed the ball into the penalty area, and the ball failed to reach the doorframe. ↓

In the 45th minute, Mince kicked Gakpo’s chest too high, and the referee showed a yellow card warning. After listening to the opinions of VAR, the referee upheld the original judgment. ↓

After half-time, Liverpool temporarily 0-1 Villa.

In the 51st minute, Salah’s right rib in the restricted area dodged the angle and shot, and Martinez held the ball firmly. ↓

In the 55th minute, Arnold crosses, Diaz’s header ferry is cleared, Fan Dike gets the ball back, konate’s shot is blocked, and Gakpo makes up the shot, but after VAR confirmation, Fan Dike’s offside goal is invalid. ↓

In the 72nd minute, firmino and Milner came off the bench, and both of them ushered in the farewell battle at Anfield. ↓

In the 73rd minute, Gakpo made the ball, Arnold cut it to the ground at the front of the restricted area, and Martinez hugged the ball. ↓

At the end of the game, Liverpool drew 1-1 with Villa.

[Starting and substitution information of both parties]

Liverpool: 1- allison, 4- Fan Dike, 5- konate, 26- Robertson (76′ 21- Zimikas), 66- Arnold, 3- Fabinho (81′ 19- Elliot), 14- Henderson (72′ 7- Milner), 17- Curtis.

Substitutes who did not play: 62- kelleher, 2- Gomez, 28- Fabio Carvalho, 32- Matip.

Aston Villa: 1- Martinez, 2- Cash, 4- Consa, 5- Mince, 27- D ‘INE (54′ 15- Moreno) (65′ 10- Buendia), 7- McKin, 44- Bubacar-Camara, 6- Douglas-Luis (87’ 31).

Unseen substitutes: 25- Olson, 38- Sinisalo, 9- armand traore.

Al artificial intelligence: what impact will room temperature superconducting technology have?

If room temperature superconducting technology is realized, it will have a great impact on human society. Superconducting technology can be used in power transmission, maglev train, MRI, energy, communication and other fields. The realization of room temperature superconducting technology will make the application in these fields more convenient and economical. In addition, room temperature superconducting technology can also be applied to quantum computers and other fields, which will promote the development of computer technology.

Malouda: "I hope Chelsea sign Mbappé"

Malouda: "I hope Chelsea sign Mbappé"

Former Chelsea striker Florent Malouda says he would like to see Paris Saint-Germain striker Kylian Mbappé move to London.

"I hope Chelsea sign Mbappé, and I think the club should choose the best player like him. Especially when I see how much money Chelsea has spent on others. It all depends on his desire to come to the club, but we must choose such a top player and build a team around him. My dream is to build a team with young players around Mbappé. He has won many trophies and is eager for more, so Chelsea should look for such players. Will Mbappé agree to move to Chelsea? Anything is possible! "It’s not just about preparing an offer with a lot of money," Goal quoted Malouda as saying.

Mbappé has been playing for Paris Saint-Germain since 2018. The 24-year-old Frenchman’s contract will last until the summer of 2025.

This season, Mbappé made 30 appearances in various competitions on behalf of the club, scored 7 goals and sent 31 assists.