Online takeaway market breakthrough 300 billion Internet + catering reshape people’s table

  Do you want to understand the changes brought by the Internet to the Chinese restaurant industry? The most intuitive way is to go to the streets of major cities and see the takeaway "knights" flying everywhere. Every dish they deliver, every route they drive, and even the pricing of every logistics cost is supported by Internet information technology such as big data and cloud computing. In recent years, "Internet + catering" has flourished and brought profound changes to the Chinese table.

  The catering industry is fully "touching the net"

  For many urban white-collar workers, the first thing they do after work in the morning is to open the takeaway software on their mobile phones to see if there is any food takeout that suits their appetite, and then place an order, pay, and wait for delivery… Nowadays, takeout not only penetrates into office buildings, student dormitories, and residential areas, but even on high-speed rail, they can open a mobile app or scan a QR code to book takeout in advance.

  The changing scenes of daily life reflect the transformation of the Chinese catering industry. From the past of single-store marketing, paper menu ordering, and cash checkout, to the current prevalence of takeaway platforms, massive menu options, and online payment of meals, the Internet has realized a deep integration with the traditional catering industry.

  Data show that in 2017, the national catering industry revenue 3.9644 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.7%. From January to April this year, the national catering turnover reached 1.2736 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.1% year-on-year, and continued to maintain double-digit growth. This means that China’s catering industry has been in a state of stable and high growth.

  What are the intrinsic factors for achieving growth? The catering industry has been fully "connected to the Internet". With the in-depth application of Internet technology in the catering industry, the online catering industry has become the third regular dining mode for consumers other than "cooking by themselves" and "going to the restaurant". Statistics show that the size of the online takeaway market exceeded 300 billion yuan in 2017, an increase of 13.6 times compared with 20.37 billion yuan in 2011.

  Changes in the food and beverage market go hand in hand with changes in people’s food and beverage consumption habits. It is reported that in online takeout, the order transaction volume in residential areas accounts for about 50%. This means that many people have chosen to use takeout instead of "cooking at home". A report released by the China Business Industry Research Institute confirms this change. The report shows that the user scale of China’s Internet food and beverage takeaway market has reached 320 million in 2017, and the user scale is expected to reach 360 million in 2018. Internet catering is drastically changing users’ food and beverage consumption habits.

  "With the development of information technology and its continuous integration with catering companies, some catering companies have begun to shift to cross-border operations, and takeaway is a driving force. This not only brings greater business opportunities for catering companies, but also brings different catering consumption experiences to consumers," said Jiang Junxian, president of the China Cuisine Association.

  "Unmanned Restaurant" is accelerating

  In fact, "Internet + catering" is no longer as simple as delivering food. Recently, the opening of a "smart restaurant" in Qingdao has attracted the attention of local citizens. Customers can order food simply by scanning the code at the office or using the "smart restaurant" mobile app. The system also uses big data technology to recommend customers’ favorite foods. About 10 minutes after placing an order, customers will receive a text message with the cabinet number and the pick-up code to pick up the meal at the password cabinet.

  "It only takes ten minutes for customers to walk from the office to the password cabinet, and then they can take out their own dishes and eat. The middle links such as ordering food at the store and waiting for food at the store are completely removed," the person in charge of the restaurant said.

  Bai Xiufeng, dean of Meituan School of Catering, believes that online catering is already the trend and continues to deepen. "The typical consumer experience is to order and eat in advance, no need to queue up at the store, order food, no need to queue up to pay and issue invoices, etc. All aspects of dining are completed online," Bai Xiufeng said.

  A step further than the "smart restaurant" is the "robot restaurant" or "unmanned restaurant" that has appeared all over the country. As early as October 2017, Alibaba’s first "unmanned restaurant" opened in Hangzhou. The highlight of the restaurant is the "face-to-face payment", which does not require mobile phones and wallets, nor cashiers and waiters, and intelligently orders food and leaves after eating. In February this year, Alibaba’s robot restaurant "Hema" Nanxiang Store in Shanghai opened. In this restaurant covering an area of more than 7,000 square meters, customers need to use the Hema app to choose a seat in front of the screen at the entrance of the restaurant. After taking a seat, they order food by scanning the desktop QR code, and the delivery robot will deliver the food to the table. The cooking progress and delivery process can be monitored in real time through the screen in front of the table.

