Experts discuss Jackie Chan’s film achievements and explore the future trends of Chinese action movies

1905 movie network news  The 4th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week Main Event "Dragon" Film 40 Years Jackie Chan Film Phenomenon Seminar was held in Datong, Shanxi on July 19. Jackie Chan, the founder and actor of Jackie Chan International Action Film Week, Li Wei, chairperson of 1905 Film Network, Chen Hang, editor-in-chief of "China Screen", Lv Xin, secretary of the Party Branch of Datong City Library, and other leaders and guests Wen Jun, Rao Shuguang, Yin Hong, Jia Leilei attended and delivered speeches to interpret the artistic status and achievements of Jackie Chan and his film works.

        In the afternoon roundtable forum, more than 40 industry experts and scholars conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on three topics: "the formation and development of Jackie Chan’s Chinese cultural brand and international influence", "the leading role of kung fu films in Chinese films going global" and "the role of kung fu films in promoting the artistic prosperity and industry development of Chinese films".

Jackie Chan sincerely shares his film experience, revealing that he will publish a book for all his films

As one of the organizers of this Jackie Chan International Action Film Week, Chairperson Li Wei of the 1905 Film Network first delivered a speech at the seminar on behalf of the Movie Channel Program Center and the 1905 Film Network, explaining the significance of our attention, research and discussion of the "Jackie Chan Film Phenomenon" today: "If Jackie Chan’s film works use pure, direct and unique action special effects, express the heroic spirit of the common people, express optimism and enterprising, and insist on their own attitude towards life, then the Jackie Chan Film Phenomenon is through the extreme action film spirit, crossing the language barrier and cultural barrier, and conquering the world with the spirited spirit of the Chinese people. I hope that in the future, more Chinese films can form their own unique brands and spread Chinese culture."

Huang Cenli, a member of the Datong Municipal Committee Standing Committee and head of the United Front Work Department, affirmed Jackie Chan’s role model in her speech: "Mr. Jackie Chan is enthusiastic about public welfare, does not forget to give back to the society, regards charity as a responsibility, tries his best to help those in need, and influences others with his feelings for the country and the society. It shows the patriotism of film and television artists, and has won a good reputation and honor. Looking back on Mr. Jackie Chan’s acting career, behind every success, he contains countless sweat, pain and hard work, which is admirable. I pay tribute to Mr. Jackie Chan and the action actors for this."

Then, Jackie Chan took the stage to share his insights. He first modestly expressed that seeing so many scholars discuss his film made him nervous and a little shy: "In fact, I am very simple. If people help me, I will help others. If the film makes me, I will also make the film. The original intention of this action film week is to let everyone know all the behind-the-scenes action filmmakers." Jackie Chan bluntly said that he has always done things with a grateful heart. "I just did what a filmmaker or a person should do."

After making his debut in Hong Kong in his early years and then going overseas, Jackie Chan has deeply experienced the contempt that the Chinese people used to receive. Therefore, he is more eager to help the whole industry and the whole country through his efforts. "I am not just patriotic and loving my family now. I have been focusing on this theme in my early works. Jackie Chan is small and the country is very big. Thank you for giving me the opportunity."

On the same day, Jackie Chan also donated his autographed autobiography "Jackie Chan: Old Before You Grow Up" to the Datong City Library. At the scene, he revealed that he hopes to donate more books to more libraries in the next few years. "I have been preparing for five or six years, hoping to publish all my movies into books, including the content of each shot. Now I have made about 12 copies. After all of them are done, I will give them to libraries all over the world."

Experts discuss Jackie Chan’s film status and achievements, and explore the future development trend of Chinese action movies

The concept of "Dragon" film 40 years originated from Jackie Chan’s famous two films in 1978, and it has been a full 40 years this year. During these 40 years, in addition to bringing countless excellent works to the audience, Jackie Chan’s Chinese cultural brand and international influence have also been continuously formed and developed. This Jackie Chan Film Phenomenon Seminar and Roundtable Forum also used this as a starting point to invite many industry experts and scholars to discuss the Jackie Chan film phenomenon and its status and achievements from the film academic level, explore the future trend of Chinese action movies, bring new horizons and new ideas for the inheritance and development of action movies, promote the new development of the film culture industry, and make the pace of Chinese action movies into the future more confident and stable.

The guests attending the roundtable discussion on the day included: Jia Leilei, Yin Hong, Wen Jun, Zhang Yiwu, Zhang Wei, Soo Yabin, Zhao Weifang, Yang Junlei, Ni Jun, Ye Hang, Hu Yajie, Chen Gang, Cheng Bo, Huang Yong, Li Xingwen, Hao Chuntao, Zhang Jihu, Zhong Dafeng, Chen Hang, Wang Haizhou, Ishikawa, Huang Haikun, Gao Xiaoli, Yan Hui, Liang Ming, Hong Fan, Wu Xiaowei, Hu Jianli, Li Zhen, Tang Rong, Li Zhenlin, Shi Longyue, Hou Jianchen, Zuo Heng, Han Dongjun, Zhang Jinfeng, Zhou Liming, Liu Shuo, Chen Yiyu, Zhou Wenping, Nie Wei, Fan Zhizhong, Song Ziwen, Leng Song Zhang Xiaoquan, Gao Shan.

        It is reported that the content and results of this forum will be compiled into a book and published, so stay tuned!

[The following are excerpts from the speeches of some experts and scholars at the Roundtable Forum]

Topic 1: The formation and development of Jackie Chan’s Chinese cultural brand and international influence

Zhang Yiwu, Vice President and Professor of China Film Critics Society

The early Jackie Chan films happened to be close to the historical node of China’s reform and opening up, in the late 1970s. His 40-year film journey actually had a very subtle, complex, and organic dialogue relationship with the great changes in China. This relationship was of great significance to the influence of Jackie Chan’s films, Chinese films, and Chinese-language films.

First of all, he brought the overseas Chinese imagination of culture back to China, for example, how the Chinese imagination crosses the border and has a global reach, so I think Jackie Chan has led the cultural return of overseas Chinese films. At the same time, he used his power to apply the standards of film industrialization to the creation of Chinese films, and at the same time opened up the connection between the domestic and foreign film markets. Third, re-telling the Chinese story with China as the main body. This is the core of Jackie Chan’s creation in the past ten years. His works have established the most firm, close and imaginative connection with the local Chinese audience.

Jackie Chan’s movies confirm the old saying that the more ethnic, the more global. This is his greatest and most important revelation to Chinese filmmakers.

