Andy Lau attended a special dialogue session at the Toronto Film Festival to share his journey

1905 movie network news On September 16, local time, Toronto, Canada, attended a special dialogue session held at the 48th Toronto International Film Festival to share his journey of more than 40 years of career.

The Toronto International Film Festival has awarded Andy Lau the "Special Contribution Award", making him the first Chinese filmmaker to win the award. "This Special Contribution Award means a lot to me, it means: everyone has the potential to do more than you can imagine, thank you," said Andy Lau. "So choose your own path, work hard and be the best you can be. I will never forget the love you gave me, thank you."

Andy Lau is starring in a new film to Toronto, which tells the story of the award-winning superstar Liu Weichi (Andy Lau, played) in the process of going to the countryside to experience life, causing a series of ridiculous farce that makes people laugh and cry. At the same time, it shows the variety of beings in the entertainment industry.

"The News Queen" starts tonight to explain the anchor struggle and the game of human nature with news stories.

Produced by Youku and TVB, directed by Xie Ying and Chung Shu Kai, supervised by Guan Wenshen, directed by Chen Haibin and Jiang Zhenjie, and starring Charmaine Sheh, Kenneth Ma, Selena Li, Gao Haining, Wang Minyi, He Yiting, Deng Zhijian, Tan Junyan, Chen Shancong, Gong Ci ‘en, Wu Yekun and Che Wanwan, will be at 18: 00 tonight. The drama tells the story of Wen Hui, the news anchor, who struggles with his opponents and struggles with his conscience in order to climb to the position of management, and constantly wanders between powers.

Yesterday, The News Queen hosted a launch conference, and Charmaine Sheh, Kenneth Ma, Selena Li and He Yiting were present to have an immersive interaction with the audience. The leading actors not only deal with the "vicious obstacle" on the red carpet as skillfully as the characters in the play, but also continue the role relationship in the play through interactive games. As a sincere drama jointly launched by Youku and TVB this year, it coincides with the tenth anniversary of Youku’s Hong Kong drama. The Queen of News gathers many powerful actors to tell the story of the news anchor with a dazzling lineup and original Hong Kong style.

Ten years of Youku Hong Kong drama, Charmaine Sheh will take Kenneth Ma to interpret the anchor fight again

The story background of The News Queen is set in SNK-NEWS, the largest news media organization in Hong Kong. Senior anchor Wen Hui Xin (Charmaine Sheh) and Liang Jingren (Kenneth Ma) are equally divided into two factions, competing for the position of chief anchor. The subsequent vacancy of female anchors in prime time at 6: 30 triggered a series of infighting among three female anchors in different periods in the morning, middle and evening: Zhang Jiayan (Selena Li), Xu Shiqing (Gao Haining) and Xu Xiaowei (He Yiting).

Youku Hong Kong drama has been in existence for ten years, and has successively produced high-quality works such as Forensic Pioneer 4-5 series, Sniper of Flying Tigers trilogy, White Strongman 2, Sniper of Overlapping Shadows, Family Glory and Bridge of Sighs. This "News Queen" is also a gathering of Hong Kong stars, which is highly anticipated by the audience. Charmaine Sheh returned to Hong Kong Opera after a lapse of six years, showing Wen Huixin’s ability and strength to the fullest. Kenneth Ma once again cooperated with Charmaine Sheh, playing Liang Jingren, Wen Huixin’s arch-rival, and showed his insidious and shrewd behavior.

Externally, both Wen Huixin’s "Wen Jiajun" and Liang Jingren’s "George Party" adhere to the principle of "grabbing exclusivity, breaking news and grabbing pictures", and show their professional ability and accomplishment when dealing with social breaking news. Inside, in this game and struggle of anchors, some people gradually deviate from their original intentions, and some people always stick to their original intentions. Youku Port Theater aims to explain to the audience the news anchor’s pursuit of facts and the choice of human nature facing the temptation of interests through The News Queen.

A number of unexpected events explain the ability of news anchors, and multiple relationships depict the struggle of human nature.

In the final announcement released by The News Queen today, there have been many cases, such as the explosion of a bus in which passengers grabbed the steering wheel, the fire of a fire sprinkler building blocked by illegal construction, and the death of a rich second-generation drunk and racing car. The orderly presence of everyone reflects the professional ability of the news anchor. And behind the orderly, how do they skillfully deal with unexpected situations and dig deep into the truth behind the scenes? In the single poster released at the same time, everyone’s eyes are either extremely determined, or hidden, or naive, and the gray background behind it indicates that this is a solemn and unmistakable struggle.