  Coincidentally, also announced on May 29 that its robot restaurant will be launched in August. The restaurant can be unmanned through robots to order, cook, and deliver dishes. The all-round robot chef can serve more than 40 dishes from eight major cuisines.

  Industry insiders say that such restaurants will be available in major cities across the country in the next few years. Although it is not realistic to fully realize "unmanned", the realization of some functions is not out of reach. For example, the development of intelligence systems to replace ordering staff and cashiers; the use of welcome robots, service robots, intelligent cooking machines to carry out various operations; the use of face-swiping payment.

  Personality diversity becomes a major trend

  Nowadays, "Internet +" has been fully penetrated and deeply expanded in the food and beverage industry chain in terms of food procurement, system management, online and offline marketing, transactions, reservations, ordering, queuing, payment, comments, etc. In the context that mobile payment has become the mainstream payment method in the catering industry, and otaku men and otaku women have become important customers, how will the future catering industry change?

  The report released by the China Cuisine Association shows that the demand for catering consumption is developing towards diversification. For practitioners, the increasing trend of personalization and segmentation, as well as the trend of multi-format differentiated management, will bring them many challenges.

  How to "grab the stomach of young people" is a question that the catering industry needs to think about. According to Meituan’s statistics, young people aged 20-35 contribute 74% of the orders for catering consumption, and are the main force and new force of online catering consumption. Young people’s catering needs are more personalized and segmented, and they are also more willing to try a variety of novel things, which requires restaurants not only to meet the needs of young users in terms of consumption forms, but also to broaden their horizons in product development.

  In the era of personalization and segmentation, whether Internet information technology can be deeply integrated with user requests directly determines the success or failure of modern catering practitioners.

  Experts believe that the future development of the catering industry can be summarized as the three major trends of online and offline integration, supply chain vertical integration and catering retailing. "Through online and offline integration, data and technology, restaurants can turn every customer into a user and every user into a member in the future. Store managers can understand the preferences of each customer through big data and provide services for thousands of people. This is an innovation that the catering industry will definitely face."

Changsha Auto Show: Beautiful car models become beautiful scenery.

Auto show site

Auto show site

Auto show site

There are more beautiful women and more audiences.

  Zhongguangwang Changsha News (Reporter Deng Wenhui correspondent Guo Guoquan) On December 11th-15th, 2008, the 4th China (Changsha) International Automobile Expo was held in Hunan International Convention and Exhibition Center. Changsha Auto Show offers a feast for consumers in the central region. The auto show was co-sponsored by Changsha Municipal People’s Government and China Automobile Industry Association. Car exhibitors from more than 20 countries and regions at home and abroad brought more than 500 well-known brand cars to the stage, including a new car launched nationwide and more than 30 new cars launched in central China. The auto show has an exhibition area of 70,000 square meters and an audience of 200,000. During the auto show, the beautiful car model became a beautiful landscape.

Editor: Liu Li

Hanzhong Food and Drug Testing Center successfully passed the re-evaluation of CMA qualification and the on-site evaluation of extended certification.

On April 21, Hanzhong Food and Drug Administration, Inspection and Testing Center successfully passed the six-year CMA qualification re-evaluation and the on-site evaluation of expanded certification in 2024.

During the 2-day on-site review, the expert group conducted a systematic, comprehensive, objective and fair assessment and evaluation of the institutional setup, personnel skills, environmental facilities, instruments and equipment and management system of the Municipal Food and Drug Testing Center by means of on-site inspection, consulting materials, discussion and questioning, on-site experiments, spot-checking records and reports, and checking the status and files of instruments and equipment in use.

The expert group arranged a total of 238 field experiments, including 46 operation demonstrations, 119 witness experiments, 27 personnel comparisons, 21 standard-added recoveries, 2 method comparisons, 5 blind sample tests, 7 sample retests, 7 instrument comparisons and 4 report verifications, all of which achieved satisfactory results. All seven authorized signatories successfully passed the examination and were approved.

