The operation of central enterprises has improved significantly. In June, operating income and profits achieved positive growth year-on-year-the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commi

In June this year, central enterprises achieved operating income of 2.9 trillion yuan and net profit of 166.48 billion yuan, up by 0.6% and 5% respectively.

In the face of the complicated environment, it is not easy for central enterprises to achieve positive growth in revenue and profit simultaneously. On the one hand, the excellent epidemic prevention and anti-epidemic achievements in China have created favorable conditions for the recovery of the national economy; On the other hand, the central enterprises have comprehensively deepened the work of improving quality and increasing efficiency, and made great efforts to expand the market, grasp production, control costs and stabilize investment.

At the press conference of the State Council Office held on July 16th, Peng Huagang, Secretary-General and spokesman of the State Council State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, introduced the specific situation of the economic operation of central enterprises in the first half of the year, and said that the economic operation of central enterprises had improved significantly, and the positive changes had increased significantly. In June, the income and profits of the same month achieved positive growth simultaneously.

In the first half of the year, the decline in revenue and profit was narrower than that in the first quarter, and both revenue and profit achieved positive growth in June.

In the first half of this year, most central enterprises were affected by the COVID-19 epidemic and encountered difficulties in stages. With the further consolidation of the epidemic prevention and control in China and the accelerated recovery of social production and living order, the production and operation of central enterprises have accelerated since May.

Peng Huagang introduced that in the first half of the year, the central enterprises realized a total operating income of 13.4 trillion yuan, down 7.8% year-on-year, and the decline was narrowed by 4 percentage points compared with the first quarter. The income decline has narrowed for three consecutive months; The accumulated net profit was 438.55 billion yuan, down 37.7% year-on-year, and the decline was 21.1 percentage points lower than that in the first quarter and 12.6 percentage points lower than that in January-May.

In June, central enterprises achieved positive growth in both operating income and net profit. Among them, the operating income was 2.9 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 0.6%, and most enterprises have recovered or exceeded the same period level; The net profit was 166.48 billion yuan, an increase of 64.63 billion yuan compared with May and a year-on-year increase of 5%. It was also the first time this year that the monthly net profit increased positively.

Depending on the industry, the production and operation of key industries have been accelerated and gradually improved.

In the first half of the year, the steel output, crude oil output, power generation and electricity sales of central enterprises have recovered to more than 98% of the same period last year; The orders for new ships increased by 21.2% year-on-year, the installed power capacity increased by 5.1% year-on-year, the sales volume of commercial coal increased by 1.8% year-on-year, and the alumina output and new orders for power generation equipment maintained positive growth.

In the second quarter, the sales volume of refined oil products increased by nearly 40% compared with the first quarter, and it also increased compared with last year. In February, the electricity sales of the two power grid companies plummeted by 10.9% year-on-year, and gradually recovered and improved. In April, the decline narrowed to -1.3%, in May, it turned into a positive growth of 4.6%, and in June, it increased by 6.5% year-on-year.

"The marginal improvement in the physical quantity indicators of basic industries such as oil, electricity and coal reflects the continuous improvement of the national economy and also boosts confidence in the economic operation in the second half of the year." Peng Huagang said that there are also military industries, communications industries and construction industries that contribute a lot to profits.

Looking at enterprises, the operation tends to be stable, and the monthly income and profits of most enterprises have recovered or exceeded the same period.

There were 57 central enterprises whose income increased year-on-year in June, and 33 enterprises whose income increased by more than 10% in that month. The net profit of 58 central enterprises in June increased year-on-year, and that of 46 enterprises increased by more than 10%.

Peng Huagang believes that in the face of this year’s complicated environment, it is not easy for central enterprises to reach a new high in June. On the one hand, the excellent epidemic prevention and anti-epidemic achievements in China have created favorable conditions for the recovery of the national economy; On the other hand, the central enterprises have comprehensively deepened the work of improving quality and increasing efficiency, and made great efforts to expand the market, grasp production, control costs and stabilize investment.

