The banned list of 141 anchors was announced, and the banned period ranged from one month to permanent, involving multiple platforms.

Original title: The banned list of 141 anchors was announced, and the banned period ranged from one month to permanent, involving multiple platforms.

The list of 141 anchors banned was announced, and the ban period ranged from one month to permanent ban, involving multiple platforms. sir For example, Xiao Li and Wang Mian on YY live broadcast platform suddenly said goodbye to fans in the live broadcast room, revealing that due to some "irresistible" factors, they will stop broadcasting for about half a year and quit the network. .

Subsequently, the anchors of other platforms also announced "rest" and quit the network.

For example, Tiger Tooth live broadcast platform "Little Cool Brother", Betta Zhang Qige, Liu Xiaoqi and so on. It is reported that there are many anchors of this "title", which are involved in almost all major live broadcast platforms.

Fortunately, most of these anchors did not hang up permanently, and many of them were banned for one to six months. As for which anchors are on the "banned list" this time, many netizens are also very curious.

Secondly, for the banned anchors, there were no announcements on the major live broadcast platforms, but these anchors suddenly stopped broadcasting like "gone".

On the 10th of this month, the online performance (live broadcast) branch of China Performance Industry Association announced the seventh batch of black anchors to the public. 47 blacklisted anchors are not allowed to register and broadcast live in the industry within 5 years.

After the list was released, netizens also found that some anchors who suddenly "rested" and stopped broadcasting were not on the list.

Therefore, netizens are more curious about the reasons why those anchors "suddenly" stopped broadcasting. What is the reason why they stopped broadcasting?

Recently, a blogger broke the news about a list of "141 banned anchors", which involved online celebrity who violated the live broadcast norms of the whole network.

According to the blogger, the list is a special rectification action carried out by the relevant departments of the webcast industry.

These include YY Live, Momo, Betta, Yingke, Yibai, Penguin E-sports, Huya, Aauto Quicker, Tik Tok and other live broadcast platforms.

The blogger revealed a partial list of "141 banned anchors":

Among the banned anchors, there are many well-known anchors on the live broadcast platform. The ban period is from 1 month to permanent ban, and the penalty period is from October 8.

The list shows that the controversial betta anchorwoman "Dream Butterfly" was permanently banned this year.

Some time ago, the betta anchorwoman "Xiu Xiu" and Zhang Qige, who suddenly stopped broadcasting, were banned for three months.

The betta anchorwoman "SuenOlivia" was only banned for three months due to a serious live broadcast accident.

Online celebrity anchor "Xiao Zhi" of Penguin E-sports was also included in the banned list for three months.

Some netizens questioned the list published by bloggers, thinking that the list was printed by bloggers themselves, and no other authoritative media had published the list. However, the blogger revealed that he was only a little faster than the media knew, saying that the list was absolutely correct, otherwise he would be prosecuted by the legal department of the live broadcast platform.

The blogger said that the reason why the top 30 anchors on the list were not announced was because they were "of little use".

As we all know, the rise of live broadcast of games, live broadcast of entertainment, live broadcast with goods, and short video platforms has made the profession of network anchor and online celebrity a "hot industry".

Because of the low threshold and high return, more and more people are joining, but this circle is also "mixed fish and dragons". Many anchors and online celebrity broadcast their eyeballs live through "low quality" for the sake of popularity.

Therefore, some anchors ignore the moral bottom line in pursuit of so-called traffic, which seriously affects the network ecology.

The announcement of the list of "141 banned anchors" is considered to be a blow to the live broadcast industry on the right track and improve the live broadcast environment, and it is also a warning to other anchors.

Editor in charge:

BYD Qin Guangzhou started from 58,000, with the highest discount of 0.86 million.

In the cold winter of 2019, independent brands that rely on SUVs to achieve continuous growth were hit hardest. Eighty percent of independent brands failed to achieve their sales targets in 19 years, and it seems that they collectively fell into the ice hole. As for the new car-making forces at the forefront, many people think that in the general environment of falling sales and tightening capital, if they can survive 2020, they will win half. More people are worried that few of the capital investment industries in the past few years have become a climate. If the new energy and shared travel that are bet by many capitals next year cannot become new high-quality industries, what should we do? However, most consumers will think that these have nothing to do with themselves. What really matters is how much the car sells? How much cheaper can it be? Then let’s take a look at the new car market recommended for everyone today.

The biggest discount of BYD Qin’s transaction price in the past month reached 8.63 fold, the cash of new cars dropped by 10,100 yuan, and the national sales of new cars started at 75,000 yuan. Among them, the lowest transaction price of BYD Qin in Guangzhou is 58,000 yuan, and the price is for reference only. The actual transaction price is subject to the local dealer.

