Li Xueyong: In the era when you can’t afford to roll up and lie flat, the size of light off-road vehicles will reach 2 million

  "This is an era when you can’t afford to roll up and lie flat. More people choose to live a quality life that they think is more valuable." Li Xueyong, deputy general manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd., general manager of Chery Automobile Marketing Company and general manager of Jietu Automobile, said, "About 200,000 light off-road vehicles can better help users to pursue poetry and distance."

  During the Chengdu Auto Show in 2023, Jetway Traveler officially appeared and started the pre-sale. The price of the new car was 140,900-180,900 yuan. According to reports, travelers are positioned as "travel off-road SUVs", which have both the comfort of urban SUVs and certain off-road capabilities, and are suitable for multi-road travel. "Jetway is represented by travelers, representing travel and off-road, representing future light off-road cars and more traveling cars."

  Create travelers with users to continue their travel+positioning.

  Compared with traditional hard-core off-road vehicles, light off-road vehicles have better fuel consumption performance, and compared with urban SUVs, light off-road vehicles have better passability and ability to get rid of difficulties. The traveler positioned as "Travel Off-road SUV" continues the positioning of Travel+and is equipped with XWD fully automatic intelligent four-wheel drive system.

Li Xueyong: In the era when you can't afford to roll up and lie flat, the size of light off-road vehicles will reach 2 million _fororder_image001

Zhang Chunwei, Assistant General Manager of Jietu Automobile and General Manager of Jietu Automobile Marketing Company

  "XWD is the sixth-generation four-wheel drive technology of Borg Warner, which can automatically get rid of difficulties. It has two electronic locks, namely an electronic limited slip differential and an intelligent torque manager. Through electronic identification, its automatic intervention time is within 0.1s " In addition, the torsional stiffness of the traveler’s body is 31000Nm/deg. After being in harsh environments such as desert and Gobi, travelers can achieve a climbing degree of 45. The wading depth can reach 70cm. From the perspective of power selection, Jetway Traveler has two versions: fuel and hybrid. Among them, the power of 2.0T engine is 187kW and the torque reaches 390 N m.. According to Li Xueyong, the XWD fully automatic intelligent four-wheel drive system carried by travelers has a good ability to get rid of difficulties.

Li Xueyong: In the era when you can't afford to roll up and lie flat, the size of light off-road vehicles will reach 2 million _fororder_image002

  Regarding the question of why there are no girders, Li Xueyong said, "Without girders, driving will be more comfortable and fuel consumption will be lower. The fuel consumption of travelers is basically about 9 oils. There is no problem in walking in the city. If you want to cross-country, you will cross-country. " At the same time, Voyager is still a model created with users. To this end, Jietu has also set up a user-created organization in the R&D department and the marketing department. The launch time of the car is tentatively scheduled for September 20th, and the official delivery time is scheduled for around October 10th.

  Light off-road vehicles will reach 2 million in 1-2 years.

  "We were the Weining brand, the champion of Dakar Rally, and the Ring Tower Rally. Tiggo was also the champion. Therefore, our training ability and cross-country ability in the whole chassis have a history of 20 years. Therefore, I think that Chery has to talk about "genes" and it is based on global cross-country genes. " Li Xueyong said.

  In the past two years, many car companies have launched light off-road vehicles, and their appearance has gradually become square and tough. Zhang Chunwei, assistant general manager of Jietu Automobile and general manager of Jietu Automobile Marketing Company, believes that "in the past, people didn’t see this kind of hard-core car, and the aesthetic fatigue of round cars will stimulate some demand."

Li Xueyong: In the era when you can't afford to roll up and lie flat, the size of light off-road vehicles will reach 2 million _fororder_image003

  2010-2012 is the era of the rise of SUV in China. In 2015 and 2016, the sales volume climbed, accounting for half of the cars. "Now many people don’t buy city SUVs directly, but buy light off-road cars directly to meet their own needs." No matter from the economic and social background, user choice and product changes, I think light off-road SUV is not the Red Sea, and it will have a good development momentum at least in the next five years. Li Xueyong said that the light off-road market is not small, and he predicted that its market capacity will exceed 2 million vehicles in 1-2 years.

  In 2030, fuel vehicles will still have at least 30% market share.

  From 2019 to 2022, Jietu’s export sales have reached nearly 50,000 units, and this year’s export sales are expected to be between 120,000 and 150,000, mainly including overseas markets such as the Middle East, South America and Africa, as well as some markets in the European Union.

Li Xueyong: In the era when you can't afford to roll up and lie flat, the size of light off-road vehicles will reach 2 million _fororder_image004

  Based on the export of the whole Chery Group, Chery is also building globalization of product development, brand building, user operation and maintenance, digital marketing and new media. "The whole Jietu Division has fully verified the high degree of domestic and international collaboration, institutional collaboration, personnel collaboration and functional collaboration, so I think we will explore a brand-new model, which will enable a real brand to globalize faster."

  At present, the division of labor among brands under Chery Group is also very clear. "From the perspective of existing brands, Chery is a pragmatic family and builds cars for the public; Starway is high-end; Jietu represents off-road and travel, and there will be pickup trucks behind it, as well as more off-road cars with girders; ICAR is a pure electric, intelligent, electric and technological car. "

  Regarding the development trend of the fuel vehicle market, Li Xueyong believes that "even after 10 years, or in 2030, there will be at least 30% fuel vehicles. There are more than 20 million markets in China, which means that 67 million are fuel vehicles. I think this number will last for some time unless there is a fundamental structural change in the energy storage cost of the battery. " In addition, Chery will release a new energy brand series focusing on hybrids in December. "Jietu will also release a new energy brand series focusing on hybrids. You can also understand that Chery already has three series of Tiggo, Arrizo and Exploration, which may be the fourth series. For Jetway, it already has X70 and X90 series, all of which are based on Jetway’s DNA and system, Jetway’s marketing system and Jetway’s brand system. " (Photo: provided by Jietu Automobile)

Lotus, sugar cane, papaya … Many southern fruits are planted here in winter. Come and have a look!

