High flexibility monocrystalline silicon solar cells will better serve the national peak carbon dioxide emissions carbon neutral strategy.

CCTV News:Flexible solar cells have a wide range of applications in mobile communication, vehicle-mounted mobile energy, aerospace and other fields. Recently, the research team of Shanghai Institute of Microsystems, Chinese Academy of Sciences has developed a highly flexible monocrystalline silicon solar cell that can be bent like a piece of paper and is not easy to break. The achievement was published in the international academic journal Nature on May 24th, Beijing time.

In Shanghai Institute of Microsystems, Chinese Academy of Sciences, researchers showed reporters their high-flexibility monocrystalline silicon solar cell. The solar cell in the hands of researchers is like a piece of paper we usually see, which can be bent at a large angle.

Liu Zhengxin, a researcher at Shanghai Institute of Microsystems, Chinese Academy of Sciences:The photovoltaics (solar cells) we use now are all made of monocrystalline silicon. When we apply stress to it, it is easy to break, especially when we want to make it cheaper and thinner.

Researchers told reporters that it was almost impossible to bend a silicon wafer at a large angle without damage in the past. The main reason is that the mechanical characteristics of the silicon wafer limit its flexibility.

Liu Wenzhu, Associate Research Fellow of Shanghai Institute of Microsystems, Chinese Academy of Sciences:Through analysis, our research group found that under the action of bending stress, the silicon wafer always breaks from the sharp tiny groove area around the silicon wafer. Based on such a discovery, our research group developed a method of smoothing the edge of silicon wafer.

The edge smoothing method mentioned by researchers is to treat the sharp V-shaped grooves on the edge surface and side of the silicon wafer into smooth U-shaped grooves, thus changing the microstructure and mechanical properties of the edge of the silicon wafer, while enhancing the flexibility of the silicon wafer, without affecting the light absorption ability of the silicon wafer. At present, the research team has been able to reduce the thickness of silicon wafer to 50-mdash; 60 microns. Compared with traditional solar cells, the photoelectric conversion efficiency of flexible monocrystalline silicon solar cells produced based on this technology remains basically unchanged.

Di Zengfeng, Deputy Director of Shanghai Institute of Microsystems, Chinese Academy of Sciences:Flexible solar cells will greatly expand the application scenarios of solar energy (photovoltaic), and will better serve the national major projects and the national carbon-neutral strategy of peak carbon dioxide emissions.

Hot Search reveals the dark interest chain of girl’s "choosing a concubine"

1905 movie network news A feature film "From Desk to Wine Table" was released by the film starring,, and. The girls entered the charity school, but they didn’t expect it to be a princess-choosing paradise for the rich investors. A ceremonial team performance put the girl Zhang Xiaosui from the "desk" to the "wine table" … The audience was deeply touched by the girl’s experience, and director Xin Yukun also admitted that "there has always been a desire to record the present era, and I hope the film can bring you some invisible truth and courage to speak out bravely".

In the clip, the young girl was originally the object of charity funding, but was forcibly "invited to get on the bus" by wealthy businessmen in the name of kindness. Zhang Xiaosui’s experience made the audience both worried and sad. In the movie, Chen Miao (Zhou Dongyu), He Yan (Song Yang), Peng Yue (Justin) and others launched a battle of online public opinion around the "industrial chain of choosing concubines on campus" in which girls were deeply trapped.

The tit-for-tat between good and evil shows a vivid illustration of public opinion confrontation under the lens of director Xin Yukun. Some viewers said, "It vividly shows the changes in the offensive and defensive of the public opinion field, and its shooting skills of Chinese martial arts make everyone feel the swallowing power of the whirlpool of public opinion."

Director Xin Yukun’s sensitivity and insight into the realistic theme presented the online public opinion field to the public. The audience said, "This film shows the turbulent tension of the crowd, but even in the crowd, some people are still aphasia." Xin Yukun, the director, said, "The original motive of filming is the evil that happens in reality. Some people are hurt and can’t speak, so they want to use movies to make everyone believe in sunshine and justice.".

The film not only depicts the cruel reality sharply, but also makes the audience feel that they should fight back bravely if they are hurt unfairly. Chen Miao, the editor-in-chief of the media played by Zhou Dongyu, took the lead in picking up the "sword" of online public opinion and facing the power after getting help from the victims. Behind her, there are also a group of self-media people who speak out for the truth and firmly fight for justice until the last moment. Although there are struggles, there are also highlights, which are a realistic reflection of the justice of every ordinary person.

After watching the movie, some viewers said, "I admire Chen Miao for letting go when she saw injustice, and dare to fight with the dark forces to the end. I also want to be a spark of starting a prairie fire in this cold winter." Some viewers also said, "I hope that the perpetrators can be severely punished, and all kindness and justice will not be disappointed." Director Xin Yukun said, "There are often complicated causes behind hot spots, which require us to judge more rationally and think independently. I also hope that everyone can feel justice in the cinema and then pass it on to life.".

How to recycle the batteries of new energy vehicles? Expert: Car companies are the first responsible subject.

  With the rapid growth of sales and ownership of new energy vehicles, a new problem has surfaced: what to do with the power batteries used in new energy vehicles after they are scrapped?

  The interim measures for the management of the recycling of power batteries for new energy vehicles jointly formulated by seven departments, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, will come into effect on August 1.

  Hefei is the first pilot city of new energy vehicles in China. Now, with the use and popularization of these new energy vehicles, various problems have gradually emerged in automobile power batteries. How to deal with these aging or even abandoned batteries? The reporter recently interviewed people in the industry for this purpose.


  Car companies are the first responsible body for battery recycling.

  How to deal with the scrapped battery? Qin Liwei, director of the electric vehicle platform of Jianghuai Automobile New Energy Automobile Research Institute, made the following interpretation from a professional perspective.

  "This policy, which was implemented on August 1, is extremely timely and reasonable for the whole industry. The original intention of research and development of new energy vehicles is to protect the environment. Now strengthening the recycling of batteries is also due to deep environmental considerations." Qin Liwei said. On the one hand, although it takes a certain degree of buffer period for major recycling enterprises to apply for qualification and production capacity, battery manufacturers to destock, automobile manufacturers to establish recycling outlets and recycling system construction, Jianghuai Automobile, as the first batch of enterprises producing electric vehicles in China, has entered the retirement period, so it is necessary to prepare for the upcoming "scrapping tide". On the other hand, many rounds of discussions have been carried out before the introduction of this new regulation. At present, the responsibilities of all parties are clearly divided, the tasks are clear, and the implementation is reasonable. Jianghuai has always attached great importance to this work, and made it clear that "car companies are the first responsible subject for battery recycling".

  There are three major destinations for scrapping new energy vehicle power batteries.