The figure below shows the sales data of BYD Qin. The national sales volume in the last month was 938 vehicles. I wonder if BYD is still satisfied with this result. Most people will follow the sales volume when buying a car, which is the main basis for most people to judge whether a car is good or not without in-depth understanding of a car. Although it is not accurate, it is not groundless, but if you have higher requirements for car selection, you need to make more efforts to fully understand it.

At this time, if you are planning to change a new car, you can evaluate the used car through our platform and see how much the car in your hand can sell.

When we buy a car, we will pay attention to all aspects of this model in advance, especially the posts and word-of-mouth posted by car owners in major forums and vertical websites. Apart from the navy, there are still some car owners’ real car experience that is worth learning. Let’s take a look at BYD Qin’s word-of-mouth score. BYD Qin’s comprehensive score is 4.75, and the result is not bad, so BYD Qin can consider it.

If you have seen the above, you still have doubts about whether BYD Qin is worth buying, then you can also look at the performance of BYD Qin Jingpin. Among the following competing products, Geely Vision sold the most last month, with 8,979 cars. There is always one for you.

If the price of BYD Qin is suitable in the near future, then the friends will hurry! 38 cities across the country have linked promotions, and there are even discount models as low as 30%.

[People’s Story] Mrding Touched the Net

Enter [Oriental Time and Space] > > News (broadcast by Oriental Time and Space on November 15th):

    Mrding is an out-and-out farmer. He never thought that his life would have anything to do with the Internet. Mrding, who has lived by the sea in Taizhou, Zhejiang for generations, usually leads a life of 3.1. Besides being an accountant in the village, she helps her wife make some steamed bread when she has time. But such a quiet life was disturbed by a computer.

    In March 2006, the county started the pilot project of distance education, and the documents issued said that rural party member cadres should actively participate in network knowledge training. Mrding, a village cadre and party member, naturally became the first batch of students to participate in the study.
I feel far away from the computer. Because we have never touched the computer. I don’t know anything about computers.

    After attending the training, Mrding finally started to get in touch with computers, but he didn’t find it interesting. He had to face so many letters, symbols and keyboards every day, which was really a headache. When he used to do farm work, his hands didn’t listen to him when typing. I heard that he had to take an exam. Mrding was very depressed.
Jason Chung is a teacher in charge of computer training in the county radio and TV University. For the first time, he faced these students who just put down their farm work and didn’t have any basic computer knowledge. He also had a headache.

    Staff: Some people put the pointer on the screen and let it move around. He thinks it will move, while others just don’t know what the left mouse button and the right mouse button are for.

    Although it was very hard to learn, Mrding had to bite the bullet and learn, considering that he would use this technology in the future.
Half a month later, Mrding barely passed the exam.

    Mrding thought that since he had learned it, he had to use it. After he returned, Mrding volunteered to be the administrator of the distance education site in the village, and often played teaching programs on agricultural technology for the villagers. In order to practice typing, he also tried to input village accounts, contracts and documents into the computer, and found it convenient to manage.
Ding Kefei: There are more than 1,500 people in our village, and it is very troublesome to copy them every year. In the future, like elections, we will filter the list through the computer and voters will come out, which is more or less convenient.

    This made Mrding realize the magic and convenience of computers for the first time. Since then, Mrding has been obsessed with computers.
He wants to buy a computer to study at home.

    Mrding’s wife is well-known for being a good cook of steamed bread. Mrding has learned computers, and she can surf the Internet. Her wife feels supported and she agrees to buy a computer at home.

    Wife: There are computers in the village, which are too far away. It’s very hard after the steamed bread is made. You can do it later and earlier at home.

    In this way, Mrding bought this computer. From then on, he can sit at home and play online games in the world. He finds himself in a brand-new world, and often forgets to eat and sleep. What he didn’t expect was that his son, who was originally in high school in the county, only went home once a month, but now he comes back every week. The father and son originally rushed to watch TV, but now they are rushing to surf the Internet.

    Son: He surfed the Internet when he was free, either watching TV or surfing the Internet.

    Wife: I’m particularly interested in computers. I surf the Internet as soon as the steamed bread is ready.

    Mrding simply couldn’t put it down. He sat there studying whenever he had time. Slowly, he learned to download songs and send emails. On this day, he accidentally entered the blog of a star.

    Mrding found that blogs can not only keep diaries, but also send photos and make friends, which aroused his great interest.

    Ding Kefei: Blog. I know it’s a weblog. It’s free and open. We can upload our pictures easily through the Internet.

    So Mrding wanted to start a blog himself, but he had misgivings, because he was too ordinary.

