BYD: In the future, the easy Sifang technology platform will be equipped on all models of Wangwang Automobile as standard.

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  Limited (hereinafter referred to as ""or" company ") released on June 21st.It is said that the company accepted the specific target of institutional investors on the same day.. In the investigation, it was revealed that easy Sifang technology is based on fourIndependent drive is the core, which is surrounded by three dimensions: perception, control and execution.The characteristics of the car are completely reconstructed, which brings consumers the ultimate safety, ultimate performance and ultimate experience. In the future, the E-Sifang technology platform will be installed on all models of Looking Up Auto as standard, and four technologies will be used to bring innovative driving experience to users.

  ▲ Announcement screenshot

  BYD briefed investors on its sales in May this year. In May, the company sold a total of 239,092 passenger cars, a year-on-year increase of 109.4%. Among them, Dynasty and Ocean Net sold 228,087 vehicles and Tengshi vehicles sold 11,005 vehicles.

  BYD revealed that on May 12, 2023, the Land Transport Authority of Singapore (LTA) released the car sales data for April. BYD won the title of pure electric vehicle sales in that month, leading the pure electric vehicle market in Singapore. BYD has entered the Singapore market for 10 years, and successfully brought taxis, tourist buses, buses, trucks, forklifts and urban commodity logistics vehicles to the local area. In July 2022, BYD announced its entry into the passenger car market in Singapore, and won the annual electric car sales crown in Singapore in the same year. At present, BYD’s best-selling model in Singapore is BYD ATTO 3, of which the 100kW version is priced at S $183,888 (including car license), equivalent to about RMB 956,000, and the 150kW version is priced at S $202,888 (including car license), equivalent to about RMB 1.054 million.

  Regarding BYD’s brand development and globalization process, BYD said that on June 15th, Google and Kaidu released the list of "Top 50 Brands of Kaidu BrandZ in China in 2023" to evaluate the performance of China brand in globalization development. The list of the top 50 brands covers a number of industry brands, and BYD ranks 22nd, up five places from last year. This is the sixth time BYD has been on the list since the establishment of the list in 2017. With the continuous expansion of market territory, BYD has also carried out in-depth layout in localized production and international cooperation. In September 2022, BYD signed an agreement with Thailand WHA Group on land subscription and factory construction, which is the first overseas passenger car factory wholly invested by BYD. BYD also actively strengthens cooperation with industry-leading partners, andSign a global agreement to jointly improve the user charging experience. At the same time, BYD has built a dealer network around the world to provide high-quality sales and after-sales service to consumers in overseas markets and promote the popularization of new energy vehicles.

  In terms of commercial vehicle development, BYD said that BYD’s pure electric buses and taxis have spread all over the world in more than 70 countries and regions and more than 400 cities. The business of passenger cars going to sea has been further accelerated. Up to now, BYD’s new energy passenger cars have entered 53 countries and regions such as Japan, Germany, Australia and Brazil. As BYD’s first global model, BYD ATTO 3 (Yuan PLUS) has achieved both sales volume and market reputation in the international market. In Thailand, the launch of this model triggered local users to snap up in the middle of the night, and this year has won the champion of pure electric vehicle sales in Thailand for five consecutive months. In Israel, this model has won the sales champion of the whole car for seven consecutive months. In addition, BYD ATTO 3 also won the first cumulative sales of pure electric vehicles in New Zealand and Singapore from January to May.

  Investors asked, looking up to the advantages and highlights of the brand’s easy Sifang technology platform? BYD’s reply: Easy Sifang technology takes four independent drivers as the core, and comprehensively reconstructs the characteristics of new energy vehicles from three dimensions: perception, control and execution, so as to bring consumers cross-era products with extreme safety, extreme performance and extreme experience. In the future, E-Sifang technology platform will be installed on all models of Looking Up Auto as standard, and four-motor technology will be used to bring innovative driving experience to users.


The flavor of the year in poetry is not as good as the sixth day of the sixth month.

In your eyes, what day is the sixth day?

Did the family start cleaning the house early in the morning to "send the poor", or did they take a break after visiting relatives for the New Year a few days ago, or did they start counting down the holidays with their hands?

In the eyes of Zhu Shuzhen, a poet in the Song Dynasty, the sixth day was so lively that even the Lantern Festival night could not compare with it.

The sixth day is full of pomp and bright lights.

Yi Qin ‘e, the sixth day of the first month, night and month

Song Zhu Shuzhen

Bend and bend, and the new year’s crescent moon hooks the cold jade. Hook cold jade, phoenix shoes are small, and Cui eyebrows are frowning.

Moths and snow willows add makeup, while Candle dragon wahoo competes for it. It’s not as good as the sixth day of the Lunar New Year.

Zhu Shuzhen,No. Youqi Jushi, a poetess in the Song Dynasty, is one of the most abundant female writers who have preserved her works since the Tang and Song Dynasties. This word describes the lively scene of the sixth day of the Lunar New Year in the Song Dynasty. Bend a new year’s crescent moon, charming as a hook, cool as jade. The moon in the sky is as hooked as jade, the embroidered shoes of the people on the ground are wrapped in slender feet, and the emerald arch eyebrows are smiling. Dressed-up women with moths in their heads and snow willows in their hair, and fire trees and silver flowers, Candle dragon danced vigorously and galloped after them. Such a grand occasion, even on the night of the Lantern Festival, is far less than this sixth day.

Li Song’s View of Lights in the Southern Song Dynasty is now in the National Palace Museum in Taipei.

"Moths and snow willows add makeup, and Candle dragon fire trees compete." This word is inevitably reminiscent of Xin Qiji’s famous "Jade Case Yuan Xi", "Thousands of trees bloom in the east wind night, and the stars are like rain. The BMW carving car is full of incense, the phoenix flute is moving, the jade pot is turning, and the fish and dragon dance all night. "

In Song Dynasty, the economy was prosperous, and the entertainment activities were more abundant than those in the previous generation. People paid special attention to festivals such as Spring Festival. From the New Year’s Day to the Lantern Festival, people not only carry lanterns in their hands, but even trees and rivers are covered with lights.

In Zhu Shuzhen’s eyes, the lights set each other off on the sixth day of this month, women dressed up to travel, and the fire tree and silver flowers, even on the Lantern Festival night, are not as lively and happy as the sixth day.

It is a good day to send the poor, start a business and go out.

Aside from the background of the Spring Festival, folk customs such as sending the poor are also popular on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year. Nowadays, when people send the poor, they mostly clean the house, throw away the garbage and make people happy. In ancient times, due to the limitations of the times, people were more serious about "sending the poor".

In ancient times, people would "make minced meat, abandon rags, and worship in alleys", that is, clean up all the dirty debris and rags outside the house, and then burn them for sacrifice to send the poor.