Zhang Wei, Executive Vice President and Researcher of China Film Critics Society

The formation of the so-called Chinese cultural brand and international influence of Jackie Chan’s films has first been recognized by audiences around the world. To achieve such influence, there are five aspects. First, the movements of Jackie Chan’s films must be world-class; second, Jackie Chan comes from Chinese martial arts culture. Chinese martial arts culture combines wisdom and ingenuity to produce beauty. The subtlety and performance of the routines are not seen in Western movements. Third, the grassroots nature of the action. Action movies used to belong to "heroes", belonging to Schwarzenegger and other American action superstars, and Jackie Chan appeared in his works with a grassroots image, which also created a precedent. The fourth is the comedy of the action, which is unique in the world. The last aspect is his values, such as punishing evil and promoting good, fairness and justice, and advocating peace.

Jia Leilei, former vice president of the China Academy of Arts

For half a century, Jackie Chan’s films have played an important role in the spread of Chinese culture. Jackie Chan uses action, comedy and entertainment to convey the positive energy of society and reflect the positive values of the country. Jackie Chan’s screen image and public image together form a Chinese story of dreams come true. The theme of this story includes not only the core connotation of hard work and continuous success, but also the humane spirit of helping people in danger and saving sentient beings.

Compared with Hollywood action movies, Jackie Chan movies have a unique aesthetic style, not without violence, but without abuse of violence, with laughter but not obscene, with action but not cruel, which can be called an ethical model of violent action. Jackie Chan is good at using dance performances and dramatic programs to reduce the cruelty of violence. With his own performance, he has influenced and changed the way violence is presented in world movies.

Topic 2: The Leading Role of Kung Fu Films in Chinese Films Going Global

Secretary General of the China Film Association, Rao Shuguang | 

There are obvious differences and differences between the action movies of Western movies, especially American movies, and the action movies of Jackie Chan’s big brother. It can be said that most Western action movies are "hard action movies" and "hard action", while Jackie Chan’s action movies are "soft action movies" and "soft action". Hard action can be said to be "blood with knives", and of course it also has a unique charm. Foreign Stallone and Schwarzenegger, American action movies are tough guy action movies, that kind of movie without defense, you punch me with one punch is also enduring in American Hollywood; Hollywood action movies in the 1980s, in fact, are not human action to a large extent, but flying cars, house blasting, etc. rely on technology implementation, they sell not human labor, but technical life, Batman, Rocky, First Blood and other movies are like this.

However, Chinese audiences are more willing to watch soft action; moreover, there are more audiences in the West who are willing to watch soft action. Today’s Jackie Chan not only belongs to China, but also breaks the gap between Chinese and Western cultures with his Chinese kung fu, and finds a balanced context of Chinese and Western cultures with his unique performance style. It has had an important impact on promoting Chinese spirit and spreading Chinese culture. In August 2017, when Jackie Chan, 62, won the Academy Award for Lifetime Achievement, he sighed: After 56 years in the industry, he made more than 200 movies, broke many bones, and finally got this statuette. Jackie Chan is not just a name, but also a symbol. He is a representative of Chinese kung fu and Chinese action movies.

Professor Liang Ming, Communication University of China

Today, Jackie Chan also said that many actors are now "all replacements", and they have to "replace" their shoulders, hands and feet. How can such actors compare with Jackie Chan? Is there something wrong with our education? 

We should reflect on how to train our actors, whether we can run a special training program like Jackie Chan, specifically recruiting some small martial arts stars and conducting special training, so that Chinese kung fu movies can continue and have an heir.

Gao Xiaoli, Director of the Art Criticism Department of Literary and Art Daily

Our current kung fu films are actually weakening, and there are many reasons for this. First, kung fu films are not grounded enough. How to maintain the realistic care and care in Jackie Chan’s films, and more in line with the people’s aesthetics, is the way out for our future kung fu films.

The second is the emergence of high-tech, which not only promotes the development of the film industry, but also brings about the problem of homogenization of kung fu movies, which is gradually moving away from the personalized kung fu in Jackie Chan movies.

If China’s Kung Fu TV industry wants to go global, it still needs to be based on Chinese culture. Kung Fu movies have strong genetic advantages, and at the same time blend with Chinese Oriental Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism. They reflect the unity of nature and man in Eastern philosophy, and the nature of Taoism and Dharma, which has a natural and unique appeal to the world audience. This is also the direction of the future development of Kung Fu movies.

Writer, director, producer, Wen Jun |

With the series that opened in 1994 and 1998, Jackie Chan gradually knocked on the door of Hollywood, and also made Hollywood truly realize the market value of Jackie Chan movies. If kung fu movies want to go out, they must be based on Chinese culture, and our contemporary Chinese stories can go out.

Chen Hang, Editor-in-Chief of China Screen|

Comedy is actually a language that is easier to connect with different ethnic cultures than tragedy. 

Jackie Chan has created a series of civilian heroes through action comedy, allowing Western audiences to see the spiritual outlook and emotional style of ordinary Chinese people through kung fu. He has successfully integrated Chinese and Western cultures into the image of civilians with kung fu, allowing audiences from different cultural backgrounds to bring their own emotions. This is an important reason why Jackie Chan’s films have gained worldwide influence.

Topic 3: The role of kung fu films in promoting the artistic prosperity and industry development of Chinese films

Professor Yin Hong, Tsinghua University

Kung Fu action movies are a unique landscape of Chinese film culture. For Chinese people, everyone has a dream of kung fu and martial arts in their hearts, which reflects the self-release and imagination of Chinese people in the complex traditional culture. Kung Fu action movies have a unique and unique position in movies. The word "Chinese Kung Fu" is actually widely used all over the world, because a group of filmmakers like Bruce Lee and Mr. Jackie Chan have popularized the word "Chinese Kung Fu" to all countries in the world, which plays an important role in spreading Chinese culture.

The most widely recognized Chinese movie genre in the world is still the kung fu action movie. Since the 1990s, almost half of the annual box office winners in China have been kung fu action movies. This characteristic is even more obvious in the international dissemination. Eight of the ten highest-grossing Chinese movies in the North American film market are kung fu action movies.

Jackie Chan’s kung fu action movies have a very unique innovative mechanism among all kung fu action movies, constantly seeking a mix of space, time, genre and style to seek new breakthroughs. Of course, we should also be aware that today’s kung fu action movies are facing many new challenges. These new challenges can be summarized into four aspects: first, how to match the values and sexy communication of modern people, the new breakthrough of the second type of narrative, the third martial arts action and scene How to make movies, and finally how to combine the current star idol mechanism with the martial arts actors mentioned by Mr. Jackie Chan.

