Ministry of Transport: Encourage localities to reduce taxi "element money" in stages

  CCTV News:At a press conference held by the State Council’s joint prevention and control mechanism today (6th), Vice Minister of Transport Liu Xiaoming said that all localities are encouraged to take measures such as phased reduction and exemption of taxi "part money" to effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of taxi drivers.

  Liu Xiaoming introduced that in February, the passenger traffic of railways, highways, waterways and civil aviation decreased by 79.9%, the freight traffic decreased by 26.5%, and the order volume and transportation volume of taxis (including online car-hailing) decreased by 85%. It can be seen from this that the income of truck drivers and taxi drivers has dropped significantly. In response to these problems, the Ministry of Transport, together with relevant departments, is stepping up the implementation of the policy.

  At the same time, organize industry associations, online freight platforms, and key logistics enterprises to monitor and analyze the freight logistics industry, release monitoring reports on the operation of the industry, and guide cargo owners, logistics enterprises, and truck drivers to rationally set transportation prices and share the benefits of the toll-free policy.

  Guide local transportation departments to timely sort out and summarize the situation of transportation and logistics enterprises performing emergency transportation tasks during the epidemic prevention and control period, and closely cooperate with the financial department to compensate enterprises performing emergency transportation tasks that belong to the government’s purchase of public services. Guide all localities to actively strive for the support of local financial departments, strengthen the accounting of income and costs, and increase subsidies and support for urban public transportation and urban rail transit enterprises.

  Coordinate and increase financial support for passenger and freight transportation enterprises, especially small, medium and micro enterprises. We actively communicate and coordinate with the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, and encourage insurance companies to appropriately reduce or exempt the insurance fees of operating vehicles, ships and aircraft that are suspended during the epidemic by extending the insurance period and deducting the renewal fee. In conjunction with the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the Financial Institution Group is encouraged to provide special project credit lines and loans at preferential interest rates to passenger and freight transportation enterprises, especially private and small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households affected by the epidemic, and to treat taxi drivers and road freight drivers as relevant policies for individual industrial and commercial households, and to support bank loans.

From AI perfume to AI beauty algorithm, can we find the optimal aesthetic solution?

  The information that artificial intelligence system needs to perceive mainly comes from its vision, hearing and touch, and smell is also a valuable direction. At present, researchers have been studying odor sensors and their applications in environmental protection and other fields.

  During my stay in China International Import Expo(CIIE), in addition to "hard-core" intelligent technologies such as bionic robots and automated production lines, AI beauty consultants, virtual makeup artists and customized skin care products driven by artificial intelligence also attracted many people’s attention. In recent years, artificial intelligence, which shines brilliantly in the fields of image, video and speech recognition, has gradually penetrated into the beauty industry. The market shows that the perfume prepared by artificial intelligence has received good feedback from consumers.

  "Perfume preparation is a complex system engineering, involving raw materials, processes, users, markets and many other factors. Searching for the right solution in the vast parameter space is a huge workload. It is difficult to exhaust all feasible solutions only by relying on manual experience, and it is likely to miss the best solution that is most popular with the market and users." Sun Zhenan, a researcher at the Institute of Automation, China Academy of Sciences, said in an interview with a reporter from Science and Technology Daily.

  AI flavoring does not depend on fragrance to judge the order of putting spices.

  "The information that the artificial intelligence system needs to perceive mainly comes from its vision, hearing and touch, and the sense of smell is also a valuable direction. At present, researchers have been studying odor sensors and their applications in environmental protection and other fields." Sun Zhenan said.

  Previously, IBM made an artificial intelligence perfume apprentice — — Philyra。 Philyra is a creative artificial intelligence, which can study the existing perfume formulas and compare and analyze their components to develop new perfume formulas. Philyra can also obtain the popularity of perfume in different genders, ages and best-selling places. Combined with big data algorithm, Philyra will output a new perfume formula, which can achieve good results in the predetermined target population.

  Sun Zhenan explained that unlike perfumers who need decades to train their sense of smell, artificial intelligence does not rely on the sense of smell to make perfume. AI Blending uses advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze and learn information such as perfume formula, raw materials, historical sales data and industry trends to predict human preferences, thus creating a new perfume formula for the target population.

  David Appel, a master perfumer, did an experiment with Philyra: a perfume made entirely by Philyra was model A; The b model is mainly made by Philyra, and the perfumer is used as an auxiliary modification; The C model is led by the perfumer and assisted by Philyra. After the completion of the three perfumes, they were put into test. The test results showed that most people chose the A perfume created by artificial intelligence.

  "Compared with artificial perfuming, AI perfuming does not rely on fragrance to judge the order of perfuming, but uses deep learning algorithm to analyze and customize the blending method, which is a method different from traditional perfuming thinking; AI perfume will not be influenced by personal preference, experience and cultural prejudice, but digitally quantify the sense of smell and explore more creative composition combinations and formula; With its powerful computing power, AI perfume can quickly calculate the most popular perfume formula for target customers, shortening the perfume development cycle. " Sun Zhenan pointed out.

