Afternoon comment on A-shares: Shanghai Composite Index bottomed out and rose by 0.26% in half a day. Major financial stocks rose collectively.

  The three A-share indexes collectively closed up in early trading. By midday, the Shanghai Composite Index rose by 0.26%, the Shenzhen Component Index rose by 0.24%, the North Stock Exchange 50 fell by 0.85%, the Growth Enterprise Market Index rose by 0.58%, and the half-day turnover in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets was 477.7 billion yuan. More than 2,800 stocks in the two cities fell, and northbound funds sold 1.014 billion yuan in half a day.

  On the theme of the sector, digital currency, cross-border payment, textile manufacturing and other sectors were among the top gainers; Diet pills, precious metals and other sectors led the decline.

  On the disk, digital currency concept stocks led the gains in early trading, () 20CM daily limit, () and () rose by more than 10%, and () and () both had daily limit; Banks, insurance, securities and other major financial sectors rose near midday, () daily limit, () rose by more than 7%, (), (), (), (), (), (), (), etc. rose one after another; The textile manufacturing sector was among the top gainers, with both () and () daily limit, and () rose by over 8%; The concept stocks of diet pills pulled back in early trading today, with () down limit, (), (), Kang Peng Science and Technology, () and other stocks falling more than 7%; In terms of popular stocks, () staged a day board and recorded 7 boards in 10 days.

  Plate analysis:

  Straight flush hot stock list:

  Transaction review:

  At 09: 25, A shares opened, with the Shanghai Composite Index opening 0.09%, Shenzhen Component Index opening 0.2% and Growth Enterprise Market Index opening 0.36%. Cross-border payment and digital currency concept stocks were active.

  At 09:28, the concept stocks of diet pills pulled back, Baihua Pharmaceutical fell by a word, Hanyu Pharmaceutical and Jinkaishengke fell by more than 6%, and many stocks such as (), Changshan Pharmaceutical and () opened lower.

  At 09:30, the cross-border payment sector was active at the beginning of the session. Huafeng Microfiber had a daily limit of 20CM, Kelan Software opened 11.82% higher, and Chutianlong, (), (), Zhongke Jincai and other stocks opened over 5% higher.

  At 09:37, the concept stocks of computing power continued to be active. (1) The daily limit again recorded 3 boards for 4 days, (2 boards) and (1) the daily limit, (), () and () followed up.

  At 09:39, orient securities fell rapidly in early trading, and its share price once fell more than 8%. In the news, orient securities’s shareholding () and other related matters are included in the scope of verification.

  At 09:47, lithium battery concept stocks bottomed out, () quickly pulled up the daily limit, () rose by over 15%, () rose by over 10%, and (), (), Zhenhua New Materials and () followed suit.

  At 09:50, the textile manufacturing sector rose in intraday trading, Fengzhu Textile rose daily, Jujie Microfiber rose by more than 5%, and Yingfeng shares, (), () and () followed suit.

  At 09:51, the securities sector rose, Huachuang Yunxin rose by more than 5%, and china galaxy, Huatai Securities, CITIC Securities and Everbright Securities rose one after another.

  At 09:52 (), the intraday price rose by 219.32%, hitting a temporary stop.

  At 09:54 (), the daily limit rose again, recording 8 consecutive boards, and the turnover exceeded 800 million yuan.

  At 09:55 (), shares and bonds all fell, and gemdale’s share price approached the daily limit. The corporate bond "16 Jindi 02" fell more than 25% and hit the temporary stop, "21 Jindi 01" fell more than 13% and "21 Jindi 03" fell more than 9%. Gemdale announced yesterday that Ling Ke applied to resign as a director, chairman and member of the strategy committee of the board of directors due to physical reasons.

  At 09:57, the precious metal plate fluctuated and fell, () fell by nearly 5%, and (), (), () and () fell by over 3%.

  10:00 According to () iFinD data, half an hour after the opening, the turnover of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets reached 239.9 billion yuan.

  At 10: 05, CPO concept stocks fell, () and () fell more than 7%, (), () and () fell more than 5%.

  At 10:08, oil and gas stocks bottomed out, () rose by over 7%, () rose by over 5%, and () rose by nearly 4%. The stock once fell by over 8% in early trading.

  At 10:11, the mask aligner plate oscillated lower, () fell more than 6%, () fell more than 5%, Torch Light Technology and Tengjing Technology fell more than 4%, and American and Egyptian technologies, () and () followed suit.

  At 10:25, the whole vehicle sector continued to fall, () fell by nearly 5%, () fell by nearly 5%, () fell by more than 3%, and (), () and () followed.

  At 11:03, the banking, insurance, securities and other financial sectors rose in intraday trading, Huachuang Yunxin had a daily limit, china galaxy and Guolian Securities rose more than 4%, and Capital Securities, Cinda Securities, Ruifeng Bank, (), New China Life Insurance and China Pacific Insurance rose one after another.