    Ding Kefei: Blogs are all stars and celebrities. How can farmers start blogs?

    But later, Mrding thought that blogging was free anyway, what’s more, when he was training in the county, the teacher also encouraged everyone to blog, so he decided to start writing about things around him and let everyone know about his life. Later, Mrding bought a digital camera and started taking pictures.

    In this way, photos were taken one after another, but Mrding didn’t know how to upload them to the Internet, so he asked the teacher for advice.


    Teacher: I often call, because some pictures can’t be sent, and some he wants to send videos. Isn’t he trying something new, sending videos, and some things, such as photo processing and how to design well, I often call.

    In February 2007, Mrding’s blog on Sina was finally opened. Here are his own articles, photos, his favorite music and, of course, the steaming steamed bread made by his wife.

    Ding Kefei: It’s just an attempt to give it a try. Later, I didn’t know there was such a big response. I didn’t know it myself. I became famous after I went up.

    Mrding became the first farmer in the county to start a blog, which attracted attention from all sides. Since the blog was opened for several months, the number of hits has doubled. Many people saw Mrding’s special steamed bread on the Internet and expressed their desire to try it. After opening the blog, Mrding’s family has more and more new customers.

    Mrding’s home is located in the coastal area of Taizhou. More than ten years ago, Mrding was a watchmaker, and his business never improved. Later, he found that fishermen who had been out to sea for many years needed to carry dry food, so he discussed with his wife to start steamed bread, and life gradually improved.

    Mrding’s steamed bread, called Hua Mo, also known as fancy steamed bread, is very popular in the local area. They not only make steamed bread with different shapes by ancestral techniques, but also pay attention to the fermentation technology of noodles, which is easy to keep fresh. Neighbors like to eat steamed bread from their family.

    Since starting a blog, Mrding’s steamed bread has become more popular. In order to ensure that fresh steamed bread is sold every day, Mrding and his family work from the early hours of the morning to about ten o’clock in the morning. After busy every day, Mrding did not take a rest, so she came to look around the Internet.

    Ding Kefei: As soon as the computer is turned on, I will read my blog. Whether anyone has left me a message or given me any advice, I will read this first, and then I will chat with my friends and classmates on QQ.

    Mrding really became more and more fashionable, and soon he bought a video camera and learned video chat, which surprised Mrding’s son.

    Son: I really admire my dad. In some aspects, such as going to work online, I think he has done very well.

    I’m on the blog, my business is good, and the atmosphere at home is very happy.

    Ding Kefei: They all say that when I study, I will study hard, and I can’t play mahjong or cards. I just play computer when I am free.

    Seeing that Mrding’s business is getting better and better, villagers come to ask for advice one after another. Mrding shows them this blog that can be advertised without paying fees, and encourages them to learn to surf the Internet. There are also some friends on the internet who learn from him.

    Ding Kefei: He’s from Henan. He wants to learn technology from me.
Reporter: What technology do you study?

    Ding Kefei: It’s the skill of making steamed bread. He asked me if I was free. If you are free, send him a text message and communicate with me. I said that if they want to learn, they should either communicate online, the phone is not very convenient, or online is convenient, or QQ is convenient.

Mrding is surfing the Internet.

    But Mrding didn’t expect that steamed bread was on fire, and the demand was great, but the production was somewhat behind. On this day, old customers located dozens of miles away came to buy steamed bread.

    Villager: Is there any steamed bread left? Are there any more today?
Not today.

    If we sell it online, we won’t be able to buy it. Online should be good for him, but it’s inconvenient for us. It’s inconvenient to run here without it, right?

    Looking at the old customers disappointed to leave, Mrding’s heart is very bad. Therefore, Mrding makes more steamed buns every day to reserve for these old customers who have not booked in advance.

    Now Mrding has become a veritable Internet bug, with not only blogs and screen names, but also many online friends. Mrding is very busy in the online world, which he said was unimaginable before. On the Internet, everyone affectionately called Mrding Shantou Fei, and a friend on the Internet suggested that Mrding register a trademark for Shantou to build a brand. Mrding was very excited after hearing this, but Mrding’s wife had some concerns.

    Wife: We are also under great pressure. Online users are watching, and we are embarrassed if we are not good.

    In the end, Mrding took the advice of netizens, saying that it is always good to give it a try. Now the "Flying Trademark" named after Mrding is under examination and approval. Next, Mrding has a new plan.

    Ding Kefei: We are expanding the production scale, and now we are building a factory building. We are going to set up a sales agency for flying steamed bread in the county. In the future, we want to make flying steamed bread into local snacks with three characteristics, and go out of the three doors like a blue crab and fly to the whole country.
Two months later, Mrding’s two-story factory building was built. He said that his life now can’t be separated from the Internet, and he was planning to buy several new steamed bread machines through the Internet.

