Development and Reform Commission: implement a number of forward-looking and strategic national major scientific and technological projects; Ganfeng Lithium Industry: It is planned to invest in lithiu

China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission: Improve solvency supervision standards and enhance the service capacity of the insurance industry

It was learned from China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission that in order to better guide the insurance industry to serve the real economy, China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission will continue to improve the solvency supervision standards, and on the basis of scientific and effective risk prevention and control, continuously enhance the insurance industry’s ability to serve the overall economic and social situation. The person in charge of relevant departments in China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission said that China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission will continue to support the development of commercial pension business. According to the characteristics and development reality of commercial pension business, we will study and formulate preferential policies for solvency, reduce the capital occupation of the company, support the insurance industry to carry out commercial pension business, and promote the healthy development of the third pillar pension insurance. (Xinhua News Agency)

The General Administration of Market Supervision issued the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Drug Online Sales, which will take effect on December 1, 2022.

Recently, the General Administration of Market Supervision issued the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Drug Online Sales (Order No.58 of the State Administration of Market Supervision), which will take effect on December 1, 2022. Clarify the qualifications and requirements of pharmaceutical trading enterprises engaged in drug online sales, and clarify according to law that vaccines, blood products, narcotic drugs, psychotropic drugs, toxic drugs for medical use, radioactive drugs, pharmaceutical precursor chemicals and other drugs under special management by the state shall not be sold online. (CBN)

National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC): Targeting at frontier fields such as artificial intelligence, we will implement a number of forward-looking and strategic national major scientific and technological projects.

In Qiushi magazine, the National Development and Reform Commission published a signed article "Accelerating the Construction of a New Development Pattern and Firmly Grasping the Initiative of Development", pointing out that it is necessary to strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological strength, aim at frontier fields such as artificial intelligence, quantum information, integrated circuits, life and health, brain science and biological breeding, and implement a number of forward-looking and strategic national major scientific and technological projects. Actively expand effective investment. We will increase investment in short boards and implement 102 major projects in the 14 th Five-Year Plan in an orderly manner. Establish a coordination mechanism to promote effective investment in important projects, scientifically use policy-based development financial tools, guide financial institutions to increase supporting financing support, strengthen the protection of land, energy use, environmental impact assessment and other factors, and accelerate the construction of major projects. (Securities Times)

China Hi-Tech: The revenue in the first half of the year was 59.5349 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1.28%.

Recently, China Hi-Tech (600730) released the semi-annual report for 2022, with revenue of 59.5349 million yuan in the first half of the year, up by 1.28% year-on-year; The net profit of returning to the mother was 5,775,200 yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 64.16%. Among them, the education sector achieved revenue of 42.9544 million yuan, accounting for 72.15% of the company’s total revenue.

Weibo: The revenue in the second quarter was USD 450.2 million, and the operating profit margin was 21%.

Weibo released its financial report for the second quarter of 2022. The financial report shows that Weibo’s revenue in the second quarter was $450.2 million, down 22% year-on-year, and the market expected $441 million. Among them, advertising and marketing revenue in the second quarter was $385.6 million, down 23% year-on-year; Revenue from value-added services was $64.6 million, down 10% year-on-year. In the second quarter, Weibo’s operating profit was US$ 93.9 million, and its operating profit rate was 21%.

Zhiji Automobile: In August, the sales volume of Zhiji L7 was 1,007 units, up 23.4% from the previous month.

According to the news released by Zhiji Auto Official Micro, in August, the sales volume of Zhiji L7 was 1,007 units, an increase of 23.4% from the previous month. Since the nationwide delivery was started in mid-June, Zhiji L7 has delivered 2058 units.

Zhiwen Group: Revenue in the second quarter was 3,110.4 million yuan, down 15.3% year-on-year.

