Ministry of Transport: Encourage localities to reduce taxi "element money" in stages

  CCTV News:At a press conference held by the State Council’s joint prevention and control mechanism today (6th), Vice Minister of Transport Liu Xiaoming said that all localities are encouraged to take measures such as phased reduction and exemption of taxi "part money" to effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of taxi drivers.

  Liu Xiaoming introduced that in February, the passenger traffic of railways, highways, waterways and civil aviation decreased by 79.9%, the freight traffic decreased by 26.5%, and the order volume and transportation volume of taxis (including online car-hailing) decreased by 85%. It can be seen from this that the income of truck drivers and taxi drivers has dropped significantly. In response to these problems, the Ministry of Transport, together with relevant departments, is stepping up the implementation of the policy.

  At the same time, organize industry associations, online freight platforms, and key logistics enterprises to monitor and analyze the freight logistics industry, release monitoring reports on the operation of the industry, and guide cargo owners, logistics enterprises, and truck drivers to rationally set transportation prices and share the benefits of the toll-free policy.

  Guide local transportation departments to timely sort out and summarize the situation of transportation and logistics enterprises performing emergency transportation tasks during the epidemic prevention and control period, and closely cooperate with the financial department to compensate enterprises performing emergency transportation tasks that belong to the government’s purchase of public services. Guide all localities to actively strive for the support of local financial departments, strengthen the accounting of income and costs, and increase subsidies and support for urban public transportation and urban rail transit enterprises.

  Coordinate and increase financial support for passenger and freight transportation enterprises, especially small, medium and micro enterprises. We actively communicate and coordinate with the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, and encourage insurance companies to appropriately reduce or exempt the insurance fees of operating vehicles, ships and aircraft that are suspended during the epidemic by extending the insurance period and deducting the renewal fee. In conjunction with the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the Financial Institution Group is encouraged to provide special project credit lines and loans at preferential interest rates to passenger and freight transportation enterprises, especially private and small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households affected by the epidemic, and to treat taxi drivers and road freight drivers as relevant policies for individual industrial and commercial households, and to support bank loans.

The banned list of 141 anchors was announced, and the banned period ranged from one month to permanent, involving multiple platforms.

Original title: The banned list of 141 anchors was announced, and the banned period ranged from one month to permanent, involving multiple platforms.

The list of 141 anchors banned was announced, and the ban period ranged from one month to permanent ban, involving multiple platforms. sir For example, Xiao Li and Wang Mian on YY live broadcast platform suddenly said goodbye to fans in the live broadcast room, revealing that due to some "irresistible" factors, they will stop broadcasting for about half a year and quit the network. .

Subsequently, the anchors of other platforms also announced "rest" and quit the network.

For example, Tiger Tooth live broadcast platform "Little Cool Brother", Betta Zhang Qige, Liu Xiaoqi and so on. It is reported that there are many anchors of this "title", which are involved in almost all major live broadcast platforms.

Fortunately, most of these anchors did not hang up permanently, and many of them were banned for one to six months. As for which anchors are on the "banned list" this time, many netizens are also very curious.

Secondly, for the banned anchors, there were no announcements on the major live broadcast platforms, but these anchors suddenly stopped broadcasting like "gone".

On the 10th of this month, the online performance (live broadcast) branch of China Performance Industry Association announced the seventh batch of black anchors to the public. 47 blacklisted anchors are not allowed to register and broadcast live in the industry within 5 years.

After the list was released, netizens also found that some anchors who suddenly "rested" and stopped broadcasting were not on the list.

Therefore, netizens are more curious about the reasons why those anchors "suddenly" stopped broadcasting. What is the reason why they stopped broadcasting?

Recently, a blogger broke the news about a list of "141 banned anchors", which involved online celebrity who violated the live broadcast norms of the whole network.

According to the blogger, the list is a special rectification action carried out by the relevant departments of the webcast industry.

These include YY Live, Momo, Betta, Yingke, Yibai, Penguin E-sports, Huya, Aauto Quicker, Tik Tok and other live broadcast platforms.

The blogger revealed a partial list of "141 banned anchors":

Among the banned anchors, there are many well-known anchors on the live broadcast platform. The ban period is from 1 month to permanent ban, and the penalty period is from October 8.

The list shows that the controversial betta anchorwoman "Dream Butterfly" was permanently banned this year.

