[People’s Story] Mrding Touched the Net

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    CCTV.com News (broadcast by Oriental Time and Space on November 15th):

    Mrding is an out-and-out farmer. He never thought that his life would have anything to do with the Internet. Mrding, who has lived by the sea in Taizhou, Zhejiang for generations, usually leads a life of 3.1. Besides being an accountant in the village, she helps her wife make some steamed bread when she has time. But such a quiet life was disturbed by a computer.

    In March 2006, the county started the pilot project of distance education, and the documents issued said that rural party member cadres should actively participate in network knowledge training. Mrding, a village cadre and party member, naturally became the first batch of students to participate in the study.
I feel far away from the computer. Because we have never touched the computer. I don’t know anything about computers.

    After attending the training, Mrding finally started to get in touch with computers, but he didn’t find it interesting. He had to face so many letters, symbols and keyboards every day, which was really a headache. When he used to do farm work, his hands didn’t listen to him when typing. I heard that he had to take an exam. Mrding was very depressed.
Jason Chung is a teacher in charge of computer training in the county radio and TV University. For the first time, he faced these students who just put down their farm work and didn’t have any basic computer knowledge. He also had a headache.

    Staff: Some people put the pointer on the screen and let it move around. He thinks it will move, while others just don’t know what the left mouse button and the right mouse button are for.

    Although it was very hard to learn, Mrding had to bite the bullet and learn, considering that he would use this technology in the future.
Half a month later, Mrding barely passed the exam.

    Mrding thought that since he had learned it, he had to use it. After he returned, Mrding volunteered to be the administrator of the distance education site in the village, and often played teaching programs on agricultural technology for the villagers. In order to practice typing, he also tried to input village accounts, contracts and documents into the computer, and found it convenient to manage.
Ding Kefei: There are more than 1,500 people in our village, and it is very troublesome to copy them every year. In the future, like elections, we will filter the list through the computer and voters will come out, which is more or less convenient.

    This made Mrding realize the magic and convenience of computers for the first time. Since then, Mrding has been obsessed with computers.
He wants to buy a computer to study at home.

    Mrding’s wife is well-known for being a good cook of steamed bread. Mrding has learned computers, and she can surf the Internet. Her wife feels supported and she agrees to buy a computer at home.

    Wife: There are computers in the village, which are too far away. It’s very hard after the steamed bread is made. You can do it later and earlier at home.

    In this way, Mrding bought this computer. From then on, he can sit at home and play online games in the world. He finds himself in a brand-new world, and often forgets to eat and sleep. What he didn’t expect was that his son, who was originally in high school in the county, only went home once a month, but now he comes back every week. The father and son originally rushed to watch TV, but now they are rushing to surf the Internet.

    Son: He surfed the Internet when he was free, either watching TV or surfing the Internet.

    Wife: I’m particularly interested in computers. I surf the Internet as soon as the steamed bread is ready.

    Mrding simply couldn’t put it down. He sat there studying whenever he had time. Slowly, he learned to download songs and send emails. On this day, he accidentally entered the blog of a star.

    Mrding found that blogs can not only keep diaries, but also send photos and make friends, which aroused his great interest.

    Ding Kefei: Blog. I know it’s a weblog. It’s free and open. We can upload our pictures easily through the Internet.

    So Mrding wanted to start a blog himself, but he had misgivings, because he was too ordinary.

    Ding Kefei: Blogs are all stars and celebrities. How can farmers start blogs?

    But later, Mrding thought that blogging was free anyway, what’s more, when he was training in the county, the teacher also encouraged everyone to blog, so he decided to start writing about things around him and let everyone know about his life. Later, Mrding bought a digital camera and started taking pictures.

    In this way, photos were taken one after another, but Mrding didn’t know how to upload them to the Internet, so he asked the teacher for advice.


    Teacher: I often call, because some pictures can’t be sent, and some he wants to send videos. Isn’t he trying something new, sending videos, and some things, such as photo processing and how to design well, I often call.

    In February 2007, Mrding’s blog on Sina was finally opened. Here are his own articles, photos, his favorite music and, of course, the steaming steamed bread made by his wife.

    Ding Kefei: It’s just an attempt to give it a try. Later, I didn’t know there was such a big response. I didn’t know it myself. I became famous after I went up.

    Mrding became the first farmer in the county to start a blog, which attracted attention from all sides. Since the blog was opened for several months, the number of hits has doubled. Many people saw Mrding’s special steamed bread on the Internet and expressed their desire to try it. After opening the blog, Mrding’s family has more and more new customers.

    Mrding’s home is located in the coastal area of Taizhou. More than ten years ago, Mrding was a watchmaker, and his business never improved. Later, he found that fishermen who had been out to sea for many years needed to carry dry food, so he discussed with his wife to start steamed bread, and life gradually improved.

    Mrding’s steamed bread, called Hua Mo, also known as fancy steamed bread, is very popular in the local area. They not only make steamed bread with different shapes by ancestral techniques, but also pay attention to the fermentation technology of noodles, which is easy to keep fresh. Neighbors like to eat steamed bread from their family.

    Since starting a blog, Mrding’s steamed bread has become more popular. In order to ensure that fresh steamed bread is sold every day, Mrding and his family work from the early hours of the morning to about ten o’clock in the morning. After busy every day, Mrding did not take a rest, so she came to look around the Internet.

    Ding Kefei: As soon as the computer is turned on, I will read my blog. Whether anyone has left me a message or given me any advice, I will read this first, and then I will chat with my friends and classmates on QQ.

    Mrding really became more and more fashionable, and soon he bought a video camera and learned video chat, which surprised Mrding’s son.

    Son: I really admire my dad. In some aspects, such as going to work online, I think he has done very well.

    I’m on the blog, my business is good, and the atmosphere at home is very happy.

    Ding Kefei: They all say that when I study, I will study hard, and I can’t play mahjong or cards. I just play computer when I am free.

    Seeing that Mrding’s business is getting better and better, villagers come to ask for advice one after another. Mrding shows them this blog that can be advertised without paying fees, and encourages them to learn to surf the Internet. There are also some friends on the internet who learn from him.

    Ding Kefei: He’s from Henan. He wants to learn technology from me.
Reporter: What technology do you study?

    Ding Kefei: It’s the skill of making steamed bread. He asked me if I was free. If you are free, send him a text message and communicate with me. I said that if they want to learn, they should either communicate online, the phone is not very convenient, or online is convenient, or QQ is convenient.

Mrding is surfing the Internet.

    But Mrding didn’t expect that steamed bread was on fire, and the demand was great, but the production was somewhat behind. On this day, old customers located dozens of miles away came to buy steamed bread.

    Villager: Is there any steamed bread left? Are there any more today?
Not today.

    If we sell it online, we won’t be able to buy it. Online should be good for him, but it’s inconvenient for us. It’s inconvenient to run here without it, right?

    Looking at the old customers disappointed to leave, Mrding’s heart is very bad. Therefore, Mrding makes more steamed buns every day to reserve for these old customers who have not booked in advance.