On the other hand, Wen Huixin and Liang Jingren are rivals, and they compete for the company’s resources through a series of conspiracies. On top of the two, Mr. Fei, the director of the TV department, intends to add fuel to the flames and take advantage of the fishermen. What are the pros and cons behind this? In addition to the two, Zhang Jiayan, Xu Shiqing and Xu Xiaowei have different characteristics such as professionalism, beauty and scheming, and their relations with Wen Huixin and Liang Jingren are complicated. What kind of struggle will the anchors stage for the benefit? Is there true feelings behind the struggle?

In the background of live news broadcast, it shows the contest between anchors, the tracking of social hotspots and the balance of human conscience. In the end, who will not be moved by interests and stick to their original heart? Who is the final winner in this dilemma? Starting from 18:00 tonight, the TV series "The News Queen" will be broadcast exclusively on the whole network of Youku Port Theater, with 12 episodes in 8 days! A struggle without smoke is about to start!

Yu Chengdong, in a dilemma.

This article comes from WeChat WeChat official account:Shuzhi front line, Author: You Yong, editor: Zhou Luping, head picture from: vision china.

Yu Chengdong, which has made great contributions to Huawei’s terminal business, has encountered unprecedented challenges in the new energy vehicle business.

First, Ren Zhengfei issued a document on March 31, re-emphasizing that Huawei does not build cars, which is valid for 5 years. This is nothing new, but it emphasizes that "Huawei /HUAWEI" cannot appear in the publicity and appearance of the whole vehicle.

Then Xu Zhijun, the rotating chairman of Huawei, criticized at the financial report meeting that "recently, some departments, individuals and some partners are abusing the Huawei brand. We have been investigating and dealing with it. The brand that Huawei has built for more than 30 years will not be abused at will. Huawei has not built a car or any brand of car."

The speech from the top of Huawei is very targeted. Prior to this, Yu Chengdong has been trying to bind HUAWEI brand to the world of inquiry more deeply, and the stores and posters in the world of inquiry have added the logo of "Huawei", but this cross-border behavior was resolutely stopped by Huawei’s top management.

On the one hand, the terminal business is under downward pressure,Yu Chengdong urgently needs to find new growth points; On the other hand, although there are several business models of Huawei’s car business, the space for Huawei to display is very limited. Yu Chengdong hopes to deeply bind with Huawei to alleviate the current predicament.However, in the face of the firm strategy of the Group, Yu Chengdong, who was full of grievances, began to find himself in a dilemma.

Stopped "HUAWEI asks the world"

On April 1, Wu Shu, a dealer in the western province, received a notice from HUAWEI, demanding that the logo and posters in the store be replaced, and the "Huawei" logo be removed, leaving "the border".

Less than a month ago, Wu Shu just hung up Huawei’s logo. He got the news that Yu Chengdong was going to release the upgraded car of the M5 at the Shanghai Auto Show on April 17th. The main highlight was the advanced autopilot, and Huawei AITO was officially announced to provide confidence to the market.

"At present, no matter from which angle, the overall pressure is quite large. This is the truth." Gu Jiatian, a dealer in the Yangtze River Delta region, told the front line of Digital Intelligence that in addition to cars,The performance of the mobile phone is not very good either.Most of the stores in the world are opened by Huawei’s big distributors. Huawei hopes to solve the survival problem of authorized stores in the case of a sharp decrease in mobile phones. Every time a dealer sells a car, he can earn 6 points.

However, the sales volume in the world is not good now. "Asked the world last year or resource car, sell well, everyone is robbing. Not this year. " Wu Shu said that the sales of smart cars and Huawei mobile phones are now facing tremendous downward pressure. "At this stage, everyone has actually been biting their teeth." In March of this year, the sales of mobile phones and cars in his stores all halved.

Yu jianyue, founder of jianyue EV forecast, analyzed that the product strength of these cars is relatively insufficient.Coupled with the frequent price cuts of rivals, especially Tesla ModelY and Li ONE, it is very uncomfortable for the media at present.

Statistics also confirm this. In February and March, the sales volume of the world has dropped to more than 3,000 units. The front line of digital intelligence learned from an insider of Cyrus that the target set by the consulting community this year is 260,000 units, with an average of more than 20,000 units per month. The reality is far from the target.

"Yu Chengdong is in a hurry and has set high goals, but the market performance of the world is not so good." Gu Jiatian believes that,Yu Chengdong hopes to use Huawei brand to give a shot in the arm and improve consumers’ recognition of the world.

According to Gu Jiatian’s observation, Huawei terminals have actually been exploring step by step, adding Huawei elements to the world. The first batch of boundary M5, the left side of the rear of the car is written by Jin Kang Sailis, and the right side is boundary M 5; The left side of the second batch became Cyrus, and Jin Kang was removed, and the right side was still the boundary M5. In March of this year, I was informed that Celeste was still on the left, and Huawei asked M5 on the right. But this car was not delivered in the end.

