BYD Qin PLUS interior is the first to experience, with a battery life of 120km and a DC fast charge.

Compared with the Tang and Han Dynasties in the 21st century,
get away
The air-conditioning air outlet is more concise and capable, and the center console also adopts relatively straight lines, which is quite scientific and technological with the floating instrument screen in front of the driver.

This morning, Weidian New Energy Vehicle Community statically experienced the first model of BYD Super Hybrid-Qin PLUS in Shenzhen, which is equipped with DM-i super hybrid technology and has a fuel consumption as low as 3.8L/100km in the state of power loss.

In appearance, Weidian went to the styling design room last month to bring the first exposure to fans. This static tasting focused on the interior experience and the information that was not displayed before.

Arrow Feather dzi LED headlights have never been turned on in the previous video articles. After lighting, the front LED light source is constructed like an arrow feather.

Qin PLUS offers black-brown and blue-gray interiors. The latter is more low-key and simple, which conforms to the overall design style of the interior. Although Qin PLUS still adopts this year’s family-style interior style, it is specific to various models, such as 21 models.

Are all different.

The Qin PLUS shot this time belongs to the simple technology type, which takes a completely different route from the luxury style of high-end models, which is more in line with Qin PLUS as a potential user group of economical family cars.

The information layout of the dashboard in front of the driver is simple and clear, and the display layout of each content is clearly defined. Through the following values, you can pay attention to and speculate on the pure electric cruising range and total fuel and electricity of the car. According to the data of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Qin PLUS provides two versions. The long-life version NEDC filmed this time has a battery life of 120km, equipped with a 18.316kWh battery pack and a 48L fuel tank, and can travel more than 1000km with full oil and electricity; The short battery life version NEDC has a battery life of 55km and is equipped with 8.32kWh. Both of them have a pure electric cruising range exceeding the national standard and can be hung with a hybrid green card.

Due to the improvement of cruising range, Qin PLUS is also equipped with DC fast charging. Vehicles can be charged with DC piles, and the AC charging port remains, which is located on the left side of the DC port. Equipped with DC fast charging, the charging options of users are increased, and the car scenes are enriched.

The vehicle central control panel is still suspended DiLink, which is an intelligent networking system of DiLink 3.0. In the vehicle information interface, the SOC value of Qin PLUS can be adjusted between 15% and 70%, and a "SAVE" mode is added. After the SOC value wheel is turned on, a lock icon is added. What impact will it have on the driving mode will need to be verified by the subsequent dynamic test drive.

What is the real fuel consumption level and driving quality of the first DM-i super hybrid Qin PLUS with a dedicated 1.5L high-efficiency engine for Xiaoyun-Plug-in and a battery life of 120km? Weidian new energy vehicle community will bring dynamic measurement in the follow-up.

[China March forward steadily] Firm ideals and beliefs are the political advantages of the Communist Party of China (CPC) people.

  The Communist Party of China (CPC) is a combination of beliefs and a Marxist political party with lofty ideals and firm beliefs. The Communist Party of China (CPC) people’s ideals and beliefs are the truth belief of Marxism, the lofty ideal of communism and the common ideal of Socialism with Chinese characteristics. Ideals and beliefs are the "calcium" of the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s spirit. Ideals and beliefs are the source of the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s eternal proletarian party, and the root of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Do not forget your initiative mind’s mission.

  Characteristics of the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s ideals and beliefs

  The scientific nature of the Communist Party of China (CPC) people’s ideals and beliefs. Marxism is a scientific theory, which creatively reveals the law of the development of human society, the general law of the development of human society, the special law of the operation of capitalism, points out the way for mankind to leap from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom, and points out the way for people to realize freedom and liberation. The inevitable trend of human society finally moving towards communism revealed by Marxism has laid a theoretical foundation for communist party people to strengthen their ideals and beliefs and stick to their spiritual homeland. Countless people in communist party, whether in good times or bad times, have always been steadfast in their ideals and beliefs, and have been faithful to their chosen communist beliefs for life. Comrade Zhou Enlai is Do not forget your initiative mind’s spiritual model of sticking to his faith. When he established his belief in communism, he said, "The doctrine I believe must remain unchanged, and I am determined to promote it." He also said: "In any difficult situation, we must fight for communism to the end with the spirit of unswerving death." When drastic changes took place in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the last century, Deng Xiaoping once pointed out: "Marxism cannot be defeated. It is not because there are many big books, but because the truth of Marxism is irrefutable. " "I firmly believe that there will be more people in favor of Marxism in the world, because Marxism is science." "Don’t panic, don’t think that Marxism has disappeared, is useless and failed.哪有这回事!”






