Ruan Jingtian won the award to thank his girlfriend: always with me, this’right and wrong ‘

  "This award belongs to the entire staff of Monga. If I only relied on one person’s strength, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I hope that in the future, I can go higher and farther together with the people of Doudao and the Prince Gang."

  "I know I’m actually a troublemaker, and I have a lot of right and wrong. Thank you for never giving up and always accompanying me."

  The list of winners of the 47th Golden Horse Awards came out one after another. Ruan Jingtian (Xiao Tian), who was not favored before, moved the judges with a "moving look back" at the end of "Monga". He defeated three mainland powerful actors, Wang Xueqi, Ni Dahong and Qin Hao, and became the new film champion of this year’s Golden Horse Awards. Although some people think that Ruan Jingtian’s award is difficult to convince the public, the Taiwanese newspapers that came out yesterday can’t wait to call him "the light of Taiwan". Also known as "the light of Taiwan", last year there was Dai Liren, and the year before that was Wei Desheng, both filmmakers who have been dormant in the film circle for many years. Ruan Jingtian’s best actor award was regarded by the Taiwanese media as "the acting skills of the Taiwanese idol star". In an interview, director Ang Lee also praised his excellent performance in "Mengka," saying that "Taiwanese films need such an idol school who can act."

  It’s not all smooth sailing for Ruan Jingtian, who is now in good luck. In an interview with reporters, he couldn’t hold back his tears and thanked a series of people. He said: "First of all, I have to thank my grandfather. Many times when I couldn’t support myself in the circle, he would secretly send me money." Ruan Jingtian revealed that when he entered the industry, he had promised to win the award within 20 years. Now that the award has come so quickly, he will keep reminding himself that "everything is just the beginning."

Feilai Grand Prize

The jury revealed that "he broke free from the shackles of his idol and won by nine votes"

  Ruan Jingtian defeated Wang Xueqi, an "old actor" and Qin Hao, a "big hit" who had been very vocal before the event, which surprised many people. Some netizens pointed out that this year’s Golden Horse Awards have serious "local protectionism". From the perspective of the war situation, among the nominees for this year’s Golden Horse Award Best Actor, the ratio of Taiwanese to mainland actors is 1 to 3. Compared with Wang Xueqi’s sophistication on the mainland, Ni Dahong’s subtlety, and Qin Hao’s delicacy, Ruan Jingtian is not favored. However, Huang Jianye, the chairperson of the jury, and Wen Tianxiang, the secretary general of the executive committee, revealed that most of the judges who supported Xiao Tian came from Hong Kong and the mainland.

  In the eyes of the judges, Ruan Jingtian’s performance in "Monga" broke free from the shackles of idols, showed learning efforts, and had a high and complex performance. "In the male group play of" Monga ", there is no simple heroism." The secretary general of the executive committee also revealed that Ye Tong, one of the judges, said that "the moment Xiaotian looked back at the end of the film was a rare in-depth performance in recent years." He finally won by nine votes (Editor’s note: there are 17 final judges).

  Ruan Jingtian took the stage with a bizarre coffee advertisement for Zhao Youting, another male lead in "Mengka." He explained in an interview that the reason for this was that he and Zhao Youting had promised before that no matter who won the award, "never forget to help each other during filming." He joked that he had already received a congratulatory phone call from director Niu Chengze and fellow actor Zhao Youting as soon as he won the award, and the three of them were all swearing at each other on the phone. Doudao Niu Chengze sent him a congratulatory text message saying that he would redouble his efforts to make a commercial and emotional film to repay everyone. "As for Xiaotian, you are lucky to win the award, otherwise I will find Mingdao to play in the next play." After receiving the award, Xiao Tian thanked the brothers of "Monga" several times. "I really want to shout with my brothers now." He revealed that in order to make the role fuller and more vivid, the director Niu Chengze specially took him to visit the real underworld brother, so he said, "This award belongs to the entire staff of" Monga ". If I relied on the strength of one person, I would not be where I am today. I hope that in the future, I can go higher and farther with the people of Doudao and the Prince Gang."