  It is also used in intelligent medical beauty, hairstyle design and other scenes.

  According to Euromonitor Consulting’s forecast, 2019— In 2023, China’s cosmetics industry will maintain a compound growth rate of 8.3%. Faced with the growing cosmetics consumer market and the popularization of concepts such as scientific skin care and functional skin care, major beauty and skin care businesses are also actively using cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence to launch customized products that better meet consumers’ individual needs and bring more comprehensive product experience.

  Sun Zhenan said that in addition to preparing perfume, artificial intelligence is also used in many scenarios such as intelligent medical beauty, hair design, virtual makeup, customized skin care products, skin diagnosis and so on.

  Sun Zhenan, a researcher from the Institute of Automation, China Academy of Sciences, and his team of researchers have explored the editing of face images and the application of beauty, medical beauty and entertainment.

  For example, at the IEEE International Conference on Computer and Pattern Recognition in 2019, they proposed a face age transformation technology based on wavelet domain, which can predict the change of face with age, and this technology can also be applied to personalized recommendation of skin care products; In 2020, they proposed a face attribute editing technology based on sample importance sampling, which can edit the skin color, hair color, adding or removing glasses and other attributes of the face, and can be applied to the makeup design of the beauty salon industry to provide users with diverse choices and references; In 2020, a face composition editing technology based on reference images was proposed, which can manipulate the shape of facial features and assist medical cosmetology, give more guidance to doctors and patients through the preoperative prediction of plastic surgery and trauma repair surgery, and make a more scientific cosmetic plan.

  "The application technology of artificial intelligence in the beauty industry has saved labor costs for enterprises, improved customer service efficiency and brought convenient and comprehensive user experience for consumers to purchase products." Sun Zhenan said.

  Sun Zhenan pointed out that from the current application, the personalized customized skin care system allows each user to have a dedicated skin care beautician, analyze the photos provided by the user by using face recognition and face analysis technology, and evaluate their skin condition, and then use the recommendation algorithm to select the most suitable product from the existing products for recommendation; The facial beauty evaluation system provides valuable methods and tools for medical cosmetology, which can assist the hospital in cosmetic surgery. By comparing the detected data with the standard beauty model, it provides the cosmetic surgeon with the best scheme for improving each part. AR intelligent makeup trial uses face recognition and virtual makeup rendering algorithm to realize the makeup effect of products with different brands and colors on the face, which reduces the cost of makeup trial, expands the beauty retail terminal and meets the demand of fast fashion.

  For aesthetic standards, people and machines will influence each other.

  Different people have different opinions about beauty, and it is difficult to quantify and form a standard. However, "everyone has a love for beauty", and the aesthetic concept of the public still has rules to follow. For example, a beauty who is truly beautiful can still be recognized by almost everyone.

  "Artificial intelligence’s understanding of beauty requires the training of big data. At present, the definition of beautiful faces and the face value of artificial intelligence cannot be separated from the supervised data marks of human beings, because artificial intelligence has no understanding of beauty itself, and its grasp of beauty depends on the face data it has learned and the label data set that artificially defines and quantifies beauty." Sun Zhenan said.

  David Appel thinks that artificial intelligence is not a threat but an object that needs cooperation. Machines have no unnecessary feelings and prejudices, which can significantly enhance human creativity and provide the most novel algorithms.

  Previously, the CARTO artificial intelligence fragrance blending system was produced in the well-known perfume company Givaudan. The system used the odor atlas collected by IBM, hoping that the fragrance could maximize its olfactory performance in the formula.

  For another example, Shiseido Optune personalized customized skin care system consists of a smartphone application Optune App and a dedicated machine Optune zero. Optune App displays the user’s skin condition (skin texture, pores, moisture content, etc.) by analyzing the photos taken by users with machine learning technology, and sends the data to Optune Zero through the cloud, which selects the most suitable combination of essence and moisturizing products from existing products according to the algorithm and produces them directly from the machine.

  "In order to eliminate the preference of artificial intelligence for human aesthetics, the data used in the training algorithm should be as comprehensive and diverse as possible, and multi-dimensional and multi-angle standards should be integrated for learning. However, it does not rule out that autonomous evolutionary intelligence has the ability to discover beautiful people and things unsupervised. For example, machines may automatically search for star photos that attract public attention to learn aesthetic standards independently. " Sun Zhenan said.

  In Sun Zhenan’s view, with the application of artificial intelligence in the beauty industry, people and machines will influence each other on aesthetic standards. "On the one hand, human beings have a personal preference for the standard of beauty in a broad sense. When algorithm experts use a certain definition of beauty as a standard for machines to learn, machines tend to be aesthetic standards of this definition. On the other hand, when the machine recommends the medical beauty scheme it thinks for a long time, the user aesthetic system of the artificial intelligence system will also be affected. "

Coming, coming, the debut of the China men’s basketball team!

