"1 billion bet" Lei Jun lost, he just responded like this…

  On March 19, Xiaomi Group announced its first annual report after listing, which also means that Lei Jun and Dong Mingzhu’s "1 billion bet" will be won and lost.

  According to the annual report, Xiaomi achieved a total revenue of 174.915 billion yuan in 2018; previously, Gree said in the performance forecast that the total revenue in 2018 was between 200 billion and 210 billion yuan. Even according to the lower limit of Gree’s revenue, Lei Jun will still lose this "huge bet" by more than 25 billion yuan.

  On March 20, when asked about the outcome of the "1 billion bet", Lei Jun replied: "I haven’t seen Gree’s official financial report, and she (Dong Mingzhu) has contacted me." At the opening of the market today, Xiaomi’s share price plunged after a slight increase of 0.82%. As of the closing price of 11.64 Hong Kong dollars per share, a decline of 4.59%. The latest market value is 2785.38 billion Hong Kong dollars.

  mixed happiness

  Xiaomi hands over its first annual report since going public

  Xiaomi’s financial report shows that in 2018, Xiaomi Group’s revenue was 174.915 billion yuan (RMB, the same below), an increase of 52.6% year-on-year; adjusted Xiaomi Group’s net profit was 8.55 billion yuan, an increase of 59.5% year-on-year, higher than the 8.25 billion yuan expected by the market.

  From the business sector, although Lei Jun stressed that Xiaomi’s layout is more diverse, but the smart phone business is undoubtedly still the main force, last year contributed 65.1% of the total revenue for Xiaomi, a total of 118.70 million sales, an increase of 29.8%; revenue of about 113.80 billion yuan, an increase of 41.3% over last year.

  In its earnings report, Xiaomi quoted data from IDC Consulting (Beijing) Co., Ltd. as saying that the global smartphone market shipments fell 4.1% year-on-year last year. In this environment, Xiaomi’s mobile phone achievements are "rare in the industry".

  In addition, Xiaomi’s internet services, IoT and consumer products businesses all grew significantly, with total revenue of 16 billion yuan and 43.80 billion yuan respectively last year, growing by 61.2% and 86.9% respectively.

  In addition, Xiaomi’s internet services division increased by 61.2% year-on-year, contributing revenue of RMB 16 billion for the year. The revenue of the IoT and consumer products division was RMB 43.80 billion, an increase of 86.9% over last year.

  "We can finally proudly hand in our first full-year answer sheet," Lei Jun said in an open letter to investors. However, the financial report also showed that the fourth quarter of Xiaomi Group last year was actually "a little bad". In the fourth quarter of 2018, Xiaomi Group’s revenue was 44.40 billion yuan, down 12.6% from the previous quarter, and its operating profit totaled 1.853 billion yuan, down 35.8% from the previous quarter.

  Specifically, various business sectors also performed poorly in the fourth quarter. In particular, Xiaomi mobile phones, which are the main revenue force, performed poorly. In the fourth quarter, Xiaomi mobile phone shipments were about 25 million units, down 12% year-on-year, and the gross profit margin of the smartphone division fell from 8.8% in 2017 to 6.2%. In this regard, Xiaomi attributed the "product portfolio adjustment and change in product launch schedule" in the financial report.

  In addition, it should be pointed out that Xiaomi has not yet announced the domestic shipments of Xiaomi mobile phones in this financial report, but IDC pointed out in the report that Xiaomi’s domestic shipments fell by 6% year-on-year in 2018.

  Does the "bet" really matter?

  Miss Dong and Rebs have already left separately

  With the announcement of Xiaomi’s 2018 financial results, Lei Jun and Dong Mingzhu’s "1 billion bet" finally came to an end. In December 2013, the two participated in the "China Economic Person of the Year" organized by CCTV and jointly presented the award. Lei Jun took the initiative to tell Dong Mingzhu that within five years, if Xiaomi’s turnover can beat Gree, "then please prove that Dong Mingzhu Dong Zong lost me one yuan." Dong Mingzhu responded domineering, what is a good bet for a dollar? If you want to bet, you can bet one billion yuan.

