In the past few years, why did Wang Jianlin suddenly "make a comeback"?

City Express news, 69 years old this year, Wang Jianlin, who is about to enter his seventies,Recently, it has begun to appear frequently in the public eye

The retired Lao Wang, recentlyClass A share market reduction operationIt has attracted much attention.

According to the statistics of Changjiang Business Daily, from 2019 to 2022, Wanda Film’s net profit loss exceeded 12.60 billion yuan in the past four years, while the company’s cumulative net profit from 2013 to 2018 was only 7.575 billion yuan.

Among them, in 2019, Wanda Film 10.50 billion yuan to acquire 95.7683% equity of Wanda Film and Television, but the company has not completed the performance bet for three consecutive years. Even if Zhang Lin regains control of Wanda Film,Failed to reverse the decline

Entering 2023, the national movie box office is picking up, Wanda Film’s share price is rising, but the company’s controlling shareholders are waiting for an opportunity to cash out.

On the evening of April 19Wanda Film announced that Wanda Investment plans to reduce its holdings of the company’s shares by no more than 65.3811 million shares, calculated according to the closing price on the announcement day.The maximum cash can be about 950 million yuan. The reason for the reduction is: shareholders’ own capital needs.

And just over a month agoWanda Film’s controlling shareholder, Wanda Culture Group, has reduced its 43.5653 million shares.Cash out about 583 million yuan

You know, the actual controller of Wanda Investment and Wanda Culture Group is Wang Jianlin, founder of Wanda Group.He reduced his holdings these two times, and the maximum cash can exceed 1.50 billion yuan

"One billion as a small goal"Lao WangShort of money?

In fact, Wang Jianlin’s life has witnessed the rise, prosperity and transformation of China’s real estate industry.

The rise in oil prices has made Japan the biggest beneficiary

  The three oil crises of the 1970s and 1990s profoundly changed the industrial structure of the automotive powerhouses in Europe and the US. But they also represented opportunities. If there was only one winner in this far-reaching series of historical events, it was Japanese cars.

  Before the oil crisis, although Japanese cars had an export layout in overseas markets, their share was always small. At the same time, the inherent impressions of Europeans and Americans such as counterfeit products, quality and low grade always lingered on the top of Japanese cars. However, after the oil crisis, Western consumers had to accept the reality, and Japanese cars ushered in the trend of going global.

  Taking advantage of the opportunity of the oil crisis, Japanese cars eventually became an important pole of the global automobile industry. But in addition to the impact of objective events now known as "black swans", the subjective initiative of the Japanese automobile industry is also worthy of future memories. Freezing three feet is not a day’s cold, the formation of an automobile industrial country is the main reason.

  Growing up in war

  The original Japanese auto industry was born in the 1930s, 30-50 years later than the developed countries in Europe and the United States. At that time, the Japanese market was dominated by American cars, and giants such as General Motors and Ford established assembly plants in the country. Later, factories such as Toyota and Datsun (the predecessor of Nissan) created the first cars produced by Japanese companies by reverse-copying European and American models such as Chevrolet, Chrysler, and Austin.

  At the same time, in order to encourage the production of autonomous vehicles, the Japanese government also promulgated the "Automobile Manufacturing Business Law", which stipulates that companies that produce more than 3,000 cars a year must be approved by the government, and more than half of the shares must be owned by local companies. However, the Great Depression that swept the world at the time brought the fledgling Japanese automakers to the brink of bankruptcy.

  At this time, they were saved by a full-scale war of aggression launched by Japanese militarism. The early Japanese car companies were transformed into arsenal factories that started the war machine, but they were also quickly dealt a heavy blow by the defeat of the war. After the end of World War II, Japan, a defeated country, was devastated by society and economy, and its fledgling automobile industry was also on the verge of destruction.

  In this context, the Japanese government, which had just announced its unconditional surrender, still called together the few car companies at the time, demonstrating the government’s support for the auto industry. On the other hand, the United States, out of consideration against the Soviet camp, stationed troops in Japan and began to support Japan’s economy. Especially during the Korean War, the US military provided a large number of military truck orders to the nearest Japan, allowing Japanese car companies that were struggling after the war to quickly recover. For Japanese cars, this also provides an opportunity for them to open up the US market in the future.

  In order to make up for the lack of resources during the economic difficulties, the Japanese government began to encourage the production of short-wheelbase and small-displacement cars through preferential policies such as tax reduction, resulting in the series of cars known as K-Cars. These economical and practical cars not only quickly popularized cars in postwar Japanese households, but also laid the foundation for the subsequent industrial upgrading of Japanese cars. With the support of policies, the number of car companies in Japan after the war rapidly increased from single digits to nearly 30.

  Since the 1950s, the Japanese government has promulgated the "Basic Guidelines for the Introduction of Foreign Investment in Passenger Vehicles", and began to continuously introduce technology to developed countries in Europe, America, and Japan’s car companies have successively established cooperative relations with overseas auto giants. In 1950, Toyota’s then president, Eiji Toyoda, made a special trip to Detroit to inspect Ford’s factories; Nissan’s predecessor, Datsun, officially purchased the patents of Austin in the United Kingdom in 1952 and assembled cars in Japan in the form of CKD. Austin provided technical assistance to Datsun. In addition, cooperation between Hino and French Renault, Mitsubishi and Chevrolet of the United States is also developing.

  By the early 1960s, Japanese car companies had completed the original accumulation of technology, and the annual production and sales of domestic cars exceeded 400,000. In November 1963, Japan further established the automobile industry as a strategic industry at the Industrial Structure Review Conference. From the 1950s to the 1970s, Japan has introduced more than 400 technologies from developed countries in Europe, America and other countries.

  However, while absorbing technology, the Japanese government has also implemented measures such as tariffs and foreign exchange controls to protect the domestic automobile industry, and implemented them through legislation such as the Enterprise Rationalization Promotion Law and the Machinery Industry Revitalization Temporary Measures Law. The tariff barrier for imported automobiles was once as high as 40%. And the penetration of foreign capital into Japanese automobile companies is also strictly guarded.

  In addition to government support, the improvement of technology, quality and management by Japanese automakers at that time also greatly improved the quality of Japanese cars. For example, the Toyota production method, which has far-reaching impact on future generations, was born in the early 1950s. And some classic models that continue to this day, such as Toyota Crown, Corolla, Nissan Bluebird, Honda Civic, etc., were also introduced one after another in the 1950s and 1960s.

  In addition, in order to strengthen the overall quality of Japanese cars and eliminate uncompetitive enterprises, under the leadership of the Japanese government, Japanese cars carried out a series of mergers in the 1960s, reducing the number of highly competitive 30 to about 10, which increased the concentration of the industry.

  By 1970, the annual sales of Japanese cars had reached 4.10 million, 10 times that of the early 1960s, and the number of cars owned by 1,000 people had risen from 14 in 1960 to about 170.

  After all, the local market demand in Japan is limited. At the same time as the rapid growth of the industry, Japanese car companies are also trying to export. However, throughout the 1960s, Japanese cars were mainly aimed at the third world countries in South America and South East Asia. The best-selling models in Japan, such as the Toyota Crown, were also exported to the United States, but sales were also very low because they did not meet the needs of American consumers.

  It was not until the arrival of the first oil crisis that Japanese cars were "a blessing in disguise" and really went to the world, especially major automobile consumer markets such as Europe, America and others.

  blessing in disguise

  In 1970, at the call of American social environmentalists at that time, the US government introduced the "Air Purification Act" (Musky Act), which stipulated that after five years, cars emitted only one-tenth of the pollutants. This bill undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to the three American giants that were popular at that time, but it provided an opportunity for Japanese cars to further open up the US market.

  In 1972, the CVCC engine developed by Honda became the first engine to comply with the Musky Act and quickly gained popularity in the United States.

  In October 1973, shortly after the outbreak of the Fourth Middle East War, the United States publicly sided with Israel and provided it with $2.20 billion in military aid. In order to sanction the United States and the West, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) began to implement a series of production cuts and oil embargoes. After the war, the oil exporting countries continued to cut production by more than 10% and pushed to raise the price of oil from $3 per barrel to $13, which was the first oil crisis.

  The oil crisis dealt a heavy blow to the developed automobile industry in Europe and the United States. During this period, global automobile production fell from nearly 40 million to 33 million. Car consumers in Europe and the United States had to give up their favorite large-displacement cars and performance cars in favor of affordable small-displacement cars. The auto giants were also forced to abandon their original production plans for large cars.

  Throughout the 1970s, Japan’s domestic auto market ended a period of rapid growth, with sales increasing from 4.10 million to 5 million. After the shock, Japan launched a new energy technology development plan in 1974, and introduced an industrial policy to reduce energy consumption, focusing on the development and promotion of energy-saving technologies and equipment. Later, the Energy Conservation Law was introduced to restrain it.

  But at the same time, Japan’s industrial structure dominated by small-displacement vehicles has allowed Japanese cars to find opportunities to break through overseas. Although the previous Japanese cars were scorned by many Europeans and Americans because of their brands, more people began to choose cars with better fuel economy due to the economic pressure caused by fuel consumption. At this time, in addition to affordable prices, Japanese cars have made great progress in technology and production management. In the past, the stereotype of counterfeit products and inferior quality in the eyes of Westerners was changed. Coupled with the good relations between Japan and the United States, Japanese cars soon became popular in the American market.