In Han Yu’s "Sending the Poor", it is mentioned that it is necessary to "make a car out of willows and lead the sails to the wall" for the poor. That is to say, when sending the poor, we should not only prepare symbolic vehicles and boats for the "poor", but also bring dry food to the "poor". In some places, there is also the practice of "sending the poor by banana boat". Such a solemn ceremony is to send the "poor ghost" away well to welcome a better life in the new year.

In addition to sending the poor, the sixth day of the sixth year means "great luck", and after the sixth day, people gradually return to normal life from the festive flavor, so many businessmen will choose to open the market on the sixth day. Every new year’s day, firecrackers to celebrate the opening of the market are one after another, deafening and very lively. At the same time, the shopkeeper will stick a big red couplet on the door panel, "Everything is prosperous", and invite a "lovely person", that is, parents, husbands, children and in-laws, to stroll around the store for a few times and send auspicious words such as "make a fortune, congratulations on making a fortune", hoping that business will be prosperous and life will be rich in the new year.

China people also have the traditional custom of "going out in 369", which means that the third, sixth and ninth days of the lunar calendar are auspicious days to go out. Therefore, it is advisable to go out on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, and you should also play around. In some areas, it is popular on the sixth day, and at three, six and nine o’clock at noon, go out for a walk. Those who don’t want to travel far can also turn around the yard clockwise twice before going home, which means good luck. In the old days, farmers began to farm on this day to prepare for spring ploughing.

The sixth day of the first month is not only an important moment to sum up and clean up the past year, but also a sign to welcome the start of work and business activities in the New Year, and also an important date for farmers to start spring ploughing.

Up to now, although the form of the old customs has gradually changed, people’s good wishes to eliminate disasters and solve the problem are still the same. Send the poor on the sixth day. May everyone send away their troubles and bad luck, and make a fortune in the new year. Good luck!


Domestic beauty cosmetics, can’t walk independently without Li Jiaqi?


The last wave of double eleven activities, you can’t rush!

Go! Go, go! Taotao finally got the last wool, and bought the essence and liquid foundation that Li Laotou didn’t grab in the live broadcast room at a good price.

Every year, the Double Eleven is a time for girls to stock up on skin care and make-up. This year’s double eleven domestic products are more eye-catching, and the pre-sale stage is because all kinds of hot searches can’t be grabbed. Domestic brands are also increasingly favored by young people. After #00, they prefer domestic brands # and also boarded hot search during the Double Eleven period.

Celebrity endorsement, Li Jiaqi’s offer, Xiaohongshu planting grass, Tik Tok live room … What domestic brands did you buy?

Beauty and skin care:

Content marketing helps, and component technology promotes big items.

Please raise your hand because Li Jiaqi bought domestic skin care products!

After reading the offer of all girls, Xiaoyue decided to support domestic products in this double eleven. Last year, foreign brands such as Guerlain, Mei Kefei, etc., this year, she gave part of the beauty budget to Proya’s morning C night A double anti-suit, Ou Shi Man Freckle Mask, and by the way, she brought a set of Ou Shi Man Water Emulsion to her mother. "Supporting domestic products is not entirely an emotional card. I went to Xiaohongshu to do my homework, and the ingredients of domestic products now don’t lose big names, which is more cost-effective! "

Unfortunately, Polaiya couldn’t get it in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi at all, and Xiaoyue could only choose to place an order in the brand live broadcast room.

Polaiya, a domestic brand that soared to the fourth place on Tmall’s pre-sale skin care list this year, was once considered as the brand of "L ‘Oré al" and "Oprah" in the cottage. In the past two years, it has entered the head of domestic skin care with its ingredients and excellent popularity.

In the field of skin care, consumers are becoming more and more mature, from simple skin care in the past to accurate and effective skin care needs in selecting product ingredients. Not only pursue functional ingredients, but also pay attention to content and concentration.

In addition, the demand for skin care has advanced from basic whitening and hydrating to early anti-aging. We must know that products with anti-aging effect have always been the high-end line of various overseas brands, which also means that the price is very high. The popular anti-aging formula in the past two years is "early C and late A", that is, products with VC ingredients are used in the morning and products with VA ingredients are used at night. This formula is popular because of its relatively effective ingredients and affordable price.

Polaiya seized the enthusiasm of technology skin care and took the opportunity to make a hot single product ruby series and double anti-essence.

Polaiya, who has grasped the trend of popular skin care, also played a role in this year’s Double Eleven, opening an offline wine coffee pop-up shop. Business hours are from 8: 00 a.m. to 0: 00 a.m. on weekdays, and at 7: 00 p.m., the cafe is converted into pub mode, and the business hours are extended to 2: 00 a.m. on weekends.

Early caffee and late Acohol, properly "early C and late A" for migrant workers!

Polaiya is an old hand in emotional interaction with young people. In the past two years, Women’s Day on March 8th took advantage of the marketing, and with the help of planning short films and copywriting, discussions on gender issues such as "gender is not the boundary, but prejudice is" won everyone’s approval.

In terms of publicity, Polaiya has always been cautious enough, and the marketing of festivals that are easy to step on thunder, such as Mother’s Day and Tanabata, has never overturned.

Last year, Polaiya ranked among the 500 million sales clubs. Will the final data of this year’s Double Eleven be refreshed?

While the rise of domestic products depends on Li Jiaqi, brands have made great contributions to the shaping of their own products and images.

Another popular brand, Ou Shiman, also seized the opportunity of ingredient marketing. Now, when I see Ou Shiman again, the first reaction is not the chronological advertisement "Ou Shiman Pearl White" on Hunan Satellite TV, but the star single product with anti-sugar and anti-aging effect-repairing anti-orange lamp.

With the 76-year-old chairman’s speech in Li Jiaqi’s "All Girls’ offer", Ou Shiman was young and lovely, and the affordable preferential mechanism was "out of the circle". Established a new brand image, an optimistic, enthusiastic, sincere and national brand with craftsman spirit. On the eve of double 11 this year, Ou Shiman launched a whitening lotion set developed by Li Jiaqi, and bought 200,000+in the live room, which was sold out directly.

In addition to brand culture marketing, in order to attract more young people, Ou Shiman’s star product, Xiao Orange Lamp, and the glory of the king withdrew from the The Story Of Diu Sim gift box in May this year. The Story Of Diu Sim’s skills of both exporting and returning blood in the king’s setting fit the product attributes of Ou Shiman’s Xiao Orange Lamp.

Spokesmen also choose young male artists to speak, from Johnny and Z.TAO in the past to the official announcement of Jialun in October this year, which is more in line with the characteristics of products and brands. In November, Ou Shiman’s activity for Ren Jialun’s limited-edition suit also attracted many fans’ attention. If you buy a specified amount, you can get Allen sweaters, signature photos and other surrounding areas.

Recently, a number of domestic beauty companies released their financial reports for the first three quarters. The top three in terms of total revenue growth in the first three quarters were Huaxi Bio, Betani and Polaiya, which increased by 43.43%, 37.05% and 31.53% respectively.