  1. CITIC Securities: Listed central enterprises frequently increase their repurchase, and the liquidity on the market continues to improve.

  Citic Securities Research Report pointed out that on October 16, a number of listed central enterprises issued announcements on increasing holdings (progress) and repurchase. Since August, listed central enterprises have frequently increased their holdings and repurchased, which is an important measure to implement the Work Plan for Improving the Quality of Listed Companies Holding by Central Enterprises, guide the rational return of the value of listed central enterprises and stabilize the capital market. From the historical experience, the repurchase tide has a positive effect on market sentiment and stock price in the bottom interval. In addition to increasing holdings and repurchases, the slowdown in financing, the slowdown in reducing holdings, and the countercyclical adjustment of policies also reflect the improvement of market liquidity, which is conducive to the re-opening of investors on the sidelines. In terms of configuration, according to the strategy focus recommendation, it is still recommended to divide the layout into three stages: pro-cycle, science and technology and white horse.

  2. Insiders: The transformation of villages in cities is expected to incite the trillion-dollar market.

  According to the Economic Information Daily, the reporter learned that the renovation of urban villages in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chongqing and other places is steadily spreading. A few days ago, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development made it clear that the reconstruction of urban villages in mega-cities in China will be divided into three categories: demolition and new construction, regular rectification and upgrading, and combination of demolition and integration. According to the information system of urban village reconstruction of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, there are currently 162 urban village reconstruction projects in China. According to industry insiders, the renovation of villages in cities has not only improved the living environment of residents, but also changed the space for new life into new development. According to some data, it is conservatively estimated that the annual investment in the renovation of villages in cities in China will reach 840 billion yuan.

  3. Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived at Beijing Capital International Airport by plane.

  According to CCTV news, today, Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived at Beijing Capital International Airport by plane. President Putin will attend the third "Belt and Road" international cooperation summit forum and participate in related activities.

  4. Asked about the announcement of the new M7 car care plan: the delivery delay is up to 10,000 yuan.

  According to Sina Finance, on October 17th, AITO asked the community about the new M7 car care plan, which announced that if the delivery of vehicles is delayed, users will be able to enjoy the car care subsidy up to 10,000 yuan. It is reported that for new M7 users who have completed the big payment before November 30th, 2023, the order status on AITO App starts from the date when the delivery plan is confirmed to the date when the vehicle has arrived at the store. If the waiting period in the table below is exceeded, they will receive the cash subsidy for picking up the car according to the number of days (the date when the vehicle has arrived at the store-the date when the delivery plan has been confirmed-the waiting period). The standard of overdue subsidy is 200 yuan/day, up to 10,000 yuan.

  5. Lei Jun: The official version of Xiaomi’s brand-new operating system 澎湃 OS has been packaged.

  Lei Jun announced in his personal Weibo that Xiaomi’s brand-new operating system, Xiaomi HyperOS, has been packaged for the official version. Xiaomi 14 series, the first mobile phone equipped with a new system, has been delivered to the factory to start production. From this moment on, Xiaomi 澎湃 OS will gradually replace MIUI.

  6. Baidu released Wen Xin Model 4.0 Li Yanhong: The comprehensive level is not inferior to GPT-4.

  According to the Securities Times, on the 17th, Li Yanhong, founder, chairman and CEO of Baidu, announced the official release of Wenxin Big Model 4.0 and started the invitation test. He said that this is by far the most powerful Wenxin model, which has achieved a comprehensive upgrade of the basic model, and has significantly improved its understanding, generation, logic and memory abilities. The comprehensive level is "not inferior to GPT-4".

  7. gemdale responded to the resignation of Chairman Ling Ke: it is a normal management team handover and will not have a significant impact on the company’s operations.

  According to, on the morning of October 17th, regarding the resignation of Ling Ke, the chairman of the company, gemdale responded to the reporter that the resignation of Chairman Ling Ke was really due to physical reasons. The relevant person in charge of gemdale said that the resignation of Chairman Ling Ke and the replacement of Chairman Huang Juncan were normal management team handover and would not have a significant impact on the company’s operation.

  8. China Mobile: Customizing the Mate 60 model is a routine action. This purchase also involves the Pro version.

  According to the Securities Times, recently, () Tendering and Purchasing Network disclosed five terminal procurement projects of mobile phone products such as Huawei Mate 60 Equity Edition-single source procurement information announcement. According to the announcement, China Mobile plans to purchase five mobile phone products including Huawei Mate 60 Rights Edition, with a demand of 1.2 million sets. China Mobile’s purchase triggered a heated discussion in the market. The reporter learned from relevant persons of China Mobile that this purchase belongs to the normal customized version (equity version) of China Mobile. It is understood that the rights edition model means that China Mobile will customize its own business such as mobile cloud disk on the terminal, which is not much different from the public edition model. In the above announcement, except for Huawei Mate 60 rights edition, the models of the other four mobile phones were not disclosed; According to the information obtained by the reporter, the other four models include Mate 60 Pro and Mate 60 Pro+.