  In 1975, Japan’s domestic automobile production exceeded 7 million for the first time; by 1977, Japan’s automobile exports had reached 4.35 million, three times more than in 1970; the proportion of exported automobiles in total automobile production skyrocketed from 20% in 1970 to more than 50%.

  The shadow of the first oil crisis has not yet dissipated. With the outbreak of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and the Iran-Iraq War, the second oil crisis followed in the early 1980s, with oil prices rising from $14 per barrel to nearly $40. Global car sales fell for four consecutive years during the crisis, from 42 million to less than 39 million.

  This time, however, Japan’s increasingly mature auto industry has achieved greater success. During the second oil crisis, Japan’s domestic automobile production exceeded 10 million and 11 million in a row, and its exports exceeded 6 million for the first time. In 1980, Japanese automobiles surpassed the United States for the first time to become the world’s largest.

  The most important reason why Japanese cars can overtake American cars is the continued "attack" on the US market. During the second oil crisis, the production of American cars fell from 11 million to 8 million. In contrast, from 1978 to 1980, the number of Japanese car exports to the United States increased from 1.50 million to nearly 2 million, and the sales reached 2.40 million. The proportion of imported cars in the United States reached 80%, and the share of Japanese cars in the US market was as high as 20%.

  The real crisis

  Japan’s economic take-off and the strength of Japanese cars in the US market have threatened the US government and automakers. Under the impact of Japanese cars, American giants such as GM, Ford, and Chrysler have laid off more than 220,000 workers. The United Auto Workers (UAW) even broke out a campaign to smash Japanese cars.

  Under pressure from the United States, after negotiations between Japan and the United States, an agreement on independent restrictions on Japanese exports of cars to the United States was formed in 1981, which stipulated that the export scale of Japanese cars to the US market in subsequent years was limited to 1.68 million cars in 1981-1983, 1.85 million cars in 1984, 2.30 million cars in 1985 and 1986, and then dropped to about 2 million cars in subsequent years.

  At the same time, Japanese automakers began to choose to set up factories or joint ventures in the US market to avoid policy restrictions. After 1982, Honda, Nissan, Toyota, and Mazda successively established factories in the United States. In addition, joint ventures between Toyota and General Motors, Mitsubishi and Chrysler were also established during this period.

  On the other hand, under the premise of limited sales, Japanese cars to improve brand perception and increase profitability, Honda, Toyota, Nissan and other leading companies have launched high-end models for the needs of North American consumers, Acura, Lexus and Infiniti were born in this period.

  As a result, despite the decrease in imports, the profits of Japanese automakers have actually increased due to the high-priced luxury cars produced in the United States. With the outbreak of the Gulf War, the third oil crisis came. In the 1990s, the world’s car production decreased from nearly 50 million to 47 million, but Japan’s domestic car production approached 13.50 million, and sales reached a historical peak of 7.77 million. In addition, Japan’s overseas car production also exceeded 3 million for the first time, and the proportion of Japanese cars in the world rose to nearly 40%.

  However, luck has not always favored Japanese cars. Since the Plaza Accord in 1985, Japan’s domestic economic bubble burst due to the appreciation of the yen, which ushered in the "lost decade", and Japan’s domestic car production and sales have also slipped from their peak and began to decline year by year.

  Under the policy protection of domestic enterprises and the continuous suppression of Japanese cars. In 1994, American cars regained the first place in the global market. In 1995, the US government further announced a 100% tariff on luxury cars from Japan. The following year, Japanese car exports fell directly to 3.71 million, a decrease of 45% compared with the 1985 Plaza Agreement.

  Faced with the difficulties caused by economic stagnation, Japanese automakers are not sitting still. In order to continue to cater to the industry trend of energy conservation and emission reduction, Japanese automakers continue to develop engine technologies with stronger fuel economy. In 1997, the Toyota Prius based on THS hybrid technology was launched, and it became the best-selling model in North America again in the early 21st century. Later, the Honda i-MMD and Nissan e-Power were launched one after another, and the Japanese hybrid once again played a brand effect in the global market.

  In addition, while the US market is encountering bottlenecks, Japanese automakers are also continuously providing growth impetus by expanding into more overseas markets and increasing their emphasis on the emerging Chinese market. Entering the 21st century, Nissan, Toyota, Honda, Mazda, Mitsubishi and Suzuki have successively established joint venture factories in China, and have continuously introduced overseas best-selling models into domestic production and sales.

  Today, Japanese cars still have a 30% market share worldwide. Toyota is still the world’s largest automaker, with Honda and Renault-allied Nissan also in the top 10. In the United States, Toyota surpassed General Motors for the first time last year. In the Chinese market, the share of Japanese cars that came from behind has also reached more than 20%, which is on par with Germany. The value retention rate of mainstream Japanese brands is also among the best in China.

  Take a look.

  The rise of Japanese automobiles has been regarded by many in the industry as a model for the development of Chinese automobiles. For example, the Japanese government’s protection of local automobile companies and the control of the shareholding ratio of joint ventures, as well as the policy support for the production of small-displacement automobiles, have been used for reference by the Chinese automobile industry that has fully emerged after the reform and opening up.

  In addition, the experience of Japanese cars expanding overseas markets and gradually going global 60 years ago is also similar to the aggressive route of today’s leading Chinese independent brands. At present, Chinese independent brands are exporting small cars to developing countries in Southeast Asia and the Middle East in the early years, and turning to more regional markets. Even Europe exports some mid-to-high-end models and new energy vehicles, and sells back some cars produced by European and American automakers in China to the mainland.

  However, there are still significant differences in the automobile development environment and era background between Japan and China.

  Japan is an island country with relatively few natural resources, and it relies almost entirely on imports for the basic energy that supports the automobile industry, which is also the inherent disadvantage of the rise of Japanese cars. On the contrary, China not only has rich land resources, but also has the largest population and the largest market in the world.

  In today’s world, a series of black swan events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, Sino-US trade, and the situation in Russia and Ukraine have seriously impacted the world economy and the process of globalization. The shadow of previous oil crises still hangs over the heads of major countries. Although China is rich in resources, it is as dependent on oil imports as Japan. Getting rid of dependence on oil and reducing carbon emissions has become the consensus of major automobile industrial countries.

  The oil crisis of the 1970s and 1990s had the greatest impact on the automobile industry because of the irreplaceability of petroleum energy. However, with the development of technology, new energy vehicles led by electricity began to show a substitute role for fuel vehicles. Therefore, the development of new energy vehicles, which is the trend of overtaking cars in China’s car corners, has been formulated as a national policy by our country. At present, China has been the world’s largest new energy vehicle market for seven consecutive years, accounting for more than half of the global share. The overtaking of traditional fuel vehicles in Europe and the United States 50 years ago by Japanese cars is now being recreated by China’s automobile industry.

Jinan artificial intelligence industry accelerated growth, focus on Jinan government network

In today’s rapidly changing technology, we have unknowingly used the convenience brought by artificial intelligence (AI). For example, when you handle business in Jinan Administrative Examination and Approval Service Hall, Jinan Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation and other business halls, the smart government service hall will provide you with convenience; when you use medical self-service equipment to handle business in Jinan tier 1 hospital, or use navigation for travel, AI is quietly helping you.

With industrial upgrading, artificial intelligence has become an important driving force for a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation. In Jinan, many companies in the field of artificial intelligence are constantly expanding application scenarios, fully mining the value of data, and using AI intelligence to empower modern industries to upgrade, promote social development to be more intelligent and efficient, and help cities become smarter. In this process, "industrial AI" is driving "AI industrialization", and Quancheng AI industry is accelerating growth.

Artificial intelligence leaders continue to climb and jump

When the national artificial intelligence industry is booming, Jinan has emerged a number of competitive representative enterprises in the industry. For example, Inspur and Shensi Electronics were selected as the top 30 AI China’s strongest artificial intelligence companies.

From the development path, empowering the transformation and upgrading of the real economy and the construction of smart cities has become a key area for Jinan artificial intelligence enterprises to continue to cultivate.

For example, Shensi Electronics has cooperated with Jinan Second Machine Tool and Baidu to implement smart factory solutions, promoting digital and intelligent transformation of key scenarios such as numerical control of stamping equipment product production and quality inspection, operation and maintenance and acceptance, maintenance and after-sales services, and promoting comprehensive quality improvement and efficiency.

In addition to the above applications, the artificial intelligence solutions created by Shensi Electronics have been applied in batches in industries such as energy, government affairs, medical care, emergency response, public security and finance. With such a wide range of industry applications, Shensi Electronics has only used it for 7 years. In this regard, Min Wanli, chief scientist of Shensi Electronics, said that the company has always maintained high-intensity independent research and development and technological innovation advantages, and accelerated the promotion of artificial intelligence empowered real economy innovation applications.

As a leading AI enterprise in Jinan, Inspur is also accelerating the inclusion of industrial AI, and has realized the implementation of industrial AI in the fields of finance, railways, electric power, transportation, smart cities, petroleum and petrochemical industries. For example, in the field of production, Inspur has built a world-leading server intelligent manufacturing factory. Compared with traditional production methods, manpower is reduced by 75%, production efficiency is increased by 30%, and production capacity is increased by nearly 4 times.

Deep empowering segmentation scenes break new ground

Application scenarios can be described as the vitality of artificial intelligence technology. From the development of Jinan artificial intelligence industry, in addition to the leading enterprises that have covered many industries with AI technology such as Inspur and Shensi Electronics, there are also a number of enterprises that focus on a certain field and are deeply empowered.

