Andy Lau attended a special dialogue session at the Toronto Film Festival to share his journey

1905 movie network news On September 16, local time, Toronto, Canada, attended a special dialogue session held at the 48th Toronto International Film Festival to share his journey of more than 40 years of career.

The Toronto International Film Festival has awarded Andy Lau the "Special Contribution Award", making him the first Chinese filmmaker to win the award. "This Special Contribution Award means a lot to me, it means: everyone has the potential to do more than you can imagine, thank you," said Andy Lau. "So choose your own path, work hard and be the best you can be. I will never forget the love you gave me, thank you."

Andy Lau is starring in a new film to Toronto, which tells the story of the award-winning superstar Liu Weichi (Andy Lau, played) in the process of going to the countryside to experience life, causing a series of ridiculous farce that makes people laugh and cry. At the same time, it shows the variety of beings in the entertainment industry.

Taiwanese media look at the mainland: the first beach in the world

BEIJING, Beijing, February 19 (Xinhua) Recently, Taiwan Province’s United Daily News published a report about Beihai City in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, introducing the beautiful scenery of Yintan.
Guangxi Beihai Yintan. Image source: Taiwan Province United Daily News
The report pointed out that Beihai, a coastal city surrounded by the sea on three sides, is a famous historical and cultural city, and was selected as one of the top ten "Beautiful Cities" in China. Guangxi prides itself on "Guilin landscape in the north and Beihai Silver Beach in the south". The beach of Yintan is made of high-quality quartz sand. Under the sunshine, the white and delicate beach will glow with silver, so it is called Yintan, which enjoys the reputation of "the first beach in the world" and is one of the most ideal bathing beaches and sea sports venues in the south.
Silver beach beach. Image source: Taiwan Province United Daily News
Silver Beach is characterized by "long flat beach, fine white sand, clean water temperature, soft waves and no sharks", which experts call "a rare and excellent beach in the world". Yintan stretches 24 kilometers from east to west, with a total area of 38 square kilometers, exceeding the sum of beaches in Dalian, Yantai, Qingdao, Xiamen and Beidaihe. The land is rich in vegetation and the environment is elegant and quiet.
Yintan is rich in vegetation. Image source: Taiwan Province United Daily News
Beihai Yintan Resort consists of Yintan Park, Beach Park and Ocean Sports Holiday Entertainment Center. In addition to marine activities, tourists can also participate in beach sports such as golf, volleyball and football, and watch large-scale music fountain shows.
Beach Park is an important part of Yintan Resort, in which the bathing beach is 1,500 meters long and the lawn is 100,000 square meters, which is huge. In addition to the bathing beach, there is also the "tide" of steel and plastic in Asia. "Tide" sculpture combines lighting, fountains and music performances to form a multimedia outdoor show, which has become a highlight of Yintan at night.
Giant stainless steel sculpture "Chao". Image source: Taiwan Province United Daily News
The "Tide" sculpture is a hollow steel ball with a diameter of 20 meters, symbolizing the pearl. There are seven statues of beautiful girls on the sphere, which are like fairies descending to the world, with a musical fountain, showing the elegance of going to sea and the rhythm of the tide. In addition, there are 30 moon tide lights around the sculpture. The moon and the pearl are combined, and the stars shine. The whole square is like a jade plate full of pearls, which is spread out by the sea and beautiful. (End)

The spring of the new car "algorithm school" is coming.