How do humans count from fingers to AI?

  Computing equipment displayed in Tsinghua University Science Museum.

  How do humans calculate?

  We can often see that children like to break their hands and count. For human ancestors whose evolution degree is not high, fingers have written a landmark first page for the history of human computing.

  Not long ago, the first comprehensive science museum in China — — Tsinghua University Science Museum, together with Zimuyuan Museum in Hefei, displayed 80 important computing instruments in the history of the East and the West in three units: operation, cleverness and switching on electricity.

  In fact, the museum has collected more than 4,000 pieces of scientific instruments, and has carried out research restoration on famous Chinese and foreign scientific instruments and technological inventions with written records that have been lost in history. Among the 80 pieces of computing instruments in this exhibition, the research and manufacturing team of the museum, after in-depth research, copied the mathematical clay tablets of Babylon and the bamboo slips of the Warring States Period, restored Leonardo da Vinci’s odometer and the drum car of the Song Dynasty, built the ancient Greek Antikythera device with Lego, and developed the interactive model of the Sikard calculator, Pascal calculator and Leibniz calculator.

  Counting is the basis of arithmetic, and human’s 10 fingers become the simplest and most convenient technical tool, which is probably the fundamental reason for decimal calculation. In the ancient world, the "finger counting method" was brought to the extreme. Nowadays, people may not imagine that the finger counting method in medieval Europe can even use two hands to represent as many as 9999 numbers. Until today, finger counting is still widely used in spoken language, sign language and gesture communication.

  As the starting point of early human computing practice, in addition to fingers, our ancestors also used knots, calculations and arithmetic to represent discrete units, and carried out simple operations by moving and arranging these units. For more complex operations and functions, people will arrange the calculation results into tables or use analog calculation devices such as proportional gauge, slide rule and nomograph. These early calculation tools mainly rely on manual operation, and there is no clear input and output device.

  In China, in 2017, Tsinghua University Unearthed Literature Research and Protection Center discovered the earliest decimal calculator "Calculation Table", which was certified by Guinness World Records in the same year. The table is in tabular form, and the core part is the multiplication table of 99, which is composed of "9" to "1" and their products "81" to "1". "Calculation Table" can also be used to convert the multiplication of two digits into the addition of four crossing points by crossing silk threads and using the exchange law to realize fast operation.

  With the continuous development of human society, such computing devices are no longer enough.

  In the 17th century, the idea of mechanical calculator was put into practice for the first time, and it was really commercialized in the middle of 19th century. The extensive use of mechanical calculators conforms to the internal requirements of the rapidly developing capitalist market economy and large-scale industrial production. Difference machine and analyzer are the pinnacle of the development of mechanical calculators, and the analyzer already has the idea of program control, which also indicates the development direction of electronic computers in the future.

  But the electronic computer, which was born in the middle of the 20th century, is a great synthesis in the history of science and technology. The introduction of electricity into computing machines has greatly improved the computing speed of human beings. Since then, computing is no longer just arithmetic, but intelligent activity, and computers are no longer just computing tools, but artificial intelligence.

  Nowadays, smartphones everywhere are no longer called "computing devices". This forgetfulness of calculation just proves that calculation has been immersed in every corner of human activities. The digitalization of the world also turns all problems into calculation problems.

  Computing devices are everywhere, but they are hidden, indicating that human beings will enter the AI era of intelligent computing.

The national team finds the right direction to start the reform of China volleyball in the domestic league.

