Development and Reform Commission: implement a number of forward-looking and strategic national major scientific and technological projects; Ganfeng Lithium Industry: It is planned to invest in lithiu

China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission: Improve solvency supervision standards and enhance the service capacity of the insurance industry

It was learned from China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission that in order to better guide the insurance industry to serve the real economy, China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission will continue to improve the solvency supervision standards, and on the basis of scientific and effective risk prevention and control, continuously enhance the insurance industry’s ability to serve the overall economic and social situation. The person in charge of relevant departments in China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission said that China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission will continue to support the development of commercial pension business. According to the characteristics and development reality of commercial pension business, we will study and formulate preferential policies for solvency, reduce the capital occupation of the company, support the insurance industry to carry out commercial pension business, and promote the healthy development of the third pillar pension insurance. (Xinhua News Agency)

The General Administration of Market Supervision issued the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Drug Online Sales, which will take effect on December 1, 2022.

Recently, the General Administration of Market Supervision issued the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Drug Online Sales (Order No.58 of the State Administration of Market Supervision), which will take effect on December 1, 2022. Clarify the qualifications and requirements of pharmaceutical trading enterprises engaged in drug online sales, and clarify according to law that vaccines, blood products, narcotic drugs, psychotropic drugs, toxic drugs for medical use, radioactive drugs, pharmaceutical precursor chemicals and other drugs under special management by the state shall not be sold online. (CBN)

National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC): Targeting at frontier fields such as artificial intelligence, we will implement a number of forward-looking and strategic national major scientific and technological projects.

In Qiushi magazine, the National Development and Reform Commission published a signed article "Accelerating the Construction of a New Development Pattern and Firmly Grasping the Initiative of Development", pointing out that it is necessary to strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological strength, aim at frontier fields such as artificial intelligence, quantum information, integrated circuits, life and health, brain science and biological breeding, and implement a number of forward-looking and strategic national major scientific and technological projects. Actively expand effective investment. We will increase investment in short boards and implement 102 major projects in the 14 th Five-Year Plan in an orderly manner. Establish a coordination mechanism to promote effective investment in important projects, scientifically use policy-based development financial tools, guide financial institutions to increase supporting financing support, strengthen the protection of land, energy use, environmental impact assessment and other factors, and accelerate the construction of major projects. (Securities Times)

China Hi-Tech: The revenue in the first half of the year was 59.5349 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1.28%.

Recently, China Hi-Tech (600730) released the semi-annual report for 2022, with revenue of 59.5349 million yuan in the first half of the year, up by 1.28% year-on-year; The net profit of returning to the mother was 5,775,200 yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 64.16%. Among them, the education sector achieved revenue of 42.9544 million yuan, accounting for 72.15% of the company’s total revenue.

Weibo: The revenue in the second quarter was USD 450.2 million, and the operating profit margin was 21%.

Weibo released its financial report for the second quarter of 2022. The financial report shows that Weibo’s revenue in the second quarter was $450.2 million, down 22% year-on-year, and the market expected $441 million. Among them, advertising and marketing revenue in the second quarter was $385.6 million, down 23% year-on-year; Revenue from value-added services was $64.6 million, down 10% year-on-year. In the second quarter, Weibo’s operating profit was US$ 93.9 million, and its operating profit rate was 21%.

Zhiji Automobile: In August, the sales volume of Zhiji L7 was 1,007 units, up 23.4% from the previous month.

According to the news released by Zhiji Auto Official Micro, in August, the sales volume of Zhiji L7 was 1,007 units, an increase of 23.4% from the previous month. Since the nationwide delivery was started in mid-June, Zhiji L7 has delivered 2058 units.

Zhiwen Group: Revenue in the second quarter was 3,110.4 million yuan, down 15.3% year-on-year.

Zhiwen Group announced its financial report for the second quarter of 2022. According to the financial report, in the second quarter of 2022, Zhiwen Group’s revenue was 3.1104 billion yuan, down 15.3% year-on-year. Not measured in accordance with US GAAP, the net profit attributable to Zhiwen Group in the second quarter was 463.5 million yuan, compared with 551 million yuan in the same period last year. Zhiwen Group has been making profits for 30 quarters.

Weilai: 10,677 vehicles were delivered in August, up 81.6% year-on-year.

Weilai announced that 10,677 vehicles were delivered in August, up 81.6% year-on-year. From January to August, 2022, Weilai delivered 71,556 new cars, a year-on-year increase of 28.3%. Weilai has delivered a total of 238,626 new cars.

Xpeng Motors: The delivery volume in August was 9,578 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 33%.

Xpeng Motors announced that the delivery volume in August was 9,578 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 33%; A total of 90,085 vehicles were delivered in the first eight months, a year-on-year increase of 96%. Today, Weilai Automobile and LI also announced the delivery volume in August. Weilai Automobile delivered 10,677 vehicles in August, an increase of 81.6% year-on-year; LI delivered 4,571 vehicles in August, a year-on-year decrease of 51.54%.

Securities and Futures Commission issued IPO approvals for three companies including Ziyan Food.

The CSRC approved Shanghai Ziyan Food Co., Ltd. to publicly issue no more than 42 million new shares; Approved Wuxi Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd. to publicly issue no more than 20 million new shares; Approved Arrow Home Group Co., Ltd. to publicly issue no more than 96.6095 million new shares. (Securities Times)

Dingdang Health: On September 14th, the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange was listed at a price of HK$ 12 per share.

Dangdang Health announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the company sold 33.537 million shares worldwide, including 3.354 million shares sold in Hong Kong, 30.183 million shares sold internationally, and 15% of them were over-allocated. Offering shares from September 1 to September 6, 2022; The offering price will be HK$ 12.00 per offering share, with 500 shares for each unit, and the admission fee will be about HK$ 6,060. CICC and CMB International are co-sponsors; It is expected that the shares will be listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange on September 14th, 2022.

"Luchen Technology" completed $6 million in seed and angel round financing.

