Jay Chou’s Chengdu concert ticket price plunged, and scalpers sold it at a reduced price before singing

Jay Chou Chengdu concert scene

Jay Chou Chengdu Concert Tickets

On May 1, 1905 Movie Network News, Jay Chou’s concert was held in Chengdu at the China Modern Pentathlon Event Center in Shuangliu District. An hour before the performance, some "scalpers" who sold tickets began to sell at a reduced price. The price of tickets that had been sold to 6,000 yuan each fell sharply, 5,000, 3,000, 2000… all the way down, and finally fell back to the original price of 1980 yuan each. 20 minutes before the opening, some "scalpers" even offered discounts ranging from 100, 200, and 300 yuan on the basis of the original price in order to reduce losses.

The Chengdu station of Jay Chou’s concert has been turbulent since the ticket was issued. First, the organizer launched a "God promotion" to buy the strongest T-shirt on the surface to get the privilege of buying Jay Chou’s concert tickets. After being stopped, there was news that the ticket sales would be exchanged for "official peripheral products and ticket pre-purchase rights". Fans who competed with the organizer on the way finally made it to the opening day of the concert, and found that the organizer himself had set up a stall outside the venue to sell tickets on the spot, and also discounted them.

According to the official Weibo of the fan club, it is the effect of fans boycotting scalpers

Users have commented, "Resolutely boycott scalpers. We won’t boycott today, and Jay fans will really look down on concerts in the future." "I think that all tickets for concerts in the future should be purchased under the real-name system. An ID card can buy up to 4 tickets, and the 4 tickets are all real-name verified respectively. Enter the venue to check the ticket and swipe the ID card and ticket. Boycott scalpers and resist the organizers from maliciously destroying the market." "With current technology, it is very easy to do. Look at the high-speed rail, the reason why scalpers have repeatedly banned must be because it is profitable."

A new pickup truck of the Great Wall with over 220 horsepower is coming? What has the off-road version of the modified gun been upgraded?

In the domestic market, which brand of pickup truck has the highest sales? Great Wall Motor dares to say first, I believe no one dares to say second, and its sales achievements are obvious to all. Its Great Wall Gun has been loved by many consumers. At present, it has three versions, the passenger version and the commercial version have been redesigned, and the news of the off-road version has also been exposed recently. From the current announcement, it has upgraded a lot. Next, let’s talk about it in detail.

The overall shape is still a hard-core style, mainly updating the front face. Judging from the published declaration map, the front face of the off-road version of the new Great Wall Gun looks thicker. It uses a newly designed chrome grille, a new style of light group and a more generous front enclosure. In addition to these, there is a new change in appearance, that is, the rear of the car is replaced with a larger logo, and the taillight group has two styles to choose from. Sunroof, side pedal and front winch are also one of the configuration options.

The interior may be similar to the current car, and the configuration changes are not expected to be great. At present, only the appearance has been declared, but there is no news about the interior. It is highly probable that it is still a combination of traditional instruments and embedded central control panels, and the details may be upgraded. The safety configuration of this car is richer than that of its competitors. The 360-degree panoramic image, automatic parking, uphill assist, steep descent, tire pressure display, adaptive cruise and 8 airbags of the off-road version of the gasoline model currently on sale are all standard.

The body size is larger than the cash, and the rear space is not bad. The size of the whole vehicle is larger than the off-road version of the gun currently on sale, with the length, width and height of 5465/1992/1960mm and the wheelbase of 3350mm respectively. The measurements and wheelbase have been improved, in which the body length has been lengthened by 28mm and the wheelbase has been lengthened by 120 mm. It is slightly larger than the familiar Isuzu D-MAX (body length 5265mm/3125mm).

Engine unchanged, power data increased by 31 horsepower. After the change, the off-road version of the Great Wall Gun still uses a 2.0T gasoline engine, but the maximum power is increased from the current 190 horsepower to 221 horsepower, and the transmission system is expected to match the 8-speed automatic gearbox. The power data is better than the 163 HP 1.9T engine used by D-MAX pickup truck and the 193 HP 2.5L engine used by Navarra.

As for the off-road version of the new Great Wall Gun, at present, we only have some news about the upgrade. To sum up, there are three main points: upgraded appearance, larger size and stronger power. At present, the price of its 2020 off-road gasoline model is 16.98-20.08 million yuan, and the price may be adjusted after the upgrade. Next, we can look forward to its interior and configuration performance, and it is expected that there will be a small upgrade. (The picture is the declaration map+the off-road version of the current Great Wall Gun, and the picture comes from the network)

[People’s Story] Mrding Touched the Net

Enter [Oriental Time and Space] > >

    CCTV.com News (broadcast by Oriental Time and Space on November 15th):

    Mrding is an out-and-out farmer. He never thought that his life would have anything to do with the Internet. Mrding, who has lived by the sea in Taizhou, Zhejiang for generations, usually leads a life of 3.1. Besides being an accountant in the village, she helps her wife make some steamed bread when she has time. But such a quiet life was disturbed by a computer.

