In the past few years, why did Wang Jianlin suddenly "make a comeback"?

City Express news, 69 years old this year, Wang Jianlin, who is about to enter his seventies,Recently, it has begun to appear frequently in the public eye

The retired Lao Wang, recentlyClass A share market reduction operationIt has attracted much attention.

According to the statistics of Changjiang Business Daily, from 2019 to 2022, Wanda Film’s net profit loss exceeded 12.60 billion yuan in the past four years, while the company’s cumulative net profit from 2013 to 2018 was only 7.575 billion yuan.

Among them, in 2019, Wanda Film 10.50 billion yuan to acquire 95.7683% equity of Wanda Film and Television, but the company has not completed the performance bet for three consecutive years. Even if Zhang Lin regains control of Wanda Film,Failed to reverse the decline

Entering 2023, the national movie box office is picking up, Wanda Film’s share price is rising, but the company’s controlling shareholders are waiting for an opportunity to cash out.

On the evening of April 19Wanda Film announced that Wanda Investment plans to reduce its holdings of the company’s shares by no more than 65.3811 million shares, calculated according to the closing price on the announcement day.The maximum cash can be about 950 million yuan. The reason for the reduction is: shareholders’ own capital needs.

And just over a month agoWanda Film’s controlling shareholder, Wanda Culture Group, has reduced its 43.5653 million shares.Cash out about 583 million yuan

You know, the actual controller of Wanda Investment and Wanda Culture Group is Wang Jianlin, founder of Wanda Group.He reduced his holdings these two times, and the maximum cash can exceed 1.50 billion yuan

"One billion as a small goal"Lao WangShort of money?

In fact, Wang Jianlin’s life has witnessed the rise, prosperity and transformation of China’s real estate industry.

The banned list of 141 anchors was announced, and the banned period ranged from one month to permanent, involving multiple platforms.

Original title: The banned list of 141 anchors was announced, and the banned period ranged from one month to permanent, involving multiple platforms.

The list of 141 anchors banned was announced, and the ban period ranged from one month to permanent ban, involving multiple platforms. sir For example, Xiao Li and Wang Mian on YY live broadcast platform suddenly said goodbye to fans in the live broadcast room, revealing that due to some "irresistible" factors, they will stop broadcasting for about half a year and quit the network. .

Subsequently, the anchors of other platforms also announced "rest" and quit the network.

For example, Tiger Tooth live broadcast platform "Little Cool Brother", Betta Zhang Qige, Liu Xiaoqi and so on. It is reported that there are many anchors of this "title", which are involved in almost all major live broadcast platforms.

Fortunately, most of these anchors did not hang up permanently, and many of them were banned for one to six months. As for which anchors are on the "banned list" this time, many netizens are also very curious.

Secondly, for the banned anchors, there were no announcements on the major live broadcast platforms, but these anchors suddenly stopped broadcasting like "gone".

On the 10th of this month, the online performance (live broadcast) branch of China Performance Industry Association announced the seventh batch of black anchors to the public. 47 blacklisted anchors are not allowed to register and broadcast live in the industry within 5 years.

After the list was released, netizens also found that some anchors who suddenly "rested" and stopped broadcasting were not on the list.

Therefore, netizens are more curious about the reasons why those anchors "suddenly" stopped broadcasting. What is the reason why they stopped broadcasting?

Recently, a blogger broke the news about a list of "141 banned anchors", which involved online celebrity who violated the live broadcast norms of the whole network.

According to the blogger, the list is a special rectification action carried out by the relevant departments of the webcast industry.

These include YY Live, Momo, Betta, Yingke, Yibai, Penguin E-sports, Huya, Aauto Quicker, Tik Tok and other live broadcast platforms.

The blogger revealed a partial list of "141 banned anchors":

Among the banned anchors, there are many well-known anchors on the live broadcast platform. The ban period is from 1 month to permanent ban, and the penalty period is from October 8.

The list shows that the controversial betta anchorwoman "Dream Butterfly" was permanently banned this year.

Some time ago, the betta anchorwoman "Xiu Xiu" and Zhang Qige, who suddenly stopped broadcasting, were banned for three months.

The betta anchorwoman "SuenOlivia" was only banned for three months due to a serious live broadcast accident.

Online celebrity anchor "Xiao Zhi" of Penguin E-sports was also included in the banned list for three months.

Some netizens questioned the list published by bloggers, thinking that the list was printed by bloggers themselves, and no other authoritative media had published the list. However, the blogger revealed that he was only a little faster than the media knew, saying that the list was absolutely correct, otherwise he would be prosecuted by the legal department of the live broadcast platform.

The blogger said that the reason why the top 30 anchors on the list were not announced was because they were "of little use".

As we all know, the rise of live broadcast of games, live broadcast of entertainment, live broadcast with goods, and short video platforms has made the profession of network anchor and online celebrity a "hot industry".

Because of the low threshold and high return, more and more people are joining, but this circle is also "mixed fish and dragons". Many anchors and online celebrity broadcast their eyeballs live through "low quality" for the sake of popularity.

Therefore, some anchors ignore the moral bottom line in pursuit of so-called traffic, which seriously affects the network ecology.

The announcement of the list of "141 banned anchors" is considered to be a blow to the live broadcast industry on the right track and improve the live broadcast environment, and it is also a warning to other anchors.

Editor in charge:

Subject 3 Full Edition Dance Exposure: Behind it is actually a difficult mechanical dance.

According to a number of domestic media reports, dance subject III exploded on the Internet, but the subject III transmitted on the Internet was only a short magical movement. Some netizens pulled out the full version of the dance video of subject III. Surprisingly, its difficult movements were staggering.