China people’s car preference has changed.
In 2021, a research report on China’s new car purchase intention released by the market research institute J.D. Power showed that nearly a quarter of the people who had the intention to buy a car within six months took intelligent experience as the most important decision-making factor.
Among the seven factors that affect car purchase decision, intelligent car experience accounts for 14% of the weight, and 24% of prospective car buyers think that intelligent car experience is their most important car purchase consideration. At the same time, the lack of new technology has become the third biggest concern of potential customers.
This year, this report reveals a new trend: compared with other age groups, the post-95 s pay more attention to intelligence when buying a car.
The two reports released a clear signal,Nowadays, the concept of car purchase of China consumers is six words: no intelligence, no money.
What exactly is a "smart" car? Simply put, internally, the cockpit should be advanced enough; Externally, you should be smart enough to drive.
Under the guidance of the banner of changing car buying preferences, computing power has become new horsepower and intelligence has become new performance.The ability of a car’s intelligent driving system has become the most important business card of this car company in the new automobile era.
So, what should a "good" intelligent driving system look like?
In the early days, before the algorithm was mature, it was compared with the ability to pile up hardware: lidar, large computing chip, high-pixel camera, and other high-standard hardware. When evaluating the intelligent driving system, consumers mostly focus on the number of hardware.
A relatively backward cognition of intelligent driving is: hardware cow = good experience.
There is nothing wrong with this idea. After all, the hardware determines the lower limit of the capability of a smart driving system.
However, with the rapid popularization of smart electric vehicles in China, consumers in China have gradually realized that hardware can’t be exchanged for experience. Moreover, as long as these hardware are willing to pay, any car company can buy them from suppliers.
The real hero behind a safe, stable and comprehensive intelligent driving system is actually the master of metaphysics that users can’t see or touch: algorithm.
What is an algorithm? You can imagine that a symphony orchestra without a professional conductor, even if every position is filled with masters of musical instruments, can only piece together a chaotic performance with different tunes and no rules.
The algorithm is this "professional conductor".Only by using algorithms to "light up" the hardware such as lidar, chip and camera can they maximize their efficiency in a set of intelligent driving system.
He who gets the algorithm wins the world.
As we all know, the complete process of autonomous driving is: perception, decision-making and control.
Perception is that all kinds of sensors work continuously to collect the information of the vehicle itself and the outside; Decision-making is the vehicle computing unit, which analyzes the information obtained by the sensor according to the existing algorithm and makes a decision suitable for the current situation; Control is based on the decision-making plan, instead of the driver, to control the acceleration, braking, steering range, lighting and other driving actions of the vehicle.
Perception system is equal to the driver’s eyes, decision system is equal to the driver’s brain, and control system is equal to the driver’s hands and feet.
Algorithm is the decisive factor of the intelligence of the "brain" of the decision-making system: the basis of automatic driving is the large-scale deployment of the algorithm. From the feature extraction of the sensing link to the decision-making of the neural network, it is necessary to rely on the improvement of the algorithm to improve the accuracy of obstacle detection and the decision-making ability in complex scenes.
Autopilot domain algorithms are generally divided into three types: perception algorithm, fusion algorithm and execution algorithm.
Perception algorithm is to transform sensor data into machine language of vehicle scene, such as object detection, recognition and tracking, 3D environment modeling, object motion estimation and so on.
The fusion algorithm is to process the data of different dimensions, such as images or point clouds, obtained by different sensors in a unified way, so as to provide decision-making basis for the vehicle computing unit.
Among them, the fusion algorithm is divided into two paths: pre-fusion and post-fusion.
To put it simply, the pre-fusion algorithm is to make fresh dishes and fry all kinds of ingredients (raw data) before serving; The post-fusion algorithm is to pre-prepare dishes, and heat them before serving them (raw data).
Both algorithms have advantages and disadvantages.
Pre-fusion requires higher hardware computing power because different types of data sources have to be processed at the same time. Moreover, the neural network has a very low probability of misjudgment, and another redundant system is needed for verification. This complex, sophisticated and evolving AI algorithm can’t be imported, which puts forward new standards for the self-research ability of car companies.
Post-fusion is limited by the upper limit of the ability of a single type of sensor, which leads to occasional missed detection or false detection under certain conditions. For example, radar can easily determine the distance and position, but it is not good at judging color and texture, and it can’t recognize text information. Cross-validation of multiple types of sensors is needed to ensure the effective intelligent driving function under different environmental conditions.
Is it possible to really "fuse" the pre-and post-fusion algorithms, use their strengths and avoid their weaknesses?
The answer is: of course.
Full fusion algorithm(Full Fusion) came into being under this technical background. Internationally, Mercedes-Benz and Volvo, two major manufacturers, have announced the entry of fully integrated algorithms to attack high-level intelligent driving along this route, but there is still a long way to go before they can be delivered. In China, Feifan Automobile, a new vehicle-making force backed by SAIC, has taken the lead, not only becoming the first automobile brand in the industry to launch a fully integrated algorithm, but also taking the lead in mass production and delivery on Feifan R7 delivered in late October this year, with its RISING PILOT fully integrating the high-speed pilot function of high-order intelligent driving system.
Theoretically, the "total fusion" refers to the comprehensive comparison of the detection results output by pre-fusion combination, multi-task, multi-feature network and deep neural network with the detection results independently output by post-fusion multiple sensors, so as to realize hybrid fusion, and relying on the safe and redundant deployment of high-bandwidth and supercomputing chip platform, a whole set of actions such as perception, fusion, prediction, decision-making and execution can be completed within milliseconds through triple fusion.
It is easier to understand that the user ordered a "dish" called Zhijia and sent it to the front. The kitchen has both prepared dishes and prefabricated dishes. The chef will select and blend the dishes according to the actual situation, and the ultimate goal is to let the users get a meal experience with good color and flavor.
According to public information, Feifan Automobile is a data-driven automobile technology company established in November 2021 and relying on user orientation. Feifan R7 is the first model of Feifan automobile after independence.
Seeing this, you may have a question. Less than a year after independent operation, how can Feifan Automobile hand over the more advanced intelligent driving system than overseas car companies? Does this system rely on piling up conceptual terms to fool people’s futures, or is it a down-to-earth and reliable spot?
No matter how much you say, it is not as convincing as the actual measurement.
According to the comprehensive measurement of domestic media in specific scenes such as ramp and lane change, the RISING PILOT on Feifan R7 has performed well in both the success rate and stability, which is the result of more than 900 day and night battles of Feifan Auto’s 500-person self-developed team.The advantages are relatively obvious in the identification of many intelligent driving scenes, which are generally regarded as difficulties in the industry.Among them, I was deeply impressed by three points:
The first scene is the accurate identification of ramp, especially the triangle area of multi-fork ramp.
Compared with the unstable performance of the existing intelligent driving system in the market for ramp identification, RISING PILOT can identify the triangle area of the ramp in advance in a farther place, reserve more lane space and action execution time for lane change, and avoid the thrilling scenes such as recognition failure, handing over control rights, or sharply slowing down from the fast lane and merging into the low-speed ramp in a short time.
The second is the recognition and perception of static roadblocks.
In the past year, there have been many collisions of intelligent electric vehicles at home and abroad because they can’t identify the static roadblocks in the construction area. In fact, this scene has always been the capacity vacuum zone of the existing intelligent driving system. Under the action of 4D imaging radar, RISING PILOT can detect the construction area as far as 500 meters in advance, accurately identify static obstacles, even if only ice cream cones or construction signs can be accurately identified in advance, and realize early avoidance through full fusion algorithm and rapid response.
The third is to take the initiative to change lanes and overtake.
The general intelligent driving system often fails to identify and avoid in advance when the front car changes lanes and draws dragons or the large car in front of the side suddenly appears. Only when the distance between the two cars is close enough, the system will intervene in the work, or give an early warning, or suddenly avoid, and a slight shift of attention will lead to rubbing and scratching, which has certain security risks.
The practice of RISING PILOT is to monitor the real-time speed difference while sensing the road 360 degrees without dead angle. When encountering a conflict scene, put safety first, and adopt a seemingly "conservative" execution strategy at the first time, that is, keep a safe distance from the surrounding vehicles, let the conflicting vehicles go first, and then complete the follow-up actions such as changing lanes. Logically speaking, the strategic thinking is closer to the experience of human drivers-avoiding risks without making risks.
Of course, even if RISING PILOT behaves like this, it can’t satisfy all users’ tastes. Therefore, Feifan Auto specially added the self-adjustable MY PILOT to support users to switch between various driving modes such as comfort, standard and sports. Different modes have obvious differences in lane change strategies and driving styles to cope with the same traffic conditions, so as to adapt to the individual demands of different users and different road conditions.
From the media measurements, you will find that,RISING PILOT ran very happily and smoothly on the road in China. The reason is very simple. RISING PILOT is fed by Feifan automobile with the actual running data of China road, one kilometer at a time.Before delivery, the measured mileage of RISING PILOT on China Expressway totaled more than 170,000 kilometers, and the overall test mileage exceeded 400,000 kilometers, which was much more than the total mileage driven by many users before changing trains.
Hardware, can’t fall behind.
It is not enough to embed the basic hardware in order to get a certain leading position in the very "rolling" China automobile intelligent driving track. Only by embedding the hardware ahead of the times like Feifan Automobile and providing the foundation for the higher-order algorithm to play its role, can we seize the first-Mover advantage window and firmly lay our own anchor point in the fast-moving industry iteration tide.
Speaking of advanced hardware, "Wei Xiaoli" always seems to be able to grab all kinds of world firsts, such as NVIDIA Orin X autopilot chip and Innovusion 1550nm lidar. Yes, as a new force to build cars, these three companies did occupy the first time window of many smart driving hardware, but this does not mean that only these three companies are busy putting advanced hardware into new cars. The efforts and positive momentum of Feifan Automobile are not worse than "Wei Xiaoli".
First of all, win in number.
Feifan R7 is equipped with 33 sensing hardware, the first domestic mass-produced Premium 4D imaging radar, enhanced long-range point cloud angle radar, 8-megapixel camera and centimeter-level high-precision positioning system.
Secondly, the quality is superior.
For example, the 4D imaging radar, the top sensor that can identify coke cans 140 meters away, was first used in China on Feifan R7.
Premium 4D imaging radar can sense data in four latitudes: distance, speed, horizontal azimuth and vertical height, and adds "detecting the vertical height of objects" on the basis of 3D radar. Compared with millimeter-wave radar, 4D radar improves the detection rate of static obstacles by increasing the number of transmitting and receiving channels, providing point cloud function and outputting four indicators of X, Y, H and V (distance, horizontal and vertical positioning height and speed). At the same time, the detection distance of Premium 4D imaging radar is 350 meters, which is higher than 210 meters of ordinary millimeter wave radar, and it can operate normally in extreme weather and poor lighting conditions.
Twelve 8-megapixel cameras can perceive the whole range around the vehicle in 360 degrees, and the perception content of dynamic traffic participants, static lane lines, ground signs, traffic lights, speed limit signs and other traffic elements is more granular. Moreover, the 8-megapixel camera can achieve a higher dynamic range (HDR) and a stronger LED strobe elimination function (LFM).
In the end, I won in calculation.
Feifan R7 is equipped with NVIDIA Orin X chip, and the computing power of a single chip is 254TOPS, which meets the computing power requirements of the existing platform, and lays a solid foundation for data iteration and algorithm iteration to achieve a higher level of assisted driving.
Undoubtedly, it is not enough to embed the basic hardware. Only by embedding the hardware that is ahead of the times, like Feifan Automobile, can we seize the first-Mover advantage window and firmly lay our own anchor point in the rapid progress of industry iteration.
Write it at the end
The final battle of driving assistance ability is essentially a comprehensive competition of hard and soft. On the premise of the same hardware level, the key to winning is the software level. The algorithm level of software is the core of the solution to realize functional differences. On RISING PILOT, you will see that Feifan Automobile has put the "fully integrated" algorithm route on the stage.
Faster than international manufacturers, because Feifan Automobile has done three things right: First, it will start research and development in the field of intelligent driving in 2020, which is very close to the route of "Wei Xiaoli" turning to self-research, which is consistent with the rhythm of the industry head; Second, a 500-person high-level intelligent driving talent pool was established, and at the same time, project teams were deployed in several cities in China to carry out research and development and improvement centering on the localization scenes and needs of China users; Third, it is deeply bound with the top suppliers in the world such as LUMINAR, NVIDIA and ZF, and presses the acceleration button for the whole process based on the full value chain integration and mass production experience of SAIC.
But why wait until this year? Because Feifan Automobile, as a mature car-making company, doesn’t want to deliver "semi-finished products" to users, so it chooses to use time and a lot of road tests to precipitate data and correct products. The final result is that Feifan Automobile has made a RISING PILOT with its own style. As Wu Bing, CEO of Feifan Automobile, said at Chengdu Auto Show, "Be a big shot, not a big mouth".
China consumers will buy this RISING PILOT system, which was born and raised in Sri Lanka. We can’t give a definite answer before delivery, but what we can be sure of now is that,The "algorithm school" represented by Feifan Automobile is striding towards the center of the stage of the era of intelligent electric vehicles.