  Ideals and beliefs provide the Communist Party of China (CPC) with spiritual motivation to forge ahead. There is faith in the heart and power in action. The Communist Party of China (CPC)’s nearly 100-year history has fully proved that lofty ideals and beliefs have always been the spiritual driving force for communist party people to maintain their advanced nature and purity, and an important spiritual guarantee for the Communist Party of China (CPC) to lead the people of the whole country forward. The reason why the Communist Party of China (CPC) has been able to rise constantly after setbacks and be quenched into steel after suffering lies in the fact that the lofty ideals and revolutionary beliefs in the hearts of thousands of the Communist Party of China (CPC) people in Qian Qian have always been firm and persistent, always shining with fiery light. Comrade Zhu De experienced the failure of the old democratic revolution, and realized from his personal experience that the old road can’t go, and only Marxism is the truth to solve the China issue. After establishing Marxist belief and lofty ideals for the cause of communism, he never wavered in the face of any difficulties, obstacles and major setbacks. The more critical he is, the more determined he is. Nanchang uprising troops failed to go south to Chaoshan, and Comrade Zhu De and his men were isolated. He stood up and steadied the morale of the army, and said categorically, "The darkness is temporary, if you want the revolution to come with me, the final victory must be ours.". At the beginning of 1975, at the age of 89, he personally wrote the banner of "Revolution in the End". In February, 1976, he wrote the poem "The whole party is United and tight, and the dangerous peaks dare to climb". Less than two months before his death, after he saw the new translation of the communist party Declaration,Regardless of age and infirmity, I drove to the Central Party School to visit the comrades who participated in the translation, and shared my learning experience with this classic Marxist work.

  Ideals and beliefs are the ideological beacon of the Communist Party of China (CPC) people’s unity and struggle. It is precisely because of his firm ideals and beliefs that the Communist Party of China (CPC) dares to uphold the truth, correct his mistakes, dare to make self-revolution, dare to carry out criticism and self-evaluation, and always maintain the unity of the party, so as not to fall into a narrow struggle for personal interests and group interests and repeat the persistent ailment of bourgeois political parties. Comrade Deng Xiaoping once pointed out that according to his long-term experience in political and military activities, the most important thing is the unity of people. To unite, we must have common ideals and firm beliefs. We have struggled hard in the past few decades by uniting the people with firm beliefs and fighting for their own interests. Without this belief, there is no cohesion. Without this belief, there is nothing. At any time, our party must never lose the real advantage of common ideals and firm beliefs, and always regard adhering to communist ideals as our most fundamental spiritual pillar and driving force for progress.



Many first-line filmmakers concentrate on helping the poor with their words and people’s livelihood.

Fighting poverty, filmmakers are in action.

Recently, Jackie Chan, who has always been a positive energy benchmark in the entertainment industry, proposed to organize film and television artists to fulfill their social public welfare responsibilities and participate in poverty alleviation at this year’s National People’s Congress. He believes that entertainers should become the vanguard of poverty alleviation forces, give full play to their social influence, and call for serious investigation to achieve accurate poverty alleviation in the true sense.

Jackie Chan proposed that artists should help the poor.It is duty-bound to attack hard

Poverty alleviation is a major livelihood project and the common responsibility of the whole society, and film and television artists are duty-bound! Jackie Chan’s initiative has won wide recognition and positive response from the industry. On the occasion of the two sessions, the Media Center of the Film Channel specially planned a large-scale special topic of "Fighting Poverty and Fighting Filmmakers in Action", and carried out an echo report of "On-site suggestions and positive responses".