Kebai Technology’s newly built 30,000-square-meter large-scale intelligent multi-span glass greenhouse for Internet of Things.
Kebai Technology, located in Yangzhuang Town, Laiwu District, Jinan City, Shandong Province, is a smart agricultural company. They used smart agriculture to realize large-scale successful planting of various southern fruits in the north. A few days ago, the mass newspaper and rural mass reporters visited it and felt the shock brought by smart agriculture at close range.
Scientific research achievements have landed,
Jianqi wisdom industrial park
"Our park is a practical application exhibition base for the practical production of smart agriculture. The planned total investment of the park is 650 million yuan, and now it is mainly divided into two parts. Together, it is an agricultural big data center, and together it is a 20,000-mu precision and digital agricultural planting park. There are several types of new greenhouses here. Some are earth-back-wall greenhouses suitable for areas with low temperature or large temperature difference between day and night, some are new material greenhouses that can effectively save land space, and there are high-standard plexiglass greenhouses. It can basically represent the greenhouses needed by various geographical features in China. I will take you to the scene later. " On November 25, in the office of Jinan Kebai Smart Agriculture Industrial Park, Liu Xinyuan, the chief agronomist of the park, pointed to a row of greenhouses not far away and said with a smile.
Following the guidance of Liu Xinyuan, the reporter looked out, and the original thick and neatly arranged greenhouses were indeed different.
Liu Xinyuan introduced that although these greenhouses are different in materials and styles, they have one thing in common. They have all installed various agricultural Internet of Things detection and control equipment produced by Kebai, all of which use wireless detection, wireless transmission and wireless control to implement automatic management and operation of agricultural Internet of Things.
"To build these greenhouses with different styles, our purpose is to apply all kinds of high-tech data achievements in the laboratory to production, so that smart agriculture can blossom and bear fruit wherever it goes. Let the world have no crops that are difficult to grow. " Liu Xinyuan walked towards the greenhouse with the reporter and said confidently.
Smart agriculture helps,
South guoaishang north di
While speaking, Liu Xinyuan took the reporter into a common winter warm shed in the north. A damp and warm air came to my face, and the fruit trees in the shed were lush and shiny.
The expansion piece in Liu Xinyuan’s mobile phone is full of a tree of lotus mist, which is really gratifying to watch.
"This shed covers an area of 1.5 mu, and 68 red emerald lotus trees have been planted, all of which are seedlings from Guangdong. Although the planting range has moved to the north by 14 latitudes, we can accurately control the most suitable environment for the growth of lotus fog in the greenhouse by leveraging Kebai’s agricultural special Internet of Things automation management and agricultural big data cloud platform. It is better to ensure that the lotus leaves bear fruit many times a year, and the yield and quality are higher than those in the south. " Liu Xinyuan said that he opened the photo album of his mobile phone and opened a photo. I saw a lotus tree full of fruits, one by one like a red lantern is gratifying.
"You see, this is the tree in the photo. From March this year, the first crop of buds has been planted, and by the end of August, two crops have been planted, each with 40 to 50 kilograms. You sweep this, and all the information of this lotus mist can be seen. " Liu Xinyuan pointed to a small two-dimensional code card hanging on the tree.
Where did all this information come from?
Liu Xinyuan pointed out the detection and control facilities installed in several places in the greenhouse for the reporter to see.
The greenhouse is covered with various monitors to provide technical support for the growth of lotus fog.
It turns out that there are many secret weapons hidden in the greenhouse, which are the infrastructure of Kebai Agricultural Internet of Things and Agricultural Big Data Cloud Platform.
There are various clips on the leaves and stems of a lotus tree. Liu Xinyuan said that this is a sensor for monitoring plant growth, which can monitor leaf temperature and humidity, fruit diameter and stem growth in real time and interpret plant growth. Compare under what environment, plants grow fastest and fruits grow fastest. In addition, meteorological sensors are installed in the park to monitor air temperature and humidity, rainfall, wind speed and direction, carbon dioxide, etc. Soil and air sensors are also installed in the shed to obtain the real temperature, moisture, humidity, PH value and EC value of the soil and the air temperature and humidity.
The data collected by these sensors will be uploaded to the agricultural big data cloud platform through the wireless transmission system using the 5G base station. After analysis and calculation, a most suitable model for plant growth will be formed. Once this mode is determined, once there is a deviation between the real-time environment in the shed and the mode environment, the system will automatically give instructions to adjust the real-time environment to the best through measures such as ventilation, water spraying, watering and fertilization.
"It is with these guarantees that we can ensure the healthy growth of southern fruits in the north, and the yield per mu is higher than that in the south and the quality is good." Liu Xinyuan proudly said that there are 19 such sheds in their park, totaling 200 mu, plus a glass multi-span greenhouse that is not fully put into use and covers an area of 30,000 square meters. It only takes eight people to manage these.
I didn’t see the lotus mist hanging fruit, and the reporter and his party were a little lost. Liu Xinyuan invited us to see some more sheds. "I’ll show you the results of papaya and lemon in those sheds."
Liu Xinyuan told reporters that papaya grows from below, which is the photo of him and the first batch of papaya this year.
Walking into the papaya shed, everyone immediately got excited. I saw a papaya forest with fruitful results. The reporter roughly counted that an ordinary papaya here can bear hundreds of papaya, and the papaya here has three or four kilograms after maturity, and the output is amazing.
Liu Xinyuan introduced that in recent years, there has been a small upsurge of planting southern fruits in the north, but due to some objective factors, at present, many growers and parks can only introduce several common general southern fruits. However, with the help of smart agriculture and big data of the Internet of Things, Kebai Smart Park has successfully planted nearly ten kinds of southern characteristic fruits such as lotus, litchi, papaya, longan, lemon and sugarcane on a large scale.
The sugar cane planted in the park can be cut down, which is especially sweet.
Subvert traditional agriculture,
Make agricultural production lighter, simpler and more efficient
"Planting in the south and planting in the north must be a minority. Our goal is to apply smart agriculture to traditional agriculture, especially local leading industries, so that agricultural production is lighter, simpler and more efficient." Walking out of the south fruit and north planting greenhouse, Liu Xinyuan took us to a ginger field that was harvested soon.
Laiwu is a famous ginger producing area in China. This year, Liu Xinyuan led his team to apply smart agriculture to ginger production.
Outside this 3-acre open-air ginger field, there stands an iron guy, and the wind leaves on it are whirring. Cao Yaopeng, a big data agronomist in charge of digital planting management in the park, introduced that this is a scientific and technological equipment integrating weather stations and micro-base stations of the Internet of Things. Including the data in the Nanguo North Seed Greenhouse that I just visited, were uploaded through it.
This year, Liu Xinyuan led his team to apply smart agriculture to ginger production.
Walking into Jiangtian, I saw water and fertilizer integrated facilities on the ground, and more than ten wireless sensors were inserted in the soil. The air temperature and humidity, air pressure, carbon dioxide, water and fertilizer in Jiangtian will transmit data to the big data center through sensors. The system will automatically give instructions for watering, fertilizing and shading according to the most suitable growth parameters of ginger. If there are signs of pests and diseases, an early warning will be issued.
"Ginger is shade-tolerant, but it also needs plenty of light. The automatic sunshade net erected above Jiangtian will be automatically opened or closed according to the data comparison. " Cao Yaopeng said, "The whole process takes a short time, only about ten minutes, which is very convenient."
Said, Cao Yaopeng opened the mobile app to demonstrate the automatic opening and closing of the sunshade net for us. "When there are crops in the field, we don’t need human operation, and the sunshade net will automatically open and close according to data analysis. Now these 3 acres of ginger fields, except for sowing and harvesting, have all been automated. "
3 acres of ginger fields, what is the output?
"The average yield per mu is 12,500 Jin, which is 20% higher than that of traditional local planting. Moreover, according to the detection data of the Internet of Things, accurate management is carried out, and pests and diseases are prevented in advance according to the early warning, and the produced ginger is very safe. " The application of smart agriculture to ginger production was a great success for the first time, which made Liu Xinyuan look forward to helping more ginger farmers to simplify production in the future.
After the automatic control mode of ginger is determined, after the ginger farmers install relevant facilities in the ginger field, farmers only need to check the field environment at home and on their mobile phones, and combine the planting suggestions provided by the Agricultural Big Data Center to remotely control various agricultural equipment such as water and fertilizer irrigation and shading in the park. Ginger seeds can be easily planted.
It is noon to leave Kebai Technology. Looking back at the park, the newly built 30,000-square-meter large-scale intelligent multi-span glass greenhouse of the Internet of Things is shining, and the banner hanging on the external wall "Let there be no crops difficult to grow in the world" is particularly dazzling.
Mass Newspaper and Rural Mass Reporter Ji Feiyan

