The operation of central enterprises has improved significantly. In June, operating income and profits achieved positive growth year-on-year-the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commi

In June this year, central enterprises achieved operating income of 2.9 trillion yuan and net profit of 166.48 billion yuan, up by 0.6% and 5% respectively.

In the face of the complicated environment, it is not easy for central enterprises to achieve positive growth in revenue and profit simultaneously. On the one hand, the excellent epidemic prevention and anti-epidemic achievements in China have created favorable conditions for the recovery of the national economy; On the other hand, the central enterprises have comprehensively deepened the work of improving quality and increasing efficiency, and made great efforts to expand the market, grasp production, control costs and stabilize investment.

At the press conference of the State Council Office held on July 16th, Peng Huagang, Secretary-General and spokesman of the State Council State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, introduced the specific situation of the economic operation of central enterprises in the first half of the year, and said that the economic operation of central enterprises had improved significantly, and the positive changes had increased significantly. In June, the income and profits of the same month achieved positive growth simultaneously.

In the first half of the year, the decline in revenue and profit was narrower than that in the first quarter, and both revenue and profit achieved positive growth in June.

In the first half of this year, most central enterprises were affected by the COVID-19 epidemic and encountered difficulties in stages. With the further consolidation of the epidemic prevention and control in China and the accelerated recovery of social production and living order, the production and operation of central enterprises have accelerated since May.

Peng Huagang introduced that in the first half of the year, the central enterprises realized a total operating income of 13.4 trillion yuan, down 7.8% year-on-year, and the decline was narrowed by 4 percentage points compared with the first quarter. The income decline has narrowed for three consecutive months; The accumulated net profit was 438.55 billion yuan, down 37.7% year-on-year, and the decline was 21.1 percentage points lower than that in the first quarter and 12.6 percentage points lower than that in January-May.

In June, central enterprises achieved positive growth in both operating income and net profit. Among them, the operating income was 2.9 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 0.6%, and most enterprises have recovered or exceeded the same period level; The net profit was 166.48 billion yuan, an increase of 64.63 billion yuan compared with May and a year-on-year increase of 5%. It was also the first time this year that the monthly net profit increased positively.

Depending on the industry, the production and operation of key industries have been accelerated and gradually improved.

In the first half of the year, the steel output, crude oil output, power generation and electricity sales of central enterprises have recovered to more than 98% of the same period last year; The orders for new ships increased by 21.2% year-on-year, the installed power capacity increased by 5.1% year-on-year, the sales volume of commercial coal increased by 1.8% year-on-year, and the alumina output and new orders for power generation equipment maintained positive growth.

In the second quarter, the sales volume of refined oil products increased by nearly 40% compared with the first quarter, and it also increased compared with last year. In February, the electricity sales of the two power grid companies plummeted by 10.9% year-on-year, and gradually recovered and improved. In April, the decline narrowed to -1.3%, in May, it turned into a positive growth of 4.6%, and in June, it increased by 6.5% year-on-year.

"The marginal improvement in the physical quantity indicators of basic industries such as oil, electricity and coal reflects the continuous improvement of the national economy and also boosts confidence in the economic operation in the second half of the year." Peng Huagang said that there are also military industries, communications industries and construction industries that contribute a lot to profits.

Looking at enterprises, the operation tends to be stable, and the monthly income and profits of most enterprises have recovered or exceeded the same period.

There were 57 central enterprises whose income increased year-on-year in June, and 33 enterprises whose income increased by more than 10% in that month. The net profit of 58 central enterprises in June increased year-on-year, and that of 46 enterprises increased by more than 10%.

Peng Huagang believes that in the face of this year’s complicated environment, it is not easy for central enterprises to reach a new high in June. On the one hand, the excellent epidemic prevention and anti-epidemic achievements in China have created favorable conditions for the recovery of the national economy; On the other hand, the central enterprises have comprehensively deepened the work of improving quality and increasing efficiency, and made great efforts to expand the market, grasp production, control costs and stabilize investment.

In the first half of the year, the investment in fixed assets was 1 trillion yuan, reducing the operating cost of the whole society by more than 120 billion yuan.

In addition to the positive growth of income and profits, the investment of central enterprises has also taken the lead in achieving positive growth.

In the first half of the year, the central enterprises invested 1 trillion yuan in fixed assets, up 7.2% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 5.9 percentage points faster than that in January-May and 11.7 percentage points faster than that in the first quarter.

Since the full resumption of work in March, the monthly growth rate of fixed assets investment of central enterprises has been 4.1%, 11.8%, 13% and 21.2% respectively, showing an accelerating trend month by month. In the second quarter, the accumulated fixed assets investment was 673.07 billion yuan, up 14.8% year-on-year. By industry, the growth rate of fixed assets investment in power generation, automobile, communication, metallurgy and other industries exceeded 15% in the first half of the year.

In order to help revive Hubei after the epidemic, on June 3, relevant central enterprises and Hubei Province signed a total of 72 cooperation projects with a total investment of 327.7 billion yuan.

With steady investment, central enterprises will continue to exert their efforts. Peng Huagang introduced that in the second half of the year, we will continue to guide and support enterprises to focus on improving industrial basic capabilities, breaking through the weak links of key core technologies in the industrial chain, maintaining industrial chain security and other areas to increase investment, and seize investment opportunities in new infrastructure such as 5G, industrial internet and data centers, actively and orderly promote project construction, do a good job in reserves of high-quality investment projects, actively absorb social capital, and broaden financing channels.

Focusing on the "six guarantees" and the implementation of the "six guarantees" task, the central enterprises have also made every effort to help small and medium-sized enterprises fight the epidemic, reduce costs and tide over difficulties, and resolutely implemented the national policies of reducing electricity prices, gas prices, tariffs, tolls and rents. In the first half of the year, the cumulative operating costs of the whole society have been reduced by more than 120 billion yuan.

Peng Huagang analyzed the composition of this 120 billion yuan: "The two power grid enterprises reduced the user cost by 54 billion yuan, the three communication enterprises made profits by 42 billion yuan, and the three petroleum and petrochemical enterprises reduced the energy cost of downstream enterprises by 18 billion yuan. In addition, the accumulated rent reduction for small and micro enterprises also exceeded 4 billion yuan."

In the second half of the year, central enterprises will continue to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in three aspects: increasing the supply of basic oil, electricity and coal transportation; Continue to implement the policy of reducing fees and making profits; Strengthen cooperation with various enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises in the industrial chain and supply chain, and use investment to promote the development of the entire industrial chain and supply chain. "Now we are actively carrying out the work of clearing the debts owed by central enterprises, especially those that have no differences with small and medium-sized enterprises, which should be returned as soon as possible." Peng Huagang said.

We will fully implement the "Three-year Action for the Reform of State-owned Enterprises" and strive to achieve the annual goal in five aspects in the second half of the year.

While speeding up the resumption of production and operation, the reform cannot stop. Recently, the 14th meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform deliberated and adopted the "Three-year Action Plan for State-owned Enterprise Reform", and the prospect of state-owned enterprise reform in the next three years gradually became clear.

Peng Huagang introduced that the "Program" has four "highlights": First, it highlights the implementation and action, and puts forward clear task measures for the timetable and road map of state-owned enterprise reform in various key tasks, so that it can be quantified and assessed; The second is to focus on key points, fill shortcomings, strong and weak items, adhere to problem orientation, and propose targeted measures instead of covering everything; The third is to highlight system integration, coordination and high efficiency. Some reform tasks are difficult to be effective by one measure alone, so it is necessary to comprehensively use multiple measures and take a multi-pronged approach; Fourth, it is difficult to fight the annihilation war. The reform in some important areas has defined the objectives and time limit requirements, and concentrated on tackling the difficulties in the three-year operation.