Netizen feels:

I thought it was the whole job, but why did I really dance in the back?

On social shaking or looking at old drivers in Guangxi

Therefore, the ancient martial arts were lost from generation to generation [allow sorrow]

Call on Haidilao to learn the mechanical dance at the back, and the tip is extra.

Wandering stars

According to public reports, "Subject III" originated from a wedding. This dance was spread through a short video platform, with interesting movements and dynamic background music, which quickly triggered the imitation of netizens.

In Haidilao Hotpot Store, just say "I want subject three" to the waiter, and the waiter will enthusiastically perform this cheerful dance for you.

A netizen said that the background music of "Subject III" dance has a strong sense of rhythm, simple movements and distinct rhythm, and it will shake the body involuntarily after brushing the video.

Experts remind that you should warm up before dancing, mobilize your body’s functions, and do your movements in place to prevent injuries during dancing.

Development and Reform Commission: implement a number of forward-looking and strategic national major scientific and technological projects; Ganfeng Lithium Industry: It is planned to invest in lithiu

China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission: Improve solvency supervision standards and enhance the service capacity of the insurance industry

It was learned from China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission that in order to better guide the insurance industry to serve the real economy, China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission will continue to improve the solvency supervision standards, and on the basis of scientific and effective risk prevention and control, continuously enhance the insurance industry’s ability to serve the overall economic and social situation. The person in charge of relevant departments in China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission said that China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission will continue to support the development of commercial pension business. According to the characteristics and development reality of commercial pension business, we will study and formulate preferential policies for solvency, reduce the capital occupation of the company, support the insurance industry to carry out commercial pension business, and promote the healthy development of the third pillar pension insurance. (Xinhua News Agency)

The General Administration of Market Supervision issued the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Drug Online Sales, which will take effect on December 1, 2022.

Recently, the General Administration of Market Supervision issued the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Drug Online Sales (Order No.58 of the State Administration of Market Supervision), which will take effect on December 1, 2022. Clarify the qualifications and requirements of pharmaceutical trading enterprises engaged in drug online sales, and clarify according to law that vaccines, blood products, narcotic drugs, psychotropic drugs, toxic drugs for medical use, radioactive drugs, pharmaceutical precursor chemicals and other drugs under special management by the state shall not be sold online. (CBN)

National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC): Targeting at frontier fields such as artificial intelligence, we will implement a number of forward-looking and strategic national major scientific and technological projects.

In Qiushi magazine, the National Development and Reform Commission published a signed article "Accelerating the Construction of a New Development Pattern and Firmly Grasping the Initiative of Development", pointing out that it is necessary to strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological strength, aim at frontier fields such as artificial intelligence, quantum information, integrated circuits, life and health, brain science and biological breeding, and implement a number of forward-looking and strategic national major scientific and technological projects. Actively expand effective investment. We will increase investment in short boards and implement 102 major projects in the 14 th Five-Year Plan in an orderly manner. Establish a coordination mechanism to promote effective investment in important projects, scientifically use policy-based development financial tools, guide financial institutions to increase supporting financing support, strengthen the protection of land, energy use, environmental impact assessment and other factors, and accelerate the construction of major projects. (Securities Times)

China Hi-Tech: The revenue in the first half of the year was 59.5349 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1.28%.

Recently, China Hi-Tech (600730) released the semi-annual report for 2022, with revenue of 59.5349 million yuan in the first half of the year, up by 1.28% year-on-year; The net profit of returning to the mother was 5,775,200 yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 64.16%. Among them, the education sector achieved revenue of 42.9544 million yuan, accounting for 72.15% of the company’s total revenue.

Weibo: The revenue in the second quarter was USD 450.2 million, and the operating profit margin was 21%.

Weibo released its financial report for the second quarter of 2022. The financial report shows that Weibo’s revenue in the second quarter was $450.2 million, down 22% year-on-year, and the market expected $441 million. Among them, advertising and marketing revenue in the second quarter was $385.6 million, down 23% year-on-year; Revenue from value-added services was $64.6 million, down 10% year-on-year. In the second quarter, Weibo’s operating profit was US$ 93.9 million, and its operating profit rate was 21%.

Zhiji Automobile: In August, the sales volume of Zhiji L7 was 1,007 units, up 23.4% from the previous month.

According to the news released by Zhiji Auto Official Micro, in August, the sales volume of Zhiji L7 was 1,007 units, an increase of 23.4% from the previous month. Since the nationwide delivery was started in mid-June, Zhiji L7 has delivered 2058 units.

Zhiwen Group: Revenue in the second quarter was 3,110.4 million yuan, down 15.3% year-on-year.

Zhiwen Group announced its financial report for the second quarter of 2022. According to the financial report, in the second quarter of 2022, Zhiwen Group’s revenue was 3.1104 billion yuan, down 15.3% year-on-year. Not measured in accordance with US GAAP, the net profit attributable to Zhiwen Group in the second quarter was 463.5 million yuan, compared with 551 million yuan in the same period last year. Zhiwen Group has been making profits for 30 quarters.

Weilai: 10,677 vehicles were delivered in August, up 81.6% year-on-year.

Weilai announced that 10,677 vehicles were delivered in August, up 81.6% year-on-year. From January to August, 2022, Weilai delivered 71,556 new cars, a year-on-year increase of 28.3%. Weilai has delivered a total of 238,626 new cars.

Xpeng Motors: The delivery volume in August was 9,578 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 33%.