    In March this year, Sanmen County established a new farmers’ blog village, which is called the first farmers’ village in China. At present, there are more than 1,000 farmers blogging in the blog village, and the number of hits has exceeded 200,000. There are various special products and market information here, attracting many customers at home and abroad.


Editor: Zhang Toya

The first stage of the final of Chinese billiards World Championships ended, and the women’s team champion was born today.

Elephant journalist Zhu Liyan correspondent Jin Li

The 6th CBSA Chinese Billiards World Championship ended the first stage of the men’s and women’s finals on December 14th. In the men’s team, Zhao Ruliang defeated Master john young in the "Master-Apprentice War", and was temporarily ahead of Shen Shenyi who was born after 00 in the final 11-7. In the women’s group, Tang Chunxiao and Liu Xiazhi joined forces in the final, and Tang Chunxiao made a brutal start in the final, leading Liu Xiazhi by a big score.

Another semi-final was played between Shen Shenyi and Xu Tianwei, two "dark horses". With the lead of two games, Shen Shenyi firmly held the advantage in the second stage and never gave Xu Tianwei a chance to approach the gap. At the end of the game, Shen Shenyi became more and more brave, beating Xu Tianwei 21-13, and reached the final of the World Championships for the first time in his career.

In the women’s team, Tang Chunxiao won three games in a row to widen the gap with Zhang Muyan in the case of little stalemate in the first 10 games. After that, Zhang Muyan tried to catch up and once caught up with 8-10. At the crucial moment, Tang Chunxiao paused to hold her ground, and then she won three of the last four games and won 13-9.

Liu Xiazhi’s match against He Xinru was uneventful, and Liu Xiazhi beat his opponent 13-3 after a brief entanglement in the opening.

According to the schedule, the men’s final is 41 wins in 81 games, which is divided into four stages, and the final stage will start at 14:00 on December 16th. The women’s final was 19 wins in 37 games, which was divided into two stages, and the final stage was held at 14:30 on December 15th. The first stage of the men’s final played 18 innings. Shen Shenyi started 2-0, and Zhao Ruliang quickly won three games in a row. After that, the two sides once went hand in hand and the score was difficult to open. At the end of this stage, Zhao Ruliang speeded up and won three games in a row after 8-7, taking an 11-7 lead.

The first stage of the women’s final also played 18 games. At the beginning of the game, Tang Chunxiao felt hot. On the contrary, Liu Xiazhi made frequent mistakes, and Tang Chunxiao kept leading and made a brutal start of 12-0. In the 13th game, Liu Xiazhi finally scored 1 point, but in the face of Tang Chunxiao’s offensive, Liu Xiazhi was always difficult to score a climax. After 18 games, Tang Chunxiao was far ahead with 14-4.

In addition, the women’s third and fourth finals ended last night, and Zhang Muyan beat He Xinru 13-10 and won the third place. John young led Xu Tianwei 11-7 in the first stage of the men’s third and fourth finals.

(Source: Elephant News)


Deep love philosophy sentence, every sentence goes through the heart!

First, time flies, some regrets, destined to be a notch in the heart, some goodbye, say it, still feel heartache, some persistence, only hurt yourself. It doesn’t matter. It’s all over. You will always meet someone better. No longer wronged themselves, people always have to move forward, believe in themselves, and everything they want is on the way.

Second, I was most afraid of losing you. In the end, I lost you. Love has not dispersed, and people have gone far, which hurts the most. Things have changed, you can’t go my way, just as I can’t dream your dream. Counting the rings, how long has it been since you and I met? If you will think of me, how can you remember me? Bypassing your locked heart, it’s just my waiting alone.

Three, how many times have I told myself, and a moment that ought to have lasted for ever, but no matter where I go, I still have you in my heart, so I buried you in my heart and turned you into a secret. I am no longer sad and sad for you, but I will still hear from you occasionally. I hope you have a good life. Miss you and miss you; It has become a habit, but it won’t bother you again, let alone contact you again.

Four, the long years, the person I miss most, are you okay? If you are well for the rest of your life, I won’t bother you any more. There is a love that has never been said in my heart, but it has become a story. How much care, how much helplessness, a love, the most profound parting, can no longer accompany you to see the long stream of water, can no longer accompany you to grow old slowly.

5. Inadvertently, some thoughts filled my heart, and some memories made my eyes wet. Standing in the depths of the years, I was so sad that I forgot that I was just a story writer. Time flies, hiding in a period of time, in other people’s stories, with their own tears. Looking back, whose figure falls in memory, giving birth to infinite warmth and provoking acacia? Miss your tenderness, miss the fleeting time, miss the past with a smile, and look forward to meeting you at the ends of the earth.