In the first half of the year, the overall operating performance of central enterprises was better than expected. Can we achieve the annual target if we work harder in the second half of the year? Peng Huagang said that although the production and operation in the first half of the year laid a good foundation for completing the objectives and tasks of the whole year, all the work of the reform and development of central enterprises in the second half of the year was faced with difficulties and pressures, and these five aspects should be strengthened to achieve the goals: solidly promote the steady growth of the management and development of central enterprises; Fully implement the three-year action of state-owned enterprise reform; Fully promote the scientific and technological innovation of central enterprises; Actively promote the layout optimization and structural adjustment of state-owned capital; Do a good job in preventing and resolving major risks.

"Strive for the sustained and rapid growth of the benefits of the vast majority of central enterprises, and strive for the positive growth of the overall benefits of central enterprises." Peng Huagang said.

[Editor: Zhao Yihan]

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Jinan artificial intelligence industry accelerated growth, focus on Jinan government network

In today’s rapidly changing technology, we have unknowingly used the convenience brought by artificial intelligence (AI). For example, when you handle business in Jinan Administrative Examination and Approval Service Hall, Jinan Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation and other business halls, the smart government service hall will provide you with convenience; when you use medical self-service equipment to handle business in Jinan tier 1 hospital, or use navigation for travel, AI is quietly helping you.

With industrial upgrading, artificial intelligence has become an important driving force for a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation. In Jinan, many companies in the field of artificial intelligence are constantly expanding application scenarios, fully mining the value of data, and using AI intelligence to empower modern industries to upgrade, promote social development to be more intelligent and efficient, and help cities become smarter. In this process, "industrial AI" is driving "AI industrialization", and Quancheng AI industry is accelerating growth.

Artificial intelligence leaders continue to climb and jump

When the national artificial intelligence industry is booming, Jinan has emerged a number of competitive representative enterprises in the industry. For example, Inspur and Shensi Electronics were selected as the top 30 AI China’s strongest artificial intelligence companies.

From the development path, empowering the transformation and upgrading of the real economy and the construction of smart cities has become a key area for Jinan artificial intelligence enterprises to continue to cultivate.

For example, Shensi Electronics has cooperated with Jinan Second Machine Tool and Baidu to implement smart factory solutions, promoting digital and intelligent transformation of key scenarios such as numerical control of stamping equipment product production and quality inspection, operation and maintenance and acceptance, maintenance and after-sales services, and promoting comprehensive quality improvement and efficiency.

In addition to the above applications, the artificial intelligence solutions created by Shensi Electronics have been applied in batches in industries such as energy, government affairs, medical care, emergency response, public security and finance. With such a wide range of industry applications, Shensi Electronics has only used it for 7 years. In this regard, Min Wanli, chief scientist of Shensi Electronics, said that the company has always maintained high-intensity independent research and development and technological innovation advantages, and accelerated the promotion of artificial intelligence empowered real economy innovation applications.

As a leading AI enterprise in Jinan, Inspur is also accelerating the inclusion of industrial AI, and has realized the implementation of industrial AI in the fields of finance, railways, electric power, transportation, smart cities, petroleum and petrochemical industries. For example, in the field of production, Inspur has built a world-leading server intelligent manufacturing factory. Compared with traditional production methods, manpower is reduced by 75%, production efficiency is increased by 30%, and production capacity is increased by nearly 4 times.

Deep empowering segmentation scenes break new ground

Application scenarios can be described as the vitality of artificial intelligence technology. From the development of Jinan artificial intelligence industry, in addition to the leading enterprises that have covered many industries with AI technology such as Inspur and Shensi Electronics, there are also a number of enterprises that focus on a certain field and are deeply empowered.

Zhongyang Health Technology Group Co., Ltd., which has been deeply involved in the field of medical informatization for more than 20 years, has become a leader in artificial intelligence application solutions in the medical field across the country. Its intelligent diagnosis auxiliary system for pulmonary nodules, intelligent diagnosis system for rib fractures, and intelligent auxiliary diagnosis system for coronary CTA have been used in more than 220 hospitals across the country; the ICD artificial intelligence coding system has reached the current leading level in China and has been used in hundreds of hospitals in nearly 100 cities across the country, successfully solving the problem of disease coding in the industry.

Just recently, the dynamic ECG intelligent assisted diagnosis system built by Zhongyang Health for many years was successfully launched in Juxian People’s Hospital. "From the application effect, it far exceeds expectations. It used to take 40 minutes for a doctor to see a 24-hour dynamic ECG, but now it takes less than 5 minutes to complete the ECG diagnosis after applying our artificial intelligence system. While improving the quality of diagnosis, it greatly improves the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment." Gao Xiyu, head of scientific research at Zhongyang Health, said. Behind such intelligence and efficiency is a large amount of training of massive data and excellent AI technical support.

Coincidentally, Lanjian Intelligent, which has been deeply cultivated in the field of logistics technology for 30 years, has become a leader in the field of smart logistics. As early as 2021, Lanjian Intelligent, with its honeycomb intelligent warehousing system, became one of the enterprises selected by Jinan MIIT for the "New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Industry Innovation Key Task Units". And its "Honeycomb E-commerce 4.0 System" caused a sensation in the e-commerce industry once it came out, solving the technical difficulties of "finding people for goods". It once achieved a super efficiency of 12,000 boxes/hour on "Double Eleven", handling nearly 150,000 goods a day, and only 8 pickers. At present, the Lanjian intelligent honeycomb intelligent warehousing system has basically achieved full coverage in the e-commerce industry, and has successfully built the world’s largest "honeycomb" multi-wear system in the e-commerce industry. In the opinion of Wu Yaohua, founder and chairperson of Lanjian Intelligent, automation can fly higher and farther with intelligent wings.

From the scene, go to the scene. For artificial intelligence companies, it is crucial to accurately grasp the pain points of the industry, deeply empower the scene, and get through the "last mile". Many artificial intelligence companies in Jinan are focusing on the need for continuous empowerment in the industry.

Quancheng AI industry accelerates towards 50 billion level

As an important engine of industrial development and urban butterfly change, the artificial intelligence industry has become a field where various places have rushed to the beach. Jinan is also accelerating the pace of development of this industry and continues to carry out the "AI Spring City" empowering action.

In terms of industrial development logic, the growth of the artificial intelligence industry requires not only a deep understanding of industry pain points and application scenarios, but also technical support. Behind this, computing power, algorithms, data, etc. are all important factors.

From the current development of Jinan, in terms of basic layer, Jinan has become China’s computing power highland. The production and sales volume of servers is the first in the country and the second in the world, and the production and sales volume of AI servers is the first in the world. It supplies more than 1/3 of our country’s servers and more than 50% of AI computing power. In particular, the National Supercomputing Jinan Center has achieved complete autonomy and control of core technologies in the field of supercomputing. In terms of software technology, Jinan artificial intelligence core software technology is basically mature, and open APIs integrating vision, voice, interaction and other technologies have become the trend of industrial development.

Based on many development advantages, Jinan has become the national artificial intelligence innovation application pilot area, a new generation of artificial intelligence innovation and development pilot area, and a national industrial Internet demonstration area. The only city in the country where "three zones are superimposed". Such advantages help Jinan become a "depression" for resource gathering – the major ecological project "China Counting Valley" jointly built by provinces and cities has been landed in Jinan and is accelerating construction. The first phase of the park was put into use in the first half of this year. In the future, it will become a new highland for the computing power industry and a new beacon for the smart industry; Huawei’s three major innovation centers and regional headquarters, Baidu Shandong data annotation base and other projects have all landed in Jinan; artificial intelligence island accelerated construction…

At present in Jinan, the artificial intelligence industry has formed a relatively complete artificial intelligence industry chain from basic support, core technology to industry application. In 2022, Jinan has 358 artificial intelligence enterprises, and the scale of artificial intelligence core industries reached 27.10 billion yuan, an increase of 17.6% year-on-year, driving the scale of related industries to 100 billion. 11 companies were selected for the MIIT industry innovation key task list.