Song Ziwen, Editor-in-Chief of China Film Report

Kung Fu movies have always played a real role in promoting the prosperity of Chinese film art and the development of the entire industry. The popularity of the classic films of Kung Fu movies "Shaolin Temple" and "Mysterious Buddha" in China has activated the enthusiasm of the entire market and the whole people to watch movies. Now, the Chinese film market has entered a new peak period, and it has also carried forward this element, using Kung Fu action as a kindling, firmly embedded in the genre of military-themed movies.

Why do kung fu movies always face so much controversy? Because the cultural status is not high. Although kung fu movies are the mainstay of the entire market in Hong Kong, we can see that they are all looked down upon from the awards, film critics, and public opinion circles. By the late 1990s, people said that kung fu movies had declined, and martial arts movies were about to die. Obviously, this is the real cultural wealth of Chinese movies, but we would rather discard it. Some people say that we want to compete with Hollywood, fight for capital and technology, but have these people succeeded? It is the traditional kung fu action movies that have really re-exploded this market, allowing Chinese movies to see more possibilities in the future. This is the most important promotion for our Chinese movies from artistic prosperity and industry development.


This Jackie Chan Kung Fu Action Film Week, what we really want to mention is whether the entire industry can give more respect to our kung fu filmmakers, kung fu movies, and action movies. Although we didn’t give a high Douban score like art films, which made many literary and artistic young people fall in love with it, we can prove that kung fu movies are as tenacious as art films. We can watch Jackie Chan movies 40 years ago that are still exciting and full of tears. This is the power of movies, and this is also the charm of film art.

Film critic, Zhou Liming |

When comparing Chinese kung fu movies with Hollywood action movies and superhero movies, we will think about: First, the development of technology, the development of digital technology has made it possible to complete actions that were previously difficult to film, demanding actors, and even actions that humans could not complete. So how should the action in our traditional Chinese kung fu movies develop at this time? Because now the audience is watching movies from all over the world, not Jackie Chan movies and Hong Kong movies from 30 years ago. To satisfy the audience, Jackie Chan must constantly increase the creativity of the action, deepen the difficulty, and improve. But no matter how good the action actor is, it is impossible to exceed the limits of human beings. What should be done next?

Second, the aesthetic point of view, the aesthetic point of view. There are already some superhero elements in kung fu movies, such as the flying in it. But in recent years, the boundaries between heroes and superheroes have become increasingly blurred. Take last week’s example. Most of the scenes in it are realistic, but Li Tianran’s character can dodge bullets and climb the eaves, these two functions are exaggerated. In today’s literary and artistic environment where hundreds of flowers are blooming, what should we do to break through the aesthetics of traditional kung fu movies?

Third, from talent. A teacher said that it would be nice if there were 100 Jackie Chan. In fact, if we look back, there are not many action stars at Jackie Chan’s level on the Chinese screen, even counting them on one hand. Jackie Chan was Bruce Lee before, and later Jet Li, Donnie Yen, and Zhao Wenzhuo. There are many uncontrollable factors in this. For example, there are already nine generations in the family class, and there are excellent martial arts action people, but not everyone in it may be able to become the next Jackie Chan.

Fourth, kung fu movies as a genre may develop in the future, what is the origin, what kind of nutrients will be absorbed, and what else can we learn? After learning something, how to turn it into our own, and let our kung fu movies go to a higher level, this is what we need to consider. All excellent movies, no matter which country they are from, can be our nourishment. Our goal is to make our own Chinese action movies better and go global. Going global should not put the cart before the horse. The purpose of making a movie is to go global. Making a movie is definitely to move the audience. After the success related to it, it will naturally go global.

Rare beauty! The mountain flowers are blooming and the spring scenery is picturesque.

  Cctv news(Reporter from wanglili, Yang Runde, Cui Lixia): In the spring of March, in Wangjiazhuang section along Taigu Road in Fengyugou, Jinyuan District, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, peach blossoms and apricot blossoms were in full bloom.

  Peach blossoms are red, apricot blossoms are white, and clusters are blooming in the wind, gorgeous and colorful, decorating the mountains and rivers.

  Against the backdrop of green trees in the mountains, more than 300 workers are busy replanting, pruning, repairing plates and watering, which is a busy scene.

  It is understood that the landscaping and greening projects in this section are mainly distributed in Wangjiazhuang Village and Tianjiazhuang Village of Jinyuan Street and its surrounding areas, mainly planting Pinus tabulaeformis, Sophora japonica, clove, Sophora japonica, Pinus bungeana, gold and silver wood and apricot.

  At present, it is an important period for spring watering, replanting and other management and protection. In 2022, the spring management and protection work in Jinyuan District is being carried out on a large scale. It is estimated that the total management and protection area is 11,228 mu and there are 16 garden villages.

  In recent years, Jinyuan District, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province has earnestly practiced Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets’s idea, making the forestry ecological construction reach the scene of "flowers welcoming the spring, shade protecting summer, red leaves lining autumn, pine and cypress accompanying winter". (Image courtesy of Jinyuan District Information Office)

Press conference of the "two sessions" in Xicheng District | All-round service to ensure the construction of national financial management center

On January 9, Xicheng District held the first press conference of the "two sessions" with the theme of"Focus on economic structure optimization and activate new kinetic energy for high-quality development". At the meeting, Beijing Financial Street Service Bureau, Xicheng Park Management Committee, District Bureau of Commerce, and District Bureau of Science and Information Technology respectively made keynote press releases.

Lu Wuxing, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of Financial Street and director of Beijing Financial Street Service Bureau, introduced,2023 is an important year for financial street to start again at the age of 30, and it is also a year for achieving important results.Under the strong leadership of the municipal party committee and municipal government, Beijing Financial Street Service Bureau has fully implemented the spirit of the 20th Party Congress and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, conscientiously implemented the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference and the whole city financial work conference, firmly grasped the strategic task of adhering to the road of financial development with China characteristics and building a financial power, and carried out the "red wall pioneer project" and "double promotion" project in depth to ensure the development of the national financial management center with the first good, high standards and better services.

Hold the 2023 Financial Street Forum Annual Meeting at a high level.Nearly 500 guests (including more than 110 overseas guests) from more than 30 countries and regions around the world were invited to give speeches or participate in discussions with the theme of "Better China, Better World-Strengthening Financial Open Cooperation and Promoting Economic Sharing and Win-Win", and more than 6,000 people attended the meeting offline. Yin Li, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and secretary of Beijing Municipal Committee, delivered an opening speech, and Yin Yong, deputy secretary of Beijing Municipal Committee and mayor, delivered a closing speech. The main leaders of the People’s Bank of China, the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, the China Securities Regulatory Commission and Xinhua News Agency voiced their voices; Carstens, President of the Bank for International Settlements, Jin Liqun, President of the AIIB, Philo, Vice President of the World Bank, Tasso, Global CEO of SWIFT, Sargent, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, and other heavyweight guests attended and delivered speeches. More than 160 domestic and foreign media and more than 600 journalists reported the annual meeting of the forum in depth. By the week after the closing of the forum, the total information coverage of the whole network reached 123,000, with a total page view of 1.55 billion. It highlights the core role of the National Financial Management Center in leading financial reform and development, and conveys China’s strong determination to actively integrate into the world’s open cooperation and development.

