Lei Jun revealed that Xiaomi’s self-developed motor V8s got on the bus at the end of the year, and the speed of 27200rpm was the first in the industry.

IT House reported on April 18th that during the live broadcast this afternoon, Lei Jun revealed that Xiaomi’s self-developed motor V8s is expected to get on the bus at the end of the year, but the specific model has not been announced yet.

At the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference held in December last year, the Xiaomi Super Motor V8s was officially released, claiming that the speed reached 27200rpm, ranking first in the world.

The motor has a maximum horsepower of 578PS, a peak power of 425kW, a peak torque of 635N?m, a maximum efficiency of 98.11%, and a power density of 10.14kW/kg.

The motor is the first in the industry with 960MPa special silicon steel sheet, self-developed rotor design, bidirectional oil-cooled heat dissipation, S-shaped three-dimensional oil circuit design, 54 slots and 6 poles design, 8 layers of Hairpin flat wire winding, and the slot full rate is 77%.

Xiaomi also revealed that the company’s laboratory has pre-researched a 35000rpm motor.

Tik Tok/Aauto Quicker sinks elderly users VS elderly vertical APP to go out of the circle

"Short video/live broadcast is becoming the favorite content form of middle-aged and elderly people. In the process of competing for the last incremental market of China Internet-400 million middle-aged and elderly users, Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker need to sink further to shake the dominance of WeChat.

For middle-aged and old-aged vertical apps such as jelly beans, beautiful articles, color TV, and small rice cakes, which have "entered the market" since the last round of Internet entrepreneurship boom, are faced with the challenge of struggling to seek "out of the circle" or sticking to the core users to make "small and beautiful" products? "

-age club research team

Competition for short video platforms has become fierce, and Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker have rushed to attack the last incremental market of the Internet.

Wechat’s penetration into middle-aged and elderly people has basically been completed, and the proportion of middle-aged and elderly users in Tik Tok and Kuaishou is still at a low level. Compared with the saturated young users, middle-aged and elderly people are the last users in Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker.

According to the data revealed by the 2020 WeChat Open Course PRO, as of September 2019, the number of monthly active accounts of WeChat reached 1.151 billion. If the population under 12 years old (parents are not allowed to use WeChat because they are too young) and over 70 years old (too old to learn WeChat) are deducted, WeChat is basically popularized in every China person, including middle-aged and elderly people aged 50-70.

In the short video platforms represented by Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker, the number of young users has not increased, while the proportion of middle-aged and elderly users is still low, and there is still much room for growth in the future.

According to the latest data of QuestMobile, among the newly installed users of vibrato short video in March 2020, 14.5% were over 46 years old, compared with 13.0% in the same period last year, indicating that middle-aged and elderly users are rapidly migrating to Tik Tok.

In fact, middle-aged and elderly users have become important fans of many head accounts in Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker. For example, in the national official media accounts such as People’s Daily, CCTV News and Xinhua News Agency, the proportion of fans over 41 years old has reached 10%-20%.

In some emotional head accounts, fans of middle-aged and elderly users account for a higher proportion. For example, Tik Tok’s "Tu Lei" has 24% fans over 41 years old, while the fast-moving "Sichuan Coke" has 34% fans over 41 years old.

In fact, the trend of middle-aged and elderly people on the two platforms of Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker goes far beyond this. In the second half of last year, AgeClub made an in-depth analysis of online celebrity, an elderly person in Tik Tok (see Depth: How to Build online celebrity for Middle-aged and Elderly People? Explosions the development model, current situation and opportunities of Tik Tok elderly online celebrity ");

At that time, online celebrity, an elderly person in Tik Tok, mainly attracted young people and people under the age of 35. Health, emotion, culture and other contents that are really suitable for middle-aged and elderly people and mature in WeChat ecology are very scarce in Tik Tok.

1. The vibrato has changed: there are not only old online celebrity, but also Quyi, calligraphy and painting, and mother’s clothes …

Compared with last year, Tik Tok has changed significantly.

First, some elderly online celebrity, who rose rapidly last year, are now facing the dilemma of losing their powder, exhausted their creativity and failing to realize their goals properly, especially some amateur online celebrity. However, some elderly online celebrity, who have strong creative ability, solid personnel and mature operational ideas, remain hot, and their fans have increased significantly compared with last year.

For example, Uncle Na, who specializes in showing the exquisite life of elderly men, had 9.86 million fans in early August last year, and now the number of fans is 14.32 million. Another "Cai Yunen" who specializes in filming the interesting life of a 98-year-old grandmother has 6.31 million fans, nearly 4 million more than a year ago.

Recently, an elderly online celebrity "Grandma Wang who only wears high heels" has gained 10 million yuan in three months. She is 79 years old this year and has more than 15 million fans. In May, she participated in the live broadcast organized by Tik Tok and brought goods, with a single sales of 5.3 million.

It is understood that the operator behind it is a team with Tik Tok’s funny head account "Play Seven Stages" (currently 14 million fans). After several years of exploration, the operating thinking of Tik Tok online celebrity is very mature.

Another change that deserves more attention is that vertical content categories that are deeply loved by middle-aged and elderly people have begun to appear in Tik Tok, and these categories have not yet appeared head accounts, so there are great opportunities in the future.

For example, the accounts of Shaanxi Opera, Huangmei Opera and Henan Opera in Quyi category have a low number of fans, ranging from 200,000 to 400,000, but middle-aged and elderly users over 41 years old are the main fans, accounting for 50%-80%, indicating that local and long-tailed content categories have great potential in middle-aged and elderly groups.

In the category of calligraphy, the proportion of middle-aged and elderly people is also very high. There are 1.242 million fans of "Junhai Calligraphy", accounting for 43% of users over 41 years old, 1.31 million fans of "Lv Yingru Calligraphy" and 36% of users over 41 years old.

Tik Tok has also begun to appear accounts specializing in selling middle-aged and elderly women’s clothing, and the number of fans is currently 100,000-400,000.

2. Aauto Quicker Run: 50 million middle-aged and elderly people support rich content ecology.

Aauto Quicker, a short video giant, shows a different situation from Tik Tok.

Online celebrity, a funny and attractive old man who is common in Tik Tok, is rare in Aauto Quicker. The most representative one is Uncle Ben Liang, an ordinary farmer in Shandong with nearly 18 million fans. With his unrestrained "wild singing" in the fields, he became popular in Aauto Quicker, and the average number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded 10,000.

Similarly, unlike Tik Tok, the long tail content which is popular among middle-aged and elderly users is more abundant in categories and accounts in Aauto Quicker.

For example, in the Quyi category, which is very popular among middle-aged and elderly people, there are many accounts of millions or even tens of millions of fans. In terms of duet, "Actor-Xuejing Yan" has more than 12 million fans, accounting for 26% over 41 years old; "Artist-Wei San" has 10.19 million fans, accounting for 23% over 41.

In addition, in Henan and other popular Henan operas, there are 1.515 million fans of "Li Yuan Chun Lei Zhu" and 1.139 million fans of "Happy Henan Opera Brother Positive Energy", accounting for about 50% of those over 41.