Xpeng Motors announced that the delivery volume in August was 9,578 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 33%; A total of 90,085 vehicles were delivered in the first eight months, a year-on-year increase of 96%. Today, Weilai Automobile and LI also announced the delivery volume in August. Weilai Automobile delivered 10,677 vehicles in August, an increase of 81.6% year-on-year; LI delivered 4,571 vehicles in August, a year-on-year decrease of 51.54%.

Securities and Futures Commission issued IPO approvals for three companies including Ziyan Food.

The CSRC approved Shanghai Ziyan Food Co., Ltd. to publicly issue no more than 42 million new shares; Approved Wuxi Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd. to publicly issue no more than 20 million new shares; Approved Arrow Home Group Co., Ltd. to publicly issue no more than 96.6095 million new shares. (Securities Times)

Dingdang Health: On September 14th, the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange was listed at a price of HK$ 12 per share.

Dangdang Health announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the company sold 33.537 million shares worldwide, including 3.354 million shares sold in Hong Kong, 30.183 million shares sold internationally, and 15% of them were over-allocated. Offering shares from September 1 to September 6, 2022; The offering price will be HK$ 12.00 per offering share, with 500 shares for each unit, and the admission fee will be about HK$ 6,060. CICC and CMB International are co-sponsors; It is expected that the shares will be listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange on September 14th, 2022.

"Luchen Technology" completed $6 million in seed and angel round financing.

"Luchen Technology" announced the completion of $6 million seed and angel round financing, with Lanchi Venture Capital leading the angel round and innovation works and Zhenge Fund jointly leading the seed round. The two rounds of financing were completed within one year. Financing funds are mainly used to introduce teams and expand business markets. According to reports, Luchen Technology is committed to building a universal deep learning system Colossal-AI for the era of big models, and promoting the application of AI big models.

Cloud native RPA manufacturer "Yunna Technology" won the A round of financing.

Yunna Technology, a cloud native RPA manufacturer, won the A round of financing, which was jointly led by Yunjiu Capital and Haochen Capital. The old shareholder’s linear capital exceeded the investment, and the source joint venture served as the exclusive financial adviser. This round of financing will be used for product research and development, marketing and other aspects.

Sunlight Technology, a provider of 3D graphics engine, received nearly 100 million yuan in angel round financing.

Xuanguang Technology, a domestic 3D graphics engine provider, announced the completion of nearly RMB 100 million angel round financing, which was led by Shang Tang Guoxiang Capital, an industrial fund of Shangtang Technology, with Wanshi Capital as the exclusive financial advisor. Xuanguang Technology will use this financing to increase the large-scale infrastructure construction of products and continue to invest in the improvement of tool chain.

OPPO signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Omron Health Care

Recently, OPPO officially signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Omron Health Care, a home health equipment and health management service brand. In the future, the two sides will focus on healthy lifestyle management and cardiovascular disease management, and carry out a series of cooperation such as direct connection of IoT equipment, health data management and joint development of core technologies.

Ganfeng Lithium Industry: It is planned to invest in lithium dihydrogen phosphate integration project with Fulin Seiko (300432).

Ganfeng Lithium Industry announced that the company and Fulin Seiko recently signed the Strategic Cooperation Agreement to carry out in-depth cooperation in lithium salt product supply, Ferrous lithium phosphate cathode product supply, industrial investment and project operation, and research and development of new lithium salts, so as to achieve win-win development. The two parties intend to jointly invest in the new "lithium dihydrogen phosphate Integration Project". The technical path of the project is to directly prepare lithium dihydrogen phosphate through lithium sulfate, with a long-term planned production capacity of 200,000 tons. The two parties intend to set up a joint venture company as the main investor with a registered capital of 100 million yuan.

China Automobile Association: From January to July, China’s top ten countries ranked in terms of import value of automobile goods, with a total import value of 47.18 billion US dollars.

According to the data of the General Administration of Customs compiled by China Automobile Industry Association, from January to July, 2022, the top ten countries in China’s automobile import value were Germany, Japan, the United States, Slovakia, Britain, Austria, Mexico, Thailand, South Korea and Hungary. Compared with the same period of last year, the import value of Slovakia and Austria continued to increase, while that of other countries decreased. From January to July, the import value of automobile goods in the above ten countries was 47.18 billion US dollars, accounting for 87.8% of the total import value of all automobile goods in China.

China ICT Institute: In the second quarter, China built 295,000 new 5G base stations.

According to "China ICT Institute CAICT" WeChat WeChat official account news, "National Mobile Network Quality Monitoring Report" (Phase 2) was recently released. According to the report, by the end of June 2022, the total number of mobile communication base stations in China had reached 10.35 million, with 5G base stations accounting for 17.9%, and 295,000 new 5G base stations were built in the second quarter. The total number of mobile users reached 1.67 billion, with 5G users accounting for 27.3%, with an increase of 52.44 million in the second quarter. (CBN)

Wang Haifeng, CTO of Baidu: The industrial model of the big model will be a TSMC-like model.

At the 2022 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, Wang Haifeng, chief technology officer of Baidu and director of the National Engineering Research Center for Deep Learning Technology and Application, proposed in his speech that the industrial model of the big model would be a TSMC-like model. The big model and deep learning platform run through the whole AI industry chain, which is the base of industrial intelligence. The global user spending of "League of Legends Mobile Games" iOS and Google Play platforms has exceeded 750 million US dollars.

According to, League of Legends Mobile Games was first released on Google Play in October 2020. In less than two years, its global user spending on iOS and Google Play platforms has exceeded 750 million US dollars. In October 2021, League of Legends Mobile Games entered the China market for the first time. In the same month, its global user spending (on iOS and Google Play platforms) increased by 7 times compared with September 2021.

IResearch: WeChat, Alipay and short video platforms have become three major positions for business layout.

