When the economy is stable, the number of financial stable online lending institutions has decreased by nearly 90% compared with three years ago.

Cctv newsOn March 22nd, the State Council Office held a press conference to cope with the impact of international epidemic and maintain the stability of financial markets. Liang Zhou, vice chairman of the Bank of China Insurance Regulatory Commission, said that the turmoil in the international financial market and the downward pressure on the domestic economy will definitely have a certain impact on the banking and insurance industry in China, but overall, the impact will not be too great. Economic stability leads to financial stability. From a fundamental point of view, the long-term trend of China’s economy has not changed.

Guard against financial risksIs the eternal theme of the financial industry. The financial market order is constantly improving. Since the National Financial Work Conference, China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission has focused on preventing and resolving financial risks, and has achieved positive results. The national macro leverage ratio has remained basically stable, and financial risks have also changed from the original divergent state to convergence. In the past three years,The total amount of non-performing loans handled by the banking industry reached 5.8 trillion yuan, and high-risk businesses such as shadow banking and cross-finance dropped by 16 trillion yuan.A number of financial institutions with problems have been disposed of in an orderly manner.The risk of peer-to-peer lending (P2P) has also dropped significantly, and the number of online lending institutions actually operating at present has decreased by nearly 90% compared with three years ago.A number of illegal fund-raising cases have also been severely investigated and punished, and the relevant personnel have also been punished.

Banking and insuranceRisk resilience and coping resourcesVery abundant. In recent years,Return to the source or focus on the main business, has become the development trend of banking and insurance industry. In January and February this year, new RMB loans reached 4.2 trillion yuan, an increase of 130.8 billion yuan year-on-year, which strongly supported the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic growth. In February, although many enterprises closed down and the real economy of small and medium-sized enterprises was affected, from the financial data, the non-performing loan ratio of banking institutions only increased by 0.06 percentage points at the end of February compared with the beginning of the year, and the non-performing loan ratio is now 2.08%. At the same time, the loan loss reserve of banking institutions exceeds 6 trillion yuan.There are a lot of resources dedicated to dealing with future risks.The coverage ratio of provisions reached 181% (that is, 100 yuan of non-performing loans, and 181 yuan of loss reserves will be prepared there). The bank’s capital adequacy ratio has reached 14.6%, and the insurance solvency adequacy ratio is 247%.

Integrate the two sides of the strait to create a better future.

On the evening of November 16th, the final "Players’ Night" of the 4th Cross-Strait Student Baseball League was held in Guangdong Campus of Shenzhen University. (Photo by Yin Sainan, reporter from China Taiwan Province Network)

Shenzhen, Taiwan Province, China, November 17th (Reporter Yin Sainan, Zhuona and Li Zhuyi) Integrate the two sides to create a better future. On the evening of November 16th, the performance center of Guangdong Campus of Shenzhen University was full of brilliance, and the "Players’ Night" in the finals of the 4th Cross-Strait Student Baseball League was held here. In the name of baseball, 32 teams from both sides of the Taiwan Strait and nearly 1,000 young representatives from all walks of life in Shenzhen gathered together to form friendship with songs and dispel the chill with enthusiasm.

The party scene. (Photo by Yin Sainan, reporter from China Taiwan Province Network)

Since 2017, the finals of the student baseball league across the Taiwan Strait have been successfully held for four times, which is the largest and most abundant single sports event across the Taiwan Strait. As a traditional link in the competition, "Players’ Night" has built a bridge for the players on both sides of the strait to enhance understanding, blend and communicate.

The party scene. (Photo by Yin Sainan, reporter from China Taiwan Province Network)

This year, the "Players’ Night" party was organized around three chapters: Yanhuang, Reunion and Going Together. Players and actors performed on the same stage, sports and art merged across borders, and tradition and modernity merged and innovated.

The party scene. (Photo by Yin Sainan, reporter from China Taiwan Province Network)

The "Flash" in armor, the majestic Book of Songs of Elegance, Wing Chun, which is deeply rooted in Lingnan culture, and Taiwan Province Mountain Dance "We are All Family" full of treasure island customs … The audience was deeply moved by the enthusiasm and smile of the actors. Compatriots love, brotherhood, regardless of you and me, we are all family.

