A new pickup truck of the Great Wall with over 220 horsepower is coming? What has the off-road version of the modified gun been upgraded?

In the domestic market, which brand of pickup truck has the highest sales? Great Wall Motor dares to say first, I believe no one dares to say second, and its sales achievements are obvious to all. Its Great Wall Gun has been loved by many consumers. At present, it has three versions, the passenger version and the commercial version have been redesigned, and the news of the off-road version has also been exposed recently. From the current announcement, it has upgraded a lot. Next, let’s talk about it in detail.

The overall shape is still a hard-core style, mainly updating the front face. Judging from the published declaration map, the front face of the off-road version of the new Great Wall Gun looks thicker. It uses a newly designed chrome grille, a new style of light group and a more generous front enclosure. In addition to these, there is a new change in appearance, that is, the rear of the car is replaced with a larger logo, and the taillight group has two styles to choose from. Sunroof, side pedal and front winch are also one of the configuration options.

The interior may be similar to the current car, and the configuration changes are not expected to be great. At present, only the appearance has been declared, but there is no news about the interior. It is highly probable that it is still a combination of traditional instruments and embedded central control panels, and the details may be upgraded. The safety configuration of this car is richer than that of its competitors. The 360-degree panoramic image, automatic parking, uphill assist, steep descent, tire pressure display, adaptive cruise and 8 airbags of the off-road version of the gasoline model currently on sale are all standard.

The body size is larger than the cash, and the rear space is not bad. The size of the whole vehicle is larger than the off-road version of the gun currently on sale, with the length, width and height of 5465/1992/1960mm and the wheelbase of 3350mm respectively. The measurements and wheelbase have been improved, in which the body length has been lengthened by 28mm and the wheelbase has been lengthened by 120 mm. It is slightly larger than the familiar Isuzu D-MAX (body length 5265mm/3125mm).

Engine unchanged, power data increased by 31 horsepower. After the change, the off-road version of the Great Wall Gun still uses a 2.0T gasoline engine, but the maximum power is increased from the current 190 horsepower to 221 horsepower, and the transmission system is expected to match the 8-speed automatic gearbox. The power data is better than the 163 HP 1.9T engine used by D-MAX pickup truck and the 193 HP 2.5L engine used by Navarra.

As for the off-road version of the new Great Wall Gun, at present, we only have some news about the upgrade. To sum up, there are three main points: upgraded appearance, larger size and stronger power. At present, the price of its 2020 off-road gasoline model is 16.98-20.08 million yuan, and the price may be adjusted after the upgrade. Next, we can look forward to its interior and configuration performance, and it is expected that there will be a small upgrade. (The picture is the declaration map+the off-road version of the current Great Wall Gun, and the picture comes from the network)

Yu Chengdong, in a dilemma.

This article comes from WeChat WeChat official account:Shuzhi front line, Author: You Yong, editor: Zhou Luping, head picture from: vision china.

Yu Chengdong, which has made great contributions to Huawei’s terminal business, has encountered unprecedented challenges in the new energy vehicle business.

First, Ren Zhengfei issued a document on March 31, re-emphasizing that Huawei does not build cars, which is valid for 5 years. This is nothing new, but it emphasizes that "Huawei /HUAWEI" cannot appear in the publicity and appearance of the whole vehicle.

Then Xu Zhijun, the rotating chairman of Huawei, criticized at the financial report meeting that "recently, some departments, individuals and some partners are abusing the Huawei brand. We have been investigating and dealing with it. The brand that Huawei has built for more than 30 years will not be abused at will. Huawei has not built a car or any brand of car."

The speech from the top of Huawei is very targeted. Prior to this, Yu Chengdong has been trying to bind HUAWEI brand to the world of inquiry more deeply, and the stores and posters in the world of inquiry have added the logo of "Huawei", but this cross-border behavior was resolutely stopped by Huawei’s top management.

On the one hand, the terminal business is under downward pressure,Yu Chengdong urgently needs to find new growth points; On the other hand, although there are several business models of Huawei’s car business, the space for Huawei to display is very limited. Yu Chengdong hopes to deeply bind with Huawei to alleviate the current predicament.However, in the face of the firm strategy of the Group, Yu Chengdong, who was full of grievances, began to find himself in a dilemma.

Stopped "HUAWEI asks the world"

On April 1, Wu Shu, a dealer in the western province, received a notice from HUAWEI, demanding that the logo and posters in the store be replaced, and the "Huawei" logo be removed, leaving "the border".

Less than a month ago, Wu Shu just hung up Huawei’s logo. He got the news that Yu Chengdong was going to release the upgraded car of the M5 at the Shanghai Auto Show on April 17th. The main highlight was the advanced autopilot, and Huawei AITO was officially announced to provide confidence to the market.

"At present, no matter from which angle, the overall pressure is quite large. This is the truth." Gu Jiatian, a dealer in the Yangtze River Delta region, told the front line of Digital Intelligence that in addition to cars,The performance of the mobile phone is not very good either.Most of the stores in the world are opened by Huawei’s big distributors. Huawei hopes to solve the survival problem of authorized stores in the case of a sharp decrease in mobile phones. Every time a dealer sells a car, he can earn 6 points.

However, the sales volume in the world is not good now. "Asked the world last year or resource car, sell well, everyone is robbing. Not this year. " Wu Shu said that the sales of smart cars and Huawei mobile phones are now facing tremendous downward pressure. "At this stage, everyone has actually been biting their teeth." In March of this year, the sales of mobile phones and cars in his stores all halved.

Yu jianyue, founder of jianyue EV forecast, analyzed that the product strength of these cars is relatively insufficient.Coupled with the frequent price cuts of rivals, especially Tesla ModelY and Li ONE, it is very uncomfortable for the media at present.

Statistics also confirm this. In February and March, the sales volume of the world has dropped to more than 3,000 units. The front line of digital intelligence learned from an insider of Cyrus that the target set by the consulting community this year is 260,000 units, with an average of more than 20,000 units per month. The reality is far from the target.

"Yu Chengdong is in a hurry and has set high goals, but the market performance of the world is not so good." Gu Jiatian believes that,Yu Chengdong hopes to use Huawei brand to give a shot in the arm and improve consumers’ recognition of the world.

According to Gu Jiatian’s observation, Huawei terminals have actually been exploring step by step, adding Huawei elements to the world. The first batch of boundary M5, the left side of the rear of the car is written by Jin Kang Sailis, and the right side is boundary M 5; The left side of the second batch became Cyrus, and Jin Kang was removed, and the right side was still the boundary M5. In March of this year, I was informed that Celeste was still on the left, and Huawei asked M5 on the right. But this car was not delivered in the end.

But this practice was finally rejected by Ren Zhengfei.Ren Zhengfei’s attitude is still clear, and the whole vehicle will not be tied to the Huawei brand.

"In fact, before you changed, everyone privately called Huawei AITO. Just after getting on Huawei’s bid, give the customer a positive statement. " Wu Shu said that this thing was fine without adding it, but it was not very good to be removed after adding it.

The front line of Digital Intelligence learned from a person familiar with the matter that a few days ago, Huawei’s intranet also released a speech made by Ren Zhengfei in October last year, which talked about several things that Huawei needs to make strategic breakthroughs at present, including digital energy, Huawei Cloud and HarmonyOS Euler, and even talked about Huawei’s mobile phone returning to the king, but it didn’t talk about cars. "He didn’t say anything, which means that this matter is not important at present." The above-mentioned insiders said.

Intelligent selection mode is in a torment period.

As we all know, Huawei’s car business has three modes:One is to provide spare parts for car companies and play the role of Bosch in the era of smart cars; The second is HUAWEI Inside.(HI)Mode, providing HI solutions including HarmonyOS car machine and self-developed on-board computing chip to car companies; The third is the smart car selection mode, which not only helps car companies build cars, but also helps them sell cars. One of the three is more involved than the other.

"In the face of a sanctioned company, it is difficult for car companies in Europe, America and Japan to regard Huawei as the main intelligent supplier, so we can only find domestic car company partners; Li Xiang, a new force car company like Li Bin, has its own pursuit and will not choose us; If traditional car companies are afraid of losing their souls, they will not choose us. " At the 2023 committee of 100 for Electric Vehicles, Yu Chengdong spoke very pertinently about Huawei’s situation in car business. In other words, the first two modes are not easy to walk.

