Lei Jun announced a live broadcast to send Xiaomi SU7 car model to talk about the unexpected after the SU7 was opened and sold.

Zhongguancun online news:At 4pm on April 18th, Lei Jun will launch a live online broadcast with the theme of "Never Unexpectedly" to talk with users about the feelings of Xiaomi SU7 after it is put on sale. Subsequently, Lei Jun also said that the live broadcast specially prepared some small gifts for users, including very popular mugs and car models, and one will be drawn every minute during the live broadcast.

Lei Jun said that the order of Xiaomi SU7 "far exceeded our most optimistic expectation", Xiaguang purple became the hottest color, and the proportion of female car owners was very high … Users interested in these sales details can pay attention to this live broadcast.

It is worth noting that Xiaomi SU7 will also start 24-hour limited-time reconfiguration from 9: 00 on April 19, and users of non-original locked orders can reconfigure it in Xiaomi Auto APP.

When the economy is stable, the number of financial stable online lending institutions has decreased by nearly 90% compared with three years ago.

Cctv newsOn March 22nd, the State Council Office held a press conference to cope with the impact of international epidemic and maintain the stability of financial markets. Liang Zhou, vice chairman of the Bank of China Insurance Regulatory Commission, said that the turmoil in the international financial market and the downward pressure on the domestic economy will definitely have a certain impact on the banking and insurance industry in China, but overall, the impact will not be too great. Economic stability leads to financial stability. From a fundamental point of view, the long-term trend of China’s economy has not changed.

Guard against financial risksIs the eternal theme of the financial industry. The financial market order is constantly improving. Since the National Financial Work Conference, China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission has focused on preventing and resolving financial risks, and has achieved positive results. The national macro leverage ratio has remained basically stable, and financial risks have also changed from the original divergent state to convergence. In the past three years,The total amount of non-performing loans handled by the banking industry reached 5.8 trillion yuan, and high-risk businesses such as shadow banking and cross-finance dropped by 16 trillion yuan.A number of financial institutions with problems have been disposed of in an orderly manner.The risk of peer-to-peer lending (P2P) has also dropped significantly, and the number of online lending institutions actually operating at present has decreased by nearly 90% compared with three years ago.A number of illegal fund-raising cases have also been severely investigated and punished, and the relevant personnel have also been punished.

Banking and insuranceRisk resilience and coping resourcesVery abundant. In recent years,Return to the source or focus on the main business, has become the development trend of banking and insurance industry. In January and February this year, new RMB loans reached 4.2 trillion yuan, an increase of 130.8 billion yuan year-on-year, which strongly supported the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic growth. In February, although many enterprises closed down and the real economy of small and medium-sized enterprises was affected, from the financial data, the non-performing loan ratio of banking institutions only increased by 0.06 percentage points at the end of February compared with the beginning of the year, and the non-performing loan ratio is now 2.08%. At the same time, the loan loss reserve of banking institutions exceeds 6 trillion yuan.There are a lot of resources dedicated to dealing with future risks.The coverage ratio of provisions reached 181% (that is, 100 yuan of non-performing loans, and 181 yuan of loss reserves will be prepared there). The bank’s capital adequacy ratio has reached 14.6%, and the insurance solvency adequacy ratio is 247%.

The men’s basketball team won by 20 points! Media person Qi Kwa Qiao Shuai predicts the list of 12 people. Li Kaier: Looking forward to the first show

On August 5th, Beijing time, the Trentino Cup in Italy officially started. This time, four teams from China, Italy, Cape Verde and Turkey participated. In the first round, China VS Cape Verde and Italy VS Turkey. The winners of the two teams will play in the final the next day. In the end, the China men’s basketball team won a 20-point victory 86-66, Italy narrowly beat Turkey by one point, and China will play Italy in the final.

Throughout the game, the China men’s basketball team played a very smooth performance at both ends of attack and defense, so Qiao Shuai won a praise from the media.

Among them, the media person "Mai Suifeng" thinks that the joining of Qiao Shuai has completely changed the style of play of the China men’s basketball team, and the whole team has become more determined and fluent.

The original text is as follows:

"I didn’t expect to see the China men’s basketball team put a non-Asian real World Cup team into garbage time one day, which was an eye-opener. Jorjevich is really informative."

"The change that Qiao Shuai brought to the China men’s basketball team lies in changing the team’s habitual style of play, and making everyone’s passing the ball fast and resolutely. When the speed comes up, it is easy to get a chance, because passing the ball is always faster than people.

"What we want to see is not China’s men’s basketball team beating a small African country in the warm-up match. We want to see the national team keep up with the world basketball trend, play some modern basketball, and finally achieve the set goals in the World Cup.

"Cape Verde is still a little weak. Look at the way China men’s basketball team plays against European teams. I hope Li Kaier will make his debut as soon as possible.

"Fang Shuo played a good game today, and his competitive state is good. If he can still perform like this in the face of European teams, then I definitely support him to enter the final 12-man list!"

Another media person, Inspector Zhao, also praised the changes in the China men’s basketball team, thinking that the team has finally established a system, which is impressive.

The original text is as follows:

"86-66, 20 points! Qiao Shuai has brought too many changes, such as the system, tactics, the excavation of talent and the cultivation of players’ self-confidence. Although Cape Verde is rough, we really played well! The current China men’s basketball team is refreshing and impressive. It’s really a game that I don’t want to stay up late to watch. I think everyone is very satisfied. I hope to see continuous progress and hope to see Li Kaier’s debut tomorrow! "

Money doesn’t let flowers? Do whatever you want! Newcastle may go to court with the Premier League and related personnel!