The spring of the new car "algorithm school" is coming.

China people’s car preference has changed.
In 2021, a research report on China’s new car purchase intention released by the market research institute J.D. Power showed that nearly a quarter of the people who had the intention to buy a car within six months took intelligent experience as the most important decision-making factor.
Among the seven factors that affect car purchase decision, intelligent car experience accounts for 14% of the weight, and 24% of prospective car buyers think that intelligent car experience is their most important car purchase consideration. At the same time, the lack of new technology has become the third biggest concern of potential customers.
This year, this report reveals a new trend: compared with other age groups, the post-95 s pay more attention to intelligence when buying a car.
The two reports released a clear signal,Nowadays, the concept of car purchase of China consumers is six words: no intelligence, no money.
What exactly is a "smart" car? Simply put, internally, the cockpit should be advanced enough; Externally, you should be smart enough to drive.
Under the guidance of the banner of changing car buying preferences, computing power has become new horsepower and intelligence has become new performance.The ability of a car’s intelligent driving system has become the most important business card of this car company in the new automobile era.
So, what should a "good" intelligent driving system look like?
In the early days, before the algorithm was mature, it was compared with the ability to pile up hardware: lidar, large computing chip, high-pixel camera, and other high-standard hardware. When evaluating the intelligent driving system, consumers mostly focus on the number of hardware.
A relatively backward cognition of intelligent driving is: hardware cow = good experience.
There is nothing wrong with this idea. After all, the hardware determines the lower limit of the capability of a smart driving system.
However, with the rapid popularization of smart electric vehicles in China, consumers in China have gradually realized that hardware can’t be exchanged for experience. Moreover, as long as these hardware are willing to pay, any car company can buy them from suppliers.
The real hero behind a safe, stable and comprehensive intelligent driving system is actually the master of metaphysics that users can’t see or touch: algorithm.
What is an algorithm? You can imagine that a symphony orchestra without a professional conductor, even if every position is filled with masters of musical instruments, can only piece together a chaotic performance with different tunes and no rules.
The algorithm is this "professional conductor".Only by using algorithms to "light up" the hardware such as lidar, chip and camera can they maximize their efficiency in a set of intelligent driving system.
He who gets the algorithm wins the world.
As we all know, the complete process of autonomous driving is: perception, decision-making and control.
Perception is that all kinds of sensors work continuously to collect the information of the vehicle itself and the outside; Decision-making is the vehicle computing unit, which analyzes the information obtained by the sensor according to the existing algorithm and makes a decision suitable for the current situation; Control is based on the decision-making plan, instead of the driver, to control the acceleration, braking, steering range, lighting and other driving actions of the vehicle.
Perception system is equal to the driver’s eyes, decision system is equal to the driver’s brain, and control system is equal to the driver’s hands and feet.
Algorithm is the decisive factor of the intelligence of the "brain" of the decision-making system: the basis of automatic driving is the large-scale deployment of the algorithm. From the feature extraction of the sensing link to the decision-making of the neural network, it is necessary to rely on the improvement of the algorithm to improve the accuracy of obstacle detection and the decision-making ability in complex scenes.
Autopilot domain algorithms are generally divided into three types: perception algorithm, fusion algorithm and execution algorithm.
Perception algorithm is to transform sensor data into machine language of vehicle scene, such as object detection, recognition and tracking, 3D environment modeling, object motion estimation and so on.
The fusion algorithm is to process the data of different dimensions, such as images or point clouds, obtained by different sensors in a unified way, so as to provide decision-making basis for the vehicle computing unit.
Among them, the fusion algorithm is divided into two paths: pre-fusion and post-fusion.
To put it simply, the pre-fusion algorithm is to make fresh dishes and fry all kinds of ingredients (raw data) before serving; The post-fusion algorithm is to pre-prepare dishes, and heat them before serving them (raw data).
Both algorithms have advantages and disadvantages.
Pre-fusion requires higher hardware computing power because different types of data sources have to be processed at the same time. Moreover, the neural network has a very low probability of misjudgment, and another redundant system is needed for verification. This complex, sophisticated and evolving AI algorithm can’t be imported, which puts forward new standards for the self-research ability of car companies.
Post-fusion is limited by the upper limit of the ability of a single type of sensor, which leads to occasional missed detection or false detection under certain conditions. For example, radar can easily determine the distance and position, but it is not good at judging color and texture, and it can’t recognize text information. Cross-validation of multiple types of sensors is needed to ensure the effective intelligent driving function under different environmental conditions.
Is it possible to really "fuse" the pre-and post-fusion algorithms, use their strengths and avoid their weaknesses?
The answer is: of course.
Full fusion algorithm(Full Fusion) came into being under this technical background. Internationally, Mercedes-Benz and Volvo, two major manufacturers, have announced the entry of fully integrated algorithms to attack high-level intelligent driving along this route, but there is still a long way to go before they can be delivered. In China, Feifan Automobile, a new vehicle-making force backed by SAIC, has taken the lead, not only becoming the first automobile brand in the industry to launch a fully integrated algorithm, but also taking the lead in mass production and delivery on Feifan R7 delivered in late October this year, with its RISING PILOT fully integrating the high-speed pilot function of high-order intelligent driving system.
Theoretically, the "total fusion" refers to the comprehensive comparison of the detection results output by pre-fusion combination, multi-task, multi-feature network and deep neural network with the detection results independently output by post-fusion multiple sensors, so as to realize hybrid fusion, and relying on the safe and redundant deployment of high-bandwidth and supercomputing chip platform, a whole set of actions such as perception, fusion, prediction, decision-making and execution can be completed within milliseconds through triple fusion.
It is easier to understand that the user ordered a "dish" called Zhijia and sent it to the front. The kitchen has both prepared dishes and prefabricated dishes. The chef will select and blend the dishes according to the actual situation, and the ultimate goal is to let the users get a meal experience with good color and flavor.
According to public information, Feifan Automobile is a data-driven automobile technology company established in November 2021 and relying on user orientation. Feifan R7 is the first model of Feifan automobile after independence.
Seeing this, you may have a question. Less than a year after independent operation, how can Feifan Automobile hand over the more advanced intelligent driving system than overseas car companies? Does this system rely on piling up conceptual terms to fool people’s futures, or is it a down-to-earth and reliable spot?
No matter how much you say, it is not as convincing as the actual measurement.
