HarmonyOS zhixing rumours!

  Recently, there are rumors in the market that China Post and Telecommunications Equipment Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China Post") will fully undertake the user center agent of HarmonyOS Zhixing, the Huawei car business, which was originallyThe responsible user center will be gradually handed over to China Post or managed.

  It is understood that China Post is a long-term cooperative mobile phone distributor of Huawei. For the above rumors, "HarmonyOS Zhixing" officialThe Clarification on the False Report that "China Post will fully undertake the agency of HarmonyOS Zhixing User Center" was issued, saying that China Post is building a new Zhixing User Center in HarmonyOS to develop together with the existing AITO Customer Center.

  In 2023, HarmonyOS Zhixing opened to 78 cities nationwide to join the user center, which provided a series of services including sales, delivery and after-sales. Previously, Huawei’s smart cars were mainly drained and sold by Huawei terminal stores, while AITO’s customer center focused more on delivery and after-sales.

  According to the reporter’s query on the "HarmonyOS Zhixing" APP, there are currently 54 HarmonyOS Zhixing user centers in China. With the acceleration of the construction of HarmonyOS Zhixing User Center, Huawei’s "car selling channel" may have new changes.

Huawei "not only asks the world", but also welcomes changes in car sales channels.

  At the Guangzhou Auto Show in 2023, Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei, CEO of BG, and chairman of BU, a smart car solution, once said that there would be two "boundaries" after the "intellectual boundary" and "intellectual boundary", respectively from BAIC and JAC.

  Among them, Wenjie is a brand that Huawei cooperates with under the automobile intelligent selection mode, while Zhijie is a new brand created by Huawei and Chery. More and more "boundaries" mean that Huawei’s "circle of friends who build cars" has further expanded.

  In November, 2023, Huawei upgraded the original smart selection model to HarmonyOS Zhixing, and continued to cooperate with Celeste, Chery, Jianghuai and BAIC.

Huawei’s new car, Zhijie S7, was displayed in the experience store with the words "HarmonyOS Zhixing". An Yufei/photo

  In this case,The marketing model of the business has also changed. Previously, Huawei relied on its terminal stores to be responsible for the drainage and ordering of smart cars. By the end of 2022, Huawei has established more than 60,000 stores and counters around the world, including more than 5,500 experience stores and more than 2,200 Huawei authorized service centers. The AITO authorized user experience center built by Cyrus is mainly responsible for the delivery and after-sales of automobiles.

  However, with the launch of Zhijie S7 and other models, Huawei also needs a new service center to undertake the sales and delivery services of brands outside the world. HuaxinIt is said that at present, most of Huawei’s direct stores can only display the models of Jiejie, and customers need to go to the underground garage for static feeling if they want to test drive the Zhijie, which is not good for the promotion of HarmonyOS Zhixing series. With the introduction of new models, the disadvantages will gradually emerge.

  In 2023, HarmonyOS Zhixing opened to 78 cities across the country to join the user center and seek partners. according toPowerOn reports that Huawei is building an independent HarmonyOS Zhixing store for Smart Car Selection. It is estimated that in 2024, the number of newly-built HarmonyOS Zhixing stores will reach about 800, and it will hit 1,000 in 2025.

  It is understood that HarmonyOS Zhixing User Center will provide services including sales, delivery and after-sales, and become a "integration of sales, delivery and service" user center. The user center has four levels: S, A, B and C. The S-level user center is required to accommodate 12 or more exhibition parking spaces and 12 or more delivery parking spaces, and the lowest C-level user center also needs 6 exhibition parking spaces and delivery parking spaces. Compared with Huawei terminal stores that need to "sell mobile phones", HarmonyOS Zhixing User Center is selling car service capabilities.Stronger.

  In the process of building HarmonyOS Zhixing User Center, one of Huawei’s criteria for selecting partners is to have priority.Experience and ability in brand car sales and maintenance. As a long-term cooperative distributor of Huawei, China Post has built a certain sales advantage around the smart ecology of "people, cars and houses".

  Huaxin believes that if the car purchase process of its HarmonyOS Zhixing cooperative OEM cannot be unified, it is expected that there will be a multi-party game between different OEM brands, which is harmful to the promotion of smart car selection. Based on the objective demand of increasing vehicle types and expanding exhibition area, and the necessity of unifying the sales and delivery process of HarmonyOS Zhixing, it is imperative for Huawei to build an independent HarmonyOS Zhixing store.

Wen Jie won the weekly sales crown, and "Huawei Department" sprinted to the high-end market.

  according toIn the weekly sales list released in the first week of 2024 (January 1-January 7), in the sales list of new power brands in China market, the customer reached the top with sales of 5900 vehicles, and ideally ranked second with sales of 4300 vehicles.