Finally, with the approval of all the experts, 237 product standards, 821 parameters and 582 inspection method standards in eight categories, including food, raw grain, oil, health food, traditional Chinese medicine, chemical medicine, cosmetics and clean environment inspection, were approved by the Municipal Food and Drug Testing Center. 827 parameters in the fields of traditional Chinese medicine, chemical medicine, cosmetics and clean environment detection.

The Municipal Food and Drug Testing Center will take this review as a new starting point, do a good job in the rectification and implementation of feedback problems, further improve the inspection and testing ability and management level, and provide strong technical support for the city’s market supervision.

Original title: "Hanzhong Food and Drug Testing Center successfully passed CMA qualification re-evaluation and on-site evaluation of expanded certification"

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"The News Queen" starts tonight to explain the anchor struggle and the game of human nature with news stories.

Produced by Youku and TVB, directed by Xie Ying and Chung Shu Kai, supervised by Guan Wenshen, directed by Chen Haibin and Jiang Zhenjie, and starring Charmaine Sheh, Kenneth Ma, Selena Li, Gao Haining, Wang Minyi, He Yiting, Deng Zhijian, Tan Junyan, Chen Shancong, Gong Ci ‘en, Wu Yekun and Che Wanwan, will be at 18: 00 tonight. The drama tells the story of Wen Hui, the news anchor, who struggles with his opponents and struggles with his conscience in order to climb to the position of management, and constantly wanders between powers.

Yesterday, The News Queen hosted a launch conference, and Charmaine Sheh, Kenneth Ma, Selena Li and He Yiting were present to have an immersive interaction with the audience. The leading actors not only deal with the "vicious obstacle" on the red carpet as skillfully as the characters in the play, but also continue the role relationship in the play through interactive games. As a sincere drama jointly launched by Youku and TVB this year, it coincides with the tenth anniversary of Youku’s Hong Kong drama. The Queen of News gathers many powerful actors to tell the story of the news anchor with a dazzling lineup and original Hong Kong style.

Ten years of Youku Hong Kong drama, Charmaine Sheh will take Kenneth Ma to interpret the anchor fight again

The story background of The News Queen is set in SNK-NEWS, the largest news media organization in Hong Kong. Senior anchor Wen Hui Xin (Charmaine Sheh) and Liang Jingren (Kenneth Ma) are equally divided into two factions, competing for the position of chief anchor. The subsequent vacancy of female anchors in prime time at 6: 30 triggered a series of infighting among three female anchors in different periods in the morning, middle and evening: Zhang Jiayan (Selena Li), Xu Shiqing (Gao Haining) and Xu Xiaowei (He Yiting).

Youku Hong Kong drama has been in existence for ten years, and has successively produced high-quality works such as Forensic Pioneer 4-5 series, Sniper of Flying Tigers trilogy, White Strongman 2, Sniper of Overlapping Shadows, Family Glory and Bridge of Sighs. This "News Queen" is also a gathering of Hong Kong stars, which is highly anticipated by the audience. Charmaine Sheh returned to Hong Kong Opera after a lapse of six years, showing Wen Huixin’s ability and strength to the fullest. Kenneth Ma once again cooperated with Charmaine Sheh, playing Liang Jingren, Wen Huixin’s arch-rival, and showed his insidious and shrewd behavior.

Externally, both Wen Huixin’s "Wen Jiajun" and Liang Jingren’s "George Party" adhere to the principle of "grabbing exclusivity, breaking news and grabbing pictures", and show their professional ability and accomplishment when dealing with social breaking news. Inside, in this game and struggle of anchors, some people gradually deviate from their original intentions, and some people always stick to their original intentions. Youku Port Theater aims to explain to the audience the news anchor’s pursuit of facts and the choice of human nature facing the temptation of interests through The News Queen.

A number of unexpected events explain the ability of news anchors, and multiple relationships depict the struggle of human nature.