Some time ago, the betta anchorwoman "Xiu Xiu" and Zhang Qige, who suddenly stopped broadcasting, were banned for three months.

The betta anchorwoman "SuenOlivia" was only banned for three months due to a serious live broadcast accident.

Online celebrity anchor "Xiao Zhi" of Penguin E-sports was also included in the banned list for three months.

Some netizens questioned the list published by bloggers, thinking that the list was printed by bloggers themselves, and no other authoritative media had published the list. However, the blogger revealed that he was only a little faster than the media knew, saying that the list was absolutely correct, otherwise he would be prosecuted by the legal department of the live broadcast platform.

The blogger said that the reason why the top 30 anchors on the list were not announced was because they were "of little use".

As we all know, the rise of live broadcast of games, live broadcast of entertainment, live broadcast with goods, and short video platforms has made the profession of network anchor and online celebrity a "hot industry".

Because of the low threshold and high return, more and more people are joining, but this circle is also "mixed fish and dragons". Many anchors and online celebrity broadcast their eyeballs live through "low quality" for the sake of popularity.

Therefore, some anchors ignore the moral bottom line in pursuit of so-called traffic, which seriously affects the network ecology.

The announcement of the list of "141 banned anchors" is considered to be a blow to the live broadcast industry on the right track and improve the live broadcast environment, and it is also a warning to other anchors.

Editor in charge:

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Slovak Prime Minister issued a document praising China: China deserves respect and is a factor of global security and stability.

According to the Tass news agency reported on December 12th, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fizzo praised China as a stabilizing factor of global security.

According to the report, Fizo posted on the social platform Facebook on the 11th: "China deserves respect because it has made unprecedented economic achievements and is a stable factor of world security." Fizo also said that he had communicated with China on the details of his visit to China in the spring of 2024.

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fizo.

Fizzo said that the Slovak government, with him as prime minister, will respect and pursue the one-China policy. He also said that the Slovak government and China share the same views on the situation in Ukraine. "China and the Slovak government share the same view that it is impossible to solve the Ukrainian conflict by military means. We support all meaningful peace plans, which must be based on reality, not fantasy. "

According to reports, Fizo served as Prime Minister of Slovakia for three times in 2006, 2012 and 2016. In October this year, he was appointed as Prime Minister of Slovakia for the fourth time.

Editor-in-Chief: Qin Hong

Text Editor: Song Yanlin

Author: Global Times New Media

After reading these grandma’s exquisite clothes, I realized that fashion really has nothing to do with age.

What is fashion? What age stage can explain fashion? Faced with these two questions, I believe that most people have no accurate answers, nor can they describe the concept of fashion through language, but fashion is a manifestation, and women of different ages interpret fashion differently.

For foreign street grandmothers, regardless of age, fashion, their way of wearing, will always be a model of old age collocation. Fashion is a kind of spirit. It doesn’t mean that you have no right to pursue fashion when you are old, but you should try your best to show your perfect self in collocation.

(1) Style, frankness and personality

Being old is not an excuse, but many people will give up building their own external image because they are getting older. For these foreign grandmothers, the older they are, the more they should dress themselves up and pay more attention to matching details.

Let the image become more decent and generous, so from the way they match, we can see that the style is more frank and individual, and a little feeling of young people will not make people feel too old-fashioned.

(2) The collocation method is elegant

The collocation of the elderly should be a very decent way, rather than a grandstanding way to make the collocation look more attractive. Foreign grandmothers prefer elegant fashion styles.

For example, with a basic top, you will choose a skirt to make the image look more girly and make the figure look thinner. This matching detail is actually to make the image more elegant and generous.

(3) The color of single product is advanced and durable.

If you want to choose a suitable fashion item, you need to think about your age and at which stage. For the elderly, it is more suitable to match the dark color system, but you don’t have to choose the ordinary dark color system, but try some advanced colors, like some earth tone, which also belong to the dark color system.

For example, light dark green and gray, or khaki, these colors can not only make the style advanced enough, but also make your clothes more tasteful. For the elderly, these colors are very inclusive and can create a style that is more in line with the current age.

Long coat+black leggings+boots

Older people generally prefer to wear simple fashion. For example, in the cold winter, most people will choose long coats to wear black leggings. This style is more everyday, but if they want to be outstanding enough, then the shoes should be mainly boots, not flat shoes, so as to make the collocation more temperament.

