The operation of central enterprises has improved significantly. In June, operating income and profits achieved positive growth year-on-year-the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commi

In June this year, central enterprises achieved operating income of 2.9 trillion yuan and net profit of 166.48 billion yuan, up by 0.6% and 5% respectively.

In the face of the complicated environment, it is not easy for central enterprises to achieve positive growth in revenue and profit simultaneously. On the one hand, the excellent epidemic prevention and anti-epidemic achievements in China have created favorable conditions for the recovery of the national economy; On the other hand, the central enterprises have comprehensively deepened the work of improving quality and increasing efficiency, and made great efforts to expand the market, grasp production, control costs and stabilize investment.

At the press conference of the State Council Office held on July 16th, Peng Huagang, Secretary-General and spokesman of the State Council State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, introduced the specific situation of the economic operation of central enterprises in the first half of the year, and said that the economic operation of central enterprises had improved significantly, and the positive changes had increased significantly. In June, the income and profits of the same month achieved positive growth simultaneously.

In the first half of the year, the decline in revenue and profit was narrower than that in the first quarter, and both revenue and profit achieved positive growth in June.

In the first half of this year, most central enterprises were affected by the COVID-19 epidemic and encountered difficulties in stages. With the further consolidation of the epidemic prevention and control in China and the accelerated recovery of social production and living order, the production and operation of central enterprises have accelerated since May.

Peng Huagang introduced that in the first half of the year, the central enterprises realized a total operating income of 13.4 trillion yuan, down 7.8% year-on-year, and the decline was narrowed by 4 percentage points compared with the first quarter. The income decline has narrowed for three consecutive months; The accumulated net profit was 438.55 billion yuan, down 37.7% year-on-year, and the decline was 21.1 percentage points lower than that in the first quarter and 12.6 percentage points lower than that in January-May.

In June, central enterprises achieved positive growth in both operating income and net profit. Among them, the operating income was 2.9 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 0.6%, and most enterprises have recovered or exceeded the same period level; The net profit was 166.48 billion yuan, an increase of 64.63 billion yuan compared with May and a year-on-year increase of 5%. It was also the first time this year that the monthly net profit increased positively.

Depending on the industry, the production and operation of key industries have been accelerated and gradually improved.

In the first half of the year, the steel output, crude oil output, power generation and electricity sales of central enterprises have recovered to more than 98% of the same period last year; The orders for new ships increased by 21.2% year-on-year, the installed power capacity increased by 5.1% year-on-year, the sales volume of commercial coal increased by 1.8% year-on-year, and the alumina output and new orders for power generation equipment maintained positive growth.

In the second quarter, the sales volume of refined oil products increased by nearly 40% compared with the first quarter, and it also increased compared with last year. In February, the electricity sales of the two power grid companies plummeted by 10.9% year-on-year, and gradually recovered and improved. In April, the decline narrowed to -1.3%, in May, it turned into a positive growth of 4.6%, and in June, it increased by 6.5% year-on-year.

"The marginal improvement in the physical quantity indicators of basic industries such as oil, electricity and coal reflects the continuous improvement of the national economy and also boosts confidence in the economic operation in the second half of the year." Peng Huagang said that there are also military industries, communications industries and construction industries that contribute a lot to profits.

Looking at enterprises, the operation tends to be stable, and the monthly income and profits of most enterprises have recovered or exceeded the same period.

There were 57 central enterprises whose income increased year-on-year in June, and 33 enterprises whose income increased by more than 10% in that month. The net profit of 58 central enterprises in June increased year-on-year, and that of 46 enterprises increased by more than 10%.

Peng Huagang believes that in the face of this year’s complicated environment, it is not easy for central enterprises to reach a new high in June. On the one hand, the excellent epidemic prevention and anti-epidemic achievements in China have created favorable conditions for the recovery of the national economy; On the other hand, the central enterprises have comprehensively deepened the work of improving quality and increasing efficiency, and made great efforts to expand the market, grasp production, control costs and stabilize investment.

In the first half of the year, the investment in fixed assets was 1 trillion yuan, reducing the operating cost of the whole society by more than 120 billion yuan.

In addition to the positive growth of income and profits, the investment of central enterprises has also taken the lead in achieving positive growth.

In the first half of the year, the central enterprises invested 1 trillion yuan in fixed assets, up 7.2% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 5.9 percentage points faster than that in January-May and 11.7 percentage points faster than that in the first quarter.