This situation has also been verified. On March 27th, Guangzhou Automobile Group announced that the joint development of Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an AH8 project with Huawei changed from joint development to independent development, and the HI model was downgraded to parts model. In fact, Huawei’s HI mode partner is only Aouita of Chang ‘an. And things like Weilai and Ideals are all self-developed in the intelligent level.

Therefore, Yu Chengdong has always been most concerned about smart car selection, which can not only empower car companies, but also activate Huawei’s sales channels.

According to Yu Chengdong, Huawei wants to make the world an eco-brand.That is to say, not only Celeste, but also other smart cars that cooperate with Huawei may appear in the name of the industry. However, there is no clear answer as to who owns the brand or trademark AITO.

However, the cooperation mode of smart car selection also makes some car companies feel less comfortable.

A Cyrus employee said that Huawei did bring advanced management mode and management experience to Cyrus, but its strong style also made Cyrus somewhat dissatisfied. "Huawei requires that we provide all data to Huawei selflessly, and then if we ask Huawei for something, they will say that this is our internal confidential data."

In addition, the above employees revealed that,Huawei’s things are generally more expensive, and as long as the departments related to this thing have to make money,For example, the combination of software and hardware requires a sum of money, hardware also requires a sum of money, and cloud services also require a sum of money. "The cost of Huawei’s whole set of things is very high, and then he will advise car companies to reduce profits."

Therefore, considering the cost, some things of Cyrus are also used by other suppliers. Like motor, ECU(electronic control unit)HiCar uses Huawei more, but Huawei is not used for driving assistance. "We also refuse many things.".

More importantly, the sales volume of the world has been deadlocked recently. Yu Chengdong’s attempt to further bind Smart Car with Huawei brand was also rejected. This adds more variables to Huawei’s smart car selection.

In fact, before the car, Huawei tried the smart selection mode in other categories. The most typical is the smart choice of mobile phones. Since Huawei was suppressed by the United States, 5G chips have not been supplied, and Huawei has also provided 5G mobile phones through smart selection mode.Mainly for operators and Huawei mobile phone contractors to trade.

However, smart mobile phones face more embarrassment than smart cars."Smart mobile phones didn’t sell well last year, and they didn’t sell much this year, with a small proportion." The front line of Digital Intelligence learned from many Huawei dealers that Huawei’s smart mobile phones lacked control before, which led to the channel terminals’ complaints. In Huawei Mall, there are only three or four smart phones, all of which are labeled with 5G, but the sales volume is very limited.

Moreover, merchants can only mention Huawei’s smart selection when they publicize, and they cannot be equated with Huawei. Although these mobile phones are different except for chips, operating systems and logo, others are basically the same as Huawei’s original models. However, Huawei does not allow these smart models to be bundled with Huawei for publicity.

Without Huawei’s blessing, chaotic smart brands have also brought troubles to terminal sales.For example, China Mobile’s Huawei Smart Choice model is Enzhong, TCL’s Thunderbird, Dingqiao’s mobile phone is TD, and Unicom’s is U-Magic. "Who is this product, and the after-sales of the product is a problem." A dealer told the front line that consumers’ recognition of smart phones is very low, and some even bought them back and found that they were not Huawei brands and returned.

This year, Huawei introduced very few smart phones, mainly Hi-nova which cooperated with China Telecom.

Although Huawei pays more attention to and invests in the smart car, it also needs to face the entanglement of this business model. Moreover, compared with the smart mobile phone partners, Huawei faces more independent brands, which also tests their cooperation with Huawei.

In Yu Jianyue’s view, there is not much Huawei can do now: First, after the new car is released at the Shanghai Auto Show, Huawei needs to re-price the M5 and M7.In particular, the M5 extended-range version should continue to reduce the price.In fact, there have been some price reduction actions on the channel side, but they have not been carried out in a big way;Second, it depends on the market performance of pure electric SUVs and pure electric cars that Huawei cooperates with Chery.

"Dealers are also relatively conservative, and it is unlikely that there will be a big outbreak in the short term." Gu Jiatian said that he also lost a lot of money in the world, but he will continue to do it.

Yu Chengdong in a dilemma

The emergency stop of Huawei’s top management made Yu Chengdong rather passive, and also made the outside world see the differences between Huawei’s strategic and executive levels.

Huawei doesn’t want to build a complete vehicle, but wants to do business with more car companies.In Ren Zhengfei’s original words, "Smart car solutions can’t spread a complete front. It is necessary to reduce the research budget and strengthen the business closed loop. R&D should take the road of modularization, focus on several key components to make competitiveness, and the rest can be connected with others."

But the reality is not easy. Huawei’s parts model and HI model have not opened up the situation. "This era has changed, which will only make us more difficult. After a few years, everyone will understand and leave time to test! " Yu Chengdong wrote this sentence on Huawei intranet. So,Yu Chengdong prefers deeper involvement.

In fact, from Yu Chengdong’s perspective, we can better understand that it is not easy to break the game. Huawei’s terminal business has suffered a serious decline in recent years. In 2022, Huawei’s terminal revenue was 214.4 billion yuan, which was the only declining sector within Huawei, accounting for one-third of Huawei’s total revenue. At the peak of 2019, consumer business accounted for more than 50%.

Before the chip is solved, the mobile phone is difficult to get up. Whether it is to save the channel or the terminal business, Yu Chengdong needs to open up new water sources. The car business is highly anticipated by Yu Chengdong. But from the current results, it is not ideal.

Besides,A lot of money is spent, but the income is very limited.Huawei disclosed in its 2022 performance report that since the establishment of BU, a smart car solution, the accumulated investment has reached 3 billion US dollars.(about RMB 20.6 billion)The R&D team has reached the scale of 7000 people. In 2022, Huawei’s R&D expenditure related to the automobile business exceeded 10.3 billion yuan, and the business indirectly involved more than 10,000 people.

Corresponding to the high investment, in 2022, Huawei’s smart car solution business revenue was 2.077 billion yuan, accounting for only 0.3% of Huawei’s total revenue.

Yu Chengdong’s pressure can be imagined. Now every business unit of Huawei has a profit assessment, and the car is the only loss-making business of Huawei at present. An interesting detail is that in the latest 2022 financial report released by Huawei Group, although Yu Chengdong, the CEO of terminal BG, is still the managing director, his name is behind Zhang Pingan, CEO of Huawei Cloud, and Wang Tao, president of enterprise BG. In 2021, Yu Chengdong came before these two men.

"At this time, Yu Chengdong can only find a way to get through when the sales volume is green and yellow." Yu Jianyue said to the front line of intelligence.

In Yu Jianyue’s view, Huawei’s biggest problem is facing US sanctions and problems in the supply chain. Huawei needs to ensure its main business instead of putting too much energy into innovative business. Besides, in this case, even if the automobile business is bigger,It also faces the risk of being sanctioned.

In addition, building a car itself is a very expensive thing, but Huawei is still in the stage of survival."We can’t simply take the same road as Ali and Amazon … We don’t have that much money, and they have inexhaustible money in the US stock market." Ren Zhengfei said. This is also the reason why Huawei has always attached great importance to profits. It needs money to support huge R&D..

"For an industry, only in-depth insight and deep understanding can we grasp the right direction! Mark it and come back in a few years! " After being publicly criticized, Yu Chengdong left such a sentence on the voice forum of Huawei’s intranet, which was quite aggrieved.

Maybe everything Yu Chengdong said is right. "Cars are very important, but compared with Huawei’s main business, it doesn’t look so important." According to Yu Jianyue,For Huawei, this is a question of survival and development.

This article comes from WeChat WeChat official account:Shuzhi front line, Author: You Yong, Editor: Zhou Luping

On-line training of migrant workers, multi-skilled masters become "hard core" network anchors

  Reading tips

  Cut your hair, make small noodles and drive a forklift … … During the epidemic, these "hard-core" skills training appeared in live classes and were welcomed by many migrant workers. Online skill teaching is flying over the wall of time and space, so that more workers can learn at any time and anywhere.

  "In my impression, webcasting is a stage for handsome guys and beautiful women to show off their skills. I never thought that today, I actually watch live broadcasts to learn skills! " Yang Ping, from a remote mountain village in Hechuan District, Chongqing, has been working as a massage technician in the front line since she went to work in the city at the age of 16 and now she has become a partner in the health center. Watching the live broadcast of the master of skills at home has greatly increased her skills. "The skills I learned in two or three months are almost the sum of my years!" Yang Ping told the reporter of Workers Daily happily.