Once frustrated

"I can’t get along" several times, and I persisted with my grandfather’s funding

  Having just ascended the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor, the Taiwanese newspapers that went out yesterday couldn’t wait to call Ruan Ching-tian the "Light of Taiwan". Compared with the previous two Golden Horse Awards, "Light of Taiwan" Wei Desheng and Dai Liren have both experienced in the Taiwanese film industry for many years, Xiao Tian can be regarded as "famous at a young age". Even directors Ang Lee and Zhang Aijia supported him and said they hoped to cooperate with him. At the age of 28, he looks to have a bright future.

  However, he revealed that his journey has not been so smooth, and he thought about leaving the entertainment industry many times during the journey. In an interview with reporters, he cried and said: "I have always been very rebellious, and I have been in high school for many years. Many people have given up on me, and only my grandfather has been helping me. After entering the industry, many times when I felt that I could not support it, he sent me money to encourage me." Xiao Tian said that he wanted to leave the circle several times, "I feel that I am almost 30 years old and want to be responsible for my life, but my family and people in the circle have given me a lot of support and made me stay." He is especially grateful to Hong Weiming, the godfather of fashion who introduced him, because at the age of 25, after five or six years of drama, he almost gave up this line of work to find a stable career. It was the cast of the idol drama "I’m Destined to Love You" that left him behind, and this drama finally made him popular. So he also smiled and said: "This is probably destiny!"

  Since his opponents are all fierce enemies from the mainland, Ruan Jingtian has been described as the "light of Taiwan". He said nervously that in fact, his original goal was to "win an actor award within 20 years", so this time he was in the mood to play. He did not expect to be recognized so early. He reminded himself: "I should not be proud, this is just the beginning."

Thank you girlfriend

"Thank you for always being with me, this’right and wrong ‘."

  After the ceremony that night, Xiaotian only made a short stop at the official Golden Horse Awards celebration banquet, and then rushed to attend the celebration banquet organized by the brokerage company overnight. His girlfriend Xu Weining also accompanied him to the celebration banquet sweetly.

  Before the award, Cai Kangyong revealed that Xu Weining had told Xiao Tian that "if you win the award, I will give you whatever you want". If the winning Xiao Tian was repeatedly asked what he wanted, he had to smile and say, "What he wants most now is to take a break." Xu Weining said jokingly: "I guess he will want me to give him a hundred massages." When the reporter told Xiao Tian this, he laughed: "This is a good idea!"

  Jokes aside, Xiao Tian is also full of gratitude when talking about his girlfriend, "I am really grateful to her, whether it is low or unpleasant, she is with me." He confessed: "I know that I am actually a troublemaker, and I have a lot of right and wrong. Thank you for not giving up and always accompanying me." He promised: "I will try my best to become the Xiao Tian in your eyes in the future." Everyone asked Xiao Tian if he would propose to his girlfriend Xu Weining after winning the prize. He smiled and said "these are two different things", and also emphasized that he did not want Xu Weining to live in his shadow, and hoped that his girlfriend could have her own part of the sky.

Reason for cold

  "Ruan Jingtian’s performance in’Monga ‘broke free from the shackles of idols, showed learning efforts, and the performance was highly and complex. Looking back at the moment at the end of the film, it was a rare in-depth performance in recent years."

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Search for Meitu Xiuxiu web version in Baidu

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 After entering the Meitu website, you can choose the beautified photos.

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 You can choose to open a picture, take a photo or create a new canvas.

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You can choose from a variety of beauty methods

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 After Meitu, you can click Save and Share in the upper right corner.

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 Meitu Xiuxiu can use Meitu online without installing the software.

Hua Xizi apologized: Did you say or not?

The public opinion dilemma that Hua Xizi faces today actually has a lot of reference significance for many upstart brands and even many Internet companies.

After the live broadcast brought goods into the deep water area, the public perception and public opinion environment have changed. In the Li Jiaqi incident, Hua Xizi was ridiculed as a new generation of monetary unit, essentially because live broadcast with goods became the core channel of brand sales, rather than the "lowest price" as the starting point to impress users’ interests. Li Jiaqi’s initial rise was based on the "lowest price" price advantage.

Today, the live broadcast brings goods into the deep water area, and the rise of new brands relies on big brands bound with traffic online celebrity to make sales, especially the price of domestic brands has risen in the past two years, which is different from consumers’ perception of the pricing of "domestic products".