Huaxi Bio owns Run Baiyan, which is mainly composed of hyaluronic acid, and Quadi, which is mainly composed of 5d hyaluronic acid. For the revenue growth in the first three quarters, Huaxi Bio’s financial report shows that the revenue of functional skin care products has achieved rapid growth.

Bettini’s growth mainly depends on Winona. The financial report says that the growth comes from the further promotion of the products and brands of major companies, and the sales scale and sales revenue have increased rapidly. In the first half of this year, more than 70% of Winona’s sales expenses were used for channels and advertising. Winona’s 2022 Double Eleven has occupied 8 pits in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi, second only to Lancome and Estee Lauder.

In addition to Tik Tok E-commerce and Xiaohongshu kol planting grass, brand-owned accounts are also using small classes to popularize the ingredients and efficacy of popular science products, and experts in the industry will sort out the principles and usage of popular science ingredients to consumers in detail.

In addition to marketing, domestic skin care products have also begun to increase technology and invest more research and development expenses. For example, in the first half of 2022, Polaiya invested 61.07 million yuan in research and development expenses, a year-on-year increase of 94.66%; Betaine’s R&D expenses were 87.56 million yuan, up 85.17% year-on-year;

Marketing will bring performance growth, but the needs of consumers are constantly changing. Focusing on efficacy and overweight research and development can continuously strengthen the real value of domestic skin care brands.

Make-up is hot

More professional makeup products are more popular.

This year’s perfect diary fell out of the top ten of the pre-sale list, while Hua Xizi remained firmly on the list.

After the return of Li Jiaqi, Hua Xizi’s strong support for the first broadcast was closely tied with Li Jiaqi during the Double Eleven period. Participate in "All Girls’ offer", founder and Li Jiaqi battle preferential mechanism;

In Weibo and other short videos, a short video of Li Jiaqi as a witness of Hua Xizi’s growth was launched. Li Jiaqi talked about how to be moved by Hua Xizi, recalled developing products together, and highlighted the technical upgrading of Hua Xizi’s star loose powder and the Chinese color of lip yarn. Promote the brand with the concept of oriental beauty makeup, and bring a better experience to all girls.

In deepening the characteristics of oriental Chinese beauty, Hua Xizi launched the planning of the garden secret double eleven garden party and the preview of 3D cyber national style, which deepened the impression of fashion national style beauty.

With the opening of the Double Eleven activities, a garden party was also opened, and each stop was to sort out the next products and functions. Linked spokesperson Bailu Express opened the box, tried out the product and conducted Amway.

This year’s Double Eleven, Hua Xizi’s profit is still not much. The relevant person in charge of Hua Xizi has revealed that Hua Xizi’s participation in the traditional e-commerce promotion node has not been great. "The brand is still based on long-term, and will not excessively pursue the growth brought about by the promotion of activities."

Contrary to Hua Xizi, most domestic cosmetics brands still seize customers with the strategy of low price and high value. This year’s Double Eleven, many products are buy one get one free, or appear in the form of preferential packages. One hundred yuan can have three lip pastes with popular color numbers.

The fermented color in make-up is undoubtedly the dark horse of this year. For the first time, it rushed into the pre-sale list, mostly because of the blessing of the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi.

However, from the perspective of the brand of fermented color, its revenue exceeded 100 million in early 2019. In 2021, the overall performance of the beauty industry declined five times, achieving brand profitability and having an upward development trend.

Looking at the outer packaging alone, it is completely different from the orange blossoms of the same company. Because the main consumer group of yeast color is free and independent modern urban women who are transforming from girls to workplaces. Therefore, the packaging style of fermented color is not the sweetness of Japan and South Korea, nor the coldness of Europe and America. Choose neutral and comfortable colors, or amber and shells with Chinese elements.

On the eve of the Double Eleven, the first original nude air cushion was launched, and the series of products were mainly nude, with a sense of high quality opposite to low price. In terms of packaging and products, the stage of light maturity is also acceptable.

Domestic make-up began to differentiate for different age groups and different trial groups. In product packaging, color and other aspects, domestic beauty styles are different.

Tangduo and intoyou are lovely and sweet girlish feelings. This year, many co-branded products are mainly produced.

The spokesmen also chose Z-generation idols like Nana Ou-yang and kiku. In terms of product promotion, intoyou has selected artists from the draft online, and implanted them offline as the designated products of beauty cosmetics like Travel Notes of Vento Oak in 2022.

On the eve of this year’s Double Eleven, girlcult made a circle with a grotesque Chinese cyber serial, with bold colors and suitable for playing with makeup. However, lip glaze and eye shadow seem to have the phenomenon of pigment precipitation, which was spit out in the little red book.

There are also goggles, popular products such as cement plate and chameleon eyeliner, which are suitable for dark European and American makeup.

The perfect diary of the former head brand has been much weaker this year, but its product categories have been expanding. Besides lip glaze and eye shadow tray, there are also makeup, Cosmetic Contact Lenses, skin care products, etc. So far, no star product like lip glaze has been made.

After the eye and lip products of domestic beauty products are out of the circle, the subsequent products seem to have poor results, especially the base makeup products, which have higher technical requirements. However, the makeup market in China is growing rapidly, and the market scale is expected to reach 61 billion yuan in 2025. In the future, more brands will set foot in the field of base makeup.

In terms of base makeup, Mao Geping and Caitang, the brands of professional makeup artists, are still favored in domestic products this year. As a brand of Polaiya, Caitang has a lot of marketing this year, and almost all the beauty cosmetics kol are vigorously promoting Caitang Concealer in Xiaohongshu and Tik Tok.

Of course, it is also inseparable from the professional makeup artist status of founder Tang Yi. Caitang has been doing online marketing with Tang Yi’s makeup experience. This year’s Double Eleven, Tang Yi also incarnated as customer service, explaining logistics delivery and other issues on social platforms.

Domestic makeup word-of-mouth products should still belong to Blank ME. After all, it is really difficult to find a makeup product that fits the skin and holds makeup in domestic products. Its rapid growth has filled the gap in the domestic makeup market. It is reported that Blank ME has set up her own laboratory in Shanghai to do more in-depth research on women’s makeup in China.

From skin care to beauty cosmetics, domestic products have increasingly replaced European and American brands in our lives, become more competitive, and become more and more recognized by consumers. After all, being more professional, easier to use and more cost-effective is the consumption principle of consumers now.

(If you like this article,Click on the topTaoqi LABPay attention to WeChat official account and master the inside story of the trend.~)

"Changsha Nightlife" reveals that Zhang Jingyi shares her deep bond with Changsha.

1905 movie network news The film produced by, producer, screenwriter and director, starring,,,,, Wu Jun and Luo Gang, especially starring, and friendship has recently released a reply notice. From "The Sender Changsha" to the reply notice, Changsha and Changsha people have formed a moving response in both directions.