Taiwan Province players interact closely with local fans. (Photo by Yin Sainan, reporter from China Taiwan Province Network)

"Walking into the’ Players’ Night’ scene, many small details’ hit’ me, which made me feel more and more lucky to come to Shenzhen to participate in the baseball game." Tang Chengzong, a member of the Taitung Sports Baseball Team, said that he is a senior three and is about to enter higher education. "After returning to school, I will talk more about Shenzhen with my younger brothers and sisters and encourage everyone to come and see it."

The atmosphere at the party was warm. (Photo by Yin Sainan, reporter from China Taiwan Province Network)

This night, full of lights, players on both sides of the strait swayed together in laughter. (End)

The combination of physical education and football dreams is clearer

  Wandering in the beautiful campus of Yan ‘an Second Road Primary School in Qingdao, intoxicating black and white elves can be seen everywhere. On the playground, small football jumps at the feet of children, and the pictures displayed along the stairs tell the course of the development of school football characteristics … The whole school has become a "football cultural magnetic field", infecting every member in it.

  Qingdao is a well-known football city in China, and the popularity of campus football is ahead of many places in China. In football activities, students have been trained, improved their skills, learned to cooperate, and enhanced the cohesion of the community.

  In the past year, the national campus football developed vigorously. Like Qingdao, all localities took measures according to local conditions and created a good atmosphere for the development of campus football. Campus football is sweeping across the country with a rapid momentum. There are more and more green fields on campus, and more and more children are jumping on the green fields. The characteristics of campus football are constantly expanding …

  Promote campus football into an upgraded version.

  Over the past year or so, all provinces in China have innovated campus football work, designed the overall idea of campus football work at the provincial level, and issued relevant implementation opinions on promoting campus football in primary and secondary schools.

  Beijing’s 2016 football project will be included in the selected test items of the senior high school entrance examination, and at the same time, the football project test will be explored in the senior high school physical education examination.

  Guangdong Province has initially established a campus football network with national cities as the main line and provincial cities as the supplement. In the next step, Guangdong will continue to expand the football population and cultivate educated football people, and integrate the promotion of campus football into all aspects of school education as a breakthrough to promote school physical education reform.

  In order to promote the popularization of campus football, Hubei Province has included football in students’ extracurricular sports and extracurricular sports activities. The Office of the Leading Group for Campus Football Work in Henan Province has "three chapters" for all campus football pilot schools in the province: football classes should be included in the school-based curriculum, and at least one football class must be guaranteed every week; Two big recess activities for half an hour every day, one of which must arrange football-related content; A class football league must be held once a year.


  There is a strong "whirlwind" in campus football.

  In this atmosphere, the League Four has been promoted smoothly, the camp activities have been carried out brilliantly, and various cups have continued.

  On November 26, 2014, a national video conference on campus football for teenagers was held. The meeting proposed that we should adhere to the combination of sports and education, be determined to reform and innovate, and promote the popularization of campus football.

  Yuan Guiren, Minister of Education, said that the Ministry of Education will dominate campus football and launch a series of measures to promote campus football into an upgraded version. The goal of the Ministry of Education is to strive to support the construction of about 20,000 schools with football characteristics in primary and secondary schools and 200 high-level football teams in colleges and universities nationwide by 2017, and to form regional characteristics. In addition, according to the national campus football competition plan, four leagues are organized for primary schools, junior high schools, senior high schools and universities.

  Then, on March 16th, 2015, the General Office of the State Council released the Overall Plan for the Development and Reform of Football in China, which is the goal of China’s 10-year plan for football and has raised football to the height of "national policy".

  Known as "the biggest reform in China’s football history", this plan has defined 50 specific measures, covering the reform of the Football Association, league reform, national football construction, youth training system, bid for the World Cup, China League Football Lottery and other fields. It is estimated that by 2025, 50,000 schools with football characteristics will be built with 50 million students.

  On August 13th, the website of the Ministry of Education officially published the "Implementation Opinions of the Ministry of Education and Other Six Departments on Accelerating the Development of Youth Campus Football". The "Opinions" pointed out that the goal of campus football is to basically build a youth campus football development system with China characteristics by 2020, which conforms to the law of talent growth, with extensive participation of young people, continuous improvement of sports level, dynamic institutional mechanisms, strong basic conditions and vigorous cultural atmosphere.