With the gradual breaking of information barriers, the information transparency of raw materials and cost prices is getting higher and higher, and consumers, especially users, will know the profit of products more clearly.

For enterprises, it is a long and arduous task to build their brand.On the one hand, cutting-edge brands need to rely on online celebrity’s traffic to gain popularity and do a good job in sales conversion. From the internal KPI assessment, it is simpler and more effective to cooperate with online celebrity. On the other hand, young brands don’t have too many patient users, and the core competitiveness of products and brand influence have not been established, which makes the cutting-edge brands like Hua Xizi unable to handle the communication and dialogue with the public well when the crisis occurs.

For Hua Xizi, if we take the interests of users and long-term development as the value orientation, public opinion can really get out of the dead end, and the brand can become a "good brand" and go to the world from abroad.

This online game is popular, but why does the mobile phone turn brick after someone plays it?

  CCTV News:Recently, a model named"Traveling Frog"The mobile game is swiped in the circle of friends, which is very popular with everyone because of its simple operation and slow pace.

  Online celebrity "Traveling Frog" is accused of "plug-in"

  This game was developed by a Japanese game company. Currently, among Apple iOS users, only the Japanese version is available. As of yesterday (23rd), "Traveling Frog" has become the first place in the free download list of Apple App Store.

  The game is simple to operate. You can use the corresponding number of shamrocks to buy food, notebooks, sleeping bags, bowls, lanterns and other items, and prepare the equipment in your frog’s bag when you go out. Accordingly, the frog will "send" postcards to the players during the trip, and will bring back the local products of the trip to the players after returning home.

  In this game, the common "currency" is clover, which is also the only item that can be recharged. In some raiders, some players revealed that the more clover there is, the more advanced the props you buy. During this period, some online sellers saw business opportunities and took the opportunity.Launched a "plug-in" service, claiming that players can get a large number of shamrocks.

  The online "2.1 billion clover" costs 20 to 50 yuan.

  Yesterday (23rd), after searching for "Travel Frog" on the online shopping platform, the reporter found that many businesses were selling "plug-in" services at prices ranging from 20 yuan to 50 yuan. Many merchants promise that after purchasing the service, they willProvide "2.1 billion infinite clover" and "990 lottery ticket",And supports the use of any mobile phone system. Buyers can choose to keep their previous game records, or they can choose to overwrite and start again.

   At present, in the regular recharge channel, players can only buy 2,800 four-leaf clovers at the highest cost in 25 yuan, which is greatly different from the quantity provided by "plug-in" merchants.

  Improper operation of "plug-in" or mobile phone becoming "brick"

  On the afternoon of 23rd, the reporter bought a set of "20 yuan Buy Clover" package. Subsequently, the merchant sent two links and the logo of the data file of "Travel Frog" in the mobile phone device. The reporter clicked on the first link, prompting that it is necessary to download the compressed file package. After decompression, it is the data displayed after the "Travel Frog" is recharged with 999,999 shamrocks, while the second link modifies the tutorial for the game in the iOS Apple mobile phone.

  However, the reporter found that there were many hidden dangers during the operation. Many iOS players pointed out after installation that their ownGame data and mobile phone data are lost for no reason,Including WeChat chat records, pictures and videos in mobile phones, etc. Some players also said that after installation, there were loopholes in their Apple phones.The mobile phone can’t send and receive short messages.It didn’t get better after brushing the machine.

  In this regard, the merchant explained that,Buyers may have to bear the risk of data loss of different mobile phone systems during the operation of the "plug-in" program.Take Apple’s mobile phone users as an example. If the user is a system below iOS9, nothing will be lost. If it is iOS10, the cache will be lost. iOS11 will not only lose the cache, but all the software will be reloaded.

  In addition, merchants also said that in order to avoid improper operation, most of the time they would suggest that buyers agree to remote control by them.Asked whether remote control will reveal privacy, the merchant said "I promise not to read it".

  Apple customer service called "plug-in" or leaked personal ID.

  An independent game developer said that the "plug-in" of "Traveling Frog" is actually very simple, that is,Modify game data.Merchants only need to buy the "clover upper limit" in the game first, get the corresponding data, and then copy the corresponding data to the buyer through the program.