  At that time, Xiaomi’s momentum was strong, and this competition was full of suspense, which was a great deal of interest for the market. Data show that its revenue in 2013 was about 31.60 billion yuan, and Gree’s revenue was 120 billion yuan. Can the rising star of the Internet succeed in overtaking the big brother of the manufacturing industry? With the "1 billion gambling" becoming a hot topic, Lei Jun and Dong Mingzhu have also talked about it in public many times.

  In December, during the 2018 annual meeting of Chinese business leaders, Dong Mingzhu said in an interview that Gree had basically won the bet, and because Gree is doing the real economy and Xiaomi’s Internet business is light on assets, the two are not comparable, and the gamble itself is not meaningful. But she also pointed out meaningfully: "At that time, the bet was based on different concepts. If we all gave up heavy assets, then light assets would not exist. The state emphasizes that the economy cannot be divorced from reality to fiction, and these four words are enough to explain the win or lose."

  WeChat official account "Chang’an Street Governor" once analyzed that Gree and Xiaomi, one is a national leading brand of traditional manufacturing, and the other is the darling of the new economy in the Internet field. The competition between these two star companies is actually a kind of healthy competition, which will bring more innovation and development to enterprises and industries.

  Now that five years have passed, Xiaomi and Gree seem to be gradually approaching each other on their respective paths. After starting with mobile phones, Xiaomi’s trend of diversified development has become more and more obvious. In July and December 2018, respectively, it launched Mijia Internet air conditioner and Mijia Internet washing and drying machine, expanding its business to Gree’s battlefield. Gree also began to target Xiaomi’s territory, releasing the first generation of smartphones in March 2015. Despite the poor sales, Dong Mingzhu did not admit defeat: "The outside world is talking about the failure of Gree’s mobile phone business, but in fact we have not fully disclosed it in the market yet."

  The end of the "bet" may not matter to Dong Mingzhu and Lei Jun. They are both good at taking a longer-term view and setting "small goals" for the future development of the company. Lei Jun said in 2018 that he would lead Xiaomi to return to the top of the domestic market in the next 10 quarters and double the profits of investors who bought Xiaomi shares on the first day of listing. In November 2018, Dong Mingzhu said that according to the deployment, the operating income of Gree Electric Appliance (000651) will reach 600 billion yuan by 2023.

  This also means that the future of millet and Gree’s battlefield will continue to overlap, this long-lasting battle is far more attractive than the "1 billion bet". 36Kr pointed out in the report that from the moment when mobile phone manufacturers and home appliance manufacturers have turned their attention to IoT, Internet of Things, and smart home, millet and Gree are destined to meet, which will be a more serious and cruel story than the "1 billion bet".

  "Caijing" new media comprehensive collation, part of the content comes from Tiger Sniff, First Financial, 36Kr

    This article was first published on WeChat official account: Finance and Economics. The content of the article is the author’s personal opinion and does not represent the position of Hexun.com. Investors operate accordingly, and please bear the risk.

(Editor in charge: Wang Gang HF004)

Fortune 500 companies: China ranks among the top five companies in the United States.

  BEIJING, July 22 (Wu Tao) The 2019 Fortune Global 500 list released on July 22 shows that the number of China enterprises on the list exceeds that of the United States for the first time, and three of the top five are China enterprises.

  Specifically, Wal-Mart ranks first, Sinopec ranks second, Shell ranks third, China Petroleum and State Grid rank fourth and fifth, and the newly listed giant oil company Saudi Aramco ranks sixth.

  China surpassed the United States for the first time on the list

  On the whole, this year, the number of large companies in China is neck and neck with the United States for the first time. In terms of quantity, 129 of the world’s top 500 companies are from China, surpassing the United States (121) for the first time in history.

