Ren Xianqi challenges the Silk Road with off-road cycling and experiences blowing sheepskin rafts to make ramen

Ren Xianqi

    The travel program "One Earth" will broadcast a new episode of "One Earth – Silk Road Game" on December 11. And invited the heavyweight guest Ren Xianqi to be the host. This journey lasted more than 20 days. Xiao Qi, together with more than a dozen film crew staff, formed a convoy, starting from Xi’an on off-road motorcycles, passing through Lanzhou, Wuwei, Zhangye, along the Hexi Corridor to Dunhuang, Turpan, and ending in Xinqiang Urumqi, the whole journey reached more than 2,000 kilometers. The process is stylish, FUN, bitter, and sweaty… An all-male team, together to complete the man’s Silk Road dream.

    This time, "One Earth" Xiao Qi teamed up with the film team to shoot Hong Kong’s first off-road motorcycle tour of the Silk Road. For thousands of years, the Silk Road has been a cultural exchange route between China and the West, and it is also the cradle of many ethnic minorities in China. In ancient times, caravans crossing the Silk Road could be described as dangerous. Xiao Qi also had to be well prepared to cross the Silk Road with off-road motorcycles. It took a year from conception to filming, and finally took place in August 2010. Xiao Qi first joined the filming team in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, and communicated with a group of local off-road motorcyclists to understand the different risks that may be encountered on the Silk Road before driving a motorcycle through the Silk Road. After arriving in Lanzhou, Xiao Qi was very excited. He said: "Here, the bucket can create the effect of rolling sand and dust. It feels very good. It is a paradise for off-road motorcycle enthusiasts." Because Lanzhou is located on the Loess Plateau, surrounded by a layer of sand that is more than 300 meters thick and weathered, Xiao Qi can enjoy the addiction of fire chariots here. It turns out that in Lanzhou, there are many shops specializing in off-road motorcycle business, and they also organized an association. When they have time, they will get together to fight. After Xiao Qi found out, he wanted to fight with them. 

Ren Xianqi

    In addition to the motorcycle, Xiao Qi also visited different ethnic minorities, as if learning to make traditional sheepskin rafts with Hui people, experiencing the life of Tibetans in Gansu grazing and shearing white yak hair, and traveling to Minqin County, which is often affected by sandstorms, and the Hexi Corridor, which is baptized by war, to learn about the various ways that ethnic minorities survive on the Silk Road. After nearly a month of filming, Xiao Qi not only learned about the local culture, but also learned a lot of "skills", including making traditional sheepskin rafts and Lanzhou ramen. In ancient times, the only way to cross the Yellow River was to take a sheepskin raft made by Hui people. The process of the sheepskin raft is complicated, and the hardest part is to blow up the sheepskin bag so that the raft can float on the river. Xiao Qi turned into a sheepskin raft master and tried to inflate the entire sheepskin raft, but unfortunately the challenge failed, even if a strong man wanted to inflate a sheepskin bag. Although the task was not very successful, the determined and unyielding Xiao Qi kept up his efforts and challenged another "simple task", which was to concoct Lanzhou ramen. Making ramen noodles has always been very difficult. Master Xiao Qi also understands the truth that everything is hard. Although the final product is a little different, the entrance is also refreshing. (Photo and text/Tungstar)

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A new round of strong cold air will hit the central and eastern regions, and the local temperature will drop by over 12℃

  BEIJING, Nov. 15 (Xinhua) According to the latest weather forecast, affected by strong cold air, there will be a large-scale gale cooling and rain and snow weather process from north to south in China from 16th to 18th. The temperature will drop by 8 ~ 10℃ in most parts of the central and eastern regions, and the temperature will drop by more than 12℃ in some areas. There are 4 ~ 6 northerly winds in most areas north of the Yangtze River, and the gusts can reach 7 ~ 8.

  Cold air has caused temperatures in Northeast China and North China to hit a new low in winter.

  In November, several rounds of cold air continuously pulled many places in China from late autumn to early winter from north to south, and some areas ushered in the first snowfall or "coldest day" in the second half of the year.