  The popularity of the new M7 and M9 in the world of inquiry also continues to rise. On the afternoon of December 26th, 2023, Yu Chengdong said that the number of reserved cars for the M9 was over 54,000.

  In order to further increase the sales volume, a price war has also started in the world: during the period from January 1 to January 31, 2024, consumers who buy the new M7 designated models in the world will enjoy the right to buy cars up to 40,000 yuan. The rights and interests include giving the maximum value of 12,000 yuan for interior and exterior decoration matching rights, 3,000 yuan for Spring Festival red envelopes, and equal deductions for ADS smart driving packages and technology enjoyment packages with different values. From the perspective of asking M9, if you decide to ask M9 before 24: 00 on February 26th, 2024, you can enjoy the matching rights worth 10,000 yuan.

  Ping An Research Report said that after the hot sales of HarmonyOS Zhixing models, the necessity and urgency of cooperation between car companies and Huawei have been significantly enhanced. At present, the OEMs covered by HarmonyOS Zhixing include Cyrus and Chery Automobile.And BAIC, HI mode is only Changan Aouita. After the independence of BU, equity diversification attracts more OEMs to become.And customers, Huawei BU is one step closer to becoming "Bosch" in the field of smart cars.

  Ping An Securities predicts that the sales volume of Huawei’s deeply empowered vehicles is expected to reach 670,000 vehicles in 2024 (including Wenjie, Zhijie and Aouita), with a significant incremental contribution. In 2024, the domestic retail volume may exceed., become a high-endAn important pole of the market.

Lotus, sugar cane, papaya … Many southern fruits are planted here in winter. Come and have a look!