Under the trend of new technologies changing with each passing day, how can Jinan artificial intelligence industry achieve a greater leap?

As a senior expert in the field of artificial intelligence, Min Wanli suggested that "industrial AI" should drive "AI industrialization", encourage AI + leading enterprises to create new kinetic energy benchmarking applications, and replicate to the whole industry through service to form a pattern of "Shandong Germination National Blossom". In development, AI will be turned into a service, and the government will build an AI empower platform, where AI companies and entrepreneurs will serve industry customers and lower the non-technical threshold for AI popularization. Min Wanli said that industry experts and front-line practitioners can be trained as AI navigators and practitioners, and a "doctoral + graduate + engineer + industry expert" talent ecosystem can be built; in development, it is recommended to create sustainable green AI, encourage the miniaturization of large models, avoid paving the path of computing power, and get rid of dependence on high-end chips.

For the development of the AI industry, Jinan has drawn a blueprint, which will further promote the "computing power, algorithm, and arithmetic" industry to become stronger, better, and bigger. According to the plan, we will strive to double the development of Jinan’s AI core industry by 2025, reaching 50 billion level, and driving the scale of related industries to reach 200 billion level.

Afternoon comment on A-shares: Shanghai Composite Index bottomed out and rose by 0.26% in half a day. Major financial stocks rose collectively.

  The three A-share indexes collectively closed up in early trading. By midday, the Shanghai Composite Index rose by 0.26%, the Shenzhen Component Index rose by 0.24%, the North Stock Exchange 50 fell by 0.85%, the Growth Enterprise Market Index rose by 0.58%, and the half-day turnover in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets was 477.7 billion yuan. More than 2,800 stocks in the two cities fell, and northbound funds sold 1.014 billion yuan in half a day.

  On the theme of the sector, digital currency, cross-border payment, textile manufacturing and other sectors were among the top gainers; Diet pills, precious metals and other sectors led the decline.

  On the disk, digital currency concept stocks led the gains in early trading, () 20CM daily limit, () and () rose by more than 10%, and () and () both had daily limit; Banks, insurance, securities and other major financial sectors rose near midday, () daily limit, () rose by more than 7%, (), (), (), (), (), (), (), etc. rose one after another; The textile manufacturing sector was among the top gainers, with both () and () daily limit, and () rose by over 8%; The concept stocks of diet pills pulled back in early trading today, with () down limit, (), (), Kang Peng Science and Technology, () and other stocks falling more than 7%; In terms of popular stocks, () staged a day board and recorded 7 boards in 10 days.

  Plate analysis:

  Straight flush hot stock list:

  Transaction review:

  At 09: 25, A shares opened, with the Shanghai Composite Index opening 0.09%, Shenzhen Component Index opening 0.2% and Growth Enterprise Market Index opening 0.36%. Cross-border payment and digital currency concept stocks were active.

  At 09:28, the concept stocks of diet pills pulled back, Baihua Pharmaceutical fell by a word, Hanyu Pharmaceutical and Jinkaishengke fell by more than 6%, and many stocks such as (), Changshan Pharmaceutical and () opened lower.

  At 09:30, the cross-border payment sector was active at the beginning of the session. Huafeng Microfiber had a daily limit of 20CM, Kelan Software opened 11.82% higher, and Chutianlong, (), (), Zhongke Jincai and other stocks opened over 5% higher.

  At 09:37, the concept stocks of computing power continued to be active. (1) The daily limit again recorded 3 boards for 4 days, (2 boards) and (1) the daily limit, (), () and () followed up.

  At 09:39, orient securities fell rapidly in early trading, and its share price once fell more than 8%. In the news, orient securities’s shareholding () and other related matters are included in the scope of verification.

  At 09:47, lithium battery concept stocks bottomed out, () quickly pulled up the daily limit, () rose by over 15%, () rose by over 10%, and (), (), Zhenhua New Materials and () followed suit.

  At 09:50, the textile manufacturing sector rose in intraday trading, Fengzhu Textile rose daily, Jujie Microfiber rose by more than 5%, and Yingfeng shares, (), () and () followed suit.

  At 09:51, the securities sector rose, Huachuang Yunxin rose by more than 5%, and china galaxy, Huatai Securities, CITIC Securities and Everbright Securities rose one after another.

  At 09:52 (), the intraday price rose by 219.32%, hitting a temporary stop.

  At 09:54 (), the daily limit rose again, recording 8 consecutive boards, and the turnover exceeded 800 million yuan.

  At 09:55 (), shares and bonds all fell, and gemdale’s share price approached the daily limit. The corporate bond "16 Jindi 02" fell more than 25% and hit the temporary stop, "21 Jindi 01" fell more than 13% and "21 Jindi 03" fell more than 9%. Gemdale announced yesterday that Ling Ke applied to resign as a director, chairman and member of the strategy committee of the board of directors due to physical reasons.

  At 09:57, the precious metal plate fluctuated and fell, () fell by nearly 5%, and (), (), () and () fell by over 3%.

  10:00 According to () iFinD data, half an hour after the opening, the turnover of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets reached 239.9 billion yuan.

  At 10: 05, CPO concept stocks fell, () and () fell more than 7%, (), () and () fell more than 5%.

  At 10:08, oil and gas stocks bottomed out, () rose by over 7%, () rose by over 5%, and () rose by nearly 4%. The stock once fell by over 8% in early trading.

  At 10:11, the mask aligner plate oscillated lower, () fell more than 6%, () fell more than 5%, Torch Light Technology and Tengjing Technology fell more than 4%, and American and Egyptian technologies, () and () followed suit.

  At 10:25, the whole vehicle sector continued to fall, () fell by nearly 5%, () fell by nearly 5%, () fell by more than 3%, and (), () and () followed.

  At 11:03, the banking, insurance, securities and other financial sectors rose in intraday trading, Huachuang Yunxin had a daily limit, china galaxy and Guolian Securities rose more than 4%, and Capital Securities, Cinda Securities, Ruifeng Bank, (), New China Life Insurance and China Pacific Insurance rose one after another.


  1. CITIC Securities: Listed central enterprises frequently increase their repurchase, and the liquidity on the market continues to improve.

  Citic Securities Research Report pointed out that on October 16, a number of listed central enterprises issued announcements on increasing holdings (progress) and repurchase. Since August, listed central enterprises have frequently increased their holdings and repurchased, which is an important measure to implement the Work Plan for Improving the Quality of Listed Companies Holding by Central Enterprises, guide the rational return of the value of listed central enterprises and stabilize the capital market. From the historical experience, the repurchase tide has a positive effect on market sentiment and stock price in the bottom interval. In addition to increasing holdings and repurchases, the slowdown in financing, the slowdown in reducing holdings, and the countercyclical adjustment of policies also reflect the improvement of market liquidity, which is conducive to the re-opening of investors on the sidelines. In terms of configuration, according to the strategy focus recommendation, it is still recommended to divide the layout into three stages: pro-cycle, science and technology and white horse.

  2. Insiders: The transformation of villages in cities is expected to incite the trillion-dollar market.

  According to the Economic Information Daily, the reporter learned that the renovation of urban villages in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chongqing and other places is steadily spreading. A few days ago, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development made it clear that the reconstruction of urban villages in mega-cities in China will be divided into three categories: demolition and new construction, regular rectification and upgrading, and combination of demolition and integration. According to the information system of urban village reconstruction of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, there are currently 162 urban village reconstruction projects in China. According to industry insiders, the renovation of villages in cities has not only improved the living environment of residents, but also changed the space for new life into new development. According to some data, it is conservatively estimated that the annual investment in the renovation of villages in cities in China will reach 840 billion yuan.