6. Do you know? There is someone who has been waiting for you for too long. The town where you and I met is still there. I still hope you are still there. I have experienced too many things, and my heart is tired, but when I think of you, there is still endless hope that supports me to move forward. You are still in the future, how dare I get old? I have a Qian Qian knot in my heart. Who will solve it for me? Only you know my heart, understand my warmth and coldness, and wish to be treated gently by time. You and I are still the same.

Seven, to the person I love deeply, thank you for meeting you in this life, thank you for teaching me how to love, thank you for giving me tenderness, thank you for teaching me to be brave, thank you for teaching me to cherish, but unfortunately, you will not appear in my life again. In the depths of the years, in whose eyes, there is endless attachment? Say hello to the distance, we will always find the best of ourselves, thank you for coming to my world.

Eight, I am the happiest person with you in my life. I have you in my life, and my heart is warm without words. Thank you for guiding me when I am confused and encouraging me to be strong when I am weak.

If I can meet you again, how will I face you? I can only be silent with joy. If you see me again, will you look back and stare into my eyes and tell me all your thoughts?

Ten, a turn is a lifetime, goodbye to the most beloved you, I wish you a stable life in a place I can’t see, and no longer drift from place to place. Many people know about Do not forget your initiative mind and so as to achieve your final goal, but they seldom know that the first heart is easy to get, and it is always difficult to keep. There is still a long way to go in the future. I will be fine, and you should be kind to yourself. I hope that you and I will be well and undisturbed for the rest of my life, which is my last gentleness.

11. The most painful thing in the world is that love is still there, and people have gone their separate ways. Since then, everything about each other has to be heard and heard. I heard that you have had a good life these years, and there is someone by your side. I heard that you are still the same as before, and the years have not left traces on your face. When I read your name, I still feel sad, because I can’t look at you again in this life.

Twelve, lonely, want to have you, how much love, how much loneliness and heartache. Waiting is dreaming that someone will come back, because there is still love in my heart. Have you changed over the years? I am still the same. In the city where you lived, I am busy and lead an ordinary life every day. Do you know that?/You know what? There is a person who has been silently caring about you.

Thirteen, you can’t forget the rivers and lakes, just where you can’t see, a person misses you quietly, and there is a kind of warmth that makes someone treat you as always, a kind of happiness, and a constant concern. You in the distance, do you know that there is a person who misses you all the time? You have been here for a while, and I miss you all my life.

Fourteen, people who are destined to be inseparable can’t see each other again in this life. I will return you to the vast sea of people even if I am extremely sad. The truest love is that you are the only one in my life, and this feeling will never change. Over the years, have you occasionally thought of the person who loves you the most? Some people can experience wind and rain, but they can’t live a normal life. I have been tossing and turning for many nights, thinking about you and thinking about you. You are my deepest concern and my deepest love.

Maybe in the future, no one will love you as much as I do, and you will never meet the second me again. You once said, I wish to have one heart and one mind, but why did you say goodbye in a hurry? I love you wholeheartedly, but I can’t have you. I miss you. Looking back, I am somewhat disappointed. I look at the distance alone, and my vows are too beautiful. The people I heard are true.

Copyright statement: the picture and text are irrelevant, and this article is reproduced for the purpose of transmitting more information. If the source is marked incorrectly or infringes on your legitimate rights and interests, please contact this website with the ownership certificate, and we will correct and delete it in time. Thank you.

Source: Chunming Dongcan

The study of cultural history should have macro-consciousness

Author: Yang Shaowei, Master of Arts, China Academy of Art

When it comes to the cultural history of China, it is necessary to understand the specific meaning of this term first. What is China culture? What is cultural history? Mr. Yuan Xingpei wrote a set of two volumes of Light of Chinese Civilization, and Dr. Wu Jun, as a leading figure in the computer field, also published a set of Light of Civilization. From the title, we can see that their emphasis is on the keyword "civilization". Therefore, distinguishing the difference between "culture" and "civilization" is the premise of talking about culture, and then it can be called "cultural history".

The Light of Civilization by Wu Jun.