Kebai Technology’s newly built 30,000-square-meter large-scale intelligent multi-span glass greenhouse for Internet of Things.
Kebai Technology, located in Yangzhuang Town, Laiwu District, Jinan City, Shandong Province, is a smart agricultural company. They used smart agriculture to realize large-scale successful planting of various southern fruits in the north. A few days ago, the mass newspaper and rural mass reporters visited it and felt the shock brought by smart agriculture at close range.
Scientific research achievements have landed,
Jianqi wisdom industrial park
"Our park is a practical application exhibition base for the practical production of smart agriculture. The planned total investment of the park is 650 million yuan, and now it is mainly divided into two parts. Together, it is an agricultural big data center, and together it is a 20,000-mu precision and digital agricultural planting park. There are several types of new greenhouses here. Some are earth-back-wall greenhouses suitable for areas with low temperature or large temperature difference between day and night, some are new material greenhouses that can effectively save land space, and there are high-standard plexiglass greenhouses. It can basically represent the greenhouses needed by various geographical features in China. I will take you to the scene later. " On November 25, in the office of Jinan Kebai Smart Agriculture Industrial Park, Liu Xinyuan, the chief agronomist of the park, pointed to a row of greenhouses not far away and said with a smile.
Following the guidance of Liu Xinyuan, the reporter looked out, and the original thick and neatly arranged greenhouses were indeed different.
Liu Xinyuan introduced that although these greenhouses are different in materials and styles, they have one thing in common. They have all installed various agricultural Internet of Things detection and control equipment produced by Kebai, all of which use wireless detection, wireless transmission and wireless control to implement automatic management and operation of agricultural Internet of Things.
"To build these greenhouses with different styles, our purpose is to apply all kinds of high-tech data achievements in the laboratory to production, so that smart agriculture can blossom and bear fruit wherever it goes. Let the world have no crops that are difficult to grow. " Liu Xinyuan walked towards the greenhouse with the reporter and said confidently.
Smart agriculture helps,
South guoaishang north di
While speaking, Liu Xinyuan took the reporter into a common winter warm shed in the north. A damp and warm air came to my face, and the fruit trees in the shed were lush and shiny.
The expansion piece in Liu Xinyuan’s mobile phone is full of a tree of lotus mist, which is really gratifying to watch.
"This shed covers an area of 1.5 mu, and 68 red emerald lotus trees have been planted, all of which are seedlings from Guangdong. Although the planting range has moved to the north by 14 latitudes, we can accurately control the most suitable environment for the growth of lotus fog in the greenhouse by leveraging Kebai’s agricultural special Internet of Things automation management and agricultural big data cloud platform. It is better to ensure that the lotus leaves bear fruit many times a year, and the yield and quality are higher than those in the south. " Liu Xinyuan said that he opened the photo album of his mobile phone and opened a photo. I saw a lotus tree full of fruits, one by one like a red lantern is gratifying.
"You see, this is the tree in the photo. From March this year, the first crop of buds has been planted, and by the end of August, two crops have been planted, each with 40 to 50 kilograms. You sweep this, and all the information of this lotus mist can be seen. " Liu Xinyuan pointed to a small two-dimensional code card hanging on the tree.
Where did all this information come from?
Liu Xinyuan pointed out the detection and control facilities installed in several places in the greenhouse for the reporter to see.
The greenhouse is covered with various monitors to provide technical support for the growth of lotus fog.
It turns out that there are many secret weapons hidden in the greenhouse, which are the infrastructure of Kebai Agricultural Internet of Things and Agricultural Big Data Cloud Platform.
There are various clips on the leaves and stems of a lotus tree. Liu Xinyuan said that this is a sensor for monitoring plant growth, which can monitor leaf temperature and humidity, fruit diameter and stem growth in real time and interpret plant growth. Compare under what environment, plants grow fastest and fruits grow fastest. In addition, meteorological sensors are installed in the park to monitor air temperature and humidity, rainfall, wind speed and direction, carbon dioxide, etc. Soil and air sensors are also installed in the shed to obtain the real temperature, moisture, humidity, PH value and EC value of the soil and the air temperature and humidity.
The data collected by these sensors will be uploaded to the agricultural big data cloud platform through the wireless transmission system using the 5G base station. After analysis and calculation, a most suitable model for plant growth will be formed. Once this mode is determined, once there is a deviation between the real-time environment in the shed and the mode environment, the system will automatically give instructions to adjust the real-time environment to the best through measures such as ventilation, water spraying, watering and fertilization.
"It is with these guarantees that we can ensure the healthy growth of southern fruits in the north, and the yield per mu is higher than that in the south and the quality is good." Liu Xinyuan proudly said that there are 19 such sheds in their park, totaling 200 mu, plus a glass multi-span greenhouse that is not fully put into use and covers an area of 30,000 square meters. It only takes eight people to manage these.
I didn’t see the lotus mist hanging fruit, and the reporter and his party were a little lost. Liu Xinyuan invited us to see some more sheds. "I’ll show you the results of papaya and lemon in those sheds."
Liu Xinyuan told reporters that papaya grows from below, which is the photo of him and the first batch of papaya this year.
Walking into the papaya shed, everyone immediately got excited. I saw a papaya forest with fruitful results. The reporter roughly counted that an ordinary papaya here can bear hundreds of papaya, and the papaya here has three or four kilograms after maturity, and the output is amazing.
Liu Xinyuan introduced that in recent years, there has been a small upsurge of planting southern fruits in the north, but due to some objective factors, at present, many growers and parks can only introduce several common general southern fruits. However, with the help of smart agriculture and big data of the Internet of Things, Kebai Smart Park has successfully planted nearly ten kinds of southern characteristic fruits such as lotus, litchi, papaya, longan, lemon and sugarcane on a large scale.
The sugar cane planted in the park can be cut down, which is especially sweet.
Subvert traditional agriculture,
Make agricultural production lighter, simpler and more efficient
"Planting in the south and planting in the north must be a minority. Our goal is to apply smart agriculture to traditional agriculture, especially local leading industries, so that agricultural production is lighter, simpler and more efficient." Walking out of the south fruit and north planting greenhouse, Liu Xinyuan took us to a ginger field that was harvested soon.
Laiwu is a famous ginger producing area in China. This year, Liu Xinyuan led his team to apply smart agriculture to ginger production.
Outside this 3-acre open-air ginger field, there stands an iron guy, and the wind leaves on it are whirring. Cao Yaopeng, a big data agronomist in charge of digital planting management in the park, introduced that this is a scientific and technological equipment integrating weather stations and micro-base stations of the Internet of Things. Including the data in the Nanguo North Seed Greenhouse that I just visited, were uploaded through it.
This year, Liu Xinyuan led his team to apply smart agriculture to ginger production.
Walking into Jiangtian, I saw water and fertilizer integrated facilities on the ground, and more than ten wireless sensors were inserted in the soil. The air temperature and humidity, air pressure, carbon dioxide, water and fertilizer in Jiangtian will transmit data to the big data center through sensors. The system will automatically give instructions for watering, fertilizing and shading according to the most suitable growth parameters of ginger. If there are signs of pests and diseases, an early warning will be issued.
"Ginger is shade-tolerant, but it also needs plenty of light. The automatic sunshade net erected above Jiangtian will be automatically opened or closed according to the data comparison. " Cao Yaopeng said, "The whole process takes a short time, only about ten minutes, which is very convenient."
Said, Cao Yaopeng opened the mobile app to demonstrate the automatic opening and closing of the sunshade net for us. "When there are crops in the field, we don’t need human operation, and the sunshade net will automatically open and close according to data analysis. Now these 3 acres of ginger fields, except for sowing and harvesting, have all been automated. "
3 acres of ginger fields, what is the output?
"The average yield per mu is 12,500 Jin, which is 20% higher than that of traditional local planting. Moreover, according to the detection data of the Internet of Things, accurate management is carried out, and pests and diseases are prevented in advance according to the early warning, and the produced ginger is very safe. " The application of smart agriculture to ginger production was a great success for the first time, which made Liu Xinyuan look forward to helping more ginger farmers to simplify production in the future.
After the automatic control mode of ginger is determined, after the ginger farmers install relevant facilities in the ginger field, farmers only need to check the field environment at home and on their mobile phones, and combine the planting suggestions provided by the Agricultural Big Data Center to remotely control various agricultural equipment such as water and fertilizer irrigation and shading in the park. Ginger seeds can be easily planted.
It is noon to leave Kebai Technology. Looking back at the park, the newly built 30,000-square-meter large-scale intelligent multi-span glass greenhouse of the Internet of Things is shining, and the banner hanging on the external wall "Let there be no crops difficult to grow in the world" is particularly dazzling.
Mass Newspaper and Rural Mass Reporter Ji Feiyan