Jingbao Sports | Reporter Zhuo Ran
In 2022, the first year of the Paris Olympic cycle, China men’s and women’s volleyball teams frequently appeared in the international arena, exercised their teams against the world’s top players, made some achievements, identified their goals and directions, and at the same time found their own shortcomings and recognized the gap. Generally speaking, the upward climb of men’s and women’s volleyball in China, which is in the alternation of old and new, faces both opportunities and challenges.
The women’s volleyball team is gradually on track.
The shadow of losing the Tokyo Olympic Games still exists, Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning are absent, Yan Ni and other veterans retire … Cai Bin took over the coach of China women’s volleyball team in a difficult situation. This year, under his leadership, the tenacious China women’s volleyball team once again proved the powerful strength of the women’s volleyball spirit.
The 2022 World Women’s Volleyball League is the first show of the new China women’s volleyball team under Cai Bin. In the first competition week, China women’s volleyball team reversed the Dutch team, defeated the Turkish team and defeated the Italian team, and even scored 3 wins and 1 loss, which was remarkable. In the following two races, the performance of China women’s volleyball team was mixed. In the end, it broke into the quarterfinals of the World Women’s Volleyball League with 12 games, 8 wins and 4 losses, and achieved the set goal. Although it lost to the Italian team which won the championship in the quarter-finals, it missed the semi-finals, but in the debut of this new women’s volleyball team, this team made people see the impact and hope.
Coach Cai Bin bluntly said after the game that the 13 matches of the World Women’s Volleyball League were very valuable experiences, which helped the team find the direction of efforts. Although the team is not mature enough, Jin Ye and Wang Yun, two Mesozoic main attackers from Beijing Automobile Women’s Volleyball Team, dared to fight and fight to make up for the vacancy on the main attack line of this team as much as possible. Li Yingying, Gong Xiangyu and Yuan Xinyue, through constant tempering, have also taken on the offensive and defensive responsibilities of the team.
Before the start of the World Women’s Volleyball Championships, perhaps not many people can say with great confidence that the goal of China women’s volleyball reaching the quarterfinals can be achieved with a high probability. In the World Championships, China women’s volleyball team defeated Argentina, Colombia, Japan and the Czech Republic with four scores of 3-0 in the group stage, and it was not until it met the powerful Brazil team in the final round that it swallowed its first defeat in the World Championships. In the semi-finals, China women’s volleyball team beat Puerto Rico lightly, narrowly defeated the Netherlands and defeated the Belgian team in five games, and successfully advanced to the quarterfinals, achieving the set goals. Facing the Italian team again in the quarter-finals, the China women’s volleyball team was weaker than its opponents in all technical aspects, lost 1-3, stopped in the quarter-finals, and finally ended the journey of the World Championships with the sixth place.
From the World Women’s Volleyball League to the World Women’s Volleyball Championships, in just a few months, this China women’s volleyball team has shown its own progress, played its morale and self-confidence, and let the outside world see a brand-new mental outlook. However, in the confrontation with the world’s top teams such as Italy and Brazil, the team’s inexperience, unstable state and many mistakes are also exposed.
Cai Bin said in an interview after the World Championships that young players have grown up rapidly through the experience of the World Championships, with both regrets and gains. Facing the top teams in the world, China team should continue to tap its potential and build a system of balanced attack and defense.
In 2022, we saw the potential and hope from this China women’s volleyball team. In 2023, intensive international competitions such as the World Women’s Volleyball League, the Asian Games and the Paris Olympic qualifiers are waiting for the girls, expecting China women’s volleyball team with fine traditions to achieve new success.
Men’s volleyball team wins Asian championship again
Looking back on 2022, it is a great encouragement for China men’s volleyball team and China volleyball team that China men’s volleyball team won the Asian Cup again after 10 years, which can even be called a big event in domestic sports. However, in the eyes of many fans, if we want to rank the surprises brought by China men’s volleyball team this year, it may be more exciting that they beat the powerful Brazilian team in the World Men’s Volleyball League.
In recent years, there are not many opportunities to compete in the international arena, and the China men’s volleyball team has rarely performed brilliantly. In the 2022 World Men’s Volleyball League in Brazil, China men’s volleyball team lost all three games, and the whole team was in the haze of defeat. In the final round against Brazil, no one believed that China men’s volleyball team could win. However, in the competition, the boys of China men’s volleyball team played to the extreme in attacking and blocking, and finally overthrew Brazil, the world’s No.1 team, 3-0, and won a victory to rebuild their confidence. After that, China men’s volleyball team was influenced by many factors, failed to continue its stable performance, and finally handed over the report card of 12 games, 3 wins and 9 losses.
After a short break, China men’s volleyball team entered the Asian Cup non-stop. Beat China Taipei Team and Bahrain Team with two scores of 3-1, swept Pakistan Team, defeated Iran Team, and defeated South Korea Team in five games-China Men’s Volleyball Team reached the final and ushered in the ultimate contest with Japanese Team. With Zhang Jingyin’s excellent performance and the team’s good performance in blocking and serving, China men’s volleyball team finally won the championship with a 3-0 victory.
In the Asian Cup competition, China Men’s Volleyball Team actively adjusted and finally won many times when the score was behind, which improved the team morale and ushered in a highlight moment. However, at the World Men’s Volleyball Championships that followed, in the confrontation with the top teams in the world, China Men’s Volleyball Team did not win a game, and was at the bottom of the group, seeing the gap between itself and its opponents.
Through the tempering of this year’s World Series, the combat effectiveness and cohesion of China Men’s Volleyball Team have been further improved, and the outside world has also seen the role of senior national players such as Zhang Jingyin, Dai Qingyao, Yu Yaochen and Peng Shikun, as well as the growth of young players such as Yang Yiming. At the same time, the team also exposed shortcomings and shortcomings, and head coach Wu Sheng and the players attached great importance to this. Wu Sheng said that the gap between China men’s volleyball team and the world’s high-level teams is still very large, "not only technically, but also in physical fitness, physical fitness and understanding of volleyball."
In the coming year, China Men’s Volleyball Team also has a heavy international competition task, the most crucial of which is the Paris Olympic qualifiers. What kind of performance the boys will show is worth looking forward to.
League launched reform measures
At present, the 2022-2023 China Volleyball Super League is in full swing, with 28 teams participating in the men’s and women’s volleyball leagues.
At the beginning of this year, the National Volleyball Work Conference was held. Under the active promotion of the State Sports General Administration, the volleyball league started the reform work. This season’s Super League has ushered in new breakthroughs and changes, and launched a series of new measures, including the launch of the league slogan of "bravely surpassing, fighting first", further building the brand marketing system, improving the brand system and enhancing brand value, and the league competition system is developing in a more standardized direction.
The foreign aid policy is one of the most remarkable changes in the league. This season, there is no limit to the number, position and number of foreign aid players in the Super League, which makes the number of foreign aid imports hit a new high in recent seasons, including many top-level athletes in the world. Judging from the course of the competition, this move has really further improved the antagonism and competitive level of the competition. Many young players have also gained more opportunities to learn and exercise with the help of high-level foreign aid.
It is also undeniable that the problems of low commercialization level and poor management and operation mechanism of the Super League still exist. Volleyball, as one of the three big balls, has not reached its due position and level in domestic league matches, nor has it shown its unique value.
As the cornerstone of the national team construction, the reform and development of the league still has a long way to go, and it needs to find the right direction and make contributions for a long time.