According to the comprehensive measurement of domestic media in specific scenes such as ramp and lane change, the RISING PILOT on Feifan R7 has performed well in both the success rate and stability, which is the result of more than 900 day and night battles of Feifan Auto’s 500-person self-developed team.The advantages are relatively obvious in the identification of many intelligent driving scenes, which are generally regarded as difficulties in the industry.Among them, I was deeply impressed by three points:
The first scene is the accurate identification of ramp, especially the triangle area of multi-fork ramp.
Compared with the unstable performance of the existing intelligent driving system in the market for ramp identification, RISING PILOT can identify the triangle area of the ramp in advance in a farther place, reserve more lane space and action execution time for lane change, and avoid the thrilling scenes such as recognition failure, handing over control rights, or sharply slowing down from the fast lane and merging into the low-speed ramp in a short time.
The second is the recognition and perception of static roadblocks.
In the past year, there have been many collisions of intelligent electric vehicles at home and abroad because they can’t identify the static roadblocks in the construction area. In fact, this scene has always been the capacity vacuum zone of the existing intelligent driving system. Under the action of 4D imaging radar, RISING PILOT can detect the construction area as far as 500 meters in advance, accurately identify static obstacles, even if only ice cream cones or construction signs can be accurately identified in advance, and realize early avoidance through full fusion algorithm and rapid response.
The third is to take the initiative to change lanes and overtake.
The general intelligent driving system often fails to identify and avoid in advance when the front car changes lanes and draws dragons or the large car in front of the side suddenly appears. Only when the distance between the two cars is close enough, the system will intervene in the work, or give an early warning, or suddenly avoid, and a slight shift of attention will lead to rubbing and scratching, which has certain security risks.
The practice of RISING PILOT is to monitor the real-time speed difference while sensing the road 360 degrees without dead angle. When encountering a conflict scene, put safety first, and adopt a seemingly "conservative" execution strategy at the first time, that is, keep a safe distance from the surrounding vehicles, let the conflicting vehicles go first, and then complete the follow-up actions such as changing lanes. Logically speaking, the strategic thinking is closer to the experience of human drivers-avoiding risks without making risks.
Of course, even if RISING PILOT behaves like this, it can’t satisfy all users’ tastes. Therefore, Feifan Auto specially added the self-adjustable MY PILOT to support users to switch between various driving modes such as comfort, standard and sports. Different modes have obvious differences in lane change strategies and driving styles to cope with the same traffic conditions, so as to adapt to the individual demands of different users and different road conditions.
From the media measurements, you will find that,RISING PILOT ran very happily and smoothly on the road in China. The reason is very simple. RISING PILOT is fed by Feifan automobile with the actual running data of China road, one kilometer at a time.Before delivery, the measured mileage of RISING PILOT on China Expressway totaled more than 170,000 kilometers, and the overall test mileage exceeded 400,000 kilometers, which was much more than the total mileage driven by many users before changing trains.
Hardware, can’t fall behind.
It is not enough to embed the basic hardware in order to get a certain leading position in the very "rolling" China automobile intelligent driving track. Only by embedding the hardware ahead of the times like Feifan Automobile and providing the foundation for the higher-order algorithm to play its role, can we seize the first-Mover advantage window and firmly lay our own anchor point in the fast-moving industry iteration tide.
Speaking of advanced hardware, "Wei Xiaoli" always seems to be able to grab all kinds of world firsts, such as NVIDIA Orin X autopilot chip and Innovusion 1550nm lidar. Yes, as a new force to build cars, these three companies did occupy the first time window of many smart driving hardware, but this does not mean that only these three companies are busy putting advanced hardware into new cars. The efforts and positive momentum of Feifan Automobile are not worse than "Wei Xiaoli".
First of all, win in number.
Feifan R7 is equipped with 33 sensing hardware, the first domestic mass-produced Premium 4D imaging radar, enhanced long-range point cloud angle radar, 8-megapixel camera and centimeter-level high-precision positioning system.
Secondly, the quality is superior.
For example, the 4D imaging radar, the top sensor that can identify coke cans 140 meters away, was first used in China on Feifan R7.
Premium 4D imaging radar can sense data in four latitudes: distance, speed, horizontal azimuth and vertical height, and adds "detecting the vertical height of objects" on the basis of 3D radar. Compared with millimeter-wave radar, 4D radar improves the detection rate of static obstacles by increasing the number of transmitting and receiving channels, providing point cloud function and outputting four indicators of X, Y, H and V (distance, horizontal and vertical positioning height and speed). At the same time, the detection distance of Premium 4D imaging radar is 350 meters, which is higher than 210 meters of ordinary millimeter wave radar, and it can operate normally in extreme weather and poor lighting conditions.
Twelve 8-megapixel cameras can perceive the whole range around the vehicle in 360 degrees, and the perception content of dynamic traffic participants, static lane lines, ground signs, traffic lights, speed limit signs and other traffic elements is more granular. Moreover, the 8-megapixel camera can achieve a higher dynamic range (HDR) and a stronger LED strobe elimination function (LFM).
In the end, I won in calculation.
Feifan R7 is equipped with NVIDIA Orin X chip, and the computing power of a single chip is 254TOPS, which meets the computing power requirements of the existing platform, and lays a solid foundation for data iteration and algorithm iteration to achieve a higher level of assisted driving.
Undoubtedly, it is not enough to embed the basic hardware. Only by embedding the hardware that is ahead of the times, like Feifan Automobile, can we seize the first-Mover advantage window and firmly lay our own anchor point in the rapid progress of industry iteration.
Write it at the end
The final battle of driving assistance ability is essentially a comprehensive competition of hard and soft. On the premise of the same hardware level, the key to winning is the software level. The algorithm level of software is the core of the solution to realize functional differences. On RISING PILOT, you will see that Feifan Automobile has put the "fully integrated" algorithm route on the stage.
Faster than international manufacturers, because Feifan Automobile has done three things right: First, it will start research and development in the field of intelligent driving in 2020, which is very close to the route of "Wei Xiaoli" turning to self-research, which is consistent with the rhythm of the industry head; Second, a 500-person high-level intelligent driving talent pool was established, and at the same time, project teams were deployed in several cities in China to carry out research and development and improvement centering on the localization scenes and needs of China users; Third, it is deeply bound with the top suppliers in the world such as LUMINAR, NVIDIA and ZF, and presses the acceleration button for the whole process based on the full value chain integration and mass production experience of SAIC.
But why wait until this year? Because Feifan Automobile, as a mature car-making company, doesn’t want to deliver "semi-finished products" to users, so it chooses to use time and a lot of road tests to precipitate data and correct products. The final result is that Feifan Automobile has made a RISING PILOT with its own style. As Wu Bing, CEO of Feifan Automobile, said at Chengdu Auto Show, "Be a big shot, not a big mouth".
China consumers will buy this RISING PILOT system, which was born and raised in Sri Lanka. We can’t give a definite answer before delivery, but what we can be sure of now is that,The "algorithm school" represented by Feifan Automobile is striding towards the center of the stage of the era of intelligent electric vehicles.