But this practice was finally rejected by Ren Zhengfei.Ren Zhengfei’s attitude is still clear, and the whole vehicle will not be tied to the Huawei brand.

"In fact, before you changed, everyone privately called Huawei AITO. Just after getting on Huawei’s bid, give the customer a positive statement. " Wu Shu said that this thing was fine without adding it, but it was not very good to be removed after adding it.

The front line of Digital Intelligence learned from a person familiar with the matter that a few days ago, Huawei’s intranet also released a speech made by Ren Zhengfei in October last year, which talked about several things that Huawei needs to make strategic breakthroughs at present, including digital energy, Huawei Cloud and HarmonyOS Euler, and even talked about Huawei’s mobile phone returning to the king, but it didn’t talk about cars. "He didn’t say anything, which means that this matter is not important at present." The above-mentioned insiders said.

Intelligent selection mode is in a torment period.

As we all know, Huawei’s car business has three modes:One is to provide spare parts for car companies and play the role of Bosch in the era of smart cars; The second is HUAWEI Inside.(HI)Mode, providing HI solutions including HarmonyOS car machine and self-developed on-board computing chip to car companies; The third is the smart car selection mode, which not only helps car companies build cars, but also helps them sell cars. One of the three is more involved than the other.

"In the face of a sanctioned company, it is difficult for car companies in Europe, America and Japan to regard Huawei as the main intelligent supplier, so we can only find domestic car company partners; Li Xiang, a new force car company like Li Bin, has its own pursuit and will not choose us; If traditional car companies are afraid of losing their souls, they will not choose us. " At the 2023 committee of 100 for Electric Vehicles, Yu Chengdong spoke very pertinently about Huawei’s situation in car business. In other words, the first two modes are not easy to walk.

This situation has also been verified. On March 27th, Guangzhou Automobile Group announced that the joint development of Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an AH8 project with Huawei changed from joint development to independent development, and the HI model was downgraded to parts model. In fact, Huawei’s HI mode partner is only Aouita of Chang ‘an. And things like Weilai and Ideals are all self-developed in the intelligent level.

Therefore, Yu Chengdong has always been most concerned about smart car selection, which can not only empower car companies, but also activate Huawei’s sales channels.

According to Yu Chengdong, Huawei wants to make the world an eco-brand.That is to say, not only Celeste, but also other smart cars that cooperate with Huawei may appear in the name of the industry. However, there is no clear answer as to who owns the brand or trademark AITO.

However, the cooperation mode of smart car selection also makes some car companies feel less comfortable.

A Cyrus employee said that Huawei did bring advanced management mode and management experience to Cyrus, but its strong style also made Cyrus somewhat dissatisfied. "Huawei requires that we provide all data to Huawei selflessly, and then if we ask Huawei for something, they will say that this is our internal confidential data."

In addition, the above employees revealed that,Huawei’s things are generally more expensive, and as long as the departments related to this thing have to make money,For example, the combination of software and hardware requires a sum of money, hardware also requires a sum of money, and cloud services also require a sum of money. "The cost of Huawei’s whole set of things is very high, and then he will advise car companies to reduce profits."

Therefore, considering the cost, some things of Cyrus are also used by other suppliers. Like motor, ECU(electronic control unit)HiCar uses Huawei more, but Huawei is not used for driving assistance. "We also refuse many things.".

More importantly, the sales volume of the world has been deadlocked recently. Yu Chengdong’s attempt to further bind Smart Car with Huawei brand was also rejected. This adds more variables to Huawei’s smart car selection.

In fact, before the car, Huawei tried the smart selection mode in other categories. The most typical is the smart choice of mobile phones. Since Huawei was suppressed by the United States, 5G chips have not been supplied, and Huawei has also provided 5G mobile phones through smart selection mode.Mainly for operators and Huawei mobile phone contractors to trade.

However, smart mobile phones face more embarrassment than smart cars."Smart mobile phones didn’t sell well last year, and they didn’t sell much this year, with a small proportion." The front line of Digital Intelligence learned from many Huawei dealers that Huawei’s smart mobile phones lacked control before, which led to the channel terminals’ complaints. In Huawei Mall, there are only three or four smart phones, all of which are labeled with 5G, but the sales volume is very limited.

Moreover, merchants can only mention Huawei’s smart selection when they publicize, and they cannot be equated with Huawei. Although these mobile phones are different except for chips, operating systems and logo, others are basically the same as Huawei’s original models. However, Huawei does not allow these smart models to be bundled with Huawei for publicity.

