Lei Jun announced a live broadcast to send Xiaomi SU7 car model to talk about the unexpected after the SU7 was opened and sold.

Zhongguancun online news:At 4pm on April 18th, Lei Jun will launch a live online broadcast with the theme of "Never Unexpectedly" to talk with users about the feelings of Xiaomi SU7 after it is put on sale. Subsequently, Lei Jun also said that the live broadcast specially prepared some small gifts for users, including very popular mugs and car models, and one will be drawn every minute during the live broadcast.

Lei Jun said that the order of Xiaomi SU7 "far exceeded our most optimistic expectation", Xiaguang purple became the hottest color, and the proportion of female car owners was very high … Users interested in these sales details can pay attention to this live broadcast.

It is worth noting that Xiaomi SU7 will also start 24-hour limited-time reconfiguration from 9: 00 on April 19, and users of non-original locked orders can reconfigure it in Xiaomi Auto APP.

Taiwanese media look at the mainland: the first beach in the world

BEIJING, Beijing, February 19 (Xinhua) Recently, Taiwan Province’s United Daily News published a report about Beihai City in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, introducing the beautiful scenery of Yintan.
Guangxi Beihai Yintan. Image source: Taiwan Province United Daily News
The report pointed out that Beihai, a coastal city surrounded by the sea on three sides, is a famous historical and cultural city, and was selected as one of the top ten "Beautiful Cities" in China. Guangxi prides itself on "Guilin landscape in the north and Beihai Silver Beach in the south". The beach of Yintan is made of high-quality quartz sand. Under the sunshine, the white and delicate beach will glow with silver, so it is called Yintan, which enjoys the reputation of "the first beach in the world" and is one of the most ideal bathing beaches and sea sports venues in the south.
Silver beach beach. Image source: Taiwan Province United Daily News
Silver Beach is characterized by "long flat beach, fine white sand, clean water temperature, soft waves and no sharks", which experts call "a rare and excellent beach in the world". Yintan stretches 24 kilometers from east to west, with a total area of 38 square kilometers, exceeding the sum of beaches in Dalian, Yantai, Qingdao, Xiamen and Beidaihe. The land is rich in vegetation and the environment is elegant and quiet.
Yintan is rich in vegetation. Image source: Taiwan Province United Daily News
Beihai Yintan Resort consists of Yintan Park, Beach Park and Ocean Sports Holiday Entertainment Center. In addition to marine activities, tourists can also participate in beach sports such as golf, volleyball and football, and watch large-scale music fountain shows.
Beach Park is an important part of Yintan Resort, in which the bathing beach is 1,500 meters long and the lawn is 100,000 square meters, which is huge. In addition to the bathing beach, there is also the "tide" of steel and plastic in Asia. "Tide" sculpture combines lighting, fountains and music performances to form a multimedia outdoor show, which has become a highlight of Yintan at night.
Giant stainless steel sculpture "Chao". Image source: Taiwan Province United Daily News
The "Tide" sculpture is a hollow steel ball with a diameter of 20 meters, symbolizing the pearl. There are seven statues of beautiful girls on the sphere, which are like fairies descending to the world, with a musical fountain, showing the elegance of going to sea and the rhythm of the tide. In addition, there are 30 moon tide lights around the sculpture. The moon and the pearl are combined, and the stars shine. The whole square is like a jade plate full of pearls, which is spread out by the sea and beautiful. (End)

Naked resignation, a man floating in Shanghai, tricked his wife into going out to work every day before the Spring Festival? Netizen: It’s not easy for middle-aged people.

On the eve of Spring Festival

Are you like many people?

Have no intention of working or studying. …

Just want to wait for the holidays?

However, there are still many people involved!

The library in Shanghai is still full of people!

What kind of people are still here?

Recently, my colleagues in Xiaofang

I recorded a special story. …


Some people insist on learning to charge,

Some people regard this place as outside the company.

Another office space …

Interviewee: I’m in finance. I came here mainly to study and read my professional books.

Interviewee: Charge yourself, finance.

Interviewee: I am a teacher, preparing lessons.

Interviewee: I want to find a quiet place and write some medical-related tenders and articles.

Interviewee: Study by yourself, and relax yourself. Reading is not as noisy as the outside world.

Among the many interviewees

He caught our attention.


Liu Jianqiang, a former programmer.

I have been unemployed for a month now.

Keep secrets from your wife every day.

Come to the library to "work" …

"My wife doesn’t know that I am unemployed."