  The reporter calculated an account, and spent 8929 yuan to recharge the full amount of clover, and calculated with a single selling price of 20 yuan and a monthly sales volume of 1188.The merchant has earned more than 23,000 yuan.

  Apple customer service staff said that in addition to causing the loss of mobile phone data and materials,This kind of operation of modifying game gold coins (clover) has certain security risks for users."Sometimes users’ personal privacy may be revealed, or some Trojan software may be installed during the operation, which may hinder the subsequent use of the equipment".

  The customer service staff pointed out, for example,If the user agrees to the remote operation of the other party, there may be a risk that the Apple ID account will be stolen."Merchants are likely to use this to lock users’ mobile phones and take the opportunity to extort money." He reminded that,Try not to let people you don’t know install or modify the corresponding data in the user’s mobile phone device.

  The game can be played, but the risks have to be prevented.

Love the Spring Festival sweet punch card | The group annual banquet should also be full of quality.

It’s getting closer and closer to the New Year’s Eve, and many families have already started to have a group dinner. Perhaps family members will be absent this year, perhaps the scale will be reduced, but the sense of ceremony brought to each family by the group annual banquet is indispensable. No, these hotels in Chengdu provide a rich menu for the group annual banquet. Whether it’s in-house food, take-out, or inviting chefs to your home, you can always find the quality that suits you.
Rong cheng Xin chun Zun Xiang Tuan nian Yan
This year, the Royal Seal Chinese Restaurant of Hilton Chengdu launched the Rongcheng Spring Festival Enjoying Group Annual Banquet: the Year of the Ox, the New Year Group Annual Banquet and the Jinniu Spring Festival Banquet. At the same time, in response to the change of COVID-19 epidemic situation, the hotel also launched a take-away delivery service. In addition to the regular set of dessert drinks, delicious meals such as group annual banquet and soup pot can also be delivered home, bringing a variety of choices for family gatherings in special periods. In addition, during the Spring Festival, the hotel’s MIX restaurant will also provide a rich buffet lunch and dinner, and will also hold a wealth of fun activities for parents and children every day to celebrate the New Year of the Ox with the guests.
Niu zhuan gan Kun Hao Xin nian
This year, the New Year’s Eve dinner at JW Marriott Hotel in Maoye, Chengdu is ready. The family followed Master Sun, the chef of Marriott Chinese Restaurant, to explore the authentic flavor of the year and unlock the warmth lingering in the depths of memory. Its representative work: the first dish in the new spring, "Cooking in the hall for 4 minutes and 30 seconds", means that there is more than enough every year, and it is prosperous when it is prosperous. Thick soup Buddha jumps over the wall, golden garlic baked Alaskan crab, secret mushroom steamed crab, black truffle baked Boston lobster, fish caught in the wind and water with auspicious meaning, with ingredients as a token, rich and delicious food symbolizes the prosperity of the new year.
New Year’s Year of the Ox Group Annual Banquet
Due to the epidemic situation, Chengdu Rui J Hotel Banquet Hall, Banquet Hall and Yunfu launched a small New Year reunion package on the occasion of the Spring Festival. A variety of New Year’s Eve dinners combine authentic Sichuan cuisine and new Cantonese cuisine. The chef recommends the dishes: fresh abalone head and Buddha jumping wall, and black dragon pond fat fish with abalone, sea cucumber, gelatin and other ingredients. Each bite is a brand-new baptism of taste buds from different dimensions of color, fragrance and taste. At the same time, the hotel also launched a take-away service for New Year’s Eve, which made the group year full of warm ceremonies without losing quality.