In the preview, director Zhang Ji shared the story of his reconciliation with his father in Changsha after the college entrance examination. Zhang Jingyi, the leading actress, shared her experience of receiving the notice of Nortel Art Examination when she was studying in Changsha. The cheers of the whole class became an unforgettable memory for her. The comic actor soldier, who is also a native of Changsha, Hunan Province, also made a surprise appearance in the preview and shared his memories of Changsha.The preview focuses more on every Changsha person who lives here. Everyone is the protagonist in his own life. Through these stories, he will show the love and tolerance of Changsha to everyone. Changsha Night has both their stories and their lives.

Director Zhang Ji reconciled with his father in Changsha.

Starring Zhang Jingyi shares the exciting moment of the college entrance examination.

The reply notice invited director Zhang Ji and starring Zhang Jingyi to share their stories with people living in Changsha. This city has witnessed countless life choices, emotional stories, work experiences and juvenile growth, and cured countless regrets. The story of Changsha shared by Zhang Ji is related to his father. Changsha witnessed the departure of young Zhang Ji after the college entrance examination, and also witnessed his silence and reconciliation with his father.

In the director’s eyes, Changsha is a city with almost no boundaries between day and night. After the theme song was released, he wrote a letter specially for Changsha. The letter said: "At one o’clock in the middle of the night, the people in the west were crowded with people, and the fireworks came to my face. The young people in the street lived fearlessly." It is these ordinary people who keep fighting for their lives that bring him inspiration and strength to shoot Changsha stories. The memory of Changsha, starring Zhang Jingyi, is a youthful time. She studied at Tongshenghu Experimental School in Changsha. When she learned that she had passed the exam of Nortel, the whole class applauded and cheered for it. This was an unforgettable happy time for her.

In this city full of youthful memories, it also contains countless people’s lives. Five minutes before the New Year’s Eve, she proposed marriage, owned her own house in a city, walked alone by the Xiangjiang River after breaking up with her boyfriend, and watched fireworks on the Xiangjiang River on weekends. This reply to Changsha contains too many people’s happiness and regret. When it comes to Changsha, food is also a label full of Hunan flavor: "Changsha people’s day begins with a bowl of powder and ends with a bowl of powder." The night covered by fireworks cages is another soul of Changsha. In the food stalls in the middle of the night, three or five friends meet and talk about powder in the lively night market.In the long lane of the market in the early morning, diners who come out for breakfast will meet the snack board that has not yet finished, and everyone here is enjoying the happiness brought by delicious food. This is the mutual tolerance, mutual giving and mutual achievement between a group of people and a city. Whether they grew up in Changsha or came to Changsha from a foreign land, everyone got love and warmth here and realized their dreams at the same time. It also made many viewers begin to recall when their fate with a city began.

YIN FANG Zhang Jingyi LAY opens an emotional story

Changsha nightlife is also a city nightlife.

 The reply notice shows the story that happened here, which has formed a deep bond between Changsha people and Changsha, and the emotion between people and the city is touching. As director Zhang Ji said, "My classmates and friends have many emotional stories in Changsha". He also put these emotional stories in movies. The story of He Xixi (Zhang Jingyi) is about love. With the feeling of leaving the city, she meets Jing Weiwei (YIN FANG), who is frustrated and down. They meet for a night tour in Changsha and walk side by side through the streets of Changsha bearing countless life memories, turning an ordinary night tour into a journey to heal themselves. The story of He An (LAY), a talk show actor, is about family ties. Facing the frustration of his career, the contradiction between him and his father (Luo Gang) is getting worse and worse. How to resolve it has become a knot between them. Full of loss, he went to the food stall of his mother, Sister Li (Sophie Su), and was cured by a hug and a simple comfort … … If you don’t know how to start after dawn, let the fireworks of the city give you the strength and courage to move forward.

The film "Changsha Nightlife" takes Changsha as the carrier, and takes the young people whose lives are lost as the scene, why not; He An, frustrated in the workplace and injured in family of origin; From the perspective of ordinary people such as Chen Qingzhi and Liang Baoqi, migrant workers in a foreign land, they show the difficulties people face in their life choices, emotions, work and family, and build a real and emotional picture of contemporary urban life, just as the film’s main creator expressed: "What happened in the film is not only the story of Changsha, but also the story of China."

The film "Changsha Nightlife" was produced by Chen Kexin and Zhao Xiaoshi, written and directed by Zhang Ji, starring YIN FANG, Zhang Jingyi, Sophie Su, Wu Haochen, Bai Yufan, Zhou Siyu, Wu Jun and Luo Gang, with LAY as a special star and Zhou Dongyu and Wang Lixin as a friendly star. It will be shown nationwide on April 28th during the May Day holiday.

The combination of physical education and football dreams is clearer

  Wandering in the beautiful campus of Yan ‘an Second Road Primary School in Qingdao, intoxicating black and white elves can be seen everywhere. On the playground, small football jumps at the feet of children, and the pictures displayed along the stairs tell the course of the development of school football characteristics … The whole school has become a "football cultural magnetic field", infecting every member in it.

  Qingdao is a well-known football city in China, and the popularity of campus football is ahead of many places in China. In football activities, students have been trained, improved their skills, learned to cooperate, and enhanced the cohesion of the community.

  In the past year, the national campus football developed vigorously. Like Qingdao, all localities took measures according to local conditions and created a good atmosphere for the development of campus football. Campus football is sweeping across the country with a rapid momentum. There are more and more green fields on campus, and more and more children are jumping on the green fields. The characteristics of campus football are constantly expanding …

  Promote campus football into an upgraded version.

  Over the past year or so, all provinces in China have innovated campus football work, designed the overall idea of campus football work at the provincial level, and issued relevant implementation opinions on promoting campus football in primary and secondary schools.

  Beijing’s 2016 football project will be included in the selected test items of the senior high school entrance examination, and at the same time, the football project test will be explored in the senior high school physical education examination.

  Guangdong Province has initially established a campus football network with national cities as the main line and provincial cities as the supplement. In the next step, Guangdong will continue to expand the football population and cultivate educated football people, and integrate the promotion of campus football into all aspects of school education as a breakthrough to promote school physical education reform.

  In order to promote the popularization of campus football, Hubei Province has included football in students’ extracurricular sports and extracurricular sports activities. The Office of the Leading Group for Campus Football Work in Henan Province has "three chapters" for all campus football pilot schools in the province: football classes should be included in the school-based curriculum, and at least one football class must be guaranteed every week; Two big recess activities for half an hour every day, one of which must arrange football-related content; A class football league must be held once a year.


  There is a strong "whirlwind" in campus football.

  In this atmosphere, the League Four has been promoted smoothly, the camp activities have been carried out brilliantly, and various cups have continued.