"Luchen Technology" announced the completion of $6 million seed and angel round financing, with Lanchi Venture Capital leading the angel round and innovation works and Zhenge Fund jointly leading the seed round. The two rounds of financing were completed within one year. Financing funds are mainly used to introduce teams and expand business markets. According to reports, Luchen Technology is committed to building a universal deep learning system Colossal-AI for the era of big models, and promoting the application of AI big models.

Cloud native RPA manufacturer "Yunna Technology" won the A round of financing.

Yunna Technology, a cloud native RPA manufacturer, won the A round of financing, which was jointly led by Yunjiu Capital and Haochen Capital. The old shareholder’s linear capital exceeded the investment, and the source joint venture served as the exclusive financial adviser. This round of financing will be used for product research and development, marketing and other aspects.

Sunlight Technology, a provider of 3D graphics engine, received nearly 100 million yuan in angel round financing.

Xuanguang Technology, a domestic 3D graphics engine provider, announced the completion of nearly RMB 100 million angel round financing, which was led by Shang Tang Guoxiang Capital, an industrial fund of Shangtang Technology, with Wanshi Capital as the exclusive financial advisor. Xuanguang Technology will use this financing to increase the large-scale infrastructure construction of products and continue to invest in the improvement of tool chain.

OPPO signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Omron Health Care

Recently, OPPO officially signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Omron Health Care, a home health equipment and health management service brand. In the future, the two sides will focus on healthy lifestyle management and cardiovascular disease management, and carry out a series of cooperation such as direct connection of IoT equipment, health data management and joint development of core technologies.

Ganfeng Lithium Industry: It is planned to invest in lithium dihydrogen phosphate integration project with Fulin Seiko (300432).

Ganfeng Lithium Industry announced that the company and Fulin Seiko recently signed the Strategic Cooperation Agreement to carry out in-depth cooperation in lithium salt product supply, Ferrous lithium phosphate cathode product supply, industrial investment and project operation, and research and development of new lithium salts, so as to achieve win-win development. The two parties intend to jointly invest in the new "lithium dihydrogen phosphate Integration Project". The technical path of the project is to directly prepare lithium dihydrogen phosphate through lithium sulfate, with a long-term planned production capacity of 200,000 tons. The two parties intend to set up a joint venture company as the main investor with a registered capital of 100 million yuan.

China Automobile Association: From January to July, China’s top ten countries ranked in terms of import value of automobile goods, with a total import value of 47.18 billion US dollars.

According to the data of the General Administration of Customs compiled by China Automobile Industry Association, from January to July, 2022, the top ten countries in China’s automobile import value were Germany, Japan, the United States, Slovakia, Britain, Austria, Mexico, Thailand, South Korea and Hungary. Compared with the same period of last year, the import value of Slovakia and Austria continued to increase, while that of other countries decreased. From January to July, the import value of automobile goods in the above ten countries was 47.18 billion US dollars, accounting for 87.8% of the total import value of all automobile goods in China.

China ICT Institute: In the second quarter, China built 295,000 new 5G base stations.

According to "China ICT Institute CAICT" WeChat WeChat official account news, "National Mobile Network Quality Monitoring Report" (Phase 2) was recently released. According to the report, by the end of June 2022, the total number of mobile communication base stations in China had reached 10.35 million, with 5G base stations accounting for 17.9%, and 295,000 new 5G base stations were built in the second quarter. The total number of mobile users reached 1.67 billion, with 5G users accounting for 27.3%, with an increase of 52.44 million in the second quarter. (CBN)

Wang Haifeng, CTO of Baidu: The industrial model of the big model will be a TSMC-like model.

At the 2022 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, Wang Haifeng, chief technology officer of Baidu and director of the National Engineering Research Center for Deep Learning Technology and Application, proposed in his speech that the industrial model of the big model would be a TSMC-like model. The big model and deep learning platform run through the whole AI industry chain, which is the base of industrial intelligence. The global user spending of "League of Legends Mobile Games" iOS and Google Play platforms has exceeded 750 million US dollars.

According to, League of Legends Mobile Games was first released on Google Play in October 2020. In less than two years, its global user spending on iOS and Google Play platforms has exceeded 750 million US dollars. In October 2021, League of Legends Mobile Games entered the China market for the first time. In the same month, its global user spending (on iOS and Google Play platforms) increased by 7 times compared with September 2021.

IResearch: WeChat, Alipay and short video platforms have become three major positions for business layout.

IResearch, an industry research organization, released the Insight Report on Private Domain Layout of Merchants in China in 2022. The report shows that the multi-platform layout has become a trend, and WeChat, Alipay and short video platforms have become the three most important positions for businesses to operate in the private domain; Applet is the most important private domain carrier; Nearly 80% of merchants are satisfied with the private domain management effect, and the growth effect of new customers and members is remarkable; The operating cost of private domain of merchants increased by 40% on average, and transformation efficiency, operating cost and public domain drainage became the core concerns of private domain layout of merchants. Public domain is the most important traffic source of private domain. After Alipay put forward the open mode of combining public and private domains in 2018, WeChat and Aauto Quicker also began to build public and private domains.

(Editor: Zhou Wenkai)

A big event in a week. Did your salary go up? Publish wage guidelines in many places

  A number of new laws and regulations have been formally implemented since August.

  Bike-sharing prohibits the provision of services to children under the age of 12.

  9 provinces issued wage guidelines and 30 provinces extended maternity leave.

  In the second quarter, the "blacklist" of mobile apps was announced

  … …

  What happened in the past week? What is worthy of attention? What is closely related to you? Please look back on the major events of the week.

  [Policy Package] A number of new laws and regulations have been officially implemented since August: banks have cancelled a number of charges.

  A few days ago, the National Development and Reform Commission and the China Banking Regulatory Commission jointly issued a notice, canceling the handling fee for personal cash withdrawal at the counter of the bank in different places, and suspending the collection of six fees for promissory notes and bills of exchange, loss reporting fee and production cost. All commercial banks should take the initiative to waive the account management fee and annual fee for the only account opened by customers in the bank.