The box office forecast of seven movies in the Spring Festival is released, and "China Ping Pong" is at the bottom. Which one will be the dark horse?

According to the box office contest of Lighthouse Professional Edition, a number of industry media have released the forecast results for the box office of the 2023 Spring Festival movies: most of them are optimistic about Wandering Earth 2, predicting the box office range of 2.8 billion-3.8 billion; Ranked second is "Man Jiang Hong", which predicts the box office range of 1.5 billion to 2 billion; "Unknown" predicts a box office range of 350-600 million; "Exchange of Life" predicts a box office range of 1.2-1.4 billion; "Deep Sea" predicts a box office range of 1.8-2.4 billion; "My Bear’s Companion" predicts a box office range of 600-800 million; "China Ping-Pong Fight Back" predicts a box office range of 250 million-300 million.

Obviously, among them, the film that all platforms and media are least optimistic about is China Ping Pong, which is co-directed by Deng Chao and Yu Baimei. The box office forecast made for this film is not even as good as the cartoon "Bears Come and Go". So what did this movie do, or didn’t do anything, or did something wrong, so that so many people don’t like it?

This year’s Spring Festival movies are quite rich in types, including science fiction movies, comedies, suspense movies and cartoons. Among the seven movies, "China Ping Pong" is the only theme movie, a sports movie adapted from a true story. The story takes place in 1988, when table tennis became a real Olympic event for the first time. China was repeatedly defeated by the Swedish team with Waldner and persson, while the China table tennis women’s team made great achievements. Faced with this dilemma, Cai Zhenhua, the head coach of men’s table tennis, was ordered to form a new team, leading Ma Wenge, Wang Tao, Ding Song, Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui, who later became known as the "Five Tiger Generals". After a period of hard training, he finally fought back at the Tianjin World Table Tennis Championships in 1995 and returned to the peak.

Deng Chao is not only the director of this film, but also plays the leading role of Cai Zhenhua. From the trailer released at present, a slogan of blood and inspiration came in like chicken blood. It stands to reason that a film based on a true story should not be much worse, but why do people hold such a negative attitude towards this film? This can’t be blamed on netizens. Everyone is really scared by Deng Chao!

Don’t care about anything, just look at the poster first. I saw a photo of Deng Chao and Sun Li hanging on the poster, which made everyone break into a cold sweat. I still remember the last time a couple appeared on a movie poster, but no one in the audience who saw the movie didn’t mention the ugly movie "Villain Angel". How ugly is it? When people spit, they don’t want to expand the content of the film itself, just want to swear. Someone concluded that the film should be renamed "Ew! Go away! God, shit. Having said that, you can imagine how much psychological shadow this movie has caused everyone. The faces of Deng Chao and Sun Li are hung on the movie poster, and it’s hard not to recall the painful past when we look at the same thing this time.

Deng Chao and Sun Li’s husband and wife fit, just make everyone afraid of appearance, the kernel is king Fried. What is the kernel? It is a "strong alliance" between Deng Chao and his good partner Yu Baimei. Without Yu Baimei as a screenwriter, the movie wouldn’t be so bad. That annoying thing only makes people have a headache. What’s even more troubling is that Yu Baimei doesn’t think he is not funny, and Deng Chao doesn’t think Yu Baimei is not funny. They always like to be tied to each other. Together, the two are clearly a pair of locked-up bad film partners, and the audience is not stupid. Why should they walk into the cinema again after being cheated for the first time?

In addition, everyone already knows that this movie tells a story that can be finished at a glance.