  On November 26, 2014, a national video conference on campus football for teenagers was held. The meeting proposed that we should adhere to the combination of sports and education, be determined to reform and innovate, and promote the popularization of campus football.

  Yuan Guiren, Minister of Education, said that the Ministry of Education will dominate campus football and launch a series of measures to promote campus football into an upgraded version. The goal of the Ministry of Education is to strive to support the construction of about 20,000 schools with football characteristics in primary and secondary schools and 200 high-level football teams in colleges and universities nationwide by 2017, and to form regional characteristics. In addition, according to the national campus football competition plan, four leagues are organized for primary schools, junior high schools, senior high schools and universities.

  Then, on March 16th, 2015, the General Office of the State Council released the Overall Plan for the Development and Reform of Football in China, which is the goal of China’s 10-year plan for football and has raised football to the height of "national policy".

  Known as "the biggest reform in China’s football history", this plan has defined 50 specific measures, covering the reform of the Football Association, league reform, national football construction, youth training system, bid for the World Cup, China League Football Lottery and other fields. It is estimated that by 2025, 50,000 schools with football characteristics will be built with 50 million students.

  On August 13th, the website of the Ministry of Education officially published the "Implementation Opinions of the Ministry of Education and Other Six Departments on Accelerating the Development of Youth Campus Football". The "Opinions" pointed out that the goal of campus football is to basically build a youth campus football development system with China characteristics by 2020, which conforms to the law of talent growth, with extensive participation of young people, continuous improvement of sports level, dynamic institutional mechanisms, strong basic conditions and vigorous cultural atmosphere.

  In September 2015, after comprehensive selection, the Ministry of Education identified and named 8,627 primary and secondary schools such as Chongwen Primary School in Beijing as national youth campus football characteristic schools, and 38 counties (districts) such as Yanqing County in Beijing as national youth campus football pilot counties (districts).

  The Ministry of Education requires that characteristic schools and pilot counties should open an Internet-based campus football information platform, publicize the progress of campus football, report football activities, exchange work experience and display characteristic achievements. Education administrative departments at all levels in various localities incorporate the work of characteristic schools and pilot counties into the education supervision and inspection and the evaluation of school physical education, and carry out special inspections on a regular basis.

  Since then, the blueprint for the development of campus football has been basically drawn. However, how to make this whirlwind of campus football stronger and more lasting? You can find the answer in the concrete practice at the grassroots level.

  Hardware and software "grasp with both hands"

  For a long time, a prominent problem that restricts the development of campus football is the lack of venues. In some schools, "there is no place for children to do exercises, and there is no place for them to play football".

  This situation is particularly prominent in some schools located in the center of big cities and in the old campuses of some schools. These schools are not short of money and excellent teachers, but the limited space is the biggest problem that restricts them from developing campus football.

  In order to solve the problem of football venue conditions, Beijing has adopted the overall planning of the municipal and district governments, rented social venues to carry out football activities through the government’s purchase of services, and built small venues and cage football and other characteristic venues according to local conditions inside and outside the urban campus; And in the outer suburbs, thousands of simple football venues have been transformed by using community space and idle lots.

  There are more than 1,200 students in Chongren No.2 Primary School in Qiaokou District, Wuhan City. The school is located in the commercial and prosperous hexagonal street area with limited sports venues. Schools adjust measures to local conditions, strengthen the basic technical training of small venues, such as dribbling, bouncing, arch passing, simple two-one tactics. With the help of the resources of the District Cultural and Sports Bureau, the school carried out football training in the nearby Liujiaoting Stadium. In 2014 alone, the school "produced" four national youth team players at one time.

  In terms of funding guarantee, many cities are unequivocal and give strong support to the development of campus football. In 2014, Guangzhou Education Bureau issued a subsidy of 1.76 million yuan to 54 traditional football schools and 4.56 million yuan to 304 campus football promotion schools in Guangzhou, totaling 6.32 million yuan.

  For many problems that have long plagued the development of campus football, many places have innovated systems and mechanisms to solve them, and made breakthroughs in building campus football league system, compiling campus football teaching materials with local characteristics, and creating campus football development atmosphere, so that more and more children can enjoy the happiness of campus football.

  In addition to paying attention to the improvement of "hardware" conditions, many places have also set their sights on upgrading the "software" of campus football. In many places, combined with the local actual situation, the superior resources are used to develop campus football. In the promotion of campus football, various localities have made characteristics in building platforms, innovating institutional mechanisms, constructing campus football league system, compiling campus football teaching materials with local characteristics, and creating campus football development atmosphere.

  Don’t give extra points for exams, just for freedom.

  "We can’t guarantee that every child will become an international and a star in the future, but we can bring joy to each of them." Wu Mingyu, director of Mianyang Education and Sports Bureau, Sichuan Province, said that according to the calculation of Mianyang Education and Sports Bureau, by 2017, there will be more than 100 youth football teams in the city, and thousands of students will participate in football training and competitions.

  Combining popularization with improvement, paying equal attention to class and playing field, and persisting in benefiting all students are the ideas of Chongqing Pengshui to carry out campus football. In the process of promoting village school football education, Pengshui County insists on classification and popularization, and promotes it according to its materials. For schools with only grades one to three, focus on offering theoretical courses to popularize the basic knowledge of football and promote basic skills; For students above the fourth grade, in addition to theoretical promotion, they will also try to popularize simple skills.

  "The significance of vigorously promoting the end campus football is not to cultivate future football stars, but to let the children in the mountains have a healthy body and tenacious will with the help of football as a carrier, and put wings on their football dreams." Jiang Yong, director of Pengshui County Education Committee, said.

  In such a campus football environment, which does not add extra points to the exam, is not utilitarian, but only happy, the children are galloping freely and growing healthily.

  Campus football activities have been carried out in many schools, and a large number of schools have achieved certain results in carrying out campus football activities. In order to get to school early and play more football, many students in the primary school attached to Tsinghua gradually develop the habit of going to bed early and getting up early.

  The person in charge of Chaisang Primary School in Xunyang District, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province told the reporter that carrying out campus football activities has improved the qualified rate of students’ physical health, improved their overall quality, and achieved ideal competition results in various sports competitions at all levels.

  Accelerating the development of youth campus football is an important measure to fully implement the party’s educational policy and promote the physical and mental health of young students, and it is also a basic project to improve the development level of national football.

  It can be predicted that when children who practice football reach a certain scale and their skill level reaches a certain height, high-level children will naturally emerge, and China football will have a bright future.

  The deputies said

  Alva Wang, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and deputy director of Sichuan Provincial Department of Education:

  Campus football should do good things well and do big things.

  For campus football, we should do good things and do big things.

  Campus football is a breakthrough in cultivating people by virtue and educating people by competition. The country also considers it a major event, so it should give full play to the scientific effect of campus football. Campus football is different from social football and competitive football. It should have its own rules. Its more goal is to educate people, rather than focusing on achievements. Campus football needs to let students know why they win, because they win with their own strength and wisdom. At the same time, campus football can also cultivate students’ awareness of obeying rules. For example, the basic rules of "you can’t play football with your hands" and "you can’t play basketball with your feet" are helpful to establish students’ awareness of rules, professionalism and professional ethics.