    In March 2006, the county started the pilot project of distance education, and the documents issued said that rural party member cadres should actively participate in network knowledge training. Mrding, a village cadre and party member, naturally became the first batch of students to participate in the study.
I feel far away from the computer. Because we have never touched the computer. I don’t know anything about computers.

    After attending the training, Mrding finally started to get in touch with computers, but he didn’t find it interesting. He had to face so many letters, symbols and keyboards every day, which was really a headache. When he used to do farm work, his hands didn’t listen to him when typing. I heard that he had to take an exam. Mrding was very depressed.
Jason Chung is a teacher in charge of computer training in the county radio and TV University. For the first time, he faced these students who just put down their farm work and didn’t have any basic computer knowledge. He also had a headache.

    Staff: Some people put the pointer on the screen and let it move around. He thinks it will move, while others just don’t know what the left mouse button and the right mouse button are for.

    Although it was very hard to learn, Mrding had to bite the bullet and learn, considering that he would use this technology in the future.
Half a month later, Mrding barely passed the exam.

    Mrding thought that since he had learned it, he had to use it. After he returned, Mrding volunteered to be the administrator of the distance education site in the village, and often played teaching programs on agricultural technology for the villagers. In order to practice typing, he also tried to input village accounts, contracts and documents into the computer, and found it convenient to manage.
Ding Kefei: There are more than 1,500 people in our village, and it is very troublesome to copy them every year. In the future, like elections, we will filter the list through the computer and voters will come out, which is more or less convenient.

    This made Mrding realize the magic and convenience of computers for the first time. Since then, Mrding has been obsessed with computers.
He wants to buy a computer to study at home.

    Mrding’s wife is well-known for being a good cook of steamed bread. Mrding has learned computers, and she can surf the Internet. Her wife feels supported and she agrees to buy a computer at home.

    Wife: There are computers in the village, which are too far away. It’s very hard after the steamed bread is made. You can do it later and earlier at home.

    In this way, Mrding bought this computer. From then on, he can sit at home and play online games in the world. He finds himself in a brand-new world, and often forgets to eat and sleep. What he didn’t expect was that his son, who was originally in high school in the county, only went home once a month, but now he comes back every week. The father and son originally rushed to watch TV, but now they are rushing to surf the Internet.

    Son: He surfed the Internet when he was free, either watching TV or surfing the Internet.

    Wife: I’m particularly interested in computers. I surf the Internet as soon as the steamed bread is ready.

    Mrding simply couldn’t put it down. He sat there studying whenever he had time. Slowly, he learned to download songs and send emails. On this day, he accidentally entered the blog of a star.

    Mrding found that blogs can not only keep diaries, but also send photos and make friends, which aroused his great interest.

    Ding Kefei: Blog. I know it’s a weblog. It’s free and open. We can upload our pictures easily through the Internet.

    So Mrding wanted to start a blog himself, but he had misgivings, because he was too ordinary.

    Ding Kefei: Blogs are all stars and celebrities. How can farmers start blogs?

    But later, Mrding thought that blogging was free anyway, what’s more, when he was training in the county, the teacher also encouraged everyone to blog, so he decided to start writing about things around him and let everyone know about his life. Later, Mrding bought a digital camera and started taking pictures.

    In this way, photos were taken one after another, but Mrding didn’t know how to upload them to the Internet, so he asked the teacher for advice.


    Teacher: I often call, because some pictures can’t be sent, and some he wants to send videos. Isn’t he trying something new, sending videos, and some things, such as photo processing and how to design well, I often call.

    In February 2007, Mrding’s blog on Sina was finally opened. Here are his own articles, photos, his favorite music and, of course, the steaming steamed bread made by his wife.

    Ding Kefei: It’s just an attempt to give it a try. Later, I didn’t know there was such a big response. I didn’t know it myself. I became famous after I went up.

    Mrding became the first farmer in the county to start a blog, which attracted attention from all sides. Since the blog was opened for several months, the number of hits has doubled. Many people saw Mrding’s special steamed bread on the Internet and expressed their desire to try it. After opening the blog, Mrding’s family has more and more new customers.

