Andy Lau sends off his "father-in-law" for the last journey, the media squatting (Photos)

Wai Tsai’s mourning behavior was also criticized by the neighbors for being too selfish.

  On the afternoon of July 11, the famous singer Andy Lau sang a new song while attending a large-scale charity sale in Hong Kong. Posted by China News Agency, photographed by Zheng Zuosheng

  China News Service, August 21. The woman behind Andy Lau, Zhu Liqian, and her deceased husband, Zhu Jincheng, will be buried at about 10 am tomorrow, and will be buried immediately. Hong Kong media said that it is estimated that Andy will appear to bid farewell to his "father-in-law" for the last journey.

  Andy Lau’s girlfriend Zhu Liqian’s father, Zhu Jincheng, died suddenly on Tuesday (18th) at the age of 73. It was reported that Andy and Zhu Liqian flew to Malaysia immediately to die. Andy has kept his relationship a secret for 24 years, and this trip to Malaysia to bid farewell to his "father-in-law" was also very low-key. The two disappeared in the Zhu family mansion.

  After the news of Zhu Liqian’s father’s death came out, in addition to the Malaysian media, Hong Kong media also flew to the local area one after another to gather at the Zhu family for interviews. The security of the mansion was tight, and the iron door was locked to prevent outsiders from entering.

  According to media reports, the funeral hall in the Zhu family mansion yesterday has put Zhu’s father’s last photo, in which he is very serene, decorated with white flowers next to the last photo, and put oranges and lights in front of the altar to honor the deceased.

  The funeral ceremony of Zhu’s father used Buddhist rituals. The night before, the family had done rituals and burnt for Zhu’s father. They decided to hold a funeral at 10 am tomorrow and bury him at 11 am. Zhu’s father and his deceased wife were buried together in Yishan, Fujian.

Further reading:

Inventory: The 10 women who most want to marry Andy Lau

Zhu Liqian: I have admired Andy Lau since I was a child

Zhu Liqian and Andy Lau: 23 Years of Love Began by Fans (Photos)

6 Women Who Had "Dyed" With Andy Lau (Photos)

Zhu Liqian: No longer be Andy Lau’s "underground lady"? (photo)

Andy Lau and Zhu Liqian’s 10 secrets of underground love (Photos)

  Related links:

  • Zhu Liqian: No longer be Andy Lau’s "underground lady"? (picture) 2009-08-20
  • Zhu Liqian: I have admired Andy Lau since I was a child 2009-08-20
  • How did Zhu Liqian upgrade from a fan to Andy Lau’s girlfriend 2009-08-20
  • Zhu Liqian and Andy Lau: 23 Years of Love Began by Fans (Photo) 2009-08-20
  • Andy Lau Zhu Liqian’s 20-year love affair revealed, and the two first learned about letters (picture) 2009-08-20
  • Zhu Liqian’s father died suddenly, and Andy Lau flew to Malaysia for a funeral 2009-08-20

[Hypoxia] How to choose entertainment buildings/morale buildings?

Second, the data list

List interpretation:

Third, the entertainment room mechanism

See video:

Fourth, personal opinions

Entertainment buildings strongly recommend sunglasses beach chairs, game machines and dance machines.

Even if the current version is not entertaining and only interested, the morale is very enough, so as long as these three things are very enough.

If it is not enough, build surfing and sauna;

If it’s not enough, just wind tunnel and bathtub.


Don’t drink, rubbish.

1. Extremely electricity-consuming, 2. Water-consuming, 3. Time-consuming, 4. Manpower-consuming or unnecessary planting, 5. Low-temperature water (preferably low-temperature), 6. Sterile water, 7. Pull the water pipe.

Soda and coffee are the most power-consuming entertainment buildings. In the table, they both consume more power than the wind tunnel, and the wind tunnel can be used by up to three people together. In fact, it needs to be divided by 2 or 3. Many people think that beach chairs take a long time to illuminate, so they consume a lot of power. In fact, the average power consumption is extremely low because buff lasts for a long time and can be shared by many people, not to mention that it can even be illuminated with small lights, and the power consumption is negligible.

Some people feel that soda doesn’t consume much electricity, that’s because only one set is built. If 12 people are divided into three batches, only three people drink soda every day, and it is very easy to generate electricity, so there is no shortage of electricity.

Every time I say that soda is not good, someone tells me that there is no shortage of electricity or water, as if I were short of it. But all other entertainment buildings are so much better than drinks. Although some shortcomings can be ignored, why not choose one without shortcomings?

V. Others

1. Surfboard has three kinds of playing movements, and the effect is the same.

The first exercise is < 8 to play on your stomach, the second exercise is ≤ 8 to play standing, and the third exercise is ≥16 to play handstand.

2. There are three kinds of play actions in the wind tunnel, which are only related to the position of the left, middle and right, and have nothing to do with the attributes, as shown in the figure.

3. The dance machine has three kinds of playing movements, which are completely random and have nothing to do with position and attribute.

Wonderful linkage Butler watching Neymar highlights video: always look at Neymar when relaxing.

Live on May 21st, Jimmy Butler showed a video of himself watching Neymar highlights in ins, and wrote: Always look at Neymar when relaxing.

Neymar forwarded this dynamic, and wrote: Very happy.

After the Heat defeated Celtic yesterday, Neymar also cheered for Butler. He wrote in ins: Focus, keep cheering, brother.