  When asked about the whereabouts of the power batteries of new energy vehicles after scrapping, Qin Liwei said that the batteries currently used by Jianghuai Automobile are mainly divided into three major destinations according to categories: First, test batteries are returned to battery manufacturers and then delivered by relevant departments to battery recycling enterprises with professional qualifications; Second, some markets repair batteries, which are scrapped by maintenance service personnel to battery manufacturers for recycling; Third, the batteries used in JAC vehicles are signing agreements with professional battery recycling enterprises to open up ways to recycle batteries.

  It is understood that there is no enterprise specializing in recycling new energy vehicle batteries in Hefei at present, and the qualification of recycling is of vital significance in the whole implementation. At present, there are only five enterprises with this qualification in China, and Hefei Guoxuan Hi-Tech Power Energy Co., Ltd. is applying for this qualification to carry out battery recycling business.

  At present, there are two main ways to dispose of scrapped batteries in China. One is to send them to related recycling enterprises for physical disassembly and direct scrapping, and the other is to store energy and recycle batteries that are still valuable, such as the use of traffic lights at intersections. For the promotion of battery recycling in the future, Qin Liwei put forward the following suggestions: First, strengthen public opinion propaganda and actively guide consumers to scrap batteries in formal channels; The second is to implement the establishment of all relevant laws and regulations to restrict vehicles and improve the personal punishment mechanism; The third is to strengthen the connection between the registration of the vehicle management office and the owner’s change and traceability system.


  There is still a large demand for charging. I hope the new regulations will land as soon as possible.

  For the problem of battery scrapping, the reporter visited several communities in Hefei on the spot and learned about the configuration of charging piles in several communities and the attitude of car owners to this new regulation.

  In the Binhu Mingzhu Community, there are 16 slow-charging charging piles at the entrance, and four new energy vehicles are charging. A male car owner said, "Our electric car has just been purchased for one year, and it is not very convenient to charge. There are fewer charging piles nearby, and some fuel vehicles occupy the original charging position." When talking about the new regulations on power batteries recently introduced, the owner said: "If this policy is implemented, it will certainly be very supportive. After all, there will still be a special channel for recycling and disposal of aging batteries in the future."

  In Yaohai Peace Garden, the community is equipped with 15 fast-charging charging piles. When the reporter went to the scene, only two new energy vehicles were parked and charged. A female car owner who is charging told reporters that because there are charging piles in the community, the usual charging needs can still be basically met. When asked if he was worried about what to do with the aging battery, the owner said, "Yes, I am worried. I have been driving this car for three or four years, and I still don’t know what to do when the battery is discarded. I hope there is a good way to solve this confusion."

  government department

  Hefei has a reward for recycling used power batteries.

  The reporter learned that from the "Notice on Declaring Some Financial Subsidies for Hefei-level New Energy Vehicles in 2017" issued by the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, it can be clearly seen that "the waste power battery recycling system will be established for vehicle and battery manufacturers and recycled, and 10 yuan will be awarded per kWh according to the battery capacity."

  The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other seven ministries and commissions have jointly identified 17 regions including Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and China Tower Co., Ltd. as pilot areas and enterprises for recycling power batteries of new energy vehicles, and our province has been successfully selected as a pilot.

  According to the pilot scheme, our province will gradually realize the overall goal of "1234" by 2020 in accordance with the principle of government guidance and market dominance, that is, to form an industrial alliance of power battery recycling, build two systems of power battery recycling and traceability, build three platforms of power battery evaluation, trading and research and development, build four benchmark enterprises, including step-by-step utilization benchmark enterprises and comprehensive utilization benchmark enterprises, and build a number of demonstration projects. Establish a recycling network covering Anhui and surrounding provinces, form a perfect recycling system for power batteries, and form a comprehensive utilization capacity of a certain scale.


  You can contact directly for trade-in.

  The reporter contacted a number of dealers selling new energy vehicles in Hefei by telephone, and learned from them that at present, if the power batteries of new energy vehicles in consumers’ homes are aging, they can be dealt with by dealers. However, replacing the new energy battery can only change the battery core, not the whole group.

  When asked what to do with the battery after recycling, a dealer revealed that at present, there is no national and regional system recycling network built by battery manufacturers or dealers in China. If the power battery of new energy vehicle is aging, the owner will directly exchange the used battery in the form of discount by directly contacting the dealer. After that, the dealers will carry out relevant centralized treatment of the recovered batteries, but at present, there is no local enterprise specializing in the treatment of new energy vehicle batteries in Hefei.

  background information

  As the first pilot city of new energy vehicles in China, Hefei ranks first in the proportion of new energy vehicles in the number of motor vehicles, and the total promotion and application of family pure electric cars ranks first in the country. By the end of July 2015, Hefei had promoted 16,000 new energy vehicles nationwide and 9,932 new energy vehicles within the city, accounting for about 5.6% of the national total.

  A few days ago, the Interim Measures for the Management of Recycling Power Batteries of New Energy Vehicles jointly formulated by seven departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology came into effect on August 1. The interim measures stipulate that: automobile production enterprises bear the main responsibility for recycling power batteries, and relevant enterprises perform corresponding responsibilities in all aspects of recycling power batteries to ensure the effective utilization and environmental protection disposal of power batteries.

  advice from others

  Current situation of battery recycling and disposal in other countries

  It is understood that at present, developed countries have basically established a relatively complete recycling system for waste lead batteries, mainly in the following three ways: battery manufacturers are responsible for organizing recycling through their retail networks; Establish a specific waste battery recycling company by recycling enterprises; Compulsory alliance and professional recycling company approved by government regulations to collect batteries and recycle waste.

  The waste batteries recovered by the above three ways are uniformly handed over to the regular recycling enterprises, and the government gives the recycling enterprises a certain subsidy for the disposal of waste batteries.

  Intern Han Xiao Hefei Evening News ZAKER Hefei Trainee Reporter Tang Meng Wen/Tu

Looking forward to a reunion dinner for 14 years, Sun Haiyang returned to Jianli’s hometown with his wife and children for the New Year.

According to the extreme journalist Huang Zhigang Xiangying Yin Yue

Photo photography Huang Zhigang

On the morning of January 24th, Sun Haiyang, his wife, children and a family of five drove from Shenzhen to their hometown in Jianli, Hubei Province for the New Year reunion. Spring Festival travel rush’s journey home, which spans more than 950 kilometers, is like his 14-year search for relatives. Although it is full of hardships, it is a happy ending. At 1: 40 am on the 25th, the Sun Haiyang family returned to their hometown in Jianli, took the first family photo in 14 years and had the first reunion dinner in 14 years.

From the toll station of Jianli Expressway, Jimu journalists recorded the reunion time of Sun Haiyang’s family back to their hometown. Nearly 4 million netizens on all platforms of Jimu News "watched the reunion and reunion time of Sun Haiyang’s family". Sun Haiyang also said frankly: "I remember Chutian Metropolis Daily all my life. At that time, it was called every day. When it was not working, it was the media in my hometown that helped me."

