Online takeaway market breakthrough 300 billion Internet + catering reshape people’s table

  Do you want to understand the changes brought by the Internet to the Chinese restaurant industry? The most intuitive way is to go to the streets of major cities and see the takeaway "knights" flying everywhere. Every dish they deliver, every route they drive, and even the pricing of every logistics cost is supported by Internet information technology such as big data and cloud computing. In recent years, "Internet + catering" has flourished and brought profound changes to the Chinese table.

  The catering industry is fully "touching the net"

  For many urban white-collar workers, the first thing they do after work in the morning is to open the takeaway software on their mobile phones to see if there is any food takeout that suits their appetite, and then place an order, pay, and wait for delivery… Nowadays, takeout not only penetrates into office buildings, student dormitories, and residential areas, but even on high-speed rail, they can open a mobile app or scan a QR code to book takeout in advance.

  The changing scenes of daily life reflect the transformation of the Chinese catering industry. From the past of single-store marketing, paper menu ordering, and cash checkout, to the current prevalence of takeaway platforms, massive menu options, and online payment of meals, the Internet has realized a deep integration with the traditional catering industry.

  Data show that in 2017, the national catering industry revenue 3.9644 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.7%. From January to April this year, the national catering turnover reached 1.2736 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.1% year-on-year, and continued to maintain double-digit growth. This means that China’s catering industry has been in a state of stable and high growth.

  What are the intrinsic factors for achieving growth? The catering industry has been fully "connected to the Internet". With the in-depth application of Internet technology in the catering industry, the online catering industry has become the third regular dining mode for consumers other than "cooking by themselves" and "going to the restaurant". Statistics show that the size of the online takeaway market exceeded 300 billion yuan in 2017, an increase of 13.6 times compared with 20.37 billion yuan in 2011.

  Changes in the food and beverage market go hand in hand with changes in people’s food and beverage consumption habits. It is reported that in online takeout, the order transaction volume in residential areas accounts for about 50%. This means that many people have chosen to use takeout instead of "cooking at home". A report released by the China Business Industry Research Institute confirms this change. The report shows that the user scale of China’s Internet food and beverage takeaway market has reached 320 million in 2017, and the user scale is expected to reach 360 million in 2018. Internet catering is drastically changing users’ food and beverage consumption habits.

  "With the development of information technology and its continuous integration with catering companies, some catering companies have begun to shift to cross-border operations, and takeaway is a driving force. This not only brings greater business opportunities for catering companies, but also brings different catering consumption experiences to consumers," said Jiang Junxian, president of the China Cuisine Association.

  "Unmanned Restaurant" is accelerating

  In fact, "Internet + catering" is no longer as simple as delivering food. Recently, the opening of a "smart restaurant" in Qingdao has attracted the attention of local citizens. Customers can order food simply by scanning the code at the office or using the "smart restaurant" mobile app. The system also uses big data technology to recommend customers’ favorite foods. About 10 minutes after placing an order, customers will receive a text message with the cabinet number and the pick-up code to pick up the meal at the password cabinet.

  "It only takes ten minutes for customers to walk from the office to the password cabinet, and then they can take out their own dishes and eat. The middle links such as ordering food at the store and waiting for food at the store are completely removed," the person in charge of the restaurant said.

  Bai Xiufeng, dean of Meituan School of Catering, believes that online catering is already the trend and continues to deepen. "The typical consumer experience is to order and eat in advance, no need to queue up at the store, order food, no need to queue up to pay and issue invoices, etc. All aspects of dining are completed online," Bai Xiufeng said.

  A step further than the "smart restaurant" is the "robot restaurant" or "unmanned restaurant" that has appeared all over the country. As early as October 2017, Alibaba’s first "unmanned restaurant" opened in Hangzhou. The highlight of the restaurant is the "face-to-face payment", which does not require mobile phones and wallets, nor cashiers and waiters, and intelligently orders food and leaves after eating. In February this year, Alibaba’s robot restaurant "Hema" Nanxiang Store in Shanghai opened. In this restaurant covering an area of more than 7,000 square meters, customers need to use the Hema app to choose a seat in front of the screen at the entrance of the restaurant. After taking a seat, they order food by scanning the desktop QR code, and the delivery robot will deliver the food to the table. The cooking progress and delivery process can be monitored in real time through the screen in front of the table.

  Coincidentally, also announced on May 29 that its robot restaurant will be launched in August. The restaurant can be unmanned through robots to order, cook, and deliver dishes. The all-round robot chef can serve more than 40 dishes from eight major cuisines.

  Industry insiders say that such restaurants will be available in major cities across the country in the next few years. Although it is not realistic to fully realize "unmanned", the realization of some functions is not out of reach. For example, the development of intelligence systems to replace ordering staff and cashiers; the use of welcome robots, service robots, intelligent cooking machines to carry out various operations; the use of face-swiping payment.