Innovating and promoting party building in financial street.After the Central Financial Work Conference and the whole city financial work conference were held, the first Financial Street Party Building Forum was held in Beijing with the theme of "Party Building Leading, Concentrating and Promoting High-quality Financial Development", and leaders of the Central Financial Working Committee and the Beijing Municipal Committee were invited to participate in the forum or give speeches, contributing wisdom and strength to the party building leading the construction of a financial power.

Continuously improve the function of financial rule of law.The first grass-roots legislative contact point of Beijing Financial Street Service Bureau of NPC Law Committee in the field of economy and finance in China was established; The first financial crime warning education base in Beijing was unveiled; Innovate and carry out the "Bag Keeping Action", and build it in pairs with 15 streets to create the financial safety publicity brand activity of "Red Wall Pioneer in Mobile Financial Security".

All-round service ensures the upgrading and expansion of the North Exchange.On the basis of "four innovations", we will further create a new situation of "four innovations" and promote the implementation of innovative policies such as direct IPO of the North Stock Exchange. Four companies were successfully listed, and Cheche Technology landed on the NASDAQ market in the United States by SPAC.

Focus on promoting the high-quality development of the financial industry.Released version 2.0 of "Ten Articles of Financial Service" and studied opinions on accelerating the construction of asset management highland in Financial Street. The asset management scale of resident asset management institutions exceeded 16 trillion yuan, accounting for more than 50% of the city, and the construction of asset management highland achieved important results. In the whole year, 50 new financial institutions were introduced, with a newly registered capital of 41.32 billion yuan. The balance of deposits and loans in our district accounts for one-third of the city. According to the monitoring data, the annual average growth rate is about 12.1%, which is higher than the city average, effectively supporting the high-quality economic development. The added value of the financial industry is expected to reach more than 320 billion yuan, with a growth rate of about 6%, accounting for more than 50% of the region’s GDP, effectively playing the role of "ballast stone" and "power source".

The year 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of People’s Republic of China (PRC), and is a crucial year for the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan.Beijing Financial Street Service Bureau will focus on better service and guarantee the task of the National Financial Management Center Development Center.With the goal of "five in-depth and five breakthroughs",Better help the construction of a strong financial country and make greater contributions to the writing of Chinese-style modern Xicheng practice.

Deepen the party’s overall leadership over financial work and achieve new breakthroughs in enhancing the leading role of party building.Effectively perform the functions of the Party Working Committee of Financial Street, do a good job in coordination between the central and local governments, do a good job in party building in the regional financial system and the "two new" organizations, improve the construction of the "Juli Financial Street" party-mass service center, do a good job in the financial street party building forum, the financial street lecture hall, the financial street youth financial forum and other activities, and deepen the "party building gathering momentum, talent gathering wisdom, resource gathering" and "party building linkage, resource sharing, talent joint education, service joint promotion and practical work"

We will thoroughly implement the new development concept and achieve new breakthroughs in promoting the high-quality development of the financial industry.Do five major articles on technology and finance, Green Finance, inclusive finance, Pension Finance and Digital Finance. We will continue to optimize the "4+N" industrial structure focusing on finance, financial technology, asset management, digital economy and modern service industry. Opinions on accelerating the construction of financial street asset management highland were issued to further consolidate the advantages of asset management industry. Accelerate the construction of "two districts" in an all-round way and expand the institutional opening of the financial sector. Further promote the pilot work of digital RMB, accelerate the construction of Beijing digital RMB demonstration block in financial street and surrounding areas, and expand the application scenarios of smart finance and digital RMB.

Deeply practice the initial mission of finance and achieve new breakthroughs in improving the quality and efficiency of financial services.All-round service guarantees the development of Beijing Stock Exchange and builds the main position of serving small and medium-sized enterprises. Deepen the strategic cooperation with the North Exchange, speed up the establishment of the ecological circle of the North Exchange, improve the publicity and training, professional counseling, roadshow promotion and other services, build the ecological chain of the listed industrial chain of service enterprises, and strive to achieve the goal of breaking through 100 high-quality listed enterprises at an early date. Regularly carry out the activity of "sharing foreign exchange", further enhance the branding, serialization and achievement level of the activity, and better serve the real economy.

Deepen the construction of financial rule of law and achieve new breakthroughs in effectively maintaining financial security and stability.We will promote the construction of grassroots legislative contact points of the Financial Street Service Bureau of the NPC Law Committee with high quality, and strive to build the contact points into "demonstration points" to help the high-quality development of the financial rule of law with the high standard of "the first good". Effectively play the role of financial crime warning education base, extensively carry out financial safety publicity and education, continue to carry out "bag-keeping operation", and strengthen residents’ awareness of financial risk prevention. We will continue to promote the iterative upgrading of the financial risk prevention and early warning system, improve the ability to prevent and resolve financial risks, and firmly hold the bottom line that no systemic financial risks will occur.

Carry out the development concept of "China’s financial street, the world’s financial street" and make new breakthroughs in expanding international exchanges and cooperation.Closely connected with the 2024 Beijing Annual Meeting of SWIFT International Banking Operation Conference (SIBOS), the 2024 Financial Street Forum will be held at a high level to create a business card for international financial exchange and cooperation. Continue to deepen the framework of "one main N-point multi-salon" to achieve continuous voice throughout the year. We will improve the exchange and cooperation mechanism between Financial Street and international financial cities, and conduct regular exchange visits with the City of London. Actively expand exchanges and dialogues between Financial Street and international financial centers such as Wall Street in New York and Frankfurt in Germany, as well as important financial cities such as Casablanca in Morocco and Seoul in South Korea.

Text: Tang Mo thomas lee

Picture: information picture

Revelation from street shooting in Beijing and Shanghai: Coats match the new trend, saying goodbye to pants is more fashionable!

As the two fashion capitals of China, street shooting has always been the focus of people’s attention. Recently, a new coat matching trend is quietly emerging, which is not only fashionable, but also has the magical effect of reducing age.