  Taking the 14th as an example, the temperatures in Northeast China, North China, Huanghuai and other places dropped significantly, with most areas in Northeast China and North China spending the coldest day since this winter.

  According to the weather forecast, the highest temperature in the north-central part of Northeast China and the eastern part of Inner Mongolia fell below freezing point on 14th, while the lowest temperature dropped below minus 10℃. For Harbin, Changchun and many other places, it is the first time this winter to experience that the temperature is below 0℃ all day, and the highest temperatures in Beijing and Tianjin will also hit a new low this winter. It is estimated that by the 15th, Beijing, Shijiazhuang and other places in North China are expected to refresh the lowest temperature since the second half of this year.

  Sun Jun, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, said that the cold air currently affecting the central and eastern regions began to affect China on the 13th, and the impact period was mainly concentrated on the 13th and 14th.

  "The current round of cold air has a small influence range and weak intensity, mainly affecting northeast China, North China, Huanghuai and Jianghuai areas. The cooling range reaches 4 C-6 C, and the local area exceeds 8 C. At the same time, the above areas are accompanied by 4-5 northerly winds." Sun Jun said.

  According to reports, as far as the cooling situation is concerned, in this round of cooling, the cooling rate in Hebei is relatively large. Among them, from 8: 00 on the 13th to 8: 00 on the 14th, the temperature drop in mountainous areas in western Hebei, such as Zanhuang, Lincheng and Neiqiu, reached more than 10℃. During the daytime on the 14th, the temperature in the eastern part of Northeast China, Huanghuai and Jianghuai areas will be lower than that on the 13th. At present, the front of this cold air has reached the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, but it will not continue to affect Jiangnan and South China southward.

  A new round of strong air conditioning has cooled down locally in the middle and east of the road or exceeded 12℃

  However, when people in Northeast China and North China are discussing the new low temperature, a new round of strong cold air with larger scope and wider influence is already on the way.

  According to the forecast, starting from the night of 16th, a new round of strong cold air from the Mongolian Plateau will enter China, Inner Mongolia and northern Xinjiang, and will affect most of the central and eastern regions from north to south. Affected by this, there will be a large-scale gale cooling and rain and snow weather process from north to south in China from 16th to 18th.

  According to meteorologists, the intensity of this round of cold air is stronger than that of the cold air from 13th to 15th, and its influence is wider, which will have a more obvious impact on the cooling in the southern region. In addition, the impact of this round of cold air process is mainly caused by strong winds.

  According to the forecast, due to the influence of this round of strong cold air in the future, the temperature in most parts of the central and eastern regions will drop by 8 ~ 10℃, and the temperature in some areas will drop by more than 12℃, and the ground minimum temperature line of 0℃ will be pressed southward to the area along the Huaihe River in the early morning of the 19th. There are 4 ~ 6 northerly winds in most areas north of the Yangtze River, with gusts of 7 ~ 8, and 7 ~ 9 winds in the eastern and southern seas.

  In terms of precipitation, there will be small to medium snow or sleet in most parts of eastern Inner Mongolia and Northeast China, heavy snow in eastern Jilin, small to moderate rain in Huanghuai, Jianghuai, Jianghan, Jiangnan, eastern Southwest China and South China, and heavy rain in parts of Jiangnan. In addition, from 16th to 17th, there was little to medium snow or sleet and local heavy snow along Tianshan Mountains in northern Xinjiang.

  "This round of cold air process has the characteristics of fast moving speed, wide influence range and large cooling range. Cold air entered Inner Mongolia from the night of 16th to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River on the night of 17th. On the night of 18th, cold air will continue to move southward and reach the South China Sea. It can be said that in just two days, it swept across most areas in central and eastern China from north to south. " Sun Jun introduced.

  Regarding the impact of cold air on agriculture, Sun Jun introduced that around the 19th, early frost will appear in parts of the western and southern parts of Huanghuai, Jianghuai and other places, and the windy and cool rain and snow weather is not conducive to facility agriculture and animal husbandry production, late sowing of winter wheat and the growth of open-field vegetables. For the southern region, the rainfall in the south of the Yangtze River from 17th to 18th is slightly unfavorable to the drying of autumn harvest crops such as late rice, fruit harvesting and the robust growth of autumn sowing crops, but it is beneficial to increase the storage capacity of reservoirs and ponds.