IResearch, an industry research organization, released the Insight Report on Private Domain Layout of Merchants in China in 2022. The report shows that the multi-platform layout has become a trend, and WeChat, Alipay and short video platforms have become the three most important positions for businesses to operate in the private domain; Applet is the most important private domain carrier; Nearly 80% of merchants are satisfied with the private domain management effect, and the growth effect of new customers and members is remarkable; The operating cost of private domain of merchants increased by 40% on average, and transformation efficiency, operating cost and public domain drainage became the core concerns of private domain layout of merchants. Public domain is the most important traffic source of private domain. After Alipay put forward the open mode of combining public and private domains in 2018, WeChat and Aauto Quicker also began to build public and private domains.

(Editor: Zhou Wenkai)

The car model meets the comic exhibition, and the otaku is blessed! Changsha International Auto Show was held from December 9 to 14.

The car model meets the comic exhibition, and the otaku is blessed.

Changsha International Auto Show was held from December 9 to 14, and Hunan Commodity Consumption Festival and National Comic Exhibition were held at the same time.

The 15th Changsha International Auto Show attracts people to watch the exhibition and drives the automobile market to sprint consumption.

At the auto show, you have seen beautiful car models, but have you seen Hatsune Miku? It is understood that this year’s ACC animation exhibition will meet with Changsha International Auto Show.

When you look at the new car, you can also see cute virtual characters, which can not only meet the needs of fans, but also buy them in buy buy.

Xiaoxiang morning herald reporter Mao Chuan reports from Changsha

With the gradual recovery of the auto show, the postponed national auto show is "grabbing" the schedule and pulling it back to the box office. The 16th China (Changsha) International Automobile Expo (hereinafter referred to as "Changsha International Auto Show") scheduled for December 9-14 will be held as scheduled.

The reporter got the latest news from the organizing committee of the auto show. In order to give full play to the consumption-driven role of automobiles and other commodities, the 2020 Hunan Commodity Consumption Festival was held at the same time, and a national comic exhibition settled in Changsha, which contributed to the "different" Changsha International Auto Show.

Nearly 80 automobile brands brought new cars to the exhibition.

The Changsha International Auto Show will last for 6 days, with an estimated total exhibition area of 100,000 square meters. Nearly 80 well-known automobile brands at home and abroad will take part in the exhibition with new products and high specifications, including Guangzhou Automobile Mitsubishi, a local intelligent manufacturer in Hunan, BYD, a luxury car matrix BBA that continues to grow at a high speed, Weilai, a new car-making force, SAIC Volkswagen and Dongfeng Nissan … all of which have gathered a variety of new cars, with more than 1,000 models coming in strongly, blowing the horn of sprint for the automobile market at the end of this year.

In addition, the automobile consumption festival and the second-hand car replacement link at Changsha International Auto Show last year were recognized by consumers and will continue to be presented this year. Get through the automobile circulation link, free on-site vehicle evaluation, high-priced car collection, 120 tests, and factory certification of used cars to participate in the exhibition, so that buying and selling cars is guaranteed; There are also one-stop convenient services such as financial loans and new car replacement to add color to consumers.

Auto show drives Hunan’s bulk consumption engine

It is understood that in 2019, the total sales volume of exhibitors at Changsha International Auto Show totaled 17,972 units, and the first Hunan Automobile Consumption Festival was held in the same period, and a total of 2,487 car purchase subsidies were issued, with a cumulative amount of 1.13 million yuan. With a wave of car market stimulus actions, car consumption has risen rapidly. The relevant person in charge of the organizing Committee of the auto show said, "As long as things are good, there is no need to worry about consumption."

In the fourth quarter, Hunan Provincial Department of Commerce will launch a series of activities of consumption promotion month with the theme of "Enjoy consumption and live a better life". As the leader of automobile consumption in Hunan, Changsha International Auto Show has been included in the series of activities of consumption promotion month. Based on the strong consumption power of Hunan consumers, Changsha International Auto Show will become the engine to stimulate Hunan’s bulk consumption.

At the same time of the auto show, the "Super Double 12 2020 Hunan Commodity Consumption Festival" will be held, and the dealers will be full of firepower to rush sales, and the consumers will be full of firepower to rush welfare. Through online and offline multiple linkages, we will hold a series of activities such as year-end benefits for well-known real estates, innovate consumption patterns, and make the consumption festival a bright business card for Hunan to strongly promote economic and social development.


Auto show brings virtual characters offline.

Considering the background of the current automobile market, the auto show has different characteristics in different times, from the earliest "unusual exhibition" to the "technical exhibition" that reflects the progress of the industry, and then to the "consumption exhibition" when the automobile market is going down.

Younger is the most mentioned word in today’s auto market. No matter manufacturers, brands or even models, they are carrying out the concept of youth to the end. Conversely, young consumers not only need a young car, but also wait for young brands, young exhibitions and young elements.

It is understood that this year’s ACC Animation Exhibition will meet with Changsha International Auto Show at the same time. ACC Comic-Con focuses on a number of domestic and foreign classic anime game images, famous anime artists, seiyuu, original novels, well-known coser, peripheral products and other contents. Through the theme meeting, customized interactive games, customized theme activities and theme performances, ACC Comic-Con has carried out long-term roving ground exhibitions in major cities and regions in China in the form of exhibitions, various events and carnivals. Up to now, more than 150 floor-to-ceiling comic-con exhibitions have been held.

The combination of animation and auto show is also a new cultural force in today’s auto market. Virtual characters such as Hatsune Miku, YOMI and Xiaodu have already appeared on major automobile brands. The combination of auto show and animation brings the original virtual and lovely characters offline.