Star chef wakes up the happy taste on the tip of her tongue when she gets home.
This year, the Diaoyutai Boutique Hotel in Chengdu launched a family portrait of Diaoyutai seafood, featuring a collection of seafood such as Liaoshen, abalone, scallop, skirt and fresh shrimp, supplemented by pigeon eggs and beef tendon, as well as small Tang cuisine, alpine arhat bamboo shoots, flower mushrooms and other delicacies, presenting a unique delicacy. Family photos also support delivery service, so that guests can enjoy delicious food without leaving home.
Not only that, the hotel also started the "Star Chef Home" service, and Mao Yi, the chef of Chinese food in the hotel, led a team to serve the guests in the main city of Chengdu, so that you and your family can enjoy the star-rated group annual banquet at home.
Chengdu Chao "Niu" Nianwei Reunion Dinner Hard Dish Takeaway
This Spring Festival is not far away. Shangri-La Hotel in Chengdu has launched a "hard dish take-out package for reunion dinner", and also provides independent private rooms for guests with less than 10 people. Xianggong hangs roast chicken, Boston lobster, Cantonese-style stewed beef brisket, etc. Chef Liu, the executive chef of Xianggong, specializes in blessing the group annual banquet for you. Abalone, sea cucumber, gelatin, conch, scallop, tendon and other assorted seafood essences are gathered into a can of Futiaoqiang, which instantly enhances the quality of the New Year’s Eve dinner.


Playing badminton skills, you can come in and have a look if you like to play badminton.

The two key techniques of the ball are footwork and technique. There is an image metaphor that the technique is like a move and the footwork is like an internal force. If you want to learn badminton well, it is equally important to master the correct footwork and technique.

First, the footwork:

1. Look at the manual waist: (Observe the opponent’s movements and prepare to move your center of gravity in advance)

2. Lift first and then lift: (Watch the opponent swing out, lift the center of gravity and lift the shoulders, ready to start)

3, chasing the ball to catch the pace: (When moving, you must look at the trajectory of badminton, and the pace must be before the ball falls)

4, bow to the point: (run to the point and then drop the center of gravity, ready to hit the ball)

5, twisting the hip first: (No matter what pace, the first move must be the hip)

6. There are several steps: (How to get to the point depends on how you predict the distance and then design the collocation of small steps)

7, the calf slightly off: (when receiving the ground ball, the calf and foot are slightly off, reducing the center of gravity)

8. Round your arms: (During the pace, you should also cooperate with your arms. You must not slouch and exercise.)

9, jumping danger: (when chopping, beginners had better not jump, it is difficult and there are many mistakes)

No worries about retreating: (In any case, retreating is the most difficult thing to master at first. Once you master it, the whole audience will live.)

Second, the technique:

1. Hold the racket tightly: (In the non-hitting state, the racket cannot be held tightly, and the handle should be flexible to rotate for different hitting actions; When hitting the ball, keep your fingers tight on the racket, especially the index finger and thumb, to ensure that the hitting action is crisp and the line is clear.

2, long swing and short shake: (When hitting the ball, especially when hitting the long ball and killing the ball, the shoulders and arms should be completely released, and the hitting is guaranteed and the big action can confuse the opponent; At the last moment of hitting the ball, the change of the line and the landing point control the whole wrist jitter)

3, high pressure and low lift: (after playing the backcourt, the wrist should have the feeling of forward pressure, otherwise the ball will be vulnerable to attack when it falls slowly; When defending, the arm should be lifted fully and quickly to avoid passive beating)

4, playing far and near: (the backcourt ball must first run to the position, the arm drives the wrist, and the amplitude is large and hard; The ball in the frontcourt is small, the forearm is firmly extended, and the wrist and fingers rotate, with a small amplitude.

5, the opposite turn flat lift: (put a diagonal short ball in the middle and front court, the wrist should turn back and pick up; Draw fastball flat in the middle and front court, without putting down the racket, and use the forearm to exert force.

6. Front-side back-to-back: (The forehand handball body rotates backward and sideways. As a compensation, the wrist control racket face should also rotate at the corresponding angle; When playing backhand, the body is fully unfolded with the back to the opponent, the arm swings for a long distance, and the wrist force should arrive in time)

7, strong pursuit of slow gear: (when the attack is favorable, we must constantly speed up the attack rhythm, arm and wrist movements are coherent and rapid; When the opponent attacks continuously, take the initiative to change the rhythm of the opponent’s continuous attack by lightly blocking and letting go.

8. Soft dance and crisp strike: (All movements of badminton should be very coordinated and even gentle; But the moment of hitting the ball must be crisp and neat. From the waist to the wrist, the hitting force should have a violent pause, followed by coordinated body movements)

Is the championship that important to NBA players?