Zhiwen Group announced its financial report for the second quarter of 2022. According to the financial report, in the second quarter of 2022, Zhiwen Group’s revenue was 3.1104 billion yuan, down 15.3% year-on-year. Not measured in accordance with US GAAP, the net profit attributable to Zhiwen Group in the second quarter was 463.5 million yuan, compared with 551 million yuan in the same period last year. Zhiwen Group has been making profits for 30 quarters.

Weilai: 10,677 vehicles were delivered in August, up 81.6% year-on-year.

Weilai announced that 10,677 vehicles were delivered in August, up 81.6% year-on-year. From January to August, 2022, Weilai delivered 71,556 new cars, a year-on-year increase of 28.3%. Weilai has delivered a total of 238,626 new cars.

Xpeng Motors: The delivery volume in August was 9,578 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 33%.

Xpeng Motors announced that the delivery volume in August was 9,578 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 33%; A total of 90,085 vehicles were delivered in the first eight months, a year-on-year increase of 96%. Today, Weilai Automobile and LI also announced the delivery volume in August. Weilai Automobile delivered 10,677 vehicles in August, an increase of 81.6% year-on-year; LI delivered 4,571 vehicles in August, a year-on-year decrease of 51.54%.

Securities and Futures Commission issued IPO approvals for three companies including Ziyan Food.

The CSRC approved Shanghai Ziyan Food Co., Ltd. to publicly issue no more than 42 million new shares; Approved Wuxi Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd. to publicly issue no more than 20 million new shares; Approved Arrow Home Group Co., Ltd. to publicly issue no more than 96.6095 million new shares. (Securities Times)

Dingdang Health: On September 14th, the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange was listed at a price of HK$ 12 per share.

Dangdang Health announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the company sold 33.537 million shares worldwide, including 3.354 million shares sold in Hong Kong, 30.183 million shares sold internationally, and 15% of them were over-allocated. Offering shares from September 1 to September 6, 2022; The offering price will be HK$ 12.00 per offering share, with 500 shares for each unit, and the admission fee will be about HK$ 6,060. CICC and CMB International are co-sponsors; It is expected that the shares will be listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange on September 14th, 2022.

"Luchen Technology" completed $6 million in seed and angel round financing.

"Luchen Technology" announced the completion of $6 million seed and angel round financing, with Lanchi Venture Capital leading the angel round and innovation works and Zhenge Fund jointly leading the seed round. The two rounds of financing were completed within one year. Financing funds are mainly used to introduce teams and expand business markets. According to reports, Luchen Technology is committed to building a universal deep learning system Colossal-AI for the era of big models, and promoting the application of AI big models.

Cloud native RPA manufacturer "Yunna Technology" won the A round of financing.

Yunna Technology, a cloud native RPA manufacturer, won the A round of financing, which was jointly led by Yunjiu Capital and Haochen Capital. The old shareholder’s linear capital exceeded the investment, and the source joint venture served as the exclusive financial adviser. This round of financing will be used for product research and development, marketing and other aspects.

Sunlight Technology, a provider of 3D graphics engine, received nearly 100 million yuan in angel round financing.

Xuanguang Technology, a domestic 3D graphics engine provider, announced the completion of nearly RMB 100 million angel round financing, which was led by Shang Tang Guoxiang Capital, an industrial fund of Shangtang Technology, with Wanshi Capital as the exclusive financial advisor. Xuanguang Technology will use this financing to increase the large-scale infrastructure construction of products and continue to invest in the improvement of tool chain.

OPPO signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Omron Health Care

Recently, OPPO officially signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Omron Health Care, a home health equipment and health management service brand. In the future, the two sides will focus on healthy lifestyle management and cardiovascular disease management, and carry out a series of cooperation such as direct connection of IoT equipment, health data management and joint development of core technologies.

Ganfeng Lithium Industry: It is planned to invest in lithium dihydrogen phosphate integration project with Fulin Seiko (300432).