Cheating in the exam less than 10 days after admission, 3 freshmen were punished and 1 dropped out.

  Three students were punished for cheating in the exam less than 10 days after they entered school. Among the three students, one student who was detained for probation chose to drop out of school and reread high school. This incident caused a sensation among the teachers and students of Tianjin University, and "shock" and "pity" became a common reflection.

  Tracking: cheating in exams exposes lack of integrity

  Not long ago, Tianjin University issued a disciplinary decision, which punished three freshmen of 2008 who cheated in the professional examination at the beginning of the semester, one with a serious warning and two with probation. The disciplinary decision was posted in front of the school office building, but the names of the three students were not disclosed. A warning was added to the disciplinary decision: recently, three students violated the Regulations on Undergraduate Management of Tianjin University and the Interim Provisions on Undergraduate Examination of Tianjin University, exposing some students’ moral deficiencies such as honesty. Honesty, trustworthiness and no fraud are the bottom line of Tiandeng’s professional ethics, and I hope everyone will take it as a warning.

  Principal: Serious handling is strict for love.

  President Gong Ke spoke frankly about the cheating of freshmen, calling it a disgrace. He said: "I sincerely hope that students will be brave after knowing shame!" "

  "Less than 10 days after the freshmen of 2008 entered the school, such a serious examination violation occurred, which was seriously dealt with by the school discipline. As the principal, I am very sad!" Gong Ke, president of Tianjin University, said, "Honesty is the bottom line of human beings and the foundation of social fairness and harmony. As Tianjin University, which trains high-quality innovative talents, we have always adhered to the "double strictness" principle of "rigorous scholarship and strict teaching requirements" to cultivate the integrity of teachers and students, and there is no room for accommodation on the "bottom line". Cheating in exams is a reflection of students’ lack of honesty, which undermines the fairness and seriousness of school exams. If we are soft-hearted in dealing with this problem, it will not only affect the growth of students, damage the reputation of the school, but also’ cast’ a great disaster that will ruin the social atmosphere. "

  "Tianjin University’s scholarship policy of" rigorous scholarship and strict teaching requirements "is aimed at every teacher and student at school, and no one can be an exception." Gong Ke said, "The seemingly harsh punishment of’ lax teaching and lazy teachers’ is not strict for’ strictness’, but strict for love. The’ double strictness’ has created the historical glory of Tianjin University and made millions of alumni who have made brilliant achievements in all walks of life. Tianjin University should and must be strict. This is responsible for the history of Tianjin University, for the national goal of cultivating innovative talents, and for the life of every university student! "

  Academic Affairs Office: Examination discipline is the high-voltage line.

  "In the process of understanding the situation, we found that some students developed bad habits such as cheating in exams and plagiarizing homework before entering the university, and they have never been punished accordingly, so they have a fluky psychology and think that they can do the same in the university." The relevant person in charge of the Academic Affairs Office of Tianjin University said, "In Tianjin University, examination discipline is a high-voltage line, so you can’t touch it!"

  Teachers and students reflect: It’s really not worth it.

  Freshmen who just entered the school were punished for violating the examination discipline, which caused quite a stir on the campus of Tianjin University, and "shock" and "pity" became common voices. "After studying hard for three years, I finally got into the university, but I was punished for cheating. It’s really worthless." A student of Tianjin University said.

  "This is a lesson for everyone. Just knowing this, including college leaders, counselors and students, was shocked and touched each of us very much. " The counselor of the punished student said, "But calm down, this is not necessarily a’ bad thing’."

  It is understood that after the incident, President Gong Ke had a face-to-face communication with the three punished freshmen.

  "One of the students who was punished by staying in school chose to drop out of school and reread high school, but I still kept in touch with him and encouraged him to be admitted to his ideal university again. The other two students are very energetic at present, saying that they will correct their mistakes through hard work. " A counselor said, "These two students now have a goal, that is, to become an’ excellent student’ through their own efforts, and to walk into the principal’s office again as an’ excellent student’ and have a heart-to-heart talk with the principal!" (Liu Xiaoyan Meng Zhaoxi)

Editor: Wang Jiaolong

Crimes against the world are numerous-the beginning of American military hegemony

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 6th (international observation) Crimes against the world are numerous — — The beginning of American military hegemony

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Si Zhu Ruiqing

  "This country was established through a ruthless and soul-destroying war. Only by recognizing this can we understand the past and present of the United States. " Holger Hawke, a German historian, wrote in The Scar of America: The War of Independence and the Violent Gene of American Politics.

  The history of the founding and development of the United States coincides with its historical pace of war and expansion. Since its independence for more than 240 years, the United States, with its colonial genes and imperial dreams, has evolved from a new political power in a corner of North America to a global military hegemony through continuous wars and military expansion, and has used hegemony to bully and bully.

  Countless facts tell the world that America’s military hegemonic behavior of bullying and usurping power violates the general trend of peace and development, brings great catastrophe and endless harm to many countries, is the main source of world unrest and the biggest challenge that threatens the civilization and progress of human society.

  "Destiny is Destined by Heaven": Spiritual Hypothesis Supporting Hegemony

  The United States boasts itself as a "city on the top of a mountain", while Americans regard themselves as "God’s voters" and think that the United States is a country with a "destiny". For hundreds of years, Americans have given so-called "legitimacy" and "sanctity" to American military expansion and hegemony.

