Li Xueyong: In the era when you can’t afford to roll up and lie flat, the size of light off-road vehicles will reach 2 million

  "This is an era when you can’t afford to roll up and lie flat. More people choose to live a quality life that they think is more valuable." Li Xueyong, deputy general manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd., general manager of Chery Automobile Marketing Company and general manager of Jietu Automobile, said, "About 200,000 light off-road vehicles can better help users to pursue poetry and distance."

  During the Chengdu Auto Show in 2023, Jetway Traveler officially appeared and started the pre-sale. The price of the new car was 140,900-180,900 yuan. According to reports, travelers are positioned as "travel off-road SUVs", which have both the comfort of urban SUVs and certain off-road capabilities, and are suitable for multi-road travel. "Jetway is represented by travelers, representing travel and off-road, representing future light off-road cars and more traveling cars."

  Create travelers with users to continue their travel+positioning.

  Compared with traditional hard-core off-road vehicles, light off-road vehicles have better fuel consumption performance, and compared with urban SUVs, light off-road vehicles have better passability and ability to get rid of difficulties. The traveler positioned as "Travel Off-road SUV" continues the positioning of Travel+and is equipped with XWD fully automatic intelligent four-wheel drive system.

Li Xueyong: In the era when you can't afford to roll up and lie flat, the size of light off-road vehicles will reach 2 million _fororder_image001

Zhang Chunwei, Assistant General Manager of Jietu Automobile and General Manager of Jietu Automobile Marketing Company

  "XWD is the sixth-generation four-wheel drive technology of Borg Warner, which can automatically get rid of difficulties. It has two electronic locks, namely an electronic limited slip differential and an intelligent torque manager. Through electronic identification, its automatic intervention time is within 0.1s " In addition, the torsional stiffness of the traveler’s body is 31000Nm/deg. After being in harsh environments such as desert and Gobi, travelers can achieve a climbing degree of 45. The wading depth can reach 70cm. From the perspective of power selection, Jetway Traveler has two versions: fuel and hybrid. Among them, the power of 2.0T engine is 187kW and the torque reaches 390 N m.. According to Li Xueyong, the XWD fully automatic intelligent four-wheel drive system carried by travelers has a good ability to get rid of difficulties.

Li Xueyong: In the era when you can't afford to roll up and lie flat, the size of light off-road vehicles will reach 2 million _fororder_image002

  Regarding the question of why there are no girders, Li Xueyong said, "Without girders, driving will be more comfortable and fuel consumption will be lower. The fuel consumption of travelers is basically about 9 oils. There is no problem in walking in the city. If you want to cross-country, you will cross-country. " At the same time, Voyager is still a model created with users. To this end, Jietu has also set up a user-created organization in the R&D department and the marketing department. The launch time of the car is tentatively scheduled for September 20th, and the official delivery time is scheduled for around October 10th.

  Light off-road vehicles will reach 2 million in 1-2 years.

  "We were the Weining brand, the champion of Dakar Rally, and the Ring Tower Rally. Tiggo was also the champion. Therefore, our training ability and cross-country ability in the whole chassis have a history of 20 years. Therefore, I think that Chery has to talk about "genes" and it is based on global cross-country genes. " Li Xueyong said.

  In the past two years, many car companies have launched light off-road vehicles, and their appearance has gradually become square and tough. Zhang Chunwei, assistant general manager of Jietu Automobile and general manager of Jietu Automobile Marketing Company, believes that "in the past, people didn’t see this kind of hard-core car, and the aesthetic fatigue of round cars will stimulate some demand."

Li Xueyong: In the era when you can't afford to roll up and lie flat, the size of light off-road vehicles will reach 2 million _fororder_image003

  2010-2012 is the era of the rise of SUV in China. In 2015 and 2016, the sales volume climbed, accounting for half of the cars. "Now many people don’t buy city SUVs directly, but buy light off-road cars directly to meet their own needs." No matter from the economic and social background, user choice and product changes, I think light off-road SUV is not the Red Sea, and it will have a good development momentum at least in the next five years. Li Xueyong said that the light off-road market is not small, and he predicted that its market capacity will exceed 2 million vehicles in 1-2 years.

  In 2030, fuel vehicles will still have at least 30% market share.

  From 2019 to 2022, Jietu’s export sales have reached nearly 50,000 units, and this year’s export sales are expected to be between 120,000 and 150,000, mainly including overseas markets such as the Middle East, South America and Africa, as well as some markets in the European Union.

Li Xueyong: In the era when you can't afford to roll up and lie flat, the size of light off-road vehicles will reach 2 million _fororder_image004

  Based on the export of the whole Chery Group, Chery is also building globalization of product development, brand building, user operation and maintenance, digital marketing and new media. "The whole Jietu Division has fully verified the high degree of domestic and international collaboration, institutional collaboration, personnel collaboration and functional collaboration, so I think we will explore a brand-new model, which will enable a real brand to globalize faster."

  At present, the division of labor among brands under Chery Group is also very clear. "From the perspective of existing brands, Chery is a pragmatic family and builds cars for the public; Starway is high-end; Jietu represents off-road and travel, and there will be pickup trucks behind it, as well as more off-road cars with girders; ICAR is a pure electric, intelligent, electric and technological car. "

  Regarding the development trend of the fuel vehicle market, Li Xueyong believes that "even after 10 years, or in 2030, there will be at least 30% fuel vehicles. There are more than 20 million markets in China, which means that 67 million are fuel vehicles. I think this number will last for some time unless there is a fundamental structural change in the energy storage cost of the battery. " In addition, Chery will release a new energy brand series focusing on hybrids in December. "Jietu will also release a new energy brand series focusing on hybrids. You can also understand that Chery already has three series of Tiggo, Arrizo and Exploration, which may be the fourth series. For Jetway, it already has X70 and X90 series, all of which are based on Jetway’s DNA and system, Jetway’s marketing system and Jetway’s brand system. " (Photo: provided by Jietu Automobile)