  Personality diversity becomes a major trend

  Nowadays, "Internet +" has been fully penetrated and deeply expanded in the food and beverage industry chain in terms of food procurement, system management, online and offline marketing, transactions, reservations, ordering, queuing, payment, comments, etc. In the context that mobile payment has become the mainstream payment method in the catering industry, and otaku men and otaku women have become important customers, how will the future catering industry change?

  The report released by the China Cuisine Association shows that the demand for catering consumption is developing towards diversification. For practitioners, the increasing trend of personalization and segmentation, as well as the trend of multi-format differentiated management, will bring them many challenges.

  How to "grab the stomach of young people" is a question that the catering industry needs to think about. According to Meituan’s statistics, young people aged 20-35 contribute 74% of the orders for catering consumption, and are the main force and new force of online catering consumption. Young people’s catering needs are more personalized and segmented, and they are also more willing to try a variety of novel things, which requires restaurants not only to meet the needs of young users in terms of consumption forms, but also to broaden their horizons in product development.

  In the era of personalization and segmentation, whether Internet information technology can be deeply integrated with user requests directly determines the success or failure of modern catering practitioners.

  Experts believe that the future development of the catering industry can be summarized as the three major trends of online and offline integration, supply chain vertical integration and catering retailing. "Through online and offline integration, data and technology, restaurants can turn every customer into a user and every user into a member in the future. Store managers can understand the preferences of each customer through big data and provide services for thousands of people. This is an innovation that the catering industry will definitely face."

How do humans count from fingers to AI?

  Computing equipment displayed in Tsinghua University Science Museum.

  How do humans calculate?

  We can often see that children like to break their hands and count. For human ancestors whose evolution degree is not high, fingers have written a landmark first page for the history of human computing.

  Not long ago, the first comprehensive science museum in China — — Tsinghua University Science Museum, together with Zimuyuan Museum in Hefei, displayed 80 important computing instruments in the history of the East and the West in three units: operation, cleverness and switching on electricity.

  In fact, the museum has collected more than 4,000 pieces of scientific instruments, and has carried out research restoration on famous Chinese and foreign scientific instruments and technological inventions with written records that have been lost in history. Among the 80 pieces of computing instruments in this exhibition, the research and manufacturing team of the museum, after in-depth research, copied the mathematical clay tablets of Babylon and the bamboo slips of the Warring States Period, restored Leonardo da Vinci’s odometer and the drum car of the Song Dynasty, built the ancient Greek Antikythera device with Lego, and developed the interactive model of the Sikard calculator, Pascal calculator and Leibniz calculator.

  Counting is the basis of arithmetic, and human’s 10 fingers become the simplest and most convenient technical tool, which is probably the fundamental reason for decimal calculation. In the ancient world, the "finger counting method" was brought to the extreme. Nowadays, people may not imagine that the finger counting method in medieval Europe can even use two hands to represent as many as 9999 numbers. Until today, finger counting is still widely used in spoken language, sign language and gesture communication.

  As the starting point of early human computing practice, in addition to fingers, our ancestors also used knots, calculations and arithmetic to represent discrete units, and carried out simple operations by moving and arranging these units. For more complex operations and functions, people will arrange the calculation results into tables or use analog calculation devices such as proportional gauge, slide rule and nomograph. These early calculation tools mainly rely on manual operation, and there is no clear input and output device.

  In China, in 2017, Tsinghua University Unearthed Literature Research and Protection Center discovered the earliest decimal calculator "Calculation Table", which was certified by Guinness World Records in the same year. The table is in tabular form, and the core part is the multiplication table of 99, which is composed of "9" to "1" and their products "81" to "1". "Calculation Table" can also be used to convert the multiplication of two digits into the addition of four crossing points by crossing silk threads and using the exchange law to realize fast operation.

  With the continuous development of human society, such computing devices are no longer enough.

  In the 17th century, the idea of mechanical calculator was put into practice for the first time, and it was really commercialized in the middle of 19th century. The extensive use of mechanical calculators conforms to the internal requirements of the rapidly developing capitalist market economy and large-scale industrial production. Difference machine and analyzer are the pinnacle of the development of mechanical calculators, and the analyzer already has the idea of program control, which also indicates the development direction of electronic computers in the future.

  But the electronic computer, which was born in the middle of the 20th century, is a great synthesis in the history of science and technology. The introduction of electricity into computing machines has greatly improved the computing speed of human beings. Since then, computing is no longer just arithmetic, but intelligent activity, and computers are no longer just computing tools, but artificial intelligence.

  Nowadays, smartphones everywhere are no longer called "computing devices". This forgetfulness of calculation just proves that calculation has been immersed in every corner of human activities. The digitalization of the world also turns all problems into calculation problems.

  Computing devices are everywhere, but they are hidden, indicating that human beings will enter the AI era of intelligent computing.

Xining, Qinghai: Fashion and fresh air blow into thousands of households.

From throwing it at random to distributing it, from garbage to resources, garbage classification is profoundly changing Xining City, Qinghai Province, and letting fashion fresh air blow into thousands of households.