  According to the report "The Origin, Reality and Harm of American Military Hegemony" issued by Xinhua News Agency’s national high-end think tank (referred to as the report), the United States relied on force to expand continuously, and used the US-Mexico War and the Spanish-American War to expand westward and seaward. After two world wars, it rose to become a global superpower and formed a dominant unipolar hegemony after the Cold War. In the process of the United States moving towards global military hegemony, the theory of "Destiny by Heaven" has always provided a mental hypothesis and an excuse for action for the United States to develop and consolidate its military hegemony, and has constantly influenced American policies and behaviors — — It is not only the basis and excuse of using military means to expand territory and violently persecute aborigines in American history, but also the ideological root of the United States’ struggle for world dominance, exporting values and foreign military intervention since the 20th century.

  George Herring, an American diplomatic scholar, once pointed out that from expelling Native Americans, seizing one-third of Mexico’s territory, colonizing Filipinos and Puerto Ricans, and invading Iraq in 2003, "the United States ‘ Great mission ’ The understanding has been used to rationalize its military expansion. "

  In addition, Americans are constantly trying to find a theoretical basis for their own expansion behavior. Social Darwinists in the United States say that countries, like nature, follow the law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest. Scholars of international relations put forward hegemonic stability theory, democratic peace theory and so on, advocating that the unipolar system of the world led by the United States can bring lasting peace.

  The report holds that, in fact, these arguments can’t stand the test of history and reality. No matter how they are changed, they are all theories that defend and serve the military hegemony and interests of the United States, and their core reflects the imperial thoughts of the United States of belligerence, expansion, intervention and moral whitewash.

  Soft and Hard: Various Means to Maintain Hegemony

  "War has become an inseparable part of this country’s history. Rather than saying that the United States has been at war since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, it is better to say that the war itself created the United States. The war fought by the United States has made the United States today and will also shape the future United States. " French historian Thomas Rabineau described the "unbreakable" relationship between the United States and the war.

  War and military action are the most direct means for the United States to maintain its military hegemony. In its more than 240-year history, the United States has not fought for less than 20 years, making it the most combative country in the history of the world. Through successive wars, the United States laid military bases covering the whole world as strategic anchor points to control the world, regarded Latin American and Caribbean countries as "backyards", controlled the geopolitical throats of Eurasia such as the Middle East, deployed troops to Africa, and controlled important resources and raw materials by military means.

  According to a 2021 study by Quincy Institute of Governing the Country, an American think tank, at present, the United States has 750 military bases in 80 overseas countries and regions, almost three times the number of American embassies, consulates and missions abroad, and the annual operating cost may be as high as 55 billion US dollars. Since 2001 alone, overseas military bases have supported the United States in launching wars or military operations in at least 25 countries.

  The report pointed out that in order to maintain global military hegemony, the United States not only directly controls it by launching or intervening in wars, laying a global network of military bases, but also indirectly controls it by building an alliance system and using rules and mechanisms.

  Marked by the establishment of NATO in 1949, the United States began to build a military alliance, and then established bilateral alliances such as the United States, the Philippines, the United States and Japan, and the United States and South Korea, in an attempt to gain the overall military strength advantage through alliance so as to deter opponents and realize their own political and security interests. Nowadays, more and more countries find that the alliance system is actually a tool for the United States to maintain military hegemony, and as an "ally", it has to obey the will of the United States. As Sevim Dagdelen, a member of the German Bundestag, said, "What the United States wants is not an ally, but a loyal servant."

  Various rules and mechanisms are another important means of stealth control in the United States, such as using laws and regulations such as the Export Management Regulations and the Arms Export Control Law to build a dual-use and military export control system; Establish legislation in specific areas such as the Atomic Energy Law; Establish or lead multilateral mechanisms such as Paris Coordinating Committee, Missile Technology Control Regime and Wassenaar Arrangement. The existence of these international rules and mechanisms essentially serves American security interests.

  In recent years, Americans have also concocted the phrase "rules-based international order" to beautify packaging hegemonism. Alexander gusev, director of the Russian Institute of Strategic Planning and Forecasting, pointed out that the United States deliberately keeps the definition of "rules-based international order" vague, because the less specific these so-called "rules" are, the more it can "dress up" them at will. Once a country violates the will of the United States, the United States will accuse it of "violating the rules" and there is reason to punish it.

  Endless harm: the disaster caused by the abuse of hegemony

  "We can have a special national flag — — Our country can do the same: we can just keep our usual national flag, paint the white stripes black and replace the stars with skull symbols. " In 1901, Mark Twain, an American writer, wrote such words to condemn the imperialist behavior of the United States in waging war and bloody slaughter in the Philippines.

  The chariots driven by American military hegemony have brought endless harm. The war to conquer Indians directly wiped out millions of Indian population; In the colonial war in the Philippines, 200,000 to 1 million Filipinos died; In the Korean War, more than 3 million civilians died; In the Vietnam War, 2 million civilians died; In the Iraq war, 200,000 to 250,000 civilians died … … According to the figures released this year by Brown University’s "War Cost" project, after the "September 11" incident, the United States launched wars or "anti-terrorist actions" in at least 85 countries around the world, which directly led to more than 940,000 deaths, including 432,000 civilians, and 38 million people were displaced or became refugees.

  As Walter Russell Meade, an American scholar and professor at Bard College, said, "The United States is the most dangerous military force in the history of the world."

  American military behavior in the world not only directly caused huge humanitarian disasters, but also brought a series of complex social problems including social unrest, refugee tide, psychological trauma, ecological crisis and so on.

  For example, the US military left about 350,000 tons of explosive bombs and mines in Vietnam, and it is estimated that it will still take 300 years to completely remove them. From 2002 to 2016, there were at least 270 environmental pollution incidents at three US military bases in Okinawa, Japan, most of which were not notified to the Japanese government. In May, 2022, the US military base in Longshan, which South Korea is recovering, was seriously polluted by exposed soil and groundwater. The Ministry of Environment of South Korea found that the total petroleum hydrocarbons in the soil of the dormitory site in Nanyingqu of the base exceeded the standard by 29 times, and the carcinogens benzene and phenol in the groundwater exceeded the standard by 3.4 times and 2.8 times respectively.

  According to the data released by the Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs of Brown University in 2019, since the global war on terrorism in 2001, the US military has produced 1.2 billion tons of greenhouse gases in the process of equipment and deployment, combat operations, weapons manufacturing, etc. "It is one of the largest greenhouse gas emitters in the world".

  American military hegemonic behavior has brought disasters to all countries in the world, but also brought serious trauma to the United States itself. Rabineau pointed out in the book "American War Culture" that almost every generation in the United States has swallowed the evil consequences of the political, economic and social chaos caused by the war.

  According to the data of Brown University’s "War Cost" project, more than 7,000 American soldiers and about 8,000 American defense contractors were killed in the war launched by the United States after the "9.11" incident. More than 30,000 American soldiers committed suicide, which is four times the number of people killed in the battle. The sky-high military expenditure invested by the United States to maintain military hegemony has also put an increasingly heavy burden on American nationals. After 2001, the war-related expenditure in the United States has exceeded 5.8 trillion US dollars. More importantly, America’s military hegemony and foreign war acts have bred and encouraged extremist forces and self-consumed, and the "9.11" incident is a typical case.