  In September 2015, after comprehensive selection, the Ministry of Education identified and named 8,627 primary and secondary schools such as Chongwen Primary School in Beijing as national youth campus football characteristic schools, and 38 counties (districts) such as Yanqing County in Beijing as national youth campus football pilot counties (districts).

  The Ministry of Education requires that characteristic schools and pilot counties should open an Internet-based campus football information platform, publicize the progress of campus football, report football activities, exchange work experience and display characteristic achievements. Education administrative departments at all levels in various localities incorporate the work of characteristic schools and pilot counties into the education supervision and inspection and the evaluation of school physical education, and carry out special inspections on a regular basis.

  Since then, the blueprint for the development of campus football has been basically drawn. However, how to make this whirlwind of campus football stronger and more lasting? You can find the answer in the concrete practice at the grassroots level.

  Hardware and software "grasp with both hands"

  For a long time, a prominent problem that restricts the development of campus football is the lack of venues. In some schools, "there is no place for children to do exercises, and there is no place for them to play football".

  This situation is particularly prominent in some schools located in the center of big cities and in the old campuses of some schools. These schools are not short of money and excellent teachers, but the limited space is the biggest problem that restricts them from developing campus football.

  In order to solve the problem of football venue conditions, Beijing has adopted the overall planning of the municipal and district governments, rented social venues to carry out football activities through the government’s purchase of services, and built small venues and cage football and other characteristic venues according to local conditions inside and outside the urban campus; And in the outer suburbs, thousands of simple football venues have been transformed by using community space and idle lots.

  There are more than 1,200 students in Chongren No.2 Primary School in Qiaokou District, Wuhan City. The school is located in the commercial and prosperous hexagonal street area with limited sports venues. Schools adjust measures to local conditions, strengthen the basic technical training of small venues, such as dribbling, bouncing, arch passing, simple two-one tactics. With the help of the resources of the District Cultural and Sports Bureau, the school carried out football training in the nearby Liujiaoting Stadium. In 2014 alone, the school "produced" four national youth team players at one time.

  In terms of funding guarantee, many cities are unequivocal and give strong support to the development of campus football. In 2014, Guangzhou Education Bureau issued a subsidy of 1.76 million yuan to 54 traditional football schools and 4.56 million yuan to 304 campus football promotion schools in Guangzhou, totaling 6.32 million yuan.

  For many problems that have long plagued the development of campus football, many places have innovated systems and mechanisms to solve them, and made breakthroughs in building campus football league system, compiling campus football teaching materials with local characteristics, and creating campus football development atmosphere, so that more and more children can enjoy the happiness of campus football.

  In addition to paying attention to the improvement of "hardware" conditions, many places have also set their sights on upgrading the "software" of campus football. In many places, combined with the local actual situation, the superior resources are used to develop campus football. In the promotion of campus football, various localities have made characteristics in building platforms, innovating institutional mechanisms, constructing campus football league system, compiling campus football teaching materials with local characteristics, and creating campus football development atmosphere.

  Don’t give extra points for exams, just for freedom.

  "We can’t guarantee that every child will become an international and a star in the future, but we can bring joy to each of them." Wu Mingyu, director of Mianyang Education and Sports Bureau, Sichuan Province, said that according to the calculation of Mianyang Education and Sports Bureau, by 2017, there will be more than 100 youth football teams in the city, and thousands of students will participate in football training and competitions.

  Combining popularization with improvement, paying equal attention to class and playing field, and persisting in benefiting all students are the ideas of Chongqing Pengshui to carry out campus football. In the process of promoting village school football education, Pengshui County insists on classification and popularization, and promotes it according to its materials. For schools with only grades one to three, focus on offering theoretical courses to popularize the basic knowledge of football and promote basic skills; For students above the fourth grade, in addition to theoretical promotion, they will also try to popularize simple skills.

  "The significance of vigorously promoting the end campus football is not to cultivate future football stars, but to let the children in the mountains have a healthy body and tenacious will with the help of football as a carrier, and put wings on their football dreams." Jiang Yong, director of Pengshui County Education Committee, said.