Eight active players with both offensive and defensive skills: two bucks and two clippers!

Eight active players with both offensive and defensive skills: two bucks and two clippers!

There are too many all-round players in the NBA, but James is considered to be the most all-round player in history. Besides his scoring, rebounding and assists, his defense is also very good. He won the title of the best No.1 guard five times. Compared with Dancsics, Harden and others, James’ attack, passing and defense are all-round.

But it is very difficult to be as versatile as James, because he is already the second person in history. An ordinary player can’t enter the first person in history at all. In today’s league, many players combine offense and defense, but only eight players combine offense and defense.

Leonard (LynnaLeonard)

Jordan once said to Cam’s defense, "Even I can’t score." Cass was bought by the Spurs at the draft because of his defense. In his career, he won the honor of "MVP" twice with his excellent defense, and with the passage of time, his offense became more stable and was called "Jordan".

Cass is the best defensive player in a single row in the league. He once locked James and Alphabet firmly behind him in the playoffs. Even though he missed many games because of injury, Leonard was still the best defensive player in a single row in the league in the playoffs last season. Last season, his average score was 23.8 points, 6.5 rebounds, 3.9 assists and 1.4 steals, with a score of 51% and a three-point score of 41.

Giorgio Aureliano

George’s playing style is conservative. He has a superstar style after 00. He can ignore all attacks and confront all superstars, which is why he is loved by fans, and he also inherits the tradition of NBA at that time. In fact, if his injuries were not too serious, George’s strength would be even stronger. At the age of 18, he also reached the top three MVP rankings with a wonderful performance.

George’s defensive ability may not be as good as that of Cass, but it is also very excellent. He has been in the best team four times and twice. In his heyday, George’s average score reached 28 points. Even Yang Yi said that at the age of 18, he had reached Durant’s level. George averaged 23.8,6.1 rebounds, 5.1 assists, 1.5 steals, 45.7 percentage points and 37.1% three-pointers last season.

capital letter

Brother Alphabet can be said to be a perfect ball. Brother Alphabet is somewhat similar to James. He can be competent for many roles and can play many roles at the same time. He is fast and difficult to stop when attacking, but compared with James in his heyday, his shooting is still inferior. He can defend in five different positions at the same time, so he won the title of the best defender once, four times and one defense.

On the offensive side, Brother Alphabet is even more fierce, and is called "O ‘Neill in the era of small ball" by O ‘Neill. Brother Alphabet is a great threat in the inside. Last season, he averaged 32 minutes, scored 31.1 points, 11.8 rebounds, 5.7 assists, 0.8 steals, 0.8 blocks and 55% shooting percentage. Brother Alphabet has entered the ranks of the top three in the NBA, and he not only

Holledi Football Club

Holliday is the most neglected defender in the NBA at present. He used to be the second seed of the Lakers and didn’t get much attention. Now he has come to the Bucks and become the third seed. He has made a lot of efforts and didn’t get much attention, but Holliday’s strength is beyond doubt. Curry once said at a press conference that he thinks that of the three most difficult defenders, only Holliday is the only one so far.

Holliday’s career, once entered the best defensive team five times and entered the first team three times, and when Holliday was 21 years old, he locked Paul firmly so that the Bucks won the championship. Last season, Holliday averaged 19.3 points, 5.1 rebounds, 7.4 assists, 1.2 steals, and the three-point shooting rate was 48%. With Brother Alphabet as the core, Holliday, Middleton and Brother Alphabet as the core, in a few years, they still hope to win the championship.

Butler crater

Butler is also a man who is looked down upon. If he hadn’t played the "Black Eight", I’m afraid he would have been looked down upon. Butler is a very talented man. He has the ability to attack, defend and even control the ball, but he is lazy in the regular season, so he has not been favored and won any big awards. He has only entered the best defensive team five times in his career, but all of them are just substitutes.