  The reporter learned that during the epidemic, the Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security issued a notice to do a good job in online training for vocational skills improvement, developed online classrooms and online training courses, and guided more than 100,000 urban and rural workers to participate in online training. Many skill masters became network anchors for online skills teaching. Up to now, 72,000 workers have received government subsidized and public welfare online training, and live training has made the skills of urban dreamers soar.

  It takes ingenuity to bury one’s head in research and teach one’s art.

  He Xianze believes that it is necessary to be ingenious to bury one’s head in art research and raise one’s head to teach art, from a mountain village hairdresser who travels from village to village to an expert enjoying special allowance from the State Council. After the outbreak, he not only advocated that hairdressers give full play to their skills and specialties, but also volunteered to cut hair for the frontline staff against the epidemic, and even became a "network anchor" to teach everyone to cut hair.

  How to make students understand, listen and listen to their own technical methods? He Xianze has made painstaking efforts. In order to give a good lesson, he has to prepare lesson plans several days in advance, and sometimes it takes hours to repeatedly search for information and compare experiences for an example.

  On March 6th, He Xianze and his apprentice Nie Feng conducted their first live broadcast in Aauto Quicker, and soon they rushed to the live broadcast hot list, attracting nearly 10 million people from all over the country to watch. He Xianze is used to being persuasive and speaking slowly from the simple to the deep. His lectures are also rich and interesting, which can not only attract students to smile, but also enlighten them.

  Pan Lian, dressed in white clothes and trousers, wearing a hat and mask, holds red pepper in her left hand and a mobile phone in her right hand. For more than 200 apprentices in the first five classes of the camera, she tells the story of the seasoning "soul" of Chongqing noodles — — How to choose peppers? The winner of the National May 1st Labor Medal, who grew up from an apprentice to a chef, has done nearly 10 live training sessions in recent days, and 3,000 to 4,000 people watched each session online.

  "To make a bowl of noodles with unique taste, spicy and refreshing, delicious and enjoyable, the core is to choose good peppers, then match different spices and control the oil temperature. The fried oil pepper is fragrant and spicy. " While explaining, Pan Lian pointed her mobile phone at peppers, peppers and noodles, moving left and right to get a "close-up".

  Pan Lian said that for online training, teachers must prepare enough lessons, including familiarity with equipment. In addition, it is necessary to have a professional live broadcast platform, which can really provide one-stop teaching services of learning, practice, training and testing, so that live broadcast training will take another step.

  In the collision between teaching and learning, they complement each other.

  Wang Bing, a 38-year-old from Fuling Mountain Township, Chongqing, has only a junior high school diploma. With persistent research, he has changed from an ordinary forklift worker to a full-time equipment maintenance staff of Gree Electric (Chongqing) Co., Ltd., and has won more than 20 honors in the national forklift vocational skills competition, and won the honor of Chongqing Bayu craftsman and "Top Ten Migrant Workers". On April 18th, he gave a live training entitled "Theoretical Training on Safe Operation of Truck Drivers" to more than 50 students through corporate micro-signals.

  Wang Bing admits that his theoretical level is limited, and it is a difficult problem to talk deeply about Toya. Sometimes, the interaction of the students in the group will bring him great inspiration. "Every time you give a class, you can bring yourself a lot of gains." Wang Bing said.

  Xiao Gao, a student attending the lecture, told the reporter that he was a newly recruited migrant worker from the Three Gorges reservoir area. He had seen Wang Bing stack 10 cups into the shape of a champagne tower with a forklift, then open the bottle with a fork and pour champagne into the cups without spilling a drop. "Mr. Wang is modest and simple, often discusses with everyone, and is willing to accept the suggestions made by the students. We all like and admire him very much." Xiao Gao said.

  On the afternoon of April 19th, in the Beauty Eye Health Center, the reporter saw several technicians broadcasting live on their mobile phones, watching the training class of "Moxibustion King Wang Ning" and interacting with teachers on WeChat group.

  Manager Zu Chunqiu mentioned that once, a daughter took her mother to the store for physical therapy, and the whole back of the old man bulged out, which was very painful. Xiaozu was diagnosed and found that the old man’s back was like the "hard plate cold" that the live broadcast teacher often said. After the WeChat group repeatedly communicated with the teacher, the innovative moxibustion method was used. One moxibustion point in the breech position, one moxibustion point in the middle, and moxibustion for two times, only three times, the whole back of the old man was flat and did not hurt.

  "Through live training, we quickly learned many new methods and skills, and constantly improved them in actual operation, and fed back the results to the teachers, achieving a benign interaction!" Zu Chunqiu said.

  Everyone can learn, everywhere, all the time.

  Based on the vigorous development of the whole food live broadcast, Chongqing has given birth to the first institution specialized in incubating, eating and broadcasting in China. Zhang Xiaojiang, the head of the organization, kept up with the rhythm of live broadcast. By selling Chongqing delicacies, he made millions of dollars, and trained more than 50 food anchors to become professional food and broadcast trainers.

  Taobao data shows that in the live food channel, one out of every 10 live food rooms comes from Chongqing. Especially since February this year, Chongqing catering industry has concentrated on attacking online, from street snacks to local goods in the mountains, driving the growth rate of live broadcast, ranking first in the country.

  "The birth of the new job of eating and broadcasting trainer in Chongqing reflects the upgrading of Chongqing’s Internet economy to ‘ Live +’ The 2.0 stage represented by. " Hongbing Shen, a professor at chongqing technology and business university University of Economics, analyzed.

  In the interview, the reporter learned that online training in Chongqing is conducted by means of online live broadcast, video rebroadcasting and real-time Q&A. During the training process, functions such as course playback, teachers’ online Q&A and learning progress inquiry can be realized. At present, online skill teaching is flying over the campus wall, facing the whole society, and the "sharing" effect of internet education has been highlighted.

  Zhang Dexiang, director of the Rural Labor Service Development and Management Office of Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, said that the online vocational skills promotion training vigorously promoted in Chongqing aims to give full play to the important role of vocational skills training in stabilizing employment and promoting entrepreneurship. "Migrant workers can turn on their mobile phones anytime and anywhere to watch video learning online, and they can also log in to online colleges to form an environment where everyone can learn, learn everywhere and learn from time to time." Zhang Dexiang said.

How can China Airlines attract foreign pilots when the number has exceeded 1,000?

  Most of the foreign pilots in China are provided by local airlines/Oriental IC.

  Eric is currently the captain of Shenzhen Airlines A320.

  According to the statistics of the Civil Aviation Administration, there were 1005 foreign pilots in China in 2016, including 160 of the three major airlines, Air China, China Southern Airlines and China Eastern Airlines. Other foreign pilots will mainly choose to work in local airlines and transportation companies. According to aviation industry insiders, the salary level of foreign pilots paid by China airlines is also in the leading position in the world, and the salary offered by some airlines is four times that paid by air China companies such as Brazil and Russia.

  China has become the second largest aviation market after the United States. According to the statistics of the Civil Aviation Administration, by the end of 2016, the number of China civil aviation transport aircraft fleet (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) had reached 2,933, and there were 1,005 foreign pilots in China.


  The number of foreign pilots in China has exceeded 1000.

  The number of China Airlines aircraft exceeds 2,933. According to the data in the Statistical Bulletin of Civil Aviation Airport Production in 2016 published by the Civil Aviation Administration, the annual passenger throughput of airports in China exceeded 1 billion for the first time in 2016, with 1,016.357 million passengers completed, an increase of 11.1% over the previous year. Domestic routes completed 914.017 million passengers, an increase of 10.3% over the previous year; International air routes exceeded 100 million passengers for the first time, with 102.34 million passengers completed, an increase of 19.3% over the previous year.

  China has become the second largest aviation market after the United States, and the civil aviation industry as a whole has maintained a growth rate of about 10%. In the past five years, according to the passenger traffic figures, the average annual growth rate in the United States was around 4%, in Europe it was around 6%, and in China it reached 10%.

  With the rapid development of aviation industry, different airlines have different talent pool reserves for pilots, which also leads to different demand for foreign captains. Air China, China Eastern Airlines and China Southern Airlines have a relatively stable talent reserve mechanism, while private airlines choose to recruit people with high salaries to supplement their talent pool.

  According to the statistics of the Civil Aviation Administration, there were 1005 foreign pilots in China in 2016, including 160 of the three major airlines, Air China, China Southern Airlines and China Eastern Airlines. Other foreign pilots will mainly choose to work in local airlines and transportation companies.