All the way, the first family portrait in 14 years was fixed.

"Welcome home!" At 1: 15 a.m. on 25th, a journalist who was broadcasting live at the toll station of Jianli Expressway sent his blessing to Sun Haiyang’s family who was coming slowly.

On the morning of 24th, Sun Haiyang left Shenzhen with his wife Peng Siying, his daughter Sun Yue, his eldest son Sun Zhuo and his children Huihui, and returned to his hometown in Jianli, Hubei for the New Year. This time, Sun Haiyang took Sun Zhuo to reunite with his grandparents in his hometown, which means the first Spring Festival reunion in 14 years.

It takes about 1000 kilometers to go back to Jianli’s hometown from Shenzhen, which takes about 13 hours according to the normal itinerary. However, it coincides with the rush hour of returning traffic in Spring Festival travel rush and the continuous rainy weather in some areas, Sun Haiyang’s trip home is particularly "bumpy". On the evening of 24th, Jimu journalists made a live broadcast at the toll station of Jianli Expressway, introducing the specific itinerary of Sun Haiyang’s family to netizens, and broadcasting the information about the abducted children who had not found them. By the early morning of 25th, there were still more than one million netizens "waiting in the cloud" in the live broadcast room of Jimu News, hoping to witness Sun Haiyang’s family returning to their hometown.

Grandma Sun Zhuo, who is in Jianli’s home, has already cleaned the house, laid new sheets for her children and grandchildren who have returned home, and bought new cotton shoes for her three grandchildren.

From Jianli Toll Station to Sun Haiyang’s home, a journalist drove all the way to follow the live broadcast, and many netizens sent New Year greetings to Sun Haiyang’s family in the live broadcast room.

At about 1: 40, Sun Haiyang’s car drove to the door, waiting for her children and grandchildren’s grandmother Sun Zhuo, who still didn’t sleep, waiting for their return. Sun Zhuo also brought back his favorite guitar, scooter and piggy bank from Shenzhen.

While Sun Haiyang’s mother had not rested, he suggested taking a family photo quickly. Under the witness of the reporter, Sun Haiyang and his family were sitting on the sofa, Sun Yue was holding Sun Zhuo, and Sun Hui and Sun Zhuo were wearing "brothers’ clothes". The family smiled at the camera and took a group photo of reunion. Sun Haiyang also reminded Sun Zhuo that his back would be straight when taking photos.

Sun Haiyang said that Sun Zhuo’s school in Shenzhen has adapted very well. This time, he will stay at home and reunite with his relatives and friends, and will not return to Shenzhen until the day before Sun Zhuo goes to school.

A table of New Year’s dinner defines the meaning of family reunion.

Although he didn’t rest until 2 o’clock in the morning on the 25th, Sun Haiyang got up early that morning and was busy cleaning up the house and preparing for the reunion dinner that day.

"Sun Zhuo is not picky about food, what we eat, what he eats." Peng Siying, Sun Zhuo’s mother, told Jimu news reporter that during her stay in Shenzhen, the whole family lived in harmony and enjoyed the happiness of reunion, and her son Sun Zhuo quickly integrated into this big family.

In order to prepare for the reunion dinner, Sun Haiyang drove to a farmer’s market far from home to buy vegetables early in the morning. Sausages, lotus roots, Artemisia selengensis, diaozi fish … Sun Haiyang searched for ingredients in the food market according to his childhood taste memory.

Sun Hui, the youngest son, showed off his guitar playing through the live broadcast of the news, and a song "Teenager" attracted millions of netizens’ attention.

At 11 o’clock noon, Peng Siying and her mother-in-law went to the kitchen to be busy, preparing a reunion dinner at noon. Before entering the kitchen, the reporter smelled the aroma of ribs lotus root soup in the room. Sun Yue ran to the kitchen and tried to help her mother Peng Siying, but her mother refused. Peng Siying said that lotus root soup is her specialty, just to let the family taste the taste of "home".

Near 12 noon, Peng Siying and her mother-in-law were busy, which enriched the dishes on the round table. Sausage fried with Artemisia selengensis, fish fried with diaozi, pickled sherry red, pea rice, and red cabbage moss … A table of dishes for strengthening local eating habits was served by Sun Yue, Sun Zhuo and Sun Hui in turn.

"This is the highlight, the lotus root soup is coming!" Peng Siying served a big bowl of lotus root soup. She said that lotus root soup in Jianli dialect indicates the meaning of reunion, wishing the whole family reunion, harmony and beauty in the new year.

"I wish grandpa good health and a long life!" "I wish grandpa a long and healthy life!" "I wish my mother will never have white hair." Sun Yue, Sun Zhuo and Sun Hui took the drink cups in turn and sent blessings to the elders at home.

"I have been looking forward to this reunion dinner for 14 years, and today it is finally complete!" Sun Haiyang said that what he was most afraid of before was the Chinese New Year, because Sun Zhuo’s abduction, and every reunion moment during the festive season was the saddest time in Sun Haiyang’s heart. "At that time, I thought, don’t let me celebrate the New Year. But I am very happy now, because Sun Zhuo has gone home and the family has really reunited. "

"I remember Chutian Metropolis Daily all my life. At that time, it was called every day. When it was not working, it was the media in my hometown that helped me." Sun Haiyang said, thanks to the media reports, let his report about finding relatives be concerned by the society, and thanks to the efforts of the public security organs, let him find his children.

"We are like a family, and we hope that one day, all the children will be found back." In the live broadcast of the extreme news that day, Sun Haiyang said that he would unite with parents who have not found their children and help them find them.


South Korea’s new tour "Night Crow" leads! More than a dozen new foreign clothes have been put on the shelves, and there are many kinds of them.

March has passed, and after several months of adaptation and running-in at the beginning of the year, a vibrant summer will come. Of course, in this vibrant season, major game manufacturers are also full of energy. In April, there were more than a dozen good-quality multiplayer games online. Let’s see if there is one you like.

Night crow

Online time: April 27, 2023

Online area: South Korea

At the G-Star 2022 Game Show in South Korea, Wemade, the developer of Legend series, released MMORPG’s new work Night Crows, which was developed with Unreal 5 engine and pursued realistic game pictures. It is reported that "Night Crow" will reflect the huge medieval European worldview. As a member of the 13th century European guild "Night Crow", players have encountered many incidents.

At present, internal testing has been carried out, and it is expected to be launched in South Korea in April 2023, but it should be noted that the official has confirmed that it will not land on the Steam platform.

"Night Crow" adopts a job-changing system, so that the initial four occupations will eventually become eight occupations through job-changing. After that, you can make your initial career stronger through three promotions.

"Night Crow" removes the exaggerated fighting speed and the gorgeous skills. The game allows players to experience real fighting fun through "real action" and "fighting ability" improved by their own efforts. At the same time, each profession provides the fun of "real action" through different sense of attack and the action, visual and auditory effects of monsters when they are attacked. And this kind of fighting pleasure will be further strengthened through large-scale fighting.