In the final announcement released by The News Queen today, there have been many cases, such as the explosion of a bus in which passengers grabbed the steering wheel, the fire of a fire sprinkler building blocked by illegal construction, and the death of a rich second-generation drunk and racing car. The orderly presence of everyone reflects the professional ability of the news anchor. And behind the orderly, how do they skillfully deal with unexpected situations and dig deep into the truth behind the scenes? In the single poster released at the same time, everyone’s eyes are either extremely determined, or hidden, or naive, and the gray background behind it indicates that this is a solemn and unmistakable struggle.

On the other hand, Wen Huixin and Liang Jingren are rivals, and they compete for the company’s resources through a series of conspiracies. On top of the two, Mr. Fei, the director of the TV department, intends to add fuel to the flames and take advantage of the fishermen. What are the pros and cons behind this? In addition to the two, Zhang Jiayan, Xu Shiqing and Xu Xiaowei have different characteristics such as professionalism, beauty and scheming, and their relations with Wen Huixin and Liang Jingren are complicated. What kind of struggle will the anchors stage for the benefit? Is there true feelings behind the struggle?

In the background of live news broadcast, it shows the contest between anchors, the tracking of social hotspots and the balance of human conscience. In the end, who will not be moved by interests and stick to their original heart? Who is the final winner in this dilemma? Starting from 18:00 tonight, the TV series "The News Queen" will be broadcast exclusively on the whole network of Youku Port Theater, with 12 episodes in 8 days! A struggle without smoke is about to start!

After reading these grandma’s exquisite clothes, I realized that fashion really has nothing to do with age.

What is fashion? What age stage can explain fashion? Faced with these two questions, I believe that most people have no accurate answers, nor can they describe the concept of fashion through language, but fashion is a manifestation, and women of different ages interpret fashion differently.

For foreign street grandmothers, regardless of age, fashion, their way of wearing, will always be a model of old age collocation. Fashion is a kind of spirit. It doesn’t mean that you have no right to pursue fashion when you are old, but you should try your best to show your perfect self in collocation.

(1) Style, frankness and personality

Being old is not an excuse, but many people will give up building their own external image because they are getting older. For these foreign grandmothers, the older they are, the more they should dress themselves up and pay more attention to matching details.

Let the image become more decent and generous, so from the way they match, we can see that the style is more frank and individual, and a little feeling of young people will not make people feel too old-fashioned.

(2) The collocation method is elegant

The collocation of the elderly should be a very decent way, rather than a grandstanding way to make the collocation look more attractive. Foreign grandmothers prefer elegant fashion styles.

For example, with a basic top, you will choose a skirt to make the image look more girly and make the figure look thinner. This matching detail is actually to make the image more elegant and generous.

(3) The color of single product is advanced and durable.

If you want to choose a suitable fashion item, you need to think about your age and at which stage. For the elderly, it is more suitable to match the dark color system, but you don’t have to choose the ordinary dark color system, but try some advanced colors, like some earth tone, which also belong to the dark color system.

For example, light dark green and gray, or khaki, these colors can not only make the style advanced enough, but also make your clothes more tasteful. For the elderly, these colors are very inclusive and can create a style that is more in line with the current age.

Long coat+black leggings+boots

Older people generally prefer to wear simple fashion. For example, in the cold winter, most people will choose long coats to wear black leggings. This style is more everyday, but if they want to be outstanding enough, then the shoes should be mainly boots, not flat shoes, so as to make the collocation more temperament.

Thick coat+silk scarf+straight pants

Once a woman reaches the old age, the whole person’s temperament will become more mature and steady, but it is necessary to show a more elegant side as much as possible to effectively enhance her image.

For example, a thick coat with straight pants, this more casual style, can present a more atmospheric state, and with a silk scarf, is definitely the icing on the cake.

Cardigan coat+bottoming shirt+handbag

The collocation in daily life should be simple, and the elderly don’t need to dress up in a sloppy way, but make their temperament more outstanding and collocation more detailed.

For example, with cardigan coat and bottoming shirt, on this basis, we should match a handbag to make the style look more grand and the image will not look too rustic.