Zhongyang Health Technology Group Co., Ltd., which has been deeply involved in the field of medical informatization for more than 20 years, has become a leader in artificial intelligence application solutions in the medical field across the country. Its intelligent diagnosis auxiliary system for pulmonary nodules, intelligent diagnosis system for rib fractures, and intelligent auxiliary diagnosis system for coronary CTA have been used in more than 220 hospitals across the country; the ICD artificial intelligence coding system has reached the current leading level in China and has been used in hundreds of hospitals in nearly 100 cities across the country, successfully solving the problem of disease coding in the industry.

Just recently, the dynamic ECG intelligent assisted diagnosis system built by Zhongyang Health for many years was successfully launched in Juxian People’s Hospital. "From the application effect, it far exceeds expectations. It used to take 40 minutes for a doctor to see a 24-hour dynamic ECG, but now it takes less than 5 minutes to complete the ECG diagnosis after applying our artificial intelligence system. While improving the quality of diagnosis, it greatly improves the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment." Gao Xiyu, head of scientific research at Zhongyang Health, said. Behind such intelligence and efficiency is a large amount of training of massive data and excellent AI technical support.

Coincidentally, Lanjian Intelligent, which has been deeply cultivated in the field of logistics technology for 30 years, has become a leader in the field of smart logistics. As early as 2021, Lanjian Intelligent, with its honeycomb intelligent warehousing system, became one of the enterprises selected by Jinan MIIT for the "New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Industry Innovation Key Task Units". And its "Honeycomb E-commerce 4.0 System" caused a sensation in the e-commerce industry once it came out, solving the technical difficulties of "finding people for goods". It once achieved a super efficiency of 12,000 boxes/hour on "Double Eleven", handling nearly 150,000 goods a day, and only 8 pickers. At present, the Lanjian intelligent honeycomb intelligent warehousing system has basically achieved full coverage in the e-commerce industry, and has successfully built the world’s largest "honeycomb" multi-wear system in the e-commerce industry. In the opinion of Wu Yaohua, founder and chairperson of Lanjian Intelligent, automation can fly higher and farther with intelligent wings.

From the scene, go to the scene. For artificial intelligence companies, it is crucial to accurately grasp the pain points of the industry, deeply empower the scene, and get through the "last mile". Many artificial intelligence companies in Jinan are focusing on the need for continuous empowerment in the industry.

Quancheng AI industry accelerates towards 50 billion level

As an important engine of industrial development and urban butterfly change, the artificial intelligence industry has become a field where various places have rushed to the beach. Jinan is also accelerating the pace of development of this industry and continues to carry out the "AI Spring City" empowering action.

In terms of industrial development logic, the growth of the artificial intelligence industry requires not only a deep understanding of industry pain points and application scenarios, but also technical support. Behind this, computing power, algorithms, data, etc. are all important factors.

From the current development of Jinan, in terms of basic layer, Jinan has become China’s computing power highland. The production and sales volume of servers is the first in the country and the second in the world, and the production and sales volume of AI servers is the first in the world. It supplies more than 1/3 of our country’s servers and more than 50% of AI computing power. In particular, the National Supercomputing Jinan Center has achieved complete autonomy and control of core technologies in the field of supercomputing. In terms of software technology, Jinan artificial intelligence core software technology is basically mature, and open APIs integrating vision, voice, interaction and other technologies have become the trend of industrial development.

Based on many development advantages, Jinan has become the national artificial intelligence innovation application pilot area, a new generation of artificial intelligence innovation and development pilot area, and a national industrial Internet demonstration area. The only city in the country where "three zones are superimposed". Such advantages help Jinan become a "depression" for resource gathering – the major ecological project "China Counting Valley" jointly built by provinces and cities has been landed in Jinan and is accelerating construction. The first phase of the park was put into use in the first half of this year. In the future, it will become a new highland for the computing power industry and a new beacon for the smart industry; Huawei’s three major innovation centers and regional headquarters, Baidu Shandong data annotation base and other projects have all landed in Jinan; artificial intelligence island accelerated construction…

At present in Jinan, the artificial intelligence industry has formed a relatively complete artificial intelligence industry chain from basic support, core technology to industry application. In 2022, Jinan has 358 artificial intelligence enterprises, and the scale of artificial intelligence core industries reached 27.10 billion yuan, an increase of 17.6% year-on-year, driving the scale of related industries to 100 billion. 11 companies were selected for the MIIT industry innovation key task list.

Under the trend of new technologies changing with each passing day, how can Jinan artificial intelligence industry achieve a greater leap?

As a senior expert in the field of artificial intelligence, Min Wanli suggested that "industrial AI" should drive "AI industrialization", encourage AI + leading enterprises to create new kinetic energy benchmarking applications, and replicate to the whole industry through service to form a pattern of "Shandong Germination National Blossom". In development, AI will be turned into a service, and the government will build an AI empower platform, where AI companies and entrepreneurs will serve industry customers and lower the non-technical threshold for AI popularization. Min Wanli said that industry experts and front-line practitioners can be trained as AI navigators and practitioners, and a "doctoral + graduate + engineer + industry expert" talent ecosystem can be built; in development, it is recommended to create sustainable green AI, encourage the miniaturization of large models, avoid paving the path of computing power, and get rid of dependence on high-end chips.

For the development of the AI industry, Jinan has drawn a blueprint, which will further promote the "computing power, algorithm, and arithmetic" industry to become stronger, better, and bigger. According to the plan, we will strive to double the development of Jinan’s AI core industry by 2025, reaching 50 billion level, and driving the scale of related industries to reach 200 billion level.

Daily venture capital express (August 3, IT orange received 50 investment/acquisition//IPO queuing events)

Daily venture capital express

Domestic investment events 

1. Easy-control Smart Drive has won tens of millions of dollars in B1 round financing.

Easy control and intelligent drivingFounded in May 2018, it is positioned as a mine unmanned operator, not just a technical solution provider. Since last year, it has been put into trial operation in a large-scale open-pit coal mine in northwest China, and it has settled with the mine side with the amount of earthwork transportation. "Yikong Zhijia" announced that it had completed tens of millions of dollars of B1 financing at the end of June, with Zijin Mining (601899, Share Bar) strategically leading the investment, all the old shareholders such as Chentao Capital, Xinghang Guotou, Stowe Capital and Weilai Capital following the investment, and Yun Xiu Capital as the exclusive financial advisor. This round of financing will be mainly used to expand the technical team, purchase harvesters and other equipment, and accelerate product development.

2. Anxin NetShield completed the A round of financing exceeding RMB 100 million.

Anxin net shieldIs an information security technology service provider, focusing on memory security, based on cutting-edge technologies such as hardware virtualization, committed to providing future-oriented network security solutions for customers in government, finance, operators, military industry, education, medical care, Internet and large enterprises. Its main product is Anxin Shenjia intelligent memory protection system, which puts forward a new idea to help customers cope with the growing security threats. On August 3rd, Anxin NetShield announced the completion of the A round of financing exceeding RMB 100 million. This round of financing was led by Gaochun Venture Capital, and Yunhui Capital and China Merchants Venture Capital participated in the investment. The old shareholder Lanchi Venture Capital followed suit, and Light Source Capital served as the financial advisor for this round of financing. This round of financing funds will continue to be used for team expansion, product innovation and research and development, business scope expansion, etc., to further enhance the delivery capacity of large-scale products and services, and accelerate the coverage of more customers in financial, Internet, telecom operators, energy, manufacturing and other industries.

3. ToyCity was led by Ruice Capital in the A+ round of financing.

ToyCityIt is a China original trend IP incubation platform, which is dedicated to making China original trend culture go abroad from China and transmitting the brand concept of "creating happiness and sharing happiness" through tide play culture; At the same time, with Chaowan IP as the carrier, it will be integrated into the local urban culture to create a new landmark of trendy IP for the city; At the same time, create ATS tide play space, combine the beauty of tide play theme, join hands with business center to expand new scenes and shape the new format of trend theme business center. Remodeling spiritual consumption in the z era. ToyCity has recently completed nearly 100 million A+ rounds of financing. This round of financing was led by Ruice Capital, and the old shareholder Buer Capital continued to follow suit. Yiren Capital served as the exclusive financial advisor for this round.

4. Won Tech completed $270 million in financing.

Mache technologyIs an autonomous driving technology research and development company, focusing on L3 and L4 level autonomous driving landing logistics operations in inter-city open roads, and providing various modes of autonomous driving transportation asset services, committed to improving the driving safety of logistics trucks. Recently announced the completion of the $270 million Series B equity financing. This round of financing was jointly led by Jingdong Logistics, Meituan and Taimeng Investment Group (PAG), Debon Express, IDG Capital, CMB International, SDIC Merchants, Mirae Asset (future assets), Eight Roads and Bohua Capital, and the original shareholders were Pross Yinshan Capital, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited (300750, shares bar), Weilai Capital and Zhong Ding Capital.

5. Voss technology received 10 million yuan in financing

Woshi technologyIt is an AI decision-making platform for pharmaceutical industry scenarios. The company focuses on intelligent manufacturing and process optimization, aiming to build an industrial-grade intelligent decision-making platform for customers, optimize production processes by using the advantages of data and algorithms, reduce costs and improve production efficiency. It is also a more complex systematic engineering and value to solve the availability and commercialization potential of designing new drug molecules, that is, the links of "molecular synthesis", "process design" and "process production amplification" that companies in the current field are less involved in. Recently, it was announced that the angel round financing of 10 million yuan was completed. The investor was linear capital, and the shareholders in the previous round continued to make additional investments.