Of course, there are many activities during the auto show, including carnival that consumers love to see and hear, and summit activities that professionals discuss together.

You said this was an auto show, which covered many industries. You said that this is not an auto show, and automobile consumption drives more consumption upgrades. This is a different auto show, but salt is sweet and you can taste it at will.

From AI perfume to AI beauty algorithm, can we find the optimal aesthetic solution?

  The information that artificial intelligence system needs to perceive mainly comes from its vision, hearing and touch, and smell is also a valuable direction. At present, researchers have been studying odor sensors and their applications in environmental protection and other fields.

  During my stay in China International Import Expo(CIIE), in addition to "hard-core" intelligent technologies such as bionic robots and automated production lines, AI beauty consultants, virtual makeup artists and customized skin care products driven by artificial intelligence also attracted many people’s attention. In recent years, artificial intelligence, which shines brilliantly in the fields of image, video and speech recognition, has gradually penetrated into the beauty industry. The market shows that the perfume prepared by artificial intelligence has received good feedback from consumers.

  "Perfume preparation is a complex system engineering, involving raw materials, processes, users, markets and many other factors. Searching for the right solution in the vast parameter space is a huge workload. It is difficult to exhaust all feasible solutions only by relying on manual experience, and it is likely to miss the best solution that is most popular with the market and users." Sun Zhenan, a researcher at the Institute of Automation, China Academy of Sciences, said in an interview with a reporter from Science and Technology Daily.

  AI flavoring does not depend on fragrance to judge the order of putting spices.

  "The information that the artificial intelligence system needs to perceive mainly comes from its vision, hearing and touch, and the sense of smell is also a valuable direction. At present, researchers have been studying odor sensors and their applications in environmental protection and other fields." Sun Zhenan said.

  Previously, IBM made an artificial intelligence perfume apprentice — — Philyra。 Philyra is a creative artificial intelligence, which can study the existing perfume formulas and compare and analyze their components to develop new perfume formulas. Philyra can also obtain the popularity of perfume in different genders, ages and best-selling places. Combined with big data algorithm, Philyra will output a new perfume formula, which can achieve good results in the predetermined target population.

  Sun Zhenan explained that unlike perfumers who need decades to train their sense of smell, artificial intelligence does not rely on the sense of smell to make perfume. AI Blending uses advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze and learn information such as perfume formula, raw materials, historical sales data and industry trends to predict human preferences, thus creating a new perfume formula for the target population.

  David Appel, a master perfumer, did an experiment with Philyra: a perfume made entirely by Philyra was model A; The b model is mainly made by Philyra, and the perfumer is used as an auxiliary modification; The C model is led by the perfumer and assisted by Philyra. After the completion of the three perfumes, they were put into test. The test results showed that most people chose the A perfume created by artificial intelligence.

  "Compared with artificial perfuming, AI perfuming does not rely on fragrance to judge the order of perfuming, but uses deep learning algorithm to analyze and customize the blending method, which is a method different from traditional perfuming thinking; AI perfume will not be influenced by personal preference, experience and cultural prejudice, but digitally quantify the sense of smell and explore more creative composition combinations and formula; With its powerful computing power, AI perfume can quickly calculate the most popular perfume formula for target customers, shortening the perfume development cycle. " Sun Zhenan pointed out.

  It is also used in intelligent medical beauty, hairstyle design and other scenes.

  According to Euromonitor Consulting’s forecast, 2019— In 2023, China’s cosmetics industry will maintain a compound growth rate of 8.3%. Faced with the growing cosmetics consumer market and the popularization of concepts such as scientific skin care and functional skin care, major beauty and skin care businesses are also actively using cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence to launch customized products that better meet consumers’ individual needs and bring more comprehensive product experience.

  Sun Zhenan said that in addition to preparing perfume, artificial intelligence is also used in many scenarios such as intelligent medical beauty, hair design, virtual makeup, customized skin care products, skin diagnosis and so on.

  Sun Zhenan, a researcher from the Institute of Automation, China Academy of Sciences, and his team of researchers have explored the editing of face images and the application of beauty, medical beauty and entertainment.

  For example, at the IEEE International Conference on Computer and Pattern Recognition in 2019, they proposed a face age transformation technology based on wavelet domain, which can predict the change of face with age, and this technology can also be applied to personalized recommendation of skin care products; In 2020, they proposed a face attribute editing technology based on sample importance sampling, which can edit the skin color, hair color, adding or removing glasses and other attributes of the face, and can be applied to the makeup design of the beauty salon industry to provide users with diverse choices and references; In 2020, a face composition editing technology based on reference images was proposed, which can manipulate the shape of facial features and assist medical cosmetology, give more guidance to doctors and patients through the preoperative prediction of plastic surgery and trauma repair surgery, and make a more scientific cosmetic plan.

  "The application technology of artificial intelligence in the beauty industry has saved labor costs for enterprises, improved customer service efficiency and brought convenient and comprehensive user experience for consumers to purchase products." Sun Zhenan said.

  Sun Zhenan pointed out that from the current application, the personalized customized skin care system allows each user to have a dedicated skin care beautician, analyze the photos provided by the user by using face recognition and face analysis technology, and evaluate their skin condition, and then use the recommendation algorithm to select the most suitable product from the existing products for recommendation; The facial beauty evaluation system provides valuable methods and tools for medical cosmetology, which can assist the hospital in cosmetic surgery. By comparing the detected data with the standard beauty model, it provides the cosmetic surgeon with the best scheme for improving each part. AR intelligent makeup trial uses face recognition and virtual makeup rendering algorithm to realize the makeup effect of products with different brands and colors on the face, which reduces the cost of makeup trial, expands the beauty retail terminal and meets the demand of fast fashion.