    Mrding’s home is located in the coastal area of Taizhou. More than ten years ago, Mrding was a watchmaker, and his business never improved. Later, he found that fishermen who had been out to sea for many years needed to carry dry food, so he discussed with his wife to start steamed bread, and life gradually improved.

    Mrding’s steamed bread, called Hua Mo, also known as fancy steamed bread, is very popular in the local area. They not only make steamed bread with different shapes by ancestral techniques, but also pay attention to the fermentation technology of noodles, which is easy to keep fresh. Neighbors like to eat steamed bread from their family.

    Since starting a blog, Mrding’s steamed bread has become more popular. In order to ensure that fresh steamed bread is sold every day, Mrding and his family work from the early hours of the morning to about ten o’clock in the morning. After busy every day, Mrding did not take a rest, so she came to look around the Internet.

    Ding Kefei: As soon as the computer is turned on, I will read my blog. Whether anyone has left me a message or given me any advice, I will read this first, and then I will chat with my friends and classmates on QQ.

    Mrding really became more and more fashionable, and soon he bought a video camera and learned video chat, which surprised Mrding’s son.

    Son: I really admire my dad. In some aspects, such as going to work online, I think he has done very well.

    I’m on the blog, my business is good, and the atmosphere at home is very happy.

    Ding Kefei: They all say that when I study, I will study hard, and I can’t play mahjong or cards. I just play computer when I am free.

    Seeing that Mrding’s business is getting better and better, villagers come to ask for advice one after another. Mrding shows them this blog that can be advertised without paying fees, and encourages them to learn to surf the Internet. There are also some friends on the internet who learn from him.

    Ding Kefei: He’s from Henan. He wants to learn technology from me.
Reporter: What technology do you study?

    Ding Kefei: It’s the skill of making steamed bread. He asked me if I was free. If you are free, send him a text message and communicate with me. I said that if they want to learn, they should either communicate online, the phone is not very convenient, or online is convenient, or QQ is convenient.

Mrding is surfing the Internet.

    But Mrding didn’t expect that steamed bread was on fire, and the demand was great, but the production was somewhat behind. On this day, old customers located dozens of miles away came to buy steamed bread.

    Villager: Is there any steamed bread left? Are there any more today?
Not today.

    If we sell it online, we won’t be able to buy it. Online should be good for him, but it’s inconvenient for us. It’s inconvenient to run here without it, right?

    Looking at the old customers disappointed to leave, Mrding’s heart is very bad. Therefore, Mrding makes more steamed buns every day to reserve for these old customers who have not booked in advance.

    Now Mrding has become a veritable Internet bug, with not only blogs and screen names, but also many online friends. Mrding is very busy in the online world, which he said was unimaginable before. On the Internet, everyone affectionately called Mrding Shantou Fei, and a friend on the Internet suggested that Mrding register a trademark for Shantou to build a brand. Mrding was very excited after hearing this, but Mrding’s wife had some concerns.

    Wife: We are also under great pressure. Online users are watching, and we are embarrassed if we are not good.

    In the end, Mrding took the advice of netizens, saying that it is always good to give it a try. Now the "Flying Trademark" named after Mrding is under examination and approval. Next, Mrding has a new plan.

    Ding Kefei: We are expanding the production scale, and now we are building a factory building. We are going to set up a sales agency for flying steamed bread in the county. In the future, we want to make flying steamed bread into local snacks with three characteristics, and go out of the three doors like a blue crab and fly to the whole country.
Two months later, Mrding’s two-story factory building was built. He said that his life now can’t be separated from the Internet, and he was planning to buy several new steamed bread machines through the Internet.

    In March this year, Sanmen County established a new farmers’ blog village, which is called the first farmers’ village in China. At present, there are more than 1,000 farmers blogging in the blog village, and the number of hits has exceeded 200,000. There are various special products and market information here, attracting many customers at home and abroad.


Editor: Zhang Toya

Hot Search reveals the dark interest chain of girl’s "choosing a concubine"

1905 movie network news A feature film "From Desk to Wine Table" was released by the film starring,, and. The girls entered the charity school, but they didn’t expect it to be a princess-choosing paradise for the rich investors. A ceremonial team performance put the girl Zhang Xiaosui from the "desk" to the "wine table" … The audience was deeply touched by the girl’s experience, and director Xin Yukun also admitted that "there has always been a desire to record the present era, and I hope the film can bring you some invisible truth and courage to speak out bravely".

In the clip, the young girl was originally the object of charity funding, but was forcibly "invited to get on the bus" by wealthy businessmen in the name of kindness. Zhang Xiaosui’s experience made the audience both worried and sad. In the movie, Chen Miao (Zhou Dongyu), He Yan (Song Yang), Peng Yue (Justin) and others launched a battle of online public opinion around the "industrial chain of choosing concubines on campus" in which girls were deeply trapped.