Although the war has not changed, the form has been changing. The Night Crow upgraded the battlefield through a large-scale battle of 1,000 people, physical conflicts between characters, and a three-dimensional battlefield formed by the difference between wings and terrain. Players can experience colorful battles without plane and siege warfare as the center.

In addition, the game also has "wings" that can fly, which will provide realistic movements to and from the ground and air freely. Players can not only glide far when descending, but also use three functions: stopping in the air, flying forward quickly in a horizontal state, and attacking from the air with the enemy on the ground as the target.

Meet the Creator

Online time: April 4, 2023

Online region: global

"Meet the Creator" is a post-apocalyptic game with its own level. Each level is designed by the player himself, and the construction and sneak attack are completed in the first person. Design a position full of traps and guards alone or in cooperation with many people, or carry out fast-paced battles in an orderly manner and sneak up on other players’ positions.

You are the caretaker of Chimera, and Chimera is a living experiment created as a last resort to save life on earth. Take part in a strategic battle for the most precious resource on earth, which is also the key to the evolution of your Chimera: pure genetic material. Build and reinforce labyrinthine outposts to extract and protect your genetic material. Sneak into other players’ outposts and use your brains to get more genetic material. Fight for life adaptation, upgrade and evolution.

Build a sinister death trap like a maze to lure other players in and kill them with wisdom. Clever use of massive customizable bricks, traps and guards. Pre-record patrol routes for your guards with innovative AI recording system. Players can also share your outpost and watch other players come to challenge. Harvest trophies from the dead, and learn from the survivors how to strengthen your outpost and how not to lose progress and resources when robbed.

Bad beast alliance

Online time: April 5, 2023

Online region: global

League of Bad Beasts: Robbery Simulator is a chaotic multiplayer looting game, suitable for 1-4 players, spanning 8 different chapters, with 21 unique looting levels! Play the mutant animal under the command of criminal genius Tony, the leader of the Bad Beasts Alliance. Through a series of looting, it caused serious damage, starting from convenience stores, looting banks, and then breaking into a super secret military base. Their mission has been extended to outer space!

Stealing alone is not safe. The game supports bringing up to 3 partners and destroying their joints when you try to steal all the uncertain things. Online or local cooperation mode, and bring chaos! However, if you need some alone time, please don’t worry, the game also provides a single-player mode.

Each mutant animal in the game has its own special abilities, which allow you to explode things, smash checkpoints and create a level playing field. Bring chaos, vent freely, just be careful not to destroy your teammates. Drinking soda, eating tortillas and other spicy Mexican food will give you the strength you need and smash and grab your way to victory.

There are many ways to get through each level in League of Bad Beasts, so you have to explore everything and pick up tools and weapons so that you can choose the route that suits you and your gang. As long as you make sure you choose the right tools for your job, a fire axe can get you through a door, but for those annoying guards, a shotgun may be the answer.

Shu Shan: The First Chapter Online Edition

Online time: April 6, 2023

Online region: global

I believe that many players have already played the buyout version of "Shushan: the first chapter" before, and now the online version of "Shushan: the first chapter" will be officially launched in April. The game will be downloaded free of charge and paid for the duration (point card/monthly card).

Shushan: The First Chapter is a role-playing game based on PC/iOS/ Android platform developed and operated by Chengdu Yimoxuan Network Technology Co., Ltd. This work has created a huge and three-dimensional world of repairing the truth, from Jiuhua on the edge of the desert in the north, Qingcheng wrapped in the Great Lakes in the south, the vast expanse surrounded by miasma in China and Tibet in the east, and each region has unique adventures, demons and beautiful scenery, which only need to be explored by players.

As a practitioner of truth, in the process of exploring this world, players will be able to master the art of imperial sword, control the power of heaven and earth, exercise the body to resist insects, acquire various miscellaneous studies, and then refine the spirit and build the foundation until they become gods. Since it is to fix the truth, the magic weapon, spiritual root and other elements are indispensable. In this respect, the game reproduces the system of cultivating truth in network literature, and puts the spiritual root, magic weapon, equipment, skill, achievement method, talent and realm into the game as the player’s combat power.

"The Road to Exile" new expansion "Melting Pot"

Online time: April 7, 2023

Online region: global

Grinding Gear Games released the name of the next expansion of Road to Exile-"Crucible". It will be launched on PC on April 7th and on Xbox and PlayStation platforms on April 12th. The developer also released a trailer showing a lava furnace and a huge statue overlooking the player.

3.21 The details of the expansion will be revealed on Twitch Channel of Exile Road at noon on March 30th. In addition to understanding the content and the new challenge alliance, Chris Wilson, co-founder and managing director, will answer questions in the live Q&A session.


Online time: April 7, 2023

Online region: global

Ravenswatch is a roguelike action game with a bird’s-eye view, which combines exciting real-time fighting, deep gameplay and high replay value. After the great success of "The Temple of the Unknown", Passtech returned with a brand-new formula and game experience. Players can choose to play alone, or four people can work together online.

Nightmares spread in the dreamland, eroding everything they touch. Players must hone their skills, accumulate enough strength, and use various unique heroic abilities to defeat those nightmare creatures.

In order to beat the nightmare and reach the final chapter of the story, players must not only know how to match a set of powerful equipment and skills, but also have excellent concentration and superb teamwork level. Improve your combat power in battles again and again, and then go to fight against the leader of the checkpoint after being fully prepared … or fight hard in a situation where you have no choice.

The world in the game is built on ancient folk stories and legends. From three little pigs to Nordic mythology to Arabian Nights, this game will rewrite these well-known stories in a dark fantasy style, and use their timeless charm to make the finishing touch to the atmosphere of Ravenswatch.


Online time: April 14, 2023

Online region: global

Many players have been waiting for years, and even feel that the space shooting game "Border" is really coming this time. In March, Skystone Games and The Lancet Studio announced that the space shooting online game "Border" will be launched on the Steam platform on April 14th.

Border is a first-person shooter with a space theme in the near future, with nearly 500,000 wish lists on Steam! In the game, players can fly freely and fight in teams: space security in spacesuits shuttles through the boundless space and fights with enemies in all directions. The battle in Border is similar to a close-range dogfight in air combat, and any subtle position, angle and position can determine the outcome of the dogfight.

By the way, The Lancet Technology and Game Science are both new companies founded by former Tencent employees, and they are also making high-quality works that players expect. Game science is making Black Myth: Wukong, while The Lancet Science and Technology is making the space shooting game Border.

This preemptive experience will bring players three levels of "pioneer bundles", such as "medium cup", "large cup" and "extra large cup", which are priced at $24.99, $34.99 and $44.99 respectively in overseas areas, as shown in PAX East Game Show. Different levels of bundles have unique packages and more privileges.