In terms of health and wellness, there are nearly 3 million fans of the million-level account "Shaolin Positive Energy", accounting for 38.74% over 41 years old.

In terms of calligraphy, there are 1.11 million fans of "Feeling Hard Pen Calligraphy", accounting for 24% over 41 years old.

In addition to these, accounts in folk musical instruments (suona, erhu), square dance, fishing and other categories have gathered a large number of middle-aged and elderly users. These accounts have a small number of fans ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, but they have frequent interactions and close relationships with fans, and the possibility of commercial realization is more abundant than that of advertisements and live broadcasts in Tik Tok.

In-depth interviews with a large number of middle-aged and elderly users in various cities across the country by NewAgingPro, a consulting brand of AgeClub, it is found that they have a wide range of hobbies, such as gardening, tea art, photography, chess and Go, etc., and high-quality learning content and communication scenes are what they lack most now. Short video/live broadcast can just make up for this gap.

According to AgeClub, there are 40 million to 50 million daily users in Aauto Quicker, and such a large number of users is enough to support many finely classified head accounts and rich business models.

Where is the middle-aged and elderly vertical APP that survived the big waves?

In the past two years, middle-aged and elderly users entered Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker, which was more a spontaneous process of users, and important changes will take place next. As time goes by, these giants will inevitably have more layouts for middle-aged and elderly users in the future.

Behind Aauto Quicker and other giants stepping up the layout of middle-aged and elderly people, the online behavior of 400 million middle-aged and elderly people is rapidly evolving in breadth and depth. Like young people, they will move online in the future, such as shopping, buying classes, ordering takeout and investing in wealth management. Content and social networking are still the best user portals.

Compared with pictures and texts, short video/live broadcast has unique advantages: it is easier to receive information, the content is more lively and intuitive, and most elderly people have different eye problems. Watching videos is more eye-friendly than reading words.

Even WeChat, which started with graphic content, is stepping up its transformation to video, and launched live broadcast and video numbers in the past year. According to the follow-up observation of AgeClub, after several middle-aged and elderly entertainment platforms broadcast live on WeChat, the number of simultaneous viewers will soon reach thousands or even tens of thousands, indicating that middle-aged and elderly people have a very high acceptance of live video.

In the process of competing for quickly online middle-aged and elderly users, the giants relied on the platform ecology to get dividends in the early stage, but they have not paid full attention to the development of middle-aged and elderly users from the platform strategy level. As for the APP/ applet that entered the middle-aged and old-aged market in the last round of Internet entrepreneurship boom around 2014, they have gone through many detours and also precipitated a unique model in terms of users, products and realization.

Combing the APP/ applet with candied beans, beautiful articles, color TV, small rice cakes, etc., middle-aged and elderly users account for the main proportion, and they all "survived" through big waves. Their development experience and process are very worthy of attention.

Rise: We must seize the traffic/content bonus of middle-aged and elderly users.

These apps and applets with middle-aged and old people as the main users have consciously or unconsciously seized the dividends of middle-aged and old people migrating to smart phones and WeChat in the early rapid growth.

For example, the small rice cake focusing on audio albums and short videos is a typical example of grasping the social fission dividend of WeChat and rising. The small rice cake was first launched in 2014, and it has been tepid. In January, 2017, the WeChat applet appeared. At the end of May of that year, the Xiaomi Cake launched the applet, and it was bound with WeChat official account, which opened up the seamless diversion between WeChat official account and the applet, thus rapidly expanding the user group of Xiaomi Cake.

At that time, within a month, the number of users of small rice cakes rose from 10 million to 20 million.

The start of the beautiful article also benefited from the rapid popularization of smart phones among middle-aged and elderly people, which resulted in a strong demand for editing and sharing long pictures and texts.

Founder Tang Qi once revealed that he was still working at Huawei at that time. At first, he made a simple demo and promoted it within Huawei, and then the number of users continued to rise. After the APP was officially launched, it only found relatives and friends to help forward the online articles on the first day, and then it was not promoted. Its early 10 million households were brought by users themselves.

Another path of user traffic bonus is the application of market buying. Fan Zhaoyin, the founder of Love Square Dance, once reviewed the pioneering course in the field of square dance at the forum on innovation and entrepreneurship for the elderly held by AgeClub. In 2015-2017, an APP was launched in the application market, and the average customer acquisition cost per download was only 1.5-2.0 yuan. Later, companies with a valuation of tens of millions of dollars appeared in the square dance industry. These companies are typical of financing and buying traffic.

Another middle-aged and elderly video APP entrepreneur also told AgeClub that when it was launched in the Android market, the user retention of Huawei mobile phones was higher than that of oppo and vivo, which may be the reason why people who buy and use Huawei mobile phones are older.

In addition to the bonus of middle-aged and elderly users migrating to WeChat, the bonus of content theme also plays an important role. Many middle-aged and elderly entrepreneurs have mentioned in unison that in the years of 2015-2018, there are still few contents on WeChat that meet the reading interests of middle-aged and elderly people. As long as explosive content is produced by combining the characteristics of the post-50 s and post-60 s, it is easy to quickly break out among users and gain a large number of new users.

Midcourt: Find the core requirements, polish the function/realize —— Candy beans hold fast to the leader of the square dance, American articles strengthen long graphic editing, color TV focuses on video editing, and small rice cakes focus on information flow recommendation.

After grasping the user/traffic/content bonus, it is also very important to polish the product. Whether the middle-aged and elderly user experience can be continuously optimized and improved is the key to determining whether the middle-aged and elderly APP can really retain users.

APP/ applets such as candied beans, beautiful articles, color TV, and small rice cakes are unique in their products, which reflects the deep understanding of core users, and the subsequent commercial realization can be realized smoothly.

Candy beans are aimed at the square dance group from the beginning, and they are the leader of the square dance group, so they are all around this group in terms of APP function, teaching system and operation activities.

In terms of common video playback functions, Sugar Bean has designed functions that ordinary short video apps don’t have, such as slow playback, mirror, screen projection to TV, AB loop, etc. Video can be projected to a big-screen TV, and the picture can be flipped on the mirror to facilitate comparative learning, taking care of the needs of square dance groups to learn and practice dance at home.

Many square dance leaders need to shoot their own teaching demonstration videos, and Candy Bean has added the functions of adding titles, flipping and splitting screens in shooting and editing. In order to take care of women’s love of beauty, they can also whiten and slim the characters in the video; In addition, in order to enrich the playability of the video, it is also supported to dig out the portrait from the green screen and put it in a new background, or copy a character into three or five people.

In order to enable middle-aged and elderly users to master the skills of video production, Sugar Bean recorded a series of video courses, such as "Have you used the new function of green screen keying?", "Tutorial of changing colors for clothes", "Changing the sky for real video" and "Making special effects for opening video transitions".

In operational activities, theme shooting and evaluation activities were launched according to social hotspots and time nodes, such as "Online Free Clinic Against Pneumonia" during the epidemic and "Mother’s Day Gesture Dance Selection" before and after Mother’s Day.