  For example, Xiangpeng Airlines has 600 pilots (including trainees), including more than 60 foreign pilots from 13 countries. In 2016, a total of 43 pilots were promoted to captain, including 19 foreign captains. It is understood that these 19 foreign captains are from six countries including South Korea, Canada, Russia, Spain, Brazil and Bulgaria.

  The development plan of pilots in China is: flight cadet → Class e co-pilot → Class d co-pilot → Class c co-pilot → Class b co-pilot → Class a co-pilot → Captain. Generally speaking, the training time in the flight cadet stage is two years, and the training cost alone needs at least 700,000 yuan per person. If the salary, accommodation, equipment consumption and other expenses are added, the training cost is close to one million yuan. The process from the co-pilot to the captain usually takes 7-10 years.

  The main reason why many airlines introduce foreign pilots is that the existing pilot graduates can’t make up, and the domestic captains sign long-term contracts with airlines, which are basically lifelong contracts. The cost of "digging the wall" is high and even leads to lawsuits. Foreign captains sign contracts with companies for 1-5 years, which is more flexible.

  reveal a secret

  A foreign captain’s salary in China is four times that of his own country.

  In an interview, Dave Ross, chairman of Wasinc International, a professional pilot leasing company registered in Hong Kong, revealed that some China airlines are willing to pay a monthly after-tax salary as high as 26,000 US dollars, which is four times the salary paid to pilots by air China companies such as Brazil and Russia.

  The huge market vacancy and high salary and welfare are attractive to foreign pilots to work in China. Take European and American countries as an example. People who want to be pilots need to attend flight training at their own expense, then get a private license and accumulate flying hours. They usually fly in agriculture, forestry or business jet companies first, then fly cargo planes, and finally fly large passenger planes, forming a mature mode of transporting talents from general aviation to civil aviation.

  Why do foreign pilots want to work in China? According to aviation industry insiders, first of all, it is not easy to find a job for foreign pilots. In large civil aviation companies in Europe and America, you can’t get a recommendation letter from a senior captain, and you may not even have an interview. Secondly, China’s salary and treatment level is also a leading level in the world. For example, Qingdao Airlines is willing to provide an annual salary of up to $318,000 for a foreign captain, and Sichuan Airlines is willing to provide an annual salary of $302,000 for the captain who flies to Canada and Australia. China airlines pay foreign captains about 20% more than domestic pilots, which is more attractive; There are also foreign pilots who have taken a fancy to some relatively complicated airports in Asia and have worked in China for "gilding", so it is easier to find jobs for well-known airlines after returning home.

  press sb for an interview

  There is a special intermediary company to recommend foreign captains.

  Shenzhen Airlines was the first local airline to introduce foreign captains. Wu Mingxiang, manager of Boeing Foreign Flight Division of Shenzhen Airlines Flight Department, said in an interview with Beijing Youth Daily that when he joined Shenzhen Airlines as a co-pilot in 2005, Shenzhen Airlines already had four or five foreign captains. With the explosive development of the aviation industry, airlines need to buy new planes and a large number of pilots. Pilots have become a sought-after resource. In order to adapt to the development of the company, foreign captains from Brazil, Georgia, Romania, the United States, South Korea and other countries have been introduced one after another.

  The ways of training pilots in China’s airlines are mostly entrusted training and directional distribution. It takes at least 8 to 10 years to train a captain. As airlines buy a large number of new planes and open up new routes, there is a shortage of pilot talents. The introduction of a foreign captain, through the relevant examination and approval required by the Civil Aviation Administration, can be completed in at least one year, which can quickly supplement the captain talent for the company.

  Wu Mingxiang said that it was difficult to find and contact foreign captains in the past. In recent years, a special intermediary company has been responsible for recommending foreign captain talents, and the process of introducing pilots has become quite mature. Foreign pilots are not "welcome to all". In fact, pilots from any country must pass the qualification examination of the Civil Aviation Administration of China when they go to China, and their technical level must meet the requirements. If it is a different model, there is a corresponding modification test. In fact, all companies have strict assessment standards. Take Shenzhen Airlines as an example, the company will organize interviews with foreign captains, simulator operation, flight taking, etc. After 3-4 months of inspection, the contract can basically be confirmed.

  Text/reporter Yan Lishuang


  French captain who runs a bakery part-time in China.

  Eric, the captain from France, dreams of flying around the world. He recalled that after he joined the army, he jumped off his back during a military skydiving training. Facing the vast blue sky, he had a dream in Eric’s heart: "I want to be a pilot!" With this dream, Eric spent all his savings and entered the flight school. At the age of 22, he finally got a flight license and became a real pilot.

  In 2007, Eric came to China, once worked for Jade International Cargo Airlines (a Sino-foreign joint venture professional cargo airline), and now he is the captain of Shenzhen Airlines A320. He is full of passion for flying a plane, and he is extremely proud of the feeling that he can control a behemoth by pulling the joystick lightly.

  The financial crisis that broke out in 2008 affected international air freight. In 2010, the company’s operation was even more pessimistic, and the market capacity exceeded demand. Coupled with the European debt crisis and economic downturn, Eric’s former employer announced the closure in 2011, Eric lost his job, and his colleagues had to find their own way out. Later, the Chinese shareholders of Jade Airlines held a recruitment examination for the company’s pilots. He said: "I just lost my job, which is the first choice."

  Eric said that China has completely changed himself. During his six years in China, his greatest achievement was the improvement of patience and skills. As a captain, he should strictly improve his skills to ensure safety no matter where he is.

  Eric recalled a flight delay caused by flow control. It was estimated that the delay time was more than 3 hours. After waiting for an hour, instead of being in a bad mood because of the delay, the passengers all sat in their seats and waited quietly. Finally, after the crew made efforts to communicate and coordinate, the flight took off before the estimated delay time. Eric was deeply impressed by the crew’s joint efforts to tide over the difficulties and the understanding and support of the passengers.

  After flying, Eric founded his own bakery because of his love of cooking. He decided to continue his work in China and Shenzhen Airlines. Fly while making bread.


  Many jokes about "Aeroflot" are false.

  From the late night of July 13th to the early morning of July 14th, there was a heavy rain in Beijing. At that time, the flights of all airlines were delayed, cancelled or alternated, and the news that "another Russian Airlines landed ahead of schedule at the Capital Airport with thunder and lightning" once again brushed the screen. However, some media rumored yesterday that there was actually a Xiamen Airlines plane landing before Aeroflot landed.

  Relevant industry insiders pointed out that the meteorological cloud picture released by Beijing Meteorological Bureau from 0: 18 to 0: 38 on July 14, 2017 showed that these flights could land safely, because the thunderstorm in Beijing began to weaken gradually and shifted to the northeast, so these just arrived flights got the landing window period.

  The legendary captains of Russian airlines can all turn civil aviation flights into "fighters". In fact, many jokes about "Aeroflot" are false. Some insiders said that, on the one hand, China’s aviation safety supervision standards are absolutely the strictest in the world. There are a large number of real experts in the Civil Aviation Administration who exercise the strictest supervision over all planes flying over and landing in China. Once, foreign captains disobeyed the supervision of the Civil Aviation Administration and were refused "commercial" entry by relevant units forever. On the other hand, some foreign captains have excellent driving skills, rich theoretical knowledge, love flying and a high degree of professionalism, which is really commendable.