Since 2018, the garbage sorting work in Xining has been moving towards upgrading the standard and quality. Up to now, the classified facilities and publicity coverage of domestic waste in residential areas in the main urban areas of the city have reached 100%, the number of points (stations) for upgrading and upgrading has accounted for 71.7%, and the resource utilization rate has reached over 65%.

Advance at a high level and improve the system guarantee

In July, 2023, the Regulations on the Classification and Management of Domestic Waste in Xining City (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) was officially promulgated and implemented, and since then, the classification of domestic waste in Xining City has been guaranteed by law.

Recently, the Office of the Leading Group for Domestic Waste Classification in Chengdong District, together with Yunjiakou Town and Yucai Road Community, launched a publicity campaign for domestic waste classification in Ningcheng Jiayuan Community. The staff publicized the "Regulations" to the residents by asking questions, and distributed various small gifts to the residents who answered correctly. The atmosphere at the scene was lively, which expanded the grassroots publicity coverage of garbage sorting and improved the awareness rate and participation rate of the masses.

Chengbei District adheres to both propaganda and education, promotes the integration of garbage sorting into daily life, and promotes all-round publicity, creating a strong public opinion situation and atmosphere, and the participation of the masses is more extensive.

"We have made full use of the media, various special trainings, popular science lectures, on-site teaching experience activities, etc., and achieved full coverage of the Regulations and garbage classification knowledge." The relevant person in charge of Chengbei District said.

It is understood that since the promulgation and implementation of the "Regulations", the law enforcement departments of urban management in various districts have continuously increased the law enforcement inspection of domestic waste classification in accordance with the principles of strict law enforcement and normal management. Up to now, a total of 1,482 administrative law enforcement actions on domestic waste classification have been carried out, 3,605 law enforcement officers have been dispatched, 1,656 problems have been found, 1,513 times of education and persuasion have been conducted, 142 notices of ordering correction within a time limit have been issued, and 64 cases have been filed and investigated to ensure the smooth progress of domestic waste classification according to laws and regulations.

Fill in the shortcomings and play a demonstration effect.

Entering the 12 successfully established demonstration communities of garbage classification, the garbage classification has formed a normal management mode of "propaganda at home, withdrawal and consolidation of barrels, fixed time and supervision by barrels".

After the residents sort the garbage at home, they put it into the centralized garbage sorting point in the community. The supervisor at the bucket side will always remind the residents that they will "find out" the wrong garbage in time. Through continuous publicity and long-term supervision by the bucket, the awareness rate of garbage classification of residents in the demonstration community reached 95%, and the classification accuracy rate reached 70%.

"Last year, we continued to fill the shortcomings, improve the construction of domestic waste sorting facilities in the waste sorting demonstration community, and carry out household publicity, with a coverage rate of 100%. At the same time, we will continue to promote the construction of domestic waste classification demonstration communities, and the coverage rate of demonstration households in the main urban area will reach 41%, realizing the expansion of domestic waste classification in the city. " The staff of the Office of the Leading Group for Domestic Waste Classification in Xining said.

According to statistics, in recent years, the main urban area of Xining City has set up (updated) 2,300 sets of garbage sorting bins and installed 259 centralized garbage sorting points, and completed the registration of garbage sorting facilities in 2,100 residential quarters in the city.

Raise the standard and improve the quality to expand the coverage.

From the pilot of 12 demonstration plots to the creation of 5 demonstration plots, and then to the full coverage of domestic waste classification in the city’s party and government organs, enterprises and institutions and other public institutions, the responsibility book for domestic waste classification was signed with merchants along the street … Xining’s domestic waste classification was from point to area, and the coverage was constantly expanding.

At present, the kitchen waste generated in the canteens of 326 units in the city is collected, transported and recycled by the kitchen waste treatment plant. Large supermarkets in the city no longer provide non-degradable disposable plastic products to customers, and postal express delivery enterprises no longer use disposable transfer bags.

In 2023, as the domestic waste incineration power plant in Xining was officially connected to the grid for power generation, the short board at the end of the domestic waste sorting terminal in Xining was also completed, and the domestic waste treatment capacity was significantly enhanced.

At present, the city’s kitchen waste, other garbage, harmful waste and recyclable materials have all built corresponding disposal centers and collection and transportation systems. By the end of 2023, 355,400 tons of domestic garbage had been treated.

In addition, in September 2023, Xining kitchen waste treatment plant began to adopt the "bus-oriented" collection and transportation mode of fixed time, fixed point and fixed route, and continuously improved the treatment level and comprehensive utilization level of kitchen waste.

"The public transport collection and transportation mode of kitchen waste in public institutions has been established, and the kitchen waste in 75 demonstration communities, 200 public institutions, 35 farmers’ markets, 31 large supermarkets and 3,000 restaurants has been collected and transported in a standardized way, which will be treated and recycled by the kitchen waste treatment plant. At present, 50 kitchen waste transport vehicles in the city have all been entered into the Xining kitchen waste treatment plant system. " The staff of the Office of the Leading Group for Domestic Waste Classification in Xining said.

