After hiding it for many years, Zhao Liying said bluntly: If he didn’t break up with me back then, I wouldn’t be Mrs. Feng

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The teacher admired Zhao Liying’s integrity. He had previously praised Zhao Liying’s performance on a variety show. Yu’s mother had also praised Zhao Liying in the past. He was said to be a girl who understood career planning and worked hard to achieve her goals.

Zhao Liying is so famous because the idol is loved by many fans. At the same time, many people are worried about Zhao Liying’s love life and have kept it a secret for years. Zhao Liying honestly said that if that person hadn’t left me, I wouldn’t be Mrs. Feng..

I think netizens know who Zhao Liying is talking about. This is Chen Xiao, who once worked with Zhao Liying. The two had previously had a relationship rumor, and an insider confirmed that the two had been together before.

Zhao Liying is the daughter of a farmer. She is a woman from the country. He is honest, hard-working and stubborn.

Zhao Liying once said this in the TV series "The Biography of Chu Qiao". Even the Tieling Party has to work hard to survive. As long as he is alive, there will be expectations. Zhao Liying is a classic and inspirational role model. He has no other role in the entertainment industry. Despite her family background, connections and even endorsements, she still relies on her own efforts and efforts to remain invincible in the entertainment industry.

Zhao Liying didn’t come from a professional class, but Zhao Liying’s performance is no worse than that of a professional class. Zhao Liying has starred in costume dramas, and Zhao Liying has also starred in modern films. He never disappoints anyone. The dramas she has starred in are all successful dramas. Many netizens said they should watch the dramas starring Zhao Liying. It’s an inspiring process.

Zhao Liying is a girl from rural Hebei. Zhao Liying’s education is not high, but Zhao Liying has the diligence and perseverance of a villager. Zhao Liying makes people feel that she is very stable. There is no indulgence and arrogance of a city girl. It’s very simple., a very honest person, who dares to think and act.

Some netizens looked down on Zhao Liying’s identity as a farmer’s daughter, thinking that this woman was not elegant enough. Who can understand Zhao Liying’s fighting spirit? Zhao Liying had the courage to go to the set in person. He still has scars on his body. He participated in the performance, and every movement was carefully choreographed.

Shooting costume dramas, her mouth is full of food. He is looking for the truth. No one gives up their efforts like others because they are worried about gaining weight. Vladimir Zhao Liying knows how to deal with people. He is very humble and willing to help young artists.

(2) Zhao Liying entered the entertainment industry by virtue of his strength. For the development of his career, Zhao Liying missed his best feelings and has been in the entertainment industry, relying entirely on his own strength. What if you are not a professional artist? What if you are a round face? Zhao Liying used his power and work to really hit these people hard in the face. He lived up to the high expectations of the directors. He took every role seriously and performed it well. We all know the TV series "The Legend of Chu Qiao". In the TV series "Thousand Bone Flowers", "Legend of Lu Zhen", "Shanshan is Coming" and other TV series, Zhao Liying has brought us very wonderful performances.

As Yu Zheng said, Zhao Liying is a girl who knows how to plan her future. Zhao Liying plans her goals for each stage. We often say that there is no battle without preparation. Zhao Liying is a girl who likes to be thousands of miles away.

I love Chu Qiao, played by Zhao Liying in the TV series "The Legend of Chu Qiao". He led the beautiful army through the most difficult period. Chu Qiao stepped on the military horse and led the officers and soldiers into battle, showing heroism. Women are almost as good as men. This is the classic inspiration symbol we will see.

Although Zhao Liying is a country girl, she is also very practical. Step by step, she eventually became a first-line actress in the entertainment industry by virtue of her own strength. This is not easy for him. He not only won the praise of his peers, but also won the love of netizens.

The drama starring Zhao Liying includes a historical drama "The Legend of Lu Zhen." Lu Zhen is also a very classic and inspirational character in ancient history. Zhao Liying solved this farce. To improve, he invested a lot of energy in the role, constantly guessing and maintaining a good relationship with the crew. He and Gao Zhan, played by Chen Xiao, are a screen couple in the drama.

Lu Zhen and Gao Zhan’s relationship was full of ups and downs, and the ups and downs they experienced were very difficult. Many netizens were moved to tears after watching the show. In fact, Zhao Liying and Li Sheng have a very good relationship, and their relationship has also been reported by the media.

Although the two have never publicly admitted to it, netizens have also revealed some truths in some interviews. Zhao Liying admitted that the show made her fall in love with a male artist, and admitted that she cared deeply about the relationship. So why didn’t the two end up together?

It was because of this lack of connection that Zhao Liying later became Mrs. Feng. Now that Zhao Liying and Feng Shaofeng have separated, some netizens have posted online, asking Chen Xiao to end the marriage as soon as possible and return to Zhao Liying. Do you think it is possible?

(3) If you miss it, you miss it. Due to the different consciousness of separation, Zhao Liying and Chen Xiao eventually drifted apart. Chen Xiao and Zhao Liying are both talented and beautiful. In "The Legend of Lu Zhen", Chen Xiao is very cool and handsome, and the performance is also very good. The relationship between the two is particularly close. But the thing of fate is still missing, and the two eventually become the future Mrs. Feng, and the other leaves the ink and becomes the future Mr. Chen.

In order to better shoot the legend of Lu Zhen, Chen Xiao and Zhao Liying communicated very well and wrote very implicitly. In fact, they loved each other very much from the beginning, so it was very suitable to be together. At that time, Chen Xiaodeng’s appearance was very online, and Zhao Liying also looked very cute.

How could the two people become more and more estranged and unfamiliar? Yu Zheng said something, maybe he can answer everyone. Because the two have different requirements for work and different ideals, they eventually drifted apart.

When Zhao Liying made the Legend of Lu Zhen, it was not as popular as it is now. Therefore, Zhao Liying hopes that his work can show a higher development trend. After all, he has no family background, and it doesn’t matter. Oh, for such a country girl, this is her own adventure, so Zhao Liying wants to make more movies to consolidate her influence in the entertainment industry.

Children from poor families have had family responsibilities since ancient times. When he went abroad, Zhao Liying felt a sense of urgency. That’s why he valued his strong and reliable influence. But Li Sheng was different from him. Li Sheng’s family environment was very good, and even if Chen Xiao did not act, his relatives could support him.

Chen Xiao’s workload is not heavy, so Li Sheng does not pursue perfection in his work. Compared to Zhao Liying’s work development period, Chen Xiao does not seem to have any sense of responsibility, which also causes differences in concepts. The difference is that their consciousness is different, their ideals are different, and their paths are different.