With Li Kaier training with our men’s basketball team, there is an urgent need for a game to test it! On August 5th, 2023, there was a warm-up match between our men’s basketball team and Cape Verde. Presumably, this was Li Kaier who officially set foot on our men’s basketball field and ushered in his first show. This young man has shown excellent skills and strong mentality in the past training, which makes people full of expectations for him. His appearance will bring new vitality and hope to our men’s basketball team and has become an indispensable member of our men’s basketball team.

Li Kaier is an excellent scorer. He can easily break through the opponent’s defense and hit the key three-pointers. His offensive ability has been fully proved in training, and he has shown his talent and strength many times in the competition. In addition, he also works very hard on the defensive end, which can bring great pressure to his opponents and improve the overall defensive level of the team.

Li Kaier is an NBA player above the average level and is the main rotation lineup of the Timberwolves. He showed a mature and stable side in NBA games. He can not only score points, but also drive the rhythm of the whole team, making the team more tacit and smooth. His hard work and diligence in training have also been recognized and appreciated by the coaching staff, and he is considered to be a very dedicated and responsible player.

Through the training videos released by the national team these days, it can be seen that Li Kaier’s performance is a superstar, at least in the national team, he is the only one. The fans are also full of expectation and concern, hoping to see him show his strength and ability in the game and lead our men’s basketball team to make good results. His appearance will bring stability to our men’s basketball team at the critical moment, and carry out our last shot to make our men’s basketball team stronger and more confident.

In short, Li Kaier’s debut will be a game worth looking forward to. He will play an important role in our men’s basketball team and lead the team to meet new challenges and opportunities. Let’s look forward to his performance on the court, cheer for him and cheer for our team!

Salah and firmino made a total of 25 connections in the Premier League, ranking first in any Liverpool duo.

Live on May 21st, in the 37th round of the Premier League, Liverpool drew 1-1 with Villa at Anfield. In this game, Salah assisted firmino to score an equaliser goal.

As two generals in the "Red Arrow Three Heroes", Salah and Fei Milnor have a good cooperative relationship. In the Premier League, they made 25 connections, including 12 assists from Salah and 13 assists from firmino. Entering the Premier League era, the number of connections between the two in the league ranks first among any duo in Liverpool.


Lampard said that his favorite midfielder is De Braune.

Lampard said that his favorite midfielder is De Braune.

Chelsea will play Manchester City away in this week’s league, and Lampard talked about De Braune at Friday’s press conference.

Lampard said: "As a player, I have always liked De Braune. I liked him very much when he played with us at Chelsea. We were teammates at that time and I like him now as a top midfielder."

"When I think back to his time at Chelsea, we played mainly in the 4-2-3-1 formation. I played a little further back, and Kevin was more fighting for the No.10 position or one of the two wingers."

"So I won’t say that we are competitive, but you can see his strength. Kevin is an excellent player. In the past few years, he has become a top player in Manchester City. He is definitely one of the many threats we have to plan. "

"When he was with us when he was young, our layout on the offensive end might be good. Azar is here, Huerle is here, Mata is here, and I remember that Kevin was really eager to play. "

"I personally don’t know what complicated things happened between him, the club and the head coach, but in retrospect, I respect the fact that he left the club. You can see that desire in his games. He always wants to show his talent. He is getting stronger and stronger. As a player, he has made incredible progress. I like to watch him play football. "

"His goals and assists in midfield are excellent, and his passing range is amazing. If he is not the best midfielder in the league, he must be among the best here. "

The second vertical racing competition in Xihu District of Hangzhou started.

Recently, the second vertical racing competition in Xihu District of Hangzhou started in EAC Europe and America Center. The theme of this competition is "Dedicated to the Asian Games", which aims to enrich the amateur cultural and sports life of building workers in Xihu District, show the healthy style of residents in Xihu District, and welcome the arrival of the Hangzhou Asian Games.

Vertical racing takes the stairs of high-rise buildings as the runway, which is a new urban fitness sport. The race runs from the starting point on the first floor to the end point on the top floor of the building, and an effective timing technology system is adopted. In the competition, participants can not only experience the pleasure of climbing mountains, but also reduce the influence of the weather.

It is understood that about 100 people participated in this competition, and the players on the scene were divided into groups of men and women, and finally the third runner-up was decided. Wang Yong, a contestant, said: "Vertical racing is a very interesting sport, which not only tests your physical fitness, but also requires good coordination and psychological quality." "I experienced the fun of competition and realized that I still have a lot to improve in training and preparation." Contestant Zhang Jianhua said. (Yang Ling/graphic)