  Campus football is not about cultivating athletes. There are 12 million students in Sichuan who take part in campus football, but few of them can become professional football players. Then why should all students participate? Because we promote campus football, we hope to cultivate seeds, seedlings, top players and players. The goal of campus football is to cultivate builders who understand football, abide by rules and have a strong body, not competitive athletes. (Interview with our reporter Zhang Chunming)

  ——■ Typical case—

  Wuhan Xinhe Village Primary School:

  In 49 years, "kicked out" 34 international players.  

  Located in a crowded old residential area, Wuhan Xinhe Village Primary School is surrounded by buildings on three sides. Campus area is small, only more than 6000 square meters, is a standard "sparrow school". However, there are not many students at all, and more than 80% of the 1036 students come from the families of migrant workers.

  It is such an ordinary primary school that regards "Happy Football" as a characteristic education. It has persisted for 49 years in a narrow space and lack of professional teachers, and has successively stepped out of 34 "international players" such as Feng Zhigang, Zheng Bin and Lei Tenglong, and has become a famous campus football characteristic school in China.

  The school only has a trapezoidal artificial lawn sports ground and a stormy playground. In the words of principal Hou Lin, "there is no place to row the runway".

  However, when you enter the school, you will find that most of the children here wear jerseys and sneakers to go to school; During recess activities, students flock to the playground, mostly playing football; Even during the break, teachers and children danced self-made football exercises. Every class has a football lesson every week, and both boys and girls will kick a few feet.

  "In order for all children to feel the joy of football, the school adopts time-sharing, venue-sharing and reasonable arrangement of teaching content to ensure the implementation of school-based curriculum." Hou Lin said, "At present, there are 24 classes in the school, and each class has a football team. Every day, more than 100 members of the school team practice on the playground for two hours after school.

  Although the campus is small, Xinhe Village Primary School has turned "small" football into a "big" culture on campus.

  The flags, uniforms and slogans of each class are designed by the children themselves. On the court, girls also have to show up. When boys play football, girls play football baby and cheer for boys. Teachers also put football into Chinese and math classes. In addition, every year’s "Campus Football Festival" and every semester’s "Healthy Cup" class football league, all children participate and enjoy the endless happiness brought by football.

  "For children who don’t like playing football and love painting, they can draw football; Love writing, can be a football reporter; If you love to be handmade, you can create your own World Cup. " Wang Jianhong, director of the school’s football education, said.

  The "cradle of international players" originated from the first children’s football team in Xinhe Village Primary School in 1966-Shan Ying Team. In that year, Yang Zheng, a math teacher who had just joined the work, tried to gather children to practice football in teams. In the past few decades, school leaders have changed from batch to batch, and the "Shan Ying Football Team" has been marching from district and municipal leagues to national stadiums step by step, and the characteristics of football education have become brighter and brighter.

  Now, Xinhe Village has two full-time football coaches, and hired retired parents from the provincial team to coach the football team to ensure the implementation of the school-based curriculum.

  In a class football match after school, although the players were all teenagers, the game was wonderful. On the court, he played well and was very devoted; Off the field, the cheerleaders on both sides kept shouting and cheering. The goal was scored, everyone cheered, lost the goal, stamped their feet and regretted it, and the joy was written on the tender face.

  In Xinhe Village Primary School, such competitions are held almost every day. Children not only get health and happiness from football, but also have many other gains.

  A recent survey by Wuhan CPPCC shows that compared with other schools, there are fewer "chubby" and "nearsighted" students in Xinhe Village Primary School. "This is due to the popularity of campus football." Wang Jianhong told reporters. (The original text was published in the fifth edition of China Education News on March 25, 2015. Our reporter Zhang Chen Li Xiaowei Cheng Mo)

Trading with Paul didn’t help? "Cousin" bluntly doesn’t like the warrior: he is old.

In this summer’s offseason, the Warriors sent away Jordan Poole, who was supposed to be the successor of Stephen Curry, through trading, and got Chris Paul, the "God of Ball Control" from the Wizards. In response to the Warriors’ trading, DeMarcus Cousins, who had previously expressed his dislike of Paul’s "cousin", admitted that he was not very optimistic. "He is old."

When Cousins was interviewed by SiriusXM NBA Radio a few days ago, he talked about the "former owner" warriors getting Paul’s trading in the offseason. Cousins bluntly said: "I don’t understand why the Warriors traded for Paul. Maybe they are ready to give it a go, but basketball will not be known until it is played." I’m not belittling Paul’s career achievements. He is old. I don’t see what he can help the Warriors improve. I don’t think it’s the right thing to give up a young player for an old veteran. 」

As a matter of fact, Cousins made it clear many times that he didn’t like Paul when he was wearing the king’s uniform. Apart from the fact that the two men often exchanged rubbish and had physical conflicts, Cousins didn’t even put Paul on his list of "the top five point guards in history". However, regardless of whether Cousins has personal grievances, his doubts are not nonsense.

According to the data, Paul, who is 37 years old this year, played only 59 games for the Suns last season, setting a new low in the past four years. Although he still scored 13.9 points, 8.9 assists, 4.3 rebounds and 1.5 steals, the player’s efficiency (PER) with an average score of 17.7 per game is a career low. How to make Paul, who is used to a goal in his life, integrate into the Warriors system that needs a lot of empty-handed running and covering, will test the strategy of head coach Steve Kerr.

Future Technology: What will happen to our life?

Nowadays, technology is developing at an unprecedented speed. New technologies such as artificial intelligence, drones and virtual reality are subverting our way of life and making our life more convenient and efficient. In the future, the development of science and technology may be more rapid, and the changes will be more profound and extensive. In this brand-new world, we may face many new challenges and opportunities.

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the computer system to achieve a certain degree of autonomous decision-making and task execution by simulating human intelligence and learning ability. In recent years, artificial intelligence has been widely used in various fields, including natural language processing, image recognition, speech recognition and so on.

With the continuous progress of artificial intelligence technology, its impact on society and employment has attracted more and more attention. The following are some possible impacts:

  1. Automation replaces some jobs: Artificial intelligence can perform some jobs that require manpower through machine learning and independent decision-making, such as data processing and customer service, which may lead to some traditional jobs being replaced by automation.
  2. Create new employment opportunities: Although automation may replace some traditional jobs, the development of artificial intelligence will also create new employment opportunities, such as data analysis and machine learning engineers.
  3. Improve production efficiency: artificial intelligence technology can help enterprises optimize processes, improve production efficiency and reduce costs, thus improving the competitiveness of enterprises.
  4. Personal privacy and security issues: Artificial intelligence can collect and analyze a large amount of personal data, which may cause personal privacy and security issues.