Along the way, we hope to find a close friend who cares about you, let us walk side by side and walk hand in hand to the end of the world. However, a person is diligent and a person is lazy, and eventually the two will be different. Run towards old age.

Although there will be shortcomings, Zhao Liying will also regret it many years later. If you hadn’t broken up with me, I would no longer be Mrs. Feng. These words also sound very sad.

The entertainment industry is very competitive. Zhao Liying gave up her career, married Feng Shaofeng without hesitation, and decided to give them a child at the purest time. It can be seen that Zhao Liying gave up her career for love..

However, their marriage did not turn out as they had imagined. In the end, for various reasons, the two decided to officially break up. Let’s not talk about the past anymore, it’s just memories. Zhao Liying had just ended her marriage to Feng Shaofeng. My heart was filled with excitement about life. It is likely that when I look back, I will feel that there is a gap.

But for something like love, if you miss it, you miss it. There is no such thing as Meng Po Tang. If Chen Xiao and Zhao Liying were really together, do you think they would be happy? Chen Xiao came from a wealthy family. Did his parents admire Zhao Liying? After all, what is the difference between the two families? Can’t talking about significant others avoid differences in marital status, let alone big stars in the entertainment industry?

Some netizens said that the best fate is not the person you miss, but the person you meet. If you meet the best person, get married or get married when you are in your prime, you will be satisfied. They yearn for marriage, which is the most beautiful scene in life. Zhao Liying and Li Sheng have both achieved the most beautiful scene in life. They may have forgotten the past, but they don’t really have to let go.


Zhao Liying ended her marriage to Feng Shaofeng. This short marriage made everyone think a lot about marriage. You don’t have to feel a little depressed when choosing to connect. Crazy love can make us happy, but in marriage, we must learn to be objective, accept compromise, and even sacrifice ourselves, otherwise we can’t have true happiness. Women must always learn financial freedom. Only financial freedom can make your significant others respect you and your family. My mother-in-law thinks highly of herself.

Zhao Liying plays an inspirational role in the play, but she is also a strong woman in real life. She will not compromise with anyone, nor will she allow her mother-in-law to change her name to Wang Huxiang. Insult his character.

Zhao Liying is Zhao Liying, a simple girl who wants to go abroad. She uses her inspirational story to tell everyone that women should always be lonely. Women can only have a stronger sense of belonging if they earn more money.

Zhao Liying is a woman I admire. I hope Zhao Liying’s career can continue to be hot and not be affected by the breakup, because I hope everyone can become a strong woman, make more money, create more DNF, and achieve success. Dream hard and work hard.

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Celestial Auto took the "Rubik’s Cube Platform" to the Beijing Auto Show and asked M7 to refresh the sales record of China automobile brand single model.

  At the auto china, Cyrus Auto shared its self-innovative super-intelligent platform-Cyrus Rubik’s Cube Platform, which is versatile and capable of continuous evolution. It is reported that the platform takes "panoramic safety, multi-power, ever-changing space and intelligent guidance" as its core features, and realizes cross-domain integration of safety, power, chassis and software. In the era of smart electric vehicles, it aims to provide users with a "good, easy-to-use and super-safe" car experience. 

  At present, platform development has become the consensus of the new energy automobile industry-it can not only form diversified product combinations to develop different products, but also effectively save research and development cycle, improve research and development efficiency, and also form production scale effect to reduce costs. 

  In fact, the Rubik’s Cube platform is just one of many technical achievements accumulated by Celestial Automobile. As a representative enterprise of new quality productivity, Cyrus is committed to becoming a leading technology-based enterprise, and has been in a leading position in three-power technology, extended range technology, electronic and electrical architecture and super electric drive intelligent technology platform.


  Judging from the sales results, the technical strength of Cyrus has ushered in a "sword-shining" moment. In the first quarter of this year, the sales volume of Celestial vehicles reached 94,825, a year-on-year increase of 374.77%. AITO’s whole car delivery system reached 31,727 vehicles in March, of which 6,243 new cars were delivered by the car manufacturer M93 in March, ranking first in the sales volume of China’s new power vehicles with a price of more than 500,000 yuan, and firmly in the first-line camp with traditional luxury cars BBA and Tesla. 

  Based on the new development stage of new energy vehicles in China, the new energy vehicle enterprises in China, represented by Cyrus, are grasping the connotation of new quality productivity and accelerating the realization of quantitative change to qualitative change in the new energy vehicle industry. 

  Debut in auto china with Rubik’s Cube platform. 

  At 9: 00 on April 25th, auto china 2024 will officially open. As the "opening drama" of the automobile industry, the Beijing Auto Show, which has returned strongly after four years, will become a centralized display platform for automobile trends and product trends. It is understood that this year’s Beijing Auto Show is full of "technology, intelligence and new energy". For car companies, this opportunity of "brightening muscles and showing strength" is naturally not to be missed.


  As the main force of new energy transformation in the automobile industry, many independent brand head car companies will release new cars and the latest technological achievements at this auto show. Take Cyrus as an example. At the technology innovation strategy sharing meeting, Cyrus Rubik’s Cube platform, a super-intelligent platform with changeable and continuous evolution ability, was shared. The platform takes "panoramic safety, multi-power, ever-changing space and intelligent guidance" as its core features, and realizes cross-domain integration of safety, power, chassis and software. In the era of intelligent electric vehicles, it aims to provide users with a "easy-to-drive, easy-to-use and super-safe" car experience.


  It is understood that Cyrus "Rubik’s Cube Platform" can be compatible with different models such as cars, SUVs and MPVs at the same time, which will maximize its versatility. At the same time, it can be equipped with luxury configurations such as dual-cavity air springs and rear wheel steering, and its compatibility can meet the long-term technical development requirements in the future; In terms of power, the platform can also take into account the application of different power forms, such as super-increase, pure electricity and super-hybrid, and it is the only platform in the industry that can be compatible with these three power forms at present. With the continuous exploration of extended range technology, the thermal efficiency of Celeste Extended Range 5.0 system reaches 45%, and the oil-electricity conversion efficiency is as high as 3.65kWh/L, which is equivalent to 3.65 kWh of electricity generated by 1 liter of oil, which is at the leading level in the industry.


  In terms of safety, Sailis adheres to the concept that "safety is the greatest luxury" and applies the industry-first "panoramic safety" system on the Rubik’s Cube platform, which runs through the whole life cycle of users’ cars and makes users feel more at ease by combining hardware and software.