Old people should not give up building themselves, but also try some different styles to enhance their external image and learn from the collocation of foreign grandmothers. I believe your clothes will become more and more fashionable.

Original text, pictures from the network, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.

China men’s basketball team won two consecutive victories in the warm-up match, and Cui Yongxi’s performance was 8 out of 9, and Qiao Shuai loved and hated Zhao Rui.

On August 5th, Beijing time, the Italian Trentino Cup officially started, and the China men’s basketball team welcomed its first opponent, the Cape Verdean men’s basketball team. There are four teams participating in the Trentino Cup in Italy, namely China, Italy, Cape Verde and Turkey. The winner on the first day will play the final the next day. In this game, Li Kaier, a naturalized player of China Men’s Basketball Team, missed the first show of the national team.

In the game, the Cape Verdean men’s basketball team gave China a run, and quickly made a 14-2 attack wave to take the lead. Fortunately, in the second half of the game, the power was suddenly cut off and only one point was scored. Zhang Zhenlin hit long-range shots one after another, Wang Zhelin attacked and killed the inside line one after another, and the China men’s basketball team overtook 4 points in the first quarter of the 15-1 attack climax. . In the second quarter, the two sides started a tug-of-war. The Cape Verdean men’s basketball team was only one point short by relying on three points, but qi zhou stormed inside to stop bleeding, and Fang Shuo threw a three-pointer into the buzzer to help the China men’s basketball team maintain a seven-point lead at half-time.

In the easy-side battle, the Cape Verdean men’s basketball team pursued three points in a row, while Cui Yongxi scored six points in a row, and also sent out a strong response of empty dunks. Wang Zhelin came up and continued to widen the points difference in the paint, and Fang Shuo’s sudden 2+1 plus a strong shot and a medium-pressure whistle helped the China men’s basketball team lead to 17 points in three quarters. In the last quarter, Cui Yongxi completely became a solo performance. He first turned around and made a gorgeous layup on the inside line, then sent out a violent dunk, hitting three points in succession and cutting 10 points directly to help the China men’s basketball team open a lead of more than 20 points. In the end, the China men’s basketball team beat the Cape Verde men’s basketball team 86-66 and reached the final.

In terms of data, Cui Yongxi scored 18 points and 4 rebounds, Fang Shuo scored 11 points, 4 assists and 3 rebounds, Zhang Zhenlin scored 10 points and 2 rebounds, Wang Zhelin scored 9 points and 2 rebounds, qi zhou scored 8 points and 3 rebounds, Hu Jinqiu scored 8 points, 3 rebounds and 2 assists, Zhu Junlong scored 6 points and 2 rebounds, He Xining scored 5 points and 3 rebounds, Zhao Jiwei scored 4 points and 9 assists, Zhao Rui scored 4 points and 2 assists and Fu Hao scored 3 points.

In this game, the China team rarely played its own characteristics. The offensive end was like flowing water, and the defensive end was impenetrable. The performance of the men’s basketball team exceeded expectations, and the ball was pushed back quickly and accurately. The rotation and empty cut in positional warfare were extremely smooth, and the defensive end was also very oppressive. The change that Qiao Shuai brought to the team was obvious. This China men’s basketball team is full of hope. There is a certain chance to play South Sudan and Puerto Rico in the World Cup. After all, we have let an NBA star.

Netizen shouted: Is this the fucking China team? There are empty catches, dunks, three points and coordination, except for the free throws, which are always squatting. Qiao Shuai is really awesome! After watching the best national team for 20 years, it’s really worth staying up late to watch this live broadcast!

Qiao Shuai’s level is really high, the selection and employment are just right, he dares to play and fight, the pass and cut are smooth, and there are three points for dunks. The overall style of the game is good, and the China team is brand-new. Some people will say that Cape Verde is poor, so China won! We need to popularize science here. Cape Verde is an African champion, with NBA players and teams participating in the World Cup!