  In such a campus football environment, which does not add extra points to the exam, is not utilitarian, but only happy, the children are galloping freely and growing healthily.

  Campus football activities have been carried out in many schools, and a large number of schools have achieved certain results in carrying out campus football activities. In order to get to school early and play more football, many students in the primary school attached to Tsinghua gradually develop the habit of going to bed early and getting up early.

  The person in charge of Chaisang Primary School in Xunyang District, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province told the reporter that carrying out campus football activities has improved the qualified rate of students’ physical health, improved their overall quality, and achieved ideal competition results in various sports competitions at all levels.

  Accelerating the development of youth campus football is an important measure to fully implement the party’s educational policy and promote the physical and mental health of young students, and it is also a basic project to improve the development level of national football.

  It can be predicted that when children who practice football reach a certain scale and their skill level reaches a certain height, high-level children will naturally emerge, and China football will have a bright future.

  The deputies said

  Alva Wang, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and deputy director of Sichuan Provincial Department of Education:

  Campus football should do good things well and do big things.

  For campus football, we should do good things and do big things.

  Campus football is a breakthrough in cultivating people by virtue and educating people by competition. The country also considers it a major event, so it should give full play to the scientific effect of campus football. Campus football is different from social football and competitive football. It should have its own rules. Its more goal is to educate people, rather than focusing on achievements. Campus football needs to let students know why they win, because they win with their own strength and wisdom. At the same time, campus football can also cultivate students’ awareness of obeying rules. For example, the basic rules of "you can’t play football with your hands" and "you can’t play basketball with your feet" are helpful to establish students’ awareness of rules, professionalism and professional ethics.

  Campus football is not about cultivating athletes. There are 12 million students in Sichuan who take part in campus football, but few of them can become professional football players. Then why should all students participate? Because we promote campus football, we hope to cultivate seeds, seedlings, top players and players. The goal of campus football is to cultivate builders who understand football, abide by rules and have a strong body, not competitive athletes. (Interview with our reporter Zhang Chunming)

  ——■ Typical case—

  Wuhan Xinhe Village Primary School:

  In 49 years, "kicked out" 34 international players.  

  Located in a crowded old residential area, Wuhan Xinhe Village Primary School is surrounded by buildings on three sides. Campus area is small, only more than 6000 square meters, is a standard "sparrow school". However, there are not many students at all, and more than 80% of the 1036 students come from the families of migrant workers.

  It is such an ordinary primary school that regards "Happy Football" as a characteristic education. It has persisted for 49 years in a narrow space and lack of professional teachers, and has successively stepped out of 34 "international players" such as Feng Zhigang, Zheng Bin and Lei Tenglong, and has become a famous campus football characteristic school in China.

  The school only has a trapezoidal artificial lawn sports ground and a stormy playground. In the words of principal Hou Lin, "there is no place to row the runway".

  However, when you enter the school, you will find that most of the children here wear jerseys and sneakers to go to school; During recess activities, students flock to the playground, mostly playing football; Even during the break, teachers and children danced self-made football exercises. Every class has a football lesson every week, and both boys and girls will kick a few feet.

  "In order for all children to feel the joy of football, the school adopts time-sharing, venue-sharing and reasonable arrangement of teaching content to ensure the implementation of school-based curriculum." Hou Lin said, "At present, there are 24 classes in the school, and each class has a football team. Every day, more than 100 members of the school team practice on the playground for two hours after school.

  Although the campus is small, Xinhe Village Primary School has turned "small" football into a "big" culture on campus.

  The flags, uniforms and slogans of each class are designed by the children themselves. On the court, girls also have to show up. When boys play football, girls play football baby and cheer for boys. Teachers also put football into Chinese and math classes. In addition, every year’s "Campus Football Festival" and every semester’s "Healthy Cup" class football league, all children participate and enjoy the endless happiness brought by football.

  "For children who don’t like playing football and love painting, they can draw football; Love writing, can be a football reporter; If you love to be handmade, you can create your own World Cup. " Wang Jianhong, director of the school’s football education, said.

  The "cradle of international players" originated from the first children’s football team in Xinhe Village Primary School in 1966-Shan Ying Team. In that year, Yang Zheng, a math teacher who had just joined the work, tried to gather children to practice football in teams. In the past few decades, school leaders have changed from batch to batch, and the "Shan Ying Football Team" has been marching from district and municipal leagues to national stadiums step by step, and the characteristics of football education have become brighter and brighter.