    Now Mrding has become a veritable Internet bug, with not only blogs and screen names, but also many online friends. Mrding is very busy in the online world, which he said was unimaginable before. On the Internet, everyone affectionately called Mrding Shantou Fei, and a friend on the Internet suggested that Mrding register a trademark for Shantou to build a brand. Mrding was very excited after hearing this, but Mrding’s wife had some concerns.

    Wife: We are also under great pressure. Online users are watching, and we are embarrassed if we are not good.

    In the end, Mrding took the advice of netizens, saying that it is always good to give it a try. Now the "Flying Trademark" named after Mrding is under examination and approval. Next, Mrding has a new plan.

    Ding Kefei: We are expanding the production scale, and now we are building a factory building. We are going to set up a sales agency for flying steamed bread in the county. In the future, we want to make flying steamed bread into local snacks with three characteristics, and go out of the three doors like a blue crab and fly to the whole country.
Two months later, Mrding’s two-story factory building was built. He said that his life now can’t be separated from the Internet, and he was planning to buy several new steamed bread machines through the Internet.

    In March this year, Sanmen County established a new farmers’ blog village, which is called the first farmers’ village in China. At present, there are more than 1,000 farmers blogging in the blog village, and the number of hits has exceeded 200,000. There are various special products and market information here, attracting many customers at home and abroad.


Editor: Zhang Toya

The spring of the new car "algorithm school" is coming.