First, the coat with the new trend-farewell pants

In the past, coats were always worn on the outside of trousers. However, now, people begin to try to wear coats as skirts. This new collocation method not only makes people look more fashionable, but also shows a feminine softness and lightness.

Second, the age-reducing fashion-the secret of coat matching

The reason why coat collocation can achieve the effect of age reduction is mainly because of the material and style of coat. Generally speaking, coats are made of soft and comfortable materials, such as wool and rabbit hair, which can make people look softer and warmer. The style of the coat can modify the figure and make people look slimmer and taller.

Third, how to choose a coat that suits you?

Choosing a coat that suits you needs to consider your figure, temperament and personal preferences. Generally speaking, turtle neck, chiffon shirts, etc. are all more suitable styles for matching coats. At the same time, it is also very important to choose the right color, such as black, gray, dark blue and other colors of the coat are more versatile.

Fourth, the highlights of coats with new trends

This new way of matching coats can not only show women’s femininity and lightness, but also show women’s independence and self-confidence. In addition, this collocation method is also very comfortable and convenient, so that people don’t have to worry about complicated wearing.

In short, as a new fashion trend, coat matching not only makes people look more fashionable and age-reducing, but also makes people feel comfortable and confident. If you haven’t tried this new collocation method, you might as well try it, and it may have unexpected effects!

Blizzard likes to mention bad reviews first, followed by domestic games! Take stock of those games with bad reviews.

Recently, "Watching Pioneer 2" landed on the Steam platform, and I like to mention the event that the bad reviews are the first. I believe that you have already eaten melons. Many times, everyone pays attention to the games with rave reviews on the Steam platform, and few people pay attention to the games with bad reviews. Today, we will take Watch Pioneer 2 as an introduction to take stock of the games with the most bad reviews on the Steam platform.

In fact, it is much more difficult to get bad reviews on the Steam platform than to get good reviews, because bad reviews must meet the two conditions of "the favorable rate is lower than 20%" and "the total reviews are higher than 1000". Perhaps this is the kindness of G Fat. Therefore, the inventory will be relaxed to most of the bad reviews, otherwise an article will not get together!

Watch the Pioneer 2

Positive rate: 9%, with negative reviews.

As a famous blizzard in the game world, it has created countless miracles and records. Recently, Blizzard has undoubtedly created a new record again, although this record looks disgraceful, that is, the favorable rate of the Steam platform broke through double digits for the first time, reaching 9%, becoming the first game of the Steam bad review.

At the beginning of this year, Blizzard terminated its cooperation with Netease, and the event that Blizzard’s national service was completely suspended, I believe you are still impressed. Subsequently, many NC behaviors and attitudes that Blizzard didn’t care about domestic players angered many domestic players and made domestic players complain about Blizzard.

Then Blizzard announced in August that its games will land on the Steam platform, and Watch Pioneer 2 will be the first to land on the Steam platform. After landing on the steam platform, it also gave the majority of dissatisfied players a vent channel, and on the first day of online, they liked to mention bad reviews.

Maybe someone will say that these bad reviews are all brushed by domestic players. In fact, foreign players are also very dissatisfied with Blizzard. According to the statistics of the Steam platform, of the nearly 14,000 reviews, 8,600 are Chinese reviews, and the remaining 6,400 are all reviews of foreign players, and rounding up accounts for half of the total.

Players in the world have been suffering from blizzard for a long time! !

Kill of the Three Kingdoms

Positive rate: 11%, with negative reviews.

Since "Watching Pioneer" is a new game and won the title of the first bad review of Steam, who was the first bad review before? That’s right, it is the game "Three Kingdoms Kill" that the majority of players are familiar with, which ranks first in the Steam bad review all the year round.

"Kill of Three Kingdoms" is a popular table game designed by students majoring in games in the Animation College of Communication University of China in 2004 and published by Beijng Tours-Private One-day Tour Card Board Game Culture Development Co., Ltd., and an online game was developed by Hangzhou Bianfeng Network Technology Co., Ltd. at the end of June 2009.

Once the game was launched, it quickly spread among the players with its unique and interesting gameplay. The following three years, 2011, 2012 and 2013, can be regarded as the peak period of "Three Kingdoms Kill OL", with a famous competition and a volcanic bag in Fenglin, which made "Three Kingdoms Kill" extremely popular.

It is a pity, however, that Kill of the Three Kingdoms has not escaped the law that prosperity leads to decline. In the following years, the popularity of the game continued to decline, and at the same time, coupled with some official failed operation methods, the number of players continued to lose. After boarding the Steam platform, it was bombarded by a large number of players’ bad reviews.

In the early days, players may be disappointed with the game, but with the later "Three Kingdoms Kill" becoming the game with the first bad review, it has become a "sense of ritual" to give a bad review to "Three Kingdoms Kill". In fact, many games have tried to challenge the title of "Kill the Three Kingdoms" as the first bad review before, and all failed in the end. This time, "Watch Pioneer 2" can be said to be the first game to challenge success.

Mobile suit Gundam: Guild Wars Task 2

Positive rate: 20%, mostly negative.

For the company Bandai Nanmeng Palace, I believe many people will be familiar with it. Of course, I believe that the impression in many people’s hearts will not be a good impression. After all, most of its works are fan-oriented works, which often give people a feeling of cutting leeks. This year’s new work "Mobile Suit Gundam: Guild Wars Task 2" is the same, and most of the bad reviews are not surprising.

Mobile suit Gundam: Guild Wars Task 2 is a team-based shooting game inspired by Mobile suit Gundam. The game provides 6-to-6 battles, in which players from all over the world fight for survival while driving their favorite mobile suit Gundam.

In fact, before the game was officially launched, many players were still looking forward to this game. However, it is a pity that Bandai has not let the majority of players "disappointed".

After the game went online, there were many problems, such as unbalanced body, unbalanced map, forcing Krypton to cheat Krypton, careless matching mechanism, poor positive feedback, strong sense of frustration, inaction on cheating, lack of effective reporting and punishment function, and poor network, which made players unable to play the game normally at all, and also led to a large number of bad reviews from players.

《Mirror 2: Project X》

Positive rate: 25%, mostly negative.

As long as you play games and pay more attention to the events in the game circle, you must have heard of Mirror 2: Project X, which was called the first electronic fairy dance by young people last year.

KAGAMI Ⅱ WORKs used to be a conscience manufacturer in the minds of many players, and the 6-yuan three-way butter "Mirror" made them famous. During the epidemic, hundreds of thousands of free exchange codes were distributed, making them a masterpiece of conscience in the hearts of many gentlemen!