  The data shows that the derivative models built by the Rubik’s Cube platform have more sufficient technical verification and more reliable product quality, the development cycle can be directly shortened by 3 months, the cost can be effectively reduced by 15%, and the highest generalization rate of each system platform can reach more than 85%. 

  Throughout the new energy automobile industry, platform development has become the general trend. Improving the generalization rate of technologies and products through repeated reuse of core technologies or modular design of parts systems can not only form diversified product combinations to develop different products, but also effectively save the research and development cycle, improve the research and development efficiency, and also form production scale effect to reduce costs. 

  In addition to the Rubik’s Cube platform, in the list of invention patents published in 2023 by China Automobile and Information Technology Branch, the number of open patents increased by 407.76% year-on-year, ranking first in the independent vehicle group. Thanks to the deep accumulation of technical strength, Celestial Automobile is in a leading position in three electric technologies, extended range technology, electronic and electrical architecture and super electric drive intelligent technology platform, laying a technical foundation for the dual path of pure electric and extended range intelligent electric vehicles.


  In addition to continuous training in technical hard power, as a member of the brand of new energy vehicles, Cyrus clearly put forward the idea and path of "software-defined vehicles" earlier. In practice, Celeste drives product innovation with model innovation, firmly follows the road of "integration of intelligence and electricity" and promotes the development of new energy vehicles to intelligence and networking. 

  Zhang Xinghai, Chairman of Sailis Automobile, publicly stated that Sailis has always been firm: the road of intelligent and electric integration under the software-defined automobile is electrified, which is the carrier of intelligence, intelligence and the soul of electrification. 

  Sales in the first quarter surged by 374.77%. 

  After long-term technical precipitation, Cyrus already has the strength of "bright sword". 

  According to official data, in the first quarter of 2024, the sales volume of Celestial vehicles reached 94,825, a year-on-year increase of 374.77%. AITO delivered 31,727 vehicles in March, among which, the sales volume of the new M7 in Wenjie continued to grow steadily, with 24,598 new vehicles delivered in a single month, and the cumulative delivery volume on the market exceeded 120,000 vehicles, constantly setting a new record for the sales volume of a single car brand in China. In March, M9 delivered 6,243 new cars in a single month, ranking first in the sales volume of China New Power vehicles with a price of over 500,000 yuan. 

  With the rise of independent brands in China, represented by AITO, the market competition pattern of luxury brands is facing new changes. Since the beginning of this year, AITO has consistently ranked in the top five of the luxury brand list, and belongs to the first-line camp with traditional luxury cars BBA and Tesla.


  However, compared with more than 300 million fuel vehicles in China, the million-level annual sales of new energy vehicles are only a fraction, and the industry structure is far from solidified. For Cyrus, its intellectual strength needs to be constantly increased, and then it will evolve into the next stage of competitive advantage. 

  The Sailisi Auto Super Factory located in Chongqing will be an important carrier to increase the intellectual strength. It is understood that Sailis Auto Super Factory covers an area of 2,757 mu. As the world’s leading automobile super factory, Sailis Factory is built according to the international leading standards and industrial Internet requirements, realizing the interconnection of equipment data, achieving a complete vehicle off the assembly line in 30 seconds at the earliest, with the highest production efficiency in the world, and taking the lead in applying the industry-leading 9000T integrated die casting process, which can integrate 87 parts into one part and reduce the weight by 28%.


  According to the person in charge of the factory, the factory has more than 1,000 automation equipment, and more than 3,000 robots cooperate intelligently, and the number of robots ranks first in the industry. It can realize 100% automation of key processes, which is also a high level in the whole industry. At the same time, the factory also uses the industry’s first automatic quality testing technology. Through CT scanning of the whole vehicle, it can realize 100% whole vehicle experience and 100% full-size measurement. The test data is automatically uploaded to the cloud, forming "one car and one file". This factory has not only set a new benchmark for Cyrus, but also set a global benchmark for intellectual creation. 

  Cyrus’s "instant success" comes from the accumulation of money and thin hair. Seles, transliterated from the Greek word SERES, means the country of silk, symbolizing the east and luxury. What Cyrus wants to take is a "Silk Road" of high-end products, which is the openness and tolerance of China enterprises and the pattern and tolerance of going to the world. 

  At present, China’s new energy automobile industry is at the key node of "overtaking in changing lanes". In the global competition for the dominance of electric vehicles, Sailis will hopefully become a business card for China’s new energy automobile industry to show to the world. 

  (This article does not constitute any investment advice. Investors should act accordingly at their own risk. ) 

On-line training of migrant workers, multi-skilled masters become "hard core" network anchors

  Reading tips

  Cut your hair, make small noodles and drive a forklift … … During the epidemic, these "hard-core" skills training appeared in live classes and were welcomed by many migrant workers. Online skill teaching is flying over the wall of time and space, so that more workers can learn at any time and anywhere.

  "In my impression, webcasting is a stage for handsome guys and beautiful women to show off their skills. I never thought that today, I actually watch live broadcasts to learn skills! " Yang Ping, from a remote mountain village in Hechuan District, Chongqing, has been working as a massage technician in the front line since she went to work in the city at the age of 16 and now she has become a partner in the health center. Watching the live broadcast of the master of skills at home has greatly increased her skills. "The skills I learned in two or three months are almost the sum of my years!" Yang Ping told the reporter of Workers Daily happily.

  The reporter learned that during the epidemic, the Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security issued a notice to do a good job in online training for vocational skills improvement, developed online classrooms and online training courses, and guided more than 100,000 urban and rural workers to participate in online training. Many skill masters became network anchors for online skills teaching. Up to now, 72,000 workers have received government subsidized and public welfare online training, and live training has made the skills of urban dreamers soar.

  It takes ingenuity to bury one’s head in research and teach one’s art.

  He Xianze believes that it is necessary to be ingenious to bury one’s head in art research and raise one’s head to teach art, from a mountain village hairdresser who travels from village to village to an expert enjoying special allowance from the State Council. After the outbreak, he not only advocated that hairdressers give full play to their skills and specialties, but also volunteered to cut hair for the frontline staff against the epidemic, and even became a "network anchor" to teach everyone to cut hair.

  How to make students understand, listen and listen to their own technical methods? He Xianze has made painstaking efforts. In order to give a good lesson, he has to prepare lesson plans several days in advance, and sometimes it takes hours to repeatedly search for information and compare experiences for an example.

  On March 6th, He Xianze and his apprentice Nie Feng conducted their first live broadcast in Aauto Quicker, and soon they rushed to the live broadcast hot list, attracting nearly 10 million people from all over the country to watch. He Xianze is used to being persuasive and speaking slowly from the simple to the deep. His lectures are also rich and interesting, which can not only attract students to smile, but also enlighten them.