Visiting relatives from prison during the Spring Festival and seeing off his father-in-law and father, he has no regrets in life/figure

  Li Linping (a pseudonym), a prisoner, never imagined that he had the opportunity to leave prison to visit relatives during the Spring Festival this year. Having a reunion dinner, seeing off my elderly father-in-law and looking after my seriously ill father … Li Linping said that the experience of visiting relatives made him very excited. "I just want to make a good transformation, get out of prison as soon as possible and live a good life again." It is understood that this year’s Spring Festival, 42 prisons in the province organized a total of 274 prisoners to leave prison to visit relatives. Recently, all prisoners who left prison to visit relatives returned to prison on time.


  Leave prison: to leave prison freely.

  Li Linping, who is over 40 years old, is visiting relatives for the second time. Compared with the previous experience of visiting relatives, he felt very deeply that he was sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment for corruption and abuse of power: "This time it is a reward, which is different from visiting relatives outside the prison. There is no full monitoring, and his psychology is very relaxed, and at the same time he has a sense of responsibility."

  In 2004, Li Linping’s mother-in-law died of illness, and he was granted a special leave from prison to visit relatives. From 3 pm to 6 pm that day, Li Linping, led by two policemen, returned to his hometown Qingbaijiang. After knocking on the head several times in front of her mother-in-law’s spirit and hastily comforting her wife and family, Li Linping reluctantly embarked on the way back to prison.

  At the beginning of February this year, Li Linping was pleasantly informed by Jintang Prison that he was on the list of people who left prison to visit relatives during the Spring Festival! It turned out that because of his good performance after he was imprisoned, Li Linping was given the opportunity to leave prison to visit relatives. At 9: 00 a.m. on February 5, Li Linping dressed up completely and excitedly appeared in front of his wife, sister, brother and other relatives. Accompanied by them, he confidently stepped up and walked out of the prison gate for the first time.

  Home: My father-in-law finally waited for him.

  In the morning, Li Linping went to his father-in-law’s house first. The 82-year-old father-in-law was seriously ill in bed. Li Linping came to the old man’s bed and took his hand tightly: "Dad, I came back to see you. Who am I?" After several calls, the old man raised his hand excitedly and said in a trembling voice, "Are you a son-in-law …" "He has been waiting for me, and now he finally sees me." Li Linping said that at noon the next day, the old man finished his life peacefully.

  Youth League Year: For the first time in many years

  At noon on the first day of returning home, a large family had a reunion dinner at their wife’s home. The family kept raising their glasses to bless the New Year and Li Linping. "For so many years, I went home for a reunion dinner for the first time. I am so happy to see a family in harmony. " Li Linping enjoyed this meal so much that he drank a little wine happily, even though he didn’t drink much at ordinary times.

  Filial piety: taking care of father before bed

  Li Linping, accompanied by his family, rushed to the General Hospital of Chengdu Military Region to visit his 84-year-old father almost every day. Because of his careless fall, his father wearing a ventilator could not speak. "Dad, I’m coming to see you. If you know, blink your eyes." Father moved and really blinked a few times slowly.

  "I finally saw the old man for the last time, but I also regretted that I could not be filial." Li Linping said that just after he returned to prison for half a month, his father quietly stopped breathing. He is very grateful to the prison for giving him the opportunity to leave prison to visit relatives, so that he can see the two old people for the last time.

  Significance: Carrying out humanized management.

  Yesterday, the reporter learned from the Provincial Prison Administration that all prisoners who left prison to visit relatives had returned to prison within the specified time, and there was no incident of supervision safety accident and criminals who left prison to visit relatives disturbing social order. Among them, Liu, a criminal in Chengdu Juvenile Delinquency Center, took the initiative to participate in local rescue and relief activities during his visit from prison, and the local town government sent a special letter of commendation.

  "Under the premise of strict standards,’ sunshine’ approval and ensuring safety, visiting relatives outside prison is an important means to improve the quality of criminal reform, which is the embodiment of the criminal policy of’ tempering justice with mercy’ and also conforms to the current advanced execution concept." Li Xinmin, Party Secretary of the Provincial Prison Administration, said.