  For aesthetic standards, people and machines will influence each other.

  Different people have different opinions about beauty, and it is difficult to quantify and form a standard. However, "everyone has a love for beauty", and the aesthetic concept of the public still has rules to follow. For example, a beauty who is truly beautiful can still be recognized by almost everyone.

  "Artificial intelligence’s understanding of beauty requires the training of big data. At present, the definition of beautiful faces and the face value of artificial intelligence cannot be separated from the supervised data marks of human beings, because artificial intelligence has no understanding of beauty itself, and its grasp of beauty depends on the face data it has learned and the label data set that artificially defines and quantifies beauty." Sun Zhenan said.

  David Appel thinks that artificial intelligence is not a threat but an object that needs cooperation. Machines have no unnecessary feelings and prejudices, which can significantly enhance human creativity and provide the most novel algorithms.

  Previously, the CARTO artificial intelligence fragrance blending system was produced in the well-known perfume company Givaudan. The system used the odor atlas collected by IBM, hoping that the fragrance could maximize its olfactory performance in the formula.

  For another example, Shiseido Optune personalized customized skin care system consists of a smartphone application Optune App and a dedicated machine Optune zero. Optune App displays the user’s skin condition (skin texture, pores, moisture content, etc.) by analyzing the photos taken by users with machine learning technology, and sends the data to Optune Zero through the cloud, which selects the most suitable combination of essence and moisturizing products from existing products according to the algorithm and produces them directly from the machine.

  "In order to eliminate the preference of artificial intelligence for human aesthetics, the data used in the training algorithm should be as comprehensive and diverse as possible, and multi-dimensional and multi-angle standards should be integrated for learning. However, it does not rule out that autonomous evolutionary intelligence has the ability to discover beautiful people and things unsupervised. For example, machines may automatically search for star photos that attract public attention to learn aesthetic standards independently. " Sun Zhenan said.

  In Sun Zhenan’s view, with the application of artificial intelligence in the beauty industry, people and machines will influence each other on aesthetic standards. "On the one hand, human beings have a personal preference for the standard of beauty in a broad sense. When algorithm experts use a certain definition of beauty as a standard for machines to learn, machines tend to be aesthetic standards of this definition. On the other hand, when the machine recommends the medical beauty scheme it thinks for a long time, the user aesthetic system of the artificial intelligence system will also be affected. "

Playing badminton skills, you can come in and have a look if you like to play badminton.

The two key techniques of the ball are footwork and technique. There is an image metaphor that the technique is like a move and the footwork is like an internal force. If you want to learn badminton well, it is equally important to master the correct footwork and technique.

First, the footwork:

1. Look at the manual waist: (Observe the opponent’s movements and prepare to move your center of gravity in advance)

2. Lift first and then lift: (Watch the opponent swing out, lift the center of gravity and lift the shoulders, ready to start)

3, chasing the ball to catch the pace: (When moving, you must look at the trajectory of badminton, and the pace must be before the ball falls)

4, bow to the point: (run to the point and then drop the center of gravity, ready to hit the ball)

5, twisting the hip first: (No matter what pace, the first move must be the hip)

6. There are several steps: (How to get to the point depends on how you predict the distance and then design the collocation of small steps)

7, the calf slightly off: (when receiving the ground ball, the calf and foot are slightly off, reducing the center of gravity)

8. Round your arms: (During the pace, you should also cooperate with your arms. You must not slouch and exercise.)

9, jumping danger: (when chopping, beginners had better not jump, it is difficult and there are many mistakes)

No worries about retreating: (In any case, retreating is the most difficult thing to master at first. Once you master it, the whole audience will live.)

Second, the technique:

1. Hold the racket tightly: (In the non-hitting state, the racket cannot be held tightly, and the handle should be flexible to rotate for different hitting actions; When hitting the ball, keep your fingers tight on the racket, especially the index finger and thumb, to ensure that the hitting action is crisp and the line is clear.

2, long swing and short shake: (When hitting the ball, especially when hitting the long ball and killing the ball, the shoulders and arms should be completely released, and the hitting is guaranteed and the big action can confuse the opponent; At the last moment of hitting the ball, the change of the line and the landing point control the whole wrist jitter)

3, high pressure and low lift: (after playing the backcourt, the wrist should have the feeling of forward pressure, otherwise the ball will be vulnerable to attack when it falls slowly; When defending, the arm should be lifted fully and quickly to avoid passive beating)

4, playing far and near: (the backcourt ball must first run to the position, the arm drives the wrist, and the amplitude is large and hard; The ball in the frontcourt is small, the forearm is firmly extended, and the wrist and fingers rotate, with a small amplitude.

5, the opposite turn flat lift: (put a diagonal short ball in the middle and front court, the wrist should turn back and pick up; Draw fastball flat in the middle and front court, without putting down the racket, and use the forearm to exert force.

6. Front-side back-to-back: (The forehand handball body rotates backward and sideways. As a compensation, the wrist control racket face should also rotate at the corresponding angle; When playing backhand, the body is fully unfolded with the back to the opponent, the arm swings for a long distance, and the wrist force should arrive in time)

7, strong pursuit of slow gear: (when the attack is favorable, we must constantly speed up the attack rhythm, arm and wrist movements are coherent and rapid; When the opponent attacks continuously, take the initiative to change the rhythm of the opponent’s continuous attack by lightly blocking and letting go.