The tit-for-tat between good and evil shows a vivid illustration of public opinion confrontation under the lens of director Xin Yukun. Some viewers said, "It vividly shows the changes in the offensive and defensive of the public opinion field, and its shooting skills of Chinese martial arts make everyone feel the swallowing power of the whirlpool of public opinion."

Director Xin Yukun’s sensitivity and insight into the realistic theme presented the online public opinion field to the public. The audience said, "This film shows the turbulent tension of the crowd, but even in the crowd, some people are still aphasia." Xin Yukun, the director, said, "The original motive of filming is the evil that happens in reality. Some people are hurt and can’t speak, so they want to use movies to make everyone believe in sunshine and justice.".

The film not only depicts the cruel reality sharply, but also makes the audience feel that they should fight back bravely if they are hurt unfairly. Chen Miao, the editor-in-chief of the media played by Zhou Dongyu, took the lead in picking up the "sword" of online public opinion and facing the power after getting help from the victims. Behind her, there are also a group of self-media people who speak out for the truth and firmly fight for justice until the last moment. Although there are struggles, there are also highlights, which are a realistic reflection of the justice of every ordinary person.

After watching the movie, some viewers said, "I admire Chen Miao for letting go when she saw injustice, and dare to fight with the dark forces to the end. I also want to be a spark of starting a prairie fire in this cold winter." Some viewers also said, "I hope that the perpetrators can be severely punished, and all kindness and justice will not be disappointed." Director Xin Yukun said, "There are often complicated causes behind hot spots, which require us to judge more rationally and think independently. I also hope that everyone can feel justice in the cinema and then pass it on to life.".

Five benefits of swimming

In the process of beauty swimming, the water temperature in the swimming pool will stimulate the blood vessels of the skin to contract and expand, thus accelerating blood circulation and making the skin rosy and shiny. When swimming, the skin will relax well under the friction of water waves, and it will remove excess keratin from the skin, making the skin look as smooth and white as a baby.

The research on lowering blood pressure shows that swimming can lower the blood pressure of the elderly and improve the arterial health, which is an ideal exercise mode.

Increasing vital capacity Because of the pressure of water, it increases the burden of inhalation, and the respiratory muscles will constantly overcome these pressures and increase their contractility, thus increasing their vital capacity. With the increase of vital capacity, the breathing volume of human body becomes larger, which is beneficial to energy consumption.

Weight loss swimming is an efficient way to lose weight. People who swim regularly have tight muscles and slender arms and legs than ordinary people.

Improving sleep quality Swimming is very effective in preventing and treating insomnia. Especially for brainworkers who often use their brains, swimming can relax the whole body and prevent insomnia and lack of energy caused by excessive brain use.

Shenzhen team will sign Serbian point guard, and CBA will usher in La Liga assists?

According to European basketball journalist Tolis Kotzias, Jovan Novak, a Serbian backcourt player who played for Spanish league team Fuenlabrada last season, may join CBA team Shenzhen in the new season.

Born in November 1994, Novak is 28 years old, 191cm tall and 85kg in weight. He is a skillful backcourt player with excellent passing ability. Novak’s career has been spent in Europe, and he has played in Serbian League, Adriatic League, Polish League, German League and Spanish League.

Novak spent the past two seasons in Fuenlabrada. Last season, he made 25 appearances for the team in La Liga, averaging 27.2 minutes, averaging 8.2 points, 3.3 rebounds, 7.6 assists and 0.8 steals, shooting 42.8% from the field, 39.7% from three-pointers and 76.7% from free throws. It is worth mentioning that Novak was also the king of assists in La Liga last season. However, Fuenlabrada, where Novak is located, did not perform well last season, ranking at the bottom of La Liga, and finally suffered relegation, which may be one of the reasons why he chose to switch to other leagues.

Novak is a player with relatively stable comprehensive ability. Although his scoring ability on the offensive end is average, it seems that his projection ability has also made great progress in recent seasons. His dribbling ability and his basic skills are very solid, and his passing ability and organization ability are also excellent. Of course, his performance on the defensive end is very general and his defensive ability is not ideal. For Shenzhen team, Novak’s ability is not far from CBA’s top foreign aid, but he is actually a good third foreign aid choice.

Reverse! La Liga approved the transfer application of Paris superstar, Mbappé may be pending, and Neymar was dug.

Reverse! La Liga approved the transfer application of Paris superstar, Mbappé may be pending, and Neymar was dug.