Therefore, when it announced that it would launch the sequel "Mirror2", it got the attention and support of many players at the first time. However, what I never expected was that the development team planned to go ashore without making butter through Mirror2, but it did not inform the majority of players positively, but the expectation of semi-default consumer players.

After the new work "Mirror 2: Project X" was put on the shelves, it has been selling well because of everyone’s expectations before, but it has never released the astringent content that everyone expects. Eight months after it was put on the shelves, they suddenly announced that the upper limit of the game was 16+, that is to say, he really didn’t have what you wanted!

The game has always used gentleman’s content to attract players. When the players got on the bus, they said that this was not a car to Yee Hong Yuan, which made many players angry. Therefore, the word-of-mouth of the game plummeted, which naturally attracted players’ crazy bad reviews.

At the beginning of this year, KAGAMI Ⅱ WORKs also declared bankruptcy, and Mirror 2: Project X was suspended indefinitely, completely killing itself.

Hongxia Island

Positive rate: 31%, mostly negative.

Today is more or less a game year, and there are many exciting game masterpieces for sale. Of course, in addition to many high-quality masterpieces, there are also many unbearable dung works, among which "Hongxia Island" should be the most profound game. After all, the developer has developed Arkane Austin, a well-known award-winning team of Predation and Shame.

"Hongxia Island" is an open-world first-person cooperative shooting game. The game stage is an island town in Massachusetts. The blood clan of Hongxia Island, which was created by mistakes in scientific experiments and was born with psychic ability, blocked the sun and cut off the connection between the island and the outside world. Players and a few survivors are trapped on this island, and players need to face the evil vampire enemies who are trying to drain the town.

To be honest, before the game was released, the expectations of the majority of players for this game were full. After all, the previous works of the developer Arkane Austin were all classics, but unfortunately, no one expected that the game would eventually be like this. The game is overturned in all aspects, and the most common complaints are the rough design and production, which gives people a feeling of semi-finished. In addition, the gameplay is also very boring and not creative. The BUG caused by poor optimization further makes the play experience worse.

River lake eleven

Positive rate: 34%, mostly negative.

More than martial arts, Jianghu Eleven is "a role-playing game with plot, exploration and cultivation as its core experience", covering all aspects of Jianghu social life.

In the official introduction document, a lot of data are used to support the complexity and vastness of this virtual Jianghu: 31 Jianghu sects, 20 organizational forces, 30+ martial arts system, 250+ martial arts, 800+ unlockable collection elements, 1,000+places to explore freely, 1000+AI characters … It sounds like a lot.

However, I believe that you will know how much water there is in these words when you see most of the bad reviews and 34% favorable rate. After really entering the game, you will find that the interest of the game is not as strong as expected. In other words, the producer’s understanding of "gameplay" is different from the player’s understanding.

The sense of persuasion begins with the prologue of the game, which is also a tutorial of the game combat system. The design of this system is quite complicated, or it seems to be very complicated, but after some fights, it is found that it is essentially just a game of heap attributes and scale.

After these, there are even more outrageous plot developments. There is a time limit for the promotion of the main story. It doesn’t matter whether the player participates or not when the time comes to automatically promote it. That’s why the player in this game is the camera, and the story of NTR everywhere in the game, as well as the outrageous story that today’s double major will cut you tomorrow, is even more unacceptable to players. It is no wonder that the game can get more than half of the bad reviews of 34% H.

Resident Evil re: verse

Positive rate: 36%, mostly negative.

In recent years, with the remake of Resident Evil’s old works and a series of new works, Resident Evil 7 and 8, Capcom’s reputation among players has also picked up again. However, this does not mean that Capcom has not released any bad works during this period. For example, Resident Evil Re: Verse, as a pioneer before the release of Resident Evil 8, received a lot of bad reviews on the Steam platform.

Compared with Resident Evil: Resistance, which focused on "asymmetric confrontation", Resident Evil Re: Verse created a personal competitive game. To put it simply, it is a game in which six players play a series of human roles in a scene to collect viruses and fight with each other. After being killed, the human form will turn into a zombie form to continue fighting according to the number of viruses held, and finally the score will be counted by the killing score.

Although the game itself is also developed using the "RE engine", the performance of the screen is quite disappointing. The rough character modeling and full-screen grid effect make it hard to believe that the game uses the same engine as Resident Evil 2: Remastered Edition. If the UI interface is removed, I would like to believe that it was Resident Evil 6 released eight years ago.

If the perfunctory on the screen can also play the game by deceiving your eyes, the extremely unstable domestic servers and the stiff operation caused by the poor keyboard adaptation of this game make the playing experience of domestic PC players difficult. Even for this reason, "Resident Evil Re: Verse" was sprayed for a short time, but these problems have not been effectively solved after it was re-put on the shelves.

The beginning of the wilderness

Positive rate: 37%, mostly negative.

Players who pay attention to domestic games should still have an impression on the domestic game of cultivating immortals released in 2022. The rare game of cultivating immortals has attracted the attention of a large number of players since its launch.

After the game was launched on steam, the number of online users at the same time exceeded 36,000. A few days before the release of "The Wilderness", its ranking of steam sales even surpassed that of the popular "Elden French Ring" for a time.

However, after the initial freshness, many problems of the game began to be exposed. The map of the game was very empty, the later gameplay was extremely monotonous, the optimization was poor, and the server was never normal. It achieved the achievement of opening the service for five days and exploding it for four times. Finally, because the problem was too serious, the purchase was temporarily closed and temporarily removed.

There are many problems in the game. If the official can fix it with peace of mind, players may not be crazy about bad reviews. Unfortunately, the official performance of the players can be said to be extremely disappointing. On the one hand, they condone the anchor to use plug-ins and bugs to brush resources, on the other hand, they madly ban ordinary players who are covered in liver, on the grounds that "the number of resources is abnormal."

Although the follow-up officials have tried to save their reputation, it seems that the effect is not so good at present. Now, after a year, the evaluation of the game has not recovered, or it is still in the evaluation of most bad reviews.

《eFootball 2023》

Positive rate: 37%, mostly negative.

As the largest sport in the world, football games are of course indispensable. At present, there are two well-known football games, namely "FIFA" series under EA, but now there is no copyright to change its name. The other is the "Live Football" series owned by Kelemei. Oh, by the way, it’s now called "eFootball" series, and the latest work is eFootball 2023, and it’s a free game.

It stands to reason that as a masterpiece of new year’s goods, you only need to learn from each other’s strengths on the basis of the previous work, even if it is not hot, it will not be blown up by players, not to mention the game has become a free game. However, you can always trust the strength of game manufacturers.