But as soon as the playoffs came, Butler began to shine. He led his team, entered the Eastern Conference finals three times and the finals twice. Although he didn’t win the championship, it was also valuable. Last season, Butler averaged 26.9 points, 5.9 rebounds, 5.3 assists, 1.8 steals and 54% three points per game. Butler’s tenacity is very consistent with his team style.


Anthony was Tatum’s rookie in that session, but Kobe was his favorite star. Influenced by Mamba, Tatum constantly honed his skills. In the past six years, Tatum’s scores have been constantly improved. Looking at the whole NBA, he is the only one who can achieve such results, which shows how diligent he is. At the same time, Tatum has paid a lot of attention to the team’s defense.

When Kobe coached Tatum, he asked reporters a question, that is, the Lakers didn’t choose Tatum when they could have won the No.1 pick. Kobe Bryant is right. Tatum is really the best forward with both offensive and defensive skills in the league. Last season, his average score was 30.1,8.8 rebounds, 4.6 assists, 1.1 steals and 0.7 blocks. In fact, Brown is also a good man, but his attack power is not very strong, which is why he was not selected for the list.

AnthonyDavis Anthony

When Brother Thick Eyebrows was selected, he was hailed as a man with both offensive and defensive abilities. His defense and potential were strong, and his physical fitness was very good, so he was hailed as a model of Garnett. After joining the NBA, Brother Thick Eyebrows quickly showed his talent, being selected into the best defensive team for four times and winning the blocked shot for three times, which made him one of the best power forwards in the NBA.

Brother Thick Eyebrows is also a very good player. He has strong ball control ability and scoring ability. Brother Thick Eyebrows also helped James win the championship 20 years ago. Last season, he performed well in the playoffs, and his performance was also the best. His performance made the Lakers enter the playoffs. Maybe next season, Brother Thick Eyebrows will replace Lao Zhan and become the leader of the Lakers.

Embid crater

Emperor has been a rugby player since he was a child. I’m afraid he would have done the same if he hadn’t been tall, but his physical fitness is very good, and his physical fitness is also very good, so he has always been a frequent visitor to the "best defense team" and entered the "best defense team" three times. Embiid’s attack power is much stronger than his, and he has won the "scorer" twice.

The Emperor’s style is somewhat similar to Harden’s. He has endless firepower advantages, his performance is also very good, and his score is also very high. However, with the approaching of the playoffs, his defense is getting weaker and weaker, and his offensive efficiency is getting lower and lower. Last season, he won the title of MVP, with an average score of only 33.1 points, 10.2 rebounds, 4.2 assists, 1 steal and 1.7 blocks.

Speaking of which, what do you think of these people? Please leave your comments.

[Observation] The Manchester City Dynasty has been established. Who can push Gua’s Blue Moon off the throne?

In six years, it won the championship for five times and won the Premier League three times in a row for the first time. Guardiola’s Manchester City has undoubtedly ranked among the immortals-in the history of English top leagues for more than 100 years, only five teams have achieved the achievement of winning the championship three times in a row, starting with Huddersfield (1924-26) 97 years ago, followed by Arsenal (1933-35) and Liverpool (1982).

As for four consecutive championships, it has never happened, but it seems that it may become a reality after one year, or even a longer record of consecutive championships. After all, Gua’s Blue Moon has achieved great success. Even the disadvantage of falling behind by 8 points at one time can be easily recovered and won in advance, and I am afraid that the advantage will be greater and greater in the future. In this state, many people must have the same question in their hearts: Who else can stop Guardiola’s team from continuing to dominate the Premier League in the future?

Who is the most qualified not to play in the Champions League?

This season, Arsenal "almost" successfully prevented the official establishment of the Manchester City Dynasty. They were the leaders in the standings until the end of April, and only after losing the direct dialogue between the two sides did they completely fall behind. Obviously, the gunman’s drive and courage to challenge are worthy of recognition and respect, but we must also understand that this young team can rise suddenly this season, in fact, it is mixed with many accidental factors. If most of the traditional top six were not in trouble, including Manchester City, which was once slow to heat up, Arsenal, which took the lead, might not be able to occupy the highlands from the starting stage.

By next season, Arteta’s team will face an unprecedented test. After many years of returning to the Champions League, they will also lose an advantage over their competitors. In the 2021-22 season, Arsenal, which is competing for four, will not have a European mission. By 2022-23, the gunners who once competed for the championship have never been under the pressure of the Champions League. In the future, they may take care of themselves. After all, the most obvious shortcoming of the team at present is that the lineup is too small. Although the main force is strong, it can’t be rotated by playing in the league.

If Arsenal’s Premier League ranking drops next season, I believe it won’t surprise too many people. Although they will definitely strengthen in the summer, it is not easy to make the expanded team increase in strength in a blink of an eye. As a result, when discussing the "Manchester City Challenger" next season, the most popular candidate is not the new runner-up, but Liverpool, which now seems to have no hope of winning four.