In the first half of the year, the investment in fixed assets was 1 trillion yuan, reducing the operating cost of the whole society by more than 120 billion yuan.

In addition to the positive growth of income and profits, the investment of central enterprises has also taken the lead in achieving positive growth.

In the first half of the year, the central enterprises invested 1 trillion yuan in fixed assets, up 7.2% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 5.9 percentage points faster than that in January-May and 11.7 percentage points faster than that in the first quarter.

Since the full resumption of work in March, the monthly growth rate of fixed assets investment of central enterprises has been 4.1%, 11.8%, 13% and 21.2% respectively, showing an accelerating trend month by month. In the second quarter, the accumulated fixed assets investment was 673.07 billion yuan, up 14.8% year-on-year. By industry, the growth rate of fixed assets investment in power generation, automobile, communication, metallurgy and other industries exceeded 15% in the first half of the year.

In order to help revive Hubei after the epidemic, on June 3, relevant central enterprises and Hubei Province signed a total of 72 cooperation projects with a total investment of 327.7 billion yuan.

With steady investment, central enterprises will continue to exert their efforts. Peng Huagang introduced that in the second half of the year, we will continue to guide and support enterprises to focus on improving industrial basic capabilities, breaking through the weak links of key core technologies in the industrial chain, maintaining industrial chain security and other areas to increase investment, and seize investment opportunities in new infrastructure such as 5G, industrial internet and data centers, actively and orderly promote project construction, do a good job in reserves of high-quality investment projects, actively absorb social capital, and broaden financing channels.

Focusing on the "six guarantees" and the implementation of the "six guarantees" task, the central enterprises have also made every effort to help small and medium-sized enterprises fight the epidemic, reduce costs and tide over difficulties, and resolutely implemented the national policies of reducing electricity prices, gas prices, tariffs, tolls and rents. In the first half of the year, the cumulative operating costs of the whole society have been reduced by more than 120 billion yuan.

Peng Huagang analyzed the composition of this 120 billion yuan: "The two power grid enterprises reduced the user cost by 54 billion yuan, the three communication enterprises made profits by 42 billion yuan, and the three petroleum and petrochemical enterprises reduced the energy cost of downstream enterprises by 18 billion yuan. In addition, the accumulated rent reduction for small and micro enterprises also exceeded 4 billion yuan."

In the second half of the year, central enterprises will continue to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in three aspects: increasing the supply of basic oil, electricity and coal transportation; Continue to implement the policy of reducing fees and making profits; Strengthen cooperation with various enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises in the industrial chain and supply chain, and use investment to promote the development of the entire industrial chain and supply chain. "Now we are actively carrying out the work of clearing the debts owed by central enterprises, especially those that have no differences with small and medium-sized enterprises, which should be returned as soon as possible." Peng Huagang said.

We will fully implement the "Three-year Action for the Reform of State-owned Enterprises" and strive to achieve the annual goal in five aspects in the second half of the year.

While speeding up the resumption of production and operation, the reform cannot stop. Recently, the 14th meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform deliberated and adopted the "Three-year Action Plan for State-owned Enterprise Reform", and the prospect of state-owned enterprise reform in the next three years gradually became clear.

Peng Huagang introduced that the "Program" has four "highlights": First, it highlights the implementation and action, and puts forward clear task measures for the timetable and road map of state-owned enterprise reform in various key tasks, so that it can be quantified and assessed; The second is to focus on key points, fill shortcomings, strong and weak items, adhere to problem orientation, and propose targeted measures instead of covering everything; The third is to highlight system integration, coordination and high efficiency. Some reform tasks are difficult to be effective by one measure alone, so it is necessary to comprehensively use multiple measures and take a multi-pronged approach; Fourth, it is difficult to fight the annihilation war. The reform in some important areas has defined the objectives and time limit requirements, and concentrated on tackling the difficulties in the three-year operation.