Ganfeng Lithium Industry announced that the company and Fulin Seiko recently signed the Strategic Cooperation Agreement to carry out in-depth cooperation in lithium salt product supply, Ferrous lithium phosphate cathode product supply, industrial investment and project operation, and research and development of new lithium salts, so as to achieve win-win development. The two parties intend to jointly invest in the new "lithium dihydrogen phosphate Integration Project". The technical path of the project is to directly prepare lithium dihydrogen phosphate through lithium sulfate, with a long-term planned production capacity of 200,000 tons. The two parties intend to set up a joint venture company as the main investor with a registered capital of 100 million yuan.

China Automobile Association: From January to July, China’s top ten countries ranked in terms of import value of automobile goods, with a total import value of 47.18 billion US dollars.

According to the data of the General Administration of Customs compiled by China Automobile Industry Association, from January to July, 2022, the top ten countries in China’s automobile import value were Germany, Japan, the United States, Slovakia, Britain, Austria, Mexico, Thailand, South Korea and Hungary. Compared with the same period of last year, the import value of Slovakia and Austria continued to increase, while that of other countries decreased. From January to July, the import value of automobile goods in the above ten countries was 47.18 billion US dollars, accounting for 87.8% of the total import value of all automobile goods in China.

China ICT Institute: In the second quarter, China built 295,000 new 5G base stations.

According to "China ICT Institute CAICT" WeChat WeChat official account news, "National Mobile Network Quality Monitoring Report" (Phase 2) was recently released. According to the report, by the end of June 2022, the total number of mobile communication base stations in China had reached 10.35 million, with 5G base stations accounting for 17.9%, and 295,000 new 5G base stations were built in the second quarter. The total number of mobile users reached 1.67 billion, with 5G users accounting for 27.3%, with an increase of 52.44 million in the second quarter. (CBN)

Wang Haifeng, CTO of Baidu: The industrial model of the big model will be a TSMC-like model.

At the 2022 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, Wang Haifeng, chief technology officer of Baidu and director of the National Engineering Research Center for Deep Learning Technology and Application, proposed in his speech that the industrial model of the big model would be a TSMC-like model. The big model and deep learning platform run through the whole AI industry chain, which is the base of industrial intelligence. The global user spending of "League of Legends Mobile Games" iOS and Google Play platforms has exceeded 750 million US dollars.

According to, League of Legends Mobile Games was first released on Google Play in October 2020. In less than two years, its global user spending on iOS and Google Play platforms has exceeded 750 million US dollars. In October 2021, League of Legends Mobile Games entered the China market for the first time. In the same month, its global user spending (on iOS and Google Play platforms) increased by 7 times compared with September 2021.

IResearch: WeChat, Alipay and short video platforms have become three major positions for business layout.

IResearch, an industry research organization, released the Insight Report on Private Domain Layout of Merchants in China in 2022. The report shows that the multi-platform layout has become a trend, and WeChat, Alipay and short video platforms have become the three most important positions for businesses to operate in the private domain; Applet is the most important private domain carrier; Nearly 80% of merchants are satisfied with the private domain management effect, and the growth effect of new customers and members is remarkable; The operating cost of private domain of merchants increased by 40% on average, and transformation efficiency, operating cost and public domain drainage became the core concerns of private domain layout of merchants. Public domain is the most important traffic source of private domain. After Alipay put forward the open mode of combining public and private domains in 2018, WeChat and Aauto Quicker also began to build public and private domains.

(Editor: Zhou Wenkai)

[China March forward steadily] Firm ideals and beliefs are the political advantages of the Communist Party of China (CPC) people.

  The Communist Party of China (CPC) is a combination of beliefs and a Marxist political party with lofty ideals and firm beliefs. The Communist Party of China (CPC) people’s ideals and beliefs are the truth belief of Marxism, the lofty ideal of communism and the common ideal of Socialism with Chinese characteristics. Ideals and beliefs are the "calcium" of the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s spirit. Ideals and beliefs are the source of the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s eternal proletarian party, and the root of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Do not forget your initiative mind’s mission.