Disney Infinite Ride

Online time: April 18, 2023

Online region: global

Disney Unlimited Ride is a racing game based on classic animated characters. Players will play the iconic characters of Disney and Pixar as track warriors, and at the same time, players can upgrade the attributes of each character and acquire exclusive skills.

The game has many familiar character lineups, including Mulan, Mickey, Maoguai, Baru, Captain Jack, Beast, etc. They are fully armed and ready to join the racing battle. Players need to upgrade the data of each character and make full use of their special skills to win the game.

Although the gameplay of "Disney Infinite Ride" is simple and easy to use, if you want to dominate every game, you must master all kinds of skills and driving skills, learn to use nitrogen to propel at the best time, turn the tail accurately, and quickly adapt to the changing track. Players can choose racing drivers in single-player mode to enjoy the exciting track alone, or post war posts to friends in local or remote multiplayer mode, or compete with players from all over the world to become real online legendary drivers.

From the Pirate Island in Pirates of the Caribbean to the jungle ruins in Fantasy Forest, and then to the scary factory in Monster Power Company, there are several classic scenes in the game for players to race wildly, and players can experience the fun of racing in these worlds from a new perspective.

In addition, the game also has a lot of custom functions. Players choose their favorite driver’s clothes, put on gorgeous racing uniforms, show off fashionable wheels and tails, and define their own roles and racing cars.

My World: Legend

Online time: April 19, 2023

Online region: global

"My World: Legend" is a derivative game of "My World". This game is essentially a new action strategy game, and it also incorporates elements such as action slashing and sandbox opening. Players will explore a soft land with rich resources and lush biota, which is on the verge of destruction. The raging pig spirit has arrived, and you have the responsibility to inspire your allies and lead them in a strategic battle to save the main world.

The player has a protagonist who can be directly controlled and can move around freely, and the player’s perspective has always followed him. Players also have a group of Yueling (creatures added to the new version of My World), which can be assigned to collect various resources. In addition to collecting resources scattered on the map, you can also go to NPC to do tasks to get resource rewards; These resources can be used to build various buildings and upgrade their capabilities; There is a fixed base at the beginning of the game, and players can build new bases in other places and will be resurrected at the nearest base after death.

Different from the general strategy game, My World has no battle task of level system, but provides a vast sandbox world. Maps are also randomly generated, which will constantly generate new events and enemies, and various elements can be skillfully integrated; The goal of the player is to find and destroy the portal of another world on the map, from which the enemy appears.

Dead island 2

Online time: April 21, 2023

Online region: global

If you want to count today’s ill-fated game works, dead island 2 definitely ranks among them. Since the first release of this game in 2014, there have been frequent accidents. Either the production team was changed or the progress ran aground. Many players who expected dead island 2 have given up hope and even asked the development team to concentrate on developing other games.

Interestingly, however, even after experiencing so many difficulties and jumping tickets countless times, the game "dead island 2" still didn’t cool down, and even persisted, and will be officially released on April 21, 2023.

Up to now, dead island 2 has been replaced by three production teams, and now it is being developed by Dambuster Studios.

The game takes the "city of angels" Los Angeles, which was invaded by terrorists, as the stage, and includes classic landmarks from the green suburbs of Beverly Hills to the coastal path of Venice Beach. Players can choose six characters with different personalities and lines, customize the ability of each character, and try the most intense and bloody first-person crazy battle through a brand-new skill system. There will be plenty of weapons and tactical and brutal options for players to deal with the swarming zombies.

There are six characters to choose from in the game, each with its own unique personality and dialogue. Players can completely customize the ability of each killer, and use the brand-new skill system to let players immediately redistribute their abilities and try out the craziest combination. The game also has dozens of unique zombie types, each with its own variation, attack mode and hundreds of Los Angeles-themed modeling changes.

Dead island is an orthodox role-playing game, which provides a lot of exciting tasks, unprecedented roles and thrilling vulgar plots, so that players can really immerse themselves in a distorted world view. In addition, there is a wonderful and exaggerated cooperation mode, which can be carried out by up to three players, ensuring that players can spend a very long and violent journey in Los Angeles.


Online time: April 21, 2023

Online region: global

"Eresys" is a cooperative game with horror elements, mainly focusing on teamwork. A team of four players face the fear of the Cthulhu universe together. This book has artificial intelligence mechanism and terrible entity, which will make you regret stepping into the forest. Only when Qi Xin works together and uses the order of the occult, can it be tenable.

In "Eresys", the player will take an adventure on an island. In the plot, the island is cursed by a heretic, who uses the cult to sacrifice all the residents on the island, and opens the portal to the void on the island, attracting a large number of monsters from other worlds. The player will play an agent and work together with other players to seal the portal and drive the monsters out of the island.

According to the introduction, players will explore the truth and seal the evil curse through interaction, sacrifice and other means in the process of exploration. The whole game will be played in the dark, and the overall game atmosphere is depressed and the horror atmosphere is very good. In addition, monsters in the game will have a high AI, and monsters will change their plans to obstruct players according to their next actions. Players need not only great courage but also cooperation and wisdom to complete their tasks in the game.

Pasha times

Online time: April 26, 2023

Online region: global

Roots of Pacha is a pixel sandstorm box construction farming game, in which players can manipulate your characters to lead people to build a village in ancient times.

This game is developed with the concept of multiplayer game. Live with your friends and contribute your talents and resources to help the tribe develop. Let’s have a fishing competition, participate in fun festivals and watch landmark multiplayer cutscenes together.

In the game, players need to live in harmony with nature and carry out various activities to discover, collect and cultivate vegetables and herbs; Explore the nearby wilderness and find animals to domesticate and raise; Go fishing in various depths of water to see what you can catch; Go deep into dark caves full of mysterious power to mine ore.

Players need to learn how to process and preserve food (meat, vegetables and vegan food), carry out metal processing, make exquisite porcelain and handicrafts, unlock the spiritual support of the tribe, invent new buildings and expand their villages with their own ideas.

The unity of people in the community is the key to ensure the survival of your village. Everyone has their own dreams and concerns. Cultivate friendship and overcome difficulties together. Invite people from other tribes to come to your village and grow stronger and stronger. Take part in festivals and sacrifices of Mother Nature Pasha and its elements.


Online time: April 27, 2023

Online region: global

In this Cyberpunk-style light Roguelike action game set in the distant future, players will reset a disordered artificial intelligence while crossing the Arc space station! Every time, it starts with an enhanced clone, and it is necessary to save the Arc from the danger of collapse!

An unpredictable virus infected KORE, the artificial intelligence of Titan-class space station Arc, and the ArcRunner protocol was initialized. You have been recalled and asked to cross the space station, defeat the regional guardians, find KORE and reset it.

As the greatest tactical executor, choose one’s own neurorobot body from three body templates. According to your own play style, choose among soldiers, ninjas or hackers, and become an all-round fighter, a fast and deadly warrior or an expert in infiltration and destruction. Each character is equipped with unique weapons or abilities that reflect his own characteristics, from energy sledgehammer and Taidao to shock and burst attack.