SHEIN: Brand Rise in China! Breaking the pattern of fashion industry with efficient supply chain

For a long time, the right to speak and define the global fashion industry has been dominated by the fashion giants in developed countries such as Europe and America. The influence of China clothing brands on the international fashion stage is relatively weak, and there are few brands that can directly affect the global fashion trend. However, with the changes of the times and technological innovation, this pattern is undergoing profound changes. As one of the four major brands in the world, SHEIN, with its excellent innovation ability, efficient supply chain management and unique market strategy, has not only won the enthusiastic pursuit of consumers around the world, but also successfully broken the market structure dominated by international established fashion brands for a long time.

Today, SHEIN is becoming popular all over the world and has become one of the four most popular fashion brands in the world. Recently, in the latest list of "Top Ten Fastest Growing Brands in America" released by Morning Consult, an authoritative consulting company in the United States, SHEIN was selected together with global head brands such as ChatGPT, OpenAI, Facebook and CocaCola, and it is also the only fashion brand selected in the world.

In 2023, SHEIN once again won the global shopping APP download list, and ranked second in the favorite clothing brand of American young people; And together with well-known brands such as Apple, Gucci, Mercedes-Benz, etc., it won the Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands List of Brandz (No.70); In 2022, SHEIN surpassed internationally renowned brands such as Nike and Adidas to become the most searched clothing brand in Google, and replaced ZARA as the most popular fashion brand in the world in 2022. At the same time, SHEIN is also the hottest brand in the United States in ADAGE in 2022.

These honors have witnessed SHEIN’s unparalleled rising speed and extensive influence in the international market.

There are many factors that consumers like fashion, such as the material of luxury goods, brand stories, fashion trends and so on. SHEIN is unique in this respect, and it shows a unique solution when facing some core challenges of the fashion industry. For example, the dilemma that the fashion industry often faces-how to strike a balance between providing a variety of product categories and maintaining high cost performance, SHEIN has successfully overcome this problem and achieved a wide range of products with affordable prices. Another example is inventory management, which is the biggest headache for fashion merchants. With its excellent supply chain management and agile operation strategy, SHEIN has effectively reduced the risk of inventory backlog, thus standing out from the industry.

It can be said that the success of SHEIN is the innovation brought by technology and supply chain efficiency. Through the flexible supply chain, SHEIN can make timely response and adjustment according to the needs of the market and consumers, thus reducing the possibility of inventory waste from the source. In short, SHEIN relies on its innovative flexible supply chain mode of on-demand production, uses the actual market demand to predict sales and control production, and finally reduces overproduction. On the premise of real-time analysis and tracking fashion trends, all SKUs start with very small orders, and each SKU generally starts with 100-200 pieces. If the sales trend is good, the order will be returned immediately, but if the sales are not up to expectations, the production will be suspended.

In addition, thanks to the cost reduction brought by the efficiency improvement of the supply chain, SHEIN gives back 100% of these values to the end consumers and shares the created value with consumers. This move has greatly reduced the sales price of goods, which is also the reason why SHEIN’s products are cost-effective.

SHEIN’s flexible supply chain has become the biggest killer in the fashion field. In the report Agile Supply Chain: A New Source of Competitive Advantage in Fashion Industry, Boston Consulting Group mentioned that innovative agile supply chain represented by SHEIN has become the general trend of the industry, which can bring more potential income, higher capital utilization rate, lower storage discount cost, less waste and more competitive price advantage.

Therefore, the rise and success of SHEIN is not only an individual breakthrough of the brand, but also reflects the role change of China fashion industry from follower to leader in the context of globalization. It provides a brand-new development model for the global fashion industry, showing how technology and innovation can deeply reshape the supply chain, improve efficiency and reduce costs, and then promote the sustainable development of the whole industry. In the future, SHEIN will continue to lead a new round of changes in the global fashion industry with more flexible and efficient supply chain management and unique market strategy, and bring more high-quality and cost-effective fashion products to global consumers.


The 5th Yellow River Golden Triangle Investment Cooperation and Exchange Conference was held in Beijing.

  CCTV News:On the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up, and the 5th anniversary of the approval of the Plan for Regional Cooperation in the Yellow River Golden Triangle of Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan, from October 20th to 22nd, the 5th Yellow River Golden Triangle Investment Cooperation and Exchange Conference and the 2nd Weinan-Beijing Economic Cooperation Week with the theme of "Strengthening Regional Cooperation, Building Industrial Alliance and Realizing Win-Win Development" were held in Beijing Convention Center.