Paris Saint-Germain’s performance this season is not satisfactory. The Champions League was eliminated early, and the dominance of the league was not strong enough. Moreover, we must know that Barley has made great efforts in signing in recent years. Although it is a team with many superstars, it still has not shown strong enough dominance, and it may be able to win the French League title after the end of the season, but considering the signing fees and other costs, it is undoubtedly a loss. So after the end of the season, Paris Saint-Germain will have a big change.

At the end of this season, Messi, Neymar and Mbappé will go their separate ways. Messi has decided to leave Paris Saint-Germain, and the management will rebuild the team around Mbappé. But Mbappé is not satisfied with the current state of Paris Saint-Germain, and the team has no way to give him what he wants, whether it is championship honor or management power. In addition, due to the gathering of superstars, Mbappé has not won the Golden Globe Award since he entered Paris Saint-Germain.

Based on the above situation, Mbappé is already considering leaving the team. If he can find a competitive team that suits him, he may go further. However, according to the news, Paris Saint-Germain has no intention of letting him leave, so the top star with 180 million euros may leave the team after the end of next season. Then at that stage, Mbappé may land at the Bernabeu Stadium.

In addition to Messi and Mbappé, Neymar is also on the team’s sale list. Paris Saint-Germain has always wanted to put Neymar on the transfer market, but unfortunately, the Brazilian star’s salary is very high, with an annual salary of more than 30 million euros, which dissuades many teams. According to the media, in order to facilitate the transaction as soon as possible, Paris Saint-Germain will reduce the transfer fee and is willing to compensate Neymar for part of his salary. In this case, at present, many big teams are paying attention to Neymar, and perhaps after the end of the season, the management can receive an offer.

This season, the scandal between Messi and Paris Saint-Germain has been raging, and this is Messi’s second season in the team. From the data point of view, Messi’s performance is excellent, both offensive efficiency and data are in the top position. Although he has entered the end of his career, Messi’s competitive state is still excellent, which is also the quality and level that a top player should have. But recently, due to various factors and misunderstandings, there is a gap between the two sides, so Messi will leave the team after the end of this season.

According to the Daily Sports Daily, Barcelona has made many contacts with Messi, and the team is willing to provide various conveniences. Because Barcelona is full of sincerity, it is possible for Messi to return to his former club. More importantly, La Liga has approved Messi’s transfer. As long as the conditions are met, the transaction will be completed smoothly.


Arsenal handed over the league title, and Manchester City won the title three times in a row.

After Arsenal lost 0-1 away to Nottingham Forest, Manchester City was crowned Premier League champion, which brought Guardiola’s team closer to completing the extraordinary triple crown.

Manchester City is now only two finals away from becoming the first English team to win the triple crown since Sir Alex Ferguson’s Manchester United in 1999: the FA Cup final against Manchester United at Wembley Stadium on June 3, followed by the Champions League final against Inter Milan in Istanbul on June 10.

Arsenal’s defeat means that they can’t catch up with Manchester City in the Premier League competition, and Arteta’s team is four points behind with only one game left.

Manchester City’s next game is against Chelsea at Etihad Stadium.

The blue moon is invincible

Manchester City has won the Premier League in five of the past six seasons. This year’s victory is the ninth top league title in their history and the seventh since their Abu Dhabi boss took over the club in 2008.

Guardiola’s team got off to a good start this season, thanks to Harland’s unprecedented goal in summer, but when the Premier League entered the winter break in FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 in November, Manchester City had to finish second after 14 games.

Meanwhile, Manchester City was accused by the Premier League of violating financial rules in February. The possibility of indefinite sanctions still exists, which may include fines, points deduction or demotion. Manchester City continues to deny the allegations.

The Premier League returned on December 26th after the World Cup, and Manchester City proved their dominance. In addition to beating Arsenal twice, Manchester City won 11 consecutive victories, which helped them win the league title for the third time in a row.

Guardiola continues to write myths.

Harland scored a record of 36 goals in a single season in the Premier League and won the title of FWA Man of the Year.

Since 2008, Manchester City has also won two FA Cup titles and five Carling Cup titles.

17 AI tool websites that can work efficiently and make money online.

Since 2020, the field of content development has felt the existence of artificial intelligence tools.

1.Jasper AI

Website: https://www.jasper.ai.

Among the available AI copywriting tools, Jasper is one of the economical and efficient choices for those who seek to make money through content generation.

This tool is proficient in both short format and long format content.

Jasper has a series of functions, including commands to generate content quickly without switching to templates, an efficient long-form editor for creating articles, and a content workflow that contains wizards to help create various types of content, such as blog articles, sales copywriting and rewriting.