Without Huawei’s blessing, chaotic smart brands have also brought troubles to terminal sales.For example, China Mobile’s Huawei Smart Choice model is Enzhong, TCL’s Thunderbird, Dingqiao’s mobile phone is TD, and Unicom’s is U-Magic. "Who is this product, and the after-sales of the product is a problem." A dealer told the front line that consumers’ recognition of smart phones is very low, and some even bought them back and found that they were not Huawei brands and returned.

This year, Huawei introduced very few smart phones, mainly Hi-nova which cooperated with China Telecom.

Although Huawei pays more attention to and invests in the smart car, it also needs to face the entanglement of this business model. Moreover, compared with the smart mobile phone partners, Huawei faces more independent brands, which also tests their cooperation with Huawei.

In Yu Jianyue’s view, there is not much Huawei can do now: First, after the new car is released at the Shanghai Auto Show, Huawei needs to re-price the M5 and M7.In particular, the M5 extended-range version should continue to reduce the price.In fact, there have been some price reduction actions on the channel side, but they have not been carried out in a big way;Second, it depends on the market performance of pure electric SUVs and pure electric cars that Huawei cooperates with Chery.

"Dealers are also relatively conservative, and it is unlikely that there will be a big outbreak in the short term." Gu Jiatian said that he also lost a lot of money in the world, but he will continue to do it.

Yu Chengdong in a dilemma

The emergency stop of Huawei’s top management made Yu Chengdong rather passive, and also made the outside world see the differences between Huawei’s strategic and executive levels.

Huawei doesn’t want to build a complete vehicle, but wants to do business with more car companies.In Ren Zhengfei’s original words, "Smart car solutions can’t spread a complete front. It is necessary to reduce the research budget and strengthen the business closed loop. R&D should take the road of modularization, focus on several key components to make competitiveness, and the rest can be connected with others."

But the reality is not easy. Huawei’s parts model and HI model have not opened up the situation. "This era has changed, which will only make us more difficult. After a few years, everyone will understand and leave time to test! " Yu Chengdong wrote this sentence on Huawei intranet. So,Yu Chengdong prefers deeper involvement.

In fact, from Yu Chengdong’s perspective, we can better understand that it is not easy to break the game. Huawei’s terminal business has suffered a serious decline in recent years. In 2022, Huawei’s terminal revenue was 214.4 billion yuan, which was the only declining sector within Huawei, accounting for one-third of Huawei’s total revenue. At the peak of 2019, consumer business accounted for more than 50%.

Before the chip is solved, the mobile phone is difficult to get up. Whether it is to save the channel or the terminal business, Yu Chengdong needs to open up new water sources. The car business is highly anticipated by Yu Chengdong. But from the current results, it is not ideal.

Besides,A lot of money is spent, but the income is very limited.Huawei disclosed in its 2022 performance report that since the establishment of BU, a smart car solution, the accumulated investment has reached 3 billion US dollars.(about RMB 20.6 billion)The R&D team has reached the scale of 7000 people. In 2022, Huawei’s R&D expenditure related to the automobile business exceeded 10.3 billion yuan, and the business indirectly involved more than 10,000 people.

Corresponding to the high investment, in 2022, Huawei’s smart car solution business revenue was 2.077 billion yuan, accounting for only 0.3% of Huawei’s total revenue.

Yu Chengdong’s pressure can be imagined. Now every business unit of Huawei has a profit assessment, and the car is the only loss-making business of Huawei at present. An interesting detail is that in the latest 2022 financial report released by Huawei Group, although Yu Chengdong, the CEO of terminal BG, is still the managing director, his name is behind Zhang Pingan, CEO of Huawei Cloud, and Wang Tao, president of enterprise BG. In 2021, Yu Chengdong came before these two men.

"At this time, Yu Chengdong can only find a way to get through when the sales volume is green and yellow." Yu Jianyue said to the front line of intelligence.

In Yu Jianyue’s view, Huawei’s biggest problem is facing US sanctions and problems in the supply chain. Huawei needs to ensure its main business instead of putting too much energy into innovative business. Besides, in this case, even if the automobile business is bigger,It also faces the risk of being sanctioned.

In addition, building a car itself is a very expensive thing, but Huawei is still in the stage of survival."We can’t simply take the same road as Ali and Amazon … We don’t have that much money, and they have inexhaustible money in the US stock market." Ren Zhengfei said. This is also the reason why Huawei has always attached great importance to profits. It needs money to support huge R&D..

"For an industry, only in-depth insight and deep understanding can we grasp the right direction! Mark it and come back in a few years! " After being publicly criticized, Yu Chengdong left such a sentence on the voice forum of Huawei’s intranet, which was quite aggrieved.