  Wang Hongwei, member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Commerce, presided over the meeting; Liu Dianxun, Director of Investment Promotion Bureau of Ministry of Commerce; Xia Xiaozhong, Deputy Secretary General of Shaanxi Provincial Government; Ma Xiaohe, former executive vice president and researcher of Macroeconomic Research Institute of National Development and Reform Commission; Li Guoqiang, researcher of the State Council Development Research Center and honorary director of Guosheng Think Tank; Liu Gaochao, deputy director of organ service center of State Administration of Cultural Heritage; Li Chuangjun, deputy director of New Energy Department of National Development and Reform Commission; Qiu Wanhong, executive vice president of Naval Research Institute. Shi Jingmei, director of Beijing Office of Shaanxi Provincial Government; Zhu Yu, director of South-to-North Water Diversion Office of Shaanxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission; Li Yi, mayor of Weinan City, Shaanxi Province; Ju Zhen, member of Standing Committee of Yuncheng Municipal Committee of Shanxi Province and secretary of Hejin Municipal Committee; Zhang Xiang, deputy mayor of Linfen Municipal Government of Shanxi Province; Fan Fuzhong, member of Standing Committee of Sanmenxia Municipal Committee of Henan Province and executive deputy mayor; Liu Huilin, director of management committee of Sanmenxia Urban-Rural Integration Demonstration Zone of Henan Province; Luo Shukui, member of Standing Committee of Weinan Municipal Committee of Shaanxi Province and party group of Also present at the meeting were: leaders of Shaanxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Commerce, Department of Industry and Information Technology, Tourism Commission and other relevant departments and bureaus, and leaders of relevant counties and departments in Yuncheng City, Linfen City, Henan Province, Sanmenxia City and Weinan City, Shaanxi Province; More than 500 people from Zhongguancun Development Group, China Resources Group, China Electronics Technology Group, Beijing Electric Control, CRRC, Zhongan Asia Pacific, CGNPC, Guosheng Think Tank and other enterprises and business associations attended the event.


  Speech by Liu Dianxun, Director of Investment Promotion Bureau of Ministry of Commerce

  The "Golden Triangle of the Yellow River" is located in the commercial corridor of the ancient Silk Road, with great regional development potential. Since the approval of the Plan for Regional Cooperation in the Golden Triangle of the Yellow River in Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan in 2014, the three provinces and four cities in the region have joined hands with each other, borrowed from each other, given full play to their comparative advantages, deeply integrated into the "the belt and road initiative" pattern, attracted big advantages around advantageous industries, shared the fruits of win-win cooperation and mutual benefit, created a new path in regional cooperation and coordinated industrial development, and walked in the forefront of the country, gathering a large number of high-quality projects and industries for economic and social upgrading and efficiency.


  The 5th Yellow River Golden Triangle Investment Cooperation and Exchange Conference was jointly launched by Liu Dianxun, Director of Investment Promotion Bureau of Ministry of Commerce, Xia Xiaozhong, Deputy Secretary General of Shaanxi Provincial Government, Li Yi, Mayor of Weinan City, Shanxi Province, Ju Zhen, Standing Committee Member of Yuncheng Municipal Committee and Secretary of Hejin Municipal Committee, Zhang Xiang, Vice Mayor of Linfen City, and Fan Fuzhong, Standing Committee Member and Executive Deputy Mayor of Sanmenxia Municipal Committee of Henan Province, on behalf of the four municipal governments. The conference set up a theme activity, namely, Yellow River Love and Weinan Tour — — 2018 Secretary-General of the Chamber of Commerce in Different Places in Shaanxi Industrial Park to observe and exchange activities; Three professional promotion conferences are suitable for China — — Yellow River Golden Triangle Cultural Tourism (Beijing) Promotion Conference, Welcome You — — The Golden Triangle of the Yellow River undertakes the matchmaking meeting of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei industrial transfer, the seminar of integration of defense and civilian technologies industry in the Golden Triangle of the Yellow River (Beijing) and a number of investment promotion conferences of counties and cities in the Golden Triangle of the Yellow River (Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei). This conference is an investment promotion activity carried out by the four municipal governments in the Yellow River Golden Triangle region, which has opened a new era of regional cooperation and development in the Yellow River Golden Triangle. The conference shared the policies, location and development advantages of the Yellow River Golden Triangle region with all walks of life in Beijing through different forms, such as theme promotion meeting, project negotiation meeting, signing meeting and symposium, and combined with the brand communication of television, newspapers and new media, showing the new kinetic energy and vitality of regional development, and blowing the horn for regional deepening reform and innovative development.


  Speech by Xia Xiaozhong, Deputy Secretary General of Shaanxi Provincial Government

  Xia Xiaozhong, Deputy Secretary-General of Shaanxi Provincial Government, said in his speech: "The Golden Triangle region of the Yellow River has a profound historical origin since ancient times, and" the goodness of Qin and Jin "is a true portrayal of the friendly cooperation between Shaanxi and Shanxi. The three provinces and four cities are similar in humanities and geography, with close personnel exchanges and frequent economic and trade cooperation. The GDP of the four cities reached 577.3 billion yuan, the cooperation areas continued to expand, many new industries, modern agriculture, cultural tourism, infrastructure and other projects blossomed, the income of urban and rural residents steadily increased, and the effects of group warming and joint development gradually emerged, which is becoming a new engine to drive the development of surrounding areas. "