6. Part-time and part-time jobs get tens of millions of yuan in Series B financing.

Part-time jobIt is a digital service platform for flexible employment, and an aggregated work platform that provides enterprises with a one-stop solution for flexible employment. Its product "Part-time job" locates the Slash Youth Part-time Work Platform. In view of the actual work needs and personal value growth of Slash Youth, it relies on the mechanism of "big data algorithm+manual risk control" to provide safe and rich online and offline part-time jobs for job seekers and realize diversified and flexible employment. Its product "Part-time Recruitment" is positioned as an accurate recruitment platform for urban service industry, and provides one-stop accurate recruitment service for urban service industry in combination with the flexible employment needs of enterprises. Through intelligent data analysis, the information mismatch between talents and enterprises can be reduced, and the recruitment efficiency can be effectively improved. Recently, tens of millions of yuan of Series B financing was completed, which was led by Qingrong Assets, Fuchun Investment and Waide Capital. This round of funds will be mainly used for product R&D investment, the introduction of high-end talents needed for new business development, and the further marketing of existing businesses to strengthen the company’s competitive advantage in its sub-sectors.

7. Huaqiu Electronics completed 300 million yuan C+ round of financing.

Huaqiu electronicIt is a one-stop digital service platform for the electronic industry that is committed to transforming the traditional electronic supply chain service model with "intelligent manufacturing+information technology+internet technology+industrial big data". Recently, it announced that it has won another 300 million yuan C+ round of financing. This round of investment was led by Gaochun Venture Capital, and the old shareholders Joy Capital and Shunwei Capital continued to follow suit, with Yunmu Capital as the exclusive financial advisor for this round of financing. After this round of financing, Huaqiu Electronics will deepen the digital supply chain platform of the electronic industry and provide one-stop service for electronic supply chain enterprises.

8. Rudder Intelligence received $10 million in Series A financing.

Saiduo intelligentIt is an intelligent customer service product developer. The racing helmsman should focus on technologies and applications related to speech recognition, speech synthesis, natural language processing and semantic understanding, and strive to provide AI intelligent customer service products and services such as localized collection and quality inspection for local financial technology enterprises and traditional financial institutions to solve customers’ pain points in customer service. At present, the product forms provided by Rudder Intelligence are mainly intelligent robots in four aspects: collection, quality inspection, sales and customer service, and support the deployment mode of private cloud +SaaS. Recently, it has received more than $10 million in A round capital injection. This round was invested by Sequoia India and Sequoia China Seed Fund, and the old shareholders Huashan Capital, Zhenge Fund, Zizhu Xiaomiao Fund and imo Ventures all followed suit.

9. Teyi Technology won 100 million yuan A+ round of financing.

Teyi technologyIs a manufacturer of LED screen automatic inspection equipment, mainly engaged in the research, development, production and sales of optical inspection equipment for LCD panels, OLED panels, Micro-OLED panels and Mini/Micro-LED panels. The products are used to inspect the appearance, picture, display parameters, optical performance and reliability of products at various stages of panel manufacturing. Recently, the A+ round of financing of 100 million yuan was completed. This round of investment was led by the National SME Development Fund, and the investors included Hefei Xinping Fund and Xiamen Science and Technology Bureau. This round of financing will be used for the future research and development of display screens and semiconductor equipment, the expansion of the production scale of new factories, and further maintain and expand the leading edge of the special instrument technology industry.

10. Honeycomb technology completed a 10 million-dollar Pre-A round of financing.

Fengchao technologyIs a hardware company focusing on innovative consumer electronics products, and recently completed the Pre-A round of financing of 10 million US dollars. This round of financing was led by Qiming Venture Capital, followed by Chuangshi Partner Capital and Yunqi Capital. This round of financing will be used for the research and development, sales and operation of the company’s head-mounted products.

11. Zhengtengkang completed the $75 million Series B financing.

ZhengtengkangIs a clinical biopharmaceutical service provider, founded by Zentalis Pharmaceuticals, focusing on the development of cancer treatment drugs, committed to developing cancer treatment drugs in China and providing life-changing cancer drugs to patients around the world. The series of tumor treatment candidates developed by the company include WEE1 inhibitor ZN-c3 discovered by Zentalis, oral selective estrogen receptor down-regulation ZN-c5 for ER+/HER2- breast cancer and BCL-2 inhibitor ZN-d5. Zhengtengkang Bio has offices in Shanghai and Beijing. Recently announced the successful completion of $75 million Series B financing. This round of financing was led by founding investors OrbiMed Advisors Asia and Tybourne Capital Management. Avidity Partners, Casdin Capital, Surveyor Capital (affiliated to Citadel), Farallon Capital Management, Lilly Asia Ventures(LAV), Logos Capital, Perceptive Advisors, Redmile Group and Viking Global followed suit.

12. The listing price of Central Hailu today is 13.57 yuan/share.

Central sea and landIs a professional manufacturer of rectangular, special-shaped and free forging ring forgings, with advanced equipment such as high-temperature creep and durability testing machine, impact testing machine, all-digital intelligent ultrasonic flaw detector, German Zeiss research microscope, etc., to meet the needs of enterprises to develop high-end ring forging products. Today, it is listed on the Growth Enterprise Market of Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The company’s stock code is 301040, the issue price is 13.57 yuan/share, and the issue price-earnings ratio is 10.53 times.

13. Migration technology won millions of dollars in Pre-A financing.

Migration technologyIs a technology company dedicated to machine vision technology innovation and industry application. The main products are intelligent industrial robots and high-performance video intelligent analysis platforms. It has established a cooperative relationship with domestic national universities and scientific research institutions in Industry-University-Research, and provided artificial intelligence products and technical solutions for many governments, banks and enterprises. Many technical indicators are at the international leading level. Recently, a multi-million-dollar Pre-A round of financing has been completed. This round of financing is led by Zero One Venture Capital and followed by Liyuan Venture Capital. This round of financing funds is mainly used to further deepen the construction of industrial cameras and easy-to-use software platforms and market expansion.

14. Riding equestrian won the Pre-A round of financing of 10 million yuan

Riding equestrianIs an equestrian education service provider, riding equestrian starts from equestrian sports, and extends to brand retail, membership service, IP operation, theme travel, event organization, community operation and so on with "Equestrian Plus". Committed to providing professional, interesting and comprehensive equestrian experience and equestrian education for teenagers and adult equestrian enthusiasts. Recently, it was announced that it had won the Pre-A round of financing of 10 million yuan, and this round of financing was invested by Shanghai Yitong Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership).

15. Kaiyi Pharmaceutical received a strategic investment of 45.45 million RMB.

Kaiyi medicineIs an allergic disease drug developer, whose main business is to develop new bronchodilators for patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Pharmacological and pharmacodynamic studies have proved that these drugs can effectively relax bronchial smooth muscle and significantly reduce airway resistance through a brand-new mechanism, and treat asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which belongs to the first class of new chemicals. Recently, based on the equity transfer of Kaiyi Pharmaceutical and the value of RMB 200 million before the capital increase, I bought 1% equity of Kaiyi Pharmaceutical held by Zhu Minsheng for RMB 2 million in cash. After the equity transfer, I made a capital increase of 43.45 million yuan to Kaiyi Pharmaceutical, including a newly-increased registered capital of 565.08 million yuan, and the remaining shareholders of Kaiyi Pharmaceutical gave up their priority in the capital increase.

16. Yuanqi Forest invested in Yunke quickly and won 26.67% of the shares to become the second largest shareholder.

Use Yunke quickly.Is a software developer, mainly engaged in software development, information technology consulting services, data processing and other businesses. Yuanqi Forest recently invested in Beijing Kuaiyong Yunke Technology Co., Ltd.. At present, Yuanqi Forest holds 26.67% of its shares, ranking the second largest shareholder.

17. Sublimate new materials to obtain strategic investment

Shenghua new materialIs a lithium battery cathode material developer, integrating R&D, production and sales, providing power battery cathode materials for the field of new energy vehicles. Recently, a number of industrial and commercial changes have taken place in the company, and new shareholders such as Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. have been added.

18. Runyi Taiyi completed the A round of tens of millions of RMB financing.

Run yi tai yiFocusing on the physiological signal acquisition system, a series of physiological signal detection equipment has been developed to meet the needs of neural rehabilitation field, and it is committed to becoming a technology provider with in-depth service ability in the field of neural rehabilitation. Recently, it was announced that it had completed tens of millions of RMB financing in Round A, and this round of financing was exclusively invested by Aussie Capital. After the completion of this round of financing, Runyi Taiyi will continue to improve a variety of underlying technical modules with EMG acquisition as the core, including EMG acquisition and control module, ECG acquisition and control module, pulse wave module, infrared wireless temperature acquisition module, Bluetooth transmission module, Wi-fi transmission module and gyroscope module, enriching and iterating the product portfolio continuously, and perfecting the domestic medical device application and clinical trial.

19. Berlak completed tens of millions of Pre-A rounds of financing.

BerlakIs a manufacturer of assisted reproductive devices, mainly engaged in the research and development, production and sales of automated assisted reproductive egg/embryo vitrification chip medical devices, and has a deep accumulation in the field of medical devices. Recently, it was announced that it had completed tens of millions of yuan of Pre- A financing, which was led by Aussie Capital and followed by Shenzhen Gaoxin Investment. This round of financing is mainly used for product research and development, building domestic and foreign sales teams, and professional marketing activities.