  Now, Xinhe Village has two full-time football coaches, and hired retired parents from the provincial team to coach the football team to ensure the implementation of the school-based curriculum.

  In a class football match after school, although the players were all teenagers, the game was wonderful. On the court, he played well and was very devoted; Off the field, the cheerleaders on both sides kept shouting and cheering. The goal was scored, everyone cheered, lost the goal, stamped their feet and regretted it, and the joy was written on the tender face.

  In Xinhe Village Primary School, such competitions are held almost every day. Children not only get health and happiness from football, but also have many other gains.

  A recent survey by Wuhan CPPCC shows that compared with other schools, there are fewer "chubby" and "nearsighted" students in Xinhe Village Primary School. "This is due to the popularity of campus football." Wang Jianhong told reporters. (The original text was published in the fifth edition of China Education News on March 25, 2015. Our reporter Zhang Chen Li Xiaowei Cheng Mo)

186 million in 3 years! 66.8 million a year! The Lakers offered the highest salary, with an average price of 62 million, ranking first in history.

About Anthony Davis’ contract renewal, I finally got the result! According to Woj, agent Ricky Paul revealed that Anthony Davis and the Lakers reached a three-year contract with a maximum salary of $186 million. The average salary of this contract is $62 million, which is the highest average salary renewal contract in the NBA. In this way, Davis’ contract with the Lakers will last until 2028, with a total price of more than $270 million.

186 million in 3 years! 66.8 million dollars a season!

It is reported that the starting salary of this contract will be $40.6 million next season. Until the 2027-28 season, the amount of this contract in the last year will reach 66.8 million US dollars, which is the highest level in history. This contract is undoubtedly a high recognition and trust for Davis, and also a guarantee for the Lakers’ long-term competitiveness. Davis has proved his value and role in the Lakers. He is the pillar of both offensive and defensive ends of the team and James’ most reliable partner. Davis’ staying in the team also means that the Lakers will continue to build a lineup around him and James and seek more championships.

Last season, due to injury, Anthony Davis played 56 games for the Lakers in the regular season, averaging 25.9 points, 12.5 rebounds, 2.6 assists, 1.1 steals and 2.0 blocks. Playoff stage, played 16 games, averaging 22.6 points, 14.1 rebounds, 2.6 assists, 1.4 steals and 3.1 blocks.

Anthony Davis in the regular season is in the top ten in scoring, rebounding and blocking, and his shooting percentage is 56.3%. In the playoff stage, especially against the Warriors G3, he scored 40 points, 20 rebounds, 5 assists and 4 blocks in a single game, helping the Lakers to eliminate the Warriors 4-2 and reach the Western Conference finals. However, in the face of the overall Nuggets, the strength of the Lakers was not enough, and eventually it was swept away.

Hidden dangers of AD

First, injury factors: Davis has been plagued by injuries in the past two seasons. He missed 36 and 30 regular season games and 11 playoff games respectively. His injuries are mainly concentrated in his legs and back, which is very dangerous for a big man who is 6 feet 10 inches tall and weighs 253 pounds. Davis needs to stay healthy and in shape to play his best and help the Lakers win the championship.

Second, role positioning: The Lakers brought in Hayes this summer and renewed his contract by eight inches, plus Fan Debiao was on the team. The heavy eyebrows in the new season may be transferred from the 5 th position to the 4 th position. Previously, in order to play center, AD gained a lot of weight, which caused great pressure on his knees and back. This time Hayes joined, which can liberate the thick eyebrows and return to the No.4 position, which is also excellent.

Since the park won the championship in 2020, the Lakers have failed to make it to the finals for three seasons. This summer, Pelinka not only retained the core players such as Reeves, Bacunculi and Russell, but also introduced Vincent, Prince, Hayes and Reddish to the free agent market. While ensuring the chemical reaction of the team, it further deepened the depth of the team’s lineup. They have excellent scorers and defensive gates on the inside and outside. They have the most luxurious front line-up, they can compete with any team and have the strength and confidence to win the championship.