According to the true story, instead of paying for going to the cinema, the audience might as well change the TV channel directly to five sets of CCTV, which are free of charge, to watch the real athletes play a game with real swords and guns to get excited. Besides, at the risk of going to see some actors who don’t know how to perform well, and the growth trajectory and private bumps and contradictions fabricated by the coaches, friends who love sports are more willing to watch a classic game replay.

Finally, what makes people feel even worse is that Deng Chao once again launched the whole entertainment circle’s friends to promote him.

Almost incited more than half of the entertainment circle, and hundreds of stars forwarded "China Table Tennis" to announce Weibo’s filing date. This movement is really not small. However, as we all know, the All-Star cast is often (most of the time) equal to a bad film. The more it is widely publicized, the more people feel that the film is lacking in confidence, and they can only rely on these side roads to gain eyeballs.

As for whether this movie will be at the bottom, and whether there will be a movie that will become a dark horse, everything will be announced during the Spring Festival.

Four strokes are the best, which one do you like best?

(Circle cards have been added here, please go to today’s headline client to check)

Anyone who often swims knows that if you want to attract attention in the swimming pool, you should swim a medley! So do you know the main points of various swimming strokes? Have you chosen a stroke that suits you? Look at the main points of the following swimming strokes.


The simplest stroke.

Keep your body level and move forward by pulling the water back with your hands. The stroke has a downward angle, because the head is exposed to the water to inhale with the help of downward force.

As shown in the picture below, pay attention to the leg movements. During the backward kick, the soles of the feet are perpendicular to the direction of the body and have the largest contact with the water.

Hands and feet move alternately, paddling-retracting legs when the head sinks-kicking when the body is parallel to the water-paddling.

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The most chic stroke.

Leg movements are very simple, just straighten your legs, relax your knees and ankles, stand on tiptoe (generally speaking, try to imitate fish and minimize resistance), and fetch water up and down.

The difficulty of freestyle is breathing!

When our left hand slides, our left shoulder is down, and when our right hand slides, our right shoulder is down. When one hand slides in the water, the body is sideways. At this time, you can raise your head a little and breathe in. When you exchange hands, your head will be down. At this time, exhale slowly through your nose (to prevent water from entering your nose). Generally, your hands breathe alternately twice.

butterfly stroke

The most domineering stroke.

Spread your arms horizontally, like a butterfly flapping its wings.

Butterfly upper limb movements:

The power provided by leg movements is relatively small, and leg movements are specifically divided into bending knees-lifting hips-kicking legs (calves). Most people have coordination problems in butterfly stroke and kicking, which requires long-term practice.


The easiest stroke.

The density of people is very close to that of water. Taking a deep breath in the water makes people float, and when they finish spitting, they will sink. The advantage of backstroke is that we just need to drop our mouth and nose out of the water, and we don’t need to spend any effort on breathing.

Backstroke is actually a freestyle in which the kick is the same as freestyle, and the hand is the same principle, but the face is up and you are not worried about breathing. For wild swimmers, backstroke is actually a rest posture. Backstroke is not suitable for swimming pools, because there will be people swimming around the waves and they can’t see the situation ahead.

If there is no professional coach, people who learn swimming will ignore the most basic exercises, and they will practice breaststroke and freestyle when they get into the water. This is unrealistic, and everyone should start from the most basic. Please pay attention to the practice of water, holding your breath and breathing!

The biggest secret of swimming is to dare to try!

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China Men’s Basketball Team: From the glory of the Olympic Games to the long road of revival, Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian are helpless

In 2008, the Beijing Olympic Games was a historic moment for China’s basketball. This Olympic Games has brought legendary achievements to China men’s basketball team and made the whole country proud of their performance. However, after the Olympic Games, the road of China men’s basketball team is full of hardships and challenges, and they are facing the dilemma of injuries and players’ retirement. In this basketball biography, we will review the glorious moments and challenges faced by the China men’s basketball team.

In 2008, honor and data:

Olympic achievements: In the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, China men’s basketball team entered the quarter-finals.

Asian Basketball Championship: China men’s basketball team has won the championship and runner-up in the Asian Basketball Championship for many times. Beijing Olympic Games: the Renaissance and Joy of Basketball

The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is a renaissance moment for basketball in China. Under the pressure of home games, China men’s basketball team showed amazing strength in the Olympic Games. They defeated many powerful opponents and entered the quarter-finals. At this time, the whole country cheered for their success, and China basketball seems to have found its peak in history.

However, the reality after the Olympic Games is a different picture.

The beginning of the challenge: injury and player retirement

Shortly after the Olympic Games, the China men’s basketball team faced the double blow of injury and players’ retirement. Some core players were injured one after another, so they couldn’t come back in time. However, Yao Ming, the little giant, had to retire early and left the stadium because of a knee injury. This has seriously weakened the overall strength of the China men’s basketball team, and their performance in the international arena has gradually declined.