The live broadcast section of candied beans also has distinctive square dance characteristics. The content of the live broadcast is mainly that professional teachers are promoting paid courses such as square dance, aerobics and modeling, and a small number of anchors are carrying square dance costumes or teaching mobile video production.

Color TV is an APP that started with video editing, and later developed functions such as community and live broadcast, but the functions of video editing are unique. For example, you can freely add titles, splice multiple video materials, adjust the video order, add soundtracks and subtitles.

In order to help middle-aged and elderly users learn video production, special teaching sections "Color TV College" and "Color TV School" are launched, which mainly focus on video editing and production, as well as poetry creation and folding fan production.

In the process of making editing videos, many middle-aged and elderly users need more and newer materials and more powerful editing functions, resulting in a clear willingness of members to pay.

And members have brought a lot of income to color TV. According to Age Club’s understanding from the industry, the current membership income of Color TV is in the order of tens of millions.

At the beginning, the beautiful article mainly used mobile phone to edit long pictures and texts, which just seized the opportunity window that WeChat can only edit and publish long pictures and texts on the PC side, and it is too expensive for many middle-aged and elderly people to learn and use.

Therefore, it can be seen that the function of American articles in graphic editing is the most powerful in all apps. You can adjust the text size, color and boldness, add serial numbers to paragraphs, and adjust the alignment of paragraphs; In addition, audio and video can be added to the article, and pictures can be added in the form of single sheets or puzzles.

In terms of realization, the main income of American articles-members and prints-is extended from long graphic editing. In the membership service of 19 yuan/month and 198 yuan/year, the main functions are related to graphic editing, such as high-definition original pictures, high-definition videos, high-definition titles, massive pictures, advanced typesetting, template customization, exclusive music and exclusive templates.

Small rice cake is a rare "technical flow" in the application of middle-aged and elderly people. The technical characteristics are not reflected in the powerful and perfect editing and production of the main function "Audio Album". In fact, this functional little rice cake adheres to the principle of minimalism, and can only add words, pictures and videos without further freedom.

Small rice cakes pay more attention to the sharing and communication of middle-aged and elderly users after editing, the use time brought by browsing short videos on small programs, and the advertising click income brought by it, so they emphasize the recommendation algorithm behind short video information flow.

There are several small programs of the same kind launched by Xiao Niangao, such as blessing circle, small bench group photo album, etc., all of which are based on minimalist graphic editing+extremely fast sharing and communication+information flow recommendation, showing the same technical characteristics and traffic thinking.

Ru Haibo, the founder of Xiao Niangao, is one of the few middle-aged and elderly entrepreneurs who rushed in with the emphasis on mobile Internet opportunities. He has previously started several projects and worked as an investor in Jingwei Venture Capital.

In contrast, Jiang Yimin of Color TV was born in the chip industry, and the founder of the American article was from Huawei. The founder of Candy Bean was a technical background in video before, and they were not particularly good at business models.

Giant sinking VS small and beautiful vertical APP: Who is the future of middle-aged and elderly Internet?

The candied beans, beautiful articles, color TV, and small rice cakes that survived this round of entrepreneurial tide in 2014 have all gone out of their own unique models in terms of users, products, and realization, and there are many companies with incomes of tens of millions to hundreds of millions of yuan.

The essence of its success is to capture the group of middle-aged and elderly users who are the first to set foot on the wave of mobile Internet, are the most socially active and have relatively strong purchasing power. For example, Candy Bean captures the captain of the square dance who has a strong demand for learning new dances, and Color TV and Beauty Articles capture the vitality of middle-aged and elderly people who like traveling parties and taking photos and videos.

Vertical APP has done a perfect job in a certain segment demand for middle-aged and elderly users, successfully attracted small and heavy users, and cultivated their payment habits to achieve a small and beautiful development state.

However, the other side of the matter is that if the vertical APP wants to "go out of the circle" and expand its target users from small groups to billion-level users with more dispersed needs and greater differences, it needs to expand heterogeneous categories in content, design a more sticky social structure in users’ social relationships, and make trade-offs in improving and simplifying functions. In the past, it was no longer applicable based on the needs understanding, product experience and liquidation methods of small users.

In fact, these apps have indeed done or are doing "out of the circle" attempts. However, some restrict the expansion of content categories because of the graphic form, some are too heavy to change users’ mental cognition because of their vertical attributes, and some are hesitant in the strategic direction because of the company’s genes …

There is no doubt that giant platforms such as Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker have a deeper understanding of the needs of billion-dollar users, and the rich and complete platform ecology and closed-loop business of giants will also bring more possibilities for the middle-aged and elderly Internet.

1. Tik Tok/Aauto Quicker: Fully tap the long tail content, and middle-aged and elderly people are willing to pay for interesting and dreamy "knowledge".

After several years of rapid development, Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker have become enough content/social platforms to threaten WeChat, and the rich entrepreneurial opportunities for middle-aged and elderly people that once appeared on WeChat are likely to be repeated in Tik Tok and Kuaishou, which will be richer and more different.

As previously analyzed, although middle-aged and elderly users in Tik Tok are growing rapidly, and some accounts attract a large number of middle-aged and elderly fans, compared with the content ecology of the whole platform and the rich hobbies of middle-aged and elderly people themselves, there are still many content needs that have not been met.

Moreover, compared with the explosive topics such as emotion, health and pension displayed in the form of pictures and texts on WeChat, the form of short video/live broadcast is naturally suitable for many long-tail contents, such as gardening, tea art, photography, chess and chess, wenwan collection, etc., which are popular among middle-aged and elderly people. The video mode is more impactful and can stimulate the interest in learning and paying.

There are already cases in which high income is obtained by selling classes for middle-aged and elderly fans.

"Chen Libao Suona", a fast-paced suona anchor, is also a young wind player of the Central National Orchestra. He once participated in "I am a singer" with singer TanJing, and is a well-known post-85 s performing artist. At present, there are 450,000 fans, accounting for 27% of those over 41.

The short videos on its homepage are mainly videos of its own performances and rehearsals, as well as songs co-operated with TanJing and Sitar tan. During the live broadcast, it explains suona knowledge and answers various questions of fans, with an average of 400-500 people online.

Chen Libao’s suona courses include "zero-based speed learning series" and advanced course series, which are quite popular after its launch. The hottest course has 7,600 buyers, and the number of buyers of other courses is mostly between 1,000 and 3,000.

In addition to selling classes, Chen Libao also sells suona and other musical instruments in the live broadcast room. The price is around 1000 yuan, and nearly 10 instruments can be sold every day.

In the media interview, Chen Libao once revealed that there are college students, music teachers, business owners, bus drivers and farmers among the students, and the oldest student is over 70 years old.

In fact, middle-aged and elderly users not only buy suona courses on Aauto Quicker, but also have singing education programs for middle-aged and elderly people with millions of paying users on WeChat ecology. The logic behind it is actually the same. Middle-aged and elderly people are willing to pay for their "dreams".

2. "Wechat business" on the fast hand: Why do you choose wig products with middle-aged and elderly people as the main users?

Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker started from the Internet, and the e-commerce business that undertakes the heavy responsibility of making profits is the common focus of the two companies. As mentioned above, there have been accounts for clothing and accessories for middle-aged and elderly people. Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker undoubtedly have greater opportunities when similar businesses on WeChat are saturated.

The two platforms also pay more and more attention to online and offline communication, and both launch the same city plate to encourage local businesses to settle in, which brings new opportunities to many local service businesses.

Especially in Aauto Quicker, which is decentralized and community-oriented, traffic distribution tends to tilt to the waist and tail accounts, which has more room for local services targeting middle-aged and elderly people.

Taking the tourism category as an example, there are more than a dozen matrix accounts of "Zhangjiajie Tourism Reception", many of which have 1 million or even 2 million fans, and middle-aged and elderly users account for an important proportion, generally between 10-30%.

Similar to the recruitment and joining agent model in WeChat Ecology, there are already teams operating on Aauto Quicker, and the selected products happen to be wigs with middle-aged and elderly customers as the main target.

There are many wig accounts in Aauto Quicker, most of which are opened in wig stores to drain their offline stores.

Aauto Quicker’s account matrix "Salongwei" adopts the mature Wechat business model, creating new concepts of "wearing hairstyle" and "scene clipping" to relieve ordinary consumers’ resistance to wigs, and recruiting wig partners throughout the network through short video/live broadcast, promising to provide a perfect course training system;

For example, there is a CEO interactive system in management, an online sales system, a terminal marketing course and a product manager in marketing, and China scene tailoring in wig technology.

Another Aauto Quicker account matrix named "Elephant Replacement" provides nationwide door-to-door replacement service for C-end users, and offline training and wig raw material supply for B-end users who start businesses and open stores.

The offline training costs 2,980 yuan for 3 days, and the main contents are replacement technology, self-media promotion and physical store sales skills.

Why are wigs favored by Wechat business team? First, because of the high gross profit, according to AgeClub, the purchase price of wigs from Wechat business to stores is only 300-500 yuan, which costs 2,000-3,000 yuan.

Second, wigs require high marketing ability, because wigs are not a category with high public acceptance at present, which requires a lot of publicity and education for users and a lot of marketing training for the team, which is precisely Wechat business’s specialty.


All the above data and cases have fully explained the vitality and potential of middle-aged and elderly people in the Internet world. But we believe that this is only the beginning for 400 million middle-aged and elderly people to fully embrace the Internet life.

Looking back at the content/social development path of middle-aged and elderly people, we will find that it is halfway compared with young people, and there will be many possibilities in the future:

In the form of information, from text to voice, pictures to video;

In social relations, from acquaintances (family, colleagues, classmates, comrades-in-arms) to semi-acquaintances (community owners, square dancers, etc.) to strangers (network friends, senior college students, etc.);

On the theme, from family parent-child, health, emotion to various long tail subdivision hobbies;

In terms of demand experience, from simple operation to rich content to information property security (from online behaviors such as shopping, payment, investment and wealth management).

Promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market

Recently, the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee held a meeting to analyze and study the current economic situation and plan economic work in the second half of the year. The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to effectively prevent and resolve risks in key areas, adapt to the new situation in which the relationship between supply and demand in China’s real estate market has undergone major changes, adjust and optimize real estate policies in a timely manner, and make good use of the policy toolbox because of the city’s policy to better meet the rigid and improved housing needs of residents and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.
According to incomplete statistics, in the first half of this year, due to the city’s policy, real estate control policies were successively introduced for about 380 times. What are the characteristics of optimizing control policies in various places? What is the trend of the real estate market in the second half of the year?
Multi-point efforts in property market regulation
Since the beginning of this year, effectively preventing and resolving risks has become the main content of real estate policy regulation. On the one hand, multi-departments further increase financial support for real estate enterprises; On the other hand, the demand side focuses on reducing the cost of buying houses, and various localities have made precise policies in many aspects, such as mortgage interest rate adjustment, provident fund support policies, simplification of second-hand housing services, optimization of purchase restrictions, and housing subsidies.
According to the data of the Central Finger Research Institute, more than 40 cities across the country have adjusted the lower limit of the first home loan interest rate to below 4%. With the People’s Bank of China lowering the LPR interest rate for more than five years to 4.2% on June 20th, some cities still expect to lower the mortgage interest rate. Since the beginning of this year, more than 10 cities, such as Luoyang and Qingdao, have relaxed their credit policies by optimizing the criteria for identifying second homes and reducing the down payment ratio, with a view to promoting the healthy development of the real estate market. At the beginning of June, Qingdao reduced the down payment ratio of non-restricted areas, and residents’ home ownership sentiment picked up and market activity increased. Restrictive policies in non-core areas of hot cities may be further liberalized.
Judging from the housing provident fund policy, compared with the limitations of previous provident fund withdrawal, more than 100 places have introduced policies such as increasing the amount of provident fund loans, reducing the down payment ratio of provident fund, allowing provident fund to pay down payment, supporting "business-to-public" loans, and increasing the amount of rental housing to withdraw provident fund, so as to further support the release of rigid and improved housing demand by revitalizing the provident fund.
"From the perspective of policy effect, the further relaxation of credit policy is conducive to reducing the cost of home purchase and has played a positive role in promoting the release of demand for home purchase." Huang Yu, executive vice president of the Central Finger Research Institute, believes that for the real estate market, it is still necessary to superimpose more support policies at both ends of supply and demand in order to better play the policy effect.
Since the launch of the "third arrow" to support the financing of real estate enterprises, many listed real estate enterprises such as China Merchants Shekou, Poly Development, Fuxing, Lujiazui, China Communications Real Estate and Daming City have been approved by the Exchange, and the total amount of funds raised is about 35 billion yuan, most of which are used to supplement working capital and guarantee the delivery of buildings.
Zhang Bo, president of 58 Anjuke Research Institute, said that the current real estate development enterprises are gradually getting out of the financing dilemma. The approval of refinancing of housing enterprises will help enterprises to acquire land, start construction and build stably, and at the same time, it will also play a positive role in the orderly delivery of projects.
Overall, it showed a stabilizing trend.
In the first half of the year, all localities improved the policy accuracy due to the city’s policy, which better met the rigid and improved housing needs of residents and promoted the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.
According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, in the first half of this year, the sales area of commercial housing nationwide was 595 million square meters, down 5.3% year-on-year, of which the sales area of residential buildings decreased by 2.8%. The sales of commercial housing was 6.31 trillion yuan, up by 1.1%, of which residential sales increased by 3.7%.
Specifically, in the first quarter, under the influence of factors such as the release of the previous backlog demand and the effective policies, the activity of the real estate market rebounded, and the real estate market in hot cities appeared "Xiaoyangchun" market. In the second quarter, the previous backlog of housing demand was released, and the market cooled significantly.
From the perspective of demand structure, the demand for improved housing in the first half of the year was still an important support for the market, and the proportion of transactions in the middle and high total price segments in many cities increased. In Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Suzhou and other cities, the number of high-end residential products has increased rapidly, and the market has maintained a certain activity. In contrast, the activity of the second-hand housing market was better than that of the new housing market in the first half of the year, and the market expectation weakened synchronously in the second quarter.
However, there is uneven heat and cold in the land auction market. Land auctions in core cities have maintained a certain degree of heat, while land auctions in some cities have been indifferent. The data shows that in the first half of this year, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Hefei all accounted for more than 50% of the land price ceiling transactions, and some plots in Beijing and Hangzhou set a record for the number of land participating enterprises in recent years; Enterprises in the core areas of Guangzhou, Qingdao, Jinan, Tianjin and Fuzhou have a high degree of participation, while the non-core areas are mostly sold at the reserve price, and the differentiation between the plates is obvious; Wuxi, Zhengzhou and Changchun generally sold at reserve prices, and the land auction mood was not high.
Fu Linghui, spokesperson of the National Bureau of Statistics and director of the National Economic Statistics Department, said that the centralized release of the backlog of housing demand in the first quarter led to an improvement in the real estate market. In the second quarter, the real estate market gradually returned to normal operation, and the real estate market generally showed a stabilizing trend in the first half of the year. In the future, investment in real estate development will still be at a low level. However, with the gradual adjustment of the real estate market, real estate development investment will gradually return to a reasonable level.
Some experts said that in the new stage of the real estate market, all parties can change their energy from "home ownership" to "home ownership is superior", promote residential development from single to diversified, promote the integration of production, housing and cities, focus on the future development of the industry, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.
Policies will be further optimized.
Recently, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a corporate forum. The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to continue to consolidate the stabilization and recovery trend of the real estate market, vigorously support the demand for rigid and improved housing, and further implement policies and measures such as reducing the down payment ratio and loan interest rate for purchasing the first home, reducing taxes and fees for the purchase of improved housing, and "recognizing housing without repaying loans" for personal housing loans. Stabilizing the two pillars of construction and real estate plays an important role in promoting economic recovery.
Standard & Poor’s credit evaluation report believes that the bottleneck of the current real estate industry recovery lies in insufficient demand, and the recovery of demand depends more on the economy, per capita income level and the improvement of residents’ expectations for the future. "Only when residents’ employment and income can play a substantial supporting role in buying houses can the bail-out policy really take effect." Li Yujia, chief researcher of Guangdong Housing Policy Research Center, said. "In addition to various policies to continuously promote the property market to stabilize and improve, it is also necessary to form good market expectations and boost the release of rigid housing demand and improved demand." Zhao Xiuchi, president of capital university of economics and business Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Real Estate Research Institute and executive vice president and secretary general of Beijing Real Estate Law Society, said.
Li Yujia said that the future policy orientation is to meet and release demand, such as meeting the needs of new citizens and young people to rent before buying; Revitalize the stock, improve the supply efficiency and match the demand, including the renovation of villages in cities, old residential areas and houses in counties and towns, so as to solve the problem of uncoordinated and insufficient development; Create a good house, a good community and a good community to meet the needs of beautiful living.
Zhao Xiuchi believes that all localities should combine the policy of having many children and the policy of introducing population to relax the purchase restriction policy appropriately. For example, further reduce the mortgage down payment ratio and mortgage interest rate, and allow the stock of fixed-rate mortgages to be converted into floating-rate mortgages based on LPR.
Zhang Bo predicted that in the second half of the year, the real estate regulation and control will be further optimized, and the probability of introducing policies related to the restriction and relaxation of purchase in hot cities may further increase. At the same time, the mortgage policy is expected to increase the inclination of improving demand.
At present, many real estate enterprises in the capital market are facing delisting. How can the financing environment of housing enterprises continue to improve in the future? Chen Xiao, a senior analyst at Zhuge Data Research Center, said that from the supply side, it is necessary to continue to increase financing support for housing enterprises and implement the "three arrows" support measures. "Financing should be more inclined to high-quality housing enterprises and private housing enterprises with stable funds."
Huang Yu suggested that we should continue to increase support for equity financing of listed real estate enterprises and speed up examination and approval; Supporting private housing enterprises to issue bonds by means of "cooperation between central and local governments" should be expanded and expanded, promoted in more cities, benefiting more private housing enterprises, and at the same time increasing support for mergers and acquisitions of listed housing enterprises.
The "Guiding Opinions on Actively and Steadily Promoting the Reconstruction of Villages in Megacities" deliberated and adopted by the executive meeting of the State Council on July 21st mentioned that in megacities, it is necessary to increase policy support for the reconstruction of villages in cities, actively innovate the transformation mode, and encourage and support the participation of private capital. Renovation of villages in cities and revitalization of idle assets will be important measures and ways to increase the construction and supply of affordable housing.
"In the next step, policy support such as developing affordable rental housing through multiple channels and taking multiple measures to stimulate social investment to jointly build affordable housing will be further enhanced." Zhang Bo said. (This article Source: Economic Daily Author: China Economic Net reporter Li Fang)
(Source: Economic Daily)

"Changsha Nightlife" reveals that Zhang Jingyi shares her deep bond with Changsha.

1905 movie network news The film produced by, producer, screenwriter and director, starring,,,,, Wu Jun and Luo Gang, especially starring, and friendship has recently released a reply notice. From "The Sender Changsha" to the reply notice, Changsha and Changsha people have formed a moving response in both directions.

In the preview, director Zhang Ji shared the story of his reconciliation with his father in Changsha after the college entrance examination. Zhang Jingyi, the leading actress, shared her experience of receiving the notice of Nortel Art Examination when she was studying in Changsha. The cheers of the whole class became an unforgettable memory for her. The comic actor soldier, who is also a native of Changsha, Hunan Province, also made a surprise appearance in the preview and shared his memories of Changsha.The preview focuses more on every Changsha person who lives here. Everyone is the protagonist in his own life. Through these stories, he will show the love and tolerance of Changsha to everyone. Changsha Night has both their stories and their lives.

Director Zhang Ji reconciled with his father in Changsha.

Starring Zhang Jingyi shares the exciting moment of the college entrance examination.

The reply notice invited director Zhang Ji and starring Zhang Jingyi to share their stories with people living in Changsha. This city has witnessed countless life choices, emotional stories, work experiences and juvenile growth, and cured countless regrets. The story of Changsha shared by Zhang Ji is related to his father. Changsha witnessed the departure of young Zhang Ji after the college entrance examination, and also witnessed his silence and reconciliation with his father.

In the director’s eyes, Changsha is a city with almost no boundaries between day and night. After the theme song was released, he wrote a letter specially for Changsha. The letter said: "At one o’clock in the middle of the night, the people in the west were crowded with people, and the fireworks came to my face. The young people in the street lived fearlessly." It is these ordinary people who keep fighting for their lives that bring him inspiration and strength to shoot Changsha stories. The memory of Changsha, starring Zhang Jingyi, is a youthful time. She studied at Tongshenghu Experimental School in Changsha. When she learned that she had passed the exam of Nortel, the whole class applauded and cheered for it. This was an unforgettable happy time for her.