The Lakers need to maintain their health and state in order to play their best and help the Lakers compete for the championship. The Lakers need to arrange their own training and competition plans reasonably to avoid unnecessary injury risks.

Have no martial ethics! Clippers officer Xuan Xiaoka was absent from G4 due to injury, and American Yang Yi was angry: Owen was not wanted.

On April 22nd, local time, on April 21st, the Clippers officially announced that leonard, the star of the team, would continue to miss the series G4 because of a sprained knee. At present, the total score of the Clippers is 1-2 behind the Suns. In this regard, Steven A-Smith, a famous ESPN speaker and American Yang Yi, said angrily in the program: leonard simply retired, preferring Owen to him!

On April 22nd, Clippers officially announced that leonard would continue to miss the series G4 due to a sprained knee. Previously, leonard missed the G3 series due to injury, and the team lost the game. At present, the score is 1-2 behind the Suns.

In addition to leonard, George will continue to miss the game because of a sprained right knee. According to Lawrence Frank, general manager of Clippers, Cam’s injury will not affect George’s recovery schedule.

After learning that leonard will miss the first round G4, ESPN celebrity Steven A-Smith was emotional and continued to anger leonard: "I have to say, I’ve had enough of Cam, and I’ve had enough of him. Why don’t you just retire?" This guy threatened the Clippers to trade everything for George because he threatened to go to the Lakers if he didn’t follow his request. Just after Cam helped the Raptors win the championship, the Clippers gave Cam everything he wanted, including money, physical therapists, private jets and so on. The Clippers gave him everything.

But cam missed too many games! Even missed half the game. He and Paul George only played three playoff games together. You can’t make up an excuse. They only played 22% of the games together. Oh, my God! This is completely unreasonable. Leonard is absent regularly, which is often not even due to injury. This guy G1 scored 38 points in World War I, G2 scored 31 points. In Phoenix, he just got Durant and Booker, and the series was 1-1. It seemed nothing to walk off. Then the next day, Tyrone Lu woke up and got the message that he couldn’t call.

Now he can’t even play G4, and this happened on the premise that he missed almost the whole season last season, which is shameful. Even Tyrone Lu is depressed, which is what makes me most angry. You have reached a point, which is what I said. I want Owen more than leonard, and I want Owen more than leonard! "

In this regard, netizens have said, "Owen who doesn’t talk."

"Wei Shao, I thought I could hold two thighs, but I didn’t think I became a thigh."

"All right, the series is over."

"The clippers have raised a treasure."

"The Clippers have gone far, but it’s a pity that the team is so hard."

"Come back to the fire line at 3:1?"

"regular break, playoff break"

"When the money arrives, you have to take a vacation."

"His wishful thinking: about 40 games in the regular season, the general schedule of paddling! In the first round and the second round of the playoffs, I lay all the way, and I decided to play 5 games to solve the battle, and the other paddles! In the finals, Tianwangshan made efforts to grab 7 efforts, and finally fmvp took it away. Everyone praised him as Jordan and led the team with one core! "

"This should be the only existence in history. Playing a game and taking a break or even playing a half-time break this season. Then the question is, what kind of injury is it that will be good after a game? "

"Since he left to train his spurs, his mind has become more and more heavy. The baiwenhang wants to do whatever he wants, and there is no professional ethics at all!"

Running the World Natural Heritage Site Shi Bing started the first "Ink Yunshan" cross-country race.

At 8: 00 a.m. on April 22nd, the 2023 "Running Guizhou" Mountain Running Series (Shibing Station) and the first Shibing "Ink Yunshan" Cross-country Running Challenge started in Shibing Music Fountain Square, and more than 1,000 runners rushed to various sports landscapes of "Ink Yunshan".

The reporter learned that the "Running Guizhou" mountain running series is a self-owned brand event created by the Guizhou Provincial Sports Bureau. It was founded in 2018 and has been selected as a national sports industry demonstration project and a China sports tourism event. Along the way, tens of thousands of runners started their first cross-country race in this large-scale series in southwest China. No matter old friends or newcomers, they all followed the pace of "running Guizhou" and fully enjoyed the magnificent landscape of Guizhou between good mountains and good waters.