Cui Yongxi was the best player in China men’s basketball team. He played for 16 minutes and 52 seconds, shot 8 of 9, 2 of 3 of 3, and got 18 points, 4 rebounds and 1 assist. He is omnipotent, just like China McGrady, with the shadow of Hu Weidong. It is no exaggeration to say that Cui Yongxi has a bright future. He has more potential than Zhang Zhenlin and has a better chance to enter the NBA.

In contrast, the guard group of China men’s basketball team is much inferior, Fang Shuo’s performance on the offensive end is impeccable, and Zhao Jiwei’s nine assists are also quite sharp, but Zhao Rui’s performance is simply disastrous.

Zhao Rui’s performance in this game is: casual cross, defense without reaching out, and mindless violation. Let’s not talk about the ability. As for the attitude of the game, it took more than five minutes to play in the second half. It should be that Qiao Shuai also saw something. It is not surprising that Zhao Rui cut this situation. Although he can occupy a position in the China defender group with his ability, his attitude is really bad and his temper is really smelly. He always gives his teammates negative emotions on the court. He has a big problem. Once he makes a mistake, he starts to blame his teammates on the court. In the second half, there is obviously a three-point loss, and turning around is complaining.

Fans can accept that Zhao Rui can’t play well, and it is inevitable that he will be in a bad state. But can we not get mad at each other easily? The national team has no fault tolerance rate. Is it unnecessary to always make inexplicable technical fouls? Zhao Rui needs to make it clear that this is a national team competition. If you come up, you need to output. If you don’t come up, you need to make mistakes. Are you ready? This is not CBA, and Guangdong team has a fault tolerance rate.

As far as the combination of ball ability, physical fitness and experience defense is concerned, Zhao Rui is really the top domestic defender. Although it always feels like a dynamite powder keg, which may explode at any time, in addition to the national team and the big nephew, the other domestic defenders are Zhang Ning, but Zhang Ning’s ability to hold the ball is not good, especially with his left hand.

So if you really understand the ball, Zhao Rui can’t be cut at all, especially without Guo Ailun, even if he plays badly. Because each of our defenders is lame, Zhao Rui’s greatest contribution is that he has to be there as a tool for holding the ball over the half-court. Otherwise, it will really press you to see how ugly it will be in the future. In the fourth quarter, Zhao Rui was just a tool for holding the ball over the half-court. Without him, Zhao Jiwei and Fang Shuo would have been able to hold the ball over the half-court.

Jorjevich loves and hates Zhao Rui!

Perfect home farewell battle! Firmino narrowly escaped tears, and Liverpool kept their last hope for the fourth place.

In the battle against Aston Villa, firmino ushered in a farewell game at home. After coming off the bench, firmino scored a goal in the 90th minute and presented the best gift for his last dance at home.

On Thursday, Liverpool announced that firmino, Nabi Keita, Milner and Chamberlain, whose contracts expired, will expire at the end of the season, which means that Liverpool has accelerated the process of upgrading, and this Liverpool built by klopp will be completely disintegrated.

As a member of the Red Arrow Tri-Man, firmino scored 109 goals and sent 79 assists in 360 appearances, which helped Liverpool win the Champions League, the European Super Cup, the World Club Cup, the League Cup, the FA Cup and the Community Shield, and won the Premier League in 2019-20, breaking the curse of not winning the championship for 30 years.

However, due to many reasons, firmino lost his main position in the 2021-22 season, and klopp even made Manet play the center at one time. After Manet left in the summer of 2022, Liverpool signed Nunez and Gakpo, which made firmino’s position in the team further decline. However, firmino still scored 11 goals in 33 appearances this season, with an average efficiency of one goal in 149 minutes.

When leaving, firmino said, "I am very clear about my current position. There are many outstanding young players in the team, and now it is time for me to leave." Speaking of the farewell game at home, firmino said, "I will cry 100% after the game. This is a special day."

After missing six Premier League games due to injury, firmino came off the bench in the 72nd minute, along with Milner, and the fans applauded their appearance.

Only by winning can Liverpool keep their hopes of getting tickets to the Champions League. In the 90th minute of the game, Salah made a cross from the right and firmino grabbed the goal in the small restricted area before Mince. This was firmino’s 110th goal for Liverpool.