In this city full of youthful memories, it also contains countless people’s lives. Five minutes before the New Year’s Eve, she proposed marriage, owned her own house in a city, walked alone by the Xiangjiang River after breaking up with her boyfriend, and watched fireworks on the Xiangjiang River on weekends. This reply to Changsha contains too many people’s happiness and regret. When it comes to Changsha, food is also a label full of Hunan flavor: "Changsha people’s day begins with a bowl of powder and ends with a bowl of powder." The night covered by fireworks cages is another soul of Changsha. In the food stalls in the middle of the night, three or five friends meet and talk about powder in the lively night market.In the long lane of the market in the early morning, diners who come out for breakfast will meet the snack board that has not yet finished, and everyone here is enjoying the happiness brought by delicious food. This is the mutual tolerance, mutual giving and mutual achievement between a group of people and a city. Whether they grew up in Changsha or came to Changsha from a foreign land, everyone got love and warmth here and realized their dreams at the same time. It also made many viewers begin to recall when their fate with a city began.

YIN FANG Zhang Jingyi LAY opens an emotional story

Changsha nightlife is also a city nightlife.

 The reply notice shows the story that happened here, which has formed a deep bond between Changsha people and Changsha, and the emotion between people and the city is touching. As director Zhang Ji said, "My classmates and friends have many emotional stories in Changsha". He also put these emotional stories in movies. The story of He Xixi (Zhang Jingyi) is about love. With the feeling of leaving the city, she meets Jing Weiwei (YIN FANG), who is frustrated and down. They meet for a night tour in Changsha and walk side by side through the streets of Changsha bearing countless life memories, turning an ordinary night tour into a journey to heal themselves. The story of He An (LAY), a talk show actor, is about family ties. Facing the frustration of his career, the contradiction between him and his father (Luo Gang) is getting worse and worse. How to resolve it has become a knot between them. Full of loss, he went to the food stall of his mother, Sister Li (Sophie Su), and was cured by a hug and a simple comfort … … If you don’t know how to start after dawn, let the fireworks of the city give you the strength and courage to move forward.

The film "Changsha Nightlife" takes Changsha as the carrier, and takes the young people whose lives are lost as the scene, why not; He An, frustrated in the workplace and injured in family of origin; From the perspective of ordinary people such as Chen Qingzhi and Liang Baoqi, migrant workers in a foreign land, they show the difficulties people face in their life choices, emotions, work and family, and build a real and emotional picture of contemporary urban life, just as the film’s main creator expressed: "What happened in the film is not only the story of Changsha, but also the story of China."

The film "Changsha Nightlife" was produced by Chen Kexin and Zhao Xiaoshi, written and directed by Zhang Ji, starring YIN FANG, Zhang Jingyi, Sophie Su, Wu Haochen, Bai Yufan, Zhou Siyu, Wu Jun and Luo Gang, with LAY as a special star and Zhou Dongyu and Wang Lixin as a friendly star. It will be shown nationwide on April 28th during the May Day holiday.

Leaving the NBA at 25? Foreign media: Nilikina received an offer from the French team and the guerrillas were also interested in him.

Live broadcast on August 4 th According to Serbian media Mozzart, French player Nilikina may return to Europe to play.

Aswell, a French team, and Partizan Belgrade, a Serbian team, have been talking about their interest in Nilikina. Mozzart said that only Aswell made a specific offer for Nilikina.

As a free agent, Nilikina’s goal is to stay in the NBA, and his position as a lone ranger has been replaced by Exum.

Nilikina, 25, is the No.8 show in 2017. Before entering the NBA, she played for the French team Strasbourg and played for the Knicks and the Lone Ranger in the NBA.

In the 2022-23 season, Nilikina played 47 regular-season games for the Lone Ranger, averaging 2.9 points, 1.3 rebounds and 1.2 assists in 12.9 minutes, with a shooting percentage of 36.4%.

Mystery man narrowly wins the spark! Li Meng came off the bench for 19 minutes and 25 seconds, scored 10 points and 2 assists and shot 50%.

On August 5th, Beijing time, the Washington Mystery Team played by Li Meng ushered in a new game. The Washington Mystery Team at home played against the Los Angeles Sparks. In this game, Li Meng played as a substitute, and Li Meng’s performance also attracted much attention. The Washington Mysteries, who played at home in the first quarter, took a 4-point lead of 21-17. In the first quarter, at the moment of 4 minutes and 54 seconds, Li Meng was replaced. After playing, Li Meng helped the Mysteries score with the middle distance and free throws. In the first quarter, Li Meng had a high sense of existence.

Time came to the second quarter. At 8: 15 in the second quarter, Li Meng grabbed the defensive rebound, assisted his teammates to complete the three-point projection on the outside, and his teammates hit three-pointers. The Mystery Man scored a 9-point lead in the team, and then the Mystery Man pushed the score to more than double digits. In the second quarter, Li Meng’s feeling was still the same. She received many assists from her teammates and completed the long-distance jump shot. In the second quarter, the Mystery Man scored 27 points in a single quarter, while the LA Spark side also scored 23 points. After half-time, the Mystery Man took an 8-point lead.

Li Meng played well in the half-court, making four shots, hitting three times and getting seven points, one rebound and one assist. The positive and negative values were the highest among the substitutes. Time came to the third quarter, and the Sparks once chased the score in the third quarter, but the mysterious man quickly controlled the rhythm and scored a score of 6 to 4, and the mysterious man once again achieved a double-digit lead. However, the two sides did not continue the feel of the first half. In the middle of the third quarter, the scores of the two teams did not even reach double figures, which really made some inefficiency. The Sparks shouted a timeout when they were 19 points behind.

Li Meng still didn’t play after the suspension, but the Sparks narrowed the difference to 7 points. When the third quarter came to the last 2 minutes and 56 seconds, Li Meng finally got playing time in this quarter, and Li Meng’s performance on the court was also immediate. She assisted her teammates to score, and the score difference came to 9 points again, and the Mysteries regained control of the situation on the field. After that, Li Meng got a valuable shot. Unfortunately, Li Meng missed his jumper. In the third quarter, the Sparks scored 13 to 10 in a single quarter and entered the fourth quarter with a gap of 5 points.

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, Li Meng found a three-pointer on the outside to help the Washington Mystery Man stabilize the situation. Since then, the two sides have had a three-pointer war. The Mystery Man pulled the difference to 10 points in this melee and once again controlled the situation on the court. After that, although Li Meng missed two shots, the score difference remained at around 8 points, and the Mysteries still had the advantage on the field. After that, Li Meng was replaced after a timeout, with 4 minutes and 30 seconds left in the game, and Li Meng’s score was in double digits. Her performance in this game was perfect. However, the Sparks team was tenacious, and in the last minute and a half, they chased the score to a gap of four points. Fortunately, the Mystery Team did not lose its own position, and finally beat the Los Angeles Sparks 77-74 at home!