  Compared with the previous year, the total operating income of the 500 companies on the list this year was nearly 32.7 trillion US dollars, an increase of 8.9% year-on-year; The total profit reached another record of $2.15 trillion, up 14.5% year-on-year; The net profit rate reached 6.6% and the return on net assets reached 12.1%, both exceeding last year.

  According to the Fortune report, this reflects the recovery of the 500 largest companies.

  The average profit of listed companies in China did not reach the average level of the top 500.

  The average profit of the world’s top 500 companies is $4.3 billion, while the average profit of the listed companies in China is $3.5 billion. The profitability of enterprises in China has not reached the average level of the world’s top 500. If compared with American enterprises, the gap is more obvious.

  According to the report, in 2019, 119 China enterprises (excluding those in Taiwan Province) entered the list, with an average sales income of 66.5 billion US dollars, an average net asset of 35.4 billion US dollars and an average profit of 3.5 billion US dollars.

  According to these three data, the report calculates that the average sales rate of listed China enterprises is 5.3%, which is lower than that of American enterprises (7.7%) and the global average of 6.6%. The average return on equity is 9.9%, which is lower than 15% of American enterprises and 12.1% of the global average.

  The four major banks in industry, construction and agriculture are among the top 10 in the profit list.

  It is worth noting that the profits earned by China banking companies account for 47.5% of the profits of all China companies. If the profits of 11 banks are not counted, the average profits of the other 108 listed companies in China are only $1.92 billion.

  According to the rankings, Saudi Aramco topped the profit list with an ultra-high profit of nearly $111 billion, and Apple ranked second.The top 10 China companies in the profit list are still the four major banks in industry, construction and agriculture.Google’s parent company, Alphabet, successfully ranked among the top ten with an annual profit growth rate of 142.7%, ranking seventh.

  In the ROE list, Boeing ranks first; The top companies in China are Zhuhai Gree Electric Co., Ltd., Country Garden, Evergrande, Huawei and Anhui Conch Group.

  In the profit margin list, the highest ranking is Micron Technology, which is newly listed this year, and Facebook ranks second.Among Chinese mainland companies, the highest profit rate is China Industrial and Commercial Bank..

  Four China Internet companies are on the list, and Xiaomi likes to mention it for the first time.

  In the Internet field, which has attracted much attention over the years, there are 7 Internet-related companies on the list this year. Except Xiaomi, the other six rankings have improved compared with last year, namely JD.COM, Alibaba, Tencent, Amazon, Google’s parent company Alphabet and Facebook.

  JD.COM Group, which has been on the list for four consecutive years, once again jumped to 139th place in this year’s list, up 42 places from last year, ranking first in the Internet industry in China and third in the global Internet company for four consecutive years.

  It is worth noting that Xiaomi Group entered the list for the first time, ranking 468th, ranking 7th among global Internet companies and 112th among China companies. Xiaomi, which has been established for 9 years, is also the youngest company among the world’s top 500 companies in 2019.

  The listed real estate enterprises are all from China.

  It is noteworthy that all the listed real estate enterprises are from China. There are five real estate companies on this year’s list, and the ranking of each company has been greatly improved compared with last year.

  For example, Evergrande Group rose from 230 to 138, Country Garden from 353 to 177, Greenland Group from 252 to 202, Poly Group from 312 to 242, and Vanke Group from 332 to 254.

China football is "new" again.

  Text |Zhang Bing

  From Dalian Barracuda Bay Stadium

  Dalian’s climate in early autumn is very pleasant, and no matter how many troubles are swept away under the 20-degree sea breeze. Recently, China Football, which has encountered a lot of troubles, also came to Dalian to have a blow.

  As we all know, Dalian is a city of football. If we say that in the past 30 years’ football professionalization in China, both Dongbei Road Primary School, the cradle of international players, and Dalian Shide, the eighth champion, have made football an indelible memory of this city.