  Liu Zhicheng, director of the Provincial Prison Administration, said: "Visiting relatives after leaving prison is an important measure to implement humanized management in prisons and an important embodiment of the prison policy of’ reforming people’. We will strengthen the summary, strive to improve and constantly advance." (Reporter Yang Qin)

Editor: Jufu

The list of the world’s top 500 is released, and Changhong is on the list.

  12moon19World Brand Lab (World Brand Lab)2023World brand of the year500The list of "Strong" was announced.48A China brand entered the list, and China enterprise Changhong ranked first in the world brand list.285Bit, relatively2022Annual increaseoneBit. At the same time, China Air China, Changhong, Haier Zhijia, etc.35A leading brand was selected "2023China Brand Award of the Year ".

  According to relevant analysis, Changhong’s outstanding performance in brand first comes from continuous technological innovation and brand innovation, and constantlyInject fashion, trend, intelligence and other connotations into the brand, andPromote brand rejuvenation and upgrading,Thus, it has built its own industrial ecological moat.

  Innovation: Strengthening the Cooperation Mode of Industry-University-Research

  Sichuan Changhong said on the interactive platform a few days ago that it will continue to strengthen its core competence around business directions such as smart home, industrial Internet and system solutions in specific application fields. In color TV, "Changhong" brand formed "CHiQ","Changhong ","Oboni"Brand matrix, including8KHigh brushMini-LEDNew products, including TV, have a clear trend of large screen and high end. The company’s overseas TV business achieved an output of about 100% in the first half of the year.482Ten thousand units, the sales volume is about43710,000 units, an increase of about.15%6%, North America, the Middle East and other major markets achieved double growth. The company actively expanded overseas markets in white goods business, and realized the rapid growth of washing machine export business. In addition, the company strengthened marketing transformation and established a user-centered full-link service operation system, which promoted the formation of an online and offline omni-channel system. Changhong Jiahua, a subsidiary of the company, maintains good cooperative relations with Huawei in the fields of data storage, data communication and digital energy.

  In recent years, Changhong Holding Group has actively promoted10A "stuck neck" technology and19A major technological innovation project. last year12In June, Changhong Holding Group successfully independently developed.MCUIntelligent control chip adopts ultra-low power consumption process design, which makes household appliances more energy-saving and realizes "domestic core" instead of "imported core". this yearsixIn June, Changhong once again launched the application of the world’s first artificial intelligence model in the field of TV, which made TV enter the era of "strong artificial intelligence".

  Changhong’s pace of innovation is getting faster and faster.10moon11On, Sichuan Changhong Electronics Holding Group Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, as well as intelligent robots.Wait for five joint laboratory agreements. The two sides will jointly build a joint innovation center, promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, jointly promote comprehensive and deepening cooperation, and help Changhong build its competitive advantage in industrial technology.

  Liu Jiang, Party Secretary and Chairman of Changhong Holding Group, introduced that Changhong will further strengthen the positioning of Industry-University-Research cooperation in the enterprise innovation system in order to build the long-term technological competitive advantage of the company’s industry; At the same time, seek industrial investment opportunities through school-enterprise cooperation, enrich Changhong’s industrial ecology, and help the construction of the twin-city economic circle in Chengdu-Chongqing area.

  Expansion: "Enterprise Aircraft Carrier" surfaced.

  In recent years, Changhong has created the overall solution of "smart home" and "smart manufacturing" and strengthened the transformation and development of mature industries such as smart home appliances; At the same time, accelerate the layout of emerging industries such as new energy and semiconductors, and create new space for high-quality development, which further expands the brand extension of Changhong.

  It is noteworthy that Changhong’s industrial layout presents a systematic layout, and each business does not exist and develop in isolation, but is linked or coordinated with each other. For example, its compressor, supporting the refrigerator category of mature industries; The semiconductor industry empowers smart home appliances; The layout of new energy opens up the industrial chain … Such systematic construction of business and capability has realized the value transfer and sharing within the enterprise, and provided stronger kinetic energy for the subsequent development.

  Changhong Multi-industry Corps is creating more possibilities. The listing of "Huafeng Technology" also marks the formation of Changhong in the capital market.7+3"The new situation, namelysevenListed companies (Sichuan Changhong, Changhong Meiling, Changhong Huayi, Changhong Jiahua, Changhong Energy, Zhongke Meiling, Huafeng Technology),threeThree New Third Board listed companies (Changhong Minsheng, Changhong Gerun and Ailian Technology) have initially built a "corporate aircraft carrier" with two-way empowerment of industry and capital. This "enterprise carrier" has been cultivated.20A "specialized and innovative" enterprise, serving the world.100A well-known brand,fiveMore than 100 million users.

  Connection: resonate with consumers at the same frequency

  rainbowCHiQexistThe first show of the ski world cupIt is just a microcosm of its marketing.In recent years, Changhong has continuously injected fashion, trend and intelligence into the brand, andPromote brand rejuvenation and upgrading, and build an internationally renowned brand with global competitiveness.Changhong helped the national badminton team to compete in major international competitions and become the champion partner of the champion; and361Cross-border cooperation with other brands will enter the vision of young people in a younger and more dimensional way, providing users with multi-scene experiences.

  According to relevant analysis, Changhong’s series of brand activities are constantly strengthening the connection and interaction with consumers, and looking for the resonance between the two sides in terms of values. Therefore, the leap of Changhong brand value is not only the embodiment of the strength of technology, industry, intellectual creation and marketing, but also the result of the brand resonating with the tide of the times.