  Mayor Li Yi of Weinan Municipal People’s Government of Shaanxi Province

  Mayor Li Yi of Weinan Municipal People’s Government of Shaanxi Province pointed out: "Five years ago, as the first inter-provincial demonstration zone to undertake industrial transfer, three provinces and four cities in Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan jointly created a" golden signboard "and successfully held the first Yellow River Golden Triangle investment cooperation and exchange conference, which opened a new beginning for regional strategic cooperation in Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan. In the past five years, with the full support of the relevant ministries and commissions of the state and the joint efforts of three provinces and four cities, the regional cooperation mechanism has been improved day by day, the areas of cooperation have been continuously expanded, and the economic strength has been greatly improved. Today, five years later, the new era has given new meaning to regional cooperation. We adhere to the spirit of harmony and win-win, conform to the general trend of reform and opening up, seize the opportunity of Beijing to relieve non-capital functions and industrial transfer, actively promote regional and cross-regional cooperation, and work together to promote high-quality development. "

  "Strengthen regional cooperation, build industrial alliances and achieve win-win development." As the ideological program of regional cooperation in the Yellow River Golden Triangle, it is the innovation practice of the three provinces and four cities in the "Yellow River Golden Triangle" for five years, and it has worked hard for five years and cooperated sincerely for five years, creating a new path in regional cooperation and industrial coordinated development. It is understood that this year’s Yellow River Golden Triangle Investment Cooperation Conference, 33 projects were signed by three provinces and four cities, involving green environmental protection, medical health, logistics, cultural tourism, new energy, aerospace and other projects, with a total investment of 55.809 billion yuan.


  It is reported that the Yellow River Golden Triangle Investment Cooperation and Exchange Conference was held for the first time in 2013 and has been successfully held for five times so far. This conference is supported by Investment Promotion Bureau of Ministry of Commerce, sponsored by Shaanxi Development and Reform Commission, Shaanxi Provincial Department of Commerce, Shaanxi Provincial People’s Government Office in Beijing, Weinan Municipal People’s Government, Yuncheng Municipal People’s Government, Linfen Municipal People’s Government and Sanmenxia Municipal People’s Government, Weinan Municipal People’s Government Office, Weinan Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Weinan Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Weinan Tourism Development Commission, Weinan Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television Press and Publication, Weinan Municipal Bureau of Foreign Economic and Technical Cooperation and Weinan Municipal People’s Government Liaison Office in Beijing. 

Martin Sr: I used to think McGrady was crazy to get 74 points in two games. Now Harden has 60 points and triple doubles in a single game.

Live on August 5 th Recently, former NBA player Kenyon Martin talked about the evolution of the game in George’s podcast program.

Martin said: "When I was in the Nets, we played magic, and McGrady scored 74 points in two days. At that time, I thought it was crazy. I’m defending him, but he can score every goal. He scored 74 points in just two games.

"Now people get 71 points, 60 points and 65 points in a single game. At that time, McGrady scored very well. He was the scoring champion. But now it is a new alliance, and Harden has also won a triple double of 60 points. "

In 2018, Harden scored 60 points, 10 rebounds and 11 assists in the game against Magic.

Premier League: Winning means winning the championship in advance, and Manchester City vows to capture Chelsea? Malmo VS Hagen

Malmo has made great strides in the new season. At present, the team has achieved a total victory in eight games, ranking first in the league. Although Malmo’s state was really low last season, the club gave strong support in signing after the season, so the overall strength of Malmo in the new season has also been greatly improved. Considering that Malmo itself has strong competitiveness in the Swiss Super League, I believe this team should become one of the most powerful competitors for the league title this season.

In the last game, the team beat Halmstad 1-0 away and won eight consecutive victories.Judging from the course of the game, although the newly promoted Helmstad also showed a tough side in the game, the players’ tireless pursuit and interception also caused a lot of trouble to Malmo. However, due to the rapid physical consumption of the active defensive players, the players in Helmstad were also exhausted at the end of the second half, and Malmo seemed to have never scored a goal, but the midfield ball was in hand and Malmo players did not seem too anxious. In injury time in the second half, Malmo broke through Halmstad’s defense with a free kick in the frontcourt. Saeed, a midfielder who came off the bench in the second half, took a second pass from his teammate and scored a powerful shot to help the team grab valuable three points from the newly promoted horse.

Personally, Malmo is now in a period of high tide. The team is not only in a stable defensive state, but also rich in offensive means. The 343 formation has brought the team a greater advantage in midfield. Previous teams have failed to take any advantage in the midfield competition with Malmo, and the main striker of Malmo, Trin, has continued the good state of last season. As long as the team’s midfield suppression is not reduced, Malmo will be able to continue the winning streak in the near future.

Hogan is also in a hot state in the new season, with a record of six wins and two losses, ranking third in the league. If you want to ask which team can stop Malmo’s progress, then Hogan will definitely become one of the best candidates. Although Hogan has lost two games this season, the main goal of the defending champion this season must still be placed in the league championship, and Hogan is a team with strong offensive ability. I believe that Hogan will never lose to any Swiss super team.