  Previously, some banks would only provide customers with an account free of account management fees and annual fees if they actively applied.

  [Transportation] The new regulations in bike-sharing are introduced: it is forbidden to provide services to children under the age of 12.

  On August 2, with the consent of the State Council, the Ministry of Transport, the Central Propaganda Department, the Central Information Office, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the People’s Bank of China, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine and the National Tourism Administration jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Encouraging and Regulating the Development of Internet Rental Bicycles. In order to improve the service level in bike-sharing, the Guiding Opinions clearly require operating enterprises to strengthen the capacity building of online and offline services, implement real-name system management for users’ registration and use, sign service agreements, specify charging methods and standards, establish a complaint handling mechanism, purchase personal accident insurance for users, and prohibit providing services to children under the age of 12.

  [Financial Services] The asset-liability management and supervision system was introduced during the year! Insurance investment can no longer be "lavish"

  The China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) recently issued a notice to conduct a trial evaluation of the asset-liability management capability of insurance companies, and plans to formally issue the asset-liability management supervision system by the end of this year. The insiders believe that this will help the regulatory authorities to fully grasp the risks of maturity mismatch, spread loss and liquidity of insurance companies, and guide the funds to "get rid of the virtual reality".

  [society ruled by law]The State Bureau for Letters and Calls invited lawyers to "sit in the classroom" to receive visits, showing initial results.

  It is reported that in August last year, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls introduced lawyers to participate in the reception of people’s visits and strengthened the social resolution of letters and visits. By the end of July this year, six law firms recommended by Beijing Lawyers Association had sent 42 backbone lawyers to take part in the interview, and received 2578 batches of people, which played a positive role in guiding petitioners to solve problems through legal channels.

  [Environmental Protection] The third batch of central environmental protection inspectors held 4,660 people accountable and severely criticized environmental protection inaction.

  Regardless of the number of reports received by the masses or the number of accountability, the third batch of central environmental protection inspectors has significantly increased compared with the previous two batches. In addition, the feedback report is harshly worded — — "Doing superficial things to cope with inspections", "Inaction and chaos are common problems" and "Some cities and departments have a weak awareness of environmental legal system" … … Pointing out the local "lesions" to the nail on the head has sounded the alarm for local ecological environment protection.

  [People’s livelihood expectations] How much is the salary increase this year? 9 provinces released the 2017 salary guideline.

  Has your salary increased this year? If it doesn’t go up, you can give the 2017 corporate salary guidance line to your unit. The reporter found that at least nine provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities have issued guidelines for enterprise wages in 2017, which provides guiding suggestions for enterprises to adjust wages for employees.

  [Social Welfare] Extension of maternity leave in 30 provinces

  In the past five years, the maternity protection policy has become more solid. At present, 30 provinces have extended maternity leave, and the holidays generally reach 138 to 158 days. By the end of 2016, the number of people participating in maternity insurance nationwide was 184 million, and the per capita treatment level was 15,300 yuan, an increase of 30.22 million and 4,098 yuan compared with 2012. Many institutions, institutions and communities are also equipped with nursing rooms, custody centers and other facilities.

  [Food Safety] New rules for online take-out will be issued. Say goodbye to "Black Workshop Fly House"

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Food Supervision Department II of the Food and Drug Administration, in the next step, the Food and Drug Administration will step up the promulgation of the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Online Catering Services, clarify the respective food safety responsibilities and obligations of online third-party service platforms, online catering service units and food and drug supervision departments, standardize the operation behavior of online catering services, prevent and control food safety risks of online catering services, and protect consumers’ rights and interests.

  [Mobile phone security] The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the "blacklist" of mobile phone apps in the second quarter. Have you installed it?

  In the second quarter, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology organized a technical inspection of the application software of 55 mobile phone application stores, and found 42 pieces of illegal software, which involved illegal collection and use of users’ personal information, malicious "charging", forced bundling and promotion of other applications, and so on, and had been ordered to be removed from the shelves.

  [Convenience service] Beijing pilot ID card self-service application for photos can be retaken if you are not satisfied.

   Recently, the reporter found that there is a self-service device for ID card processing in a police station in Beijing. You don’t have to wait in line at the artificial window, sit in a self-service device, input personal information, take photos, record fingerprints and pay the money according to the prompts, and the information collection can be completed in a few minutes. You can help yourself all the time, and you can retake the photos if you are not satisfied. And forensics is also self-service. There is a self-service forensics equipment next to the accreditation equipment. After ten working days, I can obtain evidence through fingerprint identification.

  [Travel] The implementation of illegal "one-day tours" in the Beijing Tourism Regulations is the focus of the crackdown

  While drawing a clear distinction between legal and illegal "one-day tour" operations, the regulations set up a special section on "one-day tour", which prohibited six types of behaviors and distinguished the legal responsibilities of the existing legal provisions (tourism law, public security management punishment law, etc.) and those without legal provisions.

  [Weather tip] Heavy rain to heavy rain! Start flood prevention and early warning in many places to face the storm and flood.

  On August 3-4, Xiuyan Manchu Autonomous County, Anshan City, Liaoning Province was hit by heavy rain. The local people transferred 18,900 people overnight. Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Qing photo

  Affected by typhoon Haitang’s residual cloud system and cold air, some areas such as Shandong, Henan, Hebei, Liaoning and Heilongjiang will have heavy rains, and relevant departments will start flood prevention and early warning, transfer and avoid risks, and go all out to meet possible storms and floods.

  (Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency, People’s Daily, Beijing Youth Daily and other media reports editor Liu Qiong)

The car model meets the comic exhibition, and the otaku is blessed! Changsha International Auto Show was held from December 9 to 14.

The car model meets the comic exhibition, and the otaku is blessed.

Changsha International Auto Show was held from December 9 to 14, and Hunan Commodity Consumption Festival and National Comic Exhibition were held at the same time.

The 15th Changsha International Auto Show attracts people to watch the exhibition and drives the automobile market to sprint consumption.

At the auto show, you have seen beautiful car models, but have you seen Hatsune Miku? It is understood that this year’s ACC animation exhibition will meet with Changsha International Auto Show.