Generally speaking, the development of artificial intelligence has brought many opportunities and challenges to society. In the process of dealing with its influence, we need to pay attention to human welfare and moral issues, and at the same time, we need to constantly improve our technical level and adaptability.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is an unmanned aerial vehicle, which can be operated by remote control or preset program. In recent years, with the continuous development of technology, drones have been widely used in various fields, including transportation, military, security and so on.

In the field of transportation, drones can be used for logistics distribution and traffic monitoring. For example, drones can deliver express parcels to your doorstep without manual delivery; At the same time, drones can also monitor traffic conditions in cities with traffic jams in order to make timely adjustments and optimizations.

In the military field, drones are also widely used. UAV can be used for reconnaissance, strike, aerial refueling and other tasks, and its maneuverability and concealment are incomparable with traditional military equipment. Moreover, with the continuous improvement of technology, the weapons and equipment of drones are becoming more and more advanced.

In the field of security, drones can also be used for monitoring and support. For example, drones can be used to monitor borders and coastlines to prevent illegal entry and drug trafficking; At the same time, drones can also be used for firefighting, rescue and other tasks to improve efficiency and safety.

Of course, with the increasing application of drones, it also brings some problems and challenges. For example, the privacy and security issues of drones require the joint efforts of the government and enterprises. At the same time, the regulation and management of drones also need to be strengthened to ensure their normal and legal use.

Generally speaking, the application prospect of UAV is very broad, which can bring many benefits and conveniences, but also requires us to pay attention to and solve related problems and challenges.

The development of virtual reality technology has attracted people’s extensive attention. With the continuous development of technology, virtual reality technology has been gradually applied to entertainment, education, medical care and other fields, and has played an important role in these fields.

In the entertainment field, virtual reality technology is widely used in the production of entertainment content such as games and movies. Virtual reality technology can provide users with more realistic game experience and movie-watching experience, thus increasing users’ immersion. In addition, virtual reality technology can also be used for live broadcast of concerts, exhibitions and other activities, so that the audience can feel the atmosphere of the event site personally.

In the field of education, virtual reality technology has been widely used in learning and training. Virtual reality technology can provide students with richer learning experiences, such as simulation experiments and virtual field trips. Through virtual reality technology, students can have a deeper understanding of the learning content and learn and explore in practice.

In the medical field, virtual reality technology is also widely used in surgical simulation, rehabilitation and other aspects. Virtual reality technology can help doctors to operate and treat more accurately, thus improving the success rate of surgery and rehabilitation effect. In addition, virtual reality technology can also be used in psychotherapy and anti-pain therapy to help patients relieve pain and discomfort.

The development of science and technology in the future will bring great influence and change, involving all aspects, including society, economy, education, medical care, security and so on. The emergence of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, unmanned aerial vehicles and virtual reality will greatly change our way of life and work. In this era of rapid development, how to deal with future changes has become an important issue.

First of all, we need to strengthen the research and development of new technologies. Governments, enterprises, academic institutions and other aspects need to increase investment and support in science and technology to promote the development and application of science and technology and better meet people’s needs.

Secondly, we need to adapt to the development and application of new technologies. In the process of the emergence and popularization of new technologies, we need to constantly learn and adapt to make better use of them, so as to better adapt to the changes in society and life.

In addition, we need to pay attention to the risks and challenges that new technologies may bring. In the application of new technology, some security and privacy issues may be brought, which need our attention and solution. At the same time, the development of new technologies may also have an impact on some traditional industries and employment, and we need to pay attention to and help the affected people.

Finally, we need to build a healthy, fair and sustainable development environment. The development of science and technology needs to be carried out under the legal and ethical framework to ensure that the development of science and technology is in line with human interests and values. We need to establish and maintain this environment by various means to ensure that the development of science and technology is sustainable and beneficial.

In a word, the development of science and technology in the future will bring great influence and change to our life and society. Faced with these changes, we need to strengthen the research and development of new technologies, adapt to the application of new technologies, pay attention to the risks and challenges that new technologies may bring, and establish a healthy, fair and sustainable development environment. Only in this way can we better cope with future changes and achieve the goal of sustainable development.

When artificial intelligence robots and virtual people are fully stationed in e-commerce, it will set off a new climax of e-commerce delivery.

Why do humans study hard? Maybe some parents will say, find a good job in the future. Then why did you find a job? I think the first thing to find a good job is to earn more money, and then to realize other dreams and ideals. But when the era of artificial intelligence comes, does all the efforts still make sense? Maybe you think so, but when you see more robots working in factories, don’t those workers work hard? Why only see robots? I can’t see the human figure,

Therefore, it may be meaningless to work hard in the future. Offline work has been done by robots. Let’s look online again. Now more and more virtual people are beginning to appear on large and small platforms, and it is said that robot chat system is also integrated. With the algorithm and analysis of artificial intelligence, these virtual people and robots may try to figure out your mind. To put it bluntly, robots have learned psychology. If a large number of such robots come to live online to bring goods, and they never need to rest, do you think they will sell better than these real people now?

Everything is difficult at the beginning. Actually, I’m not absolutely difficult. The people selling goods are not real people. How can it be difficult? It’s just that users feel unaccustomed and unfamiliar. But after a long time when users get used to it, this kind of virtual people will be accepted, and if there are few virtual beauties, they will also attract handsome guys ~ They have joined the intelligent technology, and they will become smarter and even smarter than human beings. A small amount may not shake the stage of the current e-commerce world. If a large number of intelligent virtual robots come online to carry goods around the clock, and all platforms have them, let this large number of virtual people spend a lot of time occupying a large number of e-commerce platforms. If there is only one person behind them, will this person become the next richest man in China?

I think robots can replace human work offline, and they can certainly do it online. Because we have long acknowledged that artificial intelligence has surpassed human intelligence. Offline replaces human physical work, and online may replace human mental work. Robots are further evolving, from super physical strength to intelligence quotient. Besides playing chess, I think many places can beat us. Although robots are imitating human wisdom, robot calculation is more accurate than human beings, and robots are also making progress in learning human emotions, language and communication. If there are a large number of robots with goods, maybe the people behind them are really the next richest man in China.

Tiger Writing AI: The Leader of the New Era of Writing?

Tiger Writing AI: The Leader of the New Era of Writing?

With the rapid development of science and technology, writing software has gradually become an indispensable tool for many people to write. Tiger Writing AI is a new type of writing software that appears recently. It is said that it can help users improve the efficiency and quality of writing and realize real intelligent writing.

Tiger AI is different from other writing software in that it uses artificial intelligence technology based on deep learning. Software can learn users’ writing habits and language styles through big data and machine learning. At the same time, it can automatically analyze the structure and grammar of articles, helping users to better organize text content and improve their writing level.