China people’s car preference has changed.
In 2021, a research report on China’s new car purchase intention released by the market research institute J.D. Power showed that nearly a quarter of the people who had the intention to buy a car within six months took intelligent experience as the most important decision-making factor.
Among the seven factors that affect car purchase decision, intelligent car experience accounts for 14% of the weight, and 24% of prospective car buyers think that intelligent car experience is their most important car purchase consideration. At the same time, the lack of new technology has become the third biggest concern of potential customers.
This year, this report reveals a new trend: compared with other age groups, the post-95 s pay more attention to intelligence when buying a car.
The two reports released a clear signal,Nowadays, the concept of car purchase of China consumers is six words: no intelligence, no money.
What exactly is a "smart" car? Simply put, internally, the cockpit should be advanced enough; Externally, you should be smart enough to drive.
Under the guidance of the banner of changing car buying preferences, computing power has become new horsepower and intelligence has become new performance.The ability of a car’s intelligent driving system has become the most important business card of this car company in the new automobile era.
So, what should a "good" intelligent driving system look like?
In the early days, before the algorithm was mature, it was compared with the ability to pile up hardware: lidar, large computing chip, high-pixel camera, and other high-standard hardware. When evaluating the intelligent driving system, consumers mostly focus on the number of hardware.
A relatively backward cognition of intelligent driving is: hardware cow = good experience.
There is nothing wrong with this idea. After all, the hardware determines the lower limit of the capability of a smart driving system.
However, with the rapid popularization of smart electric vehicles in China, consumers in China have gradually realized that hardware can’t be exchanged for experience. Moreover, as long as these hardware are willing to pay, any car company can buy them from suppliers.
The real hero behind a safe, stable and comprehensive intelligent driving system is actually the master of metaphysics that users can’t see or touch: algorithm.
What is an algorithm? You can imagine that a symphony orchestra without a professional conductor, even if every position is filled with masters of musical instruments, can only piece together a chaotic performance with different tunes and no rules.
The algorithm is this "professional conductor".Only by using algorithms to "light up" the hardware such as lidar, chip and camera can they maximize their efficiency in a set of intelligent driving system.
He who gets the algorithm wins the world.
As we all know, the complete process of autonomous driving is: perception, decision-making and control.
Perception is that all kinds of sensors work continuously to collect the information of the vehicle itself and the outside; Decision-making is the vehicle computing unit, which analyzes the information obtained by the sensor according to the existing algorithm and makes a decision suitable for the current situation; Control is based on the decision-making plan, instead of the driver, to control the acceleration, braking, steering range, lighting and other driving actions of the vehicle.
Perception system is equal to the driver’s eyes, decision system is equal to the driver’s brain, and control system is equal to the driver’s hands and feet.
Algorithm is the decisive factor of the intelligence of the "brain" of the decision-making system: the basis of automatic driving is the large-scale deployment of the algorithm. From the feature extraction of the sensing link to the decision-making of the neural network, it is necessary to rely on the improvement of the algorithm to improve the accuracy of obstacle detection and the decision-making ability in complex scenes.
Autopilot domain algorithms are generally divided into three types: perception algorithm, fusion algorithm and execution algorithm.
Perception algorithm is to transform sensor data into machine language of vehicle scene, such as object detection, recognition and tracking, 3D environment modeling, object motion estimation and so on.
The fusion algorithm is to process the data of different dimensions, such as images or point clouds, obtained by different sensors in a unified way, so as to provide decision-making basis for the vehicle computing unit.
Among them, the fusion algorithm is divided into two paths: pre-fusion and post-fusion.
To put it simply, the pre-fusion algorithm is to make fresh dishes and fry all kinds of ingredients (raw data) before serving; The post-fusion algorithm is to pre-prepare dishes, and heat them before serving them (raw data).
Both algorithms have advantages and disadvantages.
Pre-fusion requires higher hardware computing power because different types of data sources have to be processed at the same time. Moreover, the neural network has a very low probability of misjudgment, and another redundant system is needed for verification. This complex, sophisticated and evolving AI algorithm can’t be imported, which puts forward new standards for the self-research ability of car companies.
Post-fusion is limited by the upper limit of the ability of a single type of sensor, which leads to occasional missed detection or false detection under certain conditions. For example, radar can easily determine the distance and position, but it is not good at judging color and texture, and it can’t recognize text information. Cross-validation of multiple types of sensors is needed to ensure the effective intelligent driving function under different environmental conditions.
Is it possible to really "fuse" the pre-and post-fusion algorithms, use their strengths and avoid their weaknesses?
The answer is: of course.
Full fusion algorithm(Full Fusion) came into being under this technical background. Internationally, Mercedes-Benz and Volvo, two major manufacturers, have announced the entry of fully integrated algorithms to attack high-level intelligent driving along this route, but there is still a long way to go before they can be delivered. In China, Feifan Automobile, a new vehicle-making force backed by SAIC, has taken the lead, not only becoming the first automobile brand in the industry to launch a fully integrated algorithm, but also taking the lead in mass production and delivery on Feifan R7 delivered in late October this year, with its RISING PILOT fully integrating the high-speed pilot function of high-order intelligent driving system.
Theoretically, the "total fusion" refers to the comprehensive comparison of the detection results output by pre-fusion combination, multi-task, multi-feature network and deep neural network with the detection results independently output by post-fusion multiple sensors, so as to realize hybrid fusion, and relying on the safe and redundant deployment of high-bandwidth and supercomputing chip platform, a whole set of actions such as perception, fusion, prediction, decision-making and execution can be completed within milliseconds through triple fusion.
It is easier to understand that the user ordered a "dish" called Zhijia and sent it to the front. The kitchen has both prepared dishes and prefabricated dishes. The chef will select and blend the dishes according to the actual situation, and the ultimate goal is to let the users get a meal experience with good color and flavor.
According to public information, Feifan Automobile is a data-driven automobile technology company established in November 2021 and relying on user orientation. Feifan R7 is the first model of Feifan automobile after independence.
Seeing this, you may have a question. Less than a year after independent operation, how can Feifan Automobile hand over the more advanced intelligent driving system than overseas car companies? Does this system rely on piling up conceptual terms to fool people’s futures, or is it a down-to-earth and reliable spot?
No matter how much you say, it is not as convincing as the actual measurement.
According to the comprehensive measurement of domestic media in specific scenes such as ramp and lane change, the RISING PILOT on Feifan R7 has performed well in both the success rate and stability, which is the result of more than 900 day and night battles of Feifan Auto’s 500-person self-developed team.The advantages are relatively obvious in the identification of many intelligent driving scenes, which are generally regarded as difficulties in the industry.Among them, I was deeply impressed by three points:
The first scene is the accurate identification of ramp, especially the triangle area of multi-fork ramp.
Compared with the unstable performance of the existing intelligent driving system in the market for ramp identification, RISING PILOT can identify the triangle area of the ramp in advance in a farther place, reserve more lane space and action execution time for lane change, and avoid the thrilling scenes such as recognition failure, handing over control rights, or sharply slowing down from the fast lane and merging into the low-speed ramp in a short time.
The second is the recognition and perception of static roadblocks.
In the past year, there have been many collisions of intelligent electric vehicles at home and abroad because they can’t identify the static roadblocks in the construction area. In fact, this scene has always been the capacity vacuum zone of the existing intelligent driving system. Under the action of 4D imaging radar, RISING PILOT can detect the construction area as far as 500 meters in advance, accurately identify static obstacles, even if only ice cream cones or construction signs can be accurately identified in advance, and realize early avoidance through full fusion algorithm and rapid response.
The third is to take the initiative to change lanes and overtake.
The general intelligent driving system often fails to identify and avoid in advance when the front car changes lanes and draws dragons or the large car in front of the side suddenly appears. Only when the distance between the two cars is close enough, the system will intervene in the work, or give an early warning, or suddenly avoid, and a slight shift of attention will lead to rubbing and scratching, which has certain security risks.
The practice of RISING PILOT is to monitor the real-time speed difference while sensing the road 360 degrees without dead angle. When encountering a conflict scene, put safety first, and adopt a seemingly "conservative" execution strategy at the first time, that is, keep a safe distance from the surrounding vehicles, let the conflicting vehicles go first, and then complete the follow-up actions such as changing lanes. Logically speaking, the strategic thinking is closer to the experience of human drivers-avoiding risks without making risks.
Of course, even if RISING PILOT behaves like this, it can’t satisfy all users’ tastes. Therefore, Feifan Auto specially added the self-adjustable MY PILOT to support users to switch between various driving modes such as comfort, standard and sports. Different modes have obvious differences in lane change strategies and driving styles to cope with the same traffic conditions, so as to adapt to the individual demands of different users and different road conditions.
From the media measurements, you will find that,RISING PILOT ran very happily and smoothly on the road in China. The reason is very simple. RISING PILOT is fed by Feifan automobile with the actual running data of China road, one kilometer at a time.Before delivery, the measured mileage of RISING PILOT on China Expressway totaled more than 170,000 kilometers, and the overall test mileage exceeded 400,000 kilometers, which was much more than the total mileage driven by many users before changing trains.
Hardware, can’t fall behind.
It is not enough to embed the basic hardware in order to get a certain leading position in the very "rolling" China automobile intelligent driving track. Only by embedding the hardware ahead of the times like Feifan Automobile and providing the foundation for the higher-order algorithm to play its role, can we seize the first-Mover advantage window and firmly lay our own anchor point in the fast-moving industry iteration tide.
Speaking of advanced hardware, "Wei Xiaoli" always seems to be able to grab all kinds of world firsts, such as NVIDIA Orin X autopilot chip and Innovusion 1550nm lidar. Yes, as a new force to build cars, these three companies did occupy the first time window of many smart driving hardware, but this does not mean that only these three companies are busy putting advanced hardware into new cars. The efforts and positive momentum of Feifan Automobile are not worse than "Wei Xiaoli".
First of all, win in number.
Feifan R7 is equipped with 33 sensing hardware, the first domestic mass-produced Premium 4D imaging radar, enhanced long-range point cloud angle radar, 8-megapixel camera and centimeter-level high-precision positioning system.
Secondly, the quality is superior.
For example, the 4D imaging radar, the top sensor that can identify coke cans 140 meters away, was first used in China on Feifan R7.
Premium 4D imaging radar can sense data in four latitudes: distance, speed, horizontal azimuth and vertical height, and adds "detecting the vertical height of objects" on the basis of 3D radar. Compared with millimeter-wave radar, 4D radar improves the detection rate of static obstacles by increasing the number of transmitting and receiving channels, providing point cloud function and outputting four indicators of X, Y, H and V (distance, horizontal and vertical positioning height and speed). At the same time, the detection distance of Premium 4D imaging radar is 350 meters, which is higher than 210 meters of ordinary millimeter wave radar, and it can operate normally in extreme weather and poor lighting conditions.
Twelve 8-megapixel cameras can perceive the whole range around the vehicle in 360 degrees, and the perception content of dynamic traffic participants, static lane lines, ground signs, traffic lights, speed limit signs and other traffic elements is more granular. Moreover, the 8-megapixel camera can achieve a higher dynamic range (HDR) and a stronger LED strobe elimination function (LFM).
In the end, I won in calculation.
Feifan R7 is equipped with NVIDIA Orin X chip, and the computing power of a single chip is 254TOPS, which meets the computing power requirements of the existing platform, and lays a solid foundation for data iteration and algorithm iteration to achieve a higher level of assisted driving.
Undoubtedly, it is not enough to embed the basic hardware. Only by embedding the hardware that is ahead of the times, like Feifan Automobile, can we seize the first-Mover advantage window and firmly lay our own anchor point in the rapid progress of industry iteration.
Write it at the end
The final battle of driving assistance ability is essentially a comprehensive competition of hard and soft. On the premise of the same hardware level, the key to winning is the software level. The algorithm level of software is the core of the solution to realize functional differences. On RISING PILOT, you will see that Feifan Automobile has put the "fully integrated" algorithm route on the stage.
Faster than international manufacturers, because Feifan Automobile has done three things right: First, it will start research and development in the field of intelligent driving in 2020, which is very close to the route of "Wei Xiaoli" turning to self-research, which is consistent with the rhythm of the industry head; Second, a 500-person high-level intelligent driving talent pool was established, and at the same time, project teams were deployed in several cities in China to carry out research and development and improvement centering on the localization scenes and needs of China users; Third, it is deeply bound with the top suppliers in the world such as LUMINAR, NVIDIA and ZF, and presses the acceleration button for the whole process based on the full value chain integration and mass production experience of SAIC.
But why wait until this year? Because Feifan Automobile, as a mature car-making company, doesn’t want to deliver "semi-finished products" to users, so it chooses to use time and a lot of road tests to precipitate data and correct products. The final result is that Feifan Automobile has made a RISING PILOT with its own style. As Wu Bing, CEO of Feifan Automobile, said at Chengdu Auto Show, "Be a big shot, not a big mouth".
China consumers will buy this RISING PILOT system, which was born and raised in Sri Lanka. We can’t give a definite answer before delivery, but what we can be sure of now is that,The "algorithm school" represented by Feifan Automobile is striding towards the center of the stage of the era of intelligent electric vehicles.