  3. Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived at Beijing Capital International Airport by plane.

  According to CCTV news, today, Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived at Beijing Capital International Airport by plane. President Putin will attend the third "Belt and Road" international cooperation summit forum and participate in related activities.

  4. Asked about the announcement of the new M7 car care plan: the delivery delay is up to 10,000 yuan.

  According to Sina Finance, on October 17th, AITO asked the community about the new M7 car care plan, which announced that if the delivery of vehicles is delayed, users will be able to enjoy the car care subsidy up to 10,000 yuan. It is reported that for new M7 users who have completed the big payment before November 30th, 2023, the order status on AITO App starts from the date when the delivery plan is confirmed to the date when the vehicle has arrived at the store. If the waiting period in the table below is exceeded, they will receive the cash subsidy for picking up the car according to the number of days (the date when the vehicle has arrived at the store-the date when the delivery plan has been confirmed-the waiting period). The standard of overdue subsidy is 200 yuan/day, up to 10,000 yuan.

  5. Lei Jun: The official version of Xiaomi’s brand-new operating system 澎湃 OS has been packaged.

  Lei Jun announced in his personal Weibo that Xiaomi’s brand-new operating system, Xiaomi HyperOS, has been packaged for the official version. Xiaomi 14 series, the first mobile phone equipped with a new system, has been delivered to the factory to start production. From this moment on, Xiaomi 澎湃 OS will gradually replace MIUI.

  6. Baidu released Wen Xin Model 4.0 Li Yanhong: The comprehensive level is not inferior to GPT-4.

  According to the Securities Times, on the 17th, Li Yanhong, founder, chairman and CEO of Baidu, announced the official release of Wenxin Big Model 4.0 and started the invitation test. He said that this is by far the most powerful Wenxin model, which has achieved a comprehensive upgrade of the basic model, and has significantly improved its understanding, generation, logic and memory abilities. The comprehensive level is "not inferior to GPT-4".

  7. gemdale responded to the resignation of Chairman Ling Ke: it is a normal management team handover and will not have a significant impact on the company’s operations.

  According to, on the morning of October 17th, regarding the resignation of Ling Ke, the chairman of the company, gemdale responded to the reporter that the resignation of Chairman Ling Ke was really due to physical reasons. The relevant person in charge of gemdale said that the resignation of Chairman Ling Ke and the replacement of Chairman Huang Juncan were normal management team handover and would not have a significant impact on the company’s operation.

  8. China Mobile: Customizing the Mate 60 model is a routine action. This purchase also involves the Pro version.

  According to the Securities Times, recently, () Tendering and Purchasing Network disclosed five terminal procurement projects of mobile phone products such as Huawei Mate 60 Equity Edition-single source procurement information announcement. According to the announcement, China Mobile plans to purchase five mobile phone products including Huawei Mate 60 Rights Edition, with a demand of 1.2 million sets. China Mobile’s purchase triggered a heated discussion in the market. The reporter learned from relevant persons of China Mobile that this purchase belongs to the normal customized version (equity version) of China Mobile. It is understood that the rights edition model means that China Mobile will customize its own business such as mobile cloud disk on the terminal, which is not much different from the public edition model. In the above announcement, except for Huawei Mate 60 rights edition, the models of the other four mobile phones were not disclosed; According to the information obtained by the reporter, the other four models include Mate 60 Pro and Mate 60 Pro+.

Celestial Auto took the "Rubik’s Cube Platform" to the Beijing Auto Show and asked M7 to refresh the sales record of China automobile brand single model.

  At the auto china, Cyrus Auto shared its self-innovative super-intelligent platform-Cyrus Rubik’s Cube Platform, which is versatile and capable of continuous evolution. It is reported that the platform takes "panoramic safety, multi-power, ever-changing space and intelligent guidance" as its core features, and realizes cross-domain integration of safety, power, chassis and software. In the era of smart electric vehicles, it aims to provide users with a "good, easy-to-use and super-safe" car experience. 

  At present, platform development has become the consensus of the new energy automobile industry-it can not only form diversified product combinations to develop different products, but also effectively save research and development cycle, improve research and development efficiency, and also form production scale effect to reduce costs. 

  In fact, the Rubik’s Cube platform is just one of many technical achievements accumulated by Celestial Automobile. As a representative enterprise of new quality productivity, Cyrus is committed to becoming a leading technology-based enterprise, and has been in a leading position in three-power technology, extended range technology, electronic and electrical architecture and super electric drive intelligent technology platform.


  Judging from the sales results, the technical strength of Cyrus has ushered in a "sword-shining" moment. In the first quarter of this year, the sales volume of Celestial vehicles reached 94,825, a year-on-year increase of 374.77%. AITO’s whole car delivery system reached 31,727 vehicles in March, of which 6,243 new cars were delivered by the car manufacturer M93 in March, ranking first in the sales volume of China’s new power vehicles with a price of more than 500,000 yuan, and firmly in the first-line camp with traditional luxury cars BBA and Tesla. 

  Based on the new development stage of new energy vehicles in China, the new energy vehicle enterprises in China, represented by Cyrus, are grasping the connotation of new quality productivity and accelerating the realization of quantitative change to qualitative change in the new energy vehicle industry. 

  Debut in auto china with Rubik’s Cube platform. 

  At 9: 00 on April 25th, auto china 2024 will officially open. As the "opening drama" of the automobile industry, the Beijing Auto Show, which has returned strongly after four years, will become a centralized display platform for automobile trends and product trends. It is understood that this year’s Beijing Auto Show is full of "technology, intelligence and new energy". For car companies, this opportunity of "brightening muscles and showing strength" is naturally not to be missed.


  As the main force of new energy transformation in the automobile industry, many independent brand head car companies will release new cars and the latest technological achievements at this auto show. Take Cyrus as an example. At the technology innovation strategy sharing meeting, Cyrus Rubik’s Cube platform, a super-intelligent platform with changeable and continuous evolution ability, was shared. The platform takes "panoramic safety, multi-power, ever-changing space and intelligent guidance" as its core features, and realizes cross-domain integration of safety, power, chassis and software. In the era of intelligent electric vehicles, it aims to provide users with a "easy-to-drive, easy-to-use and super-safe" car experience.


  It is understood that Cyrus "Rubik’s Cube Platform" can be compatible with different models such as cars, SUVs and MPVs at the same time, which will maximize its versatility. At the same time, it can be equipped with luxury configurations such as dual-cavity air springs and rear wheel steering, and its compatibility can meet the long-term technical development requirements in the future; In terms of power, the platform can also take into account the application of different power forms, such as super-increase, pure electricity and super-hybrid, and it is the only platform in the industry that can be compatible with these three power forms at present. With the continuous exploration of extended range technology, the thermal efficiency of Celeste Extended Range 5.0 system reaches 45%, and the oil-electricity conversion efficiency is as high as 3.65kWh/L, which is equivalent to 3.65 kWh of electricity generated by 1 liter of oil, which is at the leading level in the industry.


  In terms of safety, Sailis adheres to the concept that "safety is the greatest luxury" and applies the industry-first "panoramic safety" system on the Rubik’s Cube platform, which runs through the whole life cycle of users’ cars and makes users feel more at ease by combining hardware and software.


  The data shows that the derivative models built by the Rubik’s Cube platform have more sufficient technical verification and more reliable product quality, the development cycle can be directly shortened by 3 months, the cost can be effectively reduced by 15%, and the highest generalization rate of each system platform can reach more than 85%. 