  Why is cold air so frequent when winter comes too late?

  Recently, the cold air affecting China has been coming one after another. The temperature in many places from north to south has dropped rapidly in a short period of time, and many netizens lamented on social networks that "winter came off guard".

  For the frequent cold air attack, Sun Jun analyzed that the fundamental reason for the frequent cold air process in China in autumn and winter is the difference in thermal properties between land and sea.

  "In autumn and winter, the land will form a strong high pressure, and the ocean will form a low pressure. The horizontal pressure gradient force will make the atmosphere move from a place with high pressure to a place with low pressure. From the perspective of climate system, the reason why cold air frequently moves south in autumn and winter is that the subtropical system and tropical system move south, the warm and humid airflow moves south, and the ground cold high pressure tends to be active in the middle and high latitudes, so the northwest airflow guides the cold air mass to move south. " Sun Jun said.

  In the recent "Direct Weather — — In the program "Talking to Scientists", Wang Yongguang, the chief climate expert of the National Climate Center, predicted this winter’s climate, and said that from the previous data forecasting model and diagnostic analysis, China may still be warmer this winter, "the impact of warmer air quality can not be ignored, including Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and Yangtze River Delta region, and it is still necessary to strengthen prevention".

  As to how to define "cold winter" and "warm winter", Ding Yihui, academician of China Academy of Engineering and special adviser on climate change of China Meteorological Bureau, explained that the climate change can be described by two parameters, one is the average temperature, and the average temperature of a winter for 90 days exceeds the average for many years, which is warm winter, and the other is cold winter, which is the problem of average. Another parameter is extreme events, such as sudden and violent cooling in a few days in a winter and cold wave weather.

  "If the average is a warm winter, it does not mean that there will be strong cold events and warm events under this warm winter." Ding Yihui said.

Director Wang Keran: There are two magic weapons for the success of the drama market.

The Beijing News (Reporter Zhang Jianlin) On September 15th, 2023, the Beijing Cultural Forum "Integration of Literature and Tourism: Combining Literature and Plastic Tourism with Tourism" was held, which was the first national and international forum with the theme of "Integration of Literature and Tourism". At the forum, Wang Keran, the founder and director of Yanghua Drama, shared his story. He said that drama plays an important role in the integration of literature and tourism, and there are two magic weapons for the success of the drama market, among which the lofty spiritual core is the key to the long-term survival of drama.

On September 15th, Wang Keran, the founder and director of Yang Hua Drama, spoke at the parallel forum of "Integration of Literature and Tourism: Using Literature to Plastic Tourism and Using Tourism to Promote Literature" of the 2023 Beijing Cultural Forum. Beijing News reporter Wang Jianing photo

In June this year, Wang Keran and his team made a cultural trip in Europe. Starting from the French Actors’ Spring Drama Festival, they visited the People’s Theatre in Lyon, France, watched the commercial drama performance in Paris, and finally went to Vendai Province, where they were invited to visit the "Madman’s Country Drama Valley" for three days.

The local drama park has a history of 46 years in France, and there is no amusement equipment, but it can attract about 2.6 million tourists every year, and its annual operation period is only seven months. "When we went, we thought it was the same plan as all kinds of’ performing arts shows’ that we had seen in a dramatic way. However, on the day we arrived, everything we watched shocked me and the team." Wang Keran said.

Wang Keran and his party watched about 12 performances in three days, and each performance was performed in theaters of different specifications based on historical stories. Specification refers not only to the size, but also to different theater forms, including framed theaters of different sizes, live performance theaters, and some performances that build historical environments and present historical buildings. All performances have a huge scale, or shocking sound, light, electricity and mechanical systems.

"Those contents are all based on such a system that all performances are (around) the timeline from history to the present." Wang Keran said that they designed the content with themes such as the spirit of defending the country and the lofty sacrifice. And every play, performance and core expressed by these themes are permeated with the most important and core emotions of human beings since the formation of civilization.