Strong Eagle No.20 | Opening Ceremony of Kong Jianping’s Mentor Group of Nanotechnology and the Third Strong Eagle Teacher-Student Tour

On the afternoon of March 4th, the opening ceremony of Kong Jianping’s mentor group and the third Strong Eagle Teacher-Student Tour were successfully held in Zhejiang Nano Technology Co., Ltd.. Teacher Kong Jianping, the chairman of Zhejiang Nanotechnology Co., Ltd., the founder of Rainbow Life Ideological and Political Education Platform, the founder of Qiangying, and the executive vice president of Zhejiang University’s School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, attended the event. The 19th and 20th sessions of Kong Jianping’s mentor group participated together.

At the beginning of the activity, Mr. Nova, the mentor team of Kong Jianping, introduced the six major sectors: chip, cloud computing, blockchain, AI, application and terminal.New infrastructure of meta-universe industryDevelopment opportunities; Teacher Sunny explained it for everyone from five aspects: story, style, economic dividend, innovation ability and meta-cosmic imagination space.How to do a good job in NFT project blue chip,Compared with the characteristics of Web2, this paper analyzes "why web3.0 is the future" from multiple dimensions, encourages students to publicize and innovate spontaneously, and promotes the healthy positive cycle of NFT projects.

Subsequently, the 19th student Lou Song shared with you.Innovation opportunities of NFT AMMMa Jiahao discussed with everyone.Governance problems and values of DAO creator communityIt is pointed out that DAO creator community has the characteristics of reducing management cost under the inefficient-oriented structure; Shen Yining, a 20-year student, combined his transformation experience from investment bank to content blogger and analyzed.New ideas of traffic growth in Web3 industryZhao Chengcheng introduced how his entrepreneurial project Mind Network was built.Decentralized privacy data lakeGet a place in the industry.

Finally, Mr. Kong Jianping analyzed the top ten pain points of Web3 entrepreneurship for the students, pointing out that the core value of blockchain technology is not decentralization and building a new economic model, but to form a stronger network effect and share liquidity by opening up the user system, thus creating value and income. Mr. Kong suggested that entrepreneurs should be ecological to each other, reject leverage, rely on industry dividends, adhere to the spirit of hard work, and jointly move towards the application Web3 era in the next decade.

During the opening ceremony, Mr. Ruan Junhua introduced the mental journey and value thinking of establishing the Rainbow Life Platform. Teacher Ruan put forward three suggestions for the students: attitude, persistence in long-term, unremitting efforts and courage to pay in following the great cause; Inherit, learn to carry forward the spirit of Zhejiang businessmen, understand the spiritual strength of mentors, and influence and drive more people; Grateful, grateful to the mentor’s educational feelings, grateful to the platform, but also grateful to the opportunities provided by the country and the times.

Later, Ruan Junhua expressed sincere gratitude to Kong Jianping for his re-joining and the strong support of Nanotechnology, and awarded him a letter of appointment as a mentor.

Instructor Kong Jianping issued admission notices to the students in turn and took a group photo.

knowledge gained by study

Ruan junhao

In this study, I deeply realized the rapid development of the digital age and the powerful power of scientific and technological progress. The following are my learning experiences:

As the next generation Internet, the core idea of Web3.0 is to establish a decentralized and open network ecosystem. Compared with Web1.0 and Web2.0, Web3.0 pays more attention to personal privacy protection and data security, and also pays more attention to users’ control and autonomy of data. When studying Web3.0, I deeply understand the importance of decentralization and autonomy, and realize that digital assets and digital identities will become the core content of Web3.0.

AIGC represents the development of digitalization, intelligence, connectivity and security, and is one of the four core technologies in the digital age. AIGC has a wide range of applications, including natural language processing, image recognition, machine learning and so on. When learning AIGC technology, I deeply understand the influence and importance of artificial intelligence on the future. At the same time, I also realize that the development of artificial intelligence needs a lot of data and computing power support, and blockchain technology can provide a safer and more reliable infrastructure for the development of artificial intelligence. For a person who wants to enter the field of web3.0 entrepreneurship, this is a blue ocean full of opportunities.

Finally, I want to thank Mr. Kong and Qiang Ying, who gave me a very good platform and a great learning opportunity.


First of all, I am very grateful to the activities organized by Mr. Qiang Ying and Mr. Kong, which made me learn a lot. The content shared in this activity is very diverse and rich, including the infrastructure facilities of the Metauniverse, covering the whole industry chain of chips, cloud computing, blockchain, AI, applications and terminals; There is also the blue-chip market of NFT, the rising logic of mainstream NFT (such as BYAC/Azuki) and some emerging projects. There is also a story about how the DAO organization works to create a science fiction work. In addition, there are some hard-core contents, such as transactions, private data sharing, etc. Although time is limited, I can’t fully understand them, but it also broadens my horizons, gains some new knowledge and enriches my understanding of web3.

Finally, Mr. Kong’s sharing also benefited me in particular, including the development history of web3 industry, the top ten pain points faced by entrepreneurs, the advantages and disadvantages of web2 and web3, public chain ecology, regulatory policies, opportunities for globalization and so on. Teacher Kong suggested that it is very important to choose an industry. No matter what industry you do, you can spend at least 10% of your energy on web3.

zhou weijie

This activity gave me a deeper understanding of the business of the Meta-Universe industry and the Meta-Universe track. During the activity, several students shared their own business projects, and many of the technical terms made me feel the gap between being deeply involved in an industry and understanding an industry in a simple way. Bringing in the sharer’s perspective makes me understand that the understanding of business model and the combing of industrial development logic are far more important than what technology we have mastered. We need to look at business issues from a more macro perspective and use technology to help us deepen our understanding.

In the process of sharing, Mr. Kong put forward several ideas that inspired me deeply. The first is that we should fully grasp the industry dividend, look at the industry, and then deepen the cultivation. The second is that we should think more about how to use new technologies in application scenarios that could not be realized before, instead of iterating over existing things with new technologies. I am very grateful to Qiangying for giving me this opportunity to communicate with outstanding predecessors, and I am also very grateful to Teacher Kong for taking the time to guide us.

Ouyang shengxiong

I am honored to participate in the activities of Mr. Kong’s group, which made me gain a lot. As a small white who is not specialized in the web3 industry, I have learned a lot about web3. For example, the sharing of "Governance Problems and Values of DAO" made me understand a very interesting case, in which 100 people can create a science fiction novel together. Everyone can exert their unique creativity. The introduction of Decentralized Privacy Data Lake made me understand a new form of data privacy protection. In the web1 era, our data is crawled by portals, in the web2 era, the data is held by giant companies, and in the web3 era, we can protect our privacy relatively to a greater extent through encryption services. As a person who hasn’t entered the venue yet, I think I can spend more time paying attention to the progress and dynamics of web3 later. Thank you very much, Mr. Kong.