  Characteristics of the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s ideals and beliefs

  The scientific nature of the Communist Party of China (CPC) people’s ideals and beliefs. Marxism is a scientific theory, which creatively reveals the law of the development of human society, the general law of the development of human society, the special law of the operation of capitalism, points out the way for mankind to leap from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom, and points out the way for people to realize freedom and liberation. The inevitable trend of human society finally moving towards communism revealed by Marxism has laid a theoretical foundation for communist party people to strengthen their ideals and beliefs and stick to their spiritual homeland. Countless people in communist party, whether in good times or bad times, have always been steadfast in their ideals and beliefs, and have been faithful to their chosen communist beliefs for life. Comrade Zhou Enlai is Do not forget your initiative mind’s spiritual model of sticking to his faith. When he established his belief in communism, he said, "The doctrine I believe must remain unchanged, and I am determined to promote it." He also said: "In any difficult situation, we must fight for communism to the end with the spirit of unswerving death." When drastic changes took place in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the last century, Deng Xiaoping once pointed out: "Marxism cannot be defeated. It is not because there are many big books, but because the truth of Marxism is irrefutable. " "I firmly believe that there will be more people in favor of Marxism in the world, because Marxism is science." "Don’t panic, don’t think that Marxism has disappeared, is useless and failed.哪有这回事!”






  Ideals and beliefs provide the Communist Party of China (CPC) with spiritual motivation to forge ahead. There is faith in the heart and power in action. The Communist Party of China (CPC)’s nearly 100-year history has fully proved that lofty ideals and beliefs have always been the spiritual driving force for communist party people to maintain their advanced nature and purity, and an important spiritual guarantee for the Communist Party of China (CPC) to lead the people of the whole country forward. The reason why the Communist Party of China (CPC) has been able to rise constantly after setbacks and be quenched into steel after suffering lies in the fact that the lofty ideals and revolutionary beliefs in the hearts of thousands of the Communist Party of China (CPC) people in Qian Qian have always been firm and persistent, always shining with fiery light. Comrade Zhu De experienced the failure of the old democratic revolution, and realized from his personal experience that the old road can’t go, and only Marxism is the truth to solve the China issue. After establishing Marxist belief and lofty ideals for the cause of communism, he never wavered in the face of any difficulties, obstacles and major setbacks. The more critical he is, the more determined he is. Nanchang uprising troops failed to go south to Chaoshan, and Comrade Zhu De and his men were isolated. He stood up and steadied the morale of the army, and said categorically, "The darkness is temporary, if you want the revolution to come with me, the final victory must be ours.". At the beginning of 1975, at the age of 89, he personally wrote the banner of "Revolution in the End". In February, 1976, he wrote the poem "The whole party is United and tight, and the dangerous peaks dare to climb". Less than two months before his death, after he saw the new translation of the communist party Declaration,Regardless of age and infirmity, I drove to the Central Party School to visit the comrades who participated in the translation, and shared my learning experience with this classic Marxist work.

  Ideals and beliefs are the ideological beacon of the Communist Party of China (CPC) people’s unity and struggle. It is precisely because of his firm ideals and beliefs that the Communist Party of China (CPC) dares to uphold the truth, correct his mistakes, dare to make self-revolution, dare to carry out criticism and self-evaluation, and always maintain the unity of the party, so as not to fall into a narrow struggle for personal interests and group interests and repeat the persistent ailment of bourgeois political parties. Comrade Deng Xiaoping once pointed out that according to his long-term experience in political and military activities, the most important thing is the unity of people. To unite, we must have common ideals and firm beliefs. We have struggled hard in the past few decades by uniting the people with firm beliefs and fighting for their own interests. Without this belief, there is no cohesion. Without this belief, there is nothing. At any time, our party must never lose the real advantage of common ideals and firm beliefs, and always regard adhering to communist ideals as our most fundamental spiritual pillar and driving force for progress.



Li Lu on the casting of In the World: "Spell" like a family.

From casting, setting, shooting and broadcasting, director Li Lu outlined the 50-year life picture of "In the World" with details, reflecting the vitality of real life for the good with "imperfection".