However, although tiger AI has such a broad development prospect, it also faces many challenges. First of all, many people worry that artificial intelligence will replace human work, causing writers to lose their creativity and inspiration. Secondly, using tiger to write AI, users need to spend more time learning how to operate it, which violates the writing principle that should be concise and clear.

But it is worth noting that in this information age, writing software has become one of the necessary tools for writers. As a new generation of writing software, Tiger Writing AI provides a more efficient and intelligent writing experience, which allows users to easily and quickly handle massive text content and pursue personalized expression in it.

From 1 win in 12 games to 18 unbeaten games! They have not only British Mbappé, but also Japanese Neymar.

In Ligue 1, if you only focus on Paris Saint-Germain, Messi, Neymar and Mbappé, you will obviously miss too many beautiful scenery.

Lance, who won only one victory in 12 Ligue 1 games at the beginning of the season, came to the eighth place in the standings with 18 unbeaten matches. Here, there are not only "English Mbappé" Balogun, but also "Japanese Neymar" Ito Junya who sent five goals and five assists in 23 matches in Ligue 1.

A. This Kanagawa boy: grew up in a non-profit football organization.

Born on March 9, 1993, Itochun is also a native of Kanagawa Prefecture and comes from Yokosuka City. This once small fishing village has gradually developed into a military port and a maritime gateway to Tokyo.

His parents, both workers, left their hometown early to work, leaving Ito Chun in Yokosuga. There are many non-profit football training institutions there, so from the age of 6, he can get in touch with professional football training as long as he pays a small basic fee.

Because he hated the "dormitory, the relationship between the superior and the subordinate", he chose Toyo High School in Kanagawa Prefecture (which sounds a bit like Rukawa Kaede) where he could go to school from home.

By virtue of his outstanding performance in the youth invitational tournament in Kanagawa Prefecture at the age of 16, Itongchun also received an olive branch from a professional team.

From the football team of Kanagawa University, the wind forest of Jiafu to the cypress sun god, Itochun also put on the jersey of the Japanese national team for the first time at the age of 25.

B. choose Belgium as the first stop to study abroad! At the age of 29, I set foot on the Ligue 1 competition.

In 2018, Yi Dongchun also handed over a report card with 9 goals and 17 assists in the J League’s Cypress Sun God, so in the winter window of January 2019, he joined the Genk Club in Belgium on loan.

Bought out a year and a half later, he spent three and a half years in Bijia.Especially in the 2020-21 season and 2021-22 season, Yi Dongchun actually handed over a perfect report card with 12 goals, 16 assists and 8 goals and 21 assists.

In the Asian Top 12 World Cup preliminaries, Itongchun, who has secured the main position of the Japanese national team, also scored four consecutive goals, especially against the national football team, leaving a deep impression on countless China fans.

The 29-year-old is eager for new challenges. Last summer, he transferred to Lance, who joined Ligue 1 for 10 million euros: "I don’t prefer any country or league. I believe I can stand on my feet wherever I go."

So far this season, Yi Dongchun, who has played 23 matches in Ligue 1, has also handed in an answer sheet with 5 goals and 5 assists, and directly participated in the data of 10 goals, which also made him surpass his predecessor Daisuke Matsui and become the first Japanese player to score goals in Ligue 1 in a single season (Daisuke Matsui contributed 5 goals and 4 assists in 2007-08 season).

A. fast speed+good movement without the ball

Although he plays more as a right winger on the court, Ito Chun also has a little Neymar style in some ball handling styles.

Fast speed, strong up-and-down ability, combination of ball and no ball, and good performance in passing and shooting.

This time, in the position of the wing, Ito Chun also scored the ball and immediately inserted it without the ball. The second catch directly crossed the ball to find the back point, but unfortunately the teammate was too slow to outflank in place.

Let’s take a look at the offensive and defensive conversion this time. Yi Dongchun also directly broke the ball after the opponent threw the sideline ball and launched a counterattack on the spot.

The key is that it is beautiful to pass the ball in this step, and then Phillips on the flank of the ball is divided. The latter’s wonderful pass directly brought Balogun into the penalty area and scored a goal.

B: 10 times in a single game: 1 goal and 2 assists.

In the 25th round of Ligue 1, Yi Dongchun not only contributed 1 goal and 2 assists in a single game, but also helped Lance beat Toulouse 3-0. He became the best player in Ligue 1 in a single round and was selected as the 11 best players of the week.

You know, in the Ligue 1 dialogue with Montpellier, Ito Chun also had 10 successful feats in a single game.

The first goal in the match with Toulouse was that Yi Dongchun also used his own speed to flexibly turn around and get rid of the first defender, then crossed the second defender, and finally faced the goalkeeper with a single knife and calmly pushed the score.

Let’s take a look at this ball-breaking counterattack. Ito Chun also used the speed change to pass the first person, and then passed the second Toulouse player again.

It’s a pity that the last kick was a beautiful straight plug, but teammate Mathus Wa didn’t hit the goalkeeper’s shot well, which made Ito Chun miss an assist.

A. Both feet can handle the ball: as a winger, they can cut the attack.

Ito Junya, who just celebrated his 30th birthday, can play the left and right wingers on the court.

The dominant foot is the right foot, but the left foot also has a certain ability to handle the ball, so in the game, he can attack internally.

As can be seen from the lens, after getting the ball on the flank this time, Ito Chun also made a strong cut, and then sent an imaginative pass with his heel.

Teammate Ka Giust took the ball and shot it with a blast, sending it to the bottom of the opponent’s net.

Let’s take a look at this attack. Ito Chun also completed continuous dribbling and dodging on the flank, and he had a good sense of rhythm in the process of cutting into the middle.

Use continuous setbacks to confuse opponents, and finally send a simple cross, but unfortunately teammates with more space in the front of the penalty area didn’t shoot well at last.

B.1.9 key passes per game.

Compared with contributing 5 goals and 5 assists and averaging 1.7 successes per game,Yi Dongchun’s most surprising data is his key pass averaging 1.9 times in Ligue 1.This kind of passing performance is still quite outstanding.

Generally speaking, Ito Junya’s passing is not very creative, but it always gives a good opportunity. This time, Mooney West scored an assist goal, which is an example.

After getting the ball in the middle, Yi Dongchun also had a long-range shot. When he saw his teammate’s flank sleeve, he sent a scoring ball to the short pass of the empty space, allowing Mooney West to score directly.

In the match with ajaccio, Ito Chun also assisted Ka Giust to finish the lore in the 95th minute.

At first, Yi Dongchun also had a good sense of dividing the ball, but he gave a little more strength. In the ensuing chaos, it was very important for him to calmly pass back, which brought the final word from his teammates.

Celebrating his 30th birthday, before you know it, Ito Chun has also played in European football for almost four and a half years.

Perhaps at the age of 30, it’s hard for him to enter a big team, but the most dazzling Japanese international in the top 12 is still trying to write his own football chapter.