In the first half of the year, the overall operating performance of central enterprises was better than expected. Can we achieve the annual target if we work harder in the second half of the year? Peng Huagang said that although the production and operation in the first half of the year laid a good foundation for completing the objectives and tasks of the whole year, all the work of the reform and development of central enterprises in the second half of the year was faced with difficulties and pressures, and these five aspects should be strengthened to achieve the goals: solidly promote the steady growth of the management and development of central enterprises; Fully implement the three-year action of state-owned enterprise reform; Fully promote the scientific and technological innovation of central enterprises; Actively promote the layout optimization and structural adjustment of state-owned capital; Do a good job in preventing and resolving major risks.

"Strive for the sustained and rapid growth of the benefits of the vast majority of central enterprises, and strive for the positive growth of the overall benefits of central enterprises." Peng Huagang said.

[Editor: Zhao Yihan]

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2023 national industrial Internet platform empowered deep line and Taiyuan industrial Internet development conference will be held soon

  As a key path for the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, the Industrial Internet has been fully integrated into 45 national economic categories and has become a new growth point for our country’s economy. As our country accelerates the development of the digital economy and accelerates the process of new industrialization, the Industrial Internet has entered a new stage of scale development, and the value of industrial Internet empowering industrial transformation and digital transformation will be released at an accelerated pace.

  In order to further promote the integrated application of industrial Internet platforms and continue to enhance the innovation capabilities of industrial Internet, on March 25-26, the "2023 National Industrial Internet Platform Empowering Deeper Tour and Taiyuan Industrial Internet Development Conference" will kick off in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, bringing a forward-looking, leading, professional and practical exchange event for all sectors of the industry. The opening of the conference is imminent, with four highlights looking forward to the development prospects and cooperation opportunities of industrial Internet.

  Highlight 1: Industry elites discuss Taoism and build industry consensus

  This conference will invite relevant ministries, provincial and municipal leaders, well-known experts and scholars in the field of digital economy and industrial Internet, and representatives of local industry and information technology authorities, industrial Internet leaders, platform enterprises, and manufacturing enterprises to come together to discuss policy trends and gain insight into development opportunities.

  At that time, a number of heavyweight experts and scholars such as Shen Changxiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Li Peigen, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, will bring cutting-edge views and the latest insights; Guo Zhenxing, president of Huawei Coal Mine Legion Solutions and MKT, Yang Baogang, chief expert of the industrial Internet of UF Network joint stock company, Zhu Duoxian, chairperson of Beijing Languang Innovation Technology Co., Ltd., and other leading enterprise representatives will also attend to offer suggestions on the industrial Internet empowering the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry, and build consensus on development.

  Highlight 2: Dual cross-platform clustering, empowering results

  As the core of the industrial Internet, the industrial Internet platform is an important carrier for the optimal allocation of industrial resources. In recent years, our country has accelerated the construction of a comprehensive, characteristic and professional industrial Internet platform system. The leading role of the comprehensive "double-span" platform has continued to increase, and it has achieved remarkable results in promoting industrial transformation and upgrading and empowering regional development. It has become a key force supporting the high-quality development of the digital economy in our country.

  More than a dozen cross-industry and cross-field industrial Internet platform leading enterprises such as Huawei, UF, Oriental Guoxin, Tencent, China Resources Digital, Technology, Lucon Wisdom, Zhongtian Internet, Baidu,, etc. will gather in Taiyuan, with a series of activities such as forum exchange, supply and demand docking as a bridge, and with representatives of local manufacturing enterprises in Shanxi and various participants to jointly discuss hot topics such as platform application, technological innovation, and industrial empower, share the effectiveness of the industrial Internet platform empower, and explore new paths for the integrated development of industrial Internet platforms and key industries.