  Throughout the new energy automobile industry, platform development has become the general trend. Improving the generalization rate of technologies and products through repeated reuse of core technologies or modular design of parts systems can not only form diversified product combinations to develop different products, but also effectively save the research and development cycle, improve the research and development efficiency, and also form production scale effect to reduce costs. 

  In addition to the Rubik’s Cube platform, in the list of invention patents published in 2023 by China Automobile and Information Technology Branch, the number of open patents increased by 407.76% year-on-year, ranking first in the independent vehicle group. Thanks to the deep accumulation of technical strength, Celestial Automobile is in a leading position in three electric technologies, extended range technology, electronic and electrical architecture and super electric drive intelligent technology platform, laying a technical foundation for the dual path of pure electric and extended range intelligent electric vehicles.


  In addition to continuous training in technical hard power, as a member of the brand of new energy vehicles, Cyrus clearly put forward the idea and path of "software-defined vehicles" earlier. In practice, Celeste drives product innovation with model innovation, firmly follows the road of "integration of intelligence and electricity" and promotes the development of new energy vehicles to intelligence and networking. 

  Zhang Xinghai, Chairman of Sailis Automobile, publicly stated that Sailis has always been firm: the road of intelligent and electric integration under the software-defined automobile is electrified, which is the carrier of intelligence, intelligence and the soul of electrification. 

  Sales in the first quarter surged by 374.77%. 

  After long-term technical precipitation, Cyrus already has the strength of "bright sword". 

  According to official data, in the first quarter of 2024, the sales volume of Celestial vehicles reached 94,825, a year-on-year increase of 374.77%. AITO delivered 31,727 vehicles in March, among which, the sales volume of the new M7 in Wenjie continued to grow steadily, with 24,598 new vehicles delivered in a single month, and the cumulative delivery volume on the market exceeded 120,000 vehicles, constantly setting a new record for the sales volume of a single car brand in China. In March, M9 delivered 6,243 new cars in a single month, ranking first in the sales volume of China New Power vehicles with a price of over 500,000 yuan. 

  With the rise of independent brands in China, represented by AITO, the market competition pattern of luxury brands is facing new changes. Since the beginning of this year, AITO has consistently ranked in the top five of the luxury brand list, and belongs to the first-line camp with traditional luxury cars BBA and Tesla.


  However, compared with more than 300 million fuel vehicles in China, the million-level annual sales of new energy vehicles are only a fraction, and the industry structure is far from solidified. For Cyrus, its intellectual strength needs to be constantly increased, and then it will evolve into the next stage of competitive advantage. 

  The Sailisi Auto Super Factory located in Chongqing will be an important carrier to increase the intellectual strength. It is understood that Sailis Auto Super Factory covers an area of 2,757 mu. As the world’s leading automobile super factory, Sailis Factory is built according to the international leading standards and industrial Internet requirements, realizing the interconnection of equipment data, achieving a complete vehicle off the assembly line in 30 seconds at the earliest, with the highest production efficiency in the world, and taking the lead in applying the industry-leading 9000T integrated die casting process, which can integrate 87 parts into one part and reduce the weight by 28%.


  According to the person in charge of the factory, the factory has more than 1,000 automation equipment, and more than 3,000 robots cooperate intelligently, and the number of robots ranks first in the industry. It can realize 100% automation of key processes, which is also a high level in the whole industry. At the same time, the factory also uses the industry’s first automatic quality testing technology. Through CT scanning of the whole vehicle, it can realize 100% whole vehicle experience and 100% full-size measurement. The test data is automatically uploaded to the cloud, forming "one car and one file". This factory has not only set a new benchmark for Cyrus, but also set a global benchmark for intellectual creation. 

  Cyrus’s "instant success" comes from the accumulation of money and thin hair. Seles, transliterated from the Greek word SERES, means the country of silk, symbolizing the east and luxury. What Cyrus wants to take is a "Silk Road" of high-end products, which is the openness and tolerance of China enterprises and the pattern and tolerance of going to the world. 

  At present, China’s new energy automobile industry is at the key node of "overtaking in changing lanes". In the global competition for the dominance of electric vehicles, Sailis will hopefully become a business card for China’s new energy automobile industry to show to the world. 

  (This article does not constitute any investment advice. Investors should act accordingly at their own risk. ) 

Qingyuan area extremely krypton 007 hot promotion, special price 229,900! If you miss it, you won’t

[car home Qingyuan Preferential Promotion Channel] Good news! Preferential activities are under way, with the price reduction as high as 10,000 yuan, and the minimum starting price is only 229,900 yuan! This highly regarded model can enjoy this discount in Qingyuan area, making your car purchase more affordable. If you are interested in Krypton 007, don’t miss this excellent opportunity to buy a car. Please click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get a higher discount.

The exterior design of Krypton 007 is fashionable and dynamic, the front face design is unique, and the air intake grille is closed, showing its identity as a new energy vehicle. The front part of the car adopts a streamlined shape, with sharp headlights and a highly recognizable front bumper, which makes the whole car look very sporty. The body lines are smooth, the overall style is fashionable and atmospheric, and the rear part adopts a unique taillight design, which shows the brand’s personality. The body adopts fashionable color matching, which makes the whole car look younger and more dynamic, and the overall style is very in line with the aesthetics of modern young people. In addition, the Krypton 007 car series is also equipped with large-size rims and a low body, which further enhances the sense of movement of the vehicle. In a word, the design of KYK 007 is fashionable and dynamic, full of sense of technology and futurity, and it is a very attractive new energy vehicle.

Extreme Krypton 007 is a large SUV with a length, width and height of 4,865 * 1,900 * 1,450 mm, a wheelbase of 2928mm, a front tread of 1635mm and a rear tread of 1650mm, respectively. The body lines are smooth and strong, showing a sense of movement and luxury. Tyre size is 245/45 R19 in both front and rear, and the rim style is fashionable and dynamic, which adds a lot of color to the overall shape.

The interior design of Krypton 007 is stylish and simple, focusing on the driver’s comfort and driving experience. The steering wheel is made of leather and supports electric up-and-down and forward-and-backward adjustment, so that the driver can easily find the most comfortable position. The central control screen has a size of 15.05 inches and is equipped with a voice recognition control system, which can control functions such as multimedia, navigation, telephone and air conditioning. The front and rear rows are equipped with two USB/Type-C interfaces, which is convenient for passengers to charge. The front row is also equipped with a mobile phone wireless charging function. The seat is made of imitation leather and genuine leather, and the front and rear, backrest, height, leg rest and lumbar support can be adjusted in many directions, so that both drivers and passengers can find the most comfortable sitting position. The front seats are also equipped with heating, ventilation and massage functions to provide a more comfortable driving experience. The driver and co-pilot can also easily adjust the seat position through the power seat memory function. The rear seats support proportional tilting, providing passengers with more storage space. In a word, the interior design of Krypton 007 pays attention to humanization, providing rich configuration and comfort, so that drivers and passengers can feel better enjoyment during the journey.

The engine equipped with Krypton 007 has excellent power performance, with a maximum power of 310 kW and a maximum torque of 440 N·m, which can provide strong power output for vehicles. This engine adopts advanced technology and design, which can provide excellent acceleration and stable driving experience. At the same time, it also has the characteristics of high efficiency and low emissions, bringing users a more environmentally friendly and economical driving experience. Whether on urban roads or highways, Krypton 007 can easily cope with all kinds of road conditions and bring excellent driving experience to users.

The interior and exterior design of Krypton 007 is one of the biggest highlights of the car. As the owner of car home said, its HIDDEN ENERGY design style is very in line with his personal aesthetics, which is both a bit sci-fi and a bit hidden. The design of two large glasses on the roof not only makes the whole vehicle more futuristic, but also solves the problem that the paint on the roof is easy to oxidize. In addition, the interior and outline design of Krypton 007 are also excellent, showing a low-key sense of science and technology and strength. Therefore, it can be said that the design of Krypton 007 is one of its biggest selling points, which can meet consumers’ demands for fashion, technology and functionality.