  Text/reporter Yan Lishuang

Taiwanese media look at the mainland: the first beach in the world

BEIJING, Beijing, February 19 (Xinhua) Recently, Taiwan Province’s United Daily News published a report about Beihai City in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, introducing the beautiful scenery of Yintan.
Guangxi Beihai Yintan. Image source: Taiwan Province United Daily News
The report pointed out that Beihai, a coastal city surrounded by the sea on three sides, is a famous historical and cultural city, and was selected as one of the top ten "Beautiful Cities" in China. Guangxi prides itself on "Guilin landscape in the north and Beihai Silver Beach in the south". The beach of Yintan is made of high-quality quartz sand. Under the sunshine, the white and delicate beach will glow with silver, so it is called Yintan, which enjoys the reputation of "the first beach in the world" and is one of the most ideal bathing beaches and sea sports venues in the south.
Silver beach beach. Image source: Taiwan Province United Daily News
Silver Beach is characterized by "long flat beach, fine white sand, clean water temperature, soft waves and no sharks", which experts call "a rare and excellent beach in the world". Yintan stretches 24 kilometers from east to west, with a total area of 38 square kilometers, exceeding the sum of beaches in Dalian, Yantai, Qingdao, Xiamen and Beidaihe. The land is rich in vegetation and the environment is elegant and quiet.
Yintan is rich in vegetation. Image source: Taiwan Province United Daily News
Beihai Yintan Resort consists of Yintan Park, Beach Park and Ocean Sports Holiday Entertainment Center. In addition to marine activities, tourists can also participate in beach sports such as golf, volleyball and football, and watch large-scale music fountain shows.
Beach Park is an important part of Yintan Resort, in which the bathing beach is 1,500 meters long and the lawn is 100,000 square meters, which is huge. In addition to the bathing beach, there is also the "tide" of steel and plastic in Asia. "Tide" sculpture combines lighting, fountains and music performances to form a multimedia outdoor show, which has become a highlight of Yintan at night.
Giant stainless steel sculpture "Chao". Image source: Taiwan Province United Daily News
The "Tide" sculpture is a hollow steel ball with a diameter of 20 meters, symbolizing the pearl. There are seven statues of beautiful girls on the sphere, which are like fairies descending to the world, with a musical fountain, showing the elegance of going to sea and the rhythm of the tide. In addition, there are 30 moon tide lights around the sculpture. The moon and the pearl are combined, and the stars shine. The whole square is like a jade plate full of pearls, which is spread out by the sea and beautiful. (End)

On the Series of Excellent Chinese Traditional Culture: Blue, Reading the Important Color Codes of Chinese Traditional Culture

Cyan is the color of spring. Whether it is "the moss marks are green on the upper steps, and the grass color is green in the curtain", or "the willows on the edge of the city are curled up, and the green mulberry is unfamiliar", or "Weicheng is facing the rain and the dust is light, and the guest house is green and the willow color is new", it describes this pleasing color in spring for us.

Because of this, in the traditional culture of China, cyan is "the color of everything". Among hundreds of traditional China colors, cyan has a special meaning for Chinese people. Tracing back to China people’s special liking for "turquoise" color, there is actually a track of the change of cyan culture meaning, which tells us that cyan may be the color code to interpret Chinese traditional culture.


Blue porcelain lotus bird lamp in Longquan kiln of Southern Song Dynasty

Cyan is the color symbol of China culture.

China’s folk aesthetic taste usually revolves around the core of "Happiness and Happiness". Folk culture attaches great importance to bright colors such as red, gold and green, especially likes colorful colors, and pursues auspiciousness, jubilation and peace. For example, Yangliuqing New Year pictures reflect this kind of folk aesthetic taste. This kind of aesthetics contains a good wish for secular life. But cyan is very different. It covers a wide range in chromatography, and the main part belongs to the physical property of cool color, giving people a quiet and indifferent psychological feeling, which is more regarded as a reflection of the spiritual level. It can be said that cyan contains the thoughts and feelings of China literati.

China’s cyan absorbs all kinds of environmental elements, and constantly changes its meaning. It is a special color that can arouse people’s association with the characteristics of Chinese civilization: it reflects the inclusive national characteristics, refracts China’s philosophy with Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism as the mainstream, and shows the implicit, tenacious and unobtrusive national character. She can show a broad aesthetic scale from simple to gorgeous, and can also trigger a visual feeling from light to calm, because she is not a single color, but a mixed color, sometimes with bright yellow, sometimes with warm red, sometimes with green, sometimes with blue, sometimes with purple, and sometimes with dark cyan.

The application of cyan in China has a history of more than 2,000 years. In China, people have a blue shadow in all aspects of national governance, production and life, religious opinions, artistic creation and spiritual pursuit. When we study cyan, we should not only study the chromatographic composition of cyan and the source of painting pigments, but also combine sociology, psychology, linguistics, philosophy, politics, economy, religion and art to explore comprehensively. The more you explore, the more profound the implication of cyan culture can be found. Therefore, it may be boldly speculated that cyan is an important color code to interpret Chinese traditional culture.

There are similarities and significant differences between colors in scientific sense and colors in cultural sense. The color in the cultural sense is more complex and the direction is more vague. When color is printed with traces of social and cultural patterns and endowed with unique thoughts and feelings of human beings, it becomes a cultural symbol.

After human beings form an intuitive color perception of objects, this color will have a psychological significance, which is very personalized and closely related to the viewer’s own experience, environment and culture. Niu Xiji, a poet in the Five Dynasties, said, "Remember the green dress and pity the grass everywhere." Because the author’s love object is a girl wearing a green dress, the two of them are just around the corner, and the lovers have repeatedly urged her to think of the grass color from the green dress and the green dress from the grass color. It’s endless, so don’t forget each other. This association about green is caused by the author’s personal experience. For others, green can’t be associated with a green dress. At this time, green is not a symbol. However, among the "red light stops and green light goes", red and green are used on traffic lights, which represents the universal meaning and becomes symbols. Therefore, this layer of semantics of color symbols must be associated by individuals, and then developed into a well-known social concept after grouping and recognition, and then a color culture that can be widely spread can be formed.

It is in the long historical changes that cyan has gradually become a symbol. The meaning of this symbol is constantly changing, and as time goes on, it moves from one consensus to another. Cyan has a vibrant masculine color from the initial symbol of the sky, the east, vegetation and spring, to the color of the queen’s spring sacrifice dress and wedding dress, and then to the color of the common people and the color of Buddhism and Taoism; In the drama, she became a traditional woman with traditional virtues but bumpy fate. In the eyes of Taoism, it has become a symbol of simplicity, and the change of cyan culture implication itself is a part of the history of Chinese cultural changes.

Part of the masterpiece of the Northern Song Dynasty turquoise landscape painting "Jiangshan Autumn Color Map Volume" collected by the Palace Museum.

China’s philosophical thought has made the implication of cyan culture unique.

China’s philosophical thought endows cyan with more meanings-cyan can reflect the noble feelings of the gentry, the Confucian rule of etiquette and the gentleman’s self-cultivation, the Buddhism’s understanding, the Taoism’s simplicity, and the metaphysical’s free and easy nature. It is beyond the worldly pursuit. Conversely, the influence of cyan on China people’s aesthetic taste is also immersion, which reflects China people’s deeper thinking about the spiritual world.

The process of incorporating cyan into official uniforms is influenced by Confucianism.

Confucius said, "Evil purple takes away Zhu, and evil Zheng Sheng’s chaos makes you happy." This is the most intense judgment on color made by the primitive Confucianism, and these judgments are all carried out under the framework of ceremony. A clear example of the concept of ritual color is the hierarchical differentiation reflected by the color of clothing. Among them, the process of cyan being incorporated into official uniforms is a process influenced by Confucianism. The regulation of the color style of official uniforms is the concrete embodiment of Confucian etiquette thought.

Influenced by the concept of etiquette color, Confucianism first determined the rank within the ruling class, and one of the important tasks was to make a fuss about official clothes, making color one of the key elements to distinguish ranks.

In the Northern Zhou Dynasty, "color-tasting clothes" appeared. In the Sui Dynasty, the colors of official clothes were red and cyan, and black, white and Huang San were no longer used, because black and white had become the colors of sacrificial clothes. After the Sui Dynasty, the colors of official uniforms were basically purple, scarlet, cyan and green, and cyan and green became the official uniforms of officials in lower positions.

Under the guidance of Confucianism, after the color grade of official uniforms was determined, although the color changed all the time, the practice that cyan was fixed as a color in the sequence of official uniforms lasted for more than 1000 years. Until the Qing Dynasty, cyan dominated other colors and officially became the color of all official uniforms, and the size of official ranks and civil and military positions were distinguished by patch patterns.

Metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasties guided the aesthetic interest of celadon art.

Taoism took advantage of the collapse of the Han Empire and the crisis of the literati’s belief in Confucianism, which finally contributed to metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasties. For a long time, metaphysics occupied the ideological position of the gentry. Metaphysics thought has played an important guiding role in China people’s artistic aesthetics.

The manufacture and use of celadon in Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties was the first peak of celadon art in the history of China, which formed an aesthetic tendency of "green, beautiful, spiritual and handsome" for celadon. The aesthetic thought of metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasties has an important influence on the modeling of celadon.

The origin of azure porcelain is very early, which can be traced back to Shang Dynasty. During the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, craftsmen built kilns with superb skills, the temperature in the kilns could reach 1200 degrees, and they knew how to add plant ash to the raw materials, which made the pottery have a blue glaze on the outside and became the original celadon.