After the goal was scored, firmino knelt down on the lawn to celebrate, and the Liverpool fans sang "The Song of firmino" again.

Arnold said, "People here love him, and players and fans love him. Sometimes he is always underestimated by the outside world, but he deserves his position. "

On his last appearance at Anfield and scoring a crucial goal at the last minute, firmino once again proved his worth.

Have no martial ethics! Clippers officer Xuan Xiaoka was absent from G4 due to injury, and American Yang Yi was angry: Owen was not wanted.

On April 22nd, local time, on April 21st, the Clippers officially announced that leonard, the star of the team, would continue to miss the series G4 because of a sprained knee. At present, the total score of the Clippers is 1-2 behind the Suns. In this regard, Steven A-Smith, a famous ESPN speaker and American Yang Yi, said angrily in the program: leonard simply retired, preferring Owen to him!

On April 22nd, Clippers officially announced that leonard would continue to miss the series G4 due to a sprained knee. Previously, leonard missed the G3 series due to injury, and the team lost the game. At present, the score is 1-2 behind the Suns.

In addition to leonard, George will continue to miss the game because of a sprained right knee. According to Lawrence Frank, general manager of Clippers, Cam’s injury will not affect George’s recovery schedule.

After learning that leonard will miss the first round G4, ESPN celebrity Steven A-Smith was emotional and continued to anger leonard: "I have to say, I’ve had enough of Cam, and I’ve had enough of him. Why don’t you just retire?" This guy threatened the Clippers to trade everything for George because he threatened to go to the Lakers if he didn’t follow his request. Just after Cam helped the Raptors win the championship, the Clippers gave Cam everything he wanted, including money, physical therapists, private jets and so on. The Clippers gave him everything.

But cam missed too many games! Even missed half the game. He and Paul George only played three playoff games together. You can’t make up an excuse. They only played 22% of the games together. Oh, my God! This is completely unreasonable. Leonard is absent regularly, which is often not even due to injury. This guy G1 scored 38 points in World War I, G2 scored 31 points. In Phoenix, he just got Durant and Booker, and the series was 1-1. It seemed nothing to walk off. Then the next day, Tyrone Lu woke up and got the message that he couldn’t call.

Now he can’t even play G4, and this happened on the premise that he missed almost the whole season last season, which is shameful. Even Tyrone Lu is depressed, which is what makes me most angry. You have reached a point, which is what I said. I want Owen more than leonard, and I want Owen more than leonard! "

In this regard, netizens have said, "Owen who doesn’t talk."

"Wei Shao, I thought I could hold two thighs, but I didn’t think I became a thigh."

"All right, the series is over."

"The clippers have raised a treasure."

"The Clippers have gone far, but it’s a pity that the team is so hard."

"Come back to the fire line at 3:1?"

"regular break, playoff break"

"When the money arrives, you have to take a vacation."

"His wishful thinking: about 40 games in the regular season, the general schedule of paddling! In the first round and the second round of the playoffs, I lay all the way, and I decided to play 5 games to solve the battle, and the other paddles! In the finals, Tianwangshan made efforts to grab 7 efforts, and finally fmvp took it away. Everyone praised him as Jordan and led the team with one core! "

"This should be the only existence in history. Playing a game and taking a break or even playing a half-time break this season. Then the question is, what kind of injury is it that will be good after a game? "

"Since he left to train his spurs, his mind has become more and more heavy. The baiwenhang wants to do whatever he wants, and there is no professional ethics at all!"

Bo Yu said sports: Premier League Rome is considering hiring De Zerbi to replace Mourinho, but Tottenham Hotspur and Chelsea are also.