Qinghai’s first village cadre junior college class: someone got 17 points in computer test.

  At present, Li Jiru, a community cadre who has never been confused, has two college students: her son and her; One has just been admitted to the university, and the other has successfully obtained the diploma.

  It turned out that in the spring of 2015, the Organization Department of Huangzhong County Committee of Xining City cooperated with Qinghai Radio and TV University, and 77 rural community cadres in the county, including Li Jiru, were admitted to the junior college class to upgrade their academic qualifications and received a two-and-a-half-year rural administrative management professional junior college education, which was the first in Qinghai Province.

  Why did the village cadres go to the ivory tower for further study? What did you learn? What’s the use? Near the graduation season, we approached this group of special college students and listened to the collision and sentiment from the front line.

  Lijiashan town najia village

  A 17-point "failed student"

  After some twists and turns on the mountain road, in late June, the reporter came to Lijiashan Town, 50 kilometers away from Huangzhong County. In the village Committee of Najia Village, Na Jinliang, a 44-year-old village party secretary, is sitting in front of the computer "fiddling". Outside the house, in the 2300-mu plateau potato field, red and white flowers have just blossomed among the green seedlings, and the growth is gratifying. "This is called the potato flowering peony!"

  Poor mountain villages that were once remote and isolated also began to "touch the net". "I pulled the first broadband for the two committees of the village, and the potato will be sold on the e-commerce platform after the harvest in November." Lao Na told reporters frankly, "This is all by the junior college class ‘ Stimulate ’ Yes! "

  In the spring of 2015, the junior college class enrolled students. "The organization department asked me to send the registration information by email." At that time, Lao Na was confused. "What is email?"

  The bigger stimulus is behind: computer class, the first exam, 17 points; Make-up exam, 34 points. Lao Na felt: "Village cadres like me should be eliminated."

  "Located in the transition zone between the northwest Loess Plateau and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the county is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and its development is relatively backward. Most rural community cadres of the two committees have a weak cultural foundation and their professional quality needs to be improved urgently." Feng Yuanzhi, director of the organization department of Huangzhong County Committee, gave reporters a statistical table of the cadres of the two committees selected in 380 administrative villages in the county in 2014. The data shows that there are more than 2,900 village cadres of the two committees, with an average age of nearly 50, and less than 3% of them have a college degree or above.

  "The county organized village cadres to study in Wuxi rural areas, and everyone was deeply touched." Zhang Kui, deputy director of the Organization Department of Huangzhong County Committee, told reporters that the natural conditions of individual local mountain villages are not even comparable to ours, but they rely on the development of bonsai cultivation to increase the income of the masses. "The village cadres in Huangzhong all feel that people are actively looking for food, and we are waiting for food."

  In view of this, in order to improve the construction level of grass-roots organizations and the overall quality of cadres, and create a group of innovative rural leaders who are good at learning, have broad horizons and can get rich, the organization department of Huangzhong County Committee cooperates with Qinghai Radio and Television University, and Huangzhong County Radio and Television University undertakes to open a junior college class for upgrading the academic qualifications of rural community cadres in Huangzhong County … …

  County TV University

  College classes are not "guaranteed classes"

  Stepping into the office of the county TV University, watching the paper "Analysis of the main problems in the reform of rural administrative management system" being bound, Li Jiru, a member of Jinta Community, breathed a sigh of relief to the reporter. "It was revised seven times before and after!"

  School-land cooperation, rigorous procedures: the junior college class of village cadres in Huangzhong recruits students for the cadres of the two committees in rural communities in the county. "Applicants need to have high school and technical secondary school education, and those who are particularly outstanding or have made outstanding contributions can be relaxed to junior high school," Zhang Kui told reporters. A total of 77 students were enrolled in the first phase, including village party secretaries, village directors, accountants and community cadres.

  Qi Zhuoma, director of the office of Huangzhong County Radio and TV University, introduced that the academic system of the junior college class is two and a half years, and the major is rural administration. "The courses offered are very practical, including rural policies and regulations, land use planning, tax basis, etc., with a total of 19 compulsory courses and 44 credits. The combination of centralized teaching, individual self-study and online learning is adopted, and the examinations are arranged by the school."

  Li Jiru, 43, admitted to the reporter that her credit score was in the middle and lower reaches in the first semester. "Later, I found that the course content was very practical and closely combined with my daily work, so I started to study psychiatry. If I didn’t understand it, I had to ask my son who was in high school." As a result, she was "killed" in the second semester and ranked in the top three in the class after the third semester. "Market research and business situation prediction were the best."

  Na Jinliang, who failed the subject twice, even went to her sister’s house, who was married to a foreign county and became a teacher, to "catch up" with computer information technology. "We can’t be obsolete products of the times!" The third exam, finally successfully "won"! Nowadays, the agricultural products of the village are sold online, and the former "hanging students" have turned into e-commerce experts.

  "Students from the grass-roots level cherish such learning opportunities, and they keep asking questions in class to make the teachers faster ‘ I’m bored to death ’ !” Tian Guanghong, a teacher of Huangzhong Radio and TV University and the head teacher of the first batch of 77 students, said with a smile to the reporter, "Put the teacher ‘ Bored to death ’ Well, in the future, we can take the masses for development! "

  Strict study is more strict: at the end of June this year, the junior college class ushered in the graduation season. Of the 77 students, 69 successfully received the graduation certificate, and 8 people failed to complete their studies because of various reasons such as failing the course, so they could only keep their student status and postpone graduation, accounting for more than 10%.

  Lushaer town Heping community

  "What is more precious than a diploma is vision."

  How do women safeguard their rights and resolve conflicts? In a few words, Xie Yongwen convinced Chen and his wife in the community and turned around and went home. "The junior college class has gone to school with policies and regulations, otherwise residents will have to catch something when they come to the door."

  As the deputy director of lushaer town Heping Community, Xie Yongwen shed tears when talking about the college diploma she just got: "I used to be a laid-off worker, and I have been working in the community for 14 years." She looked up and was quick to talk. "Now, we grassroots cadres have become college students, and we feel that our thinking is more active than before, and our words are more car-scrapping. What is more expensive than a diploma is vision! "

  "Grass-roots administrative means are not scientific and standardized enough, and government affairs are not open enough, even becoming a mere formality … …” For Li Jiru, the graduation thesis with seven drafts is not only a "graduation ceremony", but also a systematic reflection and reflection on daily work. Ivory tower ’ On the contrary, I thought of many problems that I had not found before, and the improvement work has a clear grasp. "

  As the first college student in the family for generations, Qi Yongyan, the village secretary of Hougou Village in Tumenguan Township, was also inspired by the course of rural environmental protection in the junior college class. He quickly mobilized the villagers to renovate the village appearance, plant flowers and grass, and green the village roads, becoming a well-known demonstration model, which not only won the opportunity of the county-wide on-site observation meeting, but also won the approval of the plateau beautiful countryside construction project involving more than 2 million yuan on the spot.

  There are ideas for development, and the people get benefits: "We also demonstrate the cultivation of Chinese herbal medicines such as angelica and astragalus. Now the per capita income of villagers is 9,200 yuan, almost double that of three years ago!" Qi Yongyan is full of confidence.

This online game is popular, but why does the mobile phone turn brick after someone plays it?

  CCTV News:Recently, a model named"Traveling Frog"The mobile game is swiped in the circle of friends, which is very popular with everyone because of its simple operation and slow pace.