20. Yicang Technology completed a $25 million B+ round of financing.

Yicang technologyHas been committed to the development of efficient and controllable cross-border management model. Research the management systems of cross-border e-commerce ERP, international logistics TMS, overseas warehouse WMS and cross-border distribution M2B. Bringing together the powerful IT team in China at present, the founders and development masters have 5-12 years of R&D experience in cross-border B2C, overseas warehousing, international logistics and other fields. At present, Yicang has cooperated with many cross-border sellers, overseas warehousing service providers and international logistics giants at home and abroad. Recently, a $25 million B+ round of financing was completed, which was led by the fund of CICC Capital, and the old shareholders eWTP, CCV and Paradox continued to follow suit. This round of financing will be used for the iteration of E-warehouse ERP products and the continuous creation of cross-border ecology, empowering sellers in product research and development, flow system, supply chain system, organizational management, and continuous introduction and organizational optimization of outstanding talents.

21. Doctor Miaoshou received RMB 1.5 billion in round F financing.

Doctor Miao shouFounded in 2015, it currently has business sectors such as Miaoshou Internet Hospital, Center Pharmacy Chain, Miaoshou Doctor App, Miaoshou B2C Mall, and Hospital Prescription Sharing Platform. Doctor Miaoshou has been built into a national professional doctor-patient follow-up platform and a safe drug dispensing center, and a brand-new health management model of "Internet+medical care+drugs" has been created based on Internet technology. Recently, more than RMB 1.5 billion in round F financing was completed. This round of financing is jointly invested by sequoia capital china, Springhill, B Capital Group, Hel Ved, Orbimed, UOB, E Fund, ABI Capital, BOC International, Ruice Capital, CITIC Securities (600030, Share Bar), Kunling Capital, Future Pioneer, Index Capital, etc.

22. Mavericks Kathy completed nearly 100 million yuan in Series A financing.

Casey the calfIt’s a family steak brand. Kathy calf mainly focuses on young families, providing consumers with semi-finished western food ingredients such as steak, pizza, pasta and egg tart. It’s a RTC (pre-cooking) brand with family steak as its core. Completed a round of financing of nearly 100 million yuan. This round of financing is led by Guangfa Shunde, followed by Fuzhou Yuguang, and Yuanzhi Capital is the exclusive financial consultant. The funds will be mainly used for new product research and development, supply chain upgrade, brand marketing and other purposes.

23. Meike Solar (000591, Share Bar) completed nearly 1 billion yuan of A+ round financing.

Meike solar energyIs a manufacturer of solar silicon products, mainly engaged in solar silicon products, monocrystalline silicon wafers, polycrystalline silicon wafers, battery modules, photovoltaic equipment research and development, manufacturing and technical consulting services; Design and construction of solar and wind power generation systems. Recently, nearly 1 billion yuan in Series A and A+ financing was completed. This round of financing is invested by many well-known institutions such as Sinopec Capital, Yida Capital, Zhengtai New Energy, Huagai Capital, Junrun Capital, Haohao Capital, Anhua Venture Capital and Yangzhong Financial Holdings.

24. Codejoy loves the first round of financing of science and technology for nearly 10 million yuan.

Codejoy loves technology.Committed to providing forward-looking artificial intelligence universal education solutions for kindergartens, primary and secondary schools. At present, the products have been applied to hundreds of kindergartens, primary and secondary schools at home and abroad. Recently, angel round financing was completed, and Xiyun Capital exclusively invested nearly 10 million yuan. This fund is mainly used for product technology research and development and curriculum innovation research and development.

25. Juewei Food plans to raise nearly 2.4 billion yuan.

Juewei foodIs a food production company, committed to bringing customers fresh, fragrant, spicy and spicy food experience, the main products are delicious duck neck, snacks, food and so on. Among them, Juewei duck neck is a famous brand product of Juewei Xuan, which is cooked with secret spices and integrated with the traditional cooking techniques of Chuxiang, bringing new food enjoyment to customers. Recently, an announcement was issued, which showed that in order to expand the production capacity of braised meat products and by-products in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Guangxi, Liaoning, Hunan and other places, Juewei Food (603517, Stock Bar) plans to raise no more than 2.384 billion yuan.

26. OPPO shares in maistro microelectronics company

Mai si Zhuo WeiIs a MEMS image sensor manufacturer, dedicated to research and development, manufacturing and sales of micro-electromechanical (MEMS) technology-based drive motors, providing image stabilization solutions for mobile devices. The company provides fast and accurate motion control to move the sensor, with algorithms, and MEMS technology with high strength, reliability, semiconductor grade accuracy and almost negligible power consumption to create an innovative MEMS actuator platform. Recently, the company has undergone industrial and commercial changes, adding OPPO Guangdong Mobile Communications Co., Ltd. and Moving Shadow Technology Asia Co., Ltd. as shareholders, and the registered capital of the company has increased from about 10,322,600 RMB to 11,935,500 RMB, an increase of about 15.6%.

27. Epxity received 30 million yuan to invest in Series A financing.

Ai pu Xi tiIs an advanced and vertical pearl brand, from purchasing, grading, evaluation, jewelry design, manufacturing and sales, aiming at giving consideration to the original beauty of pearls and nature. The design of Epsiti aims to give consideration to the original beauty of pearls and nature, and adopts adaptable elements to combine manual craftsmanship with traditional ancient skills and innovative technologies. So that the wearer can create a unique style of appearance on its PRICITY ornaments. Recently, it received a round of financing of 30 million yuan, which was invested by Japan Amami Co., Ltd. The financing will be mainly used for product R&D investment, team formation, store expansion and brand marketing.

28. Jianyou intends to acquire 100% equity of Jianzhi Polymerization.

Jian zhi ju heIs an information platform construction service provider, which provides the company with a high-quality integrated sales solution, and is committed to combining years of experience in Internet and mobile Internet with the marketing development status of China pharmaceutical industry, and exploring the feasible scheme for the transformation of traditional pharmaceutical marketing in the era of mobile Internet. Recently, Jianyou Co., Ltd. (603707, stock bar) announced that the company intends to invest 100% equity of Nanjing Jianzhi Polymerization Information Technology Co., Ltd. ("Jianzhi Polymerization"), with a total investment of 15 million yuan. This foreign investment constitutes a connected transaction, and the counterparty Huang Xiwei is the director and secretary of the board of directors of the company, so Huang Xiwei is a related party of the company; One of the trading partners of Jiansi Information is Huang Xiwei, so Jiansi Information is a related party of the company; One of the partners of the counterparty Jianli Information is Huang Xiwei, so Jianli Information is a related party of the company.

29. Shenzhen Gas plans to acquire the controlling stake in Swick under Dongfang Risheng (300118, shares it) for 1.8 billion yuan.

SwickIs a supplier of photovoltaic packaging film, mainly supplying photovoltaic module manufacturers with photovoltaic packaging film, which is the core non-silicon auxiliary material of photovoltaic cells, including transparent EVA film, white EVA film, POE film and other high-performance photovoltaic packaging films and reflective films. Recently, Shenzhen Gas (601139, Share Bar) announced that it intends to acquire the controlling stake of Jiangsu Swick New Materials Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Dongfang Risheng. According to the announcement, this transaction invested a total of 1.784 billion yuan for Shenzhen Gas and its subsidiary Shenzhen Shenran Kunpeng Private Equity Investment Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shenran Kunpeng") to establish a project investment company (registered capital of 1.8 billion yuan) Shenzhen Shenran New Energy Industry Investment Co., Ltd. (tentative name). The project investment company acquired 140,423,077 shares of Jiangsu Swick New Materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Swick") held by Dongfang Risheng at a price of 1.8 billion yuan. After the transaction, the project investment company held 50% shares of Swick. After the acquisition is completed, Shenzhen Gas will become the controlling shareholder of Wesker.

30. Jinshan Cloud announced the acquisition of enterprise management software Colette.

ColetteIs an IT service and solution provider, dedicated to helping enterprises to carry out Internet transformation and digital remodeling, providing users with Internet and cloud solutions and services, industry application solutions and services, enterprise management information systems and services, covering manufacturing, retail, logistics and other fields. Recently, Jinshan Cloud (KC.US) announced that it has passed the agreement to acquire enterprise management software Colette, which will bring significant synergy to Jinshan Cloud and make significant strategic progress in its enterprise cloud service (ECS).

Foreign investment events 

1. InterVenn received $201 million in Series C financing.

InterVennIs an American artificial intelligence-driven mass spectrometry platform developer, the company is mainly engaged in the research and development and commercialization of mass spectrometry platform driven by artificial intelligence, and the company’s candidate product is a blood-based ovarian cancer diagnosis product. Recently, 201 million US dollars of Series C financing was completed. This round of financing was led by new investors SoftBank Group, Heritage Provider Network, Irving Investors and Highside Capital Management, and supported by existing investors such as Amplify Partners, Anzu Partners, Genoa Ventures and True Ventures.

2. Rakuten Medical received $166 million in Series D financing.

Rakuten MedicalIs a cancer targeted therapy developer, committed to developing its proprietary PIT treatment platform and becoming a leader in the precision medical industry. The main therapy ASP-1929 has passed the Fast Track review of FDA. This therapy is mainly aimed at recurrent head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, and is currently undergoing phase III clinical trials. In addition, the phase II clinical study of ASP-1929 PIT therapy is also under way to evaluate the efficacy and safety of other cancer types. Recently, it was announced that the $166 million Series D preferred stock financing case was completed, including $75 million in additional capital and $91 million converted from convertible corporate bonds. This round of financing was led by the General Catalyst investment institution, and the existing investors, including Lotte Group and SBI Holdings, participated in the investment.