  Highlight 3: The launch of the blockbuster ceremony, strengthening professional support

  A number of blockbuster ceremonies will be held at the meeting, one is to hold a signing ceremony for strategic cooperation in digital economy development, the second is to launch the launch ceremony of the second node of industrial Internet identification analysis, and the third is to hold a pairing ceremony of industrial Internet empowered digital transformation partners. The holding of a series of blockbuster ceremonies will help Taiyuan accelerate the gathering of high-quality industrial resources, integrate high-end talents and subject resources, consolidate the intellectual and technical foundation, and strengthen the professional support of industrial transformation and high-quality development.

  Highlight 4: Precise docking of supply and demand to help cooperation land

  The prosperity of the industry requires the collaboration and development of all parties in the industrial chain; it also requires both supply and demand sides to give full play to the advantages of resource endowments, collaborate on innovation, and work together to achieve a win-win situation. The conference will hold the "Industrial Internet Platform Supply and Demand Matching Meeting" at the same time. At that time, representatives from 20 + units such as think tanks in the industrial Internet, national industrial Internet dual-cross platforms, industrial Internet leading enterprises, industry associations, and local manufacturing enterprises in Taiyuan, Shanxi will participate together, focusing on Taiyuan’s key industries and development needs, accurately docking supply and demand information, deepening technical exchanges and project cooperation, and promoting the application and promotion of industrial Internet platforms in key industries.

  "2023 National Industrial Internet Platform Empowering Deep Tour and Taiyuan Industrial Internet Development Conference" is about to be held, where there is not only the wisdom of industry leaders "sitting on the road", but also the practical exploration of industry elites "rising up and walking", and there are more prospects and opportunities for cities and industries to "meet each other". Looking forward to more partners gathering at the conference, working together to create a new situation of industrial Internet innovation and development.

Jinan artificial intelligence industry accelerated growth, focus on Jinan government network

In today’s rapidly changing technology, we have unknowingly used the convenience brought by artificial intelligence (AI). For example, when you handle business in Jinan Administrative Examination and Approval Service Hall, Jinan Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation and other business halls, the smart government service hall will provide you with convenience; when you use medical self-service equipment to handle business in Jinan tier 1 hospital, or use navigation for travel, AI is quietly helping you.

With industrial upgrading, artificial intelligence has become an important driving force for a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation. In Jinan, many companies in the field of artificial intelligence are constantly expanding application scenarios, fully mining the value of data, and using AI intelligence to empower modern industries to upgrade, promote social development to be more intelligent and efficient, and help cities become smarter. In this process, "industrial AI" is driving "AI industrialization", and Quancheng AI industry is accelerating growth.

Artificial intelligence leaders continue to climb and jump

When the national artificial intelligence industry is booming, Jinan has emerged a number of competitive representative enterprises in the industry. For example, Inspur and Shensi Electronics were selected as the top 30 AI China’s strongest artificial intelligence companies.

From the development path, empowering the transformation and upgrading of the real economy and the construction of smart cities has become a key area for Jinan artificial intelligence enterprises to continue to cultivate.

For example, Shensi Electronics has cooperated with Jinan Second Machine Tool and Baidu to implement smart factory solutions, promoting digital and intelligent transformation of key scenarios such as numerical control of stamping equipment product production and quality inspection, operation and maintenance and acceptance, maintenance and after-sales services, and promoting comprehensive quality improvement and efficiency.

In addition to the above applications, the artificial intelligence solutions created by Shensi Electronics have been applied in batches in industries such as energy, government affairs, medical care, emergency response, public security and finance. With such a wide range of industry applications, Shensi Electronics has only used it for 7 years. In this regard, Min Wanli, chief scientist of Shensi Electronics, said that the company has always maintained high-intensity independent research and development and technological innovation advantages, and accelerated the promotion of artificial intelligence empowered real economy innovation applications.

As a leading AI enterprise in Jinan, Inspur is also accelerating the inclusion of industrial AI, and has realized the implementation of industrial AI in the fields of finance, railways, electric power, transportation, smart cities, petroleum and petrochemical industries. For example, in the field of production, Inspur has built a world-leading server intelligent manufacturing factory. Compared with traditional production methods, manpower is reduced by 75%, production efficiency is increased by 30%, and production capacity is increased by nearly 4 times.