Maybe everything Yu Chengdong said is right. "Cars are very important, but compared with Huawei’s main business, it doesn’t look so important." According to Yu Jianyue,For Huawei, this is a question of survival and development.

This article comes from WeChat WeChat official account:Shuzhi front line, Author: You Yong, Editor: Zhou Luping

Lotus, sugar cane, papaya … Many southern fruits are planted here in winter. Come and have a look!

Kebai Technology’s newly built 30,000-square-meter large-scale intelligent multi-span glass greenhouse for Internet of Things.
Kebai Technology, located in Yangzhuang Town, Laiwu District, Jinan City, Shandong Province, is a smart agricultural company. They used smart agriculture to realize large-scale successful planting of various southern fruits in the north. A few days ago, the mass newspaper and rural mass reporters visited it and felt the shock brought by smart agriculture at close range.
Scientific research achievements have landed,
Jianqi wisdom industrial park
"Our park is a practical application exhibition base for the practical production of smart agriculture. The planned total investment of the park is 650 million yuan, and now it is mainly divided into two parts. Together, it is an agricultural big data center, and together it is a 20,000-mu precision and digital agricultural planting park. There are several types of new greenhouses here. Some are earth-back-wall greenhouses suitable for areas with low temperature or large temperature difference between day and night, some are new material greenhouses that can effectively save land space, and there are high-standard plexiglass greenhouses. It can basically represent the greenhouses needed by various geographical features in China. I will take you to the scene later. " On November 25, in the office of Jinan Kebai Smart Agriculture Industrial Park, Liu Xinyuan, the chief agronomist of the park, pointed to a row of greenhouses not far away and said with a smile.
Following the guidance of Liu Xinyuan, the reporter looked out, and the original thick and neatly arranged greenhouses were indeed different.
Liu Xinyuan introduced that although these greenhouses are different in materials and styles, they have one thing in common. They have all installed various agricultural Internet of Things detection and control equipment produced by Kebai, all of which use wireless detection, wireless transmission and wireless control to implement automatic management and operation of agricultural Internet of Things.
"To build these greenhouses with different styles, our purpose is to apply all kinds of high-tech data achievements in the laboratory to production, so that smart agriculture can blossom and bear fruit wherever it goes. Let the world have no crops that are difficult to grow. " Liu Xinyuan walked towards the greenhouse with the reporter and said confidently.
Smart agriculture helps,
South guoaishang north di
While speaking, Liu Xinyuan took the reporter into a common winter warm shed in the north. A damp and warm air came to my face, and the fruit trees in the shed were lush and shiny.
The expansion piece in Liu Xinyuan’s mobile phone is full of a tree of lotus mist, which is really gratifying to watch.
"This shed covers an area of 1.5 mu, and 68 red emerald lotus trees have been planted, all of which are seedlings from Guangdong. Although the planting range has moved to the north by 14 latitudes, we can accurately control the most suitable environment for the growth of lotus fog in the greenhouse by leveraging Kebai’s agricultural special Internet of Things automation management and agricultural big data cloud platform. It is better to ensure that the lotus leaves bear fruit many times a year, and the yield and quality are higher than those in the south. " Liu Xinyuan said that he opened the photo album of his mobile phone and opened a photo. I saw a lotus tree full of fruits, one by one like a red lantern is gratifying.
"You see, this is the tree in the photo. From March this year, the first crop of buds has been planted, and by the end of August, two crops have been planted, each with 40 to 50 kilograms. You sweep this, and all the information of this lotus mist can be seen. " Liu Xinyuan pointed to a small two-dimensional code card hanging on the tree.
Where did all this information come from?
Liu Xinyuan pointed out the detection and control facilities installed in several places in the greenhouse for the reporter to see.
The greenhouse is covered with various monitors to provide technical support for the growth of lotus fog.
It turns out that there are many secret weapons hidden in the greenhouse, which are the infrastructure of Kebai Agricultural Internet of Things and Agricultural Big Data Cloud Platform.
There are various clips on the leaves and stems of a lotus tree. Liu Xinyuan said that this is a sensor for monitoring plant growth, which can monitor leaf temperature and humidity, fruit diameter and stem growth in real time and interpret plant growth. Compare under what environment, plants grow fastest and fruits grow fastest. In addition, meteorological sensors are installed in the park to monitor air temperature and humidity, rainfall, wind speed and direction, carbon dioxide, etc. Soil and air sensors are also installed in the shed to obtain the real temperature, moisture, humidity, PH value and EC value of the soil and the air temperature and humidity.
The data collected by these sensors will be uploaded to the agricultural big data cloud platform through the wireless transmission system using the 5G base station. After analysis and calculation, a most suitable model for plant growth will be formed. Once this mode is determined, once there is a deviation between the real-time environment in the shed and the mode environment, the system will automatically give instructions to adjust the real-time environment to the best through measures such as ventilation, water spraying, watering and fertilization.