During the two sessions, frontline reporters interviewed Jackie Chan, Feng Yuanzheng, Gong Hanlin, Jianqi Huo, Jia Zhangke, Zhang Kaili and others on topics such as "Precise Poverty Alleviation", "Actor’s Social Responsibility" and "Star Public Welfare", and they all received positive responses.

Off-site, we invite literary and art workers who are keen on public welfare and have a strong sense of social responsibility to respond to Jackie Chan’s appeal and participate in discussions on topics such as "precise poverty alleviation". Since March 8th, the film channel China Film Report has successively launched a series of interviews on "Filmmakers Fighting Poverty in Action", inviting powerful filmmakers Jackie Chan, Huang Xiaoming, Li Bingbing, Wang Xueyin and WU GANG, as well as young actor representatives Cheney Chen, Jing Tian, Vivi, Wang Baoqiang, Wu Yifan, Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Yang Zi, Zhai Tianlin, Zhang Yishan and Zhou Dongyu to be interviewed. The interview will integrate the superior resources of the media center, and expose the content on all media platforms such as CCTV6 "China Film Report", 1905 Film Network, film channel client, official microblog matrix and WeChat WeChat official account.

Jackie Chan is at the scene of the two sessions.

Jackie Chan will take the lead in the first program, which will be launched on March 8, in the interview series of "Fighting Poverty and Fighting Filmmakers in Action". Over the years, Jackie Chan has been doing his best in public welfare undertakings, and he has done Wan Li Road for charity. He has a deep understanding: the road to public welfare is long and difficult, but many people make great efforts. Therefore, he hopes to call on all walks of life to jointly fight the tough battle against poverty, and at the same time, he expresses his gratitude for everyone’s support and response. "Over the years, I have been supported by the performing arts, and I have called for everything. They all believe me and I thank them. It is much more convenient to do charity now. "

As a senior in the entertainment industry, Wang Xueyin is also one who fully supports the fight against poverty. Facing our camera, he said: Accurate poverty alleviation is a very great commitment of the country, which can make the lives of farmers in our country better and better, which reflects the strength of our country. And let the whole society understand the good intentions of the country, what is precision poverty alleviation, and what role it can play after precision poverty alleviation.

Shooting in Zhou DongyuLove of hawthorn tree

In response to Jackie Chan’s call, young people in the entertainment industry are also taking action. Zhou Dongyu, a young actress, will bring her story in the interview. Having filmed in Bailihuang, she has a deeper understanding of poverty. Combining her own experience, she expressed her support for poverty alleviation and her love for beautiful rural areas: "To tell the truth, I like some beautiful rural areas, but now some places in our hometown are also quite poor and have not paved the way. Therefore, we must work hard to make every rural area and every mountainous area more beautiful. This is also my great wish. "

Yang Yang established Sunshine Special Fund.

Yang Yang, who is also the representative of Zheng Energy, a young actor, has always been on the road of public welfare. He was awarded the Beijing Development Action Ambassador by the China Development Research Foundation, and he also has his own understanding of precision poverty alleviation. In the interview, he said: "Accurate poverty alleviation is a more efficient and scientific way to help the poor, that is, who should use the money, how to use it, and how to use it, which is more targeted." Yang Yang, which set up the Sunshine Special Fund, is doing its bit to help more children, hoping that the children will not lose at the starting line.

2018 is the first year to implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up, and a crucial year to build a well-off society in an all-round way and get rid of poverty. "Let the poor people and poor areas join the whole country to enter a well-off society in an all-round way" is not only a slogan, but also a cohesive force. Accurate poverty alleviation requires the participation of the whole society. As a public figure, we should stand at the forefront of poverty alleviation. On the road to poverty alleviation, only when everyone does their duty and contributes can the trickle converge into a powerful and majestic force.

The Film Channel Media Center will gather together, give full play to the influence of its own media platform, draw attention from the society with the help of the influence of public figures, unite the forces from all walks of life, participate in precision poverty alleviation together, and jointly launch the historic decisive battle against poverty! In the future, the movie channel will invite more filmmakers to join the action of "getting rid of poverty". (Names are sorted by surname pinyin)

The worst game in CBA! Seven people were sent off and 88 fouls took 3 hours and 15 minutes.