8. Soft dance and crisp strike: (All movements of badminton should be very coordinated and even gentle; But the moment of hitting the ball must be crisp and neat. From the waist to the wrist, the hitting force should have a violent pause, followed by coordinated body movements)

Eight active players with both offensive and defensive skills: two bucks and two clippers!

Eight active players with both offensive and defensive skills: two bucks and two clippers!

There are too many all-round players in the NBA, but James is considered to be the most all-round player in history. Besides his scoring, rebounding and assists, his defense is also very good. He won the title of the best No.1 guard five times. Compared with Dancsics, Harden and others, James’ attack, passing and defense are all-round.

But it is very difficult to be as versatile as James, because he is already the second person in history. An ordinary player can’t enter the first person in history at all. In today’s league, many players combine offense and defense, but only eight players combine offense and defense.

Leonard (LynnaLeonard)

Jordan once said to Cam’s defense, "Even I can’t score." Cass was bought by the Spurs at the draft because of his defense. In his career, he won the honor of "MVP" twice with his excellent defense, and with the passage of time, his offense became more stable and was called "Jordan".

Cass is the best defensive player in a single row in the league. He once locked James and Alphabet firmly behind him in the playoffs. Even though he missed many games because of injury, Leonard was still the best defensive player in a single row in the league in the playoffs last season. Last season, his average score was 23.8 points, 6.5 rebounds, 3.9 assists and 1.4 steals, with a score of 51% and a three-point score of 41.

Giorgio Aureliano

George’s playing style is conservative. He has a superstar style after 00. He can ignore all attacks and confront all superstars, which is why he is loved by fans, and he also inherits the tradition of NBA at that time. In fact, if his injuries were not too serious, George’s strength would be even stronger. At the age of 18, he also reached the top three MVP rankings with a wonderful performance.

George’s defensive ability may not be as good as that of Cass, but it is also very excellent. He has been in the best team four times and twice. In his heyday, George’s average score reached 28 points. Even Yang Yi said that at the age of 18, he had reached Durant’s level. George averaged 23.8,6.1 rebounds, 5.1 assists, 1.5 steals, 45.7 percentage points and 37.1% three-pointers last season.

capital letter

Brother Alphabet can be said to be a perfect ball. Brother Alphabet is somewhat similar to James. He can be competent for many roles and can play many roles at the same time. He is fast and difficult to stop when attacking, but compared with James in his heyday, his shooting is still inferior. He can defend in five different positions at the same time, so he won the title of the best defender once, four times and one defense.

On the offensive side, Brother Alphabet is even more fierce, and is called "O ‘Neill in the era of small ball" by O ‘Neill. Brother Alphabet is a great threat in the inside. Last season, he averaged 32 minutes, scored 31.1 points, 11.8 rebounds, 5.7 assists, 0.8 steals, 0.8 blocks and 55% shooting percentage. Brother Alphabet has entered the ranks of the top three in the NBA, and he not only

Holledi Football Club

Holliday is the most neglected defender in the NBA at present. He used to be the second seed of the Lakers and didn’t get much attention. Now he has come to the Bucks and become the third seed. He has made a lot of efforts and didn’t get much attention, but Holliday’s strength is beyond doubt. Curry once said at a press conference that he thinks that of the three most difficult defenders, only Holliday is the only one so far.

Holliday’s career, once entered the best defensive team five times and entered the first team three times, and when Holliday was 21 years old, he locked Paul firmly so that the Bucks won the championship. Last season, Holliday averaged 19.3 points, 5.1 rebounds, 7.4 assists, 1.2 steals, and the three-point shooting rate was 48%. With Brother Alphabet as the core, Holliday, Middleton and Brother Alphabet as the core, in a few years, they still hope to win the championship.

Butler crater

Butler is also a man who is looked down upon. If he hadn’t played the "Black Eight", I’m afraid he would have been looked down upon. Butler is a very talented man. He has the ability to attack, defend and even control the ball, but he is lazy in the regular season, so he has not been favored and won any big awards. He has only entered the best defensive team five times in his career, but all of them are just substitutes.

But as soon as the playoffs came, Butler began to shine. He led his team, entered the Eastern Conference finals three times and the finals twice. Although he didn’t win the championship, it was also valuable. Last season, Butler averaged 26.9 points, 5.9 rebounds, 5.3 assists, 1.8 steals and 54% three points per game. Butler’s tenacity is very consistent with his team style.


Anthony was Tatum’s rookie in that session, but Kobe was his favorite star. Influenced by Mamba, Tatum constantly honed his skills. In the past six years, Tatum’s scores have been constantly improved. Looking at the whole NBA, he is the only one who can achieve such results, which shows how diligent he is. At the same time, Tatum has paid a lot of attention to the team’s defense.

When Kobe coached Tatum, he asked reporters a question, that is, the Lakers didn’t choose Tatum when they could have won the No.1 pick. Kobe Bryant is right. Tatum is really the best forward with both offensive and defensive skills in the league. Last season, his average score was 30.1,8.8 rebounds, 4.6 assists, 1.1 steals and 0.7 blocks. In fact, Brown is also a good man, but his attack power is not very strong, which is why he was not selected for the list.

AnthonyDavis Anthony

When Brother Thick Eyebrows was selected, he was hailed as a man with both offensive and defensive abilities. His defense and potential were strong, and his physical fitness was very good, so he was hailed as a model of Garnett. After joining the NBA, Brother Thick Eyebrows quickly showed his talent, being selected into the best defensive team for four times and winning the blocked shot for three times, which made him one of the best power forwards in the NBA.

Brother Thick Eyebrows is also a very good player. He has strong ball control ability and scoring ability. Brother Thick Eyebrows also helped James win the championship 20 years ago. Last season, he performed well in the playoffs, and his performance was also the best. His performance made the Lakers enter the playoffs. Maybe next season, Brother Thick Eyebrows will replace Lao Zhan and become the leader of the Lakers.