A new round of strong cold air will hit the central and eastern regions, and the local temperature will drop by over 12℃

  BEIJING, Nov. 15 (Xinhua) According to the latest weather forecast, affected by strong cold air, there will be a large-scale gale cooling and rain and snow weather process from north to south in China from 16th to 18th. The temperature will drop by 8 ~ 10℃ in most parts of the central and eastern regions, and the temperature will drop by more than 12℃ in some areas. There are 4 ~ 6 northerly winds in most areas north of the Yangtze River, and the gusts can reach 7 ~ 8.

  Cold air has caused temperatures in Northeast China and North China to hit a new low in winter.

  In November, several rounds of cold air continuously pulled many places in China from late autumn to early winter from north to south, and some areas ushered in the first snowfall or "coldest day" in the second half of the year.

  Taking the 14th as an example, the temperatures in Northeast China, North China, Huanghuai and other places dropped significantly, with most areas in Northeast China and North China spending the coldest day since this winter.

  According to the weather forecast, the highest temperature in the north-central part of Northeast China and the eastern part of Inner Mongolia fell below freezing point on 14th, while the lowest temperature dropped below minus 10℃. For Harbin, Changchun and many other places, it is the first time this winter to experience that the temperature is below 0℃ all day, and the highest temperatures in Beijing and Tianjin will also hit a new low this winter. It is estimated that by the 15th, Beijing, Shijiazhuang and other places in North China are expected to refresh the lowest temperature since the second half of this year.

  Sun Jun, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, said that the cold air currently affecting the central and eastern regions began to affect China on the 13th, and the impact period was mainly concentrated on the 13th and 14th.

  "The current round of cold air has a small influence range and weak intensity, mainly affecting northeast China, North China, Huanghuai and Jianghuai areas. The cooling range reaches 4 C-6 C, and the local area exceeds 8 C. At the same time, the above areas are accompanied by 4-5 northerly winds." Sun Jun said.

  According to reports, as far as the cooling situation is concerned, in this round of cooling, the cooling rate in Hebei is relatively large. Among them, from 8: 00 on the 13th to 8: 00 on the 14th, the temperature drop in mountainous areas in western Hebei, such as Zanhuang, Lincheng and Neiqiu, reached more than 10℃. During the daytime on the 14th, the temperature in the eastern part of Northeast China, Huanghuai and Jianghuai areas will be lower than that on the 13th. At present, the front of this cold air has reached the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, but it will not continue to affect Jiangnan and South China southward.

  A new round of strong air conditioning has cooled down locally in the middle and east of the road or exceeded 12℃

  However, when people in Northeast China and North China are discussing the new low temperature, a new round of strong cold air with larger scope and wider influence is already on the way.

  According to the forecast, starting from the night of 16th, a new round of strong cold air from the Mongolian Plateau will enter China, Inner Mongolia and northern Xinjiang, and will affect most of the central and eastern regions from north to south. Affected by this, there will be a large-scale gale cooling and rain and snow weather process from north to south in China from 16th to 18th.

  According to meteorologists, the intensity of this round of cold air is stronger than that of the cold air from 13th to 15th, and its influence is wider, which will have a more obvious impact on the cooling in the southern region. In addition, the impact of this round of cold air process is mainly caused by strong winds.

  According to the forecast, due to the influence of this round of strong cold air in the future, the temperature in most parts of the central and eastern regions will drop by 8 ~ 10℃, and the temperature in some areas will drop by more than 12℃, and the ground minimum temperature line of 0℃ will be pressed southward to the area along the Huaihe River in the early morning of the 19th. There are 4 ~ 6 northerly winds in most areas north of the Yangtze River, with gusts of 7 ~ 8, and 7 ~ 9 winds in the eastern and southern seas.

  In terms of precipitation, there will be small to medium snow or sleet in most parts of eastern Inner Mongolia and Northeast China, heavy snow in eastern Jilin, small to moderate rain in Huanghuai, Jianghuai, Jianghan, Jiangnan, eastern Southwest China and South China, and heavy rain in parts of Jiangnan. In addition, from 16th to 17th, there was little to medium snow or sleet and local heavy snow along Tianshan Mountains in northern Xinjiang.

  "This round of cold air process has the characteristics of fast moving speed, wide influence range and large cooling range. Cold air entered Inner Mongolia from the night of 16th to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River on the night of 17th. On the night of 18th, cold air will continue to move southward and reach the South China Sea. It can be said that in just two days, it swept across most areas in central and eastern China from north to south. " Sun Jun introduced.

  Regarding the impact of cold air on agriculture, Sun Jun introduced that around the 19th, early frost will appear in parts of the western and southern parts of Huanghuai, Jianghuai and other places, and the windy and cool rain and snow weather is not conducive to facility agriculture and animal husbandry production, late sowing of winter wheat and the growth of open-field vegetables. For the southern region, the rainfall in the south of the Yangtze River from 17th to 18th is slightly unfavorable to the drying of autumn harvest crops such as late rice, fruit harvesting and the robust growth of autumn sowing crops, but it is beneficial to increase the storage capacity of reservoirs and ponds.

  Why is cold air so frequent when winter comes too late?

  Recently, the cold air affecting China has been coming one after another. The temperature in many places from north to south has dropped rapidly in a short period of time, and many netizens lamented on social networks that "winter came off guard".

  For the frequent cold air attack, Sun Jun analyzed that the fundamental reason for the frequent cold air process in China in autumn and winter is the difference in thermal properties between land and sea.

  "In autumn and winter, the land will form a strong high pressure, and the ocean will form a low pressure. The horizontal pressure gradient force will make the atmosphere move from a place with high pressure to a place with low pressure. From the perspective of climate system, the reason why cold air frequently moves south in autumn and winter is that the subtropical system and tropical system move south, the warm and humid airflow moves south, and the ground cold high pressure tends to be active in the middle and high latitudes, so the northwest airflow guides the cold air mass to move south. " Sun Jun said.

  In the recent "Direct Weather — — In the program "Talking to Scientists", Wang Yongguang, the chief climate expert of the National Climate Center, predicted this winter’s climate, and said that from the previous data forecasting model and diagnostic analysis, China may still be warmer this winter, "the impact of warmer air quality can not be ignored, including Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and Yangtze River Delta region, and it is still necessary to strengthen prevention".

  As to how to define "cold winter" and "warm winter", Ding Yihui, academician of China Academy of Engineering and special adviser on climate change of China Meteorological Bureau, explained that the climate change can be described by two parameters, one is the average temperature, and the average temperature of a winter for 90 days exceeds the average for many years, which is warm winter, and the other is cold winter, which is the problem of average. Another parameter is extreme events, such as sudden and violent cooling in a few days in a winter and cold wave weather.