The core performance of "Madman Country Drama Valley" is "Big Night Show". The "Big Night Show" has a daily audience of 15,000, and there are two performances every weekend from June to September every year. Because of the great temperature difference between day and night, only these months in summer are suitable for outdoor performances.

"I was very surprised to find that the performance was full, and its audience was composed of audiences in France and surrounding French-speaking areas, and it was not promoted to the whole world. However, it has relied on its own audience for 46 years, and every year, every month and every game has achieved a perfect full number. " Wang Keran said.

In addition, they found that the viewing ratio of adults and children was basically 1.5:1. Judging from the age of the children, there are six or seven years old and seventeen or eighteen years old. The "Big Night Show" shows the growth and struggle of this nation from the Middle Ages to the modern times, and presents the great spirit needed to protect the country and defend the country through various dramatic means.

In Wang Keran’s view, the souls of these shows are all real dramas and profound dramas, which can attract countless people to participate in a patriotic drama education action in 46 years.

"There are two magic weapons for the success of the drama market, one is entertainment, and the other is sublimity." Wang Keran believes that the core of the long-term survival of drama is sublimity, because entertainment can be constantly replaced by various technical means, and sublimity can always obtain the core height with tenacious vitality through drama.

Wang Keran said that literary travel has a huge space, and the action of the great and lofty drama soul can be an important support and combination in the integration of literary travel. Beijing can have business, but what we are more proud of in Beijing is that it can attach great soul to the action of commercial value.

Oladipo fell down again because of injury. What is the geometry of the wound on the former "Panther"?

Today, the Heat beat the Bucks again, and the total score of the series was 2-1. It was originally a great happy event, but it was not so happy to put it on the Heat’s head. The reason is that Oladipo was injured again, and the injury worried them. A simple layup in the fourth quarter, but Oladipo sat on the floor and couldn’t move. When he was carried off the field by his teammates, the Heat bowed their heads and prayed for him. The injury has knocked Oladipo down, and he is no longer brave.

Oladipo slipped during the layup and hurt his left knee. It’s really a bad year for the Heat. After two victories, two generals were injured, and the G1 victory was directly reimbursed by Hiro due to injury season. There is also no letter brother in the other team for two consecutive games, but he can still come back. After the injury, Oladipo retained his last stubbornness. He waved the stretcher away and limped off the field with the help of his teammates.

Heat coach Spoelstra said after the game: "We still don’t know his specific situation. We will have a specific examination tomorrow. I feel the same with everyone. This is a great victory, especially when you see a player fall like this, especially a player who has experienced a lot like Oladipo. I don’t know the specific situation now. " Adebayor released a piece of good news: "We haven’t got the latest information about Oladipo, but I think he will be fine because he can still walk."

Oladipo once brought beautiful enjoyment to the fans. In his early years in Magic and Thunder, his performance was very good. In the second season, he had already secured his starting position, but people were waiting for his carp yue longmen’s jump. Joining the Pacers in the 2017-18 season, he finally ushered in a leap season, averaging 23.1 points, 5.2 rebounds, 4.3 assists and 2.4 steals in the league. He was selected as the All-Star, the best team and the best defensive team for the first time and was elected as the player with the fastest progress.

In the 2018-19 season, he almost copied everything from last season, except for injuries. He has rested for 11 games at the beginning of the season, but the watershed of his career still appeared on January 24 at home against the Raptors. In this game, he accidentally tore the tendon of his right knee during a defense. The team doctor immediately covered his knee with a towel, and the Pacers later announced that Oladipo would be reimbursed for the injury season.

A rising star of the League in Ran Ran has been interacting with his sickbed all the year round. After a long period of recovery, Oladipo spent the second half of the season, the playoffs, the offseason and the initial stage of the new season, and only announced his comeback at the end of January 2020, and soon participated in the playoffs with the team.