"It is with these guarantees that we can ensure the healthy growth of southern fruits in the north, and the yield per mu is higher than that in the south and the quality is good." Liu Xinyuan proudly said that there are 19 such sheds in their park, totaling 200 mu, plus a glass multi-span greenhouse that is not fully put into use and covers an area of 30,000 square meters. It only takes eight people to manage these.
I didn’t see the lotus mist hanging fruit, and the reporter and his party were a little lost. Liu Xinyuan invited us to see some more sheds. "I’ll show you the results of papaya and lemon in those sheds."
Liu Xinyuan told reporters that papaya grows from below, which is the photo of him and the first batch of papaya this year.
Walking into the papaya shed, everyone immediately got excited. I saw a papaya forest with fruitful results. The reporter roughly counted that an ordinary papaya here can bear hundreds of papaya, and the papaya here has three or four kilograms after maturity, and the output is amazing.
Liu Xinyuan introduced that in recent years, there has been a small upsurge of planting southern fruits in the north, but due to some objective factors, at present, many growers and parks can only introduce several common general southern fruits. However, with the help of smart agriculture and big data of the Internet of Things, Kebai Smart Park has successfully planted nearly ten kinds of southern characteristic fruits such as lotus, litchi, papaya, longan, lemon and sugarcane on a large scale.
The sugar cane planted in the park can be cut down, which is especially sweet.
Subvert traditional agriculture,
Make agricultural production lighter, simpler and more efficient
"Planting in the south and planting in the north must be a minority. Our goal is to apply smart agriculture to traditional agriculture, especially local leading industries, so that agricultural production is lighter, simpler and more efficient." Walking out of the south fruit and north planting greenhouse, Liu Xinyuan took us to a ginger field that was harvested soon.
Laiwu is a famous ginger producing area in China. This year, Liu Xinyuan led his team to apply smart agriculture to ginger production.
Outside this 3-acre open-air ginger field, there stands an iron guy, and the wind leaves on it are whirring. Cao Yaopeng, a big data agronomist in charge of digital planting management in the park, introduced that this is a scientific and technological equipment integrating weather stations and micro-base stations of the Internet of Things. Including the data in the Nanguo North Seed Greenhouse that I just visited, were uploaded through it.
This year, Liu Xinyuan led his team to apply smart agriculture to ginger production.
Walking into Jiangtian, I saw water and fertilizer integrated facilities on the ground, and more than ten wireless sensors were inserted in the soil. The air temperature and humidity, air pressure, carbon dioxide, water and fertilizer in Jiangtian will transmit data to the big data center through sensors. The system will automatically give instructions for watering, fertilizing and shading according to the most suitable growth parameters of ginger. If there are signs of pests and diseases, an early warning will be issued.
"Ginger is shade-tolerant, but it also needs plenty of light. The automatic sunshade net erected above Jiangtian will be automatically opened or closed according to the data comparison. " Cao Yaopeng said, "The whole process takes a short time, only about ten minutes, which is very convenient."
Said, Cao Yaopeng opened the mobile app to demonstrate the automatic opening and closing of the sunshade net for us. "When there are crops in the field, we don’t need human operation, and the sunshade net will automatically open and close according to data analysis. Now these 3 acres of ginger fields, except for sowing and harvesting, have all been automated. "
3 acres of ginger fields, what is the output?
"The average yield per mu is 12,500 Jin, which is 20% higher than that of traditional local planting. Moreover, according to the detection data of the Internet of Things, accurate management is carried out, and pests and diseases are prevented in advance according to the early warning, and the produced ginger is very safe. " The application of smart agriculture to ginger production was a great success for the first time, which made Liu Xinyuan look forward to helping more ginger farmers to simplify production in the future.
After the automatic control mode of ginger is determined, after the ginger farmers install relevant facilities in the ginger field, farmers only need to check the field environment at home and on their mobile phones, and combine the planting suggestions provided by the Agricultural Big Data Center to remotely control various agricultural equipment such as water and fertilizer irrigation and shading in the park. Ginger seeds can be easily planted.
It is noon to leave Kebai Technology. Looking back at the park, the newly built 30,000-square-meter large-scale intelligent multi-span glass greenhouse of the Internet of Things is shining, and the banner hanging on the external wall "Let there be no crops difficult to grow in the world" is particularly dazzling.
Mass Newspaper and Rural Mass Reporter Ji Feiyan

World Report of Table Tennis Mixed Team: Table Tennis 8

On December 7th, Beijing time, the second stage of Chengdu mixed team World Cup quarter-finals started in full swing. Yesterday, it took the lead in ending four matchups, in which Japan broke out 8-00, China and Taipei, South Korea fell behind 0-3, 8-5, France was reversed, Europe Dialogue Sweden overthrew Germany 8-4, and Table Tennis beat Slovakia 8-1. As a result, in the latest standings, China, Japan and South Korea all scored 4 points, Sweden, Germany and Slovakia scored 3 points.