  "It is for the United States to build a country in war, expand in war and dominate in war." The report writes that the military expansion of the United States continues today, and American military hegemonism is still bullying and destroying the world we live together.

Five benefits of swimming

In the process of beauty swimming, the water temperature in the swimming pool will stimulate the blood vessels of the skin to contract and expand, thus accelerating blood circulation and making the skin rosy and shiny. When swimming, the skin will relax well under the friction of water waves, and it will remove excess keratin from the skin, making the skin look as smooth and white as a baby.

The research on lowering blood pressure shows that swimming can lower the blood pressure of the elderly and improve the arterial health, which is an ideal exercise mode.

Increasing vital capacity Because of the pressure of water, it increases the burden of inhalation, and the respiratory muscles will constantly overcome these pressures and increase their contractility, thus increasing their vital capacity. With the increase of vital capacity, the breathing volume of human body becomes larger, which is beneficial to energy consumption.

Weight loss swimming is an efficient way to lose weight. People who swim regularly have tight muscles and slender arms and legs than ordinary people.

Improving sleep quality Swimming is very effective in preventing and treating insomnia. Especially for brainworkers who often use their brains, swimming can relax the whole body and prevent insomnia and lack of energy caused by excessive brain use.

Multi-party trading scheme triggered the storm of players leaving the team

More than a month after the opening of the free trade market, the issue of the departure of Harden and Lillard has not been finalized. The Philadelphia 76ers are reluctant to trade Harden to the Clippers, which has caused widespread discussion among fans and the media. The American media put forward a set of four-party trading scheme, hoping to solve the demands of all parties. First, let’s take a look at the details of this four-party trading scheme. According to media reports, the program involves Philadelphia 76ers, Houston Rockets, Portland Trailblazers and Los Angeles Clippers. Philadelphia 76ers will get Lillard, Houston Rockets will get Ben Simmons of Philadelphia 76ers and mccollum of Portland Trailblazers, Portland Trailblazers will get Harden and harel of Clippers, while Clippers will get Kent Bezmore of Philadelphia 76ers and Nicholson of Portland Trailblazers. This trading scheme is indeed feasible. For the Philadelphia 76ers, they can get a top point guard, Lillard, which will further strengthen the team’s offensive strength and make it a Eastern powerhouse. The Houston Rockets can get Ben Simmons and mccollum, which will inject new vitality into the team and play a vital role in the future reconstruction. Portland Trailblazers can get Harden and harel, which will provide more offensive options for the team and enhance its competitiveness. The Clippers can get Bezmore and Nicholson, which will bring more outside firepower to the team. However, we can’t ignore the possible problems of this trading scheme. First of all, for the Philadelphia 76 ers,They may lose a young and promising player Ben Simmons, which may have a certain impact on the future development of the team. Secondly, Houston Rockets may need some time to adapt to the new system, and need to re-establish a team basketball style. Finally, this trading scheme may lead to the strength gap between teams becoming more obvious, which will lead to the imbalance of the league. To sum up, although this four-party trading scheme is feasible, there are also some problems and challenges.

After the NBA playoffs, there are many rumors. The most striking thing is the news about the trade between the Blazers and the Heat. According to reliable sources, the Trailblazers have successfully acquired Harden and Lori from the Houston Rockets, and at the same time, they have also won some promising draft picks. The Heat, on the other hand, bought a number of outstanding players and potential new stars at the expense of Lillard and nurkic. This transaction has undoubtedly brought great changes to the two teams. For the Blazers, the joining of Harden and Lori will greatly enhance their offensive strength. As one of the most dominant shooting guards in the league, Harden’s arrival will inject more firepower into the team. Lori is an excellent organizer and defender, and his leadership will play an important role in promoting the team. In addition, by gaining some potential draft picks, the Trailblazers also laid the foundation for future development. The Heat lost Lillard and nurkic in this transaction, but the players and draft picks they got also have great potential. Lillard is an excellent shooting guard, and his joining will fill the vacancy of Heat’s backcourt scoring. Nurkic is an excellent inside player, and his arrival will strengthen the team’s strength in rebounding and defensive end. In addition, by winning the draft pick, the Heat also have the opportunity to further improve their lineup in the future. This transaction is a victory for the Blazers and the Heat. Both sides have improved the strength and competitiveness of the team by introducing excellent players and potential new stars. At the same time, they also laid a solid foundation for future development.

The Portland Trailblazers got a chance to rebuild and the 76ers became younger. After the NBA playoffs in 2021, both the Portland Trailblazers and the Philadelphia 76ers encountered some difficulties. However, it also provides opportunities for the two teams to rebuild. This article will focus on how the Blazers use this opportunity to achieve reconstruction, and discuss how the 76ers can reshape the team through a younger lineup. For the Blazers, they need to re-examine the core composition of the team. Although Damian Lillard is the leader of the team, his performance in the playoffs has been unstable in the past few seasons. Therefore, the Blazers need to find a superstar who can partner with Lillard to enhance the team’s competitiveness. At the same time, they also need to strengthen the defensive end and improve the overall defensive efficiency. In order to achieve these goals, the pioneers can consider making some transactions. They can exchange some role players and future draft picks for a strong player, or try to sign free agents to supplement the lineup. In addition, they can also increase the depth of the team by cultivating young players. Through these measures, the blazers are expected to rebuild and challenge the western strong teams again next season. In contrast, the Philadelphia 76ers have begun the process of rejuvenation. They traded veteran Al Horford, won seth curry and Dolente Maze this season, bringing fresh blood to the team. In addition, the 76ers also have some young potential players, such as justin anderson and Thales Marks. By training these young players,The 76ers can gradually build a young and energetic lineup. However, it is not an easy task to achieve successful rejuvenation and reconstruction. Teams need to give young players enough time and opportunities to grow and develop. At the same time, the coaching team also needs to develop a tactical system suitable for young players to help them better adapt to the rhythm and intensity of the NBA. Portland Trailblazers and Philadelphia 76ers are both facing reconstruction opportunities. Through wise trading and training young players, these two teams are expected to reshape themselves and achieve better results in the next few seasons.