  Pan Lian, dressed in white clothes and trousers, wearing a hat and mask, holds red pepper in her left hand and a mobile phone in her right hand. For more than 200 apprentices in the first five classes of the camera, she tells the story of the seasoning "soul" of Chongqing noodles — — How to choose peppers? The winner of the National May 1st Labor Medal, who grew up from an apprentice to a chef, has done nearly 10 live training sessions in recent days, and 3,000 to 4,000 people watched each session online.

  "To make a bowl of noodles with unique taste, spicy and refreshing, delicious and enjoyable, the core is to choose good peppers, then match different spices and control the oil temperature. The fried oil pepper is fragrant and spicy. " While explaining, Pan Lian pointed her mobile phone at peppers, peppers and noodles, moving left and right to get a "close-up".

  Pan Lian said that for online training, teachers must prepare enough lessons, including familiarity with equipment. In addition, it is necessary to have a professional live broadcast platform, which can really provide one-stop teaching services of learning, practice, training and testing, so that live broadcast training will take another step.

  In the collision between teaching and learning, they complement each other.

  Wang Bing, a 38-year-old from Fuling Mountain Township, Chongqing, has only a junior high school diploma. With persistent research, he has changed from an ordinary forklift worker to a full-time equipment maintenance staff of Gree Electric (Chongqing) Co., Ltd., and has won more than 20 honors in the national forklift vocational skills competition, and won the honor of Chongqing Bayu craftsman and "Top Ten Migrant Workers". On April 18th, he gave a live training entitled "Theoretical Training on Safe Operation of Truck Drivers" to more than 50 students through corporate micro-signals.

  Wang Bing admits that his theoretical level is limited, and it is a difficult problem to talk deeply about Toya. Sometimes, the interaction of the students in the group will bring him great inspiration. "Every time you give a class, you can bring yourself a lot of gains." Wang Bing said.

  Xiao Gao, a student attending the lecture, told the reporter that he was a newly recruited migrant worker from the Three Gorges reservoir area. He had seen Wang Bing stack 10 cups into the shape of a champagne tower with a forklift, then open the bottle with a fork and pour champagne into the cups without spilling a drop. "Mr. Wang is modest and simple, often discusses with everyone, and is willing to accept the suggestions made by the students. We all like and admire him very much." Xiao Gao said.

  On the afternoon of April 19th, in the Beauty Eye Health Center, the reporter saw several technicians broadcasting live on their mobile phones, watching the training class of "Moxibustion King Wang Ning" and interacting with teachers on WeChat group.

  Manager Zu Chunqiu mentioned that once, a daughter took her mother to the store for physical therapy, and the whole back of the old man bulged out, which was very painful. Xiaozu was diagnosed and found that the old man’s back was like the "hard plate cold" that the live broadcast teacher often said. After the WeChat group repeatedly communicated with the teacher, the innovative moxibustion method was used. One moxibustion point in the breech position, one moxibustion point in the middle, and moxibustion for two times, only three times, the whole back of the old man was flat and did not hurt.

  "Through live training, we quickly learned many new methods and skills, and constantly improved them in actual operation, and fed back the results to the teachers, achieving a benign interaction!" Zu Chunqiu said.

  Everyone can learn, everywhere, all the time.

  Based on the vigorous development of the whole food live broadcast, Chongqing has given birth to the first institution specialized in incubating, eating and broadcasting in China. Zhang Xiaojiang, the head of the organization, kept up with the rhythm of live broadcast. By selling Chongqing delicacies, he made millions of dollars, and trained more than 50 food anchors to become professional food and broadcast trainers.

  Taobao data shows that in the live food channel, one out of every 10 live food rooms comes from Chongqing. Especially since February this year, Chongqing catering industry has concentrated on attacking online, from street snacks to local goods in the mountains, driving the growth rate of live broadcast, ranking first in the country.

  "The birth of the new job of eating and broadcasting trainer in Chongqing reflects the upgrading of Chongqing’s Internet economy to ‘ Live +’ The 2.0 stage represented by. " Hongbing Shen, a professor at chongqing technology and business university University of Economics, analyzed.

  In the interview, the reporter learned that online training in Chongqing is conducted by means of online live broadcast, video rebroadcasting and real-time Q&A. During the training process, functions such as course playback, teachers’ online Q&A and learning progress inquiry can be realized. At present, online skill teaching is flying over the campus wall, facing the whole society, and the "sharing" effect of internet education has been highlighted.

  Zhang Dexiang, director of the Rural Labor Service Development and Management Office of Chongqing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, said that the online vocational skills promotion training vigorously promoted in Chongqing aims to give full play to the important role of vocational skills training in stabilizing employment and promoting entrepreneurship. "Migrant workers can turn on their mobile phones anytime and anywhere to watch video learning online, and they can also log in to online colleges to form an environment where everyone can learn, learn everywhere and learn from time to time." Zhang Dexiang said.

Geely Automobile Guishengyue: I am confident of winning the final victory in the fierce competition in the automobile market.

Securities Times E Company News, on March 20th, Geely Automobile held its 2023 annual performance conference in Hong Kong. At the press conference, Gui Shengyue, chief executive officer and executive director of Geely Automobile Holdings Co., Ltd. said that Geely Automobile has full confidence to win the final victory in the fierce competition in the automobile market. Gui Shengyue said that his confidence mainly comes from four levels. First, Geely Automobile has great ability and potential of new energy and intelligence, which has been confirmed in the current achievements; Second, Geely Automobile has the ability to respond to market changes at any time to meet the needs of various users and maintain the healthy and stable development of the company. I believe that the evaluation of car companies in the capital market will eventually return to profitability; Third, Geely Automobile insists on fighting a value war and a moral war. Every time Geely Automobile sells a car, it is responsible for users and environmental protection, and "long-term doctrine" will definitely be rewarded by the market. In addition, the advantages of the entire Geely Group will also be fully reflected in Geely Automobile. For example, achievements such as AI, maps and satellites will empower Geely Automobile and further establish Geely Automobile’s leading position.

Shiyan market is abundant in New Year’s Day holiday, and the purchase and sale are booming.


During the New Year holiday, the consumer market reached its peak, and Shiyan increased market supply to better meet the diversified and personalized consumer demand of the people.

Early in the morning, the citizens who came to Huaxi Rural Shopping Mall were bustling, with fresh meat, fruits and vegetables, and all kinds of new year’s goods were dazzling, and people were busy shopping during the walk.