In fact, the so-called eFootball 2023 is not a new game, but an upgrade from eFootball 2022. Even the store page of Steam has not been changed, but the name has been changed. However, after the game is "upgraded", it is always beneficial. From the favorable rate of "eFootball 2022" of 13%, it barely returned to the current favorable rate of 37%.

In the end, I finally returned to the classic sentence "F**k Konami"!

Football analysis of Friday’s SMG, Bologna vs Lazio, Palmas vs Atletico Madrid, Greater Paris

Friday 001: Bologna vs Lazio

This game is the 11th round of Serie A. Bologna plays against Lazio at home. As a mid-stream team in the League, Bologna’s unbeaten rate is still relatively high this season, with 15 points, ranking eighth in the League. The team has never lost in the face of some strong teams, Juventus, Inter Milan and La Burroughs, and its gold content is still very high. Lazio, as a team that performed very well in the league last season, is second only to Naples. However, in the case of multi-line operations this season, the current lineup seems to be not very supportive, and its performance in the league is relatively unstable. At present, it only gets 16 points and ranks seventh in the league. Judging from the past confrontation between the two teams, Bologna has not lost at home in recent seasons, and its mentality is still relatively stable.

In this game, the game data of the whole game gives 0 tower with the same value as that of the two teams, and the on-the-spot reference in the later stage is basically stable, and there is not much tendency for the two teams as a whole. Based on the preparation situation of the two teams, the author thinks that it is difficult for La Chan ‘ao to win away.

Conclusion: the main push wins, and the second push draws.

Score recommendation: 1-1, 1-0, 2-1 (for reference only)

Friday 003 las palmas vs Atletico Madrid

Las palmas, they performed well in recent games, successfully won Manakol 3-0 away, and won two consecutive games in various competitions. However, it should be noted that the team has just become a King’s Cup game in the middle of the week, so it may be at a certain disadvantage in physical reserve. Atletico Madrid’s offensive performance is stable, with only one goal in the last 10 matches, and the average efficiency is as high as 2.1 goals. They occupied a big advantage in the last six meetings with las palmas, and achieved 5 wins and 1 loss.

This game: On the whole, this game will be a match between two powerful teams. Although Rasl Mas’s defense is excellent, Atletico Madrid’s offensive strength and overall performance are even better. Therefore, this game is more optimistic about Atletico Madrid’s chances of winning.

Recommend negative and let negative.

The score is 0-2 1-2

Friday 004 Paris Saint-Germain vs Montpellier

Paris Saint-Germain: Paris Saint-Germain beat brest 3-2 away from home in the league, and won four consecutive victories in all competitions. It should be noted that the team has a strong momentum at home and won all the last four home games. This game may still be highly regarded at home.

Montpellier: Montpellier beat Toulouse 3-0 at home in the league, and won two of the last three games. It is in good condition. On the other hand, the team’s recent away play is still insufficient, and the last four away games have only achieved 1 win, 1 draw and 2 losses. You still need to be more careful in this away game.

In the last five meetings between the two sides, Paris Saint-Gervais scored 4 wins and 1 draw, and its track record was dominant. According to the data given by the institutions, most of the concessions given by the relevant institutions were at -1.5 initially, and most of them are at -1.75 at present, but the value of the home team is still declining, and the support of the institutions for the home team is increasing, which is beneficial to the home team. This field can pay attention to the big Paris victory.

Recommend letting win and letting even.

The score is 4-0 3-1 4-1

Coming, coming, the debut of the China men’s basketball team!

With Li Kaier training with our men’s basketball team, there is an urgent need for a game to test it! On August 5th, 2023, there was a warm-up match between our men’s basketball team and Cape Verde. Presumably, this was Li Kaier who officially set foot on our men’s basketball field and ushered in his first show. This young man has shown excellent skills and strong mentality in the past training, which makes people full of expectations for him. His appearance will bring new vitality and hope to our men’s basketball team and has become an indispensable member of our men’s basketball team.

Li Kaier is an excellent scorer. He can easily break through the opponent’s defense and hit the key three-pointers. His offensive ability has been fully proved in training, and he has shown his talent and strength many times in the competition. In addition, he also works very hard on the defensive end, which can bring great pressure to his opponents and improve the overall defensive level of the team.

Li Kaier is an NBA player above the average level and is the main rotation lineup of the Timberwolves. He showed a mature and stable side in NBA games. He can not only score points, but also drive the rhythm of the whole team, making the team more tacit and smooth. His hard work and diligence in training have also been recognized and appreciated by the coaching staff, and he is considered to be a very dedicated and responsible player.

Through the training videos released by the national team these days, it can be seen that Li Kaier’s performance is a superstar, at least in the national team, he is the only one. The fans are also full of expectation and concern, hoping to see him show his strength and ability in the game and lead our men’s basketball team to make good results. His appearance will bring stability to our men’s basketball team at the critical moment, and carry out our last shot to make our men’s basketball team stronger and more confident.

In short, Li Kaier’s debut will be a game worth looking forward to. He will play an important role in our men’s basketball team and lead the team to meet new challenges and opportunities. Let’s look forward to his performance on the court, cheer for him and cheer for our team!

Florentino was exposed as a real Madrid default! 2 strokes to get rid of Gemini! Lead the transfer window in January

According to the latest report of Spanish media OKDiario, Real Madrid President florentino has confirmed the winter window strategy within the club. It is reported that under the premise of confirming Mbappé Ming Xia’s joining, Real Madrid has formulated the signing strategy in January, and will go all out to sign Dortmund striker Harland.

Although Real Madrid’s bid for Mbappé failed in the summer transfer window this year, which also frustrated many Real Madrid fans who expected Mbappé to join, everyone knows that Ming Xia Mbappé will visit the Bernabeu almost nine times out of ten, but Real Madrid President florentino, who has always stood in the upper air, will not comfort himself like this. According to reports, in order to boost the morale inside and outside the Real Madrid club, florentino has made it clear within Real Madrid that Harland will be introduced in the January transfer window, and the club must go all out.

However, Real Madrid knows very well that it is not easy to win the Harland deal, and it may even encounter difficulties comparable to signing Mbappé, because there are almost many European giants who are concerned about Harland’s future. Any top European giants who can meet Dortmund’s capital needs may impress Harland’s father and agent Raiola, the next stop of Norwegian Fengba, and cannot make a key decision because of florentino’s determination. Earlier, some media reported that Dortmund striker Harland made it clear that he hoped to play for Real Madrid one day, but Harland was not sure that he would go to the Bernabeu in Ming Xia. In principle, he is likely to play for the club with the most money, and in terms of money, Real Madrid is no longer the most influential club.