When you look at the new car, you can also see cute virtual characters, which can not only meet the needs of fans, but also buy them in buy buy.

Xiaoxiang morning herald reporter Mao Chuan reports from Changsha

With the gradual recovery of the auto show, the postponed national auto show is "grabbing" the schedule and pulling it back to the box office. The 16th China (Changsha) International Automobile Expo (hereinafter referred to as "Changsha International Auto Show") scheduled for December 9-14 will be held as scheduled.

The reporter got the latest news from the organizing committee of the auto show. In order to give full play to the consumption-driven role of automobiles and other commodities, the 2020 Hunan Commodity Consumption Festival was held at the same time, and a national comic exhibition settled in Changsha, which contributed to the "different" Changsha International Auto Show.

Nearly 80 automobile brands brought new cars to the exhibition.

The Changsha International Auto Show will last for 6 days, with an estimated total exhibition area of 100,000 square meters. Nearly 80 well-known automobile brands at home and abroad will take part in the exhibition with new products and high specifications, including Guangzhou Automobile Mitsubishi, a local intelligent manufacturer in Hunan, BYD, a luxury car matrix BBA that continues to grow at a high speed, Weilai, a new car-making force, SAIC Volkswagen and Dongfeng Nissan … all of which have gathered a variety of new cars, with more than 1,000 models coming in strongly, blowing the horn of sprint for the automobile market at the end of this year.

In addition, the automobile consumption festival and the second-hand car replacement link at Changsha International Auto Show last year were recognized by consumers and will continue to be presented this year. Get through the automobile circulation link, free on-site vehicle evaluation, high-priced car collection, 120 tests, and factory certification of used cars to participate in the exhibition, so that buying and selling cars is guaranteed; There are also one-stop convenient services such as financial loans and new car replacement to add color to consumers.

Auto show drives Hunan’s bulk consumption engine

It is understood that in 2019, the total sales volume of exhibitors at Changsha International Auto Show totaled 17,972 units, and the first Hunan Automobile Consumption Festival was held in the same period, and a total of 2,487 car purchase subsidies were issued, with a cumulative amount of 1.13 million yuan. With a wave of car market stimulus actions, car consumption has risen rapidly. The relevant person in charge of the organizing Committee of the auto show said, "As long as things are good, there is no need to worry about consumption."

In the fourth quarter, Hunan Provincial Department of Commerce will launch a series of activities of consumption promotion month with the theme of "Enjoy consumption and live a better life". As the leader of automobile consumption in Hunan, Changsha International Auto Show has been included in the series of activities of consumption promotion month. Based on the strong consumption power of Hunan consumers, Changsha International Auto Show will become the engine to stimulate Hunan’s bulk consumption.

At the same time of the auto show, the "Super Double 12 2020 Hunan Commodity Consumption Festival" will be held, and the dealers will be full of firepower to rush sales, and the consumers will be full of firepower to rush welfare. Through online and offline multiple linkages, we will hold a series of activities such as year-end benefits for well-known real estates, innovate consumption patterns, and make the consumption festival a bright business card for Hunan to strongly promote economic and social development.


Auto show brings virtual characters offline.

Considering the background of the current automobile market, the auto show has different characteristics in different times, from the earliest "unusual exhibition" to the "technical exhibition" that reflects the progress of the industry, and then to the "consumption exhibition" when the automobile market is going down.

Younger is the most mentioned word in today’s auto market. No matter manufacturers, brands or even models, they are carrying out the concept of youth to the end. Conversely, young consumers not only need a young car, but also wait for young brands, young exhibitions and young elements.

It is understood that this year’s ACC Animation Exhibition will meet with Changsha International Auto Show at the same time. ACC Comic-Con focuses on a number of domestic and foreign classic anime game images, famous anime artists, seiyuu, original novels, well-known coser, peripheral products and other contents. Through the theme meeting, customized interactive games, customized theme activities and theme performances, ACC Comic-Con has carried out long-term roving ground exhibitions in major cities and regions in China in the form of exhibitions, various events and carnivals. Up to now, more than 150 floor-to-ceiling comic-con exhibitions have been held.

The combination of animation and auto show is also a new cultural force in today’s auto market. Virtual characters such as Hatsune Miku, YOMI and Xiaodu have already appeared on major automobile brands. The combination of auto show and animation brings the original virtual and lovely characters offline.

Of course, there are many activities during the auto show, including carnival that consumers love to see and hear, and summit activities that professionals discuss together.

You said this was an auto show, which covered many industries. You said that this is not an auto show, and automobile consumption drives more consumption upgrades. This is a different auto show, but salt is sweet and you can taste it at will.

Li Lu on the casting of In the World: "Spell" like a family.

From casting, setting, shooting and broadcasting, director Li Lu outlined the 50-year life picture of "In the World" with details, reflecting the vitality of real life for the good with "imperfection".

Source: "CCTV News" WeChat official account

The hit drama "In the World" by the Central Radio and Television General Station set off a drama-watching craze in the whole country. This "civilian epic" with bones and muscles and temperature set a new high in CCTV’s comprehensive channel prime-time TV series for nearly 8 years in the first round of broadcasting. In an exclusive interview with CCTV’s Face to Face, Li Lu, director and chief producer of The World, shared the story behind the shooting.

"The choice of actors should be repeatedly deduced, and it looks like a family together."

Since the first episode of In the World, the actors’ acting skills have been praised by countless netizens. Many viewers said that the dialogue and scenes in the play made people enter the play for one second.Regarding the choice of actors, Li Lu’s standard is "the most suitable, regardless of others".


There are "four beams and eight pillars" in the play. The "four beams" are Zheng Juan, the wife of Zhou Jiasan and Zhou Bingkun, played by Xin Baiqing, Song Jia, Lei Jiayin and Yin Tao respectively, and the "eight pillars" are actors sarina, Zhang Kaili, Ding Yongdai, Song Chunli and Yu Zhen.