The original firing level of celadon was not high, and during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, celadon had accumulated rich experience in the composition ratio of glaze raw materials and firing methods. Celadon became thin and transparent in glaze, with delicate and moist fetal quality, and its shape changed. The aesthetic thought of metaphysics in Wei and Jin dynasties is different from the aesthetic temperament of Qin and Han dynasties, but pursues natural beauty, purity and refinement, and pays attention to appreciation and pursuit of inner charm.

In their own temperament, the scholar-officials pursue elegant character, free and chic, elegant and strange temperament, hoping to convey their unconventional elegance, which also affects the "celadon" as a daily appliance.

In the aesthetic pursuit of literati in Wei and Jin Dynasties, "youth, beauty, spirit and beauty" are the ultimate pursuit of celadon. The light and elegant glaze color of celadon just meets the aesthetic standards of literati, that is, "natural beauty is the highest and ornate carving is the lowest".

The Wei-Jin fashion of drinking with Yue kiln celadon was also passed down. This romantic style in Wei and Jin Dynasties can also be verified by the poetry works of the literati in the Tang Dynasty, such as Lu Guimeng’s "The Secret Color Yueqi": "The autumn wind in September opened the kiln and won the green color of Qianfeng. I’m so happy to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I’ll share my cup with you. " It can be seen that in the Tang Dynasty, it was still the fashion for literati to drink with Yue kiln porcelain.

Buddhism and Taoism inject new meaning into cyan clothing and utensils.

After the Ming Dynasty, the color of Taoist uniforms became cyan. Zhu Yuanzhang, the Ming Emperor, personally participated in the formulation of the clothing system in the Ming Dynasty, from the emperor’s nobles to the common people, monks and prostitutes. All the clothing was decided by Mao, and he was ordered to restore the clothing system like the Tang Dynasty, trying to overthrow the Hu customs of the Yuan Dynasty and restore the old appearance of China. In Volume XI of the Ming Dynasty Canon and History of the Ming Dynasty, the provisions on Taoist costumes are recorded: "Taoist priests always wear green clothes; French clothes and Korean clothes are all red; The Taoist official is the same. " That is, it is stipulated that the Taoist priest’s uniform needs to be cyan, so it is often said that "Tsing Yi Taoist priest" later.

The localized Buddhist thought is influenced by the Taoist culture in China, which in turn gives another meaning to cyan objects. In the decoration of celadon, there have been patterns such as Buddha statue, flying sky and lotus flower since the late Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, especially the lotus flower pattern, which reflects the extensive use of Buddhist symbols. For example, the "Lotus Zun" porcelain unearthed from the Liang Dynasty Tomb in Linshan, Nanjing has a solemn shape, with seven layers of lotus petals from top to bottom, just like a blooming violet, which reflects the important influence of Buddhism on celadon art. From the artifacts, it can be seen that cyan has been infiltrated by Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasties for a long time, and has begun to represent the metaphysical pursuit. For example, it embodies the courtesy of Confucianism, the cultivation of gentlemen, the emptiness of Buddhism, the nature of Taoism, and the free and easy of metaphysics.

Buddhism and Taoism have also made great contributions to the Chinese vocabulary of Qing characters, leaving a large number of words with special meanings, such as Qing Niu, Qing Luan, Qing Cheng, Qing Deng, Qing Yan and Qing Lian.

Part of Wang Ximeng’s "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" in Northern Song Dynasty

Chinese vocabulary reflects the changing track of cyan meaning.

Cyan, which is composed of words of cyan, no longer represents the original color meaning of the word, but is deeply embedded in Chinese culture, which has a subtle influence on the cultural meaning of cyan.

"Tsing Yi", from Tianzi’s fine clothes to the bottom dress.

The mention of "Tsing Yi" always gives people a sense of solemnity, calmness, mystery, lowliness and suffering. In the role of Peking Opera, Tsing Yi is a "bitter COP", who dares to love and hate generally and resolutely fights against fate.

In fact, the original meaning of Tsing Yi has nothing to do with humble suffering. The word "Tsing Yi" appeared as early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, but it is not the meaning we commonly use now. In the Book of Rites and the Moon Order more than 2,000 years ago, it was clearly recorded that there were three times of "Tsing Yi", such as "The Moon of Meng Chun, the sun was in the camp. ….. The son of heaven lives in the left of Qingyang, taking Luan Road, driving black dragon, carrying the green flag, wearing Tsing Yi and serving Cang Yu. " "Tsing Yi" is the dress of the son of heaven in spring. The Book of Rites records that the five colors correspond to the five elements, and they wear different colors in different seasons. Tianzi wears Tsing Yi in spring, Zhu Yi in summer, white in autumn and black in winter.

And baiguan can only wear tsing yi when the emperor gives him a gift. For example, the Book of Rites in the History of the East View records that "on the day when Emperor Zhang was lucky and worried about beginning of spring, all the officials in Kyoto were dressed in Tsing Yi, and all the history was served by Qing Yi." It means following the day when the son of heaven beginning of spring traveled, and officials can wear Tsing Yi.

With the changes of the times, the status of the wearer in Tsing Yi has also begun to change. From the emperor’s spring clothes, sacred and solemn sacrificial clothes, to the court clothes, low-grade official clothes, and then to the clothes colors of scholars and people, it has undergone a major change.

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Tsing Yi had already referred to the lower-ranking figures. Cai Yong wrote a famous poem "Qing Yi Fu", which described a woman with outstanding appearance, virtuous and dignified like a meticulous painting, and entrusted her love for a maid from humble origins in Qing Yi. Fu wrote her appearance "looking forward to Qian Shuli, white teeth and moths." The mysterious light is moist, and the collar is like a clam. Vertical and horizontal hair extension, leaves such as low sunflower. Slender Ran Ran, it is amazing. " It’s absolutely beautiful. Then write about her dress, "Yi Sleeve Dan Dress, Creeping on the Silk Leaf", which shows that although she is called "Tsing Yi", she is wearing a red dress-Yi Sleeve Dan Dress. This shows that the word "Tsing Yi" refers to her status. Cai Yong praised her elegant manners, and concluded that she was "a good wife and a good teacher". However, the author can’t develop this relationship, because this woman’s identity is really humble.

During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the court stipulated that the colors worn by the people were green, blue and white. The evidence can be seen in the "Yuan Jian Lei Han" that "the foot soldiers are not green, blue and white; There is no green, blue or white in the color of the handmaid. " During the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Cao wrote in "A Letter with Taiwei Yang Biao": "There are two people who care about Tsing Yi, and they are always around." Tsing Yi here refers to serving the left and right handmaids.

The reason why blue clothes are often worn by the lower class people lies in their cheapness. At that time, among the plant dyes used to dye cloth, cyan was the most easily available. Because a plant dyed green "blue grass" is suitable for both southern and northern growth, it is easy to collect. Using "blue grass" to dye cloth clothes is easy to color and low in cost. The so-called "shine on you is better than blue" refers to the fabric dyed with this "blue grass".

In the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, due to the emergence of new drama forms such as Yuan Zaju, Huangmei Opera and Peking Opera, "Tsing Yi" began to be synonymous with the role of Zhengdan in traditional Chinese opera, and gradually became a proper noun. In China’s classical operas, Tsing Yi is one of the traditional operas. The southern operas are called Zhengdan and the northern operas are called Tsing Yi.

Typical Tsing Yi has Yu Ji in Farewell My Concubine, Qin Xianglian in My Fair Case and Wang Baochuan in Wujiapo. In these plays, the women are all unlucky, but they dare to fight and decide their own destiny. All these Tsing Yi women have the traditional virtues of China women and have a great spirit of sacrifice. The virtues of these women are recognized and appreciated by the patriarchal society. Tsing Yi, therefore, has a solemn image of justice.

Look, on the stage of drama, it’s amazing that one color can define the basic fate of a character. It has become an important factor of drama performance to highlight the characteristics of the role with the color of clothing. Among them, cyan is an important color symbol with typical symbolic significance.

Although the cyan of Tianzi’s spring suit is not necessarily the same color as the cyan of the maid or the Dan Jiao, they are all called Tsing Yi, because cyan is a mixed color. The cultural implication of cyan has indeed changed dramatically because of the change of the object referred to by the word Tsing Yi.

The Tsing Yi role played by Peking Opera actor Zhang Huoding.

"Hair", from silk thread or rope to female hair.

"Blue hair and white hair" describes the fleeting youth. However, "moss" originally refers to rope, not hair.