The only flag bearer left: Yi Jianlian

With injuries and retired players, there is only one top player left in China Men’s Basketball Team, that is Yi Jianlian. Yi Jianlian is a representative figure of China basketball. He has always been the scoring champion and leader of China men’s basketball team. In the face of great pressure, Yi Jianlian did not flinch. He stepped forward and tried to lead the team. However, a player can’t bear the burden of the whole team, he needs the support of more teammates.

Prospects for the future: challenges and hopes

Although China men’s basketball team is facing difficulties and challenges, we can’t forget their glory and glory. Basketball is an important part of sports in China, and the China men’s basketball team still has a huge fan base and potential. It will take time and effort to regain its glory, but we believe that with the efforts of the new generation of players and the support of the national basketball administration, the China men’s basketball team will surely rise again.

Trading with Paul didn’t help? "Cousin" bluntly doesn’t like the warrior: he is old.

In this summer’s offseason, the Warriors sent away Jordan Poole, who was supposed to be the successor of Stephen Curry, through trading, and got Chris Paul, the "God of Ball Control" from the Wizards. In response to the Warriors’ trading, DeMarcus Cousins, who had previously expressed his dislike of Paul’s "cousin", admitted that he was not very optimistic. "He is old."

When Cousins was interviewed by SiriusXM NBA Radio a few days ago, he talked about the "former owner" warriors getting Paul’s trading in the offseason. Cousins bluntly said: "I don’t understand why the Warriors traded for Paul. Maybe they are ready to give it a go, but basketball will not be known until it is played." I’m not belittling Paul’s career achievements. He is old. I don’t see what he can help the Warriors improve. I don’t think it’s the right thing to give up a young player for an old veteran. 」

As a matter of fact, Cousins made it clear many times that he didn’t like Paul when he was wearing the king’s uniform. Apart from the fact that the two men often exchanged rubbish and had physical conflicts, Cousins didn’t even put Paul on his list of "the top five point guards in history". However, regardless of whether Cousins has personal grievances, his doubts are not nonsense.

According to the data, Paul, who is 37 years old this year, played only 59 games for the Suns last season, setting a new low in the past four years. Although he still scored 13.9 points, 8.9 assists, 4.3 rebounds and 1.5 steals, the player’s efficiency (PER) with an average score of 17.7 per game is a career low. How to make Paul, who is used to a goal in his life, integrate into the Warriors system that needs a lot of empty-handed running and covering, will test the strategy of head coach Steve Kerr.

Manchester United accepted Maguire’s half-price slump and claimed that he could transfer.

Manchester United accepted Maguire’s half-price slump and claimed that he could transfer.

British media Team Talk》20 said on 20th (Korean time) that "Manchester United will accept the reduction of transfer fee and sell harry maguire (30 years old). Some clubs still believe in Maguire’s ability. West Ham United and Tottenham Hotspur have potential candidates. "

This is a humiliation for a former Manchester United defender. Maguire joined Manchester United from leicester city in 2019. At that time, the transfer fee was 80 million pounds (about 132.2 billion won), the highest in the history of Zhongwei. Manchester United entrusted Maguire with the captain’s armband and gave him trust.

However, as the days passed, Maguire’s malaise continued. It is common to leave space behind the opponent’s striker with a slow foot. Usually fatal mistakes are the reason for concessions. Criticism from local fans has intensified. According to the British "BBC" report, a supporter even threatened Maguire with family terror. Even when he played for England, he booed Maguire. In addition, under the leadership of the new coach Erik ten Hag, he was completely excluded from the competition for the starting position. Head coach Hager appointed Rapha?l Varane (29) and lisandro Martinez (24) as the main defenders. Usually, left-back Lu Kexiao (27 years old) is the central defender. In fact, Maguire was pushed to the fourth and fifth places.

After all, Manchester United are trying to sell Maguire in the summer transfer window. He also accepted a reduction in the transfer fee. According to Team Talk, Manchester United offered 40 million pounds (about 66.1 billion won) for Maguire’s ransom.

However, I think it is very unlikely to go to Tottenham. According to media analysis, "If Tottenham bring in former leicester city coach Brandon Rogers as the next coach, they will recruit Maguire."

The media then added, "Maguire hopes to renew his contract with Manchester United for at least two years." "Manchester United still have three Premier League matches and the FA Cup final. This is Maguire’s chance to say goodbye to the club."