It is worth mentioning that Hogan successfully defeated Miard by a score of 4-1 in the final of the Swedish Cup. Just winning the first championship trophy in the new season will certainly bring great morale to the players. Maybe a week’s double match will bring some physical burden to Hogan’s players, but the league has just begun, and the physical reserves of the main players should be far from exhausted. Moreover, Hogan will not stick to the 4-3-3 impact formation when playing against a strong enemy. The team will often sacrifice a more conservative 4-4-2 formation, which will be based on the defensive end first, and will only be fully launched after gaining a foothold, which will lead to the warring opponents not being able to easily cross Hegan’s dense midfield defense line. Once Hegan can quickly gain the lead in the counterattack process, it will be too late for opponents to attack again.

Event analysis:

Last season, there were two confrontations, and Malmo failed to get a little cheaper from Hegan. In the last ten meetings, Malmo won three games, drew five games and lost two games, slightly gaining the upper hand. Although Malmo is in excellent condition at present, Hogan’s overall strength is not weak after all, and this season, Hegan is bound to come to defend the league title. Both sides will inevitably play more cautiously in this game, and how the opponent’s offensive ability is, both coaches and players also have a clear psychological evaluation, just considering that Hegan’s players have paid a lot of physical strength after all in the Swedish Cup, Malmo, who plays at home, should also become the main attack party of this game. I believe that Malmo is very likely to win valuable three points on Hegan with more abundant players’ physical fitness and more fiery offensive display.

Manchester City is now in a state of infinite scenery. The team not only defeated its main rival Real Madrid in the Champions League, but also pushed its rival Arsenal behind in the league. Manchester City also advanced to the finals in the FA Cup. In the case that many players are in a hot state, I believe that Manchester City is very likely to achieve the great cause of triple crown this season.

In the last game, Manchester City beat Real Madrid 4-0 at home and advanced into the Champions League finals.Judging from the course of the game, although Real Madrid drew Manchester City with strong defensive toughness at home in the first round, after returning to their home, Manchester City showed a strong offensive ability. Midfielder Silva helped the team to lay a two-goal lead in the first half, and the state of Real Madrid’s main shooter Benzema in the last two games was very general. Because Real Madrid originally competed with Manchester City through defensive counterattacks, The premature backwardness also directly led to the team’s established tactics not being implemented smoothly. As a result, Real Madrid, which spread its formation in the second half, lost two goals in a row and suffered the team’s most painful Champions League defeat in recent years.

Personally, after this game, many fans and friends also sighed that the Universe Team is back. However, although this lineup of Manchester City is strong enough, it still has a big gap with Barcelona, which Guardiola coached at the beginning. De Braune is outstanding in footwork, but other midfielders in Manchester City can’t be compared with the Habubai trio at its peak, and there are no players like Messi in Manchester City. The threat of Harland is naturally not low. However, Real Madrid actually did a good job in restricting Harland. After two games, Harland didn’t get too many chances to attack. In addition, many main players in Manchester City will leave the team after this season. If players like Silva and Gundogan choose to leave, Guardiola’s pass control system will be greatly weakened.

Chelsea’s state has improved slightly recently, with a record of 11 wins, 10 draws and 14 losses, ranking 11th in the league. Although Chelsea has no relegation pressure now, for a team whose players are worth more than one billion euros, the team is undoubtedly in an awkward position in the league. After the team was defeated, the temporary coach Lampard also sighed that "it is useless to take over the coach". Then why has a team with a large number of excellent players failed to show its due competitiveness?

Personally, since Mourinho laid the foundation, Chelsea has always been a team with defensive counter-attack tactics, and the team has always implemented Mourinho’s tactical thinking in signing. It was not a wise choice for the club to dismiss tuchel before, because the team’s offensive disadvantage was mainly due to the low state of several strikers. As a head coach, tuchel could not help the players find the game state. There are no more strikers on the bench for tuchel to rotate. In addition, in recent seasons, Chelsea’s signings are biased towards the center and back court. After seeing off Lu Kaku, no player in the team even has the role of frontcourt fulcrum. How can a team that has lost the threat of quick counterattack achieve good results in the highly competitive Premier League?

Event analysis:

This season, Manchester City has met Chelsea twice in the League and FA Cup. Manchester City has won both wars and obviously gained the upper hand. In the last ten meetings, Manchester City has won six and lost four, which also has a great psychological advantage. Now Manchester City is in an extremely hot state. Although Chelsea’s state has picked up in the last two games, the team is still far from reaching its best state, and this game is especially crucial for Manchester City. As long as the team can beat Chelsea, then Manchester City can win the league two rounds ahead of schedule. Considering that Manchester City still needs to be distracted in the FA Cup final and the Champions League final, I believe it is only a matter of time before Manchester City gets three points at home. Moreover, the coaching ability of Chelsea coach Lampard is hard to compare with Guardiola. Even if Chelsea intends to stop Manchester City’s progress through the iron barrel array in this game, under the three-dimensional offensive of Manchester City, Chelsea may only give Manchester City more league goal difference advantages.