Over time, Oladipo became interested in the South Coast Heat, which was reflected in the playoffs of the previous season. He will talk to Butler, Adebayor and others in the game. So, the Pacers took part in the Harden trade and sent Oladipo to the Rockets. The Rockets didn’t force anyone to stay, and sent Oladipo, who played for the team for 20 games, to the Heat.

But the fresh energy of coming to the Heat hasn’t passed yet, and Oladipo has to give in to injuries. The day before, he was injured in the game against the Lakers. The next day, the bad news came. Oladipo underwent quadriceps tendon repair surgery and was reimbursed for the season. This is the second season reimbursement of Oladipo’s career.

This time, Oladipo took a longer rest, and it didn’t arrive until March of the following year. Oladipo, who played eight games without stopping in the regular season, became a new force on the bench after the playoffs. After three games at the beginning of the playoffs, Oladipo didn’t fall down from the first round G4, and he met the Celtics all the way to Dongjue healthily, which is rare for him to linger on his deathbed all the year round.

In the 24 games before this season, Oladipo took a leave of absence, and it was not until December 2022 that he went into battle again. I didn’t expect to be hit by an injury today. Since the 2018-19 season, Oladipo’s attendance rate is only 35.3%, which is relatively low.

Low attendance sometimes makes players have a wrong self-perception. Oladipo’s current contract is 8.75 million yuan, and 9.45 million yuan in the last year needs him to implement the player option to get it. So far, he has no reason not to fulfill it. In his early years, when his four-year contract of $84 million expired, the Pacers offered him four years of 80 million and four years of 130 million, both of which were rejected by him. Later, the Rockets also offered him a two-year contract extension of $45 million, which of course was rejected by him. Today, I wonder if he will regret signing a basic salary with the Heat for one year.

In the NBA, there are many stars who linger on the sickbed prematurely because of injuries and have lost their prestige in the past. Oladipo will not be the last one. In his early years, he fell at the peak of his career, which was linked with endless rehabilitation, slowly melting away the last glimmer of glory and the last trace of disobedience. Unfortunately, Oladipo’s peak years had already ended in a hurry, leaving a lonely figure for later generations to comment on.

Rob someone! French media: The AFL is prepared to do whatever it takes to persuade Messi to join in and stop Mero from getting together.

In the second round of the quarter-final of the Champions League that ended in the middle of the week, Greater Paris lost to Bayern 0-2, and the total score was eliminated 0-3. Argentine superstar Messi failed to taste the Champions League for eight consecutive years. After being eliminated from the Champions League, the rumors about Messi’s transfer once again occupied the headlines of major media. Among them, the French media "L ‘Equipe" broke the news that Barcelona and Saudi Arabia may become Messi’s next stop, but at present, the American Professional League is taking all possible means to persuade Messi to join.

Although the 35-year-old Messi hopes to participate in the Champions League next season, some media said that the only offer he received came from Paris. For the Paris club with no ambition and the Paris fans who don’t respect themselves enough, Messi may have lost interest in staying in the team. At present, Greater Paris is facing the fate of MMN dissolution and reconstruction.

Messi’s potential next homes include Barcelona and Manchester City, but Barcelona is facing a "referee’s door" investigation. Once it is confirmed that Barcelona does have bribery, then Barcelona is likely to be deducted and disqualified from the Champions League next season. Although Guardiola has always been unable to hide his love for Messi, he has no plans to invite Messi to join. In this way, the Saudi League and the American Professional League have become Messi’s potential next homes.

Team newspaper said that Major League Baseball was ready to sign Messi at all costs, and this treatment would be comparable to Beckham’s joining Los Angeles Galaxy in 2007, that is, huge salary+franchise+Miami International (Beckham’s salary for five years was 30 million euros). The AFL wants to take Messi before the Saudis do it and stop Mero from meeting in Saudi Arabia.

Jerome Merry, the middleman between the European League and the American Professional League, confirmed this. Merry also revealed that if Messi joins, American local enterprises will flock to us. However, Merry finally said that it is unlikely that Messi will choose the American Professional League. Because Messi still has interesting sports in Paris, on the other hand, he still has the possibility of returning to Barcelona.