Jasper Chat is a special function of the platform, which provides an alternative to Google search and enables AI to generate content using the latest information available.

In addition, Jasper Art (more details below) is an impressive function for generating AI images.

One limitation of Jasper is that it needs manual editing to optimize the content to attract readers and surpass AI detection tools.

Overall, Jasper and Content at Scale are still one of the most useful AI copywriting tools.

2. Jasper AI Art Generator

Website: https://www.jasper.ai.

Use Jasper Art Generator to unleash your inner artist and create amazing visual art works.

But this tool costs $20 a month, so you can use this artificial intelligence software to generate unlimited high-quality images, including abstract art, landscapes and portraits.

This tool is based on the Dall-E-2 model of OpenAI. It uses any input data to create a unique and eye-catching visual effect, which you can use for decoration, marketing and even sales.

Jasper Art has an intuitive user interface and is easy to use even for non-artists.

Through a series of customization options, you can choose your favorite artistic style, media, lighting, etc.

In addition, you can adjust the modifiers to achieve the desired effect. The key to unleashing Jasper Art’s full potential is to write effective AI tips.

3. Frase AI

Website: https://www.frase.io/

Frase AI is a revolutionary tool, which may be the missing link in making money in the content world. It is an ideal choice for bloggers and content marketers, and its functions can promote your page optimization to a new level.

Its most impressive function is to optimize the content you generate and draw inspiration from popular search results.

With the introduction and outline generator inspired by SERP, SEO and content planning tools and content optimization tools, Frase AI is the perfect ally for your online success.

And it doesn’t stop there! You will also be equipped with other writing tools that you expect from any AI content generator.

It has a function of free use for 7 days, and after that, you need to pay for it.

4. Writesonic

Website: https://writesonic.com/

Writesonic is an important competitor of Jasper AI in generating content. This tool provides a series of functions, which can generate short format and long format content.

Chatsonic is a prominent function of the platform, similar to Jasper Chat, which is connected to the Internet but has more powerful AI functions.

Writesonic’s Premium Writer 4.0 can generate more than 1,500 complete articles with one click, and has more customization options, such as tone, opinions, keywords and an outline of up to 20 items.

If you are looking for a useful and reliable content generation tool, Writesonic may be your best choice.

5. AISEO writer

Website: https://aiseo.ai/

AISEO is a cost-effective option and can be used as a substitute for Frase.

However, it needs to be charged. AISEO starts at $15 per month and is charged annually.

However, its functions are also very good, including:

Blog generation tool

Readability AI improver

Search engine optimization file

SERP analysis

You can interpret up to 50K characters with one click.

Powerful AI rewriting tool

Chrome plug-ins that generate content

At present, AISEO offers lifetime discounts, starting at $67 for 7 SEO documents, $147 for 15 SEO documents and $397 for unlimited documents per month.

Personally, I think the charge is a bit expensive.

6. ChatGPT

Website: https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/

ChatGPT can be regarded as the hottest AI tool at present.

It is supported by the GPT-3 and GPT-3.5 models of OpenAI, and can generate content in any format, including executable code.

What makes ChatGPT stand out is its unique chat query ability, which can remember the previous conversations in the thread, create code lines using the integrated Codex model, and generate high-quality texts that are almost the same as those written by humans.

ChatGPT’s advanced context and dialogue processing function make it a very valuable tool for chat bots and other dialogue systems.

But it is not limited to this, it can also perform a series of natural language processing tasks, such as language translation, text summarization and question and answer.

With ChatGPT, you can easily generate high-quality text for any purpose.

Say goodbye to tedious content creation and let ChatGPT do the heavy work for you.

At present, ChatGPT has also launched a paid version, which costs 20 dollars a month. But I haven’t used it. I don’t know how it is. I feel that the charge is a bit high. If I change it into RMB, it will be more than 100 yuan a month.

Of course, it can’t be used in China at present.

7. Pictory AI

Website: https://picture.ai.

If you are looking for a reliable tool to make brand short films or viral videos to help develop your brand and increase your influence? Please come and see Pictory AI.

This tool has a powerful editor that allows you to modify the video by editing the script.

For example, you can delete unnecessary words or phrases to improve video quality.

Pictory AI is a web application that automatically extracts key points from the recordings of platforms such as Zoom, Webinars and Microsoft Teams without downloading.

This tool can also turn scripts into highly converted sales videos, blog posts into YouTube videos, add subtitles to your videos to improve accessibility, and create subtitled videos for social media.

In addition, Pictory AI provides the following functions:

Script to video generator

Blog to video generator

Ability to edit videos with text.