"My wife doesn’t know that I am unemployed. I’ve always said it’s a (normal) commute, but I’m actually just coming to the library. Go out around 9: 00 every morning, usually have lunch at a convenience store near the library, and go home at 7 or 8: 00 in the evening. The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and there are fewer recruitment positions. It should be a bit difficult to find a job now. "

Liu Jianqiang, a 35-year-old native of Qujing, Yunnan, recently left her job as a programmer in a company in Shanghai.

"The five-day task, the superior requires three days to complete, and then go back and often work overtime. When I left, the boss also said that programmers should be able to withstand pressure and not have’ blx’. " His last job overwhelmed him, which was the main reason for his leaving.

"If you are at home, the efficiency is low and the weather is cold. You can rub the air conditioner when you come to the library." On the second day of unemployment, Liu Jianqiang took the subway for more than an hour and came to Xujiahui Academy. Finding a seat, he began to submit his resume, take online classes, and write code … The workday without work was also very busy.

"I am now a sea investment, and I have already voted for fifty or sixty resumes. Most of these recruiters want a copy of your resume, and then there is no news, and some just can’t read it back. " He said that he was ready to find a job for a month or two.

In 2013, Liu Jianqiang graduated from a college in Shanghai. He worked as a printer for ten years before switching to a programmer.

"I used to print milk boxes and do quick graphics and text printing in school. It’s good to do it, but I just feel that there is no goal. I want to find a new direction and break through myself. " Later, he used his time after work to watch video courses and take notes. He taught himself for two years and turned to be a programmer.

Liu Jianqiang told reporters that in 2021, he will have an interview for every 100 resumes he submits. But since last year, he has to submit hundreds of resumes to get an interview.

Now he is applying for a job in naked resignation again. Liu Jianqiang has set the salary target for his new job at 10,000 yuan. If he really can’t find anyone who meets the requirements, he is willing to lower the requirements. In his view, the most important thing is to balance work and life.

"Most of these companies require you to graduate from college for five to ten years. A 35-year-old like me is either a manager or a project manager or an architect. I am very embarrassed when I just changed careers in such a new year. " Liu Jianqiang said.

I have given my wife a "vaccination"

But I still don’t have the courage to confess …

Regarding unemployment, Liu Jianqiang gave his wife a "vaccination". However, after being unemployed for several weeks, he still didn’t have the courage to confess: "The reason why I didn’t tell her was not to hide anything, mainly because it didn’t work. Isn’t it necessary to find a job yourself? She is also under great pressure. "

The reporter asked, what if she saw this program and knew that you haven’t found a job yet? Liu Jianqiang hesitated and said, "It doesn’t matter. If you know, you’ll know. It’s a big deal to be teased by her."

At seven o’clock in the evening, Liu Jianqiang left the library

He will go home from work on time.

When we left the library, Liu Jianqiang invited us to his home. As soon as he entered the door, his wife, Yang Kaiyan, began to share their dull but sweet lives with us: "When he gets off work, he will go shopping and then cook together. Two people, there is nothing to pursue. "

In 2018, his wife, Yang Kaiyan, came to Shanghai from her hometown of Yunnan with Liu Jianqiang, and now she is a telephone customer service staff of a company.

At the beginning of 2023, their daughter was born, and when the child was five months old, Liu Jianqiang’s parents took it back to their hometown to take care of it. Video calling with my daughter at dinner time is the happiest moment for the young couple every day.

"I am happy when I see my daughter!" Yang Kaiyan said, "I also want to accompany my daughter, but now I feel unstable at work. Our company has (personnel) changes, and I don’t know if their company has it. "

Then, Liu Jianqiang decided to sound out his wife. "I told you, I’m going to change my job."

Yang Kaiyan: When did you tell me? What job do you want to change?

Liu Jianqiang: That is, the programmer. I’m looking for it again. This is normal, right?

Happiness in a plain life

The wife didn’t really blame her husband.

Yang Kaiyan didn’t blame her husband, but she was inevitably worried. "I thought you were going to change careers, which scared me to death. Don’t change. In fact, this age is not suitable for too much beating. The expenses of children are relatively large, and all aspects of the family are not like when they first came to Shanghai. It is a family life for two people to live well. "

This year’s Spring Festival, the young couple went back to their hometown in Yunnan for the New Year. They have already prepared a birthday present for their daughter.

"In the new year, we must be happy first, and then hope that our work will be smooth. I just hope he can settle down a little, and I don’t need him to bear the pressure of life unilaterally, because I will accompany him. " Facing the camera, Yang Kaiyan spoke her New Year’s wishes.

It’s not easy for adults

Most of the time, you can only swallow it in your stomach.