Zhou Jia’s "Family Portrait" (Stills)

Li Lu said that the choice of actors in the play "is not easy", and all of them have undergone "repeated deduction", and six or seven actors have been selected behind each role. Understanding the role requires actors to do their homework in advance, which requires high quality of actors.


Director Li Lu:Every time we choose an actor, we deduce it repeatedly, just like on a battle map. There are six or seven people behind a character. What is the feeling of these two faces together? If they are put together, they look like a family.

In Li Lu’s view, the quality of a play depends not only on the main actors, but also on the extras. When shooting a distant view, it is also one of the important signs of a play to see whether the supporting roles around it are well played.Every detail keeps adding points, and then adding points can make the overall color of a drama look better.

In order to reproduce the "light character film", 40,000 square meters of scenery was built and more than 70,000 meters of light lines were used.

"The World" is a picture of life unfolding slowly in a span of 50 years. Although the fate of ordinary people fluctuates in the torrent of the times, it is full of tension, but it is by no means easy to present this tension in a finely divided life and real emotions.



In fact, the "Guangzi film" in the play is a village in the city, but in reality, there is no complete "Guangzi film". In order to reproduce the residential area of the old industrial city in Northeast China, the crew set up a 40,000-square-meter scene in Changchun, and the light line used 70,000 meters. The lights for the scene were fully loaded with dozens of super-long box cars.


Some windows, doors and floors were bought from some shanty towns to be demolished; The black soil on the ground is loaded with dozens of trucks, all of which are borrowed. Black soil is very precious, and it will be returned when it is used up; The styles of calendars, furniture, electric fans and radios in the play have been repeatedly verified.


Director Li Lu:After reading so many comments, the highest evaluation means that this film is like a documentary, which is actually the highest praise for us. This is the embodiment of the real way of performance. Seeing the characters inside and seeing the beauty of these costumes and videos are basically realistic, and everyone looks like they are around life.

In the world, this scene was originally shot for several months.

Li Lu once said, "My principle is to convey more warm things.Let the audience feel the hope of life and the warmth of society.. "


Many details in the play have been memorized by many viewers. In one scene, Zheng Juan’s blind brother is always watching with the bottom of the bottle. This scene touched the hearts of many viewers, and this scene was specially added by Li Lu, and it took several months at a time.



Director Li Lu:This shot was taken in the shed. There was no sun. We had to wait until the sun came out and the position of the sun was right. We borrowed one hand to shoot the empty mirror and waited for several months.

Reporter:What would happen if we didn’t take that shot facing the sun?

Director Li Lu:No, that’s definitely not possible. He must see the change of the sun, and the bottom of the bottle was later lost, so we went to grind a few more bottles. This bottle bottom is too important for a blind man, and that is his hope.

Imperfection is the world, and it is still good when encountering difficulties.

Li Lu was born in Changchun, Jilin Province, and his wish was realized when he filmed In the World in his hometown. "There are more than 200 scenes in Changchun. I have put the most beautiful buildings and scenery in Changchun, and every place is very clever and not inconsistent. Let me show you my hometown."


After the broadcast of "In the World", "Jichun Railway Station" became a fire, and many shooting places became tourist routes. Many people even said that they had a deeper understanding of the Northeast and had a better understanding of the Northeast and its people from the changes of the times.


From the family to the factory society, after nearly half a century’s vicissitudes of life, "In the World" depicts the life picture of social evolution, conveying the spirit of China people’s struggle for survival, perseverance and endless life.


Through this drama, countless audiences have recollected the struggles of their ancestors and fathers. During the broadcast of "In the World", many people gave the drama review as "This drama is so crying".


In this regard, Li Lu said: "Many viewers can see some shadows of their family members’ past, and this is the real life.No matter what difficulties you encounter, like the characters in the play, be good and upward.Imperfection is the world, and perfection is heaven. "

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Panda hits the audience and turns "boycott" into a Don Quixote joke.

  Kung Fu Panda, a Hollywood summer animation masterpiece, officially appeared in China on Friday. At the premiere of the Shanghai Film Festival yesterday, artist Zhao Bandi’s appeal that "everyone in China should boycott Kung Fu Panda" obviously became a Don Quixote joke. There is a long queue in the second hall of Shanghai Cinema, and the audience is full. The Kung Fu Panda has not yet started, and the atmosphere at the scene has been very lively by a lovely and huge panda doll. The panda "Po" played for 100 minutes and the audience laughed dozens of times. At the end of the screening, the audience expressed their love for the film with warm applause. "It’s so beautiful and awesome!" As a China-themed Hollywood movie, ordinary audiences in China feel happy and excited from Kung Fu Panda, while filmmakers in China should feel ashamed and humiliated.

  "Po" made the audience laugh from beginning to end.

  Kung Fu Panda shows a martial arts world, and you can even regard it as an animal version of Kung Fu. Without the animation coat, it is a simple story of a little person who won by luck, hard work and courage. The hero is the big and fat panda "Po". He is lazy, clumsy and greedy. He usually helps his father (a duck) in the noodle restaurant. Only in his dream, he is a handsome and cool warrior with superb kung fu. He stumbled into the "God" in the Great Fairy Point of the tortoise.

  The candidate of "Dragon Warrior" is the same as the five masters (tiger, monkey, crane, mantis and snake). Under the training of the "raccoon" master, he becomes a generation of dragon warrior, and finally defends "Peace Valley" and defeats the evil ambitious remnant leopard. Kung Fu Panda can make you laugh from beginning to end, and the dialogue, modeling, plot, details, animal expressions and martial arts movements are all hilarious. For example, Po tried his best to enter the tournament. He climbed the 1888 steps and was panting. When he finally climbed to the door, he was about to cheer, but the door just closed. His first contact with kung fu training and his violent beating by the master are very funny. The plots of Bao’s "grabbing buns", "acupuncture" and "stealing cookies" make the audience laugh through the panda’s embarrassing and rich expressions. However, being fat also has the advantage of being fat, because even "acupoints" are useless to him.