So, what is culture? What is civilization? In The Light of Civilization, Dr. Wu Jun mainly analyzes English roots. The word "Civilization" comes from the root word Civil, that is, the meaning of city. There are two criteria in western academic circles: one is the emergence of class, and the other is the emergence of city. Compared with "civilization", the definition of culture is loose and complicated. The word "Culture" in the west means farming and breeding, that is to say, when human beings settle down, they begin to have culture with agriculture and animal husbandry. When introducing the ancient society in China, we often use the words "Yangshao culture" and "Longshan culture" instead of the word "civilization". It should be said that this description is scientific and accurate. Some old historians, such as Mr. Qian Mu’s Introduction to the Cultural History of China, have made a perceptual and macroscopic interpretation of China’s culture and civilization. Mr. Qian Mu believes that civilization is outward and belongs to the material aspect, and civilization can spread and accept outward. However, cultural bias belongs to the spiritual aspect, which must be produced by the spiritual accumulation within the group. Culture can produce civilization, but civilization may not produce culture.

China culture is reflected in the whole history of China, and it is impossible to talk about culture except history. We should explain the truth of China culture from the objective aspects of all history. So, what is the relationship between cultural history research and historical research? In my opinion, there is a subordinate relationship between them. The study of cultural history should follow the academic norms and basic methods of historical research, and speak with historical materials and evidence. In terms of emphasis, historical research can be big or small, regardless of details. We can make a macro study of a historical period and grasp the trend of the times. For example, Mr. Chen Yinke’s Brief Discussion on the System Origin of Sui and Tang Dynasties and the Political History of Tang Dynasty, and Gu Jiegang and Mr. Shi Nianhai’s History of China’s Territory Evolution are all extremely grand works. We can also focus on the micro, and study the whole historical process through a person, an artifact, a food and even a Chinese character in history, such as Ji Xianlin’s History of Sugar, Li Bozhong’s Firearms and Account Books and Jared Diamond’s Guns, Germs and Steel, while the study of cultural history focuses more on macro aspects.

If history is the study of "who we are" and "where we come from", then cultural history is the study of "why I am me" and "why we come from there instead of anywhere else". The macroscopic study of cultural history is similar to that of philosophy to some extent. Philosophy studies the nature of the universe, the general law of the evolution of all things in the universe, the position of people in the universe and other basic issues. Einstein once said that philosophy is the mother of all sciences, and its emphasis is on philosophical speculation and macro. Obviously, the study of cultural history cannot be said to be the mother of all historical studies, but it is also an extremely important part of historical studies. Culture involves everyone’s life, whether it is past, present or future. Therefore, Mr. Qian Mu believes that to answer what is China culture, we need to look for the value and significance of culture in the cultural tradition of China from a philosophical perspective and a historical perspective.

The Light of Chinese Civilization by Yuan Xingpei.

The complexity of culture requires researchers to broaden their minds and look at the general situation, instead of focusing on details alone, the study of cultural history must be grand. Culture is the life of a country and a nation. If a country does not have culture, there will be no life. We say that only China, among the four ancient civilizations, has never been annihilated, which is also in terms of its culture. From the narrow view of the founder of the regime, China died after Yuan and Qing Dynasties, and this view still exists, such as there was no China after Cliff Mountain, and China died in Manchu Dynasty. From this point of view, without a grand cultural view, it is easy to equate the study of cultural history with the study of history, or even fall into a narrower situation. The study of cultural history should not be entangled in the "gains and losses of a city", but should be strategically located and explain its views. Geographical background, life concept, writing, political system, literature and art, religion and other aspects can all be used as the starting point for the study of cultural history.

The integrity of culture causes its complexity to be reconciled into a whole, which can be summarized by "pulling one hair and moving the whole body". In fact, this is also very understandable. Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties is a chaotic era. The invasion of ethnic minorities has led to changes in the political system and social class, but it has also promoted the integration of ethnic groups. The corresponding life concepts, religions, literature and art are changing. The cultural variation looks extremely complicated, but it can eventually find a key point, thus being classified as a whole, and cultural psychology and cultural character will gradually become full and diverse in the change.

In addition, culture has an irresistible development. As mentioned above, culture is the life of a nation, and since it is life, it needs to grow and develop. Usually, the study of China culture is divided into several sections, and there is obvious change between each section, and the development between sections is even more obvious. Once a culture becomes rigid and stops moving forward, it is not far from death. One of the significance of the study of cultural history is to see its development law clearly, and to tell the past and think of the future.

Today’s cultural studies still don’t grasp these three points very well. The pattern is either too small and cumbersome, or too big and empty, because the culture is too big and everyone has something to say. The academic norms of cultural history research have not been effectively established, and the books published in the market are mixed, and everyone wants to get a slice of the "cultural fever". Of course, we can’t give up eating because of choking. The study of cultural history by predecessors such as Mr. Qian Mu, Mr. Liu Yizhi and Mr. Yu Yingshi has provided us with a macro idea and discipline norms. As a younger generation, we are more diligent than Ying Qin and make a modest contribution to discipline construction. (Yang Shaowei)

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Florentino was exposed as a real Madrid default! 2 strokes to get rid of Gemini! Lead the transfer window in January

According to the latest report of Spanish media OKDiario, Real Madrid President florentino has confirmed the winter window strategy within the club. It is reported that under the premise of confirming Mbappé Ming Xia’s joining, Real Madrid has formulated the signing strategy in January, and will go all out to sign Dortmund striker Harland.