Fan Dengke, Deputy Manager of Market Management Department of Huaxi Rural Mall, introduced.Since last weekend, the sales volume in the market has increased obviously.Average dailyvegetablesThe sales volume is 500-600 tons, the fruit is 200 tons, and the sales volume of meat is 30% higher than usual.

In Baichang High-quality Agricultural Products Logistics Park, rice flour, grain and oil are neatly placed according to different brands and specifications, with sufficient supply and rich varieties. All kinds of non-staple food such as melon seeds, peanuts and candy are placed in the most conspicuous place in the shop.

Around the important time nodes of New Year’s Day, major supermarkets launched promotional activities, prepared the supply of goods, increased supply, and ensured that the holiday consumer market had sufficient goods and complete varieties.


"Beauty Technology" in the Post-epidemic Era: Digitalization Empowering Intelligent Manufacturing and Boosting the Upgrading of Beauty Industry Chain

In the spring of 2020, a sudden epidemic caused great changes in consumers’ habits and lifestyles, and various new demands from users turned to force enterprises to make an imminent transformation.

Under the epidemic situation, all walks of life have "passively" reshaped all kinds of "new normals". At the same time, technology and digitalization have helped the industry to "actively" empower all links in the industrial chain and help enterprises transform and adapt to these new normals. Bain’s latest report shows that the COVID-19 epidemic has greatly accelerated the digital transformation of the global retail industry. With its leading digital maturity, the Asia-Pacific region has not only promoted the development of the whole industry, but also pointed out the direction of digital transformation for other regions.

How to develop the internal circular economy in China is determined not only by the current global economic environment, but also by the economic growth mode of China. Under the strategic basis of expanding domestic demand, "internal circulation" will lead all walks of life to upgrade the quality of consumption.

Under the influence of market diversity and other factors, how can brands win the "new normal" in the post-epidemic era? Recently, the "China Smart Creation Promotion Plan" initiated and hosted by 21st century business herald, a leader of digital think tank financial media, led a delegation to visit Ruxin’s Fengxian production base in Ruxin China, and held a roundtable forum on smart technology empowering beauty industry in Ruxin Greater China Innovation Headquarters Park to discuss with relevant industry experts the internal logic of technology empowering beauty industry in the post-epidemic era, so as to find new demands, new consumption and new opportunities for the beauty industry in the future.

The new trend in the post-epidemic era: the dimension of beauty is becoming more and more comprehensive

China market is becoming the development booster of global enterprises. Ruxin Group has also made great progress in the vast China market. Thanks to China’s stable market, bright prospects and open business environment, China has grown into the world’s largest market for Ruxin, a foreign-funded enterprise, since it entered China for 17 years.

For example, Fengxian District, the Oriental Beauty Valley where Nuxin is located, is the capital of cosmetics industry in China.

According to Gu Weixing, director of the Investment Promotion Office of Fengxian District People’s Government, the international beauty and health giants have paid more and more attention to the China market and China consumers since 2016. "Cosmetic enterprises in Fengxian account for more than one-third of the total number of cosmetic enterprises in Shanghai. Putting it all over the world, China’s achievements in the prevention and control of this epidemic will inevitably increase the confidence of international brands in the China market and further enhance their vision of increasing investment in China. " Especially in recent years, with the domestic consumer demand, brand building and industrial scale jumping far beyond the imagination of international big names, "the annual growth is double digits, at least more than 30%, which not only shocked them, but also made them feel a sense of crisis and eager to participate in this market. Shiseido has settled in Oriental Beauty Valley this year, and more international brands such as L ‘Oré al and Chanel are also in close talks with us. Oriental Meigu has gradually become the bridgehead for China brands to "go out" and foreign brands to "come in". "

Jin Jian, executive president of Shanghai Daily Chemicals Industry Association, said that the main income of China cosmetics industry exceeded 70 billion in 2019, and it is expected to reach more than 100 billion by 2025. "Shanghai is the forefront of China’s cosmetics industry. In 2019, the output value of Shanghai’s cosmetics industry was about 40 billion, and its exports exceeded 3 billion. About 80% is commissioned processing. There are about 60 headquarters of multinational companies in Shanghai, and there are also many research centers of domestic and foreign enterprises. "

After the outbreak, many new demands, new models and new categories have emerged in the cosmetics industry. Jin Jian believes that first, cutting-edge products and products with new functions have become new trends. "For example, online celebrity likes beauty products with goods, and consumers pursue more innovative, functional and cheaper cosmetics, including the rapid development of intelligent beauty instruments." Second, it shows the deviation of consumption behavior. "From most offline channels, such as specialty stores, department stores and supermarkets, it gradually turns to online sales, and the proportion of online sales has reached more than 70%." Third, the proportion of local brands has gradually increased, and there has been a new national trend in beauty products. "Fourth, after the epidemic, the cosmetics industry is also more inclined to the big health industry. Beauty and health are reflected in all aspects, not just the face."

Behind this, there is also the soil for the rise of smart beauty instruments. Gong Wei, an observation partner of Meiye, said, "The core factor of the rise of home beauty instruments is that the China market is very large and consumers have demand. Second, young people’s consumption concepts are constantly changing. Customers born after 1990 may not want to lie in the beauty salon for two or three hours. "Young consumers have gradually become important users and growth points of household skin care products and household beauty instruments."

Gong Wei thinks, "From the perspective of beauty service industry stores, the equipment is getting smaller and smaller, and home beauty instruments seem to have taken away some consumers. But in fact, we find that consumers are gradually maturing. Whether it is going to the store, home beauty instruments or skin care products, the relationship between the three is the integration and competition, which just reflects that consumers’ demand for beauty is becoming more and more comprehensive, which is a very good trend. "

Jin Liyin, deputy director and professor of the Marketing Department of Fudan University School of Management, believes that the structure of the cosmetics market has changed from concentration to diversification. In recent years, domestic niche brands have risen rapidly. "Consumers no longer fix their choices on traditional big brands, but are willing to try more diversified brands, from the external value of the brand to the internal value conversion. Enterprises need to do in-depth segmentation in order to master diversified needs. In addition, the boundaries of cosmetics industry are constantly expanding, and many new technologies are integrated with cosmetics, resulting in the concept of solutions. To satisfy consumers, it is more important for cosmetics companies to expand their horizons. It may be a more important trend to do more industrial integration and broadening. "

Digital empowerment manufacturing: improving quality and efficiency

These new demands are observed, such as the continuous expansion of investment in China market. In 2014, Ruxin invested 500 million yuan to complete Ruxin Greater China Innovation Headquarters. In 2019, the second phase project of Greater China Innovation Headquarters Park with a total investment of 360 million in Fengxian District of Shanghai has also broken ground.