  Master "Po" isJackie Chan

  The humorous and sometimes ugly fighting action of "Po" reminds the audience of Jackie Chan’s movies. Indeed, director Stevenson once said that Jackie Chan is the most important when designing actions for "Po" because his kung fu is full of humor and is closest to the theme. At the same time, "Jet Li and Bruce Lee’s kung fu are all referenced, even including Stephen Chow (Q bar)." What’s more striking is that the voice cast of Kung Fu Panda is quite strong, with Jack Black providing the voice for Po, Dustin Hoffman providing the voice for Master Raccoon and Angelina Jolie providing the voice for Tiger. There are Jackie Chan, Liu Yuling and others, and the Chinese version invites stars such as Wilber Pan and Patty Hou to join us.

  As the director said, Kung Fu Panda is a "love letter" dedicated to China, and everything in this film comes from China. In the film, those kung fu, pandas, landscapes, Tai Chi, temple fairs, calligraphy and acupuncture belong to China; Animals eat noodles, use chopsticks, and Tigress wears a Tang suit. Monkeys, poisonous snakes, red-crowned cranes, tigers and mantis are the most famous and distinctive representatives of boxing martial arts in China.

  "China filmmakers should wake up."

  In the past, Hollywood films based on the theme of China were more or less criticized for "not being China enough and misreading China". In Kung Fu Panda, the reporter found that Hollywood seems to have really "read" China. Except for the characters and props, the concept and culture of the film are all Chinese. Both Panda Po and Canbao are trying to get the secret book of the Dragon, but in fact, there is not a word in the secret book. Po learned the true meaning of "believe in yourself" from the secret book without words. Master Oogway’s series of proverbs: Everything is predestined, there is no coincidence in the world, and he said "My time is up" and then turned into a fairy, all of which won the essence of China culture. It seems that after a long period of "training", Hollywood has gradually been able to control the "mysterious and complicated" China culture, instead of just using some specious China elements to put on a show. Therefore, Kung Fu Panda is enough to make all China filmmakers feel ashamed. A movie fan sighed after watching it, "Everything in this movie is from China, but why can’t people in China shoot it?" When talking about the so-called Kung Fu Panda, which calls for a boycott of "taking advantage of the fire to rob", more viewers feel that it is better to retreat from the net than to boycott it. "It’s time to wake up." Kung Fu Panda "is so beautiful. China filmmakers should be ashamed. If we don’t work hard, we will give away everything."

  "Kung Fu Panda" detonated at zero in Nanjing

  This summer’s opening blockbuster, Kung Fu Panda, a 3D animated blockbuster produced by American DreamWorks, will meet the audience in mainland China from tomorrow. At the screening meeting in Nanjing yesterday, "Kung Fu Panda" made the adult audience laugh, and the general reaction was "good-looking, worth seeing!" Manager Ouyang Chong of the Workers’ Studio said that the Workers’ Studio will detonate Kung Fu Panda at 0: 00 tonight, which is the first time they have detonated an animation at 0: 00.

  With the heavy landing of Kung Fu Panda on June 20th, the summer movie file in 2008 officially kicked off. Just like the fat figure of the fat panda "Po", this summer’s first shock wave is absolutely heavyweight. "We have been ready for a long time. This time, we took a total of three copies, two digital films and one digital film. The numbers are in Chinese and English. The film is only available in Chinese. Ten of the 13 halls will be used to play Kung Fu Panda. On average, there will be a rolling broadcast of this film every ten minutes to a quarter of an hour, which is the film with the highest screening density so far this year. Such a high screening density is comparable to Zhang Yimou’s "Golden Flower in the City". " Ouyang Chong told the reporter excitedly that Kung Fu Panda was completely operated according to Hollywood blockbusters, not a simple cartoon. Ouyang Chong also explained why Kung Fu Panda was so popular with them. "This film is not for children in the traditional sense, but also suitable for adults. There are many fashion elements, including many China elements and humorous elements unique to the West, which are familiar to most audiences. "

  In addition to setting a record for the first zero-point detonation cartoon, the copy of Kung Fu Panda is specially encrypted, which can only be released at a specific screening time. This has set a record for the animation copy and encryption. A copy of a movie that needs to be encrypted like this, the first one earlier this year was forbidden kingdom. Tongli

Editor: Li Dan

Thousands of athletes gather to open the largest youth baseball game in Sichuan

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On November 11th, Sichuan-Chongqing Youth Baseball League and MLB CUP Autumn Tournament, the largest youth baseball event in Sichuan, was grandly opened in chengdu railway station. Nearly 70 teams and nearly 1,000 athletes from all over the province will be divided into four groups: U6, U8, U10 and U12. The number of teams and participants is the highest in Sichuan youth baseball events over the years.

The game was divided into four venues and started at the same time. The players struggled to hit the ball and ran at full speed. The cheers on the court came and went, and it was very lively. This event is a linkage between Sichuan and Chongqing, and the winning team in Chengdu Sub-race will compete with the winning team in Chongqing for the final championship.

This tournament is also the Chengdu Sub-tournament of MLB CUP Youth Baseball League. MLB Major League Baseball has been established for 120 years, and it is one of the four major professional sports leagues in the United States. MLB CUP is a top-level youth baseball tournament with wide influence around the world.

Baseball is known as "the combination of competition and wisdom", which has a positive impact on the coordination, flexibility, fighting spirit and team spirit of young people. Taking advantage of the policy spring breeze of integration of sports and education and the implementation of various policies such as "double reduction", the youth baseball in Chengdu has flourished. More than 60% of primary schools in high-tech zones have set up baseball interest classes and baseball teams, and they have repeatedly won gold medals on the stage of national competitions. Yesterday, the first men’s and teenagers’ baseball team in Chengdu High-tech Zone was formally established in the middle school attached to Chengdu Academy of Educational Sciences, which also filled the gap that there was no middle school men’s baseball team in Chengdu.