Xintian: Carrying out 6S management training to help the high-quality development of primary health care.

Hunan Daily New Hunan Client December 5 (correspondent Zheng Youwei Song Hui) On December 4, Xinlong Town Health Center of Xintian County organized all medical staff to carry out 6S management training.

Before the training, I learned the actual situation of the hospital in detail, and conducted detailed training on the content, importance, specific methods and requirements of 6S. 6S management includes sorting, rectification, cleaning, cleanliness, literacy and safety. Through the implementation of lean 6S management, every employee can develop the habit of being serious, observing regulations, consciously maintaining a clean and tidy environment and being polite. Cultivate employees’ proactive spirit and sense of ownership, shape employees’ team consciousness, cooperate with each other, help each other and love each other, and form a good habit of being serious and responsible; Create a good atmosphere of cooperation and temper the will of employees; The ultimate goal is to make the work of primary medical institutions procedural, standardized and concise, so as to improve work efficiency, improve the overall quality of employees, establish a good image of primary medical institutions, provide better medical services for patients, and help the high-quality development of primary medical and health undertakings.

Since late November, Xintian County Health and Health Bureau has asked all medical and health institutions in the county to effectively improve their ideological understanding, strengthen organizational leadership, supervision and assessment, do a good job in implementing the work according to the 6S management activity standard and the assessment and evaluation of 6S management activities in primary medical institutions, adhere to the principle of comprehensive promotion, form closed-loop management and long-term adherence, ensure that the work is effective, and constantly sum up experience and popularize it in time.

Up to now, 6S management training has been carried out in five primary medical institutions.

Several actors with "connections" written all over their faces are not only ugly but also bad in acting, and they all look bad.

[The copyright belongs to me, and handling and reprinting will be investigated]

You can observe that many domestic dramas, even CCTV dramas, take the related actors as an example. No matter what kind of drama, they always have to play a role in it.

These plays may be wonderful, but the whole play is ruined because these people get involved. If you don’t believe me, you can look at the following relationship actors.

First place, Zhou Yiran

If you have seen Days of Our Lives, you will definitely be impressed by this actress’s performance.

Her role in the play "Big Snowflake" has been criticized a lot, and it is considered that her performance is not as good as that of Little Snowflake.

Some viewers even questioned whether she brought money into the group. According to an insider, Zhou was still able to play this role because of the recommendation of the producer.

Zhou Yiran, born in Chongqing in 1996, graduated from Sichuan Conservatory of Music with a major in classical dance. She didn’t come from a class, but entered the crew by chance and started her career as an actress.

Although Zhou Yiran’s acting skills have not yet reached perfection, her resources are enviable. She starred in Across the Furious Sea and Priceless Treasure. These resources are very rare for an actor from a non-specialist background.

Although Zhou is still badly scolded in Our Days, it doesn’t seem to affect her acting career.

There is a big hidden light company behind her, which gives her many opportunities to perform in TV dramas and movies. However, there are still many viewers who don’t know who Zhou is still.

Second place, Kan Benben.

Kan Benben was regarded as a "bully", "no acting skill" and "the biggest failure" by the audience because he played the role of Huang Mao Zheng Shengli in in the name of people. Because of his poor acting skills and the absence of this character in the original work, the audience was very dissatisfied with him.

Although he graduated from the director department of Beijing Film Academy, he has never been popular because his acting skills are not recognized. In in the name of people, he served as the executive director and played a supporting role, but he was sentenced to four months in prison and fined four thousand yuan for playing big cards, drunk driving and making trouble.

It is rumored that this is not the first time he has a bad record, but he is still making plays, both in TV dramas and in online movies.

Third place, Liu Boer

For actress Liu Boer, many people may not be familiar with it. However, if you mention the "aunt" in a set of CCTV hit "Mature Year", I believe everyone will be impressed.

This role gives people the feeling that it has been forced in, and it doesn’t have much function and significance. However, Liu Boer’s acting skills can’t make up for her lack of appearance, so she was questioned by netizens as a "related household".

In fact, Liu Boer is indeed a "related household". In "Come on, you are the best", she played a rebellious daughter, but her acting was equally disappointing.

In addition, she also sang the theme songs of Iron Burning and Little Lovers. However, her singing skills were also not recognized by the audience. It is said that all her singing parts were edited by "Million Toners" later.

Some netizens speculate that Liu Boer may be the daughter of director Liu Xin, so she can get roles in so many works. However, no matter from the appearance, acting, singing or masterpiece, Liu Boer does not have the conditions to become a recognized actor.

Even though she was attracted by the director and joined the cast because of her family background, she didn’t perform the role well and was even seen by the audience at a glance. This really makes people feel a little sorry.

Fourth place, Wu Yuqing

The Knockout’s hit at the beginning of the year fascinated the audience, including many fans of all ages. However, when the adult version of "Gao Xiaochen" went online, it attracted a wide range of complaints from the audience. This actor, Wu Yuqing, is the son of a famous actor WU GANG, which also triggered a discussion.

Born in 1996, Wu Yuqing seems to have a sense of inflation, which may be the reason why he doesn’t match the role image of Gao Xiaochen. Although some people think he looks smart, others think he looks like an idle person on the street. In addition, his acting skills also caused some controversy, and some viewers criticized his acting skills for being too exaggerated and his voice was harsh and unpleasant.