Deep empowering segmentation scenes break new ground

Application scenarios can be described as the vitality of artificial intelligence technology. From the development of Jinan artificial intelligence industry, in addition to the leading enterprises that have covered many industries with AI technology such as Inspur and Shensi Electronics, there are also a number of enterprises that focus on a certain field and are deeply empowered.

Zhongyang Health Technology Group Co., Ltd., which has been deeply involved in the field of medical informatization for more than 20 years, has become a leader in artificial intelligence application solutions in the medical field across the country. Its intelligent diagnosis auxiliary system for pulmonary nodules, intelligent diagnosis system for rib fractures, and intelligent auxiliary diagnosis system for coronary CTA have been used in more than 220 hospitals across the country; the ICD artificial intelligence coding system has reached the current leading level in China and has been used in hundreds of hospitals in nearly 100 cities across the country, successfully solving the problem of disease coding in the industry.

Just recently, the dynamic ECG intelligent assisted diagnosis system built by Zhongyang Health for many years was successfully launched in Juxian People’s Hospital. "From the application effect, it far exceeds expectations. It used to take 40 minutes for a doctor to see a 24-hour dynamic ECG, but now it takes less than 5 minutes to complete the ECG diagnosis after applying our artificial intelligence system. While improving the quality of diagnosis, it greatly improves the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment." Gao Xiyu, head of scientific research at Zhongyang Health, said. Behind such intelligence and efficiency is a large amount of training of massive data and excellent AI technical support.

Coincidentally, Lanjian Intelligent, which has been deeply cultivated in the field of logistics technology for 30 years, has become a leader in the field of smart logistics. As early as 2021, Lanjian Intelligent, with its honeycomb intelligent warehousing system, became one of the enterprises selected by Jinan MIIT for the "New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Industry Innovation Key Task Units". And its "Honeycomb E-commerce 4.0 System" caused a sensation in the e-commerce industry once it came out, solving the technical difficulties of "finding people for goods". It once achieved a super efficiency of 12,000 boxes/hour on "Double Eleven", handling nearly 150,000 goods a day, and only 8 pickers. At present, the Lanjian intelligent honeycomb intelligent warehousing system has basically achieved full coverage in the e-commerce industry, and has successfully built the world’s largest "honeycomb" multi-wear system in the e-commerce industry. In the opinion of Wu Yaohua, founder and chairperson of Lanjian Intelligent, automation can fly higher and farther with intelligent wings.

From the scene, go to the scene. For artificial intelligence companies, it is crucial to accurately grasp the pain points of the industry, deeply empower the scene, and get through the "last mile". Many artificial intelligence companies in Jinan are focusing on the need for continuous empowerment in the industry.

Quancheng AI industry accelerates towards 50 billion level

As an important engine of industrial development and urban butterfly change, the artificial intelligence industry has become a field where various places have rushed to the beach. Jinan is also accelerating the pace of development of this industry and continues to carry out the "AI Spring City" empowering action.

In terms of industrial development logic, the growth of the artificial intelligence industry requires not only a deep understanding of industry pain points and application scenarios, but also technical support. Behind this, computing power, algorithms, data, etc. are all important factors.

From the current development of Jinan, in terms of basic layer, Jinan has become China’s computing power highland. The production and sales volume of servers is the first in the country and the second in the world, and the production and sales volume of AI servers is the first in the world. It supplies more than 1/3 of our country’s servers and more than 50% of AI computing power. In particular, the National Supercomputing Jinan Center has achieved complete autonomy and control of core technologies in the field of supercomputing. In terms of software technology, Jinan artificial intelligence core software technology is basically mature, and open APIs integrating vision, voice, interaction and other technologies have become the trend of industrial development.