Yuntai Mountain, a world natural heritage site, is a tourist treasure for exploring and seeking seclusion on the eastern route of Guizhou Province. The athletes’ departure broke the tranquility here and brought back the wild interest of cross-country running. This competition is the second stop of the 2023 "Running Guizhou" mountain running series. There are three groups of 50 km "Chaoshan Group", 20 km "Xunshan Group" and 10 km "Leshan Group", including many elite athletes such as Zheng Wenrong, Wang Aili, Wang Zhihu, Wu Yongbo and Shi Aiai, and more than 1,000 cross-country runners. Shi Qiang, a contestant who specially came from Chengdu, Sichuan, said: "The Cunninghamia lanceolata River is crystal clear, and Yuntai Mountain has a long-standing reputation. Today, I can immerse myself in the beautiful scenery here and feel physically and mentally happy through running." "Although it is the first time to participate in the competition, I think I can fight and surpass some players." Since shibin No.3 Middle School, Wu Escape River said happily.

As a more challenging 20-kilometer race, after about two hours of cross-country trekking in the mountains, the contestants reached the finish line one after another. Zhang Guili, a female player from guiyang university, won the second place. "It’s my first time to participate. I’m very tired when climbing the hill. I feel that I can’t hold on. It’s completely unexpected to finally get the ranking."

During the 50-kilometer race of Chaoshan Group, the contestants will pass through Yuntai Mountain Scenic Area, a world natural heritage site, and Cunninghamia River Rafting Scenic Area, a national AAAA scenic spot, and shuttle between mountains, streams and ancient roads, so that they can truly feel the charm of Shi Bing’s intersection of nature and humanity.

After fierce competition, in the end, Liao Tingying, Zhang Guili and Zhou Yangyang won the top three women in the 20km mountain-seeking group, while Shi Aiai, Li Xun and Gao Li Chang won the top three men in the 20km mountain-seeking group. Wang Aili, Fan Lina and An Qin won the top three women in the 50 km Chaoshan group, while Wang Zhihu, Wu Yongbo and Wang Jinhai won the top three men in the 50 km Chaoshan group. Ping Huang Qielan Long-distance Running Association and other organizations won the Best Organization Award.

"Today, the weather is not hot, which is more suitable for running. This track is also very easy to run. I have been running in the mountains, and the scenery and track are better. It is quite comfortable to run all the way down." Wang Zhihu said happily. Wang Aili, who won the first place in the 50-kilometer women’s team, excitedly told reporters: "I only came into contact with cross-country running last year. The first feeling when I came here was that the mountains and rivers were beautiful, and I will come again next year."

In order to protect every dream of going to Shan Ye, the staff and volunteers made preparations early. Steaming fried rice with eggs, delicious and sweet corn porridge, bamboo sun chicken soup with endless aftertaste, electrolyte drinks full of energy, as well as five-color glutinous rice with local characteristics, beef stewed radish, white sour soup, lime and alkali, and …… a group of luxury food supplies brought the best logistical support to each athlete. During the competition, the local catering industry and accommodation industry were booming, and restaurants with local beef dishes were even more busy. Player An Qin said that because of the beautiful scenery of Yuntai Mountain, he was reluctant to return for Shi Bing’s food.

After 12 years, it is expected that Beijing will bid for the 2027 World Championships in Track and Field again.

On April 22nd, China Athletics Association published the Announcement of China Athletics Association on the Bidding Results of 2027 World Athletics Championships on its official website. The announcement showed that according to the relevant requirements of the Notice of China Athletics Association on the Public Bidding of 2027 World Athletics Championships, China Athletics Association had completed the bidding work of bidding cities for 2027 World Athletics Championships. After research, only Beijing applied and met the solicitation conditions.

IAAF World Championships in Athletics, the top international track and field event hosted by international association of athletics federations, was founded in 1983, initially every four years, and changed to every two years in 1991. Beijing successfully hosted the 15th World Athletics Championships in the National Stadium (Bird’s Nest) from August 22 to 30, 2015. More than 2,000 athletes from more than 200 countries and regions competed fiercely in 47 events, showing the world a wonderful track and field event. At present, Beijing is going all out to bid for the World Championships in Track and Field, expecting to return to Beijing after 12 years, so that the eyes of the whole world will once again focus on the "Double Olympic City".