During the offseason of NBA, everyone is imagining about Lillard and Harden’s next home. The main reason is that these two people have a strong desire to win the championship, and it seems difficult for their current team to let them see hope. I can’t help but think, is the NBA champion really that important? In fact, the answer to this question is completely different from person to person.

For superstar players like Harden and Lillard, the championship is really important. After all, they have earned a lot of money in their whole career. They need more "fame" because of the so-called fame and fortune. And the NBA championship can improve their historical status. Buckley, a retired celebrity, has won numerous personal honors throughout his career, and his personal ability has also been widely recognized. However, it is always mercilessly ridiculed by O ‘Neill and others because there is no championship.

So we saw that James joined forces with Wade and Bosh to win the championship, and Durant joined the Warriors directly to win the championship. What’s more, the letter brother deliberately stepped in to win the championship. There are more and more phenomena that star players reduce their salaries and even force teams to win the championship.

For role players, the first thing they consider is salary and the second is honor. Even so, for most active players, once they win the title of champion, their salary will be improved. Therefore, for an NBA player, the championship is very important at any level.

Wonderful linkage Butler watching Neymar highlights video: always look at Neymar when relaxing.

Live on May 21st, Jimmy Butler showed a video of himself watching Neymar highlights in ins, and wrote: Always look at Neymar when relaxing.

Neymar forwarded this dynamic, and wrote: Very happy.

After the Heat defeated Celtic yesterday, Neymar also cheered for Butler. He wrote in ins: Focus, keep cheering, brother.

Sansini suggested that Reggie go to little Inzaghi, and Magic Bird appreciated the quality of lautaro.

Due to the aging front line-up of Inter Milan, Mallota hopes to bring in Gerteji, who is already in Serie A, and hope that he can play for the top teams in Serie A.. Sansini encouraged Lettergei to move to Inzaghi, but the conditions at Meazza Stadium are very good, and whether the club can win the Annual Cup or not, Inzaghi’s team is in good shape. He is very kind and friendly to young players. "Le Teji is a good shooter with comprehensive skills, but he still has a lot of work to do. Regarding Letterjee’s choice of Italian nationality, Sansini admitted that Argentina had lost a talented striker, but he respected Letterjee’s choice and believed that Letterjee could be the pride of Apennine football.

"If Inter Milan win the Grand Cup, lautaro will complete the Grand Slam of his life. Many people lamented that the striker of the pampas Hawks was so lucky. In sansini’s view, no one ignores the quality and spiritual quality of lautaro Luo. " -Magic Bird appreciates lautaro’s quality. Although lautaro still has some technical shortcomings, it makes him a better player in European football, but after joining the mainstream, his basic skills are somewhat backward. However, Sansini admits that lautaro’s psychological quality is getting better and better, which can wake him up at a critical moment and make him destined to reach the final of a big competition. Admittedly, Magic Bird attaches great importance to the players’ will quality, and the respect of Portuguese famous coaches for lautaro is enough to show that it is no coincidence that lautaro’s success and glory. Mourinho once said that lautaro was like a desperate Sabouraud, and Rome had planned to bring in the Argentine star.

In sansini’s view, the players that Magic Bird appreciates don’t necessarily have aura, and they are not necessarily gifted because of their different styles of play and physical qualities. But what they have in common, from Drogba to lautaro, is that their football quality is very high, they have a keen eye for winning or losing, and there is room for winning or losing. Sansini added: "It’s a pity that lautaro missed Mourinho. I hope to see cooperation between two people. After all, the current football is concerned with the spirit of the magic bird, and there are not many directors who can do it. " At the same time, sansini reminded Inzaghi that Inter Milan now has a team with high quality and courage to fight, and a team that wins by teamwork and tactical accomplishment. After all, the overall strength of Guardiola’s team this season is too strong, surpassing Barcelona’s "dream three mornings" at that time.