Since the full resumption of work in March, the monthly growth rate of fixed assets investment of central enterprises has been 4.1%, 11.8%, 13% and 21.2% respectively, showing an accelerating trend month by month. In the second quarter, the accumulated fixed assets investment was 673.07 billion yuan, up 14.8% year-on-year. By industry, the growth rate of fixed assets investment in power generation, automobile, communication, metallurgy and other industries exceeded 15% in the first half of the year.

In order to help revive Hubei after the epidemic, on June 3, relevant central enterprises and Hubei Province signed a total of 72 cooperation projects with a total investment of 327.7 billion yuan.

With steady investment, central enterprises will continue to exert their efforts. Peng Huagang introduced that in the second half of the year, we will continue to guide and support enterprises to focus on improving industrial basic capabilities, breaking through the weak links of key core technologies in the industrial chain, maintaining industrial chain security and other areas to increase investment, and seize investment opportunities in new infrastructure such as 5G, industrial internet and data centers, actively and orderly promote project construction, do a good job in reserves of high-quality investment projects, actively absorb social capital, and broaden financing channels.

Focusing on the "six guarantees" and the implementation of the "six guarantees" task, the central enterprises have also made every effort to help small and medium-sized enterprises fight the epidemic, reduce costs and tide over difficulties, and resolutely implemented the national policies of reducing electricity prices, gas prices, tariffs, tolls and rents. In the first half of the year, the cumulative operating costs of the whole society have been reduced by more than 120 billion yuan.

Peng Huagang analyzed the composition of this 120 billion yuan: "The two power grid enterprises reduced the user cost by 54 billion yuan, the three communication enterprises made profits by 42 billion yuan, and the three petroleum and petrochemical enterprises reduced the energy cost of downstream enterprises by 18 billion yuan. In addition, the accumulated rent reduction for small and micro enterprises also exceeded 4 billion yuan."

In the second half of the year, central enterprises will continue to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in three aspects: increasing the supply of basic oil, electricity and coal transportation; Continue to implement the policy of reducing fees and making profits; Strengthen cooperation with various enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises in the industrial chain and supply chain, and use investment to promote the development of the entire industrial chain and supply chain. "Now we are actively carrying out the work of clearing the debts owed by central enterprises, especially those that have no differences with small and medium-sized enterprises, which should be returned as soon as possible." Peng Huagang said.

We will fully implement the "Three-year Action for the Reform of State-owned Enterprises" and strive to achieve the annual goal in five aspects in the second half of the year.

While speeding up the resumption of production and operation, the reform cannot stop. Recently, the 14th meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform deliberated and adopted the "Three-year Action Plan for State-owned Enterprise Reform", and the prospect of state-owned enterprise reform in the next three years gradually became clear.

Peng Huagang introduced that the "Program" has four "highlights": First, it highlights the implementation and action, and puts forward clear task measures for the timetable and road map of state-owned enterprise reform in various key tasks, so that it can be quantified and assessed; The second is to focus on key points, fill shortcomings, strong and weak items, adhere to problem orientation, and propose targeted measures instead of covering everything; The third is to highlight system integration, coordination and high efficiency. Some reform tasks are difficult to be effective by one measure alone, so it is necessary to comprehensively use multiple measures and take a multi-pronged approach; Fourth, it is difficult to fight the annihilation war. The reform in some important areas has defined the objectives and time limit requirements, and concentrated on tackling the difficulties in the three-year operation.

In the first half of the year, the overall operating performance of central enterprises was better than expected. Can we achieve the annual target if we work harder in the second half of the year? Peng Huagang said that although the production and operation in the first half of the year laid a good foundation for completing the objectives and tasks of the whole year, all the work of the reform and development of central enterprises in the second half of the year was faced with difficulties and pressures, and these five aspects should be strengthened to achieve the goals: solidly promote the steady growth of the management and development of central enterprises; Fully implement the three-year action of state-owned enterprise reform; Fully promote the scientific and technological innovation of central enterprises; Actively promote the layout optimization and structural adjustment of state-owned capital; Do a good job in preventing and resolving major risks.

"Strive for the sustained and rapid growth of the benefits of the vast majority of central enterprises, and strive for the positive growth of the overall benefits of central enterprises." Peng Huagang said.

[Editor: Zhao Yihan]

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It is related to the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing, and how to "arrange troops and deploy troops" has attracted much attention.

Cailian News on January 26th (Reporter Wang Haichun)A high-standard meeting held by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development today has become the focus of attention of all parties. The theme of this meeting is closely related to the coordination mechanism of real estate financing which is highly concerned by the market.