Create video highlights

Automatically summarize long videos

Video transcription

Insert volume b

You can try Pictory AI for free and experience the advantages of this powerful video generation tool for yourself.

8. Synthesia

Website: https://www.synthsia.io.

Synthesia is a well-known pioneer in AI video generation. The platform provides an intuitive interface, which can simplify anyone’s video creation.

Synthesia’s AI avatar explains your video with almost human voice, and with more than 65 AI actors and more than 60 supported languages to choose from, you can undoubtedly find a voice that matches your brand.

The AI avatar is very realistic, and Anna is the most commonly used avatar by companies such as Copymatic AI and Writecream to make commentary videos.

Synthesia has a series of functions, including multi-language support, video copying and the ability to merge videos created by Synthesia without a separate video editor.

In addition, you can customize the sound, and even replace the synthesized sound with a real voice.

The platform also allows you to use your own voice and customize your avatar, and extend the functions of Synthesia beyond the platform through API access.

However, for a fee of $30 per month, you can use this tool for personal planning, and you can create up to 10 videos.

9. Rephrase AI

Website: https://www.rephrase.ai/

If you are looking for a tool to help you turn a script into a complete commentary video, you may want to see this powerful video creation tool.

Similar to Synthesia, it allows you to upload scripts, select your AI narrator and corresponding voice, and then generate commentary videos with just a few clicks.

With a series of customizable functions, this tool can help you create fascinating and personalized videos that really attract the attention of the audience.

With its custom actors, CTA tags, ultra-realistic presenters and personalized functions, you can use merge tags to let AI spell the names of your contacts to increase your influence.

In addition, the tool also provides a video editing studio, which enables you to truly transform your content and take your video to a new level.

10. Photosonic

Website: https://photosonic.writesonic.com/

Photosonic is an excellent AI art tool, similar to Jasper Art Generator.

Developed by Writesonic, it uses the language model of OpenAI to easily generate unique digital art and amazing visual effects.

You can easily create beautiful and high-quality images with Photosonic.

All you have to do is provide basic information about the type of image you want to create, and then let Photosonic do the rest.

From abstract design to intricate landscapes, Photosonic can generate a wide range of digital works of art..

Its features include a built-in photo intensifier that allows you to download a high-definition version of the generated image.


Midjourney is a recently launched AI art generator, which has quickly become popular among art lovers.

Using natural language processing, Midjourney can transform text-based tips into amazing surreal and realistic images. With its intuitive user interface and flexible image change options, the tool is very suitable for those who like to try creativity.

To use Midjourney, you need to have a Discord account and request access to the beta version of the tool.

After gaining access, navigate to the Midjourney channel and enter one of the newcomers’ rooms to start generating images.

Just use the /imagine command to enter the prompt you want, and then let Midjourney create a unique personalized image for you.

To enhance your experience, please use the /help command to get tips on how to better use the platform, and various available commands that can give you better control over the generated images.

With its powerful image enlargement function, Midjourney’s images are ready for commercial applications, such as printing products on demand.

12. WordAi

If you need to rewrite your content, then you may need to consider WordAI, a powerful artificial intelligence tool that supports rewriting.

It can help you enrich your content by handling the same message from different angles, splitting sentences and paragraphs, and improving the quality and clarity of your writing.

WordAI differs from other rewriting tools in that it does not just replace words with synonyms.

It understands the meaning of the sentence, and then rewrites the concept from the beginning to ensure the readability remains unchanged.

This tool can generate up to 1,000 unique variants for a piece of content, and save you time by allowing you to upload all the content at once through its batch rewriting function.

In addition, it integrates with Article Forge and provides API access, allowing you to integrate it seamlessly with your workflow.

13. QuillBot

Website: https://quillbot.com/

QuillBot is a very popular rewriting tool.

It has five different modes: Standard, Fluency, Formal, Simple and Creative, and each mode can generate up to five rewriting content variants.

In addition to rewriting, QuillBot also provides an AI content digester, a co-author tool, grammar and plagiarism detection tools, and you can also generate quotations directly.

The best part is that you can access all these functions by subscribing to QuillBot Pro, which costs $10 per month, and the cost is lower if you choose the annual subscription.

14.Copymatic Rewriter

Website: https://www.frugalforless.com

With Copymatic, you can access a complex AI content generator and a powerful rewriting wizard with advanced AI technology.

This AI rewriter allows you to customize your creative level or tone to generate content that accurately reflects your brand image.

Not only that, the re-produced content has been carefully optimized to achieve maximum participation and ensure that your information resonates with the target audience.