Whether it’s Liu Jianqiang

Or his wife Yang Kaiyan.

Their interviews were filled with smiles.

But … the inner pain, the hardships of life.

Maybe only this couple can understand it themselves.

Some netizens said

The wife may always be clear in her heart.

Just "silent"

More netizens expressed their blessings.

I hope year of the loong can be well.

Find a new direction as soon as possible

(Press room)


How to recycle the batteries of new energy vehicles? Expert: Car companies are the first responsible subject.

  With the rapid growth of sales and ownership of new energy vehicles, a new problem has surfaced: what to do with the power batteries used in new energy vehicles after they are scrapped?

  The interim measures for the management of the recycling of power batteries for new energy vehicles jointly formulated by seven departments, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, will come into effect on August 1.

  Hefei is the first pilot city of new energy vehicles in China. Now, with the use and popularization of these new energy vehicles, various problems have gradually emerged in automobile power batteries. How to deal with these aging or even abandoned batteries? The reporter recently interviewed people in the industry for this purpose.


  Car companies are the first responsible body for battery recycling.

  How to deal with the scrapped battery? Qin Liwei, director of the electric vehicle platform of Jianghuai Automobile New Energy Automobile Research Institute, made the following interpretation from a professional perspective.

  "This policy, which was implemented on August 1, is extremely timely and reasonable for the whole industry. The original intention of research and development of new energy vehicles is to protect the environment. Now strengthening the recycling of batteries is also due to deep environmental considerations." Qin Liwei said. On the one hand, although it takes a certain degree of buffer period for major recycling enterprises to apply for qualification and production capacity, battery manufacturers to destock, automobile manufacturers to establish recycling outlets and recycling system construction, Jianghuai Automobile, as the first batch of enterprises producing electric vehicles in China, has entered the retirement period, so it is necessary to prepare for the upcoming "scrapping tide". On the other hand, many rounds of discussions have been carried out before the introduction of this new regulation. At present, the responsibilities of all parties are clearly divided, the tasks are clear, and the implementation is reasonable. Jianghuai has always attached great importance to this work, and made it clear that "car companies are the first responsible subject for battery recycling".

  There are three major destinations for scrapping new energy vehicle power batteries.

  When asked about the whereabouts of the power batteries of new energy vehicles after scrapping, Qin Liwei said that the batteries currently used by Jianghuai Automobile are mainly divided into three major destinations according to categories: First, test batteries are returned to battery manufacturers and then delivered by relevant departments to battery recycling enterprises with professional qualifications; Second, some markets repair batteries, which are scrapped by maintenance service personnel to battery manufacturers for recycling; Third, the batteries used in JAC vehicles are signing agreements with professional battery recycling enterprises to open up ways to recycle batteries.

  It is understood that there is no enterprise specializing in recycling new energy vehicle batteries in Hefei at present, and the qualification of recycling is of vital significance in the whole implementation. At present, there are only five enterprises with this qualification in China, and Hefei Guoxuan Hi-Tech Power Energy Co., Ltd. is applying for this qualification to carry out battery recycling business.

  At present, there are two main ways to dispose of scrapped batteries in China. One is to send them to related recycling enterprises for physical disassembly and direct scrapping, and the other is to store energy and recycle batteries that are still valuable, such as the use of traffic lights at intersections. For the promotion of battery recycling in the future, Qin Liwei put forward the following suggestions: First, strengthen public opinion propaganda and actively guide consumers to scrap batteries in formal channels; The second is to implement the establishment of all relevant laws and regulations to restrict vehicles and improve the personal punishment mechanism; The third is to strengthen the connection between the registration of the vehicle management office and the owner’s change and traceability system.


  There is still a large demand for charging. I hope the new regulations will land as soon as possible.

  For the problem of battery scrapping, the reporter visited several communities in Hefei on the spot and learned about the configuration of charging piles in several communities and the attitude of car owners to this new regulation.

  In the Binhu Mingzhu Community, there are 16 slow-charging charging piles at the entrance, and four new energy vehicles are charging. A male car owner said, "Our electric car has just been purchased for one year, and it is not very convenient to charge. There are fewer charging piles nearby, and some fuel vehicles occupy the original charging position." When talking about the new regulations on power batteries recently introduced, the owner said: "If this policy is implemented, it will certainly be very supportive. After all, there will still be a special channel for recycling and disposal of aging batteries in the future."