Preview of the effect of the second phase project of Ruxin Greater China Innovation Headquarters Park

After the resumption of work, a total of 1,200 38-meter piles were driven on May 6, and the foundation construction has been basically completed. Now, the rough outline of warehouses, workshops and office buildings can be clearly seen from the bird’s eye view of the project site. It is expected that the project will be handed over in mid-October next year and the factory will be relocated and mass-produced in January 2023.

For example, President China solemnly said, "This is a challenging time node goal, and we will also work together to overcome difficulties in order to achieve the goal: if the new future is in China."

According to the Bain report, if retail enterprises want to maintain rapid development in the rapidly changing Asia-Pacific market, it is urgent to choose correct development strategies and give priority to the following six areas: remolding value proposition, winning in digital interaction, from heavy assets to heavy operation, doing a good job in terminal distribution and supply chain flexibility, clarifying ecosystem goals, and digital upgrading.

Ruxin also responded to these aspects in time. By constantly improving the strength of scientific research, such as introducing science and technology into products and services, we will continue to lead the development direction of domestic industries while serving China consumers.

During the visit, Qi Xingdong, vice president of supply manufacturing in New Greater China, said, "Taking the domestic cycle as the main body means that expanding domestic demand will become the development focus of China for a long time, and it also means that more policies and resources will be inclined to expand domestic demand in the future. At the same time, by taking advantage of China’s huge market advantage and tapping the potential of domestic demand, we can promote the integration of domestic market and foreign market. If you are familiar with the China market and China consumers, you are full of confidence in the future of the China market. "

At the 3rd China International Import Expo(CIIE) to be held in November this year, Nu Skin will make its debut, and use this international stage to showcase the latest and high-quality intelligent skin care black technology products.

For example, Sheng Ziren, vice president of marketing in New China, said, "Our company began to enter the field of beauty instruments 19 years ago, and the self-cultivation beauty instruments have been updated to the third generation. At the end of this year, we will produce new products. At present, in the Chinese mainland market, the performance of beauty instrument series products accounts for more than 40%. "

According to reports, the newly launched ageLOC Boost porcelain polishing machine this year is the first product adhering to the latest research and development concept of the trinity of scientific research, technology and sources, and will also be exhibited in China International Import Expo(CIIE).

"This product incorporates innovative variable pulse micro-current technology, uses safe raw materials to stimulate skin vitality and bid farewell to skin inertia, which is a new milestone in NU SKIN’s research and development history. In addition, we cooperated with a world-renowned award-winning design company to develop the shape of Boost porcelain polishing machine. The concept of ergonomics was cited in the design, and the keyless and magnetic induction charging were integrated to maintain the texture and make consumers more comfortable and convenient to use. Really achieved the perfect combination of new technology and new aesthetics. " Sheng Ziren introduced.

In addition, there is another beauty instrument ageLOC Me, which is at the forefront of personalized skin care technology. This is an instrument from personal tailor, which can choose different skin care products according to different skin types and skin problems of everyone. What is more challenging is that even the same person chooses different skin care products in different seasons and different geographical environments. Sheng Ziren said, "We have invested more than 40 million US dollars to develop this product. More than 100 engineers and technicians have developed machines for five years, and combined with intelligent skin care instrument terminals, more than 2,000 formulations and skin test apps, they provide customers with exclusive maintenance products."

During the day’s visit, Ju Hong, director of the new personal care products Fengxian production base, said that the new product research and development will present two characteristics: "intelligent creation" and "digitalization". The second phase project of Greater China Innovation Headquarters Park, which represents Ruxin’s top-level intellectual manufacturing level in the world, will be built according to the standard of Industry 4.0, adopting the latest technology and intelligent management system, and implementing quality management throughout the whole production process, including product whole-process traceability anti-counterfeiting platform, automatic storage system, seamless production and logistics links, etc. "It is estimated that the production capacity can be doubled after completion, which can better meet the demand generated by the expansion of domestic demand."

In the first quarter of this year, over 80% of Ruxin’s revenue came from the company’s digital construction. In the future, it will continue to strengthen the company’s digital construction through strategic investment in technical infrastructure and digital tools, and feed back its business with technical digitalization.

The second phase of the project will build 12 new product production lines to realize the combination of automation, intelligent manufacturing and flexible manufacturing. After the completion of the project, Ruru’s production automation level will be improved, production efficiency and product quality will be improved, and the labor cost will be further reduced. By reducing the interference of human factors in the production process, product quality, safety and production efficiency will be improved, Ruru’s position in the cosmetics market will be improved, and the competitiveness of enterprises will be enhanced.

For example, the Fengxian District Government of Shanghai where Nu Nu is located is also very supportive of its new projects. For example, the second phase of Nu Nu Greater China Innovation Headquarters Park is a key project in Shanghai. On the site selection, the Fengxian District Government gives strong support to Nu Skin, which is convenient for enterprises and neighboring industries to have closer exchanges in technology and industrial chain, and it is more favorable to attract outstanding talents by relying on regional advantages.

Grasping the New Demand of "Post Wave": Individualization and Diversification

For example, one of the highlights of the new factory project is flexible manufacturing, which means that it can better meet the needs of young consumers. Ju Hong said, "At the initial stage of the project design, we have fully realized that the future consumers are a very personalized generation, and they like to be different, personalized and customized. We have designed a total of 12 production lines. In the future, through the cooperation of multiple production lines, we can flexibly schedule products to meet different types of packaged products and realize flexible manufacturing. Customer-oriented, with demand for fixed production. "

Nowadays, Generation Z (post-95 and post-00) has started to enter the university or the workplace, and its consumption power is constantly improving. Together with the "millennials", it has become the main force of consumption. According to McKinsey’s latest Research on Generation Z Consumers in Asia-Pacific Region, Generation Z wants brands to be personalized and customized, which can make them different, so brands can’t be satisfied with their past success. In order to maintain the first-line position in the market, brands need to give full play to their traditional advantages and invest in rapid and sustainable innovation.

These young people live in the digital world, and their study, shopping and entertainment are inseparable from the digital environment. They are the real "net-born generation". Being picky and accustomed to meeting their own requirements, Generation Z likes to study products before shopping, especially willing to compare prices. In China, the proportion is 50%. Generation Z also has more requirements for services and functions, such as personalization, customization, exclusive or limited products, and joint models.

How to win these "back waves" in the post-epidemic era?