In Futian Station of CBA Summer League, Shenzhen team played at home VS Xinjiang team. In the end, Xinjiang team defeated Shenzhen team 134-130 through two overtime games and had the last laugh. In this way, the Xinjiang team won the championship of this competition, while the Shenzhen team can only get the second place. For such a result, the Shenzhen team at home was also very unwilling and unhappy, and also questioned the referee after the game. The Xinjiang team, on the other hand, was very happy. After the game, they went into a crazy celebration to celebrate this hard-won victory.

Judging from the situation of the two teams, the Shenzhen team participated in the competition with the all-China class lineup, while the Xinjiang team had two foreign AIDS! In the first quarter, the Xinjiang team also played like a rainbow, scoring 34 points in a single quarter and leading the Shenzhen team by 12 points by the end of the first quarter. However, in the second quarter, the Shenzhen team completed the reversal, scoring 41 points in a single quarter. By the end of the half-game, the Shenzhen team led the Xinjiang team by 5 points 63-58.

Subsequently, the Shenzhen team became a more important party, and by the end of the third quarter, it had already led the Xinjiang team by 13 points. However, the Xinjiang team, which was behind by a big score, fought back in the fourth quarter and tied the score at the last time. In the first overtime, the Shenzhen team had a chance to win the game, but in the end, it didn’t hold steady, and there were low-level mistakes in succession. Xinjiang team Ai Zimaiti took the rebound from the crowd and scored 2 points, and the two sides tied 123-123. In the second overtime, the Shenzhen team also had a chance to win. However, there were two mistakes at the end, and the Xinjiang team seized the opportunity to overtake the score and finally won the game.

I believe that the fans who watched this game may have several thoughts in their hearts. First, this is a warm-up match, but it has the taste of CBA finals. Second, the game was wonderful, full of passion from beginning to end. Third, the game was so fierce that both sides tried their best. Fourth, the game was too long, playing for more than three hours.

Here, the author is also here to share with you how fierce this game is:

1. The game took 3 hours and 15 minutes. The game was played from 19: 30 to 22: 45. The two sides played two overtime games for 3 hours and 15 minutes. There is no doubt that this is a marathon game. During the game, many players struggled with cramps. For example, Rong Zifeng of Shenzhen team got two cramps, but he finally returned to the field.

2. The total number of fouls of the two teams reached 88, including 42 fouls of Shenzhen team and 46 fouls of Xinjiang team. From these data, we can see how tragic the game is!

3. The number of free throws made by the two teams reached 114, among which Shenzhen team got 65 free throws and Xinjiang team got 49 free throws.

4. The total score of the two teams reached 264 points, among which Shenzhen scored 130 points and Xinjiang scored 134 points. There is no doubt that this is a super high score game.

5. A total of seven people from both teams were sent off directly. Among them, five people from Xinjiang team were sent off for six fouls, namely Zhu Xuhang, Ai Zimaiti, Huang Rongqi, Yu Dehao and Lutubula. It can be said that Xinjiang team was almost empty. There are also two people in Shenzhen who were sent off for six fouls, namely Lu Pengyu and Liu Bowen. (Interestingly, Liu Bowen was sent off after seven fouls. Of course, this is only a preseason game, so everyone seems to acquiesce in this situation. )

In addition, five people, including Sun Haoqin, Wu Zihan, Hu Xiaolong, Ma Mingkun and Qi Lin, committed five fouls on their backs. It can be said that if the two sides play for five more minutes, there is a high probability that the game will end because of the shortage of players on both sides. Obviously, in the end, both teams have been fighting for all their ammunition and food! I have taken out all my own housekeeping skills without reservation. Of course, from this game, we also feel the enthusiasm of the basketball game! It reflects the heat of a hot-blooded man.

There is no doubt that the players of Xinjiang team and Shenzhen team participated in the competition with their lives. No matter who wins or loses, I think the players from both teams are worthy of our praise. Together, they gave a wonderful game for the fans, which was amazing.

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The Sun Knicks deal is about to be reached, Eton Bill leaves the team, and brunson Blue Bean assists KD Booker.