However, before The Knockout, Wu Yuqing was not a performance major and had no performance experience. He once appeared in WU GANG’s variety show "All the Way to Adult", but he has no experience in film and television drama performance.

However, it is entirely because of his father, WU GANG, that he entered the The Knockout Theatre to study and play against many veteran and powerful actors. For a complete amateur, this is an opportunity that many people crave, but he easily gets it.

However, for all kinds of nepotism that WU GANG criticized in the play, he personally practiced this behavior outside the play. This behavior makes people feel ironic and dissatisfied.

Fifth place, Zou Yuanqing

Zou Yuanqing, an actress who has worked hard in the entertainment circle for many years, has never been able to establish her position with her masterpiece, although she has got many performance opportunities because of her mother NI YAN.

In the recent TV series "Undercover Police Flower", in order to highlight her role as the heroine, the screenwriter forcibly lowered the IQ of other characters, which led to the absurdity of the whole plot and seriously damaged the seriousness of the police image. This kind of behavior is tantamount to discrediting the entire police group, which is unacceptable.

In addition, Zou Yuanqing’s acting skills and lines also failed to meet the audience’s expectations. Even though NI YAN tried all kinds of resources and efforts to praise her, she still failed to become popular. If it weren’t for NI YAN’s relationship, would she get the chance to perform if she was not outstanding in appearance and mediocre in acting? The answer is obviously yes.


Indeed, these actors who are identified as "related households" often have rich backgrounds and sufficient resources, but this cannot be used as a guarantee for their success in the entertainment industry. Without real acting skills and face value, it is difficult for them to be recognized and loved by the audience.

Like many industries, the entertainment industry needs talent, hard work and opportunities. Without real acting skills, even with more resources and background, it is difficult to capture the hearts of the audience. And if you only rely on the background and resources, rather than improve your acting skills through your own efforts, you will often be ridiculed and abused by the audience.

In addition, Yan value is also a factor that has attracted much attention in the entertainment industry. Although not all actors need to have a top-notch face value, a certain appearance and temperament are also very important considerations. For an actor, it is more important to have a true personality and talent, so as to really attract and impress the audience.

Therefore, for these "related" actors, if they want to achieve real success in the entertainment industry, they must improve their acting skills through their own efforts, and at the same time pay attention to their own image and temperament. Only in this way can we truly grasp the hearts of the audience and become a respected and loved actor.

In fact, it depends on James’ attitude who will start the game in the new season.

It doesn’t depend on them who will play the first round in the new season, but on James’ attitude.

Recently, Babamura and Vanderbilt have been polishing their skills with Handy, the chief assistant coach of the Lakers. This is a smart choice. They are both competitive and need to be improved.

Some people think that the new season may replace Vanderbilt as a starter, on the grounds that the contract is bigger, and at the same time, he played better against the Nuggets in the playoffs last season, and his playing time was the main level.

Vanderbilt has many supporters, and he is still practicing 3 points and is expected to continue to start.

Of course, if Bacomura developed Vanderbilt’s defensive ability, or Vanderbilt developed Bacomura’s offensive ability, then whoever developed first would start, but it would still keep up with last season.

In fact, it doesn’t depend on them, it depends entirely on James’ attitude on the defensive end. Ham commented after the season. He understood James’ staying in the regular season and was very satisfied with James’ performance in the playoffs, but he also pointed out that he criticized James’ attitude in the middle of the season.

James didn’t defend at all for a long time in the regular season, and many games in a row were zero fouls. Now the Lakers are guarding the inside line and James doesn’t do the work of assisting in the defense sweep, so he must have teammates to help him finish the work.

So if James is willing to show the same defensive attitude in the regular season as in the playoffs, then the first one is Ba Cunjian. But if James paddles in the regular season like last season, Vanderbilt will be the only starter.

Yi Jianlian’s Contract Renewal: Worry and Encouragement of the Team under Economic Pressure

Yi Jianlian’s Contract Renewal: Worry and Encouragement of the Team under Economic Pressure

Guangdong men’s basketball team is facing severe economic pressure when renewing Yi Jianlian’s contract. Nowadays, the sports industry is booming and the players’ salaries are rising, which poses an unprecedented challenge to the team’s financial situation. While maintaining competitiveness, Guangdong men’s basketball team needs to allocate salary budget reasonably to ensure the steady development of the team. Fortunately, in this economic crisis, Yi Jianlian’s contract renewal has become a great news for the team. As the core player of the team, Yi Jianlian expressed his willingness to accept the salary reduction and stay in the team, which undoubtedly reduced the economic burden for the Guangdong men’s basketball team. However, the team is still worried about Yi Jianlian’s age and state. He is an old player and his physical fitness and state may be affected.

Despite this, the team is still full of confidence in Yi Jianlian’s leadership and encouragement to young players. There is no doubt about the economic pressure faced by the team. The rapid development of sports industry and the rapid increase of players’ salary have made the financial situation of Guangdong men’s basketball team worse. Maintaining the competitiveness of the team needs to invest a lot of money, but the team can’t consume too much financial resources. In such a difficult situation, Guangdong men’s basketball team must carefully consider every expenditure, especially in renewing the contract of the team’s core players. Yi Jianlian is the soul of Guangdong men’s basketball team, and his contract renewal affects the hearts of countless fans. However, the team must seek a balance under economic pressure to ensure the team’s sustainable development in the future. The value of Yi Jianlian cannot be ignored.