3. DMG invested $2 million in Bosonic.

BosonicIs an American encryption technology developer, providing infrastructure to eliminate counterparty credit and settlement risks in the digital asset market. DMG Blockchain Solutions recently announced a $2 million strategic investment in Bosonic, a California-based encryption technology company.

4. Odoo received $215 million in strategic investment.

OdooIs a one-stop open source management software developer in Belgium, which provides one-stop applications covering all business chain management needs, including accounting management, inventory management, manufacturing management, project management, human resource management, marketing and website construction. Odoo is committed to providing SMEs with simple and cost-effective information tools, simplifying business operations and building digital competitiveness. Recently, it was announced that it had received an investment of $215 million from Summit Partners, a private equity firm.

5. DoNotPay received $10 million in Series B financing.

DoNotPayIt is a legal service robot, and its service scope includes providing legal services for HIV-infected people, applying for asylum for refugees, applying for housing for homeless teenagers, and applying for compensation for airline passengers. In the financial field, DoNotPay can also handle fraud allegations, or improve credit report scores, apply for maternity leave and paternity leave, and protect against discrimination in the workplace. Recently, it has received 10 million dollars from Andreessen Horowitz, Lux Capital, Tribe Capital, Day One Ventures and Felicis Ventures. Other investors include Sam Bankman-Fried, CEO of billionaire FTX, Balaji Srinivasan, former chief technology officer of Coinbase, and Daniel Dines, CEO of UiPath. Yuri Milner’s investment company DST Global is also involved. This round of financing raised the company’s valuation to about $210 million.

6. Kuda received $61.02 million in Series B financing.

KudaIs a digital banking operator in Nigeria, providing free banking services to African consumers and authorized by the Central Bank of Nigeria. Kuda is the first mobile priority bank in the country. Recently, it received $61.02 million in Series B financing, with investment from SBI, Valar Ventures and Target Global.

7. RealView Imaging received $5 million in strategic investment.

RealView ImagingIs an Israeli 3D holographic technology service provider, focusing on medical imaging applications, providing users with digital holography and real-time 3D interactive functions, allowing users to touch and interact in images. It has expanded its C-round financing to $15 million, and there are also $5 million investments from Lowy Medical Research Institute and Rami Ungar. Its HOLOSCOPE-i holographic system has been approved by FDA. Based on the data received from standard CT scanning and 3D ultrasound system, the system creates 3D interactive medical holograms with accurate space. Additional funds also include investments from famous investors Judith and Kobi Richter, OurCrowd VC and Club100Plus Investments Group. Most existing shareholders of the company also participated in this round of financing, including Dr. Shimon Eckhouse, a continuous technology and medical investor, as the company’s chairman, and Zohar Gilon.

8. Fashinza completed $20 million Series A financing.

FashinzaIs an Indian clothing B2B manufacturer. The company is mainly engaged in the production and manufacturing of clothing and fashion. The main products include ethnic costumes, suits, dresses, jumpsuits, T-shirts, sweaters and sweatshirts. Recently, it has raised $20 million through equity and debt portfolio. This round of financing was led by the existing investors Accel Partners and Elevation Capital, as well as DisruptAD, Stride Ventures, Alteria Capital and Tradecred in Abu Dhabi.

9. Movile received $200 million in financing.

MovileIt is a Brazilian mobile e-commerce platform, and its main products include food ordering iFood, children’s education PlayKids, location service Apontador, one-click express service Rapiddo, DIY activity service Sympla, etc., serving catering distribution, online ticketing, cloud logistics and other fields. Recently, it was announced that it had received $200 million in financing from Prosus.

10. Nozomi Networks received $100 million in Series D financing.

Nozomi NetworksIs an industrial control operating system service provider, providing network security and operational visibility solutions for industrial control systems, automatically building internal models of industrial networks and physical processes, and using behavior monitoring and continuous monitoring to detect changes in baseline status, and quickly identifying and handling anomalies. Recently, it has obtained $100 million in Series D financing, with investment from Forward Partners, Honeywell Venture Capital, In-Q-Tel, Keysight, Porsche, Telefónica Innovation Ventures and Triangle Peak Partners.

11. Spectricity received 14 million euros in Series B financing.

SpectricityIs a Belgian spectral sensing solution service provider, focusing on the research and development of spectral sensors, providing technical services in the visible and near-infrared spectral range, mainly used in industrial, consumer, medical and other fields. Recently, it raised 14 million euros (16 million US dollars) in the B round of financing. Supporters include AtlanticBridge, CapricornFusion China Fund, Shanghai Semiconductor Equipment and Materials Fund (SSMEF), imec.xpand and XTRION.

12. Skill-Lync received $17.5 million in Series A financing.

Skill-LyncIt is an online learning platform for mechanical engineering education courses. The target customers are students majoring in mechanical engineering. It has a series of online courses, which can provide students with the technical skills courses they need. Recently, it raised $17.5 million (Rs. 1.3 billion) in Series A financing led by Iron Pillar. Existing investors such as Y Combinator, Better Capital, Flipkart co-founders Binny Bansal, Sai Krishnamurthy (Xto10X) and Rashmi Kwatra (Sixteth Street Capital) participated in this round of financing.

13. Inveniam Capital Partners acquired Factom, a blockchain innovation company.

FactomIs a data management service provider based on blockchain technology, which mainly uses blockchain technology to develop data management and storage solutions for enterprises, government agencies and non-profit organizations, provide fully transparent data supervision services, and ensure the integrity of stored data. The company has three enterprise-level blockchain products: a data protection tool, a personalized enterprise identity solution, and a distributed data storage product similar to a traditional database. Recently, Inveniam Capital Partners announced that it has acquired Factom, a blockchain innovation company based in Austin. The financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

14. Bridgestone Americas acquired AZUGA.

AzugaIs an American fleet management software supplier. The company has developed an Internet of Things vehicle platform, which can help customers turn the data about vehicles and their use into intelligence, thus improving operation and safety, while reducing costs and risks. Recently, Bridgestone Americas reached an agreement with shareholders such as Sumeru Equity Partners and Danlaw, Inc to acquire Azuga and Azuga fleet management platforms, which are suppliers of fleet management software, for US$ 391 million. Through this acquisition, Bridgestone will accelerate the development and deployment of sustainable mobile travel solutions as the core pillar of the company’s advanced mobile travel strategy. The transaction has been approved by the boards of directors of various companies and is expected to be completed by the end of the third quarter.

15. Artisan Design Group completed the acquisition of Builder’s Alliance.

Builder’s AllianceIs an American cabinet supplier, which is based on traditional wood processing and can provide users with bathroom cabinets and other products and services. Recently, Artisan Design Group ("ADG"), the portfolio company of The Sterling Group, announced the acquisition of Builder’s Alliance today.

16. Sanofi will buy American mRNA company Translate Bio for $3.2 billion.

Translate BioIs an American mRNA drug developer, committed to transforming mRNA therapy into transforming drugs, mainly developing a new class of potential transforming drugs for treating diseases caused by protein’s disease or gene dysfunction. Recently, Sanofi has agreed to buy American biotechnology company Translate Bio for $3.2 billion, which is Sanofi’s investment in the next generation of mRNA technology.

17. Yuanda Pharmaceutical intends to acquire FastWave Medical in the United States.

FastWaveIt is an American high-end innovative medical equipment research and development platform, mainly engaged in high-end innovative medical equipment research and development. Recently, Yuanda Pharmaceutical announced that it has signed a series of investment and strategic cooperation agreements with FastWave Medical in the United States, and will acquire 100% equity of FastWave in stages at the cost of up to 72 million US dollars. In addition, it will invest up to US$ 8 million to support and cooperate in the development of an innovative medical (002173, Femoral Bar) device for the treatment of moderate and severe arterial calcification.

IPO queuing

1.Haitian Ruisheng’s subscription for the top grid today requires a market value of 25,000 yuan.

Haitian ruishengIs an artificial intelligence data resource and related data service provider, providing users with large-scale engineering data resources, as well as data collection and production, data deep processing, data analysis and processing services, covering the technical fields of human-computer interaction such as speech synthesis, speech recognition, machine translation, network search, natural language understanding, image recognition, etc. Today’s subscription, subscription code: 787787, issue price: 36.94 yuan/share, single account subscription limit is 2,500 shares, and the top subscription requires a market value of 25,000 yuan.

2.Shanshui Bide’s subscription for the top grid today requires a market value of 100,000 yuan.

Shan shui bi deIs a landscape system-wide solution provider, which has long served the urban and rural development and ecological civilization construction in China, adhering to the concept of "poetic dwelling, inheritance and innovation", and is committed to building a world-class landscape science and technology innovation platform based on the new landscape theory, driven by innovative design, with digital technology as the core and the landscape theater as the carrier. Today’s subscription, subscription code: 300844, issue price: 80.23 yuan/share, single account subscription limit is 10,000 shares, and the top subscription requires a market value of 100,000 yuan.

3.Yiqiao Shenzhou needs a market value of 170,000 yuan to purchase the top grid today.