  Then, in 2023, with the end of the three-year special period, the barracuda Bay Stadium was newly completed, and many games with the China Football Team successfully landed in the new competition cycle. It can be said that football in China has set sail again in this beautiful coastal city.

  New stadium, new events

  On the evening of September 6th, the iconic "Ocean Blue" light was lit up in the barracuda Bay football field surrounded by the sea on three sides, and the U23 Asian Cup qualifier-the competition between China Olympic Games and U23 in the United Arab Emirates was going on here. Although it wasn’t a weekend, the barracuda Bay Stadium was flooded with nearly 10,000 fans. This is enough to show Dalian people’s enthusiasm for football. In the end, China Olympic Games won a 0-0 draw, and also retained the hope of advancing to the U23 Asian Cup and the Paris Olympic Games.

  The barracuda Bay Football Stadium, which was completed at the end of April this year, is quite predestined with China football. On June 16th and 20th, China defeated Myanmar and Palestinian respectively here. These two games are the first "home" appearance of China men’s soccer team after the World Cup Asian Top 40 match against Guam in May 2021. More importantly, these two games also officially kicked off the national football team’s preparations for the 2023 Qatar Asian Cup and the 2026 US-Canada-Mexico World Cup Asian qualifiers.

  As you know, since September, the Asian qualifiers for the men’s soccer Paris Olympic Games, the Asian qualifiers for the US-Canada-Mexico World Cup, the Paris Olympic qualifiers for the women’s soccer, etc., which are related to the qualification of China football for the next 3-4 years, will start one after another. Hangzhou Asian Games and Qatar Asian Cup will also come in droves. These games are undoubtedly the most important for the national team, among which there are many battles of focus and revenge between the national football team and South Korea and Thailand.

  On the afternoon of September 6th, another meeting, which is very important for the new football competition cycle in China, was also held in Dalian. The organizer of this conference is Forte Bao Company, which owns the exclusive business development rights of seven national name teams under the China Football Association, and the guests are responsible persons from major brands and marketing companies.

  For brands, the competitions of these national teams are not only important battles to witness the new long March of China football, but also rare every four years. If you can have the cooperative identity of the national prefix team and the rights and interests of on-site advertising, you can focus on the situation through marketing, and you can reach more circles through mature marketing promotion. Therefore, at this critical time node, the partners who aim to contribute to China football get together.

  Specifically, the partners of China Football Association China Team are divided into four grades: chief partner, official senior partner, official partner and official support brand. Among them, the chief partner is exclusive, with core resources such as training suit advertisement, physical display in press conference hall, 3D carpet advertisement, middle circle floor shop, etc. In addition, China women’s national team also has a separate three-level business rights system.

  As a new starting point of the four-year cycle of the Men’s Football World Cup, the Top 36 tournament, which opened in November this year, will bring excellent exposure opportunities for partners. First of all, it will have all the commercial rights and interests of three home games. To this end, the China Football Association Team China has also designed a "competition partner" business cooperation package, including a series of rights and interests such as LED display time of 4.5 minutes per game.

  New cycle and new image

  Not only that, according to the big sports business, at the time of the new competition cycle, the China Football Association China Team is currently planning to rebrand itself, in order to make Team China, which should be the top sports IP in China, glow with its due vitality.

  It is reported that Team China will form a brand-new national team value concept and slogan on the field and off the field, and update the brand visual system. In the daily management of the national team, the team entry ceremony and the national team brand concept presentation will be added to enhance the emotional connection between each team member and the national team identity. Rebuild brand values and activate emotional identity with fans.

  Facing the external fans and media, Team China will also launch a brand-new brand image propaganda film. We will also coordinate with fans, sponsors, social celebrities and retired players to plan a series of public relations activities to arouse fans’ strong support for China football. And through video vlog, online interaction and other forms to explore the story of model players, strengthen interaction with fans, and output more content that fans care about and love. Gather all the forces that support China football.