With our innovative tools, you can even rewrite the content in the URL, thus simplifying the process of creating fascinating and fresh content for your website or blog.

In addition, our AI rewriter can easily handle long content and ensure that your work is rewritten in a way that improves clarity and influence.

15. Semrush

Website: https://www.semrush.com/

Want to improve your online image? Just look at Semrush, which is a powerful keyword research tool with value for money.

With a powerful suite of more than 55 tools, Semrush has everything you need to do content marketing, stand out from the competition and conquer the SEO, PPC and social media worlds.

Among its many functions, Semrush can help you mine low-competitive keywords to locate and track your daily SERP location, and conduct technical SEO audit, which makes your competitors far behind.

In addition, with real-time indicators at your fingertips, you can improve existing content and find hidden keyword and topic gaps, thus making your strategy by going up one flight of stairs.

16. SERanking (more affordable keyword research software)

Website: https://seranking.com/

If you don’t want to pay $119.95 a month for SEO services, then I think you will want to try SERanking.

The platform provides all the basic functions needed for successful search engine optimization, including efficient keyword research.

It is similar to Semrush, but it has a simpler interface and is user-friendly even for leisure bloggers like us.

However, it currently starts at $23 a month.

Here are some outstanding features that you can enjoy with SERanking:

Highly accurate search indicators for all target keywords

Comprehensive website audit, providing useful and operable suggestions.

In-depth reverse link inspection and monitoring

Be able to monitor changes on any website you are interested in.

Comprehensive page optimization tools to help improve your SEO work.

Intelligent analysis and automatic publishing tools to optimize your social media channels.

Advanced keyword grouping tool

A variety of SEO reporting tools

Of course, it has a free trial, so you can try it yourself.

17. Stock Photos Upscaler

Website: https://upscaler.stockphotos.com/

After using AI art tools to generate images, it should be noted that the quality and resolution of the images are not high.

In order to make them suitable for commercial use, for example, in on-demand printing products, you need to enhance them by upgrading.

Upscaler is a powerful tool to enlarge images and ensure that they meet the required standards. Using Upscaler to improve the quality of AI-generated images.

Olympic knowledge: Are there any football events in the Olympic Games?

There are football events in the Olympic Games.

Olympic Games refers to the Olympic Games, which is sponsored by the International Olympic Committee, the largest comprehensive sports meeting in the world and the most influential sports event in the world.

The history of the Olympic Games can be traced back to ancient Greece more than two thousand years ago, but the modern Olympic Games began in 1896. At the end of 19th century, Frenchman Coubertin put forward the initiative of hosting the modern Olympic Games, which was also held under his efforts, so Coubertin was also called "the father of modern Olympics".

On June 23, 1894, when Coubertin and 79 representatives from 12 countries decided to establish the International Olympic Committee and create the Olympic Movement, this feat was once the object of irony, but now the Olympic Games has become a festival celebrated by all, and the Olympic Movement has attracted the enthusiasm of 202 countries and regions.

The Olympic Committee decided to hold the first modern Olympic Games in 1896, and the venue was Athens, Greece.

Subsequently, the Olympic Games kept its frequency every four years, but there were four special events:

1. The Olympic Games in 1916, 1940 and 1944 were suspended due to world wars;

2. The 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games was postponed to 2021 due to the epidemic.

In the continuous development, the number of Olympic events is also increasing. In 2021, the Tokyo Olympic Games set up 33 major events and 339 minor events, and finally produced 339 gold medals.

Football competition is one of the earliest events in the Olympic Games. By the Atlanta Olympic Games in 1996, women’s events were added to the football competition. So far, the Olympic football competition was divided into men’s football competition and women’s football competition.

However, the Olympic football events are limited by the entry conditions. In 1992, the International Olympic Committee compromised with FIFA, and the Olympic football game became a game for players under 23. In 1993, the International Olympic Committee and FIFA reached an agreement: FIFA respected the age limit of 23, and FIFA allowed each team to have three over-age players.

It is worth mentioning that in the women’s football competition of the 1996 Olympic Games, the China women’s football team lost to the American women’s football team in the final and won the silver medal. The China women’s football team who participated in the Olympic Games for the first time set a good record. In contrast, from the first Olympic Games to the 32nd Tokyo Olympic Games, China men’s soccer team participated in the Olympic Games twice, once in 1988, and was shortlisted by virtue of its strength; Once in 2008, I was shortlisted as the host.

At the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, Brazil won the gold medal, while Spain, Mexico and Japan won 2-4 respectively. The Canadian women’s football team won the gold medal, while Sweden, the United States and Australia won 2-4 respectively.

The above is an introduction about Olympic football.