Yiqiao shenzhouIs a company mainly engaged in the research, development and production of recombinant proteins, antibodies and ELISA kits, and is committed to providing one-stop CRO technical services for life science researchers around the world. At present, a series of COVID-19 antigen-related research reagents have been launched, including proteins, antibodies, ELISA detection kits, protein chips, genes, etc., covering the important target antigen molecules in Covid-19. Today’s subscription, subscription code: 301047, issue price: 292.92 yuan/share, single account subscription limit is 17,000 shares, and the top subscription requires a market value of 170,000 yuan.


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This article first appeared on WeChat WeChat official account: IT Orange Daily Investment Express. The content of the article belongs to the author’s personal opinion and does not represent’s position. Investors should operate accordingly, at their own risk.

(Editor: Dong Yunlong)

The national team finds the right direction to start the reform of China volleyball in the domestic league.

Jingbao Sports | Reporter Zhuo Ran
In 2022, the first year of the Paris Olympic cycle, China men’s and women’s volleyball teams frequently appeared in the international arena, exercised their teams against the world’s top players, made some achievements, identified their goals and directions, and at the same time found their own shortcomings and recognized the gap. Generally speaking, the upward climb of men’s and women’s volleyball in China, which is in the alternation of old and new, faces both opportunities and challenges.
The women’s volleyball team is gradually on track.
The shadow of losing the Tokyo Olympic Games still exists, Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning are absent, Yan Ni and other veterans retire … Cai Bin took over the coach of China women’s volleyball team in a difficult situation. This year, under his leadership, the tenacious China women’s volleyball team once again proved the powerful strength of the women’s volleyball spirit.
The 2022 World Women’s Volleyball League is the first show of the new China women’s volleyball team under Cai Bin. In the first competition week, China women’s volleyball team reversed the Dutch team, defeated the Turkish team and defeated the Italian team, and even scored 3 wins and 1 loss, which was remarkable. In the following two races, the performance of China women’s volleyball team was mixed. In the end, it broke into the quarterfinals of the World Women’s Volleyball League with 12 games, 8 wins and 4 losses, and achieved the set goal. Although it lost to the Italian team which won the championship in the quarter-finals, it missed the semi-finals, but in the debut of this new women’s volleyball team, this team made people see the impact and hope.
Coach Cai Bin bluntly said after the game that the 13 matches of the World Women’s Volleyball League were very valuable experiences, which helped the team find the direction of efforts. Although the team is not mature enough, Jin Ye and Wang Yun, two Mesozoic main attackers from Beijing Automobile Women’s Volleyball Team, dared to fight and fight to make up for the vacancy on the main attack line of this team as much as possible. Li Yingying, Gong Xiangyu and Yuan Xinyue, through constant tempering, have also taken on the offensive and defensive responsibilities of the team.
Before the start of the World Women’s Volleyball Championships, perhaps not many people can say with great confidence that the goal of China women’s volleyball reaching the quarterfinals can be achieved with a high probability. In the World Championships, China women’s volleyball team defeated Argentina, Colombia, Japan and the Czech Republic with four scores of 3-0 in the group stage, and it was not until it met the powerful Brazil team in the final round that it swallowed its first defeat in the World Championships. In the semi-finals, China women’s volleyball team beat Puerto Rico lightly, narrowly defeated the Netherlands and defeated the Belgian team in five games, and successfully advanced to the quarterfinals, achieving the set goals. Facing the Italian team again in the quarter-finals, the China women’s volleyball team was weaker than its opponents in all technical aspects, lost 1-3, stopped in the quarter-finals, and finally ended the journey of the World Championships with the sixth place.
From the World Women’s Volleyball League to the World Women’s Volleyball Championships, in just a few months, this China women’s volleyball team has shown its own progress, played its morale and self-confidence, and let the outside world see a brand-new mental outlook. However, in the confrontation with the world’s top teams such as Italy and Brazil, the team’s inexperience, unstable state and many mistakes are also exposed.
Cai Bin said in an interview after the World Championships that young players have grown up rapidly through the experience of the World Championships, with both regrets and gains. Facing the top teams in the world, China team should continue to tap its potential and build a system of balanced attack and defense.
In 2022, we saw the potential and hope from this China women’s volleyball team. In 2023, intensive international competitions such as the World Women’s Volleyball League, the Asian Games and the Paris Olympic qualifiers are waiting for the girls, expecting China women’s volleyball team with fine traditions to achieve new success.
Men’s volleyball team wins Asian championship again
Looking back on 2022, it is a great encouragement for China men’s volleyball team and China volleyball team that China men’s volleyball team won the Asian Cup again after 10 years, which can even be called a big event in domestic sports. However, in the eyes of many fans, if we want to rank the surprises brought by China men’s volleyball team this year, it may be more exciting that they beat the powerful Brazilian team in the World Men’s Volleyball League.
In recent years, there are not many opportunities to compete in the international arena, and the China men’s volleyball team has rarely performed brilliantly. In the 2022 World Men’s Volleyball League in Brazil, China men’s volleyball team lost all three games, and the whole team was in the haze of defeat. In the final round against Brazil, no one believed that China men’s volleyball team could win. However, in the competition, the boys of China men’s volleyball team played to the extreme in attacking and blocking, and finally overthrew Brazil, the world’s No.1 team, 3-0, and won a victory to rebuild their confidence. After that, China men’s volleyball team was influenced by many factors, failed to continue its stable performance, and finally handed over the report card of 12 games, 3 wins and 9 losses.
After a short break, China men’s volleyball team entered the Asian Cup non-stop. Beat China Taipei Team and Bahrain Team with two scores of 3-1, swept Pakistan Team, defeated Iran Team, and defeated South Korea Team in five games-China Men’s Volleyball Team reached the final and ushered in the ultimate contest with Japanese Team. With Zhang Jingyin’s excellent performance and the team’s good performance in blocking and serving, China men’s volleyball team finally won the championship with a 3-0 victory.
In the Asian Cup competition, China Men’s Volleyball Team actively adjusted and finally won many times when the score was behind, which improved the team morale and ushered in a highlight moment. However, at the World Men’s Volleyball Championships that followed, in the confrontation with the top teams in the world, China Men’s Volleyball Team did not win a game, and was at the bottom of the group, seeing the gap between itself and its opponents.
Through the tempering of this year’s World Series, the combat effectiveness and cohesion of China Men’s Volleyball Team have been further improved, and the outside world has also seen the role of senior national players such as Zhang Jingyin, Dai Qingyao, Yu Yaochen and Peng Shikun, as well as the growth of young players such as Yang Yiming. At the same time, the team also exposed shortcomings and shortcomings, and head coach Wu Sheng and the players attached great importance to this. Wu Sheng said that the gap between China men’s volleyball team and the world’s high-level teams is still very large, "not only technically, but also in physical fitness, physical fitness and understanding of volleyball."
In the coming year, China Men’s Volleyball Team also has a heavy international competition task, the most crucial of which is the Paris Olympic qualifiers. What kind of performance the boys will show is worth looking forward to.
League launched reform measures
At present, the 2022-2023 China Volleyball Super League is in full swing, with 28 teams participating in the men’s and women’s volleyball leagues.
At the beginning of this year, the National Volleyball Work Conference was held. Under the active promotion of the State Sports General Administration, the volleyball league started the reform work. This season’s Super League has ushered in new breakthroughs and changes, and launched a series of new measures, including the launch of the league slogan of "bravely surpassing, fighting first", further building the brand marketing system, improving the brand system and enhancing brand value, and the league competition system is developing in a more standardized direction.
The foreign aid policy is one of the most remarkable changes in the league. This season, there is no limit to the number, position and number of foreign aid players in the Super League, which makes the number of foreign aid imports hit a new high in recent seasons, including many top-level athletes in the world. Judging from the course of the competition, this move has really further improved the antagonism and competitive level of the competition. Many young players have also gained more opportunities to learn and exercise with the help of high-level foreign aid.
It is also undeniable that the problems of low commercialization level and poor management and operation mechanism of the Super League still exist. Volleyball, as one of the three big balls, has not reached its due position and level in domestic league matches, nor has it shown its unique value.
As the cornerstone of the national team construction, the reform and development of the league still has a long way to go, and it needs to find the right direction and make contributions for a long time.

Comedy animation released by lighting and entertainment …

The comedy animation created by lighting and entertainment # The exclusive preview of flying ducks rushing forward to China # was released, and the flying ducks moved for the first time, and the hilarious plot was constantly staged! The family is neat and tidy, showing that the flying duck family is full of warmth. The premiere of China will also be held in Shanghai this afternoon. On December 8th, we will rush to a new adventure with our loved ones!

China men’s basketball team won two consecutive victories in the warm-up match, and Cui Yongxi’s performance was 8 out of 9, and Qiao Shuai loved and hated Zhao Rui.

On August 5th, Beijing time, the Italian Trentino Cup officially started, and the China men’s basketball team welcomed its first opponent, the Cape Verdean men’s basketball team. There are four teams participating in the Trentino Cup in Italy, namely China, Italy, Cape Verde and Turkey. The winner on the first day will play the final the next day. In this game, Li Kaier, a naturalized player of China Men’s Basketball Team, missed the first show of the national team.

In the game, the Cape Verdean men’s basketball team gave China a run, and quickly made a 14-2 attack wave to take the lead. Fortunately, in the second half of the game, the power was suddenly cut off and only one point was scored. Zhang Zhenlin hit long-range shots one after another, Wang Zhelin attacked and killed the inside line one after another, and the China men’s basketball team overtook 4 points in the first quarter of the 15-1 attack climax. . In the second quarter, the two sides started a tug-of-war. The Cape Verdean men’s basketball team was only one point short by relying on three points, but qi zhou stormed inside to stop bleeding, and Fang Shuo threw a three-pointer into the buzzer to help the China men’s basketball team maintain a seven-point lead at half-time.