  Online celebrity "Traveling Frog" is accused of "plug-in"

  This game was developed by a Japanese game company. Currently, among Apple iOS users, only the Japanese version is available. As of yesterday (23rd), "Traveling Frog" has become the first place in the free download list of Apple App Store.

  The game is simple to operate. You can use the corresponding number of shamrocks to buy food, notebooks, sleeping bags, bowls, lanterns and other items, and prepare the equipment in your frog’s bag when you go out. Accordingly, the frog will "send" postcards to the players during the trip, and will bring back the local products of the trip to the players after returning home.

  In this game, the common "currency" is clover, which is also the only item that can be recharged. In some raiders, some players revealed that the more clover there is, the more advanced the props you buy. During this period, some online sellers saw business opportunities and took the opportunity.Launched a "plug-in" service, claiming that players can get a large number of shamrocks.

  The online "2.1 billion clover" costs 20 to 50 yuan.

  Yesterday (23rd), after searching for "Travel Frog" on the online shopping platform, the reporter found that many businesses were selling "plug-in" services at prices ranging from 20 yuan to 50 yuan. Many merchants promise that after purchasing the service, they willProvide "2.1 billion infinite clover" and "990 lottery ticket",And supports the use of any mobile phone system. Buyers can choose to keep their previous game records, or they can choose to overwrite and start again.

   At present, in the regular recharge channel, players can only buy 2,800 four-leaf clovers at the highest cost in 25 yuan, which is greatly different from the quantity provided by "plug-in" merchants.

  Improper operation of "plug-in" or mobile phone becoming "brick"

  On the afternoon of 23rd, the reporter bought a set of "20 yuan Buy Clover" package. Subsequently, the merchant sent two links and the logo of the data file of "Travel Frog" in the mobile phone device. The reporter clicked on the first link, prompting that it is necessary to download the compressed file package. After decompression, it is the data displayed after the "Travel Frog" is recharged with 999,999 shamrocks, while the second link modifies the tutorial for the game in the iOS Apple mobile phone.

  However, the reporter found that there were many hidden dangers during the operation. Many iOS players pointed out after installation that their ownGame data and mobile phone data are lost for no reason,Including WeChat chat records, pictures and videos in mobile phones, etc. Some players also said that after installation, there were loopholes in their Apple phones.The mobile phone can’t send and receive short messages.It didn’t get better after brushing the machine.

  In this regard, the merchant explained that,Buyers may have to bear the risk of data loss of different mobile phone systems during the operation of the "plug-in" program.Take Apple’s mobile phone users as an example. If the user is a system below iOS9, nothing will be lost. If it is iOS10, the cache will be lost. iOS11 will not only lose the cache, but all the software will be reloaded.

  In addition, merchants also said that in order to avoid improper operation, most of the time they would suggest that buyers agree to remote control by them.Asked whether remote control will reveal privacy, the merchant said "I promise not to read it".

  Apple customer service called "plug-in" or leaked personal ID.

  An independent game developer said that the "plug-in" of "Traveling Frog" is actually very simple, that is,Modify game data.Merchants only need to buy the "clover upper limit" in the game first, get the corresponding data, and then copy the corresponding data to the buyer through the program.

  The reporter calculated an account, and spent 8929 yuan to recharge the full amount of clover, and calculated with a single selling price of 20 yuan and a monthly sales volume of 1188.The merchant has earned more than 23,000 yuan.

  Apple customer service staff said that in addition to causing the loss of mobile phone data and materials,This kind of operation of modifying game gold coins (clover) has certain security risks for users."Sometimes users’ personal privacy may be revealed, or some Trojan software may be installed during the operation, which may hinder the subsequent use of the equipment".

  The customer service staff pointed out, for example,If the user agrees to the remote operation of the other party, there may be a risk that the Apple ID account will be stolen."Merchants are likely to use this to lock users’ mobile phones and take the opportunity to extort money." He reminded that,Try not to let people you don’t know install or modify the corresponding data in the user’s mobile phone device.

  The game can be played, but the risks have to be prevented.

Many first-line filmmakers concentrate on helping the poor with their words and people’s livelihood.

Fighting poverty, filmmakers are in action.

Recently, Jackie Chan, who has always been a positive energy benchmark in the entertainment industry, proposed to organize film and television artists to fulfill their social public welfare responsibilities and participate in poverty alleviation at this year’s National People’s Congress. He believes that entertainers should become the vanguard of poverty alleviation forces, give full play to their social influence, and call for serious investigation to achieve accurate poverty alleviation in the true sense.

Jackie Chan proposed that artists should help the poor.It is duty-bound to attack hard

Poverty alleviation is a major livelihood project and the common responsibility of the whole society, and film and television artists are duty-bound! Jackie Chan’s initiative has won wide recognition and positive response from the industry. On the occasion of the two sessions, the Media Center of the Film Channel specially planned a large-scale special topic of "Fighting Poverty and Fighting Filmmakers in Action", and carried out an echo report of "On-site suggestions and positive responses".

During the two sessions, frontline reporters interviewed Jackie Chan, Feng Yuanzheng, Gong Hanlin, Jianqi Huo, Jia Zhangke, Zhang Kaili and others on topics such as "Precise Poverty Alleviation", "Actor’s Social Responsibility" and "Star Public Welfare", and they all received positive responses.

Off-site, we invite literary and art workers who are keen on public welfare and have a strong sense of social responsibility to respond to Jackie Chan’s appeal and participate in discussions on topics such as "precise poverty alleviation". Since March 8th, the film channel China Film Report has successively launched a series of interviews on "Filmmakers Fighting Poverty in Action", inviting powerful filmmakers Jackie Chan, Huang Xiaoming, Li Bingbing, Wang Xueyin and WU GANG, as well as young actor representatives Cheney Chen, Jing Tian, Vivi, Wang Baoqiang, Wu Yifan, Yang Mi, Yang Yang, Yang Zi, Zhai Tianlin, Zhang Yishan and Zhou Dongyu to be interviewed. The interview will integrate the superior resources of the media center, and expose the content on all media platforms such as CCTV6 "China Film Report", 1905 Film Network, film channel client, official microblog matrix and WeChat WeChat official account.

Jackie Chan is at the scene of the two sessions.

Jackie Chan will take the lead in the first program, which will be launched on March 8, in the interview series of "Fighting Poverty and Fighting Filmmakers in Action". Over the years, Jackie Chan has been doing his best in public welfare undertakings, and he has done Wan Li Road for charity. He has a deep understanding: the road to public welfare is long and difficult, but many people make great efforts. Therefore, he hopes to call on all walks of life to jointly fight the tough battle against poverty, and at the same time, he expresses his gratitude for everyone’s support and response. "Over the years, I have been supported by the performing arts, and I have called for everything. They all believe me and I thank them. It is much more convenient to do charity now. "

As a senior in the entertainment industry, Wang Xueyin is also one who fully supports the fight against poverty. Facing our camera, he said: Accurate poverty alleviation is a very great commitment of the country, which can make the lives of farmers in our country better and better, which reflects the strength of our country. And let the whole society understand the good intentions of the country, what is precision poverty alleviation, and what role it can play after precision poverty alleviation.

Shooting in Zhou DongyuLove of hawthorn tree

In response to Jackie Chan’s call, young people in the entertainment industry are also taking action. Zhou Dongyu, a young actress, will bring her story in the interview. Having filmed in Bailihuang, she has a deeper understanding of poverty. Combining her own experience, she expressed her support for poverty alleviation and her love for beautiful rural areas: "To tell the truth, I like some beautiful rural areas, but now some places in our hometown are also quite poor and have not paved the way. Therefore, we must work hard to make every rural area and every mountainous area more beautiful. This is also my great wish. "

Yang Yang established Sunshine Special Fund.