The first opponent of Japan’s Top 8 was Taipei, China. As Taipei, China was not the main player this time, the result can be imagined that there should be no suspense in the game. Japan had obvious advantages in the whole game, and made great strides all the way forward. The full-scale offensive of firepower directly blasted the opponent with an 8-0 score, and the strong victory won a zero seal!

South Korea met a powerful French team, and as a result, the two sides played very badly. As soon as South Korea came up, it was hit hard. It was the first to lose a set with a 0-3 defeat. Fortunately, South Korea’s overall strength still dominated, and then it came back with a strong momentum and gradually made efforts to overtake the score. In this way, it defeated France with an 8-5 score reversal and won a thrilling victory!

Sweden and Germany staged a dialogue, and Germany also lacked the main force in this game. As a result, the whole game was passive and was beaten by Sweden, and the game slowly lost its suspense. In the end, Sweden overthrew Germany 8-4 and won a victory!

The opponent of Guoping is Slovakia. In the first game, Guoping was challenged. Lin Gaoyuan/Wang Yidi lost one game as soon as they started because they didn’t adapt to the opponent’s rhythm. Fortunately, they adjusted the two games in time to win Zelinka/Kukulova 2-1. After that, we won the women’s singles and men’s singles very easily. Among them, Manyu Wang swept Barazova 3-0 in straight sets, with the ratio of three games being 11-4, 11-2 and 11-.

Today, the second stage of the competition will continue. Guoping will stage a one-day double match against China, Taipei and France. I hope Guoping can win a total victory. Come on!

Literary/sports novels

Top 20 FIFA Men’s Football Team: Brazil ranks first, Belgium and Argentina rank second and third, and Italy ranks seventh.

Live broadcast: On June 23rd, FIFA announced the latest ranking of the national men’s soccer team in the world, with Brazil ranked first, Belgium and Argentina ranked second and third. Italy ranked seventh, France, England, Spain, the Netherlands, Portugal and other powerful countries all entered the top ten, while Germany ranked eleventh.

FIFA’s latest men’s soccer rankings

1. Brazil

2. Belgium

3. Argentina

4. France

5. England

6. Spain

7. Italy

8. Netherlands

9. Portugal

10. Denmark

11. Germany

12. Mexico

13. Uruguay

14. America

15. Croatia

16. Switzerland

17. Colombia

18. Senegal

19. Wales

20. Sweden

(CC fried meatballs)

The peak turns around! The new brother of the Football Association emerged, not Gao Hongbo Sun Wen, and went back or died a natural death.

As we all know, Du Zhaocai and Chen Xueyuan, two important officials of China Football Association, have been arrested and investigated since the football anti-corruption campaign began. In addition to the investigation of these two main players, many people involved are also related to the Football Association, and almost all of them are the heads of key departments within the Football Association. The General Administration of Sports has sent a working group to take charge of the Football Association, but fans hope that the Football Association will be replaced as soon as possible.

Who will be the next new president of the Football Association has really attracted the attention of fans. Recently, Li Xuan, a member of the Football Association, posted a message on social media, believing that this indicates that the change of the Football Association is officially put on the agenda. A football association will be established soon.

According to some media reports, some new members have appeared among the members of the State Sports General Administration. From the Provincial Sports Bureau to the State Sports General Administration, are you ready to take over the China Football Association? Maybe only the sports bureau knows about it.

However, Li Xuan, a media person, issued the latest statement saying that he didn’t know who would be in charge of the affairs of the Football Association, although some officials of the local sports bureau may have arrived in Beijing Paddy recently. Obey the boss’s orders. The next new team of the Football Association is also expected to follow the original path and appoint the deputy director of the General Administration of Sports.

Who is the new president of the Football Association? There is no way to study it now. In the end, only when the head of the Football Association is determined at the level of the State Sports General Administration can the change of the Football Association proceed smoothly. Therefore, analyzing the current situation, the new coach of the Football Association may not be a member of the current temporary team.

They, including Gao Hongbo and Sun Yat-sen, the current vice-presidents of FFA, are likely to gradually fade out of the stage of China football after the FFA team is re-elected. Of course, we don’t want the Football Association to stagger, and we don’t want the head of the Football Association to die easily. We want to select personnel. Track.