Players will have four enhancement options to choose from, which can affect weapon damage and effect, as well as increase mobility and additional guns! Each reinforcement can be upgraded 5 times, and each profession has its own scope of reinforcement, specific to their roles!

To reach KORE and defeat artificial intelligence, you must first cross the arc. From the dystopian Cyberpunk city "The City" of the unfortunate to the elegant area "Eden Heights" of the rich, we are fighting all the way in the four main areas of the game, and each area contains about seven randomly generated levels. The pattern of each level is completely random, which not only contains blocks of different game modes, but also may encounter "challenge treasure box" blocks.


Online time: April 28, 2023

Online region: global

Crystarise is a 2D open-world action RPG game that allows players to explore the vast land based on an empty island, and supports multiplayer mode for fun in addition to single player. It should be noted that at present, the game only supports Japanese and English. After all, the developer is Japanese and does not support Chinese.

In the game, the action gameplay explored by Yuan Ye is combined with the self-defined construction elements of the stronghold. The purpose of the player is to operate the girl who is the patron saint of the empty island to develop the empty island, and to develop the material resources needed by the empty island, it is necessary to explore and collect the vast land that will change randomly every landing.

In the game, players can freely go back and forth between the empty island and the earth to explore and adventure freely, and use the resources brought back to build the empty island to add more facilities, so that the empty island can continue to develop, and thus unlock more new abilities that are helpful to adventure to expand the scope of adventure. The development team said that after opening the first experience, different adventure stages and additional elements will be continuously updated in the future to make the player’s empty island life more colorful!

"Group-type" medical assistance in cooperation between the east and the west builds a "healthy bridge" for the city and Wei.

Xin Dingxi Dingxi Daily correspondent Zhao Jingting

The mountains and seas are far apart, and the hearts and hands are closely connected. In recent years, Weiyuan County and Chengyang District of Qingdao have continuously increased their cooperation in medical cooperation. By implementing the management of Luoxi Hospital, increasing capital investment, building facilities, exchanging talents, and building disciplines, the rapid development of health care in Weiyuan County has been effectively promoted.

During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday this year, a parturient in Weiyuan County People’s Hospital suffered from rapid and massive bleeding and weak uterine contraction in a short time after giving birth to a newborn by cesarean section. After receiving the notice, Liu Qi, a help expert from Chengyang District People’s Hospital in Qingdao, arrived at the department at the first time to quickly understand the changes in the condition and guide the start of the emergency plan for obstetric hemorrhage.

"By adjusting anesthesia, optimizing fluid replacement and using vasoactive drugs, the circulation was stable. The operation lasted for more than four hours. After a lot of fluid replacement, blood transfusion and diuresis, the stability of maternal vital signs and the normal function of tissues and organs were ensured." Liu Qi said. During half a year’s assistance and cooperation, he mainly carried out surgical anesthesia, carried out new technology projects in the front line of clinical anesthesia, taught more than 200 cases in one-on-one teaching and guided practical operation, and gave more than 20 lectures on professional technology. In the form of small classes, he studied some new anesthesia methods and guidelines at home and abroad with everyone and shared his experience.

Since 2021, Weiyuan County has sent 55 medical technicians to Shandong Province for further study, which has achieved remarkable results, learned advanced diagnosis and treatment technology, promoted the improvement of medical technology and improved the comprehensive diagnosis and treatment service capacity. Qingdao Chengyang District People’s Hospital sent 12 experts to assist and guide the general surgery, critical care medicine, endocrinology, anesthesiology, brain department, pediatrics, cardiology and other departments of the county people’s hospital; Qingdao Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine sent 3 experts to help and guide the departments of orthopedics, cardiology, radiology and encephalopathy in the county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, and 3 experts to help and guide the departments of neurology, obstetrics and gynecology and orthopedics in the county hospital of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine.

In 2022, Chengyang District helped 500,000 yuan to equip Huichuan Town Health Center and Yangzhuang Branch of Huichuan Town Health Center with 2 ambulances and vehicle-mounted equipment; The assistance fund is 4.94 million yuan, which is used for the construction of grassroots medical and health quality improvement projects in cooperation between the east and the west. Qingdao also donated more than 500,000 anti-epidemic materials to the county.

In 2023, the assistance fund was 300,000 yuan, which was used for the construction of primary health care quality improvement projects in cooperation between the east and the west. Seven medical institutions, including Chengyang Street Community Health Service Center in Chengyang District, donated 100,000 yuan to 11 medical institutions, including Qingyuan Community Health Service Center in Qingyuan Town, through the Weiyuan County Red Cross Society, to purchase medical equipment, further enhancing the county’s medical service capacity. Qingdao Hisense Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. donated medical materials worth 2.3 million yuan to the county hospital of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine.

Talents, technologies and ideas from Qingdao’s medical and health fields are being continuously imported into Weiyuan, based on expanding the space of health cooperation between the two sides, and promoting the exchange of ideas, interaction of ideas and mutual learning of styles. In the past three years, Qingdao City, Shandong Province has changed from "blood transfusion" to "hematopoiesis" by means of "personnel attachment, hospital-hospital cooperation, remote consultation, technical support and personnel training", thus realizing the desire of the people not to leave the county after serious illness.

Jordan’s only fear is Pippen’s departure. Once he leaves, he won’t even be as good as Durant.

Jordan’s only fear is Pippen’s departure. Once he leaves, he won’t even be as good as Durant.

If again, can’t Jordan have another all-star teammate without Pippen? No matter what, it doesn’t mean that the people Jordan asked the team to exchange were all trained from rookies. Jordan didn’t automatically find a thigh to join.

Pippen is gone, and there are board tents, lock tents, cloth tents, bare tents … Jordan doesn’t need the teammate configuration as high as the old booth, and he can fly you with a similar second master. Don’t fly at the old stall. I’ll fly for a while, and I’ll take over the nest everywhere, claiming to be the boss, and turning my back on people after holding my thighs.

What James is most afraid of is one-on-one hit and no shooter teammates. Once there is no one, James is even worse than Brownie. Just keep your mouth shut. If you leave your mouth, nothing else will be hard. In the year when Pippen was injured, Jordan led the team to win the regular season.

In 1998, Pippen was absent for half a season because of injury. If James had changed, he would not have made it to the playoffs. In fact, it can’t be said that young James led the team in the finals, but he couldn’t win the championship. To put it mildly, he believes in his teammates, and to put it bluntly, he lacks a temperament of others and the corresponding technical support at the apex level. Top physical talent, truck impact is top, but other offensive skills are not top.

He can’t be the first. His vision, body and self-discipline are top-notch. Dribble, break through, to be honest, sometimes you have to scratch your head. If he develops the bulldozer breakthrough to the top, it is actually very good. Sometimes there’s nothing to say about his single defense. Many times it is passed in a flash.