[A little information] Every day, Manchester City VS Chelsea: Premier League champion Manchester City may be upset tonight, 1

First, yesterday’s in-depth article about the main victory of Tottenham Hotspur in the north was wrong. Things that don’t live up to expectations are directly defeated at home. (Today’s article needs hard work! )

Secondly, on May 20th, yesterday afternoon, Yang Jilong’s private chef shared the Manchester United win and Liverpool draw, both of which were satisfactory. As expected, Liverpool’s score was 1-1 or 2-2 Villa’s draw was very accurate.

Third, in the Premier League match at eleven o’clock tonight on May 21st, the general direction is Manchester City Jean Fu, and we support Chelsea’s direction.

Fourth, tonight’s score may be 1-1 or 2-1 or 2-2.

Fifth, Manchester City has won the championship ahead of schedule, and there will be an award ceremony for the Premier League champion at home tonight. If Manchester City falls at home tonight, many people may be harvested. Isn’t this what businesses want to see most?

As Arsenal lost 1-0 to Nottingham Forest in the 37th round of the League, Manchester City won the championship three times ahead of schedule, which also made their home game against Chelsea become a formality tonight. Premier League officials said that after the game, the awarding ceremony of the league championship will be held at Etihad Stadium.

Recall that when Guatou first went to Manchester City, because of a goalkeeper position, he first sent Joe Hart away, and then denied himself to Regent Bravo! I remember that at that time, some Manchester City fans were aggrieved by Hart and complained! Now it seems that although grades are a hard condition for people to shut up! However, I have to admit that Gua Tou is really professional, making Manchester City a flawless team step by step, and all the players he bought can inspire their respective potentials, which is very powerful! All the managers of Manchester City Club are more professional, not the kind of pure local tyrants who are stupid and rich! Eighty-three percent won the championship this year. I really envy Manchester City fans!

Needless to say, Manchester City’s performance this season, due to Arsenal’s defeat to Nottingham Forest yesterday, Blue Moon Manchester City has decided to win the championship ahead of schedule. Blue Moon Third Line said that Wang Wei’s performance has been partially completed ahead of schedule. With the victory over Real Madrid in the semi-final round of the Champions League this week, it is getting closer and closer to achieving the great cause of triple crown. In the second leg of the Champions League semi-final in midweek, Bernardo Silva scored twice to help Manchester City win 4-0. After the game, he was officially selected as the best player in this game by UEFA.

Manchester City will continue to attack the home games in the double match in a week, and the team has the ability to replicate the wonderful performance of beating Real Madrid in the middle of the week. The team has also confirmed that it will hold the championship award ceremony after the home game. I believe the team won’t want to lose before the championship ceremony. Let’s enjoy Harland’s record-setting!

The heat at Manchester City’s home tonight is naturally very hot. At this time, if there is a draw, or Manchester City just narrowly won one, this is in line with the expectations of many parties and is the best operation and trading.

Sixth, Chelsea has many injuries, but it has a deep lineup. It is not energetic to play the weak team, but it is very hard to play the strong team, eager to play its own worth and value, and it will not be defeated tonight!

Judging from Lampard’s speech at the pre-match press conference, there are still many players injured in Chelsea this round, including Mount (3 goals in 24 games), reece james (1 goal in 16 games), Cucurella (0 goals in 24 games) and Chilwell (2 goals in 23 games). At present, the team is also in a state of no desire and no desire. In the face of Manchester City, where strength and vigor are completely dominant, the visiting team Chelsea is afraid to run out of luck. Before the game, it was also the home of Manchester City’s champion.

Why do Manchester City fans want Sterling to line up? Guardiola gave him so many opportunities when this cargo was a war criminal for many times. After two months of transfer, he said that he was unhappy in Manchester City and had no reasonable playing time. Is he qualified for this skill? After leaving Manchester City’s system, the data plummeted directly, and a few cakes were fed by De Braune. I really thought I was the first winger in the world today!

Chelsea’s problem is very simple, that is, they can’t shoot. In fact, Chelsea’s game scenes are all dominant. In recent games, they are ahead of their opponents in terms of xG value.

At present, Chelsea’s ability to push for a high position is still very powerful. From the picture, we can see that the frequency of Chelsea’s oppression of opponents ranks first in the Premier League.Under tuchel, Chelsea often used high-ranking oppression to compete with opponents for the ball. Now Chelsea’s team composition is basically the same as Brighton’s, but the quality of players is obviously one level higher than Brighton’s. Porter and Chelsea can be seamlessly connected. Chelsea rested for eight days tonight, full of energy and more oppression, hoping to smash Manchester City’s venue! !

Give Chelsea a compliment and encourage them to resist.

The transfer fee is ready! Manchester City found Calvin Phillips body double, and the champion attribute conquered Guashuai.