Shan Zhang

Thank you very much for the third mentor group activity organized by Mr. Kong and Qiangying. In this activity, six guests shared their entrepreneurial experiences and experiences on the track of Web 3.0, covering the current application scene of the Metauniverse, how the financial system supports the development of Web 3.0 projects, the application and innovation of NFT technical support, the exploration of DAO community management mode, the password for realizing traffic growth and the new mode of private data management. Through these sharing, I have a deeper understanding of the Web3.0 industry. I think this decentralized idea can bring some new ideas to finance, social governance and industrial production. During the instructor’s evaluation session, Mr. Kong shared his understanding and experience of Web 3.0, covering a wide range of contents, including organizational forms, relations with the government, opportunities for Chinese entrepreneurs in this track, etc., which broadened my horizons. Dean Ruan also shared his initial intention and feeling of establishing Rainbow Life Platform and Strong Eagle, and sent a message to the students, which made me know how to be grateful and give back to the school and society while growing my own skills.

Wen Chen Yiming

The theme of this activity covers the new infrastructure of the meta-universe industry, the blue-chip road of NFT projects, the innovation opportunities in NFT AMM direction, the governance form of DAO creator community, new ideas for the growth of Web3 industry, decentralized privacy data and teacher Kong’s sharing of the industry. In the process of listening to everyone’s sharing, I learned a new organizational structure model, DAO, which is a decentralized autonomous organization. Members of the organization can freely put forward proposals and organize everyone to vote according to the importance of the proposals. It is an effective way to cooperate with like-minded people all over the world. In this way, the 19th Ma Jiahao seniors completed a book about the meta-universe, which shows that everyone can play their respective strengths in this model. In addition, some students explained the new ideas of traffic growth, including traffic entrance, activation mode, how to retain existing customers and how to let customers promote spontaneously. Finally, Mr. Kong explained to us some pain points in the web3 industry and his understanding. Through this activity, I gained a lot of knowledge about web3. Thanks to Mr. Kong and Qiang Ying for their careful preparation.

The article takes you to know what virtual human customer service is.

With the continuous development of science and technology, artificial intelligence technology is constantly changing our lives. In the business field, virtual human customer service has become an increasingly common concept. Virtual human customer service is a customer service model based on artificial intelligence and natural language processing technology, which provides customers with faster, more accurate and more efficient services by simulating human dialogue. Next, we will introduce virtual human customer service from several aspects.

Advantages of virtual human customer service

The biggest advantage of virtual human customer service is in customer service efficiency. Virtual human customer service can provide services 24 hours a day without fatigue like human customer service. At the same time, virtual human customer service can deal with the problems of multiple users at the same time, and it will not wait for one user’s problem to receive the next user like human customer service. This enables virtual human customer service to better respond to customer needs during peak hours.

In addition, virtual human customer service can also learn and optimize its own services through machine learning technology and data mining technology to improve its accuracy and service quality. This enables the service level of virtual human customer service to be continuously improved to provide customers with better service.

Application Scenarios of Virtual Human Customer Service

Virtual human customer service has been widely used in various industries, such as e-commerce, banking, medical care, insurance and so on. In the e-commerce industry, virtual human customer service can help consumers query product information, place orders, return goods and other issues; In the banking industry, virtual human customer service can help customers query account information, handle transfer, finance and other services; In the medical industry, virtual human customer service can provide online consultation, appointment registration, prescription and other services; In the insurance industry, virtual human customer service can assist customers to inquire about insurance products, claims and other issues.

No matter what industry, virtual human customer service can help enterprises improve customer service quality, reduce customer service costs and improve customer satisfaction.

Technical principle of virtual human customer service

Virtual human customer service provides users with efficient, intelligent and convenient services through NLP natural language processing, artificial intelligence, multi-round dialogue system, voice recognition technology and data analysis. One of the core technologies of virtual human customer service is NLP natural language processing technology. NLP natural language processing technology is an interdisciplinary subject in the field of computer science, which focuses on the interaction between computer and human language. NLP natural language processing technology can transform human language into a form that computers can process, thus realizing the interaction between computers and humans. When a user asks a question to the virtual human customer service, the virtual human customer service will turn the question into a form that the computer can understand, then find the best answer through machine learning and data mining technology, and finally turn the answer into natural language and reply to the user.

The Development Trend of Virtual Human Customer Service

The development trend of virtual human customer service is more and more intelligent and humanized. With the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, virtual human customer service will become more and more intelligent, better understand the needs of users and provide more personalized services. At the same time, virtual human customer service will become more and more humanized. Humanized virtual human customer service can better simulate human dialogue and make users feel more real interactive experience, thus improving users’ satisfaction.

Virtual human customer service has become a customer service model that cannot be ignored. Virtual human customer service can improve customer service efficiency, reduce enterprise costs and improve customer satisfaction. With the development of artificial intelligence technology, virtual human customer service will become more and more intelligent and humanized, providing customers with a better service experience.

Guangzhou team’s core players are concerned by European teams! U20 Asian Cup, single-handedly attacking the national football team.

Football News reported that Wei Shihao and Yan Dinghao, the two most popular international players of Guangzhou team, and Li Yang, the main central defender of last season, will join Wuhan Sanzhen, the new champion of Chinese Super League, for free. In addition, Tan Kaiyuan of Spanish Team B studying abroad, Wu Shaocong of barsac Saier in Istanbul studying abroad, and Yang Liyu who followed Beijing Guoan training. In the new season, Guangzhou team can only compete in League A with young players like Ling Jie and Ai Fielding from Evergrande Football School as the core. However, the well-known media person "Little Fox in leicester city" revealed:Eiffel may also start a trip abroad in the new season, targeting teams from five major European league countries.

Fans who are concerned about China football know that both the national U20 football team and the national U20 women’s football team are currently competing in the U20 Asian Cup-related competitions (the women’s football team is playing the first stage of the U20 Asian Cup qualifiers). Under the leadership of head coach Antonio, the U20 national football team, with Eiffel as the core of attack, unexpectedly broke out from the group of death (1-2 Japan, 2-0 Saudi Arabia, 1-1 Kyrgyzstan) and successfully advanced to the quarter-finals of the U20 Asian Cup. In these three games, Effectin started as the captain of the field. Moreover, the four goals of U20 national football team in three games are all related to it. It can be said that he is the present U20 pretended attack engine.

In the quarter-finals of the U20 Asian Cup, the U20 national football team will face the test of the old rival South Korea. In this game, Eiffel will continue to start as the captain if there is no accident. The fans are all looking forward to Effectin, and he can still create an opportunity for U20 national football team to break the South Korean team with his own personal ability in this game. Even won the Korean team to advance to the semi-finals. In that case, the U20 national football team will enter the World Youth Championship again after 18 years, so that fans can relive the glory of the 2005 World Youth Championship.

Just seven hours before the start of the game, the well-known sports media person "leicester city’s Little Fox" broke the news: "Eiffel has been in contact with foreign teams. Moreover, Guo Wei’s teams are now paying attention to his performance. It used to be a Nordic team, but now it is a team from five major league countries.

Although, it is not the team of the five major leagues, but the team of the five major league countries. However, for 19-year-old Effectin, it is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Therefore, the World War I with South Korea has also become an excellent opportunity for Effectin to show himself. As the future star of China football, fans also hope that he can become famous in this game, thus starting his journey abroad. For the rise of China football, we should seek for real professional football, instead of staying in the colorful vats of China A and China Super League.