Source: "CCTV News" WeChat official account

The hit drama "In the World" by the Central Radio and Television General Station set off a drama-watching craze in the whole country. This "civilian epic" with bones and muscles and temperature set a new high in CCTV’s comprehensive channel prime-time TV series for nearly 8 years in the first round of broadcasting. In an exclusive interview with CCTV’s Face to Face, Li Lu, director and chief producer of The World, shared the story behind the shooting.

"The choice of actors should be repeatedly deduced, and it looks like a family together."

Since the first episode of In the World, the actors’ acting skills have been praised by countless netizens. Many viewers said that the dialogue and scenes in the play made people enter the play for one second.Regarding the choice of actors, Li Lu’s standard is "the most suitable, regardless of others".


There are "four beams and eight pillars" in the play. The "four beams" are Zheng Juan, the wife of Zhou Jiasan and Zhou Bingkun, played by Xin Baiqing, Song Jia, Lei Jiayin and Yin Tao respectively, and the "eight pillars" are actors sarina, Zhang Kaili, Ding Yongdai, Song Chunli and Yu Zhen.


Zhou Jia’s "Family Portrait" (Stills)

Li Lu said that the choice of actors in the play "is not easy", and all of them have undergone "repeated deduction", and six or seven actors have been selected behind each role. Understanding the role requires actors to do their homework in advance, which requires high quality of actors.


Director Li Lu:Every time we choose an actor, we deduce it repeatedly, just like on a battle map. There are six or seven people behind a character. What is the feeling of these two faces together? If they are put together, they look like a family.

In Li Lu’s view, the quality of a play depends not only on the main actors, but also on the extras. When shooting a distant view, it is also one of the important signs of a play to see whether the supporting roles around it are well played.Every detail keeps adding points, and then adding points can make the overall color of a drama look better.

In order to reproduce the "light character film", 40,000 square meters of scenery was built and more than 70,000 meters of light lines were used.

"The World" is a picture of life unfolding slowly in a span of 50 years. Although the fate of ordinary people fluctuates in the torrent of the times, it is full of tension, but it is by no means easy to present this tension in a finely divided life and real emotions.



In fact, the "Guangzi film" in the play is a village in the city, but in reality, there is no complete "Guangzi film". In order to reproduce the residential area of the old industrial city in Northeast China, the crew set up a 40,000-square-meter scene in Changchun, and the light line used 70,000 meters. The lights for the scene were fully loaded with dozens of super-long box cars.


Some windows, doors and floors were bought from some shanty towns to be demolished; The black soil on the ground is loaded with dozens of trucks, all of which are borrowed. Black soil is very precious, and it will be returned when it is used up; The styles of calendars, furniture, electric fans and radios in the play have been repeatedly verified.


Director Li Lu:After reading so many comments, the highest evaluation means that this film is like a documentary, which is actually the highest praise for us. This is the embodiment of the real way of performance. Seeing the characters inside and seeing the beauty of these costumes and videos are basically realistic, and everyone looks like they are around life.

In the world, this scene was originally shot for several months.

Li Lu once said, "My principle is to convey more warm things.Let the audience feel the hope of life and the warmth of society.. "


Many details in the play have been memorized by many viewers. In one scene, Zheng Juan’s blind brother is always watching with the bottom of the bottle. This scene touched the hearts of many viewers, and this scene was specially added by Li Lu, and it took several months at a time.



Director Li Lu:This shot was taken in the shed. There was no sun. We had to wait until the sun came out and the position of the sun was right. We borrowed one hand to shoot the empty mirror and waited for several months.

Reporter:What would happen if we didn’t take that shot facing the sun?

Director Li Lu:No, that’s definitely not possible. He must see the change of the sun, and the bottom of the bottle was later lost, so we went to grind a few more bottles. This bottle bottom is too important for a blind man, and that is his hope.

Imperfection is the world, and it is still good when encountering difficulties.