Losing to Inter Milan in the semi-final is enough to prove the importance of spirituality in football when Barcelona is in a dream for three hours. Sansini also stressed that the Champions League final is a debate, Inzaghi’s strategy is more important, and the team’s strength is not so obvious. Letterjee’s debut in Italy was wonderful. Mancini, who struggled without a striker, saw hope. He and Raspadori are the future of Apennine football in attack. In order to get in touch with his teammates in the national team and adapt to the rules of Italian football as soon as possible, it is not unreasonable for Letterjee to go to Serie A. Judging from the current situation, the Nerazzurri are in a leading position in the "Letegi Competition". First of all, Inter Milan has a record foundation, which is the basic condition for Inzaghi to have the opportunity to welcome talented teenagers.

Some fans will say that the strikers at Meazza Stadium are not rich, and lautaro, Lu Kaku and Zhe Ke are all world-class strikers under the right conditions. But Sansini said that Zhe Ke is too old and may face health problems and injuries next season. Lautaro showed his strength when he needed it most, but he was unstable in the regular season, and he was not a reliable player in the team for a long time. "Mallota may not be able to renew his contract with Lu Kaku. Even though the Belgian star is unwilling to return to Stamford Bridge, there are still many big clubs willing to bring him in. After all. In fact, there are too few big centers in football. "Today." From this point of view, Inter Milan is very short of strikers next season, and it may not be enough for Mallota to just bring in a striker. If Lettie turns to Inzaghi, young players may not have to worry about playing efficiency at all, or they may not get a chance to rest.

It turns out that Sancini has hinted that Letizi will switch to Inzaghi. The author (an old colleague) would like to add that Inzaghi is likely to coach the Italian team in the future. The Italian Football Association has no intention of letting him go because his ability is too obvious. Letezi needs to form a tacit understanding with the future national team coach, which is of great benefit to his long-term planning of national team career. Magic Bird appreciates the quality of lautaro, so the style of Inter Milan at this stage is completely different from that of 13 years ago, and the concept of football is also different, but this team is still an old team of Milito and has spirituality. This is another advantage of Inzaghi.

Premier League-Kane double ring Sun Xingyu scored Tottenham 3-1 Nottingham Forest.

On March 11th, in the 27th round of Premier League A, Tottenham beat Nottingham Forest 3-1.

In the 20 th minute, yx Kane scored a goal with a hammer to help Tottenham, who played at home, take the lead.

In the 36th minute, Richarlyson made a point, and Kane scored twice.

In the 63rd minute, Richarlyson sent a wonderful pass and Sun Xingyi sealed the victory.

In the 82nd minute, voller helped Nottingham Forest to pull back a goal.

Tottenham Hotspur starting:20- Fraser-Foster, 17- Christian-Romero, 15- Dell, 34- Langlais, 23- Poirot, 4- Skip (90+7’29- Papp-Sal), 5- Heibel, 33- Ben-Davies, 9- Risalesson (84

Nottingham forest starting:12- navas, 32- Renan-Lodi, 4- Joe-voller, 38- Felipe, 24- arie, 6- shelvey, 5- ohrel-Mangala (46’34- Andre-Ayou), 23- Freuler (67’22- Yates), 11-.

At 23: 00 on March 11th, in the 27th round of Premier League, Chelsea beat leicester city 3-1.

In the 11th minute, coulibaly passed to the back from the left and Chilwell volley scored! Chelsea 1-0 leicester city!

In the 39th minute, Felix’s backcourt dribble was broken by Pereira, and then Dhaka shot straight into the corner! Leicester city 1-1 Chelsea!

In the 45th+6th minute, Enzo picked the ball and Havertz scored the goal! Chelsea 2-1 leicester city!

In the 78th minute, Havertz passed to the back from the right, Moudrek headed the ball to the middle, and kovacic volleyed the ball to break the door! Chelsea 3-1 leicester city!

Leicester city starts:1- Danny Ward, 21- Ricardo Pereira, 15- Suta, 3- Faith, 27- Castagne, 22- Dewsbury-Hall, 24- Naparis-Mendi (66′ 42-Soumare), 14- Ishi Na Qiao (76’9- Valdi), etc.

Chelsea starting:1- Kepa, 32- Marc-Cucurella, 26- coulibaly, 33- Wesley-Fofana (86′ 4-badia Hiller), 21- Chilwell (73’10- Plishic), 8- kovacic, 5- Enzo-Fernandez, 12- Loftus-Chick (73′ 10).