[A little information] Every day, Manchester City VS Chelsea: Premier League champion Manchester City may be upset tonight, 1

First, yesterday’s in-depth article about the main victory of Tottenham Hotspur in the north was wrong. Things that don’t live up to expectations are directly defeated at home. (Today’s article needs hard work! )

Secondly, on May 20th, yesterday afternoon, Yang Jilong’s private chef shared the Manchester United win and Liverpool draw, both of which were satisfactory. As expected, Liverpool’s score was 1-1 or 2-2 Villa’s draw was very accurate.

Third, in the Premier League match at eleven o’clock tonight on May 21st, the general direction is Manchester City Jean Fu, and we support Chelsea’s direction.

Fourth, tonight’s score may be 1-1 or 2-1 or 2-2.

Fifth, Manchester City has won the championship ahead of schedule, and there will be an award ceremony for the Premier League champion at home tonight. If Manchester City falls at home tonight, many people may be harvested. Isn’t this what businesses want to see most?

As Arsenal lost 1-0 to Nottingham Forest in the 37th round of the League, Manchester City won the championship three times ahead of schedule, which also made their home game against Chelsea become a formality tonight. Premier League officials said that after the game, the awarding ceremony of the league championship will be held at Etihad Stadium.

Recall that when Guatou first went to Manchester City, because of a goalkeeper position, he first sent Joe Hart away, and then denied himself to Regent Bravo! I remember that at that time, some Manchester City fans were aggrieved by Hart and complained! Now it seems that although grades are a hard condition for people to shut up! However, I have to admit that Gua Tou is really professional, making Manchester City a flawless team step by step, and all the players he bought can inspire their respective potentials, which is very powerful! All the managers of Manchester City Club are more professional, not the kind of pure local tyrants who are stupid and rich! Eighty-three percent won the championship this year. I really envy Manchester City fans!

Needless to say, Manchester City’s performance this season, due to Arsenal’s defeat to Nottingham Forest yesterday, Blue Moon Manchester City has decided to win the championship ahead of schedule. Blue Moon Third Line said that Wang Wei’s performance has been partially completed ahead of schedule. With the victory over Real Madrid in the semi-final round of the Champions League this week, it is getting closer and closer to achieving the great cause of triple crown. In the second leg of the Champions League semi-final in midweek, Bernardo Silva scored twice to help Manchester City win 4-0. After the game, he was officially selected as the best player in this game by UEFA.

Manchester City will continue to attack the home games in the double match in a week, and the team has the ability to replicate the wonderful performance of beating Real Madrid in the middle of the week. The team has also confirmed that it will hold the championship award ceremony after the home game. I believe the team won’t want to lose before the championship ceremony. Let’s enjoy Harland’s record-setting!

The heat at Manchester City’s home tonight is naturally very hot. At this time, if there is a draw, or Manchester City just narrowly won one, this is in line with the expectations of many parties and is the best operation and trading.

Sixth, Chelsea has many injuries, but it has a deep lineup. It is not energetic to play the weak team, but it is very hard to play the strong team, eager to play its own worth and value, and it will not be defeated tonight!

Judging from Lampard’s speech at the pre-match press conference, there are still many players injured in Chelsea this round, including Mount (3 goals in 24 games), reece james (1 goal in 16 games), Cucurella (0 goals in 24 games) and Chilwell (2 goals in 23 games). At present, the team is also in a state of no desire and no desire. In the face of Manchester City, where strength and vigor are completely dominant, the visiting team Chelsea is afraid to run out of luck. Before the game, it was also the home of Manchester City’s champion.

Why do Manchester City fans want Sterling to line up? Guardiola gave him so many opportunities when this cargo was a war criminal for many times. After two months of transfer, he said that he was unhappy in Manchester City and had no reasonable playing time. Is he qualified for this skill? After leaving Manchester City’s system, the data plummeted directly, and a few cakes were fed by De Braune. I really thought I was the first winger in the world today!

Chelsea’s problem is very simple, that is, they can’t shoot. In fact, Chelsea’s game scenes are all dominant. In recent games, they are ahead of their opponents in terms of xG value.

At present, Chelsea’s ability to push for a high position is still very powerful. From the picture, we can see that the frequency of Chelsea’s oppression of opponents ranks first in the Premier League.Under tuchel, Chelsea often used high-ranking oppression to compete with opponents for the ball. Now Chelsea’s team composition is basically the same as Brighton’s, but the quality of players is obviously one level higher than Brighton’s. Porter and Chelsea can be seamlessly connected. Chelsea rested for eight days tonight, full of energy and more oppression, hoping to smash Manchester City’s venue! !

Give Chelsea a compliment and encourage them to resist.

Pawar has scored 6 goals in various competitions this season, setting a new career high.

Live broadcast: On March 11th, the game between Bayern and augsburg is underway. Bayern is currently leading 3-1, and pawar scored twice, scoring a goal to overtake the score and expanding the lead.

Statistics show that pawar has scored 6 goals for Bayern in various competitions this season, setting a new record for his single-season goals.