Yang Yang, who is also the representative of Zheng Energy, a young actor, has always been on the road of public welfare. He was awarded the Beijing Development Action Ambassador by the China Development Research Foundation, and he also has his own understanding of precision poverty alleviation. In the interview, he said: "Accurate poverty alleviation is a more efficient and scientific way to help the poor, that is, who should use the money, how to use it, and how to use it, which is more targeted." Yang Yang, which set up the Sunshine Special Fund, is doing its bit to help more children, hoping that the children will not lose at the starting line.

2018 is the first year to implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up, and a crucial year to build a well-off society in an all-round way and get rid of poverty. "Let the poor people and poor areas join the whole country to enter a well-off society in an all-round way" is not only a slogan, but also a cohesive force. Accurate poverty alleviation requires the participation of the whole society. As a public figure, we should stand at the forefront of poverty alleviation. On the road to poverty alleviation, only when everyone does their duty and contributes can the trickle converge into a powerful and majestic force.

The Film Channel Media Center will gather together, give full play to the influence of its own media platform, draw attention from the society with the help of the influence of public figures, unite the forces from all walks of life, participate in precision poverty alleviation together, and jointly launch the historic decisive battle against poverty! In the future, the movie channel will invite more filmmakers to join the action of "getting rid of poverty". (Names are sorted by surname pinyin)

Typhoon "Fireworks" made a curtain call in Shanghai. What is the "magic capital enchantment" that Shanghainese talk about?

  China news agency, Shanghai, July 28th (Reporter Li Shuzheng) "Shanghai has ‘ Magic Capital Enchantment ’ Typhoon can’t ‘ Break the defense ’ 。” Whenever a typhoon strikes, the first reaction of Shanghai netizens is often like this.

  On the 28th, the Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory announced that the impact of Typhoon Fireworks on Shanghai was basically over. In the face of the "fireworks" which ranked first in rainfall and second in maximum wind speed in the process of typhoon influence in recent ten years, Shanghai passed safely without major accidents and accidents, and the city was running smoothly.

  What exactly is the "magic capital enchantment" that Shanghai people talk about?

  "Enchantment" originally refers to an area protected by some supernatural power, forming a barrier separated from the outside world. In 2012, the "Magic Capital Enchantment" first appeared in Shanghai media reports on typhoons, meaning that the operation of this mega-city was not invaded by typhoons.

  Shanghai is an insulator of typhoon? Looking back at meteorological data, this is not the case. In the "Magic has a typhoon ‘ Enchantment ’ " This statement appeared in the past ten years, which is precisely the decade when Shanghai suffered the worst typhoon since 1949.

  According to the data of Tropical Cyclone Data Center of China Meteorological Bureau, there have been nine typhoons landing in Shanghai since 1949, including four in this decade.

  Whether it’s Typhoon Phoenix, which landed in Shanghai in 2014, Typhoon Abe, Lark and Wambia, which landed once a week in 2018, or Typhoon Fireworks & HELIP; … The pressure of flood control and typhoon prevention in Shanghai is not small.

  "What is there in Shanghai ‘ Magic Capital Enchantment ’ It’s just that someone is guarding. " On the social platform, there is also another kind of "unbelieving" voice.

  Before the typhoon "fireworks" came, a video of "tying the plane" became popular on the Internet. Affected by the typhoon, all flights in and out of Shanghai Pudong and Hongqiao airports were cancelled on the 25th. China Eastern Airlines tethered the aircraft to ensure that the aircraft would not move when the typhoon struck.

  "Why is there a kayak in the subway station?" On the 24th, some people found this "fresh object" in Zhongshan Park Station of Metro Line 2, and they were curious to ask. In fact, in response to the "Typhoon" fireworks, more than 50,000 policemen in Shanghai are waiting for their death. Canoeing in the subway station is one of the relief materials prepared in the previous flood control and typhoon prevention drills.

  According to the characteristics of the police situation in the flood season in previous years and the actual situation in the jurisdiction, the Shanghai fire department improved the emergency plan for 608 underpasses, 13 river-crossing tunnels and 457 sections prone to water accumulation in Shanghai. There are 37 pre-garrison points in some areas. Before the "fireworks" came, 121 flood control vehicles, 86 boats, 465 pumps and more than 6,000 sets of water rescue and life-saving equipment were ready.

  By 12: 00 on the 25th, before the first landing of Fireworks, Shanghai had transferred more than 360,000 people, including construction workers working outside the first-line seawall, residents living in dilapidated houses and shed houses in the field, construction workers working in temporary houses on the construction site, and boat people entering Hong Kong to take shelter from the wind.

  "Would rather ‘ Ten against nine empty ’ " It is a vivid embodiment of Shanghai’s concept of putting people’s lives and property first.

  "There are 54 sections of roads with accumulated water, 15 residential areas with accumulated water, and 13 underpasses with accumulated water. At present, except for 2 roads and 7 underpasses, the remaining accumulated water has been eliminated … …” During the typhoon "Fireworks" affecting Shanghai, the "Flood Control and Typhoon Prevention Map" formed by the "One Network Unified Management" flood control and typhoon prevention command system has been updated in real time.

  Relying on the construction of "unified management through one network", the "urban brain" function of Shanghai’s urban transportation centers at the two levels has gradually emerged, and the early warning and judgment have become more accurate.

  Pudong New Area Urban Operation Center said that the application scenario of flood control and typhoon prevention has realized the automation of the response to the plan. Under the command of version 3.0 of "Urban Brain", the flood control and typhoon prevention have realized rapid response and scientific scheduling.

  According to the statistics of Pudong New Area Urban Transportation Platform, as of 0: 00 on the 26th, during the period of typhoon "fireworks", the platform has accepted 1,152 requests from citizens for flood control and typhoon prevention.

  When Shanghainese talk about "Magic Capital Enchantment", what are they talking about? Perhaps it is not some supernatural force, but everyone’s "Shanghai". (End)

22 seasons is not the limit? How many years can James play and how old will he retire?

Last season wasThe 20th season of James’ career.It is also the 20th season of Haslem’s career, but Haslem retired at the end of the season, and James will continue to fight.

Before that, there were only a handful of players who could play for at least 20 seasons in history, and even if James and Haslem were included, there were only 10 players in total. James will be in his 21st season next season, alongside parrish, Garnett, Nowitzki and Willis.

Not only that, because James and the Lakers still have a two-year contract, thisIt means that James will play at least two more seasons.That is to say, to play 22 seasons, which will tie the historical record created by Carter. Two years later, James is only 40 years old. Theoretically, he may continue to fight, breaking Carter’s record and becoming the longest-serving player in history.

For James, age is not a problem, and strength is not a problem. althoughJames will be the oldest player in the league next season.But he can still maintain a very high level of competition. In the past two seasons, James’ personal performance has been excellent, not similar to the peak period, and there is no player so old in history who can play around 30 points per game.

Therefore, as long as he doesn’t suffer from serious injuries, even though his condition will decline with age, James can still maintain a high level, which is the basis for him to continue his campaign. Except James, other players who have played for 20 seasons are basically role players. Even historical superstars such as Kobe, Jabbar and Nowitzki are no longer brave at the end of their careers.Only James can remain a superstar..

How long James can fight depends not only on his age and strength, but also on his two sons, because he has always had a wish.Want to compete with his son. In 2024, James’ eldest son Brownie is expected to land in the NBA, so this wish is very promising. Although Brownie had experienced the danger of cardiac arrest before, her health was not serious.

In addition, James’s second son will soon enter the NBA, and James may persist until his son lands in the NBA, and at the same time fight side by side or compete with his two sons. In this way, James will be 42 or 43 years old.In theory, it is possible to play for 25 seasons.Even if you can’t play for 25 seasons, it is possible to break Carter’s record of 22 seasons.