Li Lu was born in Changchun, Jilin Province, and his wish was realized when he filmed In the World in his hometown. "There are more than 200 scenes in Changchun. I have put the most beautiful buildings and scenery in Changchun, and every place is very clever and not inconsistent. Let me show you my hometown."


After the broadcast of "In the World", "Jichun Railway Station" became a fire, and many shooting places became tourist routes. Many people even said that they had a deeper understanding of the Northeast and had a better understanding of the Northeast and its people from the changes of the times.


From the family to the factory society, after nearly half a century’s vicissitudes of life, "In the World" depicts the life picture of social evolution, conveying the spirit of China people’s struggle for survival, perseverance and endless life.


Through this drama, countless audiences have recollected the struggles of their ancestors and fathers. During the broadcast of "In the World", many people gave the drama review as "This drama is so crying".


In this regard, Li Lu said: "Many viewers can see some shadows of their family members’ past, and this is the real life.No matter what difficulties you encounter, like the characters in the play, be good and upward.Imperfection is the world, and perfection is heaven. "

&&This year’s radio and television content construction projects have these key points | The General Administration issued the departmental budget for 2022.

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&&War epidemic! Radio and TV audio-visual second response, warm screen

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&&Talking about Ten Key Words, General Director Yan Fang Talking about "2022 Chinese Poetry Conference"

Interview with three people

&&The ancient rhyme brings a new look, and these "poetic" stages are amazing.

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Xintian: Carrying out 6S management training to help the high-quality development of primary health care.

Hunan Daily New Hunan Client December 5 (correspondent Zheng Youwei Song Hui) On December 4, Xinlong Town Health Center of Xintian County organized all medical staff to carry out 6S management training.

Before the training, I learned the actual situation of the hospital in detail, and conducted detailed training on the content, importance, specific methods and requirements of 6S. 6S management includes sorting, rectification, cleaning, cleanliness, literacy and safety. Through the implementation of lean 6S management, every employee can develop the habit of being serious, observing regulations, consciously maintaining a clean and tidy environment and being polite. Cultivate employees’ proactive spirit and sense of ownership, shape employees’ team consciousness, cooperate with each other, help each other and love each other, and form a good habit of being serious and responsible; Create a good atmosphere of cooperation and temper the will of employees; The ultimate goal is to make the work of primary medical institutions procedural, standardized and concise, so as to improve work efficiency, improve the overall quality of employees, establish a good image of primary medical institutions, provide better medical services for patients, and help the high-quality development of primary medical and health undertakings.

Since late November, Xintian County Health and Health Bureau has asked all medical and health institutions in the county to effectively improve their ideological understanding, strengthen organizational leadership, supervision and assessment, do a good job in implementing the work according to the 6S management activity standard and the assessment and evaluation of 6S management activities in primary medical institutions, adhere to the principle of comprehensive promotion, form closed-loop management and long-term adherence, ensure that the work is effective, and constantly sum up experience and popularize it in time.

Up to now, 6S management training has been carried out in five primary medical institutions.

Opinions of General Office of the State Council on Promoting Government Information Disclosure in the Field of Public Resource Allocation

General Office of the State Council on Promoting the Allocation of Public Resources

Opinions on the disclosure of government information

Guo Ban Fa [2017] No.97

People’s governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, ministries and commissions and institutions directly under the State Council:

In accordance with the requirements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council’s decision-making arrangements and the Notice of the General Office of the State Council, the General Office of the Central Committee of the CPC on Printing and Distributing the Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting the Openness of Government Affairs, and in order to further promote the openness of government information in the field of public resource allocation, with the consent of the State Council, we hereby put forward the following opinions.





(1) Highlight the key points of publicity.

1. The field of housing security. In terms of project construction, it mainly discloses the planning and construction scheme of affordable housing projects in cities and towns, the annual construction plan information (including the amount of planned tasks, planned project information and planned apartment type), the completion information of construction plans (including the completion progress of planned tasks, basic information of started projects, basic information of completed projects and the construction of supporting facilities), and the implementation information of policies and measures related to the renovation of dilapidated houses in rural areas (including the renovation policy of dilapidated houses in rural areas, the identification process of objects, the allocation of subsidy funds and the renovation results); In terms of housing allocation, it mainly discloses information such as the allocation policy, allocation object, allocation housing, allocation procedure, allocation process and allocation result of affordable housing.