Ruxin’s answer is to continue to strengthen the pace of "brand rejuvenation" on the demand side, aim at young consumer groups, and make innovations and changes from product lines to pricing. In order to keep interactive communication with young consumers, we should optimize the consumption experience of young people in both marketing activities and product design, and make the whole link process of understanding, planting grass, buying and experiencing accurate, direct and fast.

Jin Liyin believes that the cosmetics industry is a fully competitive industry with a high degree of product homogeneity. "It is an industry with commanding heights in marketing. Many companies have done a good job in manufacturing technology and product research and development. Who can gain insight into consumer demand in time, iterate quickly, and improve brand power, who may win."

It is worth noting that when describing consumer portraits, first, the segmentation needs of different age groups are different, and second, from the functional point of view, the needs must be related to the scene. Third, the market cannot be simply and extensively divided into first-,second-and third-tier cities. "The demand crowd cannot be solidified. It was hard for us to imagine that men also used skin care and cosmetics. Enterprises should look at this very fast-changing market in China with a more open and divergent thinking. " Jin Liyin said that products like beauty and technology, "to improve consumers’ cognition and acceptance, leading brands should do some market education. When enterprises research and develop products, they are more from a technical point of view. When facing consumers, it is necessary to go technical and start from the perspective of solving problems. "

How to win with products? An excellent product either needs technical barriers or depends on scale effect to win. "The beauty industry is an industry with a relatively high degree of homogenization. From this perspective, good products must have differentiated value."

In addition, the Bain report believes that the attack of COVID-19 has accelerated the trend of "pursuing cost performance" that emerged in 2019, and the online trend has also accelerated. Bruno, a global partner of Bain Company, said, "Consumers have no choice but to rely on online shopping because of the epidemic. Even after the opening of offline stores, many people continue to choose online shopping."

The live e-commerce that was still unknown three years ago achieved a blowout in 2019, which more than tripled. At present, it accounts for 4% of online retail sales and 1% of total retail sales. The online shopping festival is in the ascendant, and the channels are further transferred to online, which makes the promotion rate of various categories increase significantly in 2019: personal care products, home care products and maternal and child categories are particularly obvious. In 2019, the online promotion rate increased from 40% in the previous year to 43%, while the offline sales promotion rate was only 23% in the same period, far below the online level.

Deng Min, global partner of Bain Company, said, "Faced with the uncertainty of the future, brands need to upgrade and innovate themselves. Only by closely tracking and reassessing the market, industry environment and consumption behavior patterns in the post-epidemic era can we optimize and establish a product portfolio that meets consumer demands and reasonable pricing. "

Brands need to sort out product innovation plans, accelerate the launch of new products in the post-epidemic era, and at the same time lay out high-end and parity segmentation. In addition, brands should also follow the "4D" rule, focus on winning channels, attach importance to online, O2O and live broadcast, constantly build consumer trust, and root in the local market: Design for China consumers, realize China team’s decision in China, Deliver at China speed, and promote the digitalization of China business.

Challenges and opportunities of industrial chain: talent cultivation and technology empowerment

China’s beauty industry is on the road of independent industrialization, and at the same time, it faces certain challenges.

"From the perspective of the development of China’s cosmetics industry, the biggest bottleneck is the gap with international brands in research and development capabilities and scientific research talents." Jin Jian, for example, hyaluronic acid is a very mature product in the industry, but the cost, purity and purity of its raw materials will affect the function and price of hyaluronic acid. "On the other hand, cosmetics also need to be beautiful, packaged, convenient and practical."

From raw materials to hardware design, cosmetics need strong industrial chain support. "There are industrial defects, because the history of this industry in China is relatively short. Others have accumulated for 400 years. No matter how fast we move, it is impossible to finish the precipitation of others for 400 years in 30 years." Gong Wei said that during his inspection tour in France, the other party provided an official handbook. "There are 400 enterprises in it, and it’s like finding a treasure when we get the handbook. Divided into several categories, such as raw materials, flavors and fragrances, brand design, packaging design, etc., similar to corporate yellow pages. For example, a brand design company has a clear name, which year it was established, how many employees and how to contact them, so it can be directly docked. However, this aspect has not yet become a system in China. "

In addition to merchants, for consumers, new brands are emerging one after another, and there are more and more contents that need to be "learned". "For example, hyaluronic acid, consumers don’t know how to distinguish between good and bad. These more detailed science popularization needs not only the industry itself and associations to standardize, but also more mature concept science popularization for consumers. At the same time, it will be better for the government to start promoting it. "

How to cultivate this industrial chain? Gu Weixing said that most industries in China are in the process of continuous learning, moving towards independent research and development, creating independent brands, and exploring the path of internationalization. "Up to now, we have made some cutting-edge brands in China, breaking the original offline channels and expanding various new sales channels such as online marketing."

To improve the industrial chain, in addition to raw materials, research and development, and brands, "we still have a big gap in some core technologies, and we still have to rely on talents to catch up." For example, many brand products are good, but there is no good marketing and design, which gives people the feeling that they are just one level away. At this time, professionals in the field of industrial design are needed, and this aspect is still not perfect. Our government must connect with universities from the perspective of industry management to keep up with market demand. Play a role in industrial ecology, talents and functional agglomeration. "

In addition to cosmetics research and development, there is a shortage of talents in downstream service organizations. Gong Wei said that many talents in the domestic cosmetics industry were trained by international manufacturers in the early years. "But there are no professionals in this field in our beauty salon industry. The supply of talents in the medical and beauty industry is very small. There are only 15 doctors of plastic surgery who graduate from China every year, which can’t fully meet the needs of this market. "

From the perspective of industrial agglomeration, Oriental Beauty Valley has made its own way: at present, Oriental Beauty Valley has formed an industrial cluster covering biomedicine, beauty and skin care products, perfume, food, health care products and other categories. And eight centers, including R&D center, design center, testing center, exhibition center, marketing center, experience center, industry service center and expert guidance center, have been built. These eight centers serve all kinds of innovative enterprises in the beauty and health industry in the United States and provide personalized and professional services for enterprises in the whole industry chain of the beauty and health industry.

In terms of talent gathering, Dongfang Meigu Research Institute was established with Shanghai Universities of Applied Sciences, focusing on cosmetic science and technology research and development, and involving two professional directions of cosmetic art design and brand marketing management at the same time, providing the latest technical support platform and abundant talent resources for small and medium-sized cosmetic enterprises; In terms of supporting services, we will cooperate with Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau to build one of the most advanced cosmetics testing laboratories in China to provide convenience for import and export enterprises. In terms of R&D and innovation, cooperation with the National Cosmetic Quality Supervision and Inspection Center has provided testing services for enterprises with higher efficiency and lower cost; In Fengxian District, the first service pilot window connected with the Trademark Review Cooperation Center in China has been set up.