Embid crater

Emperor has been a rugby player since he was a child. I’m afraid he would have done the same if he hadn’t been tall, but his physical fitness is very good, and his physical fitness is also very good, so he has always been a frequent visitor to the "best defense team" and entered the "best defense team" three times. Embiid’s attack power is much stronger than his, and he has won the "scorer" twice.

The Emperor’s style is somewhat similar to Harden’s. He has endless firepower advantages, his performance is also very good, and his score is also very high. However, with the approaching of the playoffs, his defense is getting weaker and weaker, and his offensive efficiency is getting lower and lower. Last season, he won the title of MVP, with an average score of only 33.1 points, 10.2 rebounds, 4.2 assists, 1 steal and 1.7 blocks.

Speaking of which, what do you think of these people? Please leave your comments.

Coming, coming, the debut of the China men’s basketball team!

With Li Kaier training with our men’s basketball team, there is an urgent need for a game to test it! On August 5th, 2023, there was a warm-up match between our men’s basketball team and Cape Verde. Presumably, this was Li Kaier who officially set foot on our men’s basketball field and ushered in his first show. This young man has shown excellent skills and strong mentality in the past training, which makes people full of expectations for him. His appearance will bring new vitality and hope to our men’s basketball team and has become an indispensable member of our men’s basketball team.

Li Kaier is an excellent scorer. He can easily break through the opponent’s defense and hit the key three-pointers. His offensive ability has been fully proved in training, and he has shown his talent and strength many times in the competition. In addition, he also works very hard on the defensive end, which can bring great pressure to his opponents and improve the overall defensive level of the team.

Li Kaier is an NBA player above the average level and is the main rotation lineup of the Timberwolves. He showed a mature and stable side in NBA games. He can not only score points, but also drive the rhythm of the whole team, making the team more tacit and smooth. His hard work and diligence in training have also been recognized and appreciated by the coaching staff, and he is considered to be a very dedicated and responsible player.

Through the training videos released by the national team these days, it can be seen that Li Kaier’s performance is a superstar, at least in the national team, he is the only one. The fans are also full of expectation and concern, hoping to see him show his strength and ability in the game and lead our men’s basketball team to make good results. His appearance will bring stability to our men’s basketball team at the critical moment, and carry out our last shot to make our men’s basketball team stronger and more confident.

In short, Li Kaier’s debut will be a game worth looking forward to. He will play an important role in our men’s basketball team and lead the team to meet new challenges and opportunities. Let’s look forward to his performance on the court, cheer for him and cheer for our team!

Jordan didn’t have a decent center in two dynasties? Facing the super center, the decline is obvious.

Jordan didn’t have a decent center in two dynasties? Facing the super center, the decline is obvious.

O ‘Neill was 9 wins and 12 losses to Jordan, with O ‘Neill averaging 25.2 points and 13.2 rebounds and Jordan averaging 28.7 points and 5.5 rebounds. Olajuwon 11 wins and 10 losses to Jordan, Olajuwon averaged 21.7 points, 10.8 rebounds, 2.4 assists, 1.9 steals and 3.4 blocks, and Jordan averaged 31.4 points, 5.8 rebounds, 5.2 assists and 3 steals and 0.8 blocks. Robinson 7 wins and 7 losses Jordan, Robinson averaged 22.6 points, 12.5 rebounds and 3.6 hats, Jordan averaged 31.6 points, 6.1 rebounds and 4.8 assists; Ewing 21 wins and 49 losses to Jordan, Ewing averaged 22.1 points and 10.6 rebounds per game, Jordan averaged 32.6 points, 6.2 rebounds and 5.5 assists per game. Jordan’s team facing super center did not decline in record or personal data!

Jordan won and lost against Olajuwon because Olajuwon, unlike other centers, has the ability to point guard, which is why he can be the first of the four centers (or tied with O ‘Neill) with his insufficient talent. When did Jordan have a super center? The answer is yes. Why didn’t the super center see Jordan in the finals? The answer is that it was repaired by a team without a super center. What if the super center meets Jordan in the finals? The answer is that it is also repaired.

Jordan’s career winning percentage in the regular season is 65.9%. Compared with the record, Olajuwon’s winning percentage has collapsed in the face of four centers. If all the games of four people are added together, it is not lower than the average winning percentage in the regular season. Is this called a decline? It’s ironic to think about it. An era of center, in which the insider wins the world, was blasted by a defender. Perhaps it is because of the appearance of Jordan that the ball, which is mainly played by guards or outside lines, has seen possible hope.

And Utah jazz Carl Malone, is he a super big man in a super big front coat? Utah was super in the last two years, right? In front of Jordan in the finals, I still can’t play Game 7! Super Malone and Super stockton, you should know that stockton’s assists, steals Malone’s scoring rebounds and blocks are all on the pyramid in history. They have everything except the championship.

In the era of Jordan, the center who is awesome is also a supporting role! Olajuwon also took advantage of Jordan’s absence to seize the opportunity in those two years! Moreover, Ewing, O ‘Neill, Mourning and Mutombo, all the all-star centers, were killed by Jordan in the eastern half of the playoffs!

To say that Jordan is afraid of super center can only say that he has never been to school and his cultural level is not high. At least there is no logic. Can there be a weak team in the finals? Just think with your head. Achievement is the best proof. Jordan can’t decide who to play against. Super center, you can’t make it to the finals by yourself. Who do you blame? The best proof that you are a schoolmaster is the admission notice from Tsinghua Peking University.