Multi-party trading scheme triggered the storm of players leaving the team

More than a month after the opening of the free trade market, the issue of the departure of Harden and Lillard has not been finalized. The Philadelphia 76ers are reluctant to trade Harden to the Clippers, which has caused widespread discussion among fans and the media. The American media put forward a set of four-party trading scheme, hoping to solve the demands of all parties. First, let’s take a look at the details of this four-party trading scheme. According to media reports, the program involves Philadelphia 76ers, Houston Rockets, Portland Trailblazers and Los Angeles Clippers. Philadelphia 76ers will get Lillard, Houston Rockets will get Ben Simmons of Philadelphia 76ers and mccollum of Portland Trailblazers, Portland Trailblazers will get Harden and harel of Clippers, while Clippers will get Kent Bezmore of Philadelphia 76ers and Nicholson of Portland Trailblazers. This trading scheme is indeed feasible. For the Philadelphia 76ers, they can get a top point guard, Lillard, which will further strengthen the team’s offensive strength and make it a Eastern powerhouse. The Houston Rockets can get Ben Simmons and mccollum, which will inject new vitality into the team and play a vital role in the future reconstruction. Portland Trailblazers can get Harden and harel, which will provide more offensive options for the team and enhance its competitiveness. The Clippers can get Bezmore and Nicholson, which will bring more outside firepower to the team. However, we can’t ignore the possible problems of this trading scheme. First of all, for the Philadelphia 76 ers,They may lose a young and promising player Ben Simmons, which may have a certain impact on the future development of the team. Secondly, Houston Rockets may need some time to adapt to the new system, and need to re-establish a team basketball style. Finally, this trading scheme may lead to the strength gap between teams becoming more obvious, which will lead to the imbalance of the league. To sum up, although this four-party trading scheme is feasible, there are also some problems and challenges.

After the NBA playoffs, there are many rumors. The most striking thing is the news about the trade between the Blazers and the Heat. According to reliable sources, the Trailblazers have successfully acquired Harden and Lori from the Houston Rockets, and at the same time, they have also won some promising draft picks. The Heat, on the other hand, bought a number of outstanding players and potential new stars at the expense of Lillard and nurkic. This transaction has undoubtedly brought great changes to the two teams. For the Blazers, the joining of Harden and Lori will greatly enhance their offensive strength. As one of the most dominant shooting guards in the league, Harden’s arrival will inject more firepower into the team. Lori is an excellent organizer and defender, and his leadership will play an important role in promoting the team. In addition, by gaining some potential draft picks, the Trailblazers also laid the foundation for future development. The Heat lost Lillard and nurkic in this transaction, but the players and draft picks they got also have great potential. Lillard is an excellent shooting guard, and his joining will fill the vacancy of Heat’s backcourt scoring. Nurkic is an excellent inside player, and his arrival will strengthen the team’s strength in rebounding and defensive end. In addition, by winning the draft pick, the Heat also have the opportunity to further improve their lineup in the future. This transaction is a victory for the Blazers and the Heat. Both sides have improved the strength and competitiveness of the team by introducing excellent players and potential new stars. At the same time, they also laid a solid foundation for future development.

The Portland Trailblazers got a chance to rebuild and the 76ers became younger. After the NBA playoffs in 2021, both the Portland Trailblazers and the Philadelphia 76ers encountered some difficulties. However, it also provides opportunities for the two teams to rebuild. This article will focus on how the Blazers use this opportunity to achieve reconstruction, and discuss how the 76ers can reshape the team through a younger lineup. For the Blazers, they need to re-examine the core composition of the team. Although Damian Lillard is the leader of the team, his performance in the playoffs has been unstable in the past few seasons. Therefore, the Blazers need to find a superstar who can partner with Lillard to enhance the team’s competitiveness. At the same time, they also need to strengthen the defensive end and improve the overall defensive efficiency. In order to achieve these goals, the pioneers can consider making some transactions. They can exchange some role players and future draft picks for a strong player, or try to sign free agents to supplement the lineup. In addition, they can also increase the depth of the team by cultivating young players. Through these measures, the blazers are expected to rebuild and challenge the western strong teams again next season. In contrast, the Philadelphia 76ers have begun the process of rejuvenation. They traded veteran Al Horford, won seth curry and Dolente Maze this season, bringing fresh blood to the team. In addition, the 76ers also have some young potential players, such as justin anderson and Thales Marks. By training these young players,The 76ers can gradually build a young and energetic lineup. However, it is not an easy task to achieve successful rejuvenation and reconstruction. Teams need to give young players enough time and opportunities to grow and develop. At the same time, the coaching team also needs to develop a tactical system suitable for young players to help them better adapt to the rhythm and intensity of the NBA. Portland Trailblazers and Philadelphia 76ers are both facing reconstruction opportunities. Through wise trading and training young players, these two teams are expected to reshape themselves and achieve better results in the next few seasons.

The Blazers and Heat pursued the championship, the Philadelphia 76ers became younger, and the Bulls failed to rebuild. These are the most concerned topics for fans in the current NBA league. Both the team’s efforts and the challenges they face have brought us a lot of enlightenment. First of all, let’s take a look at the efforts of the Blazers and the Heat to pursue the championship. Trailblazers have always been one of the top teams in the western region, but the championship is far from their vision. However, they did not give up, but improved their competitiveness by introducing excellent players and building a balanced lineup. Similarly, the Heat are constantly looking for a breakthrough, and they strengthen the team by trading and signing contracts. This kind of unremitting efforts and the pursuit of victory are worth learning and using for reference. At the same time, the Philadelphia 76ers chose the road of younger lineup. They believe that by cultivating young players and building a tacit team, they will be able to achieve greater success in the future. This long-term vision and confidence in the future have injected new vitality and hope into the team. Although they may not achieve brilliant results in a short time, this strategy of investing in the future is worthy of our affirmation. However, the bull suffered setbacks in the process of reconstruction. They used to be one of the most influential teams in the league, but they fell into a trough due to a series of wrong decisions and management mistakes. This story tells us that reconstruction is not smooth sailing and needs correct direction and decision-making. The failure of the bull reminds other teams to stay awake and alert at all times in the pursuit of success. All in all, the efforts of the Blazers and the Heat,The young lineup of Philadelphia 76ers and the failure of bull reconstruction have provided us with valuable experience and enlightenment. Whether it is a team or an individual, only by persistently pursuing the goal can we succeed. At the same time, correct decision-making and management are also crucial.