Manchester City has brought Calvin Phillips from Leeds this season, but the English midfielder didn’t get many playing opportunities in his first season at Manchester City. At the beginning of the season, players’ injuries were the main influencing factors. Although FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 successfully participated, he was once again excluded from the team’s main force because of overweight after returning to Manchester City. It can be said that Guardiola has not found a way to activate the midfielder. Of course, Manchester City will not sell players this summer, but Rodley really needs a player who can share the pressure for him, and Manchester City has also locked in the target.

According to news media N1, Manchester City coach Guardiola has found a midfielder who can replace Calvin Phillips, form a good rotation with Rodley, and even have a competitive relationship. This person is none other than Chelsea’s Croatian midfielder kovacic. Joining the Blues from Real Madrid in 2018, kovacic has helped the Blues win the Europa League, Champions League, World Club Cup and Super Cup.

However, with the departure of Roman Abramovich, the Blues under Burleigh’s control are now playing very badly on the pitch, and Burleigh spent 600 million pounds to sign for two consecutive transfer windows this year, but the final result is not satisfactory. On this premise, the Blues will sell a large number of players this summer to ensure their financial balance, and the contract between kovacic and Chelsea will expire in Ming Xia, so it is very likely that the Blues will sell them soon to earn a transfer fee.

There is a high probability that Chelsea will not qualify for the Champions League next season, and many players in the team will also have their salaries reduced. Of course, these players were signed during the Burleigh period. As a meritorious player during tuchel’s coaching of Chelsea, kovacic’s blue career has basically come to an end. However, kovacic, who is only 28 years old, is still at the peak of his career, and Guardiola is very fond of the Croatian midfielder and hopes to sign this player for Manchester City this summer.

Guardiola once said that Calvin Phillips needs to increase his rhythm in short passing. In the game with Sheffield United, Guardiola continued to give players playing time, but more could only be returned, and he could not find the opportunity to adjust his body forward. Obviously, Calvin Phillips could not provide much help to Manchester City on the court when he was on the court. If players want to gain a foothold in Manchester City, it is very important to add some extra training, but Manchester City obviously can’t just wait, but wants to take the initiative.

It is reported that Manchester City is prepared to bring kovacic from Chelsea for a transfer fee of 30 million pounds, which is not low, and if Manchester City is really willing to pay such a high price, kovacic himself is obviously willing to join. After all, you can win more trophies in Manchester City, and compared with the chaotic Chelsea, Manchester City is obviously a good place for kovacic.

Of course, it is not known whether Calvin Phillips can lead to the outbreak of Manchester City’s second season. Like Grali and many other players, he has grown up under Guardiola’s guidance. However, it is obvious that Calvin Phillips’s first season in Manchester City is not mature enough for various reasons, and players should consider their own future. Therefore, it is very important for Calvin Phillips to integrate into Guardiola’s tactical system as soon as possible.

What are the usages of ChatGPT in cross-border e-commerce?

With the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, ChatGPT has become one of the hottest topics. More and more people believe that ChatGPT will have a revolutionary impact in various fields and promote the development of human society in a more intelligent, efficient and convenient direction. From medical health, education and training to financial services and smart cities, the application prospect of ChatGPT is gradually emerging, bringing more and more convenience and innovation to people’s lives and work. The same is true in the field of cross-border e-commerce. So, what aspects can ChatGPT be used in cross-border e-commerce?

language translation

ChatGPT can help cross-border e-commerce enterprises to translate their product descriptions, customer evaluations, service policies and other contents from one language into multiple languages, so as to better meet the needs of consumers in different countries and regions. As a natural language processing model, ChatGPT has powerful text understanding and generation capabilities. Therefore, compared with traditional translation tools, it can understand the text input by users more accurately and output more accurate translation results. In addition, ChatGPT is also a deep learning model, and its performance can be improved by adding training data and model parameters. Therefore, it can gradually optimize the translation quality to meet the increasing translation demand. Automated translation processing can reduce manual intervention and improve translation speed and efficiency.

ChatGPT can be used for intelligent customer service robots, providing consumers with natural language communication and solutions, helping enterprises to better manage customer relationships and improve customer satisfaction. On the one hand, ChatGPT can realize all-weather online customer service, and consumers can get timely response to their inquiries, complaints or after-sales service. On the other hand, ChatGPT reduces customer service demand and workload, and saves labor costs.

ChatGPT can better understand users’ needs and preferences through real-time dialogue and interaction with users, or by analyzing consumers’ shopping history, search records, browsing behavior and other data, recommend products that better meet their interests and needs for consumers, and generate fluent and natural language texts, making product recommendations more humanized and readable, and improving user experience. So as to improve the conversion rate and sales.

Marketing activities

ChatGPT can help enterprises to generate advertising copy and social media content in line with market hotspots, attract consumers’ attention and participate in marketing activities, and enhance brand effect.