On the other hand, the defense has obviously regressed. The opponent’s shots per possession increased by 27%(0.10), and the average xG was similar. The number of goals per game in Manchester City increased from 0.7 to 1.0. Whether it’s because Guardiola tried his staff to make the best use of Harland-which, among other things, led to the bench of full-back Joao Cancelo and eventually loaned it to Bayern-or because of the conscious retreat of the World Cup in terms of pressure and efforts (Manchester City players played more time in Qatar than any other club), Manchester City’s pressure was more passive and ineffective. Excellent opponents are particularly comfortable and productive for them: in eight games against the top six teams in the Premier League, Manchester City scored a goal in 13 shots (81.10 times per game), worth 11.6 xG.

Please note that Manchester City also scored 19 goals and scored 13 points in these eight games, but Manchester City did not control the situation as usual. Put some terrible luck into a close game-in a game decided by 1-2 goals, the average score per game is 0.1 (the average score of the other four teams in England is 2.1)-and we can see how Manchester City has left the door for Arsenal to break in at present. This also brought RB Leipzig back to the first leg of their last 16 Champions League (final 1-1 draw), and there is still some work to be done before they can advance next week.

There are big changes in the frontcourt this summer. Barcelona wants to clean two generals, and the No.10 in the team+the old Manchester City general.

This season, the team has successively introduced Levan and Rafinha, which has achieved good results. Barcelona hopes to continue to upgrade its frontcourt position this summer, while some players with poor performance will be purged. Fati and Phelan Torres are undoubtedly inferior to others in the frontcourt. In terms of reinforcement, Barcelona intends to introduce Rocco, while in terms of cleaning, Fati and Phelan Torres are the two frontcourt players who are most likely to leave the team. In order to have enough funds to continue the upgrade and reinforcement of the frontcourt, Barcelona may consider selling one of Fati and Phelan Torres.

Fati, the new Barcelona No.10 is obviously not as good as the previous No.10 players of the club, and it is difficult for people to see any signs of improvement. Fati’s future in Barcelona has become increasingly uncertain, and now the club is more inclined to sell it to recover funds, rather than give time to prove itself. Fati’s own performance is unstable, and it also affects other players on Barcelona’s offensive end from time to time. The most classic scene is that Fati grabbed Levan, who was in a better position, so that the latter failed to make a header attack. Fati failed to have a good chemical reaction with other teams in the frontcourt, but it had the opposite effect. The data of 6 goals and 3 assists in 36 games seems not bad, but Fati did more harm than good in the frontcourt.

Fortunately, Fati still has a market, and several top teams in the Premier League want to introduce this Barcelona frontcourt player. Therefore, as long as Barcelona is willing to push Fati into the transfer market, I believe it can be sold at a good price. As for Phelan Torres, he only came to Barcelona in January last year, and this season has actually begun the first full season of his career in Barcelona. However, the club is obviously not satisfied with Phelan Torres’ performance on the court. Poor ability to seize opportunities, whether it is personal scoring or organizing assists, has not played the role and effect expected by the coach. Phelan-Torres Espiba has a low presence on the offensive end, which has actually lasted for a long time.

People don’t see any signs of recovery in Phelan Torres. Phelan Torres is not as good as Dembele in breaking and killing on the flank. The latter can not only play a critical role, but also always send assists to his teammates. Barcelona hopes to sell Phelan Torres this summer. At the beginning, it cost 55 million euros to introduce him from Manchester City, and the capital cost is a little. Now it seems that this transaction is obviously disappointing and at a loss. Phelan Torres has played 32 games for Barcelona so far this season, of which only 13 started and scored 5 goals and 1 assist. It’s worse than Fati in data.

For Barcelona fans, compared with Fati, the club is actually more inclined to sell Phelan Torres. After all, the former comes from the team’s own youth training, and the fans still hope Fati can play and show his due role on the court. Phelan Torres is not from Barcelona, but from Valencia. Phelan Torres made a name for himself in Valencia and attracted the attention of Manchester City. During his time at Manchester City, Phelan Torres’ performance was remarkable. However, due to Barcelona’s invitation, fans have the idea of returning to La Liga. Manchester City chose to follow Phelan Torres’ wishes and the deal was successfully concluded. However, it is a pity that Phelan Torres, who returned to La Liga, played an outstanding performance in Valencia and even Manchester City, but now he is facing the fate of being purged.