2. The field of transferring state-owned land use rights. Mainly disclose information such as land supply plan, transfer announcement, transaction announcement and supply results.

3. Mining right transfer field. Mainly open the information such as the announcement of the transfer, the information of the examination and approval results, and the project information.

4. The field of government procurement. The main public procurement project announcement, procurement documents, procurement project budget, procurement results, procurement contracts and other procurement project information, complaints and supervision and inspection decisions made by the financial sector, assessment results of centralized procurement institutions, records of illegal and untrustworthy behaviors and other supervision and punishment information.

5. The field of state-owned property rights transactions. In addition to commercial secrets, it mainly discloses information on decision-making and approval of property rights transactions, information on transaction items, transfer price, transaction price, audit results of relevant intermediaries and so on.

6. Bidding field of engineering construction projects. Mainly disclose the information on the examination and approval of the project subject to tender according to law, the credit of the market subject and so on. Except those involving state secrets and commercial secrets, the tender announcement (including tender conditions, project overview and tender scope, bidder’s qualification requirements, tender documents acquisition, tender documents submission, etc.), the winning candidate (including the ranking, name, bid quotation, construction period, bid evaluation, project leader, personal performance, relevant certificates and numbers, qualifications and abilities of the winning candidate in the tender documents, channels and methods for raising objections, etc.)

(2) Clearly disclose the subject.

According to the principle of "who approves, who makes public, who implements, who makes public, who makes public", the approval result information of public resource allocation involving administrative examination and approval shall be made public by the examination and approval department; The basic information of public resource projects, information on the allocation (transaction) process, information on winning the bid (transaction) and information on contract performance shall be disclosed by the state organs, enterprises and institutions that manage or implement the allocation of public resources according to the information available. In addition, explore the establishment of a "blacklist" system for the allocation of public resources, and gradually include information on bad behaviors such as defrauding public resources into the "blacklist", and relevant information will be disclosed by the departments responsible for management.

(3) Broaden open channels.

Give full play to the role of the government website as the first platform, release all kinds of information in the field of public resource allocation in a timely manner, and smooth the open channels according to the application. Actively use government Weibo WeChat, news media, government clients, etc. to broaden information disclosure channels, develop online services, and enhance user experience. Build a public resource transaction data sharing platform system with the national public resource trading platform as the hub, and promote the transparency of the whole process of public resource allocation. All kinds of public resource transaction announcements, qualification examination results, transaction process information, transaction information, performance information and related change information that should be disclosed according to law should be shared with the corresponding public resource trading platform after being published in the designated media, and interacted with the national public resource trading platform in real time for summary and release. The credit information in the field of public resource allocation should be interacted with the national credit information sharing platform at the same time, and it should be made public in time by relying on the website of "Credit China". It is necessary to integrate and share the public resource trading platform with other government information systems, and realize the connection between the public resource allocation information and other government information resources sharing.

(4) Strengthen the public prescription.

Adhere to openness as the norm and non-disclosure as the exception. The government information generated in the process of public resource allocation should be disclosed in a timely manner according to law, except for state secrets and commercial secrets. Unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations, information identified as voluntary disclosure shall be made public within 20 working days from the date of formation or change of government information in strict accordance with the Regulations of People’s Republic of China (PRC) Municipality on the Openness of Government Information, and administrative licensing and administrative punishment matters shall be made public online within 7 working days from the date of making administrative decisions. For the application of government information disclosure, it is necessary to give a reply in strict accordance with the statutory time limit and reasons.

Third, safeguard measures

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership.