The earliest poem with "moss" should be Yuefu poem. There are "moss as a cage, cassia twig as a cage hook" in Yuefu Poetry Collection, and "Jiao Zhongqing’s wife" in Yuefu Poetry Collection, there are "sixty or seventy box curtains, green green moss ropes" and "three million yuan, all of which are worn with moss". The "blue hair" in these two places is not the black hair we refer to now, but the blue silk thread or rope.

In the Southern and Northern Dynasties and the Sui and Tang Dynasties, "green silk" once referred to the reins of horses. In many poets’ works, the expression of "moss" refers to the bridle of a horse. For example, the Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu’s poem "Going Out to the Front" contains "Take off the bridle and pick the moss in your hand", among which the "moss" in the rider’s hand is the bridle. Li Bai, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, wrote in the Yuefu poem "Mo Shang Sang": "The beauty is Wei Qiaodong, and the silkworm is still working in spring. Five Ma Rufei dragons, green silk tied with gold. " The "hair" here also refers to the bridle, not the hair of a beautiful woman.

Since the Tang Dynasty, "Qingsi" has been famous all over the world with Li Bai’s wonderful pen as a metaphor for black hair. China literati often use the image of "green hair and white hair" when they lament that youth is fleeting, fame is hard to achieve, and ambition is hard to pay. Li Bai lamented in "Coming into Wine": "You don’t see how lovely locks in bright mirrors in high chambers, though silken-black at morning, have changed by night to snow." This famous sentence, which has been handed down through the ages, makes "moss" a symbol of youth. At that time, "hair" did not refer to women’s hair, but was more often referred to as young men by poets. The reason why "green silk" refers to women’s hair in modern times is probably because men’s hair is really too short to be called "silk".

"Green" and "blue" have gradually become symbols of ancient China literati.

Originally, the blue only means that the color of the clothes is cyan, while the blue refers to the blue collar. Gradually, "Qing" and "Qing" became more common names for ancient scholars in China, and sometimes they referred to relegated officials.

The color and style of clothes have the function of flaunting social status, so the pattern characteristics or color characteristics of clothes are often used to refer to a certain group of people. Judging people by their appearances is a common social problem, and it has also been one of the dimensions for people to judge success since ancient times.

Green fern, the clothes worn by students in ancient times. It first appeared in the Book of Songs: "The green lady is leisurely in my heart." Because students in the Zhou Dynasty often wore blue clothes, the word "green" was also used to refer to students born in imperial academy in the Zhou Dynasty.

In the Northern Qi, Sui, Tang and Song Dynasties, students’ uniforms were usually cyan, which was later called "blue" as a synonym for scholars. However, there are still some differences in meaning between "green" and "blue". In poetry and prose, "Qing" emphasizes the status of a scholar, while "Qing" often refers to officials who have been demoted or frustrated in their official career.

In the Tang Dynasty, the most famous poem containing the word "blue" was Bai Juyi’s Pipa Xing: "but who of them all was crying the most?? This Jiujiang official. My blue sleeve was wet. " The "blue shirt" here means that the poet is a frustrated official, rather than emphasizing that he is a scholar. In Song Dynasty, Wang Anshi’s "The Portrait of Du Fu" described Du Fu, a poor and down-and-out official in Tang Dynasty. Su Shi’s "Gu Tou Qu" includes "The blue shirt is not popular with tourists, and the red tea is filled with Cao Gang Shou", and it also quotes the allusions of Bai Juyi’s "Pipa Xing", which makes it a "blue shirt".

Author: Bao Yan (Vice President of Chinese Poetry Society)

Editor: Fan Xin

Planning: Fan Xin

China football is "new" again.

  Text |Zhang Bing

  From Dalian Barracuda Bay Stadium

  Dalian’s climate in early autumn is very pleasant, and no matter how many troubles are swept away under the 20-degree sea breeze. Recently, China Football, which has encountered a lot of troubles, also came to Dalian to have a blow.

  As we all know, Dalian is a city of football. If we say that in the past 30 years’ football professionalization in China, both Dongbei Road Primary School, the cradle of international players, and Dalian Shide, the eighth champion, have made football an indelible memory of this city.

  Then, in 2023, with the end of the three-year special period, the barracuda Bay Stadium was newly completed, and many games with the China Football Team successfully landed in the new competition cycle. It can be said that football in China has set sail again in this beautiful coastal city.

  New stadium, new events

  On the evening of September 6th, the iconic "Ocean Blue" light was lit up in the barracuda Bay football field surrounded by the sea on three sides, and the U23 Asian Cup qualifier-the competition between China Olympic Games and U23 in the United Arab Emirates was going on here. Although it wasn’t a weekend, the barracuda Bay Stadium was flooded with nearly 10,000 fans. This is enough to show Dalian people’s enthusiasm for football. In the end, China Olympic Games won a 0-0 draw, and also retained the hope of advancing to the U23 Asian Cup and the Paris Olympic Games.

  The barracuda Bay Football Stadium, which was completed at the end of April this year, is quite predestined with China football. On June 16th and 20th, China defeated Myanmar and Palestinian respectively here. These two games are the first "home" appearance of China men’s soccer team after the World Cup Asian Top 40 match against Guam in May 2021. More importantly, these two games also officially kicked off the national football team’s preparations for the 2023 Qatar Asian Cup and the 2026 US-Canada-Mexico World Cup Asian qualifiers.

  As you know, since September, the Asian qualifiers for the men’s soccer Paris Olympic Games, the Asian qualifiers for the US-Canada-Mexico World Cup, the Paris Olympic qualifiers for the women’s soccer, etc., which are related to the qualification of China football for the next 3-4 years, will start one after another. Hangzhou Asian Games and Qatar Asian Cup will also come in droves. These games are undoubtedly the most important for the national team, among which there are many battles of focus and revenge between the national football team and South Korea and Thailand.

  On the afternoon of September 6th, another meeting, which is very important for the new football competition cycle in China, was also held in Dalian. The organizer of this conference is Forte Bao Company, which owns the exclusive business development rights of seven national name teams under the China Football Association, and the guests are responsible persons from major brands and marketing companies.

  For brands, the competitions of these national teams are not only important battles to witness the new long March of China football, but also rare every four years. If you can have the cooperative identity of the national prefix team and the rights and interests of on-site advertising, you can focus on the situation through marketing, and you can reach more circles through mature marketing promotion. Therefore, at this critical time node, the partners who aim to contribute to China football get together.

  Specifically, the partners of China Football Association China Team are divided into four grades: chief partner, official senior partner, official partner and official support brand. Among them, the chief partner is exclusive, with core resources such as training suit advertisement, physical display in press conference hall, 3D carpet advertisement, middle circle floor shop, etc. In addition, China women’s national team also has a separate three-level business rights system.

  As a new starting point of the four-year cycle of the Men’s Football World Cup, the Top 36 tournament, which opened in November this year, will bring excellent exposure opportunities for partners. First of all, it will have all the commercial rights and interests of three home games. To this end, the China Football Association Team China has also designed a "competition partner" business cooperation package, including a series of rights and interests such as LED display time of 4.5 minutes per game.

  New cycle and new image

  Not only that, according to the big sports business, at the time of the new competition cycle, the China Football Association China Team is currently planning to rebrand itself, in order to make Team China, which should be the top sports IP in China, glow with its due vitality.

  It is reported that Team China will form a brand-new national team value concept and slogan on the field and off the field, and update the brand visual system. In the daily management of the national team, the team entry ceremony and the national team brand concept presentation will be added to enhance the emotional connection between each team member and the national team identity. Rebuild brand values and activate emotional identity with fans.

  Facing the external fans and media, Team China will also launch a brand-new brand image propaganda film. We will also coordinate with fans, sponsors, social celebrities and retired players to plan a series of public relations activities to arouse fans’ strong support for China football. And through video vlog, online interaction and other forms to explore the story of model players, strengthen interaction with fans, and output more content that fans care about and love. Gather all the forces that support China football.

  In addition, through a series of activities, we will create more active information communication channels with the media and the public, and create an open and transparent brand image of the team. With a combination of boxing, I believe everyone who pays attention to China football will look forward to the new look of China football team.

  New situation, new future

  According to He Xiaofeng, deputy secretary-general of China Football Association and general manager of Fortebo, when the new cycle comes, Fortebo has also made all-round attempts in online content creation and offline activity planning, so as to help the development of football in China by better serving customers.