Although Real Madrid’s bid for Mbappé failed in the summer transfer window this year, which also frustrated many Real Madrid fans who expected Mbappé to join, everyone knows that Ming Xia Mbappé will visit the Bernabeu almost nine times out of ten, but Real Madrid President florentino, who has always stood in the upper air, will not comfort himself like this. According to reports, in order to boost the morale inside and outside the Real Madrid club, florentino has made it clear within Real Madrid that Harland will be introduced in the January transfer window, and the club must go all out.

However, Real Madrid knows very well that it is not easy to win the Harland deal, and it may even encounter difficulties comparable to signing Mbappé, because there are almost many European giants who are concerned about Harland’s future. Any top European giants who can meet Dortmund’s capital needs may impress Harland’s father and agent Raiola, the next stop of Norwegian Fengba, and cannot make a key decision because of florentino’s determination. Earlier, some media reported that Dortmund striker Harland made it clear that he hoped to play for Real Madrid one day, but Harland was not sure that he would go to the Bernabeu in Ming Xia. In principle, he is likely to play for the club with the most money, and in terms of money, Real Madrid is no longer the most influential club.

In addition, the report said that the reason why Real Madrid was eager to get rid of Harland in January’s winter window was precisely because of the financial problems. florentino knew that if it waited until next summer window, it would face huge signing competition, especially Bayern Munich, the German giants. Even if the opponents didn’t really want to compete for Harland, they might raise the demand for players.

In the winter window, Real Madrid is willing to pay higher transfer funds while Harland’s contract is still in place, so as to take the lead and face less competition. Because most potential buyers are waiting for Harland’s 75-million-euro termination clause to take effect, it is reported that Real Madrid, which started in Winter Window, is willing to offer a minimum offer of 90-million euros, or even higher, but the specific plan has not been revealed, but media analysis said that what Real Madrid is likely to have prepared is a plan with a final amount of 150-million euros.

Harland’s agent, Raiola, is the only problem that Real Madrid needs to solve before starting work. The cold relationship with Raiola is a very distressing problem for Real Madrid, because Raiola has asked Real Madrid for high salary and commission many times before, and the two sides are finally unhappy because of this. Want to know more exciting content, come and pay attention to the football express

Running the World Natural Heritage Site Shi Bing started the first "Ink Yunshan" cross-country race.

At 8: 00 a.m. on April 22nd, the 2023 "Running Guizhou" Mountain Running Series (Shibing Station) and the first Shibing "Ink Yunshan" Cross-country Running Challenge started in Shibing Music Fountain Square, and more than 1,000 runners rushed to various sports landscapes of "Ink Yunshan".

The reporter learned that the "Running Guizhou" mountain running series is a self-owned brand event created by the Guizhou Provincial Sports Bureau. It was founded in 2018 and has been selected as a national sports industry demonstration project and a China sports tourism event. Along the way, tens of thousands of runners started their first cross-country race in this large-scale series in southwest China. No matter old friends or newcomers, they all followed the pace of "running Guizhou" and fully enjoyed the magnificent landscape of Guizhou between good mountains and good waters.

Yuntai Mountain, a world natural heritage site, is a tourist treasure for exploring and seeking seclusion on the eastern route of Guizhou Province. The athletes’ departure broke the tranquility here and brought back the wild interest of cross-country running. This competition is the second stop of the 2023 "Running Guizhou" mountain running series. There are three groups of 50 km "Chaoshan Group", 20 km "Xunshan Group" and 10 km "Leshan Group", including many elite athletes such as Zheng Wenrong, Wang Aili, Wang Zhihu, Wu Yongbo and Shi Aiai, and more than 1,000 cross-country runners. Shi Qiang, a contestant who specially came from Chengdu, Sichuan, said: "The Cunninghamia lanceolata River is crystal clear, and Yuntai Mountain has a long-standing reputation. Today, I can immerse myself in the beautiful scenery here and feel physically and mentally happy through running." "Although it is the first time to participate in the competition, I think I can fight and surpass some players." Since shibin No.3 Middle School, Wu Escape River said happily.

As a more challenging 20-kilometer race, after about two hours of cross-country trekking in the mountains, the contestants reached the finish line one after another. Zhang Guili, a female player from guiyang university, won the second place. "It’s my first time to participate. I’m very tired when climbing the hill. I feel that I can’t hold on. It’s completely unexpected to finally get the ranking."