  "If the average is a warm winter, it does not mean that there will be strong cold events and warm events under this warm winter." Ding Yihui said.

There will be no contest in the next two years! These three questions require China women’s football team to think hard.

Reporter Jin Cuo reports On November 1 ST, Xiamen Egret Stadium, when the Australian referee blew the final whistle, Shui Qingxia first stamped, then stood still, and her face was full of unwillingness-the last Olympic preliminaries, China and South Korea 1-1, both out early. After the World Cup and the Asian Games, the women’s football team in China also suffered a failure in the Olympic preliminaries, because "all three failed".

China women’s football team will have no competition task for more than two years before the start of the 2026 Women’s Asian Cup. How to sink down and find the direction? What kind of road should we take? Who should lead the team on this new journey? This is everyone’s question, including Song Kai, the president of the Football Association, who watched the live broadcast.

In three matches, China women’s football team won 1, drew 1 and lost 1, which is in line with the current strength. There is no surprise, only confusion.

633 days ago, when the China women’s football team regained the Asian Cup championship in India after 16 years, the outside world thought that the sonorous rose had found the right girl, and it was just around the corner to rise again, but it was even hit, hurting many people and waking many people. It turned out that the Asian Cup champion was only a flash in the pan-it was also a fate, and a variety of coincidences made it that champion.

Shui Qingxia later said that she hoped the players would continue to work hard and "don’t lie on the credit book"-in the past, China women’s football team was "disdainful" to the Asian Cup champion to some extent, because we were fighting for the World Cup champion and the Olympic gold medal, but now we can’t even get into the Olympic Games.

A cruel fact is that the Asian Cup champion may be the "honor" ceiling of China women’s football team for quite some time.

Over the years, China women’s football team has given the outside world an illusion that our personal skills or basic skills are still good. But judging from the three competitions this year, the skills of China women’s football team are very poor! Sometimes, even if there is no confrontation, the basic movements are not in place. There are almost all the "faults" of men’s football and women’s football. Therefore, in China football, the so-called "masculinization" of women’s football is actually an irony.

Some people will say that, at least, the women’s football team in China fought hard, and there is no doubt about this. However, if there is only a "fighting spirit", it is sad, because you find that sometimes you can’t fight hard, and that’s the case with the World Cup against England, even though some players "deny it".

Of the 22 players selected for the Olympic preliminaries, there are really not many players who give people hope. Returning to the Women’s World Cup, we are thinking about a question. In the case that Europe and the United States are better than us, what direction should China women’s football team or Asia take? The Philippines and South Korea chose naturalization, while the direction of Japanese women’s football team is to continue to adhere to technicalization-and what about China women’s football team? This point, from one of the few players who has been unanimously affirmed by the outside world in the three competitions this year, may not be difficult to get the answer. You can vaguely see the shadow of the old women’s football team in her body.

In the next few years, we don’t have a big game to play. In fact, we can settle down and train well. Youth training is the foundation. At the level of the national team, whether many veterans will continue to be retained, or whether they will be given a heavy responsibility after being retained, their use, or role conversion, needs the coaching staff to think carefully and carefully-or, let’s just say it, let young people show more, and use it as the spirit of youth training to reshape the sonorous rose.

Some people may say that the Korean women’s football team is different from ours, but in fact, this "difference" is even more embarrassing-after four years of "closed door", North Korea returned to the rivers and lakes in the Asian Games and won the silver medal, and its strength is still the same. Moreover, it has completed the replacement. In this Olympic preliminaries, they reached the final four.

The living environment of Korean women’s football team is not clear to the outside world, but we know that there are no players studying abroad, and they all play in local leagues. One question is, is the level of Korean leagues higher than that of women? If so, doesn’t that mean that the league we have worked so hard to build is just a show?

But that’s the answer. Although the women’s super clubs didn’t get the bonus of "Jinyuan Football" in those years, most of them can survive now with government background. Moreover, because they undertake the task of the National Games, they are still valued to some extent, at least they won’t be easily abandoned. But the cruel fact is that the training level of the clubs, including women’s super clubs, is really not good, or even worse than that of the sports teams in those years.

The root cause is closely related to the level of coaches. An insider said: China’s local coaches prefer the men’s Super League, China A, China B and the echelon, and only when there is no place to go will they choose the women’s football team. Their level is not high, and even the coaches in the women’s football team are even lower. Even so, these coaches are highly mobile and can’t stay. So, will the players taught by this kind of coach have a future? Or "usable"?

Shui Qingxia, who has many years of coaching experience in the club, admits that the training level of women’s super teams is very average except for a few strong teams. Therefore, before the competition, she is more willing to let the players train for a long time, so that she can "make up lessons".

Of course, such a choice is only a kind of thinking, not a wooden bridge. For the women’s football team in China, it is actually possible to walk on two legs, one is focused training, and the other is continuous study abroad. Long-term training, there are many opponents of public opinion, but there are not a few supporters in the circle, especially in the local coach circle. It is even said that the way the national team plays women’s super is also an exploration. "Even if these people can’t play the main force in the future, they will at least increase the thickness of the bench."

As for studying abroad, most people agree with it, and it is already in action. In this Olympic preliminaries, China women’s football team has eight players studying abroad, plus injured Shoupeng Wang. The number is not small, but from the performance point of view, it does not show any advantages. It is a fact that few of our players studying abroad play a leading role in the club, and some even just play the role of soy sauce. It is useless for players to study abroad for the sake of studying abroad and for the sake of "making friends".

Therefore, in the future, studying abroad is not just a whim of a season, but requires continuous output, and at the same time, it is necessary to choose a more suitable club and league for players. It is necessary to help the players improve, but also to consider their own strength positioning, not to mention that studying abroad will definitely be able to play the main force-at least to compete for posts, rather than just blindly pursuing giants, so that the best results can be achieved.

After the Olympic preliminaries, Shui Qingxia and her coaching staff ended their mission. As for the future, she doesn’t know.

For Shui Qingxia, there is a lot of criticism from the outside world. She thinks that her level is limited and she can’t continue to improve women’s football. After the World Cup, there have been voices calling for her to leave class.

Shui Qingxia went through several twists and turns when she took office. After leading the United team to win the gold medal in the National Games, she did not sign up for the women’s football coach, but in the end, the senior management chose to push her to that position.

The level of Shui Qingxia’s coaching is different, but it is wrong to kill her with a stick. After all, the current women’s football team may not be better than her.

China women’s football team has a "gap period" of more than two years, so it doesn’t need to be so utilitarian. Next, it can be "managed" well, and the China Football Association should also consider whether to change coaches, and if so, what kind of coaches to change.

At present, there are several options for the future women’s football coach. One is to keep water to celebrate the summer; The second is to hire foreign coaches; The third is to choose local male coaches.