Is this because the Red Army can’t play in the Champions League? This can be considered as one of the factors, but more importantly, klopp is the only man who has kept pace with Guardiola in the Premier League and defeated "Full Form Manchester City". In 2017-18, after Guashuai transformed Blue Moon into a shape and won the league championship, he was interrupted to defend his title only once in the Premier League, that is, the 2019-20 season when Liverpool won the championship. In addition, don’t forget that in 2018-19 and 2021-22, the Red Army was only one point away from Manchester City.

Of course, this season’s down and out is enough to show that klopp is facing the biggest dilemma since he landed in the Premier League. It is not easy to regain his glory, and it is even more difficult to overthrow Guardiola again. In this regard, we can only say that Liverpool still have some basic conditions. For example, although the upgrading of their lineup seems to be lagging behind, at least they have spent a lot of money. Newcomers such as Nunez and Huckabee, although they can’t reach the height of Trident for the time being, still have an upward trend and huge room for improvement.

In addition, there are still some good rumors about the reinforcement in summer. Bellingham, who has been staring for a long time, has failed, but mcallister of Brighton, Mount of Chelsea or Herafenbech of Bayern all have the chance to become a new force. Last time the league slipped, it only won the third place in the 2020-21 season. The Red Army rebounded quickly, and this time it fell even harder. I wonder if they can come up with a tougher response.

Richer people can win in the future?

In addition to the Red Army, the Red Devils are also expected to make "progress" next season, and in terms of preventing Guardiola from winning the cup, Manchester United should even be considered as the team that is expected to achieve this goal as soon as possible-in the FA Cup final on June 3, if Tenghahe’s team can win the Manchester derby, then the blue moon treble will naturally fail, regardless of whether the latter can beat Inter Milan a week later.

This sounds a bit like an "impossible task", but at least in January this year, the Red Devils reversed the blue moon with a tenacity of 2-1. Of course, if we really want to challenge our neighbors in a longer period of time, Manchester United needs a real reinvention-it is best to change to a richer and generous boss. In all fairness, Tenghahe has indeed brought many positive changes to the team, but all kinds of troubles left by years of deviation can be completely resolved without being so simple. At present, the Red Devils lineup also has obvious defects, such as the lack of a top scorer with particularly guaranteed goal data.

Manchester United need a strong summer, and it is best to win the legendary Aussie or Kane. As one of the traditional top six teams, Tottenham, where the latter is located, has some feelings of being expelled from the Premier League giants this season. After the cooperation with Kong Di, it is too late to determine the direction of candidates. In this way, they are likely to need to "start all over again" next season, and it is difficult to qualify for the discussion in the front row.

Since Newcastle are only one point away from qualifying for the Champions League next season, this "upstart" must be included in the discussion. With the endorsement of the Saudi public investment fund, whose wealth far exceeds that of the royal family in Abu Dhabi, it is not surprising that magpies can dominate the Premier League one day. With the support of Petroleum Jinyuan, the team has indeed made rapid progress. Last year, it once fought for relegation, and it is expected to be the third place this year. Just to take a step forward, the difficulty will inevitably multiply, and Newcastle’s development strategy is actually quite "slow and steady". They pay more attention to the long-term future, not just the immediate order. On such a successful day of Newcastle’s hegemony, Guashuai may not still be in Manchester City.

Finally, it seems that we can’t completely rule out Chelsea, one of the "top six". Although they are extremely chaotic this season, they have to be thankful for relegation in advance, but after all, the new boss has spent 600 million pounds to reinforce their ambitions. Therefore, there are still some British media who have an imagination of the Blue Army: What if Pochettino comes and the team is built as tall as its "buying price"?

However, some people are naysayers. For example, the website WhoScored recently posted a piece of data: Manchester City is one of Pochettino’s most unwilling opponents, with an average score of only 1.05 when leading the team against it. And against Guardiola, who is only one year older than himself, Pochettino is always half a head shorter in momentum. Under this premise, it may be very successful for the Blue Army to return to the front row to spoil the situation in the future.

Ai automatic article writing software

With the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, the technology of ai automatically writing articles has become increasingly mature. Traditionally, people think that writing is a job that requires human intelligence and creativity. However, now, artificial intelligence has begun to challenge this concept.

Ai’s technology of automatically writing articles is based on big data and natural language processing technology. It can use the existing data and knowledge base to transform this information into language expression and form articles, and it can also improve the quality and efficiency of its writing through the learning and optimization of algorithms.

Of course, there are also some problems in ai’s automatic writing of articles, such as emotional expression of articles, flexibility of language, etc. At present, the technology can not fully capture human creativity and expression, but it can be predicted that in the future, with the continuous breakthrough of technology, ai’s automatic writing of articles will perform better.