Although the Phoenix Suns didn’t win the championship last season, this team has accumulated enough experience. Although it has reached the finals before, Booker’s ability can still be stabilized without Paul. Without him, the Suns will be swept out by the Nuggets.

The Suns have been mulling a deal to send Ayton away all summer. Even if Paul is traded for Bill, the team will consider packing them for new stars. Many players in the Knicks have become potential targets. Jones and others will finalize the deal as soon as possible at the end of this month!

According to the new york reporter, the Suns are planning a deal about Elton. The team’s goal is to get brunson and Mitchell Robinson from the Knicks. The Suns’ management has made up its mind to chase them, and Elton will be the main body of the deal.

The team intends to exchange Bill+Elton+draft picks for brunson, Mitchell Robinson and Randall of the Knicks, and the management of the team is ready to disagree. The Suns will draw out the only draft picks in their hands and give them to the Knicks. As long as the other party accepts the offer, the Suns can continue to improve their chips.

The commercial value of Bill and Aiton is much higher than these people. Although the record of going to the Knicks is not necessarily good, the income will make the Knicks management very satisfied. The nba transaction is not just to strengthen the lineup, but the main purpose is to consider the income of ticket advertisements. After all, this is a business negotiation.

Bill+Barrett+Elton’s trident combination can actually guarantee this team to be in the playoffs. The most important thing is that the team can save a lot of salary space. brunson has already started to prepare to renew his contract and ask for a big contract. The annual salary of 40 million is a similar figure. If this is the case, the Knicks might as well trade all-star players in advance to improve their income, and so does Elton.

With the addition of brunson, Robinson and Randall, the Suns’ offense is actually even better. The combination of brunson+Booker+Durant+Randall+Mitchell Robinson is no worse than last season. If a team wants Randall, the Suns can also consider trading, and it is also a good choice to find a defensive fourth position.

This summer, the Suns used all the space in their hands to strengthen their lineup. At present, it is not bad, especially the participation of veteran Gordon, which is very crucial.

I think, if this deal is reached, it is also a good choice to exchange Randall for some blue-collar players, and the draft pick can also be built in to make Gordon the third starting position.

Gordon’s defense is the most needed weapon for the Suns, and his skills are excellent. The development during the rocket period gave him enough confidence, depending on how vogel adjusts the arrangement.

There is still a lot of time before the start of the new season. Sun doesn’t have to hurry to complete the transaction, otherwise it will be forced to eat the junk contract or premium contract. Bill’s junk contract made Sun feel very uncomfortable. At that time, he should try to exchange Paul for brunson. No matter whether it is possible or not, there is no need to worry about the initiative and the balance of the lineup.

Finally, I wish the Sun a championship and a smooth dream!

Is the championship that important to NBA players?

During the offseason of NBA, everyone is imagining about Lillard and Harden’s next home. The main reason is that these two people have a strong desire to win the championship, and it seems difficult for their current team to let them see hope. I can’t help but think, is the NBA champion really that important? In fact, the answer to this question is completely different from person to person.

For superstar players like Harden and Lillard, the championship is really important. After all, they have earned a lot of money in their whole career. They need more "fame" because of the so-called fame and fortune. And the NBA championship can improve their historical status. Buckley, a retired celebrity, has won numerous personal honors throughout his career, and his personal ability has also been widely recognized. However, it is always mercilessly ridiculed by O ‘Neill and others because there is no championship.

So we saw that James joined forces with Wade and Bosh to win the championship, and Durant joined the Warriors directly to win the championship. What’s more, the letter brother deliberately stepped in to win the championship. There are more and more phenomena that star players reduce their salaries and even force teams to win the championship.

For role players, the first thing they consider is salary and the second is honor. Even so, for most active players, once they win the title of champion, their salary will be improved. Therefore, for an NBA player, the championship is very important at any level.

Lampard said that his favorite midfielder is De Braune.

Lampard said that his favorite midfielder is De Braune.

Chelsea will play Manchester City away in this week’s league, and Lampard talked about De Braune at Friday’s press conference.