On January 26th, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a meeting to deploy the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing. At the meeting, Ni Hong, Party Secretary and Minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, pointed out that accelerating the implementation of the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing was effective, supporting the development and construction of real estate projects, and meeting the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises with different ownership equally.

According to the information released by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development in official website, the heads of the relevant departments of the Central Finance Office and the Central Finance Office, as well as the relevant heads of the housing and urban-rural construction departments (commissions) of various provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the heads of 35 key city governments attended the meeting.

In view of the current financing difficulties of some real estate projects, the meeting stressed that all localities should focus on projects, pay close attention to research and put forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support, coordinate financial institutions within their respective administrative regions to issue loans, and accurately and effectively support reasonable financing needs.

The meeting demanded that the credit funds should be operated in a closed way and used in compliance, and resolutely prevent misappropriation. At the provincial level, it is necessary to track and monitor the implementation and strengthen supervision and guidance. At the national level, an information platform for urban real estate financing coordination mechanism projects will be established, and weekly scheduling and monthly notification will be implemented. It is understood that before the end of this month, the first batch of projects can win loans after landing.

The chief researcher of Guangdong Housing Policy Research Center pointed out that this meeting has become the focus of attention of all parties because it is related to how to implement the coordination mechanism of real estate financing.

"Forming a specific project landing, the coordination mechanism will have practical significance, and the landing of the project will help to better explore a more mature financing coordination mechanism. Judging from the contents announced at the meeting, the high-level officials made it clear that the main responsibility, management responsibility and territorial responsibility of the competent authorities should be brought into play to solve the distrust between banks and housing enterprises. While forcing real estate enterprises to strengthen their management, this mechanism also puts forward requirements for banks to improve their ability to identify and control risks. Only through joint coordination and efforts can we truly implement support for stable enterprises. " Li Yujia said.

According to the information released by the State Financial Supervision and Administration, the General Financial Supervision and Administration held a meeting on January 26 to deploy and promote the implementation of the coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing. The main responsible persons of various regulatory bureaus, some regulatory branches of the General Administration of Financial Supervision, as well as national commercial banks, city commercial banks, provincial rural credit cooperatives and other institutions attended the meeting.

The meeting stressed that financial institutions should attach great importance to it, strengthen organizational leadership, establish internal mechanisms and clarify working rules. For projects that meet the credit conditions, it is necessary to establish a green channel for credit granting, optimize the approval process, shorten the approval time limit, and actively meet the reasonable financing needs. For projects that encounter temporary difficulties in development and construction, but the funds are basically balanced, we will not blindly lend, cut off loans, or press loans, but support them by extending existing loans, adjusting repayment arrangements, and adding new loans. At the same time, financial institutions should strengthen the closed management of funds to prevent the misappropriation of credit funds.

Previously, on January 12, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the General Administration of Financial Supervision jointly issued the Notice on Establishing a Coordination Mechanism for Urban Real Estate Financing. The circular is clear, giving full play to the leading coordination role of the city government, establishing a coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing in cities at prefecture level and above, judging the real estate market situation and real estate financing demand, coordinating and solving the difficulties and problems existing in real estate financing, and combining the development and construction of real estate projects and the relevant situation of project development enterprises according to the principle of fairness and justice, putting forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support, pushing financial institutions and providing financing support.

Experts in the industry believe that the establishment of a coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing is actually to find a win-win point, and to accurately support the reasonable financing needs of real estate projects by distinguishing group risks from project risks. With the support of such favorable policies, the lending speed of financial institutions for some projects is expected to accelerate in the future.

According to Yan Yuejin, research director of Yiju Research Institute, the establishment of a coordination mechanism will help the financial sector and the housing sector to coordinate their operations and give play to the accuracy and timeliness of policies, which is an important measure to promote a virtuous circle of finance and real estate.

"According to the document, the coordination mechanism is headed by the deputy mayor of the city government in charge of housing and construction, and a real estate financing coordination mechanism with local housing and construction departments and agencies dispatched by the General Administration of Financial Supervision as member units is established." Li Yujia said.

The industry believes that the relevant departments take the lead, which shows that the regulatory authorities attach great importance to this mechanism, and this coordination mechanism has a strong landing on the practical level in classifying and financing housing enterprises.

Yan Yuejin pointed out that for high-quality housing enterprises, there are four main criteria for obtaining support, including normal development and construction, adequate collateral, reasonable assets and liabilities, and guaranteed repayment sources.