  In Yaohai Peace Garden, the community is equipped with 15 fast-charging charging piles. When the reporter went to the scene, only two new energy vehicles were parked and charged. A female car owner who is charging told reporters that because there are charging piles in the community, the usual charging needs can still be basically met. When asked if he was worried about what to do with the aging battery, the owner said, "Yes, I am worried. I have been driving this car for three or four years, and I still don’t know what to do when the battery is discarded. I hope there is a good way to solve this confusion."

  government department

  Hefei has a reward for recycling used power batteries.

  The reporter learned that from the "Notice on Declaring Some Financial Subsidies for Hefei-level New Energy Vehicles in 2017" issued by the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, it can be clearly seen that "the waste power battery recycling system will be established for vehicle and battery manufacturers and recycled, and 10 yuan will be awarded per kWh according to the battery capacity."

  The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other seven ministries and commissions have jointly identified 17 regions including Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and China Tower Co., Ltd. as pilot areas and enterprises for recycling power batteries of new energy vehicles, and our province has been successfully selected as a pilot.

  According to the pilot scheme, our province will gradually realize the overall goal of "1234" by 2020 in accordance with the principle of government guidance and market dominance, that is, to form an industrial alliance of power battery recycling, build two systems of power battery recycling and traceability, build three platforms of power battery evaluation, trading and research and development, build four benchmark enterprises, including step-by-step utilization benchmark enterprises and comprehensive utilization benchmark enterprises, and build a number of demonstration projects. Establish a recycling network covering Anhui and surrounding provinces, form a perfect recycling system for power batteries, and form a comprehensive utilization capacity of a certain scale.


  You can contact directly for trade-in.

  The reporter contacted a number of dealers selling new energy vehicles in Hefei by telephone, and learned from them that at present, if the power batteries of new energy vehicles in consumers’ homes are aging, they can be dealt with by dealers. However, replacing the new energy battery can only change the battery core, not the whole group.

  When asked what to do with the battery after recycling, a dealer revealed that at present, there is no national and regional system recycling network built by battery manufacturers or dealers in China. If the power battery of new energy vehicle is aging, the owner will directly exchange the used battery in the form of discount by directly contacting the dealer. After that, the dealers will carry out relevant centralized treatment of the recovered batteries, but at present, there is no local enterprise specializing in the treatment of new energy vehicle batteries in Hefei.

  background information

  As the first pilot city of new energy vehicles in China, Hefei ranks first in the proportion of new energy vehicles in the number of motor vehicles, and the total promotion and application of family pure electric cars ranks first in the country. By the end of July 2015, Hefei had promoted 16,000 new energy vehicles nationwide and 9,932 new energy vehicles within the city, accounting for about 5.6% of the national total.

  A few days ago, the Interim Measures for the Management of Recycling Power Batteries of New Energy Vehicles jointly formulated by seven departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology came into effect on August 1. The interim measures stipulate that: automobile production enterprises bear the main responsibility for recycling power batteries, and relevant enterprises perform corresponding responsibilities in all aspects of recycling power batteries to ensure the effective utilization and environmental protection disposal of power batteries.

  advice from others

  Current situation of battery recycling and disposal in other countries

  It is understood that at present, developed countries have basically established a relatively complete recycling system for waste lead batteries, mainly in the following three ways: battery manufacturers are responsible for organizing recycling through their retail networks; Establish a specific waste battery recycling company by recycling enterprises; Compulsory alliance and professional recycling company approved by government regulations to collect batteries and recycle waste.

  The waste batteries recovered by the above three ways are uniformly handed over to the regular recycling enterprises, and the government gives the recycling enterprises a certain subsidy for the disposal of waste batteries.

  Intern Han Xiao Hefei Evening News ZAKER Hefei Trainee Reporter Tang Meng Wen/Tu

Modric, a five-time Champions League champion, cried when interviewed. The end of our era.

Modric, a five-time Champions League champion, cried when interviewed. The end of our era.

Luca modric, who has held up her big ears five times, shed tears when she was eliminated in the semi-final.

The second leg of the semi-final of the 2022-23 European Champions League (UCL) was held at Manchester City Stadium in Manchester, England at 4 am (Korean time) on the 18th, and Real Madrid lost 4-0 to Manchester City. Kneel down. At this point, the journey stopped at the semi-final with a total score of 1-5.

The game was one-sided Manchester city stormed from the first half. It finally paid off. In the 23rd minute of the first half, Bernardo Silva received a winner pass from De Braune and shot a left corner kick to break the goal. He immediately scored an extra goal. In the 37th minute of the first half, Gundogan headed the goal and Silva headed the goal to expand the score.