  In addition, through a series of activities, we will create more active information communication channels with the media and the public, and create an open and transparent brand image of the team. With a combination of boxing, I believe everyone who pays attention to China football will look forward to the new look of China football team.

  New situation, new future

  According to He Xiaofeng, deputy secretary-general of China Football Association and general manager of Fortebo, when the new cycle comes, Fortebo has also made all-round attempts in online content creation and offline activity planning, so as to help the development of football in China by better serving customers.

  In fact, on the evening of September 6, just before the opening of this qualifier, the big sports business was accompanied by the guests and felt the "new attempt" mentioned by General Manager He outside the Barracuda Bay Stadium. Just near the entrance passage for fans, Fortebo has specially set up the official fan activity area for the China Team event, where fans can take photos, print and paint their faces for free. While providing welfare for the fans, China’s team’s major partners made quite effective offline exposure.

  In addition, in recent national team competitions, Fortebo also organized systematic offline promotion activities such as family experience day, national team star charity trip, and the second watching scene. For example, when Wang Dalei and Liu Dianzuo returned to their alma mater, Dongbei Road Primary School, they were warmly welcomed by the children and sowed the seeds of football for the children-these activities undoubtedly further activated the fans’ emotional identity with the national team.

  On the online, in recent years, Laifutebao has also gained a lot. Its self-operated social media accounts, Football China, China Football Team and China Women’s Football Team, have all settled in major social media platforms, and the number of fans in the whole network has reached more than 10 million. In 2022, China Team, a subsidiary of Fortebo, produced and published more than 4,000 articles to the content matrix, and the number of views exceeded 300 million. The exclusive original official content IP such as "No.12 Tea House" and "She said" has also been well received by fans.

  According to the staff of Fortebo, in the past year, Fortebo has also contributed to the linkage of multiple partners in the China Team family in its rich online and offline layout, and successfully created a business closed loop from brand value recognition to multi-scene exposure to brand empowerment …

  September 8 coincides with the Millennium season. In the traditional culture of China, this means that the cold air turns to attack, and the four seasons are in constant cycle. In fact, the same is true of football. No matter on or off the court, once it reaches the extreme value, it is time to switch between attack and defense. From this point of view, China football, which has been brought out of order, may be about to usher in a new situation.

  Autumn must be the harvest season. Don’t forget that tomorrow, the match between China’s national football team and the Olympic Games will start at the same time in Chengdu and Dalian, two cities that are crazy about football.

  Image source: China Futebao Football Industry Development Company

Benny: Ronaldo will be persuaded to join Flamengo, Brazil!

When Cristiano Ronaldo went to Saudi Arabia in the shirt of Al Nassr, Brazilian singer Nado Benni said that he would try to persuade the Portuguese striker to join Flamengo, one of the most outstanding clubs in Brazil. He hopes to use his small relationship with the five-time Golden Globe winner to achieve his goal.

In fact, Benny revealed that he will soon go to Saudi Arabia and meet Cristiano Ronaldo in this Middle East country. As a note, he is friends with the Portuguese superstar. He also talked about his desire to persuade players to join the Brazilian club Flamengo: "I’m going to Arabia on Sunday, and I’m going to see Cristiano Ronaldo. We met in 2016, and in Madrid, he was my partner. We have been in contact, and I was invited to go there. Now it’s time for Flamengo to convince him, "Diario Do Fla quoted him as saying.

Cristiano Ronaldo joined Riyadh as a free agent after leaving Manchester United. It is reported that the Saudi club paid 173 million pounds each for his two-season contract. Therefore, people can’t help asking whether Flamengo can be such an economically profitable choice for the former Real Madrid player.