Italian media: If Di Maria doesn’t renew Kulu or replace him, otherwise Juventus may sell Kulu.

Live on May 20th, according to all the reports of Juventus, if Di Maria doesn’t renew his contract, Kulusevski may become his replacement. Otherwise, Juventus may sell Kulusevski.

It is reported that Tottenham may not buy out Kulusevski, so Kulusevski may return to Juventus this summer. If Di Maria doesn’t renew his contract with Juventus, Kulusevski may become his replacement and become a member of Juventus’ re-launch next season.

However, if Tottenham don’t buy out Kulusevski and Di Maria renews his contract with Juventus, Juventus may also consider selling Kulusevski.

(real steel fist)

Return to Real Madrid! Congratulations to Ronaldo! Give up the high salary of 200 million, Mendes will come forward again, and Galeries Lafayette will be silent.

Will Cristiano Ronaldo return to Real Madrid?

Saudi Arabia scored 18 wins, 6 draws and 3 losses in 27 rounds, ranking second with 60 points, three points behind the leader Jeddah United.

Riyadh’s victory attracted a lot of attention, partly because Manchester United gave up Cristiano Ronaldo in January this year, but the cooperation between them did not achieve the expected results, and of course it also attracted a lot of attention. However, the results in the league are not ideal.

In half a season, Cristiano Ronaldo scored 13 goals and made 2 assists in 14 matches in the Saudi Super League. Although his scoring ability is not bad, he will still lose contact with his teammates. It has been difficult for him to adapt to the low-level leagues in Europe for some time. This is the rhythm of the United States, which means that there is a lack of tacit understanding between his teammates and Cristiano Ronaldo.

Riyadh successfully signed a contract of 200 million euros with Cristiano Ronaldo for two and a half years, but he was not satisfied with his performance in Saudi Arabia. Sky Sports reported that Cristiano Ronaldo had considered leaving Riyadh. Victory.

"In the past, the dispute between Cristiano Ronaldo and Manchester United was very unpleasant. In the end, the player chose to leave the club. His agent Mendes was also dissatisfied with Cristiano Ronaldo, and even the transfer to Riyadh was personally arranged." By Ronaldo’s personal mainstay Ricardo official edition.

That is to say, regev took advantage of the cold war between Mendes and Cristiano Ronaldo to seize the power of Cristiano Ronaldo’s agent, but Gestifute, the agent of the Portuguese Marauders, still owns the portrait right of Cristiano Ronaldo, and the two have parted ways.

Sky Sports said that the agents of regev and Mendes have begun to lobby Cristiano Ronaldo to return to Europe, with Real Madrid and Manchester United as the main targets.

Real Madrid just lost to Manchester City in the semi-final of the Champions League, and later won the league title by a big score, while the unbeaten White Army only won the King’s Cup this season. In the semi-final of the Champions League, they drew with Manchester City at home in the first leg and lost to Manchester City 0-4 in the second leg. The game was much worse than the score. There are not many opportunities for Real Madrid to threaten the team. The opponent’s goal.

This also proves that Real Madrid really needs to speed up the reconstruction process. In the past three seasons, it spent 110 million euros to acquire Camwenga and Joao Armeni, but both players are optimistic about the future of the team. Although it is a responsible company, it can’t provide the strength of stability and preparation.

As for Manchester United, compared with last season, the Red Devils under the age of 10 only improved on the defensive end with the joining of casemiro and lisandro Martinez, and the improvement was not so great. Nevertheless, it is not easy for Real Madrid and Manchester United to welcome Cristiano Ronaldo’s return.

After 12 years, it is expected that Beijing will bid for the 2027 World Championships in Track and Field again.

On April 22nd, China Athletics Association published the Announcement of China Athletics Association on the Bidding Results of 2027 World Athletics Championships on its official website. The announcement showed that according to the relevant requirements of the Notice of China Athletics Association on the Public Bidding of 2027 World Athletics Championships, China Athletics Association had completed the bidding work of bidding cities for 2027 World Athletics Championships. After research, only Beijing applied and met the solicitation conditions.

IAAF World Championships in Athletics, the top international track and field event hosted by international association of athletics federations, was founded in 1983, initially every four years, and changed to every two years in 1991. Beijing successfully hosted the 15th World Athletics Championships in the National Stadium (Bird’s Nest) from August 22 to 30, 2015. More than 2,000 athletes from more than 200 countries and regions competed fiercely in 47 events, showing the world a wonderful track and field event. At present, Beijing is going all out to bid for the World Championships in Track and Field, expecting to return to Beijing after 12 years, so that the eyes of the whole world will once again focus on the "Double Olympic City".