Lampard said: "As a player, I have always liked De Braune. I liked him very much when he played with us at Chelsea. We were teammates at that time and I like him now as a top midfielder."

"When I think back to his time at Chelsea, we played mainly in the 4-2-3-1 formation. I played a little further back, and Kevin was more fighting for the No.10 position or one of the two wingers."

"So I won’t say that we are competitive, but you can see his strength. Kevin is an excellent player. In the past few years, he has become a top player in Manchester City. He is definitely one of the many threats we have to plan. "

"When he was with us when he was young, our layout on the offensive end might be good. Azar is here, Huerle is here, Mata is here, and I remember that Kevin was really eager to play. "

"I personally don’t know what complicated things happened between him, the club and the head coach, but in retrospect, I respect the fact that he left the club. You can see that desire in his games. He always wants to show his talent. He is getting stronger and stronger. As a player, he has made incredible progress. I like to watch him play football. "

"His goals and assists in midfield are excellent, and his passing range is amazing. If he is not the best midfielder in the league, he must be among the best here. "

Indulge in the mountains and green waters of Guanghanzhai, more than 400 cross-country runners started running passionately.

Through the lush forests and 10,000 mu of rhododendron fields, running in the clouds between the green mountains and green waters of Guanghanzhai, the 2023 "Xiangdong Zuodong" Guanghanzhai light cross-country race started smoothly on April 22nd. More than 400 cross-country runners from China competed together to feel the beautiful beauty of nature.

On the morning of the same day, with the sound of the starting gun, the participating athletes raced from the Impression Square of the educated youth. A light rain before the start of the race turned the 35km track into a fairyland. The athletes shuttled through Dashajiang Reservoir and Sibamen Rhododendron Scenic Area, and the misty clouds were like fairyland. The running team also became the most beautiful landscape in Guanghan Village.

According to the introduction of the organizing committee, there are three groups of 35km, 12km and 2km in this competition. The four or eight rhododendron scenic spots and Dashajiang Sports Park that run along the way are beautiful everywhere, so they are called "the most beautiful track" by cross-country runners. Let runners enjoy cross-country passion, and at the same time fully experience the pleasure of indulging in Shan Ye and appreciate the unique charm of Damei Guanghan Village.

After fierce competition, Li Xinyi, the final runner, performed well, finishing the race in 3 hours, 07 minutes and 06 seconds, winning the men’s championship in the 35km group, Li Hongyu was runner-up in 3 hours, 37 minutes and 50 seconds, and Li Dong was runner-up in 3 hours, 39 minutes and 44 seconds. Xiong Zhanxin won the women’s championship in the 35km group, with a score of 4 hours, 36 minutes and 05 seconds. Wu Yemeng, who won the second place, scored 4 hours, 43 minutes and 45 seconds, and Wu Mei, who won the third place, scored 5 hours, 07 minutes and 49 seconds.

Hu Jingbiao, the founder of Changsha Furong District Road Running Association, said in an interview after the race, "This is my third time to participate in the Guanghanzhai light cross-country race. The scenery here is beautiful, surrounded by mountains, and the running road is full of beautiful scenery. It is a long-lasting running experience."

The competition was hosted by Pingxiang Municipal People’s Government, undertaken by Pingxiang Wenguang New Tourism Bureau, Pingxiang Sports Bureau, Pingxiang Rural Revitalization Bureau and xiangdong district Municipal People’s Government, operated by Jiangxi Pingshi Tourism Development Co., Ltd. and Hunan Yufeng Sports Culture Group Co., Ltd., and supported by Hunan Provincial Sports Tourism Association.

Xiaoxiang morning herald reporter Zhou Shihao correspondent Wen Yuling Li Tingting

Envy female fans while taking photos to find C Ronaldo’s signature, the president reminded: Never mind the phone and take the jersey.

Live broadcast: On March 11th, in the 20th round of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh lost 0-1 to Jeddah, giving up the top spot.

After the game, Cristiano Ronaldo signed autographs for the fans. A female fan was very excited and took a jersey while taking photos. Cristiano Ronaldo warmly reminded: "Never mind the mobile phone and take the jersey." Then the female fan shouted "Hala Madrid".