The three choices have their own reasons and disadvantages, but what the China Football Association should remember is that the women’s football team has been tossing and turning, and foreign coaches have invited it. The men have Bruno and Eyjolfsson, and the women have domanski and Elizabeth. The only successful one is Bruno. Unfortunately, because of the poor record in the warm-up match, the China Football Association and others dismissed it, resulting in FIFA; Local men’s coaches have also been used, such as Zhang Haitao and Pei Encai in the early days, Li Xiaopeng and Hao Wei later, and Jia Xiuquan recently. It is true that Ma Yuanan and Ma Liangxing have found the right pulse and are close to success, but what they do now may not be suitable.

Therefore, the future China women’s football team, the coach must "fit" or "adapt", but what kind of fit? This requires Song Kai and representatives from all aspects of the women’s football community to conduct in-depth research and communication, and listen to opinions widely. If Shuiqingxia does not stay, Japanese coach is actually a good choice.

The new york Knicks signed a development league player, or will stay in the team to continue their struggle

The new york Knicks recently signed obadiah Noel, a young player who will strive for a stable position in the team. This transaction not only brought fresh blood to the team, but also gave the fans an expectation. Obadiah Noel is a potential striker with excellent rebounding and defensive ability. His height and wingspan give him a great advantage in the basket. He can easily steals the ball and block opponents’ shots. These advantages just meet the Knicks’ needs for inside defense. The Knicks have been facing the problem of understaffing inside, and the addition of obadiah Noel will undoubtedly make up for this shortcoming. His arrival will provide more choices for the team and increase the depth of the team. His presence will make the team more flexible in the game and can be adjusted according to the different characteristics of opponents. Of course, obadiah Noel is not a perfect player, and he still needs to improve his offensive performance. His scoring ability needs to be improved, especially in shooting in COSCO. However, the Knicks’ coaching staff is very optimistic about his potential, and they believe that with the passage of time, obadiah Noel will gradually grow into an all-round player. For the fans, the addition of obadiah Noel is undoubtedly an exciting news. The Knicks have always wanted to find a good inside player, and now they finally got it. The fans expect obadiah Noel to play his part in the team.Bring more victories to the team.The addition of obadiah Noel has injected new vitality and hope into the Knicks.His defensive ability and rebounding ability will bring important support to the team, and his offensive potential is also worth looking forward to.

Noel, 24, was drafted by the NBA and sent to develop league teams to fight hard. This is a challenging moment, but for this young player, it is also an opportunity to meet opportunities. Noel was highly anticipated in the NBA draft. However, due to some technical and physical deficiencies, he failed to rank among the top leagues. But this did not discourage Jeannoel. On the contrary, he regarded this defeat as a new starting point for his career. Development League is an ideal platform for training young players and upgrading their skills. There are many opportunities for players who are eager to prove themselves to show their strength. For Noel, this is an opportunity to reshape his image. He can improve his technical level through hard work and dedicated training. In the development alliance, Noel needs to make more efforts and perseverance. He must adapt to the faster pace of the game and more competitive opponents. In addition, he needs to further improve his skills, especially in shooting and defense. Only through continuous efforts and progress can he return to the NBA stage in the future. Noel is also a potential player for the team. His height and wingspan make him an excellent rebounder and defender. Moreover, his youth and vitality will also inject new energy into the team. Teams should be good at discovering and cultivating such players and giving them opportunities to show their strength. In this competitive sports world, success is not easy. However, Noel has firm determination and love for basketball.This will be his motivation to overcome difficulties. He believes that with enough efforts and perseverance, he will eventually succeed. No matter where Noel’s career finally goes, he has proved himself to be a top athlete.

Noel: An unknown development league star. In the NBA, there are many players who contribute to the team in obscurity. They may not be superstars, but their efforts and talents are equally admirable. Among them, Noel is such a budding young player in the development league. As an ordinary rotation player, Noel is not as concerned as those big-name stars. However, he gradually won the recognition of the coaching staff and fans through his outstanding performance. In the game, he always goes all out to give full play to his advantages and strive for every valuable rebounding and defensive opportunity for the team.Noel’s defense under the basket is a must.With his excellent physical fitness and keen reaction speed, he formed a strong barrier inside. Opponents often feel helpless when facing him, because his defensive ability often makes the opponent’s shooting inaccurate or blocked directly. It is with this excellent defense under the basket that Noel has become a solid defense line in the team’s defense system. However, Noel is not just a defensive player. He also performed well on the offensive end, especially in rebounding and secondary attack. He can always grab the key offensive rebounds by virtue of his height and bouncing advantage, and return the ball to the basket to win the second scoring opportunity for the team. This proactive performance can not only boost the team’s morale, but also make opponents feel depressed and powerless. Noel’s success is inseparable from his efforts and perseverance. As a development league player, he has experienced numerous trainings and competitions and paid a lot of hard sweat. He never gave up his dream and always maintained his love and persistence for basketball. It is this indomitable spirit that makes him gradually emerge and become an indispensable member of the team. Noel’s story tells us that everyone has a chance to succeed in his field, whether you are an ordinary rotation player or not. As long as you are willing to work hard and keep the persistent pursuit of your dreams, you will be rewarded. Noel’s success is not only his personal achievement, but also an inspiration and encouragement to all unknown players. Let’s cheer for Noel, the star of the development alliance.And expect him to continue to show his strength and potential in future competitions.

The Knicks’ signing of Noel has aroused widespread concern. However, this signing has an unexpected turning point. According to reliable sources, the Knicks signed Noel in order to cut him later and pay a bonus of $75,000. This move has aroused people’s doubts about the team’s decision-making, and also made people start to think about the future direction of the team. The Knicks made such a decision, perhaps for tactical reasons. As an excellent center player, Noel has excellent rebounding and blocking ability on the court. However, the Knicks already have a strong frontcourt lineup, including players such as Julius Randle and Mitchell Robinson. Therefore, they may think that Noel’s joining is not necessary, and they also hope to save some salary space by cutting him. However, this decision has also caused dissatisfaction among fans. After all, Noel, as a good player, has high potential. Fans have said that the Knicks should give Noel more opportunities instead of giving up easily. They believe that the team should focus on cultivating young players, not just pursuing short-term interests. The Knicks’ decision also raised concerns about the team’s future. As a team with a long history, the Knicks have always been a strong team in the NBA. However, in the past few seasons, the team has been in a low state and its record is not good. Does the decision to cut Noel this time mean that the team will pay more attention to saving salary space in the future, rather than pursuing the improvement of the team’s strength?This problem deserves our deep thought. In any case, the Knicks’ decision to sign Noel and cut him has become a hot topic at the moment. This also makes people full of curiosity and expectation about the future direction of the team.

Xiaobian thanks everyone for reading this article, hoping to bring some inspiration and encouragement to everyone. Noel’s story tells us not to be discouraged when facing challenges and difficulties, but to regard them as opportunities and a new starting point. As long as we make efforts and persevere, we can all achieve our goals and dreams.

Trading with Paul didn’t help? "Cousin" bluntly doesn’t like the warrior: he is old.

In this summer’s offseason, the Warriors sent away Jordan Poole, who was supposed to be the successor of Stephen Curry, through trading, and got Chris Paul, the "God of Ball Control" from the Wizards. In response to the Warriors’ trading, DeMarcus Cousins, who had previously expressed his dislike of Paul’s "cousin", admitted that he was not very optimistic. "He is old."