Governments at all levels and relevant departments should attach great importance to the disclosure of government information in the field of public resource allocation, strengthen organizational leadership, and pay close attention to the implementation of tasks as an effective starting point for deepening the disclosure of government affairs. Governments at all levels should establish and improve the coordination mechanism, clarify the division of labor, and consolidate their responsibilities. As the organization and coordination department, the government office (room) should work with the departments of development and reform, industry and information technology, finance, land and resources, environmental protection, housing and urban construction, transportation, water conservancy, agriculture, commerce, health and family planning, auditing, state-owned assets supervision and management, taxation, forestry, railways, civil aviation and other relevant regulatory agencies for public resources transactions.

(2) Strengthen supervision and inspection.

Governments at all levels should regularly check the disclosure of government information in the field of public resource allocation, mainly including the disclosure of government information, the time limit for disclosure, and the submission and disclosure of information mastered by trading platforms. All relevant departments shall report the progress of work in this field to the competent department of government affairs disclosure at the same level every year, and publish it in the annual report of government information disclosure, and accept the supervision of the public and news media.

(3) Do a good job in assessment.

Local governments at all levels should, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the performance appraisal of government affairs openness, incorporate the government information disclosure in the field of public resource allocation into the performance appraisal scope of government affairs openness, strengthen the appraisal, and explore the introduction of a third-party evaluation mechanism to promote the effective development of the work. Establish and improve the incentive and restraint mechanism. Those who fail to perform their public duties in accordance with relevant regulations and requirements should be informed criticism and reflected in the annual assessment; Outstanding achievements in the work, give notice of praise.

the General Office of the State Council            

December 19, 2017          

(This piece is publicly released)

Tevez: Ferguson said he would buy me out, and he was very sad when I left Manchester United.

Live on March 11 th, former Argentine striker Tevez said in an interview with the media that Ferguson was very sad when he left Manchester United.

Tevez joined Manchester United on loan from West Ham in 2007 and moved to Manchester City in 2009. Tevez said: "I was loaned to Manchester United, and Ferguson told me that they would buy me out. Then he signed Berbatov and left me out of the starting list."

"The day before the Champions League final against Barcelona, I told Ferguson that I was going to Manchester City. At that time, I was close to reaching an agreement with Manchester City. After the Champions League final, I flew to Abu Dhabi with my family to meet the Manchester City boss and solve the contract problem, which was like a dagger for him (Ferguson). "

(Mu Zi)

What trends will 2023 bring for the tech world?

What’s the context?

After a rocky 2022 for Big Tech, experts give their forecasts for next year – from crypto regulations to content crackdowns

  • Legislative pressure set to rise in drive to protect users
  • Twitter takeover intensifies debate on content moderation
  • Crypto collapse seen accelerating regulatory moves

It has been a tumultuous year in the world of technology: Elon Musk took over Twitter, crypto crashed, and new laws sought to rein in Big Tech companies and control online content.

It was also the year that artificial intelligence-generated art went mainstream, even controversially winning a prize in a competition at the Colorado State Fair.

So what does 2023 hold in store, and how will tech users be affected around the world? We asked experts from the United States to India for their predictions.

How to take a shower in the bathroom in general, what is the process?

The general process of going to the bathroom to take a proper shower is as follows:

  1. Wash your face

Wash your face first, because when you enter the shower, the hot water will fill the bathroom with steam, which will force the pores of your body to expand, so if you don’t wash your face first, The dirt that accumulates on your face during the day will sneak in and sneak into your pores.

  1. Body wash

After washing your face, you can clean your body. But pay attention to control the water temperature, it is best to be close to the body temperature, that is, about 40 ℃. If the water temperature is too low, the pores of the skin will be tightly closed, and the dirt will not be removed in place. At this time, the body heat cannot be distributed, and after bathing, the limbs will feel weak.

In addition, the bathing time is preferably within 20 minutes, and good ventilation should be ensured, because if the bathing time is too long, it will cause hypoxia and ischemia of the heart and brain.

  1. Shampoo

After washing the body, the hair is fully nourished in the steam, and it is the best time to wash the hair at this time. Finally, rinse your body completely with water.