Thick coat+silk scarf+straight pants

Once a woman reaches the old age, the whole person’s temperament will become more mature and steady, but it is necessary to show a more elegant side as much as possible to effectively enhance her image.

For example, a thick coat with straight pants, this more casual style, can present a more atmospheric state, and with a silk scarf, is definitely the icing on the cake.

Cardigan coat+bottoming shirt+handbag

The collocation in daily life should be simple, and the elderly don’t need to dress up in a sloppy way, but make their temperament more outstanding and collocation more detailed.

For example, with cardigan coat and bottoming shirt, on this basis, we should match a handbag to make the style look more grand and the image will not look too rustic.

Old people should not give up building themselves, but also try some different styles to enhance their external image and learn from the collocation of foreign grandmothers. I believe your clothes will become more and more fashionable.

Original text, pictures from the network, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.

Is the championship that important to NBA players?

During the offseason of NBA, everyone is imagining about Lillard and Harden’s next home. The main reason is that these two people have a strong desire to win the championship, and it seems difficult for their current team to let them see hope. I can’t help but think, is the NBA champion really that important? In fact, the answer to this question is completely different from person to person.

For superstar players like Harden and Lillard, the championship is really important. After all, they have earned a lot of money in their whole career. They need more "fame" because of the so-called fame and fortune. And the NBA championship can improve their historical status. Buckley, a retired celebrity, has won numerous personal honors throughout his career, and his personal ability has also been widely recognized. However, it is always mercilessly ridiculed by O ‘Neill and others because there is no championship.

So we saw that James joined forces with Wade and Bosh to win the championship, and Durant joined the Warriors directly to win the championship. What’s more, the letter brother deliberately stepped in to win the championship. There are more and more phenomena that star players reduce their salaries and even force teams to win the championship.

For role players, the first thing they consider is salary and the second is honor. Even so, for most active players, once they win the title of champion, their salary will be improved. Therefore, for an NBA player, the championship is very important at any level.

[Observation] The Manchester City Dynasty has been established. Who can push Gua’s Blue Moon off the throne?

In six years, it won the championship for five times and won the Premier League three times in a row for the first time. Guardiola’s Manchester City has undoubtedly ranked among the immortals-in the history of English top leagues for more than 100 years, only five teams have achieved the achievement of winning the championship three times in a row, starting with Huddersfield (1924-26) 97 years ago, followed by Arsenal (1933-35) and Liverpool (1982).

As for four consecutive championships, it has never happened, but it seems that it may become a reality after one year, or even a longer record of consecutive championships. After all, Gua’s Blue Moon has achieved great success. Even the disadvantage of falling behind by 8 points at one time can be easily recovered and won in advance, and I am afraid that the advantage will be greater and greater in the future. In this state, many people must have the same question in their hearts: Who else can stop Guardiola’s team from continuing to dominate the Premier League in the future?

Who is the most qualified not to play in the Champions League?

This season, Arsenal "almost" successfully prevented the official establishment of the Manchester City Dynasty. They were the leaders in the standings until the end of April, and only after losing the direct dialogue between the two sides did they completely fall behind. Obviously, the gunman’s drive and courage to challenge are worthy of recognition and respect, but we must also understand that this young team can rise suddenly this season, in fact, it is mixed with many accidental factors. If most of the traditional top six were not in trouble, including Manchester City, which was once slow to heat up, Arsenal, which took the lead, might not be able to occupy the highlands from the starting stage.

By next season, Arteta’s team will face an unprecedented test. After many years of returning to the Champions League, they will also lose an advantage over their competitors. In the 2021-22 season, Arsenal, which is competing for four, will not have a European mission. By 2022-23, the gunners who once competed for the championship have never been under the pressure of the Champions League. In the future, they may take care of themselves. After all, the most obvious shortcoming of the team at present is that the lineup is too small. Although the main force is strong, it can’t be rotated by playing in the league.

If Arsenal’s Premier League ranking drops next season, I believe it won’t surprise too many people. Although they will definitely strengthen in the summer, it is not easy to make the expanded team increase in strength in a blink of an eye. As a result, when discussing the "Manchester City Challenger" next season, the most popular candidate is not the new runner-up, but Liverpool, which now seems to have no hope of winning four.