Manchester city continued to attack in the second half. In the 31st minute of the second half, in the case of a free kick attack, the ball provoked by De Braune returned to Akanji’s header and was hit by Edel Militao’s body and refracted into the goal. Real Madrid tried to turn things around by introducing Aurelien Chuameni, Lucas Vazquez and Dani Ceballos, but it was not enough. In the end, Julian Alvarez scored a crucial goal in the second half of overtime and lost 4-0.

Modric, who started on the same day, was replaced in the 18th minute of the second half, but it didn’t play much role. Modric failed to play a big role, with only 29 passes (76% success rate), 1 pass and 2 long passes.

It seems that Real Madrid, a traditional powerhouse, collapsed in front of Manchester City, a new powerhouse. Real Madrid has shown its absolute throne, winning five UCL titles in UEFA in the past 10 years. Last season, they beat Manchester City in the semi-final and Liverpool in the final.

However, most players are in their thirties, indicating that an era is coming to an end. In the end, the big score was lost to Manchester City and he fell to the ground. After the game, modric also admitted it. He swallowed his regret and said, "We didn’t perform well. We want to play better. Manchester city is better. The end of an era? Now we must move on. "

People found that she shed tears when she said this. The Croatian media "Indexhr" explained that "modric made tearful remarks in the mixed area of Etihad Stadium." Modric also said: "Every time Real Madrid loses, there will be a lot of analysis and criticism. We have to put up with it and get used to it. We have to accept failure. "

What are the usages of ChatGPT in cross-border e-commerce?

With the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, ChatGPT has become one of the hottest topics. More and more people believe that ChatGPT will have a revolutionary impact in various fields and promote the development of human society in a more intelligent, efficient and convenient direction. From medical health, education and training to financial services and smart cities, the application prospect of ChatGPT is gradually emerging, bringing more and more convenience and innovation to people’s lives and work. The same is true in the field of cross-border e-commerce. So, what aspects can ChatGPT be used in cross-border e-commerce?

language translation

ChatGPT can help cross-border e-commerce enterprises to translate their product descriptions, customer evaluations, service policies and other contents from one language into multiple languages, so as to better meet the needs of consumers in different countries and regions. As a natural language processing model, ChatGPT has powerful text understanding and generation capabilities. Therefore, compared with traditional translation tools, it can understand the text input by users more accurately and output more accurate translation results. In addition, ChatGPT is also a deep learning model, and its performance can be improved by adding training data and model parameters. Therefore, it can gradually optimize the translation quality to meet the increasing translation demand. Automated translation processing can reduce manual intervention and improve translation speed and efficiency.

ChatGPT can be used for intelligent customer service robots, providing consumers with natural language communication and solutions, helping enterprises to better manage customer relationships and improve customer satisfaction. On the one hand, ChatGPT can realize all-weather online customer service, and consumers can get timely response to their inquiries, complaints or after-sales service. On the other hand, ChatGPT reduces customer service demand and workload, and saves labor costs.

ChatGPT can better understand users’ needs and preferences through real-time dialogue and interaction with users, or by analyzing consumers’ shopping history, search records, browsing behavior and other data, recommend products that better meet their interests and needs for consumers, and generate fluent and natural language texts, making product recommendations more humanized and readable, and improving user experience. So as to improve the conversion rate and sales.

Marketing activities

ChatGPT can help enterprises to generate advertising copy and social media content in line with market hotspots, attract consumers’ attention and participate in marketing activities, and enhance brand effect.

Real Madrid is very worried about the findings of the procuratorate, and the emergency meeting will allow the club to appear in court.

[Real Madrid is very worried about the investigation results of the procuratorate, and the emergency meeting will allow the club to appear in court] real madrid cf recently issued a statement, saying that it will hold an emergency general meeting at noon on March 12, local time, regarding the fact that Barcelona Football Club was prosecuted by the local procuratorate in Barcelona for bribing referees for corruption.

According to AS reporter, former Real Madrid press officer Joaquín Maroto confirmed from Real Madrid sources that this general meeting will vote to approve Real Madrid to testify in this case. Real Madrid told AS that "there has been no action before because they are waiting for the judicial department to complete their work. Now that the procuratorate has submitted their appeal, it is time for Real Madrid to appear in court.

Real Madrid announced the announcement just 24 hours after the procuratorate filed an appeal, just when the Spanish Central Procuratorate accepted the prosecution of the Barcelona Procuratorate. Prior to this, Real Madrid had been patiently waiting for the judicial department to complete their work. At present, Real Madrid is very worried about the conclusion reached by the procuratorate on this matter.