When Cousins was interviewed by SiriusXM NBA Radio a few days ago, he talked about the "former owner" warriors getting Paul’s trading in the offseason. Cousins bluntly said: "I don’t understand why the Warriors traded for Paul. Maybe they are ready to give it a go, but basketball will not be known until it is played." I’m not belittling Paul’s career achievements. He is old. I don’t see what he can help the Warriors improve. I don’t think it’s the right thing to give up a young player for an old veteran. 」

As a matter of fact, Cousins made it clear many times that he didn’t like Paul when he was wearing the king’s uniform. Apart from the fact that the two men often exchanged rubbish and had physical conflicts, Cousins didn’t even put Paul on his list of "the top five point guards in history". However, regardless of whether Cousins has personal grievances, his doubts are not nonsense.

According to the data, Paul, who is 37 years old this year, played only 59 games for the Suns last season, setting a new low in the past four years. Although he still scored 13.9 points, 8.9 assists, 4.3 rebounds and 1.5 steals, the player’s efficiency (PER) with an average score of 17.7 per game is a career low. How to make Paul, who is used to a goal in his life, integrate into the Warriors system that needs a lot of empty-handed running and covering, will test the strategy of head coach Steve Kerr.

The Sixers want Show 4+Show 20! The Rockets refused to trade 1 for 5, and Fertitta would not break his word to Harden.

The president of Philadelphia 76ers always wants to take advantage of others in the transaction, so he has a bad reputation in this alliance.

Earlier, Keith Pompey, a reporter from Philadelphia Inquirer, revealed that the President of 76ers wanted to exchange Harris for Allen, mobley and a draft pick.

As a result, it is conceivable that the general manager of the Cavaliers refused, of course. I don’t know if he has been completely blacked out by the president of the 76 ers.

The President of 76ers watched the Summer League in Las Vegas and paid attention to the Houston Rockets’ game. He was deeply attracted by the performances of Amen Thompson and Cam Whitmore and wanted to get the No.4 show and No.20 show.

Amen Thompson is a real point guard. He not only has excellent physical fitness, but also has a first-class passing vision. He has a good defensive awareness and there is room for improvement in shooting. Not only some NBA scouts and netizens, but even teammate Whitmore said that seeing Amen Thompson play reminds people of Ben Simmons. Simmons, who works hard and has the ability to project, will be quite scary. No wonder the 76ers president wants Amen Thompson.

In the past few years, every year, there have been rookie rockets who stand up and say that they are the strongest in this year. Whitmore didn’t lose confidence in himself because he fell to the 20th place. Whitmore fought bravely in the summer league and finally won the MVP. His goal is the best rookie next season.

However, the reality is cruel. Whitmore will not only be impossible to start the Rockets in the new season, but even strive for a rotation quota.

So what kind of chips will the 76 ers president come up with to impress the rocket management?

Harden, the former rocket cornerstone.

"fansided" previously said that in addition to the Clippers, there are several teams interested in Harden. Si Tong, the general manager of the Rockets, is facing the pressure of performance and may consider making a deal with the 76ers. The American media put forward a trading plan: the Rockets sent Amen Thompson, Cam Whitmore, Kevin Porter Jr., Jeff Green and the first round of the Nets in 2024, and got Harden from the 76ers.

Will the rocket agree? Sbnation said the Rockets would reject the 1-for-5 deal.

Rockets reporter Jackson gatling revealed on the show that Si Tong originally wanted to sign Harden after the free agent market opened. If Fertitta decides to appoint vogel as head coach, he will welcome Harden back like Si Tong. Once Harden comes back, he will have the privilege, so some talented young players will be sent away as chips.

Earlier, Rocket reporter Kelly Apotheker also said that Harden can lead the Rockets into the playoffs, and young people such as Sengong and Ethan can be added to the first round to make a deal to strengthen the lineup.

Fertitta likes basketball and is proud of himself. In the past three years, he has kept a low profile and rarely made a sound. Now that the Rockets are over, Fertitta hopes that the Rockets can return to the playoffs next season, so he also tends to sign Harden at first.

What happened afterwards? Uduka wants to build a rocket team of his own, and he opposes signing privileged player Harden. Uduka said that Houston is full of talents and has a promising future. He is confident that these young players will grow up and win the championship in the future.

Fertitta felt very reasonable after listening to this, so vogel, the former leader, was eliminated, and Uduka Firewire took office, which caught ESPN celebrities off guard.

Uduka and Harden worked together, so the latter has a great hope of returning to the Rockets? This is really an illusion!

Uduka refused to look at it one dozen times and four times. He wanted the Rockets to play a team role and let young people grow up quickly. Uduka chose Van fleet, who didn’t occupy the ball and tried hard to defend, to guide Jay Green, and Tommy Tam, the villain, to guide Smith Jr. and Ethan.

Although Si Tong is the general manager of the Rockets, he is not as good as head coach Uduka. ESPN celebrity McMahon revealed that Uduka should be the most powerful person in the Rockets except boss Fertitta.

As long as Fertitta still trusts Uduka, the door of Houston will not be opened to Harden.

So will Harden’s No.13 jersey be affected when the Rockets retire?

I said before that Fertitta is a face-saving man, and he will not break his word to Harden in this matter. He will retire Harden’s No.13 jersey. Harden ranks in the top three in the history of the Rockets. He has made great contributions to the local community in Houston, and he definitely deserves such treatment.

Strong Eagle No.20 | Opening Ceremony of Kong Jianping’s Mentor Group of Nanotechnology and the Third Strong Eagle Teacher-Student Tour

On the afternoon of March 4th, the opening ceremony of Kong Jianping’s mentor group and the third Strong Eagle Teacher-Student Tour were successfully held in Zhejiang Nano Technology Co., Ltd.. Teacher Kong Jianping, the chairman of Zhejiang Nanotechnology Co., Ltd., the founder of Rainbow Life Ideological and Political Education Platform, the founder of Qiangying, and the executive vice president of Zhejiang University’s School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, attended the event. The 19th and 20th sessions of Kong Jianping’s mentor group participated together.

At the beginning of the activity, Mr. Nova, the mentor team of Kong Jianping, introduced the six major sectors: chip, cloud computing, blockchain, AI, application and terminal.New infrastructure of meta-universe industryDevelopment opportunities; Teacher Sunny explained it for everyone from five aspects: story, style, economic dividend, innovation ability and meta-cosmic imagination space.How to do a good job in NFT project blue chip,Compared with the characteristics of Web2, this paper analyzes "why web3.0 is the future" from multiple dimensions, encourages students to publicize and innovate spontaneously, and promotes the healthy positive cycle of NFT projects.

Subsequently, the 19th student Lou Song shared with you.Innovation opportunities of NFT AMMMa Jiahao discussed with everyone.Governance problems and values of DAO creator communityIt is pointed out that DAO creator community has the characteristics of reducing management cost under the inefficient-oriented structure; Shen Yining, a 20-year student, combined his transformation experience from investment bank to content blogger and analyzed.New ideas of traffic growth in Web3 industryZhao Chengcheng introduced how his entrepreneurial project Mind Network was built.Decentralized privacy data lakeGet a place in the industry.