The point is that the whole world knows to defend Jordan with all its strength. Is that your percentage of Pippen? It’s hard to shoot when people focus on you. Basketball is actually very contrapuntal. At that time, which player would suffer from Pippen? Who is afraid of him? People who don’t play ball don’t understand. Can Pippen become a superstar in the current league? I don’t think so. Comprehensive strength can only exist as a junior James. Only rebounding and defense are a little better than James.

[Observation] The Manchester City Dynasty has been established. Who can push Gua’s Blue Moon off the throne?

In six years, it won the championship for five times and won the Premier League three times in a row for the first time. Guardiola’s Manchester City has undoubtedly ranked among the immortals-in the history of English top leagues for more than 100 years, only five teams have achieved the achievement of winning the championship three times in a row, starting with Huddersfield (1924-26) 97 years ago, followed by Arsenal (1933-35) and Liverpool (1982).

As for four consecutive championships, it has never happened, but it seems that it may become a reality after one year, or even a longer record of consecutive championships. After all, Gua’s Blue Moon has achieved great success. Even the disadvantage of falling behind by 8 points at one time can be easily recovered and won in advance, and I am afraid that the advantage will be greater and greater in the future. In this state, many people must have the same question in their hearts: Who else can stop Guardiola’s team from continuing to dominate the Premier League in the future?

Who is the most qualified not to play in the Champions League?

This season, Arsenal "almost" successfully prevented the official establishment of the Manchester City Dynasty. They were the leaders in the standings until the end of April, and only after losing the direct dialogue between the two sides did they completely fall behind. Obviously, the gunman’s drive and courage to challenge are worthy of recognition and respect, but we must also understand that this young team can rise suddenly this season, in fact, it is mixed with many accidental factors. If most of the traditional top six were not in trouble, including Manchester City, which was once slow to heat up, Arsenal, which took the lead, might not be able to occupy the highlands from the starting stage.

By next season, Arteta’s team will face an unprecedented test. After many years of returning to the Champions League, they will also lose an advantage over their competitors. In the 2021-22 season, Arsenal, which is competing for four, will not have a European mission. By 2022-23, the gunners who once competed for the championship have never been under the pressure of the Champions League. In the future, they may take care of themselves. After all, the most obvious shortcoming of the team at present is that the lineup is too small. Although the main force is strong, it can’t be rotated by playing in the league.

If Arsenal’s Premier League ranking drops next season, I believe it won’t surprise too many people. Although they will definitely strengthen in the summer, it is not easy to make the expanded team increase in strength in a blink of an eye. As a result, when discussing the "Manchester City Challenger" next season, the most popular candidate is not the new runner-up, but Liverpool, which now seems to have no hope of winning four.

Is this because the Red Army can’t play in the Champions League? This can be considered as one of the factors, but more importantly, klopp is the only man who has kept pace with Guardiola in the Premier League and defeated "Full Form Manchester City". In 2017-18, after Guashuai transformed Blue Moon into a shape and won the league championship, he was interrupted to defend his title only once in the Premier League, that is, the 2019-20 season when Liverpool won the championship. In addition, don’t forget that in 2018-19 and 2021-22, the Red Army was only one point away from Manchester City.

Of course, this season’s down and out is enough to show that klopp is facing the biggest dilemma since he landed in the Premier League. It is not easy to regain his glory, and it is even more difficult to overthrow Guardiola again. In this regard, we can only say that Liverpool still have some basic conditions. For example, although the upgrading of their lineup seems to be lagging behind, at least they have spent a lot of money. Newcomers such as Nunez and Huckabee, although they can’t reach the height of Trident for the time being, still have an upward trend and huge room for improvement.

In addition, there are still some good rumors about the reinforcement in summer. Bellingham, who has been staring for a long time, has failed, but mcallister of Brighton, Mount of Chelsea or Herafenbech of Bayern all have the chance to become a new force. Last time the league slipped, it only won the third place in the 2020-21 season. The Red Army rebounded quickly, and this time it fell even harder. I wonder if they can come up with a tougher response.

Richer people can win in the future?

In addition to the Red Army, the Red Devils are also expected to make "progress" next season, and in terms of preventing Guardiola from winning the cup, Manchester United should even be considered as the team that is expected to achieve this goal as soon as possible-in the FA Cup final on June 3, if Tenghahe’s team can win the Manchester derby, then the blue moon treble will naturally fail, regardless of whether the latter can beat Inter Milan a week later.

This sounds a bit like an "impossible task", but at least in January this year, the Red Devils reversed the blue moon with a tenacity of 2-1. Of course, if we really want to challenge our neighbors in a longer period of time, Manchester United needs a real reinvention-it is best to change to a richer and generous boss. In all fairness, Tenghahe has indeed brought many positive changes to the team, but all kinds of troubles left by years of deviation can be completely resolved without being so simple. At present, the Red Devils lineup also has obvious defects, such as the lack of a top scorer with particularly guaranteed goal data.

Manchester United need a strong summer, and it is best to win the legendary Aussie or Kane. As one of the traditional top six teams, Tottenham, where the latter is located, has some feelings of being expelled from the Premier League giants this season. After the cooperation with Kong Di, it is too late to determine the direction of candidates. In this way, they are likely to need to "start all over again" next season, and it is difficult to qualify for the discussion in the front row.

Since Newcastle are only one point away from qualifying for the Champions League next season, this "upstart" must be included in the discussion. With the endorsement of the Saudi public investment fund, whose wealth far exceeds that of the royal family in Abu Dhabi, it is not surprising that magpies can dominate the Premier League one day. With the support of Petroleum Jinyuan, the team has indeed made rapid progress. Last year, it once fought for relegation, and it is expected to be the third place this year. Just to take a step forward, the difficulty will inevitably multiply, and Newcastle’s development strategy is actually quite "slow and steady". They pay more attention to the long-term future, not just the immediate order. On such a successful day of Newcastle’s hegemony, Guashuai may not still be in Manchester City.

Finally, it seems that we can’t completely rule out Chelsea, one of the "top six". Although they are extremely chaotic this season, they have to be thankful for relegation in advance, but after all, the new boss has spent 600 million pounds to reinforce their ambitions. Therefore, there are still some British media who have an imagination of the Blue Army: What if Pochettino comes and the team is built as tall as its "buying price"?

However, some people are naysayers. For example, the website WhoScored recently posted a piece of data: Manchester City is one of Pochettino’s most unwilling opponents, with an average score of only 1.05 when leading the team against it. And against Guardiola, who is only one year older than himself, Pochettino is always half a head shorter in momentum. Under this premise, it may be very successful for the Blue Army to return to the front row to spoil the situation in the future.

Unfortunately, the loyal minister of Juventus met with the captain of Inter Milan, who had no way to serve his country in Argentina, but became an Italian hero.