During the 50-kilometer race of Chaoshan Group, the contestants will pass through Yuntai Mountain Scenic Area, a world natural heritage site, and Cunninghamia River Rafting Scenic Area, a national AAAA scenic spot, and shuttle between mountains, streams and ancient roads, so that they can truly feel the charm of Shi Bing’s intersection of nature and humanity.

After fierce competition, in the end, Liao Tingying, Zhang Guili and Zhou Yangyang won the top three women in the 20km mountain-seeking group, while Shi Aiai, Li Xun and Gao Li Chang won the top three men in the 20km mountain-seeking group. Wang Aili, Fan Lina and An Qin won the top three women in the 50 km Chaoshan group, while Wang Zhihu, Wu Yongbo and Wang Jinhai won the top three men in the 50 km Chaoshan group. Ping Huang Qielan Long-distance Running Association and other organizations won the Best Organization Award.

"Today, the weather is not hot, which is more suitable for running. This track is also very easy to run. I have been running in the mountains, and the scenery and track are better. It is quite comfortable to run all the way down." Wang Zhihu said happily. Wang Aili, who won the first place in the 50-kilometer women’s team, excitedly told reporters: "I only came into contact with cross-country running last year. The first feeling when I came here was that the mountains and rivers were beautiful, and I will come again next year."

In order to protect every dream of going to Shan Ye, the staff and volunteers made preparations early. Steaming fried rice with eggs, delicious and sweet corn porridge, bamboo sun chicken soup with endless aftertaste, electrolyte drinks full of energy, as well as five-color glutinous rice with local characteristics, beef stewed radish, white sour soup, lime and alkali, and …… a group of luxury food supplies brought the best logistical support to each athlete. During the competition, the local catering industry and accommodation industry were booming, and restaurants with local beef dishes were even more busy. Player An Qin said that because of the beautiful scenery of Yuntai Mountain, he was reluctant to return for Shi Bing’s food.

Hand in hand with "salt horse" to start the district and build a brand together

On the morning of April 16th, yueda KIA SK New Energy Yancheng Marathon and Grand Canal Marathon Series (Yancheng Station) fired at Yannan Sports Center, and more than 15,000 contestants started with enthusiasm and all their efforts. Dafengcang Agricultural Group "hitchhiked" this marathon, set up a product booth, and used the marathon to carry out featured brand promotion. A wide variety of featured agricultural products, such as spicy chicken, fragrant belly, yellow snail and shrimp sauce, attracted the attention of contestants and citizens.

Through full display, the group will let more people who participate in and watch the marathon know more about Dafeng’s local agricultural special products, and let the brand products jointly built by "Dafeng Cang" area go to the dining table of more consumers. The group will stick to the original mission of developing agriculture for the people, and make greater contributions to the high-quality development of agricultural industry in Dafeng District with pragmatic measures and caring services for agriculture.

I started as James, who played as a center: I was almost eliminated by Chelsea Youth Academy that year.

Chelsea defender Reese James said in an interview that he was almost eliminated by Chelsea youth training in the past and revealed that he started as a striker.

James said: "I signed for Chelsea when I was about eight or nine years old. I stood out among my peers. We have Du Qiong Sterling, martel Croasdale, Ryan Brewster, Jamie Cumming, Mark Gay and Connor Gallagher, and several of us have succeeded."

"All of us dream of playing for Chelsea, but when we were growing up, people knew it was difficult to get into the first team because not many people could do it in recent years. We knew what we wanted, but it was difficult to achieve at that time. "

"But when Lampard was the head coach, he really helped the youth training and the first team to cooperate better. Even now that he has left, the youth training and the first team still maintain his legacy, as evidenced by the addition of some young players last season. They got the opportunity and completed their first show, which is both recognition for the players and affirmation for the staff. "

"When I was growing up, I was a striker. I admired Drogba and I always admired him. I just want to score goals and celebrate like him. I stopped playing as a striker at the age of eleven or twelve and started to develop in the midfield. I stayed there for three or four years, and then I found myself suitable to play as a right-back at the age of fifteen. I hated this position at first. Until one day, I suddenly felt adapted to this position and began to really enjoy it, about seventeen years old. But it really takes me a long time to get used to this position. When I don’t want to play this position, this position often makes me feel depressed.

"But right-back is the position where I play the most now, and it is also my favorite position. I have hardly played in other positions. I have been there since I joined Chelsea, but when I was fifteen or sixteen, I was almost eliminated. I am probably one of the worst players in that age group, and they are not sure how I will develop. When they offered me a new contract, they took great risks. I must try my best to prove that I can play football and achieve my goals. "