Is this because the Red Army can’t play in the Champions League? This can be considered as one of the factors, but more importantly, klopp is the only man who has kept pace with Guardiola in the Premier League and defeated "Full Form Manchester City". In 2017-18, after Guashuai transformed Blue Moon into a shape and won the league championship, he was interrupted to defend his title only once in the Premier League, that is, the 2019-20 season when Liverpool won the championship. In addition, don’t forget that in 2018-19 and 2021-22, the Red Army was only one point away from Manchester City.

Of course, this season’s down and out is enough to show that klopp is facing the biggest dilemma since he landed in the Premier League. It is not easy to regain his glory, and it is even more difficult to overthrow Guardiola again. In this regard, we can only say that Liverpool still have some basic conditions. For example, although the upgrading of their lineup seems to be lagging behind, at least they have spent a lot of money. Newcomers such as Nunez and Huckabee, although they can’t reach the height of Trident for the time being, still have an upward trend and huge room for improvement.

In addition, there are still some good rumors about the reinforcement in summer. Bellingham, who has been staring for a long time, has failed, but mcallister of Brighton, Mount of Chelsea or Herafenbech of Bayern all have the chance to become a new force. Last time the league slipped, it only won the third place in the 2020-21 season. The Red Army rebounded quickly, and this time it fell even harder. I wonder if they can come up with a tougher response.

Richer people can win in the future?

In addition to the Red Army, the Red Devils are also expected to make "progress" next season, and in terms of preventing Guardiola from winning the cup, Manchester United should even be considered as the team that is expected to achieve this goal as soon as possible-in the FA Cup final on June 3, if Tenghahe’s team can win the Manchester derby, then the blue moon treble will naturally fail, regardless of whether the latter can beat Inter Milan a week later.

This sounds a bit like an "impossible task", but at least in January this year, the Red Devils reversed the blue moon with a tenacity of 2-1. Of course, if we really want to challenge our neighbors in a longer period of time, Manchester United needs a real reinvention-it is best to change to a richer and generous boss. In all fairness, Tenghahe has indeed brought many positive changes to the team, but all kinds of troubles left by years of deviation can be completely resolved without being so simple. At present, the Red Devils lineup also has obvious defects, such as the lack of a top scorer with particularly guaranteed goal data.

Manchester United need a strong summer, and it is best to win the legendary Aussie or Kane. As one of the traditional top six teams, Tottenham, where the latter is located, has some feelings of being expelled from the Premier League giants this season. After the cooperation with Kong Di, it is too late to determine the direction of candidates. In this way, they are likely to need to "start all over again" next season, and it is difficult to qualify for the discussion in the front row.

Since Newcastle are only one point away from qualifying for the Champions League next season, this "upstart" must be included in the discussion. With the endorsement of the Saudi public investment fund, whose wealth far exceeds that of the royal family in Abu Dhabi, it is not surprising that magpies can dominate the Premier League one day. With the support of Petroleum Jinyuan, the team has indeed made rapid progress. Last year, it once fought for relegation, and it is expected to be the third place this year. Just to take a step forward, the difficulty will inevitably multiply, and Newcastle’s development strategy is actually quite "slow and steady". They pay more attention to the long-term future, not just the immediate order. On such a successful day of Newcastle’s hegemony, Guashuai may not still be in Manchester City.

Finally, it seems that we can’t completely rule out Chelsea, one of the "top six". Although they are extremely chaotic this season, they have to be thankful for relegation in advance, but after all, the new boss has spent 600 million pounds to reinforce their ambitions. Therefore, there are still some British media who have an imagination of the Blue Army: What if Pochettino comes and the team is built as tall as its "buying price"?

However, some people are naysayers. For example, the website WhoScored recently posted a piece of data: Manchester City is one of Pochettino’s most unwilling opponents, with an average score of only 1.05 when leading the team against it. And against Guardiola, who is only one year older than himself, Pochettino is always half a head shorter in momentum. Under this premise, it may be very successful for the Blue Army to return to the front row to spoil the situation in the future.

5-3! 3-1! Football is exciting for one night, Bayern dedicates to the goal war, and Chelsea welcomes the three-game winning streak!

On March 12th, 2023, Beijing time, European football events continued to compete. Bayern Munich beat augsburg 5-3 in the 24th round of Bundesliga and Chelsea beat leicester city 3-1 in the 27th round of Premier League. Next, let’s take a look at the simple battle reports of the two games.