Two basketball superstars, Lillard and Harden, have recently expressed their desire to leave their original teams, and they are eager to pursue the dream of a championship. This news has aroused widespread concern and heated discussion among fans. For Lillard, he has always been the core player of Portland Trailblazers, and he is deeply loved by fans for his excellent scoring and leadership. However, for many years, the performance of the Trailblazers in the playoffs has never been satisfactory, which has given Lerade a desire for the championship. He hopes to join a more competitive team and cooperate with other superstars to compete for the championship and realize his basketball dream. Harden is the soul of Houston Rockets, and he has become the core of the team with his excellent scoring and organizational skills. However, in the past few seasons, the Rockets repeatedly hit a wall in the playoffs, unable to break through the defense lines of the western strong teams, which made Harden doubt the team’s prospects. He is eager to join a more competitive team and cooperate with other top players for the championship. The two superstars’ willingness to leave caused the fans to think. They believe that for a player, winning the championship in his career is a crucial honor and an affirmation of his basketball career. Although staying in the original team may give players more opportunities for personal and team development, if the team cannot provide enough competitiveness and opportunities, leaving is a better choice for them to realize their dreams. However, some people questioned Lillard and Harden’s decision. They believe that as the core players of the team, they should assume the responsibility of leading the team to rebuild.Instead of choosing to escape from the predicament. After all, basketball is a collective sport, and only through the efforts and unity of the whole team can we succeed. Lillard’s and Harden’s willingness to leave caused a heated discussion among the fans. Whether they choose to stay in the original team or seek new opportunities, we all hope that they can realize their basketball dreams and bring more exciting games to the fans.

Harden is determined to leave the rocket, and may play a small temper. The news caused an uproar in the basketball world. As the core player of Houston Rockets, Harden’s departure is undoubtedly a huge blow to the team. However, we can’t just blame it on his small temper, but should deeply analyze the reasons behind it. First of all, Harden’s departure may be due to the team’s lack of competitiveness. In recent years, although the Rockets often qualify for the playoffs, they always lose their combat effectiveness at critical moments. This undoubtedly made Harden feel depressed and disappointed. As a top player, he is eager to win more honors and titles, but the current state of the Rockets can’t meet his expectations. Secondly, Harden may also be troubled by interpersonal relationships. In the past few seasons, Harden’s relationship with teammate chris paul has attracted much attention. The friction and contradiction between them may have influenced Harden’s decision. If there is a problem with the unity and harmony within the team, the overall performance of the team will inevitably be affected, leading to the core players choosing to leave. In addition, Harden may have been tempted by other teams. In the NBA, strong teams compete for top players from time to time. If other teams can offer better contracts and more attractive competitive conditions, then Harden may choose to leave the Rockets. After all, every player wants to get the best treatment and opportunity. Whether because of competitiveness, interpersonal relationship or other reasons, Harden decided to leave the Rockets. We can’t simply attribute it to his small temper. As a fan,We should understand and respect the players’ choices. Harden’s departure is undoubtedly a challenge for the Rockets, but it is also a new starting point. The team needs to re-evaluate its own problems and find new directions and strategies.

Thank you for reading this article. We look forward to seeing the Blazers and the Heat perform better in future competitions. This transaction has undoubtedly brought great changes to the two teams, and we will continue to pay attention to their development.

Jeff hurt Sun Minghui on purpose? The injury occurred, and Jeff’s expression was understandable. Zhao Rui’s evaluation was correct

On April 23rd, the highly anticipated playoff battle between Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team and Zhejiang Guangsha kicked off. Since the two sides had already drawn 1-1, the two teams could not retreat in this game. The winning team and Liaoning Men’s Basketball Team joined forces, and the loser could only accept the fate of the end of the season.

Perhaps because of this, after the start of the game, the two sides also pointed the needle at Maimang. Du Runwang from Guangdong men’s basketball team stepped forward first, and his accurate three-pointers helped Guangdong men’s basketball team to take the lead. Then Zhu Junlong from Guangsha, Zhejiang province stepped forward, blocked Ma Shang and Zhang Hao, and hit two three-pointers. Zhu Junlong’s appearance directly changed the situation on the field. Zhejiang Guangsha not only overtook the score, but also took the lead.

The staggered scores also caused a controversial scene on the field. When Guangdong foreign aid Hamilton passed the ball back to Jeff, Sun Minghui made a steal, and the basketball was destroyed by Sun Minghui and left Jeff’s control. In the confrontation, Jeff got the ball, and then Sun Minghui fell to the ground in pain for a long time and failed to get up. Even after the Guangdong men’s basketball team attack ended, Sun Minghui still didn’t get up, and then the referee stopped the game.

Through slow motion, Jeff pushed Sun Minghui away again when he confronted Sun Minghui, and Jeff’s push also made Sun Minghui fall to the ground, and his right elbow severely hit the floor, which is why Sun Minghui failed to get up for a long time. After the slow motion, many fans also angrily criticized Jeff’s little moves, and even some fans questioned Jeff’s intentional injury to Sun Minghui.

Did Jeff really hurt Sun Minghui? First of all, from the slow motion, Jeff only had a physical confrontation with Sun Minghui, and Sun Minghui’s elbow landing after falling was unpredictable, so it was impossible for Jeff to intentionally hurt Sun Minghui.

Secondly, when Sun Minghui fell to the ground, when Du Feng instructed the emergency players to come and explain the tactics, Jeff was still very worried about Sun Minghui’s direction. If Jeff was intentional, Jeff would never have such an expression.

Finally, it is also the evaluation of Zhao Rui. Zhao Rui once said that Jeff is a very calm and clean player. Jeff’s past history also proves that he is not a dirty player, so it is even more impossible for Jeff to intentionally hurt his teammates in the national team. Sun Minghui’s injuries are more accidents, that’s all.

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