In the easy-side battle, the Cape Verdean men’s basketball team pursued three points in a row, while Cui Yongxi scored six points in a row, and also sent out a strong response of empty dunks. Wang Zhelin came up and continued to widen the points difference in the paint, and Fang Shuo’s sudden 2+1 plus a strong shot and a medium-pressure whistle helped the China men’s basketball team lead to 17 points in three quarters. In the last quarter, Cui Yongxi completely became a solo performance. He first turned around and made a gorgeous layup on the inside line, then sent out a violent dunk, hitting three points in succession and cutting 10 points directly to help the China men’s basketball team open a lead of more than 20 points. In the end, the China men’s basketball team beat the Cape Verde men’s basketball team 86-66 and reached the final.

In terms of data, Cui Yongxi scored 18 points and 4 rebounds, Fang Shuo scored 11 points, 4 assists and 3 rebounds, Zhang Zhenlin scored 10 points and 2 rebounds, Wang Zhelin scored 9 points and 2 rebounds, qi zhou scored 8 points and 3 rebounds, Hu Jinqiu scored 8 points, 3 rebounds and 2 assists, Zhu Junlong scored 6 points and 2 rebounds, He Xining scored 5 points and 3 rebounds, Zhao Jiwei scored 4 points and 9 assists, Zhao Rui scored 4 points and 2 assists and Fu Hao scored 3 points.

In this game, the China team rarely played its own characteristics. The offensive end was like flowing water, and the defensive end was impenetrable. The performance of the men’s basketball team exceeded expectations, and the ball was pushed back quickly and accurately. The rotation and empty cut in positional warfare were extremely smooth, and the defensive end was also very oppressive. The change that Qiao Shuai brought to the team was obvious. This China men’s basketball team is full of hope. There is a certain chance to play South Sudan and Puerto Rico in the World Cup. After all, we have let an NBA star.

Netizen shouted: Is this the fucking China team? There are empty catches, dunks, three points and coordination, except for the free throws, which are always squatting. Qiao Shuai is really awesome! After watching the best national team for 20 years, it’s really worth staying up late to watch this live broadcast!

Qiao Shuai’s level is really high, the selection and employment are just right, he dares to play and fight, the pass and cut are smooth, and there are three points for dunks. The overall style of the game is good, and the China team is brand-new. Some people will say that Cape Verde is poor, so China won! We need to popularize science here. Cape Verde is an African champion, with NBA players and teams participating in the World Cup!

Cui Yongxi was the best player in China men’s basketball team. He played for 16 minutes and 52 seconds, shot 8 of 9, 2 of 3 of 3, and got 18 points, 4 rebounds and 1 assist. He is omnipotent, just like China McGrady, with the shadow of Hu Weidong. It is no exaggeration to say that Cui Yongxi has a bright future. He has more potential than Zhang Zhenlin and has a better chance to enter the NBA.

In contrast, the guard group of China men’s basketball team is much inferior, Fang Shuo’s performance on the offensive end is impeccable, and Zhao Jiwei’s nine assists are also quite sharp, but Zhao Rui’s performance is simply disastrous.

Zhao Rui’s performance in this game is: casual cross, defense without reaching out, and mindless violation. Let’s not talk about the ability. As for the attitude of the game, it took more than five minutes to play in the second half. It should be that Qiao Shuai also saw something. It is not surprising that Zhao Rui cut this situation. Although he can occupy a position in the China defender group with his ability, his attitude is really bad and his temper is really smelly. He always gives his teammates negative emotions on the court. He has a big problem. Once he makes a mistake, he starts to blame his teammates on the court. In the second half, there is obviously a three-point loss, and turning around is complaining.

Fans can accept that Zhao Rui can’t play well, and it is inevitable that he will be in a bad state. But can we not get mad at each other easily? The national team has no fault tolerance rate. Is it unnecessary to always make inexplicable technical fouls? Zhao Rui needs to make it clear that this is a national team competition. If you come up, you need to output. If you don’t come up, you need to make mistakes. Are you ready? This is not CBA, and Guangdong team has a fault tolerance rate.

As far as the combination of ball ability, physical fitness and experience defense is concerned, Zhao Rui is really the top domestic defender. Although it always feels like a dynamite powder keg, which may explode at any time, in addition to the national team and the big nephew, the other domestic defenders are Zhang Ning, but Zhang Ning’s ability to hold the ball is not good, especially with his left hand.

So if you really understand the ball, Zhao Rui can’t be cut at all, especially without Guo Ailun, even if he plays badly. Because each of our defenders is lame, Zhao Rui’s greatest contribution is that he has to be there as a tool for holding the ball over the half-court. Otherwise, it will really press you to see how ugly it will be in the future. In the fourth quarter, Zhao Rui was just a tool for holding the ball over the half-court. Without him, Zhao Jiwei and Fang Shuo would have been able to hold the ball over the half-court.

Jorjevich loves and hates Zhao Rui!

New york reporter: Grimes’s offseason training is very substantial. He wants to improve his ball holding ability and defense.

According to Ian Begley, a reporter from new york Sports TV Network, Knicks player Grimes has a very substantial training plan in this offseason.

It is reported that Grimes, as a member of the selection team, is training with the American men’s basketball team this week. Last month, Grimes trained with former NBA player JJ- Lei Dike. Later this month, Grimes will go to Memphis to train with Penny Hardaway.

Grimes said that attacking and defending with the ball is what he wants to improve during the offseason. "I feel more comfortable with my opponent’s ball in the offseason, creating opportunities for myself and my teammates, and attacking and shooting after dribbling more in the game." Grimes said, "I defend by going up one flight of stairs, and I defend the best players almost every night. I want to be more stable and try to stay in the best condition. "

Reverse! La Liga approved the transfer application of Paris superstar, Mbappé may be pending, and Neymar was dug.

Reverse! La Liga approved the transfer application of Paris superstar, Mbappé may be pending, and Neymar was dug.

Paris Saint-Germain’s performance this season is not satisfactory. The Champions League was eliminated early, and the dominance of the league was not strong enough. Moreover, we must know that Barley has made great efforts in signing in recent years. Although it is a team with many superstars, it still has not shown strong enough dominance, and it may be able to win the French League title after the end of the season, but considering the signing fees and other costs, it is undoubtedly a loss. So after the end of the season, Paris Saint-Germain will have a big change.

At the end of this season, Messi, Neymar and Mbappé will go their separate ways. Messi has decided to leave Paris Saint-Germain, and the management will rebuild the team around Mbappé. But Mbappé is not satisfied with the current state of Paris Saint-Germain, and the team has no way to give him what he wants, whether it is championship honor or management power. In addition, due to the gathering of superstars, Mbappé has not won the Golden Globe Award since he entered Paris Saint-Germain.

Based on the above situation, Mbappé is already considering leaving the team. If he can find a competitive team that suits him, he may go further. However, according to the news, Paris Saint-Germain has no intention of letting him leave, so the top star with 180 million euros may leave the team after the end of next season. Then at that stage, Mbappé may land at the Bernabeu Stadium.

In addition to Messi and Mbappé, Neymar is also on the team’s sale list. Paris Saint-Germain has always wanted to put Neymar on the transfer market, but unfortunately, the Brazilian star’s salary is very high, with an annual salary of more than 30 million euros, which dissuades many teams. According to the media, in order to facilitate the transaction as soon as possible, Paris Saint-Germain will reduce the transfer fee and is willing to compensate Neymar for part of his salary. In this case, at present, many big teams are paying attention to Neymar, and perhaps after the end of the season, the management can receive an offer.

This season, the scandal between Messi and Paris Saint-Germain has been raging, and this is Messi’s second season in the team. From the data point of view, Messi’s performance is excellent, both offensive efficiency and data are in the top position. Although he has entered the end of his career, Messi’s competitive state is still excellent, which is also the quality and level that a top player should have. But recently, due to various factors and misunderstandings, there is a gap between the two sides, so Messi will leave the team after the end of this season.

According to the Daily Sports Daily, Barcelona has made many contacts with Messi, and the team is willing to provide various conveniences. Because Barcelona is full of sincerity, it is possible for Messi to return to his former club. More importantly, La Liga has approved Messi’s transfer. As long as the conditions are met, the transaction will be completed smoothly.


After 12 years, it is expected that Beijing will bid for the 2027 World Championships in Track and Field again.

On April 22nd, China Athletics Association published the Announcement of China Athletics Association on the Bidding Results of 2027 World Athletics Championships on its official website. The announcement showed that according to the relevant requirements of the Notice of China Athletics Association on the Public Bidding of 2027 World Athletics Championships, China Athletics Association had completed the bidding work of bidding cities for 2027 World Athletics Championships. After research, only Beijing applied and met the solicitation conditions.

IAAF World Championships in Athletics, the top international track and field event hosted by international association of athletics federations, was founded in 1983, initially every four years, and changed to every two years in 1991. Beijing successfully hosted the 15th World Athletics Championships in the National Stadium (Bird’s Nest) from August 22 to 30, 2015. More than 2,000 athletes from more than 200 countries and regions competed fiercely in 47 events, showing the world a wonderful track and field event. At present, Beijing is going all out to bid for the World Championships in Track and Field, expecting to return to Beijing after 12 years, so that the eyes of the whole world will once again focus on the "Double Olympic City".