He is a symbolic existence of Guangdong men’s basketball team and one of the best players in the team’s history. Since he returned to the Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team, he has been playing the leading role of the team, and showed extraordinary technical and tactical level on the court. His shooting ability, rebounding and defense are all impeccable, and he is the team’s scoring weapon and defense fortress. Yi Jianlian not only made brilliant achievements on the court, but also set a good example image off the court, which was respected by fans and society. His value is not only reflected in the team’s achievements, but also in the promotion of his reputation and image for the team. For Yi Jianlian’s willingness to accept a pay cut and stay in the Guangdong men’s basketball team, fans are undoubtedly excited. His decision shows his loyalty to the Guangdong men’s basketball team and his affection for this land.

Yi Jianlian is brilliant and has attracted much attention both in CBA and in the international arena. He had the opportunity to play in other richer leagues, but he chose to stay in the Guangdong men’s basketball team, which reflected his gratitude to the team and the fans. His willingness to reduce the financial burden for the team reflects his firm pursuit of the future champion of Guangdong men’s basketball team. This spirit and responsibility is worthy of all Guangdong fans’ pride. However, the team has some concerns about Yi Jianlian’s age and state. Yi Jianlian is 32 years old. Although he is not old among players, age is an unavoidable issue for basketball players. The team needs to pay attention to his physical fitness and state to ensure that he can still play his best on the court.

Although Yi Jianlian has been in good shape, his physical condition may be affected with his age. The team must make a reasonable training and rest plan and arrange his game time reasonably to ensure his health and competitive state. Despite concerns, the team is still full of confidence in Yi Jianlian’s leadership and encouragement. As the leader of the team, Yi Jianlian played a vital role on the court. His leadership style and on-the-spot command enabled the Guangdong men’s basketball team to remain calm and win at the critical moment. In addition, Yi Jianlian’s encouragement and help to young players has also cultivated excellent successors for the team’s future. He has won the respect of teammates and coaches both inside and outside the team, and his existence has a positive impact on the whole team.

On the whole, Yi Jianlian’s contract renewal is not only an economic encouragement, but also a guarantee for the team’s strength. The economic pressure faced by the team in renewing the contract should not be underestimated, but Yi Jianlian is willing to reduce his salary and renew the contract, which has lightened the burden for the team. At the same time, the team is full of confidence in his leadership and motivation for young players, which also provides solid support for the team’s future development. On the premise of successful contract renewal, Guangdong men’s basketball team needs to manage Yi Jianlian’s state and physical fitness scientifically and reasonably to ensure that he continues to maintain the best competitive state. Only on the basis of mutual trust between players and teams can Guangdong men’s basketball team go further and bring more glory and joy to fans.

How to treat manual quality inspection and intelligent quality inspection?

The purpose of intelligent quality inspection is to replace manual inspection with robots and help enterprise managers solve the problem of manual quality inspection. Compared with manual work, intelligent quality inspection can reduce the labor cost by more than 90%, improve the quality inspection efficiency, and achieve 100% full coverage, which brings a new management mode to the customer service center.

What does traditional quality inspection depend on? The naked eye, experience. Problems: different quality inspection standards, low efficiency and low coverage.

Only 1%-2%. With the increase of business volume of enterprises, quality inspectors can’t detect every recording and record, and usually adopt sampling method, which is easy to miss inspection, not only ignoring a large number of work recordings, but also leading to the lack of representativeness of quality inspection results.

Generally, the fastest time for manual quality inspection is the next day to conduct sampling inspection on the recordings or records of the previous day, so managers cannot find problems at the first time and deal with risks in time.

Changes in indicators and business are not linked to quality inspection in time, so it is impossible to find possible problems in time and intelligently.

The results of manual quality inspection are limited by the subjective thinking and professional judgment of quality inspectors, and different quality inspectors have different testing standards, which leads to the lack of objectivity of quality inspection results.

What does AI quality inspection depend on? Constantly optimized AI capabilities. From human to AI, there are many changes: reducing labor costs, improving coverage, unifying testing standards, and improving efficiency … The emergence and application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has made it possible to make up for the shortcomings of manual quality inspection.

  • Improve the efficiency of manual quality inspection

Solve the problems of low sampling rate and low efficiency of manual quality inspection, and the quality inspection coverage rate is 100%, which greatly improves the quality inspection efficiency.

  • Improve the skills of employees

Complete dimension evaluation, analyze and extract effective skills in high-quality voice cases, and improve business skills through employee learning and training.

  • Comprehensive business public opinion analysis

Mining users’ high-frequency problems, quickly finding and feedback, is convenient for managers to formulate effective strategies before risks are formed, thus curbing the scope of influence and optimizing service strategies.

  • Improve customer satisfaction

Solve the feedback problem, improve customer satisfaction, effectively discover the knowledge that customer service lacks, help customer service improve service quality, and improve customer service satisfaction. Excavate high-frequency problems, feed back to business optimization practice, and effectively reduce customer complaint rate.