From the manufacturing point of view, Sheng Ziren said, "The combination of beauty and technology is an inevitable trend. From the past, it relied on ingredients, and then on technology, machines, big data and artificial intelligence. In addition to finding market demand, another possibility is to create market demand, because many times excellent product consumers don’t know it. Now is the time to communicate in a language that consumers can understand. How to make consumers feel the benefits when good products come out is something that enterprises need to manage well. In terms of product quality assurance, Ruxin strictly follows the whole process quality management system of "6S Quality Measures" and strictly checks the standards from six aspects: topic selection, source, specification, standardization, safety and demonstration to fulfill its commitment to product quality. "

Industry tips:

Oriental Beauty Valley covers beautiful and big health industries such as cosmetics and biomedicine. From the perspective of cosmetics industry, in terms of quantity, the number of enterprises in Oriental Beauty Valley accounts for more than 1/4 (26%) in Shanghai, ranking among the top in the city, accounting for more than 40% of the sales of related enterprises in the city. It is a large-scale cosmetics gathering place in Shanghai.

Shanghai Daily Chemicals Industry Association is a municipal social organization established on December 9, 2005 with the approval of Shanghai Economic and Information Technology Commission and Shanghai Social Organization Administration. The association covers four major daily chemical industries, including cosmetics, flavors and fragrances, detergents and toothpaste.

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The inside line is stable! Warriors signed 20+20 technical flow center, Green was liberated, and Howard failed.

The Warriors finally noticed the shortage of their inside line and planned to reinforce this position before the start of the new season. It is reported that they are considering bringing in veteran inside players such as Tony Bradley, Fevos and Dademont.

Tony Bradley, 208cm tall and only 25 years old, averaged only 1.6 points and 0.9 rebounds per game last season. Although he is young, he doesn’t show enough talent. Considering that he is 25 years old, there seems to be not much room for training.

Fevos, 206cm tall and 32 years old, didn’t play in the NBA last season, but his career performance was quite good, averaging 10.6 points and 7.1 rebounds. He is the most suitable choice for the Warriors, because he is the most comprehensive and intelligent player among these players. He showed his strength when he was in the jazz team. In the game against the Clippers on November 15, 2019, he scored 20 points and 20 rebounds, and scored 30+ points. Such a player is just what the Warriors need.

Dedmon, 213cm tall and 34 years old, averaged 5.2 points and 3.5 rebounds last season. Although he is in good physical condition, he is not technically excellent. Moreover, he is 34 years old, and his physical ability is also greatly declining, so his role is limited.

It will be the most suitable choice to bring in Fevos, who is an experienced and versatile player. His joining will make the Warriors more outstanding in technology and wisdom, which has been verified when he was in the Jazz. If we can get Fevos, Green can return to the fourth position, which will make the Warriors’ lineup bigger and make up for the lack of height when Curry and Paul are present at the same time. This will help build a strong defense system and help the team win more.

On the way to reinforce the inside of the Warriors, Fevos is a very suitable choice. His excellent skills and wisdom will bring more advantages to the team. I hope the Warriors can find their inside solutions in the new season and continue to maintain their strong competitiveness.

Italian media: If Di Maria doesn’t renew Kulu or replace him, otherwise Juventus may sell Kulu.

Live on May 20th, according to all the reports of Juventus, if Di Maria doesn’t renew his contract, Kulusevski may become his replacement. Otherwise, Juventus may sell Kulusevski.

It is reported that Tottenham may not buy out Kulusevski, so Kulusevski may return to Juventus this summer. If Di Maria doesn’t renew his contract with Juventus, Kulusevski may become his replacement and become a member of Juventus’ re-launch next season.

However, if Tottenham don’t buy out Kulusevski and Di Maria renews his contract with Juventus, Juventus may also consider selling Kulusevski.

(real steel fist)

Diaz: I believe Milan can qualify for the Champions League next season. This season has proved that Milan is very strong.

Live on May 21 ST, this round of Serie A Milan beat Sampdoria 5-1 at home. After the game, Milan player Diaz was interviewed.

Diaz said: "Disappointed to be eliminated from the Champions League? Now we want to qualify for the Champions League next season, and I believe we can do it. Entering the semi-finals of the Champions League has proved Milan’s strength. "

"I am still young and need to continue to grow. Thanks to the help of the coach and the team, even in difficult times, we have always been United. I know my own strength, and I have been trying to do everything to get things done. "

"Kiss the jersey? This is done according to my heart, and I feel very good in Milan. "

"Milan’s introduction of Decatur is an inspiration to me? I don’t know. We all care about him. That’s the most important thing. Milan are very United and we help each other. As for the competition within the team, each of us will go all out. "

Arsenal handed over the league title, and Manchester City won the title three times in a row.

After Arsenal lost 0-1 away to Nottingham Forest, Manchester City was crowned Premier League champion, which brought Guardiola’s team closer to completing the extraordinary triple crown.

Manchester City is now only two finals away from becoming the first English team to win the triple crown since Sir Alex Ferguson’s Manchester United in 1999: the FA Cup final against Manchester United at Wembley Stadium on June 3, followed by the Champions League final against Inter Milan in Istanbul on June 10.

Arsenal’s defeat means that they can’t catch up with Manchester City in the Premier League competition, and Arteta’s team is four points behind with only one game left.

Manchester City’s next game is against Chelsea at Etihad Stadium.

The blue moon is invincible

Manchester City has won the Premier League in five of the past six seasons. This year’s victory is the ninth top league title in their history and the seventh since their Abu Dhabi boss took over the club in 2008.

Guardiola’s team got off to a good start this season, thanks to Harland’s unprecedented goal in summer, but when the Premier League entered the winter break in FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 in November, Manchester City had to finish second after 14 games.

Meanwhile, Manchester City was accused by the Premier League of violating financial rules in February. The possibility of indefinite sanctions still exists, which may include fines, points deduction or demotion. Manchester City continues to deny the allegations.

The Premier League returned on December 26th after the World Cup, and Manchester City proved their dominance. In addition to beating Arsenal twice, Manchester City won 11 consecutive victories, which helped them win the league title for the third time in a row.

Guardiola continues to write myths.

Harland scored a record of 36 goals in a single season in the Premier League and won the title of FWA Man of the Year.

Since 2008, Manchester City has also won two FA Cup titles and five Carling Cup titles.