According to the latest report of the British media TheAthletic, in the Premier League meeting that just ended on Monday, Newcastle Football Club, which was suspected of being targeted, made a public statement that they would probably take corresponding legal actions to the Premier League and senior executives to safeguard their rights because of the adoption of the sponsor ban proposal.

It is reported that the Premier League held a formal meeting earlier this Monday. The topic of the meeting was very tense and clear. It was aimed at Newcastle Football Club, which was just bought by the Saudi consortium. During the meeting, the sponsor ban proposal was passed by voting, which means that the backers of Newcastle will not be able to inject capital into this newly started Premier League team normally. The managing director of Newcastle Club publicly stated at the meeting that if this vote prohibits the club from carrying out the lucrative sponsorship, then Newcastle Club should not only take corresponding legal actions against the relevant personnel of the Premier League and the league, but also take reasonable legal actions against all the executives present in the follow-up rights protection.

At present, the final voting result has been released, and 16 votes from 18 participating clubs passed, almost unanimously supporting the prohibition of the owner’s capital injection into the club through sponsorship. Of the remaining 2 votes, only Newcastle voted against this ban, while Manchester City, another club, abstained. The adoption of this ban means that Saudi Airlines will not be able to become Newcastle’s jersey sponsor immediately. According to previous media reports, Saudi Airlines had already made plans to sign a 100 million-pound annual jersey sponsorship contract with Newcastle Club. Now it seems that it must be postponed, and it may even be impossible in the end.

A number of sources pointed out that among many clubs, parrish, the chairman of Crystal Palace Club, was the one with the loudest opposition, especially after being threatened by Newcastle’s legal proceedings, he became more determined. The Manchester City Club, which has the most fans, maintained a neutral attitude throughout the meeting; Chelsea, Liverpool and Manchester United did not make any statements. They did not take the lead in calling for the corresponding capital injection reform, but in the end they did choose to vote in favor of the new regulations.

The Newcastle Club believes that this ban is a deliberate persecution against them. The most obvious evidence is that in the Premier League, there are very few clubs that rely on the capital injection of the boss’s related parties to obtain income, which is why the Newcastle Club believes that this ban is the key reason for the purpose of targeted discrimination. Obviously, the new regulations are specifically targeted at a very small number of clubs. If you want to know more exciting content, come to Football Express.

The fans broke out! Pique and his 12-year-old girlfriend show love, and netizens ridiculed: It is far worse than Shakira.

Love rat usually doesn’t end well, and so does former Barcelona superstar Pique. Although Clara’s heart was captured, Pique’s love affair with her was not blessed by the fans, but suffered a lot of criticism and abuse. On the other hand, Shakira has received a lot of support. From the outside world, this Latin diva is a real victim. Today, Pique is a street rat. As long as he is in love with Clara Xiu on social media, countless fans and netizens will leave messages: love rat, you are sorry for Shakira.

It seems that in response to the soothsayer’s prediction of the future, Pique boldly exposed his love photos with his girlfriend Clara on social media. But things didn’t go as Pique imagined. Instead of being blessed, he was greeted by a wave of abuse from netizens and fans. After breaking up with Shakira, Pique’s staff collapsed, and he experienced setbacks both on and off the court. Today, Pique bears the stigma, and this 12-year-old relationship is also questioned.

Disliking Shakira’s old age and past passion, Pique did not hesitate to break up with Shakira. In fact, Pique got mixed up with Clara long before they broke up. Obviously, this is the script of love rat’s infidelity, and Pique finally lost the reputation of abandoning his wife and children. However, Pique doesn’t think so. Not only does he often love Clara on social accounts, but they also have no scruples in public.

Earlier, the Spanish edition of People, an American magazine, asked a fortune teller about the future of Pique and his girlfriend Clara. The fortune teller said that they would break up soon. Pique did not believe this, and he took photos of his love with Clara on his social account. As can be seen from the photos, the two are very close and their faces are full of smiles. It seems that this new relationship makes them enjoy it very much.

But fans and fans don’t think so. They talk nonsense under Pique’s social media account! Some netizens said: Clara is so old at the age of 24, and her figure is not as good as Shakira! Another netizen said: Pique, you are the only loser. You lost Shakira and the children because of Clara. Some netizens were furious: love rat, Clara is far worse than Shakira. Who do you think would know you if it weren’t for Shakira? There are more than 70,000 comments, and the voice of abuse accounts for the vast majority.

The love affair between Pique and Shakira, a model of football in the past, has been yearned for by countless people. But time has proved everything. Pique is not Shakira’s home. Even Shakira should be thankful that she discovered Pique’s dirty deeds when she was still young. Today, Shakira has moved away from her home in Spain, and she has taken Milan and Sasha to settle in the United States. In fact, for Shakira, having children is the happiest life.

Pique is enjoying a new relationship, and Shakira is not idle. Some time ago, Shakira and Tom Cruise watched the F1 race together, and their behavior was quite intimate. According to gossip media reports, Tom cruise is pursuing Shakira and even sent flowers to express his love. Of course, the source is not 100% confirmed, but seeing Shakira so relaxed, her fans are much relieved. As for Pique, he is in constant trouble. There is something wrong with the King’s League. Treacherous, Pique failed to fulfill his promise of salary increase, and many players have threatened to go on strike.