"This standard has a strong reference significance. According to this standard, housing enterprises can improve their work from the perspectives of engineering, assets, finance and sales, so that enterprises can meet relevant standards and obtain financing support." Yan Yuejin said.

It further stated that for enterprises with short-term capital pressure, it is necessary to prevent the situation of "loan withdrawal and loan pressure", and at the same time, it is necessary to provide relevant support through extension, adjustment of repayment arrangements and new loans.

"For enterprises that violate the law or evade debts, they should make risk warnings to financial institutions such as banks." Yan Yuejin said.

Li Yujia pointed out that credit is based on trust, so the purpose of establishing a coordination mechanism is to establish a docking platform for both parties to fully communicate; However, whether to lend or not will still be in accordance with the bank risk control and credit approval process. At the landing level of specific projects, it will be market-oriented, legal and voluntary, and will not be mandatory.

"One of the key factors is to consolidate the main responsibilities of all parties and explore new mechanisms and models. For example, housing enterprises should standardize financial data, operate in good faith, bid farewell to the highly leveraged model, and let banks trust housing enterprises. Banks should also increase the transformation of business systems and risk control models, instead of blindly adhering to the old model, that is, taking the implicit government guarantee, collateral and the rise in the value of collateral as the conditions for capital investment. " Li Yujia added.

Wang Xiaoyu, chief analyst of Zhuge Data Research Center, said that under the current market background, housing enterprises have weak investment confidence, and they are relatively cautious in taking land and starting new construction. From a macro point of view, this policy is a further measure of financial support for housing enterprises, and it is a favorable policy for housing enterprises.

"At the same time, it should be pointed out that financing can solve the current cash flow crisis and improve the liquidity of funds, but in the long run, the development of enterprises still needs to rely on their own hematopoietic capacity." Wang Xiaoyu said.

(Cailian reporter Wang Haichun)

Italian media: If Di Maria doesn’t renew Kulu or replace him, otherwise Juventus may sell Kulu.

Live on May 20th, according to all the reports of Juventus, if Di Maria doesn’t renew his contract, Kulusevski may become his replacement. Otherwise, Juventus may sell Kulusevski.

It is reported that Tottenham may not buy out Kulusevski, so Kulusevski may return to Juventus this summer. If Di Maria doesn’t renew his contract with Juventus, Kulusevski may become his replacement and become a member of Juventus’ re-launch next season.

However, if Tottenham don’t buy out Kulusevski and Di Maria renews his contract with Juventus, Juventus may also consider selling Kulusevski.

(real steel fist)

The second vertical racing competition in Xihu District of Hangzhou started.

Recently, the second vertical racing competition in Xihu District of Hangzhou started in EAC Europe and America Center. The theme of this competition is "Dedicated to the Asian Games", which aims to enrich the amateur cultural and sports life of building workers in Xihu District, show the healthy style of residents in Xihu District, and welcome the arrival of the Hangzhou Asian Games.

Vertical racing takes the stairs of high-rise buildings as the runway, which is a new urban fitness sport. The race runs from the starting point on the first floor to the end point on the top floor of the building, and an effective timing technology system is adopted. In the competition, participants can not only experience the pleasure of climbing mountains, but also reduce the influence of the weather.

It is understood that about 100 people participated in this competition, and the players on the scene were divided into groups of men and women, and finally the third runner-up was decided. Wang Yong, a contestant, said: "Vertical racing is a very interesting sport, which not only tests your physical fitness, but also requires good coordination and psychological quality." "I experienced the fun of competition and realized that I still have a lot to improve in training and preparation." Contestant Zhang Jianhua said. (Yang Ling/graphic)

Tevez: Ferguson said he would buy me out, and he was very sad when I left Manchester United.

Live on March 11 th, former Argentine striker Tevez said in an interview with the media that Ferguson was very sad when he left Manchester United.

Tevez joined Manchester United on loan from West Ham in 2007 and moved to Manchester City in 2009. Tevez said: "I was loaned to Manchester United, and Ferguson told me that they would buy me out. Then he signed Berbatov and left me out of the starting list."

"The day before the Champions League final against Barcelona, I told Ferguson that I was going to Manchester City. At that time, I was close to reaching an agreement with Manchester City. After the Champions League final, I flew to Abu Dhabi with my family to meet the Manchester City boss and solve the contract problem, which was like a dagger for him (Ferguson). "

(Mu Zi)