Bayern 5-3 augsburg

Less than 2 minutes after the start of the game, Berisha caught the ball, turned around and stopped, and shot the goal directly. augsburg scored a dream start. In the 15th minute, Cancelo took the ball to the penalty area and made a feint to the defender. He flew into the far corner and scored the first goal of Bayern’s career. Just four minutes later, Bayern’s free kick went to the penalty area and there was chaos. The barb in the horse kicked the ball to the door and assisted pawar to break the goal and succeeded in overtaking.

In the 35th minute, Bayern’s corner kick flew to the goal and was saved. pawar seized the opportunity to shoot the ball from the volley and scored twice. Near the half-time, Ma put in a catch shot and was blocked by the goalkeeper. Sane followed up and made up the shot. Bayern led 4-1 and completely turned the situation around. In the second half, Yi Bian pushed the goal in the war horse and it was blown offside. Then Driget fouled the penalty area and Berisha took a penalty to help augsburg pull back a goal.

In the 74th minute, Cancelo took the ball from the side to observe the defensive cross. Alfonso followed up with the outflanking and shot to break the goal. In stoppage time, augsburg launched a counterattack. Vargas took the ball from the side and quickly broke through the bottom and swept the middle to assist Cardona to tackle the goal. In the end, Bayern 5-3 reversed the opponent and dedicated a goal war.

Chelsea 3-1 leicester city

In the 11th minute, coulibaly turned around with the ball and passed it to the middle. Chilwell volleyed the ball and the Blues took the lead with a quick goal. Then Felix hit the column with a single-handed shot, and then he pushed the shot in front of the door. Unfortunately, it was judged that offside was invalid after VAR marking, which was not very good luck. Unexpectedly, in the 39th minute, Dhaka scored a world wave directly from the periphery, and leicester city successfully equalized the score.

Near the end of half-time, Madison’s free kick directly hit Fofana’s arm. The referee said through VAR video that there was no problem. In the first half stoppage time, Enzo subtly picked up the pass and assisted Havertz, then inserted a clever shot to break the goal, and the Blues took the lead again. In the 78th minute of the second half, Havertz passed the header to Moudrek and ferried it to the middle. kovacic volleyed a shot to seal the victory. Faith was shown a yellow card for a tackle, and two yellows turned into one red and was sent off. In the end, Chelsea beat leicester city 3-1 and won three consecutive games.

Asia-Africa World Cup competition: the group advanced and the number of semi-finals tied, and Africa won by one advantage.

In the history of the World Cup, the bipolar status of Europe and South America is unshakable. At present, all the World Cup champions come from these two regions, while teams from other continents, not to mention winning the championship, have not even stepped on the final venue yet. Relatively speaking, Asia and Africa are relatively close. There are more countries in both continents, and the number of World Cup places is similar. Africa has five and Asia has 4.5. That is to say, if Asian teams are lucky, winning the transcontinental play-offs will make the number of Asian and African teams in the World Cup the same.

So, who has the better World Cup performance in Asia and Africa in history?

Of course, we don’t need to calculate the total score or total goal data of all Asian teams and African teams in history, just look at the results of key nodes. Specifically, look at the teams on two continents, the number of times the group advanced, and the best results.

In these two aspects, Asia and Africa actually tied.

Historically, both Asian teams and African teams have been promoted 11 times. Of course, it needs to be said here that Asia in football refers to the AFC, so Australia is also counted as an Asian team.

Let’s list the specific situation below. In the history of the World Cup, African teams promoted by the group included Morocco in 1986, Cameroon in 1990, Nigeria in 1994, Nigeria in 1998, Senegal in 2002, Ghana in 2006, Ghana in 10 years, Nigeria and Algeria in 14 years and Senegal and Morocco in 22 years. A total of 11 times.

As for Asian teams, Japan has four times, South Korea has three times, North Korea and Saudi Arabia each once, and Australia twice. It happened to be 11 times. I am ashamed to say that this data, if Australia did not join the AFC from Oceania, then Asian teams actually lagged behind African teams.

Let’s look at the best results. Originally, South Korea reached the semi-finals in the 2002 World Cup and won the fourth place, which was once the unattainable achievement of second-rate teams such as Asia and Africa. But FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 and Morocco have also achieved this. And to tell the truth, Morocco, the fourth place, is more convincing than South Korea in those days. Everyone knows this, and there is no need to start talking about it.