# 100 Watching Teams # Throughout the long history of Argentine football, this old-fashioned giant in the green world has never lacked talents. This is obviously a good thing for the Argentine national team. But for some players, it may not be a good thing. For example, Camoranesi, the hero of this article, a loyal Juventus minister with strong personal ability and loyalty, can only accept the fate of serving the country in Argentina because he unfortunately met Inter Milan captain Sanetti, which is extremely embarrassing:

Mauro german camoranesi was born in Tantier, Argentina on October 4th, 1976. Unlike those compatriots who received professional training at a young age in the youth training camps of traditional Argentine giants such as Riverbed and Boca, Camoranesi received youth training at a club called Atletico Alto Silvio. I’m afraid even many old fans who often pay attention to the Argentine League on weekdays don’t know much about this club, which was still hanging out in the Argentine Second Division at that time.

Born in this level of club, the fledgling Camoranesi suffered a lot. Unlike saviola and aimar, who have attracted much attention since their debut, Camoranesi did not get much attention in the first five years of his career, and he tasted the pain of wandering at an early age. He changed his employer five times in five years. It was not until 2000 that he was recruited by Verona as far away as Apennine that his career was slightly stable.

Camoranesi was a qualified right wing before landing in Apennine. He can not only break through with the ball, but also score from a long distance, which can disrupt the opponent’s defense line by himself. Of course, Camoranesi’s teamwork spirit is also beyond doubt. His first choice after a successful breakthrough on the flank is often to send an accurate cross to his teammates. In addition to creating threats on the flank, Camoranesi will occasionally move to the middle, and there will be a stunning direct plug, which will make the opponent hard to prevent.

Under the influence of Serie A, Camoranesi’s defensive ability has made great progress. As long as he sets foot on the court, he will not hesitate to defend physically, greatly reducing the defensive pressure of his own team. Although Camoranesi’s contribution on the defensive end can’t be compared with Nesta’s professional defensive player, Camoranesi has never been the team’s defensive weakness.

As for Camoranesi’s club Verona at that time, compared with the established strong teams like Inter Milan and Juventus, it is naturally not enough. However, the configuration of this team on the offensive line is actually quite good. Besides Camoranesi, he also owns Gilardino and Mutu, all of whom are famous figures in the green world.

Unfortunately, both Gilardino and Mutu were newcomers at that time, and they had not reached the peak of their professionalism. Therefore, Mutu, Gilardino and Camoranesi’s offensive combination are not very effective. Verona, let alone compete for European qualification, even struggled to avoid relegation, and have been hovering on the edge of the relegation zone. After the end of the 2001-02 season, Verona was unfortunately relegated.

Verona’s record will obviously affect Argentina’s attitude towards Camoranesi. You know, Argentina’s national team at that time was full of famous talents. Take the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan as an example. Even Riquelme and saviola, the most important men of the year, will be unfortunately defeated, so Camoranesi, who plays for Verona, will naturally not be called up by the Argentine national team. Even the media that was most opposed to the then Argentine coach Belsa would not take Camoranesi’s failure to participate in the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan as Belsa’s crime.

Fortunately, there are people who know the goods after all. After Verona’s unfortunate demotion, Juventus, a veteran Italian club, extended an olive branch to him and attracted him. It must be explained here that in the summer when Camoranesi joined Juventus, the Italian media generally believed that this new signing was just a substitute for Zambrotta. Zambrotta was unfortunately injured in the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan, and was doomed to miss the beginning of Serie A in 2002-03.

Perhaps even Moggi, known as the "king of transfer", didn’t expect Camoranesi, the new aid of Youwen, to be so fierce. During Zambrotta’s rehabilitation, Camoranesi played a phenomenal performance and locked his main seat in one fell swoop. So when Zambrotta comes back from injury, the Italian native can only look for playing opportunities in other positions. Fortunately, Zambrotta is versatile enough not to worry about having no ball to play …

It was not until this stage that there began to be voices calling for the Argentine national team to recruit Camoranesi. However, then Argentine coach Belsa was still unwilling to give Camoranesi a chance.

As for the reasons, there are probably two aspects: First, it was Camoranesi’s first season when he joined Juventus. Although his personal performance was excellent, at that time, he was not the kind of star player with old qualifications and his influence in football was not too great. Plus Camoranesi was born in a small club like Sporting Civi in Huhardeaux, not to mention his influence in Argentina. As a direct result, even if there are voices calling for the Argentine national team to recruit Camoranesi, the voices are not too many and not too loud. At the very least, it is nothing compared with the call for Belsa to call up Riquelme before and after the 2002 World Cup.

Second, and perhaps more importantly, I met Inter captain Sanetti in Camoranesi. Although Zanetti often played as a right-back during his time at Inter Milan, in Belsa’s 3-3-1-3 tactical system, Zanetti was the right-back avant-garde.

Once Belsa recruits Camoranesi, then Camoranesi’s biggest competitor is undoubtedly Zanetti. At that time, Sanetti was not only in his prime, but also had already proved his strength in the Argentine national team. Whether it was the 1998 World Cup in France or the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan, although the Argentine team failed to laugh at the end, Sanetti’s personal performance was impeccable and was deeply loved by Argentine football. Against this background, it is really difficult for Camoranesi to compete with Zanetti, the captain of Inter Milan.

When Camoranesi had no way to serve his country in Argentina, the Italian national team extended an olive branch to him. Because Camoranesi’s great-grandfather was Italian, it is not difficult for Camoranesi to apply for an Italian passport. So Camoranesi simply decided to play for the Italian national team.

Even if Camoranesi is strong enough to play for the Italian national team, there are still people who sneer at him. For example, fiore, an Italian international, once publicly stated that players should play for which country they were born.

This situation continued until the 2006 World Cup in Germany. Camoranesi, as the main player of Italy, helped the Azzurri win the World Cup successfully and became an undisputed Italian hero. The controversy about whether the Italian team should reuse Camoranesi only subsided.

Also in the summer of 2006, Camoranesi stuck with Juventus, who was relegated to Serie B, and chose to stay with Nedved, Buffon, Piero and Trezeguet, becoming a recognized loyal minister of Juventus. The reputation of "Brad Pitt" is destined to go down in history.

Camoranesi returned to Serie A with Juventus after suffering in Serie B for a year. However, the Calciopoli incident has had a great impact on the Bianconeri, which has lost a lot of main players. As a result, in the first few seasons before Juventus returned to Serie A, the team’s record was not good.

As for Camoranesi personally, with the increase of age and the troubles of injuries, the competitive state of this loyal servant of Juventus has indeed declined a lot. By the summer of 2010, Camoranesi, then 34, waved goodbye to Juventus and moved to Stuttgart. However, the old Camoranesi’s life in the Bundesliga was not happy. It was difficult for him to guarantee his playing time, and he soon changed his family and returned to play in the Argentine League. It wasn’t long before Camoranesi announced his retirement.