Finally, Mr. Kong Jianping analyzed the top ten pain points of Web3 entrepreneurship for the students, pointing out that the core value of blockchain technology is not decentralization and building a new economic model, but to form a stronger network effect and share liquidity by opening up the user system, thus creating value and income. Mr. Kong suggested that entrepreneurs should be ecological to each other, reject leverage, rely on industry dividends, adhere to the spirit of hard work, and jointly move towards the application Web3 era in the next decade.

During the opening ceremony, Mr. Ruan Junhua introduced the mental journey and value thinking of establishing the Rainbow Life Platform. Teacher Ruan put forward three suggestions for the students: attitude, persistence in long-term, unremitting efforts and courage to pay in following the great cause; Inherit, learn to carry forward the spirit of Zhejiang businessmen, understand the spiritual strength of mentors, and influence and drive more people; Grateful, grateful to the mentor’s educational feelings, grateful to the platform, but also grateful to the opportunities provided by the country and the times.

Later, Ruan Junhua expressed sincere gratitude to Kong Jianping for his re-joining and the strong support of Nanotechnology, and awarded him a letter of appointment as a mentor.

Instructor Kong Jianping issued admission notices to the students in turn and took a group photo.

knowledge gained by study

Ruan junhao

In this study, I deeply realized the rapid development of the digital age and the powerful power of scientific and technological progress. The following are my learning experiences:

As the next generation Internet, the core idea of Web3.0 is to establish a decentralized and open network ecosystem. Compared with Web1.0 and Web2.0, Web3.0 pays more attention to personal privacy protection and data security, and also pays more attention to users’ control and autonomy of data. When studying Web3.0, I deeply understand the importance of decentralization and autonomy, and realize that digital assets and digital identities will become the core content of Web3.0.

AIGC represents the development of digitalization, intelligence, connectivity and security, and is one of the four core technologies in the digital age. AIGC has a wide range of applications, including natural language processing, image recognition, machine learning and so on. When learning AIGC technology, I deeply understand the influence and importance of artificial intelligence on the future. At the same time, I also realize that the development of artificial intelligence needs a lot of data and computing power support, and blockchain technology can provide a safer and more reliable infrastructure for the development of artificial intelligence. For a person who wants to enter the field of web3.0 entrepreneurship, this is a blue ocean full of opportunities.

Finally, I want to thank Mr. Kong and Qiang Ying, who gave me a very good platform and a great learning opportunity.


First of all, I am very grateful to the activities organized by Mr. Qiang Ying and Mr. Kong, which made me learn a lot. The content shared in this activity is very diverse and rich, including the infrastructure facilities of the Metauniverse, covering the whole industry chain of chips, cloud computing, blockchain, AI, applications and terminals; There is also the blue-chip market of NFT, the rising logic of mainstream NFT (such as BYAC/Azuki) and some emerging projects. There is also a story about how the DAO organization works to create a science fiction work. In addition, there are some hard-core contents, such as transactions, private data sharing, etc. Although time is limited, I can’t fully understand them, but it also broadens my horizons, gains some new knowledge and enriches my understanding of web3.

Finally, Mr. Kong’s sharing also benefited me in particular, including the development history of web3 industry, the top ten pain points faced by entrepreneurs, the advantages and disadvantages of web2 and web3, public chain ecology, regulatory policies, opportunities for globalization and so on. Teacher Kong suggested that it is very important to choose an industry. No matter what industry you do, you can spend at least 10% of your energy on web3.

zhou weijie

This activity gave me a deeper understanding of the business of the Meta-Universe industry and the Meta-Universe track. During the activity, several students shared their own business projects, and many of the technical terms made me feel the gap between being deeply involved in an industry and understanding an industry in a simple way. Bringing in the sharer’s perspective makes me understand that the understanding of business model and the combing of industrial development logic are far more important than what technology we have mastered. We need to look at business issues from a more macro perspective and use technology to help us deepen our understanding.

In the process of sharing, Mr. Kong put forward several ideas that inspired me deeply. The first is that we should fully grasp the industry dividend, look at the industry, and then deepen the cultivation. The second is that we should think more about how to use new technologies in application scenarios that could not be realized before, instead of iterating over existing things with new technologies. I am very grateful to Qiangying for giving me this opportunity to communicate with outstanding predecessors, and I am also very grateful to Teacher Kong for taking the time to guide us.

Ouyang shengxiong

I am honored to participate in the activities of Mr. Kong’s group, which made me gain a lot. As a small white who is not specialized in the web3 industry, I have learned a lot about web3. For example, the sharing of "Governance Problems and Values of DAO" made me understand a very interesting case, in which 100 people can create a science fiction novel together. Everyone can exert their unique creativity. The introduction of Decentralized Privacy Data Lake made me understand a new form of data privacy protection. In the web1 era, our data is crawled by portals, in the web2 era, the data is held by giant companies, and in the web3 era, we can protect our privacy relatively to a greater extent through encryption services. As a person who hasn’t entered the venue yet, I think I can spend more time paying attention to the progress and dynamics of web3 later. Thank you very much, Mr. Kong.

Shan Zhang

Thank you very much for the third mentor group activity organized by Mr. Kong and Qiangying. In this activity, six guests shared their entrepreneurial experiences and experiences on the track of Web 3.0, covering the current application scene of the Metauniverse, how the financial system supports the development of Web 3.0 projects, the application and innovation of NFT technical support, the exploration of DAO community management mode, the password for realizing traffic growth and the new mode of private data management. Through these sharing, I have a deeper understanding of the Web3.0 industry. I think this decentralized idea can bring some new ideas to finance, social governance and industrial production. During the instructor’s evaluation session, Mr. Kong shared his understanding and experience of Web 3.0, covering a wide range of contents, including organizational forms, relations with the government, opportunities for Chinese entrepreneurs in this track, etc., which broadened my horizons. Dean Ruan also shared his initial intention and feeling of establishing Rainbow Life Platform and Strong Eagle, and sent a message to the students, which made me know how to be grateful and give back to the school and society while growing my own skills.

Wen Chen Yiming

The theme of this activity covers the new infrastructure of the meta-universe industry, the blue-chip road of NFT projects, the innovation opportunities in NFT AMM direction, the governance form of DAO creator community, new ideas for the growth of Web3 industry, decentralized privacy data and teacher Kong’s sharing of the industry. In the process of listening to everyone’s sharing, I learned a new organizational structure model, DAO, which is a decentralized autonomous organization. Members of the organization can freely put forward proposals and organize everyone to vote according to the importance of the proposals. It is an effective way to cooperate with like-minded people all over the world. In this way, the 19th Ma Jiahao seniors completed a book about the meta-universe, which shows that everyone can play their respective strengths in this model. In addition, some students explained the new ideas of traffic growth, including traffic entrance, activation mode, how to retain existing customers and how to let customers promote spontaneously. Finally, Mr. Kong explained to us some pain points in the web3 industry and his understanding. Through this activity, I gained a lot of knowledge about web3. Thanks to Mr. Kong and Qiang Ying for their careful preparation.