In addition, the report said that the reason why Real Madrid was eager to get rid of Harland in January’s winter window was precisely because of the financial problems. florentino knew that if it waited until next summer window, it would face huge signing competition, especially Bayern Munich, the German giants. Even if the opponents didn’t really want to compete for Harland, they might raise the demand for players.

In the winter window, Real Madrid is willing to pay higher transfer funds while Harland’s contract is still in place, so as to take the lead and face less competition. Because most potential buyers are waiting for Harland’s 75-million-euro termination clause to take effect, it is reported that Real Madrid, which started in Winter Window, is willing to offer a minimum offer of 90-million euros, or even higher, but the specific plan has not been revealed, but media analysis said that what Real Madrid is likely to have prepared is a plan with a final amount of 150-million euros.

Harland’s agent, Raiola, is the only problem that Real Madrid needs to solve before starting work. The cold relationship with Raiola is a very distressing problem for Real Madrid, because Raiola has asked Real Madrid for high salary and commission many times before, and the two sides are finally unhappy because of this. Want to know more exciting content, come and pay attention to the football express

Reverse! La Liga approved the transfer application of Paris superstar, Mbappé may be pending, and Neymar was dug.

Reverse! La Liga approved the transfer application of Paris superstar, Mbappé may be pending, and Neymar was dug.

Paris Saint-Germain’s performance this season is not satisfactory. The Champions League was eliminated early, and the dominance of the league was not strong enough. Moreover, we must know that Barley has made great efforts in signing in recent years. Although it is a team with many superstars, it still has not shown strong enough dominance, and it may be able to win the French League title after the end of the season, but considering the signing fees and other costs, it is undoubtedly a loss. So after the end of the season, Paris Saint-Germain will have a big change.

At the end of this season, Messi, Neymar and Mbappé will go their separate ways. Messi has decided to leave Paris Saint-Germain, and the management will rebuild the team around Mbappé. But Mbappé is not satisfied with the current state of Paris Saint-Germain, and the team has no way to give him what he wants, whether it is championship honor or management power. In addition, due to the gathering of superstars, Mbappé has not won the Golden Globe Award since he entered Paris Saint-Germain.

Based on the above situation, Mbappé is already considering leaving the team. If he can find a competitive team that suits him, he may go further. However, according to the news, Paris Saint-Germain has no intention of letting him leave, so the top star with 180 million euros may leave the team after the end of next season. Then at that stage, Mbappé may land at the Bernabeu Stadium.

In addition to Messi and Mbappé, Neymar is also on the team’s sale list. Paris Saint-Germain has always wanted to put Neymar on the transfer market, but unfortunately, the Brazilian star’s salary is very high, with an annual salary of more than 30 million euros, which dissuades many teams. According to the media, in order to facilitate the transaction as soon as possible, Paris Saint-Germain will reduce the transfer fee and is willing to compensate Neymar for part of his salary. In this case, at present, many big teams are paying attention to Neymar, and perhaps after the end of the season, the management can receive an offer.

This season, the scandal between Messi and Paris Saint-Germain has been raging, and this is Messi’s second season in the team. From the data point of view, Messi’s performance is excellent, both offensive efficiency and data are in the top position. Although he has entered the end of his career, Messi’s competitive state is still excellent, which is also the quality and level that a top player should have. But recently, due to various factors and misunderstandings, there is a gap between the two sides, so Messi will leave the team after the end of this season.

According to the Daily Sports Daily, Barcelona has made many contacts with Messi, and the team is willing to provide various conveniences. Because Barcelona is full of sincerity, it is possible for Messi to return to his former club. More importantly, La Liga has approved Messi’s transfer. As long as the conditions are met, the transaction will be completed smoothly.


The fans broke out! Pique and his 12-year-old girlfriend show love, and netizens ridiculed: It is far worse than Shakira.

Love rat usually doesn’t end well, and so does former Barcelona superstar Pique. Although Clara’s heart was captured, Pique’s love affair with her was not blessed by the fans, but suffered a lot of criticism and abuse. On the other hand, Shakira has received a lot of support. From the outside world, this Latin diva is a real victim. Today, Pique is a street rat. As long as he is in love with Clara Xiu on social media, countless fans and netizens will leave messages: love rat, you are sorry for Shakira.

It seems that in response to the soothsayer’s prediction of the future, Pique boldly exposed his love photos with his girlfriend Clara on social media. But things didn’t go as Pique imagined. Instead of being blessed, he was greeted by a wave of abuse from netizens and fans. After breaking up with Shakira, Pique’s staff collapsed, and he experienced setbacks both on and off the court. Today, Pique bears the stigma, and this 12-year-old relationship is also questioned.

Disliking Shakira’s old age and past passion, Pique did not hesitate to break up with Shakira. In fact, Pique got mixed up with Clara long before they broke up. Obviously, this is the script of love rat’s infidelity, and Pique finally lost the reputation of abandoning his wife and children. However, Pique doesn’t think so. Not only does he often love Clara on social accounts, but they also have no scruples in public.

Earlier, the Spanish edition of People, an American magazine, asked a fortune teller about the future of Pique and his girlfriend Clara. The fortune teller said that they would break up soon. Pique did not believe this, and he took photos of his love with Clara on his social account. As can be seen from the photos, the two are very close and their faces are full of smiles. It seems that this new relationship makes them enjoy it very much.

But fans and fans don’t think so. They talk nonsense under Pique’s social media account! Some netizens said: Clara is so old at the age of 24, and her figure is not as good as Shakira! Another netizen said: Pique, you are the only loser. You lost Shakira and the children because of Clara. Some netizens were furious: love rat, Clara is far worse than Shakira. Who do you think would know you if it weren’t for Shakira? There are more than 70,000 comments, and the voice of abuse accounts for the vast majority.

The love affair between Pique and Shakira, a model of football in the past, has been yearned for by countless people. But time has proved everything. Pique is not Shakira’s home. Even Shakira should be thankful that she discovered Pique’s dirty deeds when she was still young. Today, Shakira has moved away from her home in Spain, and she has taken Milan and Sasha to settle in the United States. In fact, for Shakira, having children is the happiest life.

Pique is enjoying a new relationship, and Shakira is not idle. Some time ago, Shakira and Tom Cruise watched the F1 race together, and their behavior was quite intimate. According to gossip media reports, Tom cruise is pursuing Shakira and even sent flowers to express his love. Of course, the source is not 100% confirmed, but seeing Shakira so relaxed, her fans are much relieved. As for Pique, he is in constant trouble. There is something wrong with the King’s League. Treacherous, Pique failed to fulfill his promise of salary increase, and many players have threatened to go on strike.