The Blazers and Heat pursued the championship, the Philadelphia 76ers became younger, and the Bulls failed to rebuild. These are the most concerned topics for fans in the current NBA league. Both the team’s efforts and the challenges they face have brought us a lot of enlightenment. First of all, let’s take a look at the efforts of the Blazers and the Heat to pursue the championship. Trailblazers have always been one of the top teams in the western region, but the championship is far from their vision. However, they did not give up, but improved their competitiveness by introducing excellent players and building a balanced lineup. Similarly, the Heat are constantly looking for a breakthrough, and they strengthen the team by trading and signing contracts. This kind of unremitting efforts and the pursuit of victory are worth learning and using for reference. At the same time, the Philadelphia 76ers chose the road of younger lineup. They believe that by cultivating young players and building a tacit team, they will be able to achieve greater success in the future. This long-term vision and confidence in the future have injected new vitality and hope into the team. Although they may not achieve brilliant results in a short time, this strategy of investing in the future is worthy of our affirmation. However, the bull suffered setbacks in the process of reconstruction. They used to be one of the most influential teams in the league, but they fell into a trough due to a series of wrong decisions and management mistakes. This story tells us that reconstruction is not smooth sailing and needs correct direction and decision-making. The failure of the bull reminds other teams to stay awake and alert at all times in the pursuit of success. All in all, the efforts of the Blazers and the Heat,The young lineup of Philadelphia 76ers and the failure of bull reconstruction have provided us with valuable experience and enlightenment. Whether it is a team or an individual, only by persistently pursuing the goal can we succeed. At the same time, correct decision-making and management are also crucial.

Two basketball superstars, Lillard and Harden, have recently expressed their desire to leave their original teams, and they are eager to pursue the dream of a championship. This news has aroused widespread concern and heated discussion among fans. For Lillard, he has always been the core player of Portland Trailblazers, and he is deeply loved by fans for his excellent scoring and leadership. However, for many years, the performance of the Trailblazers in the playoffs has never been satisfactory, which has given Lerade a desire for the championship. He hopes to join a more competitive team and cooperate with other superstars to compete for the championship and realize his basketball dream. Harden is the soul of Houston Rockets, and he has become the core of the team with his excellent scoring and organizational skills. However, in the past few seasons, the Rockets repeatedly hit a wall in the playoffs, unable to break through the defense lines of the western strong teams, which made Harden doubt the team’s prospects. He is eager to join a more competitive team and cooperate with other top players for the championship. The two superstars’ willingness to leave caused the fans to think. They believe that for a player, winning the championship in his career is a crucial honor and an affirmation of his basketball career. Although staying in the original team may give players more opportunities for personal and team development, if the team cannot provide enough competitiveness and opportunities, leaving is a better choice for them to realize their dreams. However, some people questioned Lillard and Harden’s decision. They believe that as the core players of the team, they should assume the responsibility of leading the team to rebuild.Instead of choosing to escape from the predicament. After all, basketball is a collective sport, and only through the efforts and unity of the whole team can we succeed. Lillard’s and Harden’s willingness to leave caused a heated discussion among the fans. Whether they choose to stay in the original team or seek new opportunities, we all hope that they can realize their basketball dreams and bring more exciting games to the fans.

Harden is determined to leave the rocket, and may play a small temper. The news caused an uproar in the basketball world. As the core player of Houston Rockets, Harden’s departure is undoubtedly a huge blow to the team. However, we can’t just blame it on his small temper, but should deeply analyze the reasons behind it. First of all, Harden’s departure may be due to the team’s lack of competitiveness. In recent years, although the Rockets often qualify for the playoffs, they always lose their combat effectiveness at critical moments. This undoubtedly made Harden feel depressed and disappointed. As a top player, he is eager to win more honors and titles, but the current state of the Rockets can’t meet his expectations. Secondly, Harden may also be troubled by interpersonal relationships. In the past few seasons, Harden’s relationship with teammate chris paul has attracted much attention. The friction and contradiction between them may have influenced Harden’s decision. If there is a problem with the unity and harmony within the team, the overall performance of the team will inevitably be affected, leading to the core players choosing to leave. In addition, Harden may have been tempted by other teams. In the NBA, strong teams compete for top players from time to time. If other teams can offer better contracts and more attractive competitive conditions, then Harden may choose to leave the Rockets. After all, every player wants to get the best treatment and opportunity. Whether because of competitiveness, interpersonal relationship or other reasons, Harden decided to leave the Rockets. We can’t simply attribute it to his small temper. As a fan,We should understand and respect the players’ choices. Harden’s departure is undoubtedly a challenge for the Rockets, but it is also a new starting point. The team needs to re-evaluate its own problems and find new directions and strategies.

Thank you for reading this article. We look forward to seeing the Blazers and the Heat perform better in future competitions. This transaction has undoubtedly brought great changes to the two teams, and we will continue to pay attention to their development.

Martin Sr: I used to think McGrady was crazy to get 74 points in two games. Now Harden has 60 points and triple doubles in a single game.

Live on August 5 th Recently, former NBA player Kenyon Martin talked about the evolution of the game in George’s podcast program.

Martin said: "When I was in the Nets, we played magic, and McGrady scored 74 points in two days. At that time, I thought it was crazy. I’m defending him, but he can score every goal. He scored 74 points in just two games.

"Now people get 71 points, 60 points and 65 points in a single game. At that time, McGrady scored very well. He was the scoring champion. But now it is a new alliance, and Harden has also won a triple double of 60 points. "

In 2018, Harden scored 60 points, 10 rebounds and 11 assists in the game against Magic.

Tuesday’s transfer gossip: Ronaldo, Badiashile, Nunes, Bellingham, Felix, Mudryk

Cristiano Ronaldo has a clause in his Al Nassr contract allowing the Portugal forward, 37, to join Newcastle United on loan if they qualify for the Champions League this season. (Marca)

France centre-back Benoit Badiashile, 21, is in London to undergo a medical after Chelsea agreed a deal worth 38m euros (£33.6m) with Monaco. (Football London)

Liverpool are exploring a deal to buy Portugal midfielder Matheus Nunes, 24, from Wolves in the summer. (Telegraph)

England midfielder Jude Bellingham, 19, is set to meet with Borussia Dortmund officials before 6 January, when he will inform them of his desire to leave this summer. The German club will seek 100m euros (£88.5m), plus add-ons that could take his total fee to about 140m euros (£124m). (AS)

Arsenal, Manchester United and Chelsea have been approached about signing Portugal forward Joao Felix, 23, on loan but Atletico Madrid are seeking a 15m euro loan fee (£13.3m), plus 6m euros (£5.3m) to cover his wages. (Athletic – subscription required)

Chelsea, meanwhile, are in negotiations over the structure of a club record deal to sign 21-year-old Argentina midfielder Enzo Fernandez from Benfica. (Evening Standard)

Arsenal have submitted a second offer for Ukraine winger Mykhailo Mudryk, thought to be significantly below Shakhtar Donetsk’s asking price of 100m euros (£88.5m). (ESPN)

Manchester United and Bayern Munich are interested in Randal Kolo Muani but Eintracht Frankfurt want 60-70m euros (£53-62m) for the France forward, 24. (Nicolo Schira)