Therefore, in terms of the best results of the World Cup, Asia and Africa also tied.

So, which side of the world cup is better? There is a data that Africa is dominant, and with this data, we can say that African teams have higher ceilings and stronger ability to work miracles than Asian teams.

In fact, the data of the previous group promotion times is very general. After all, reaching the top 16 and reaching the top four are both group qualifying, but the gap between these two results is not small. So we might as well break it down again-the number of times we scored in the top eight.

In this regard, Africa is far better than Asia. Because Cameroon in 1990, Senegal in 2002 and Ghana in 10 years all reached the quarterfinals of the World Cup, and the number of quarterfinals was three times. What about Asia? It is still zero.

It should be noted that in the 1966 World Cup, North Korea reached the quarter-finals, but at that time, the World Cup was only 16 teams. Therefore, the quarter-finals of North Korea should be strictly called the first round of the knockout round, but it is actually the same level as the next sixteen. You know, Cameroon, Senegal and Ghana reached the second round of the knockout round, so North Korea, the quarter-finals, is not included in this data.

In today’s scale, reaching the quarter-finals means that the group will go further than the group. If it’s a miracle to beat the Asian and African teams into the knockout stage, then the miracle of the quarter-finals is certainly higher than the miracle of the quarter-finals. In fact, if we take away the controversial semi-final result of South Korea in 2002, we will find that the upper limit of Asian teams in the World Cup is not high, and the best result so far is the first round of elimination. So at this point, there is still a gap between Asian teams and African teams.

Of course, judging from FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022’s performance, Asian teams seem to be better than African teams. I hope there will be an Asian team in the future that can break through the long-standing ceiling.

Guangzhou team’s core players are concerned by European teams! U20 Asian Cup, single-handedly attacking the national football team.

Football News reported that Wei Shihao and Yan Dinghao, the two most popular international players of Guangzhou team, and Li Yang, the main central defender of last season, will join Wuhan Sanzhen, the new champion of Chinese Super League, for free. In addition, Tan Kaiyuan of Spanish Team B studying abroad, Wu Shaocong of barsac Saier in Istanbul studying abroad, and Yang Liyu who followed Beijing Guoan training. In the new season, Guangzhou team can only compete in League A with young players like Ling Jie and Ai Fielding from Evergrande Football School as the core. However, the well-known media person "Little Fox in leicester city" revealed:Eiffel may also start a trip abroad in the new season, targeting teams from five major European league countries.

Fans who are concerned about China football know that both the national U20 football team and the national U20 women’s football team are currently competing in the U20 Asian Cup-related competitions (the women’s football team is playing the first stage of the U20 Asian Cup qualifiers). Under the leadership of head coach Antonio, the U20 national football team, with Eiffel as the core of attack, unexpectedly broke out from the group of death (1-2 Japan, 2-0 Saudi Arabia, 1-1 Kyrgyzstan) and successfully advanced to the quarter-finals of the U20 Asian Cup. In these three games, Effectin started as the captain of the field. Moreover, the four goals of U20 national football team in three games are all related to it. It can be said that he is the present U20 pretended attack engine.

In the quarter-finals of the U20 Asian Cup, the U20 national football team will face the test of the old rival South Korea. In this game, Eiffel will continue to start as the captain if there is no accident. The fans are all looking forward to Effectin, and he can still create an opportunity for U20 national football team to break the South Korean team with his own personal ability in this game. Even won the Korean team to advance to the semi-finals. In that case, the U20 national football team will enter the World Youth Championship again after 18 years, so that fans can relive the glory of the 2005 World Youth Championship.

Just seven hours before the start of the game, the well-known sports media person "leicester city’s Little Fox" broke the news: "Eiffel has been in contact with foreign teams. Moreover, Guo Wei’s teams are now paying attention to his performance. It used to be a Nordic team, but now it is a team from five major league countries.

Although, it is not the team of the five major leagues, but the team of the five major league countries. However, for 19-year-old Effectin, it is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Therefore, the World War I with South Korea has also become an excellent opportunity for Effectin to show himself. As the future star of China football, fans also hope that he can become famous in this game, thus starting his journey abroad. For the rise of China football, we should seek for real professional football, instead of staying in the colorful vats of China A and China Super League.