Generally speaking, ai automatic writing articles is a very promising technology. It can provide more efficient and convenient writing tools for human beings, and it can also play a greater role and creativity in some fields.

The article you are looking at is written by software.

Automatic generation of AI intelligent copywriting has become a new trend in the field of digital marketing. With the continuous progress and development of AI technology, more and more enterprises begin to use AI technology to automatically generate marketing copy to improve marketing efficiency and reduce production costs.

AI intelligent copy generation technology uses artificial intelligence algorithms and models to generate reusable and adjustable copy content by analyzing and processing a large number of data, articles, documents and other materials. This technology can not only greatly improve the production efficiency, but also reduce the error rate and cross-cultural risks.

Different from the traditional copywriting method, AI can generate a large number of high-quality copywriting in a short time, which enables marketers to focus on planning, creativity and strategy. In addition, the application scope of AI is becoming wider and wider, and it can generate various types of copywriting including advertising copywriting, email copywriting, SEO copywriting, social media promotion copywriting and product description copywriting.

Although AI intelligent copy generation technology has played an important role in improving production efficiency and reducing manufacturing costs, it cannot completely replace human creativity. Therefore, although AI will play an important role in the field of digital marketing, human creativity and creativity are still the key factors for marketing success.

AI automatic article writing software is a computer program that can use artificial intelligence technology to create and write articles independently. This software aims to generate high-quality and easy-to-understand articles through technologies such as machine learning and natural language processing, saving users time and energy.

With the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, AI automatic article writing software has been widely used in news reports, scientific research papers, content marketing and other fields. These softwares can not only automatically generate detailed reports and articles in the corresponding fields through a large amount of data analysis and processing, but also carry out semantic matching and important information extraction, making the contents of articles richer and more accurate.

In addition, AI automatic article writing software is highly intelligent. Users only need to set keywords and themes to automatically synthesize the desired content, which saves tedious manual editing and typesetting work and greatly improves work efficiency.

However, AI automatic article writing software also has some shortcomings. Because of the need to learn from data, the articles generated by it may have some grammatical errors or logical loopholes, which need to be corrected manually. In addition, the software can only generate articles according to the set rules, which lacks innovation and flexibility.

Generally speaking, AI automatic article writing software is an innovative technology, which has the advantages of high efficiency, accuracy and simplicity. With the continuous development and improvement of technology, I believe it will be widely used and popularized in various industries.

In recent years, artificial intelligence technology has developed rapidly, among which Baidu AI automatic article writing technology has attracted much attention. Baidu AI automatically writes articles by using machine learning, natural language processing and other technologies, so that the machine can automatically generate articles and solve the tedious and defects of manual writing.

The working principle of Baidu AI automatic writing articles is to input keywords, and the machine can automatically generate a grammatical article. In this process, the machine learns through artificial intelligence algorithm, which can acquire knowledge from a large number of text data and improve its writing ability. In addition, with the continuous updating of technology, Baidu AI’s automatic writing of articles is also constantly optimizing its algorithm, and it is committed to grasping semantics more accurately and improving the quality of writing.

Baidu AI has a wide range of application scenarios for automatically writing articles, especially in the fields of news, advertising, media and education. For example, in news reports, this technology can be used to quickly capture the core content of events, quickly push news, and greatly improve the efficiency of news release. In advertising marketing, this technology can automatically generate product promotion copy, and improve the click-through rate and conversion rate of advertisements. In the field of education, through Baidu AI to automatically write articles, the machine can accurately display according to the students’ keywords, and provide students with articles that are more suitable for the course.

In a word, Baidu AI automatic writing articles is an artificial intelligence technology with wide application prospects, which can greatly improve writing efficiency and optimize text quality. We believe that Baidu AI automatic article writing technology will be more widely used and developed in the future.

These AI artifacts are wonderful, especially the first one.

Artificial intelligence has penetrated into people’s lives, and clever use of artificial intelligence tools will greatly improve our work efficiency; Today, I will share with you several artificial intelligence super AI tools, which must be collected.

First, the sound track

Audio splitting is a limited-time free service, which provides users with the ability to remove audio services from movies without recoding, so that web pages can be used, and both Windows and Mac can perform normally.

This service supports MP4, AVI, MOV and other movie formats. Then select the movie file to be muted and press it to remove the sound effect. After processing, the download link will pop up. In addition, there are many functions such as video conversion accompaniment, video extraction accompaniment, human voice and so on.

This is a creative video that can be automatically generated according to various information such as photos, words or video clips, and according to AI and machine learning (ML) algorithms. Under its cutting-edge artificial intelligence generation engine, the concept in the user’s mind is turned into reality, and the imagination is truly released.


This is an AI application that can convert text into video games. Using the strategy of machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP), the scene of video game can be automatically created according to the text description. In addition, OPUS can automatically generate the game mechanism, settings and characters that supplement the narrative by evaluating the text of the story or game scene, and other people and AI applications can participate in the final game construction.