Cristiano Ronaldo has been in good shape for the victory team in Riyadh since he made his debut in the Saudi professional league in January. So far, he has scored 13 goals and provided 3 assists. And despite Benny’s eagerness, it is very unlikely that the five-time Golden Globe winner will join Flamengo.

Real Madrid is very worried about the findings of the procuratorate, and the emergency meeting will allow the club to appear in court.

[Real Madrid is very worried about the investigation results of the procuratorate, and the emergency meeting will allow the club to appear in court] real madrid cf recently issued a statement, saying that it will hold an emergency general meeting at noon on March 12, local time, regarding the fact that Barcelona Football Club was prosecuted by the local procuratorate in Barcelona for bribing referees for corruption.

According to AS reporter, former Real Madrid press officer Joaquín Maroto confirmed from Real Madrid sources that this general meeting will vote to approve Real Madrid to testify in this case. Real Madrid told AS that "there has been no action before because they are waiting for the judicial department to complete their work. Now that the procuratorate has submitted their appeal, it is time for Real Madrid to appear in court.

Real Madrid announced the announcement just 24 hours after the procuratorate filed an appeal, just when the Spanish Central Procuratorate accepted the prosecution of the Barcelona Procuratorate. Prior to this, Real Madrid had been patiently waiting for the judicial department to complete their work. At present, Real Madrid is very worried about the conclusion reached by the procuratorate on this matter.

Guangzhou team’s core players are concerned by European teams! U20 Asian Cup, single-handedly attacking the national football team.

Football News reported that Wei Shihao and Yan Dinghao, the two most popular international players of Guangzhou team, and Li Yang, the main central defender of last season, will join Wuhan Sanzhen, the new champion of Chinese Super League, for free. In addition, Tan Kaiyuan of Spanish Team B studying abroad, Wu Shaocong of barsac Saier in Istanbul studying abroad, and Yang Liyu who followed Beijing Guoan training. In the new season, Guangzhou team can only compete in League A with young players like Ling Jie and Ai Fielding from Evergrande Football School as the core. However, the well-known media person "Little Fox in leicester city" revealed:Eiffel may also start a trip abroad in the new season, targeting teams from five major European league countries.

Fans who are concerned about China football know that both the national U20 football team and the national U20 women’s football team are currently competing in the U20 Asian Cup-related competitions (the women’s football team is playing the first stage of the U20 Asian Cup qualifiers). Under the leadership of head coach Antonio, the U20 national football team, with Eiffel as the core of attack, unexpectedly broke out from the group of death (1-2 Japan, 2-0 Saudi Arabia, 1-1 Kyrgyzstan) and successfully advanced to the quarter-finals of the U20 Asian Cup. In these three games, Effectin started as the captain of the field. Moreover, the four goals of U20 national football team in three games are all related to it. It can be said that he is the present U20 pretended attack engine.

In the quarter-finals of the U20 Asian Cup, the U20 national football team will face the test of the old rival South Korea. In this game, Eiffel will continue to start as the captain if there is no accident. The fans are all looking forward to Effectin, and he can still create an opportunity for U20 national football team to break the South Korean team with his own personal ability in this game. Even won the Korean team to advance to the semi-finals. In that case, the U20 national football team will enter the World Youth Championship again after 18 years, so that fans can relive the glory of the 2005 World Youth Championship.

Just seven hours before the start of the game, the well-known sports media person "leicester city’s Little Fox" broke the news: "Eiffel has been in contact with foreign teams. Moreover, Guo Wei’s teams are now paying attention to his performance. It used to be a Nordic team, but now it is a team from five major league countries.

Although, it is not the team of the five major leagues, but the team of the five major league countries. However, for 19-year-old Effectin, it is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Therefore, the World War I with South Korea has also become an excellent opportunity for Effectin to show himself. As the future star of China football, fans also hope that he can become famous in this game, thus starting his journey abroad. For the rise of China football, we should seek for real professional football, instead of staying in the colorful vats of China A and China Super League.