  In fact, on the evening of September 6, just before the opening of this qualifier, the big sports business was accompanied by the guests and felt the "new attempt" mentioned by General Manager He outside the Barracuda Bay Stadium. Just near the entrance passage for fans, Fortebo has specially set up the official fan activity area for the China Team event, where fans can take photos, print and paint their faces for free. While providing welfare for the fans, China’s team’s major partners made quite effective offline exposure.

  In addition, in recent national team competitions, Fortebo also organized systematic offline promotion activities such as family experience day, national team star charity trip, and the second watching scene. For example, when Wang Dalei and Liu Dianzuo returned to their alma mater, Dongbei Road Primary School, they were warmly welcomed by the children and sowed the seeds of football for the children-these activities undoubtedly further activated the fans’ emotional identity with the national team.

  On the online, in recent years, Laifutebao has also gained a lot. Its self-operated social media accounts, Football China, China Football Team and China Women’s Football Team, have all settled in major social media platforms, and the number of fans in the whole network has reached more than 10 million. In 2022, China Team, a subsidiary of Fortebo, produced and published more than 4,000 articles to the content matrix, and the number of views exceeded 300 million. The exclusive original official content IP such as "No.12 Tea House" and "She said" has also been well received by fans.

  According to the staff of Fortebo, in the past year, Fortebo has also contributed to the linkage of multiple partners in the China Team family in its rich online and offline layout, and successfully created a business closed loop from brand value recognition to multi-scene exposure to brand empowerment …

  September 8 coincides with the Millennium season. In the traditional culture of China, this means that the cold air turns to attack, and the four seasons are in constant cycle. In fact, the same is true of football. No matter on or off the court, once it reaches the extreme value, it is time to switch between attack and defense. From this point of view, China football, which has been brought out of order, may be about to usher in a new situation.

  Autumn must be the harvest season. Don’t forget that tomorrow, the match between China’s national football team and the Olympic Games will start at the same time in Chengdu and Dalian, two cities that are crazy about football.

  Image source: China Futebao Football Industry Development Company

Lakers offer 5 for 1! The countdown to Harden’s joining! Mouth: The negotiation is drawing to a close.

The Lakers offered a five-for-one offer, and the countdown to Harden’s joining came to an end. At the beginning of this year’s offseason, James Harden, the star of the Sixers, applied for a deal. However, two months later, Harden’s deal still did not develop further.

Now James Harden wants to leave the 76ers team very much, and he also wants to play with his new teammates in the new season. If the 76ers trade him away in the middle of next season, he certainly won’t have so much time to play chemistry with his new teammates, and he will be wasted again.

And now I’m afraid that the management of the Sixers will directly give James Harden to Xuezang in a fit of pique, and this will also make his trading value plummet. It can be said that Harden must have personal problems besides the team’s problems, but he didn’t express anything in front of the media.

Recently, according to US media reports, the Los Angeles Lakers offered to the management of the 76ers to negotiate a deal. They were willing to offer eight village bases, Vincent, Vanderbilt Russell and a first-place rotation to get Harden. What do you think of this?

The men’s basketball team won by 20 points! Media person Qi Kwa Qiao Shuai predicts the list of 12 people. Li Kaier: Looking forward to the first show

On August 5th, Beijing time, the Trentino Cup in Italy officially started. This time, four teams from China, Italy, Cape Verde and Turkey participated. In the first round, China VS Cape Verde and Italy VS Turkey. The winners of the two teams will play in the final the next day. In the end, the China men’s basketball team won a 20-point victory 86-66, Italy narrowly beat Turkey by one point, and China will play Italy in the final.

Throughout the game, the China men’s basketball team played a very smooth performance at both ends of attack and defense, so Qiao Shuai won a praise from the media.

Among them, the media person "Mai Suifeng" thinks that the joining of Qiao Shuai has completely changed the style of play of the China men’s basketball team, and the whole team has become more determined and fluent.

The original text is as follows:

"I didn’t expect to see the China men’s basketball team put a non-Asian real World Cup team into garbage time one day, which was an eye-opener. Jorjevich is really informative."

"The change that Qiao Shuai brought to the China men’s basketball team lies in changing the team’s habitual style of play, and making everyone’s passing the ball fast and resolutely. When the speed comes up, it is easy to get a chance, because passing the ball is always faster than people.

"What we want to see is not China’s men’s basketball team beating a small African country in the warm-up match. We want to see the national team keep up with the world basketball trend, play some modern basketball, and finally achieve the set goals in the World Cup.

"Cape Verde is still a little weak. Look at the way China men’s basketball team plays against European teams. I hope Li Kaier will make his debut as soon as possible.

"Fang Shuo played a good game today, and his competitive state is good. If he can still perform like this in the face of European teams, then I definitely support him to enter the final 12-man list!"

Another media person, Inspector Zhao, also praised the changes in the China men’s basketball team, thinking that the team has finally established a system, which is impressive.

The original text is as follows:

"86-66, 20 points! Qiao Shuai has brought too many changes, such as the system, tactics, the excavation of talent and the cultivation of players’ self-confidence. Although Cape Verde is rough, we really played well! The current China men’s basketball team is refreshing and impressive. It’s really a game that I don’t want to stay up late to watch. I think everyone is very satisfied. I hope to see continuous progress and hope to see Li Kaier’s debut tomorrow! "

Premier League-The Reds have one game left, three points away from the top four, to retain the Champions League. I hope Liverpool will draw 1-1 with Villafimi.

Live on May 20 th, Beijing time at 22:00 on May 20 th, the 37 th round of the Premier League, Liverpool vs. Villa. In the first half, konate sent a point, Watkins missed his own penalty, and Jacob Ramsey pushed the goal; In the second half, Gakpo scored a goal that was blown by Fan Dike’s offside, which ushered in firmino’s tie at home. In the end, Liverpool drew 1-1 with Aston Villa, 3 points behind Manchester United in the fourth place with one round left in the league, and Aston Villa ranked seventh in the standings with 58 points.

[Key Events of Competition]

In the 27th minute, Villa took the lead, Douglas-Louis took the ball, Jacob-Ramsey put in a push to break the goal, and Villa led Liverpool 1-0 away. ↓

In the 90th minute, Salah made a cross from the right, and firmino flew into the goal, making Liverpool 1-1 at Villa. ↓

[Moment of Competition Focus]

In the third minute, the camera was given to the audience, and klopp, who was suspended from the game, watched the game from the audience. ↓

In the 20th minute, Villa counterattacked, konate fouled Watkins in the restricted area, and the referee blew a penalty. ↓

In the 22nd minute, Watkins took the penalty and the ball missed the goal. ↓

In the 39th minute, Villa made a direct free kick, and Jacob Ramsey inserted a small angle in the back row to hit the door. allison attacked in time to save the ball. ↓

In the 40th minute, Diaz headed the ball into the penalty area, and the ball failed to reach the doorframe. ↓

In the 45th minute, Mince kicked Gakpo’s chest too high, and the referee showed a yellow card warning. After listening to the opinions of VAR, the referee upheld the original judgment. ↓

After half-time, Liverpool temporarily 0-1 Villa.

In the 51st minute, Salah’s right rib in the restricted area dodged the angle and shot, and Martinez held the ball firmly. ↓

In the 55th minute, Arnold crosses, Diaz’s header ferry is cleared, Fan Dike gets the ball back, konate’s shot is blocked, and Gakpo makes up the shot, but after VAR confirmation, Fan Dike’s offside goal is invalid. ↓

In the 72nd minute, firmino and Milner came off the bench, and both of them ushered in the farewell battle at Anfield. ↓

In the 73rd minute, Gakpo made the ball, Arnold cut it to the ground at the front of the restricted area, and Martinez hugged the ball. ↓

At the end of the game, Liverpool drew 1-1 with Villa.

[Starting and substitution information of both parties]

Liverpool: 1- allison, 4- Fan Dike, 5- konate, 26- Robertson (76′ 21- Zimikas), 66- Arnold, 3- Fabinho (81′ 19- Elliot), 14- Henderson (72′ 7- Milner), 17- Curtis.

Substitutes who did not play: 62- kelleher, 2- Gomez, 28- Fabio Carvalho, 32- Matip.

Aston Villa: 1- Martinez, 2- Cash, 4- Consa, 5- Mince, 27- D ‘INE (54′ 15- Moreno) (65′ 10- Buendia), 7- McKin, 44- Bubacar-Camara, 6- Douglas-Luis (87’ 31).

Unseen substitutes: 25- Olson, 38- Sinisalo, 9- armand traore.