Based on many development advantages, Jinan has become the national artificial intelligence innovation application pilot area, a new generation of artificial intelligence innovation and development pilot area, and a national industrial Internet demonstration area. The only city in the country where "three zones are superimposed". Such advantages help Jinan become a "depression" for resource gathering – the major ecological project "China Counting Valley" jointly built by provinces and cities has been landed in Jinan and is accelerating construction. The first phase of the park was put into use in the first half of this year. In the future, it will become a new highland for the computing power industry and a new beacon for the smart industry; Huawei’s three major innovation centers and regional headquarters, Baidu Shandong data annotation base and other projects have all landed in Jinan; artificial intelligence island accelerated construction…

At present in Jinan, the artificial intelligence industry has formed a relatively complete artificial intelligence industry chain from basic support, core technology to industry application. In 2022, Jinan has 358 artificial intelligence enterprises, and the scale of artificial intelligence core industries reached 27.10 billion yuan, an increase of 17.6% year-on-year, driving the scale of related industries to 100 billion. 11 companies were selected for the MIIT industry innovation key task list.

Under the trend of new technologies changing with each passing day, how can Jinan artificial intelligence industry achieve a greater leap?

As a senior expert in the field of artificial intelligence, Min Wanli suggested that "industrial AI" should drive "AI industrialization", encourage AI + leading enterprises to create new kinetic energy benchmarking applications, and replicate to the whole industry through service to form a pattern of "Shandong Germination National Blossom". In development, AI will be turned into a service, and the government will build an AI empower platform, where AI companies and entrepreneurs will serve industry customers and lower the non-technical threshold for AI popularization. Min Wanli said that industry experts and front-line practitioners can be trained as AI navigators and practitioners, and a "doctoral + graduate + engineer + industry expert" talent ecosystem can be built; in development, it is recommended to create sustainable green AI, encourage the miniaturization of large models, avoid paving the path of computing power, and get rid of dependence on high-end chips.

For the development of the AI industry, Jinan has drawn a blueprint, which will further promote the "computing power, algorithm, and arithmetic" industry to become stronger, better, and bigger. According to the plan, we will strive to double the development of Jinan’s AI core industry by 2025, reaching 50 billion level, and driving the scale of related industries to reach 200 billion level.

BYD Qin PLUS interior is the first to experience, with a battery life of 120km and a DC fast charge.

Compared with the Tang and Han Dynasties in the 21st century,
get away
The air-conditioning air outlet is more concise and capable, and the center console also adopts relatively straight lines, which is quite scientific and technological with the floating instrument screen in front of the driver.

This morning, Weidian New Energy Vehicle Community statically experienced the first model of BYD Super Hybrid-Qin PLUS in Shenzhen, which is equipped with DM-i super hybrid technology and has a fuel consumption as low as 3.8L/100km in the state of power loss.

In appearance, Weidian went to the styling design room last month to bring the first exposure to fans. This static tasting focused on the interior experience and the information that was not displayed before.

Arrow Feather dzi LED headlights have never been turned on in the previous video articles. After lighting, the front LED light source is constructed like an arrow feather.

Qin PLUS offers black-brown and blue-gray interiors. The latter is more low-key and simple, which conforms to the overall design style of the interior. Although Qin PLUS still adopts this year’s family-style interior style, it is specific to various models, such as 21 models.

Are all different.

The Qin PLUS shot this time belongs to the simple technology type, which takes a completely different route from the luxury style of high-end models, which is more in line with Qin PLUS as a potential user group of economical family cars.

The information layout of the dashboard in front of the driver is simple and clear, and the display layout of each content is clearly defined. Through the following values, you can pay attention to and speculate on the pure electric cruising range and total fuel and electricity of the car. According to the data of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Qin PLUS provides two versions. The long-life version NEDC filmed this time has a battery life of 120km, equipped with a 18.316kWh battery pack and a 48L fuel tank, and can travel more than 1000km with full oil and electricity; The short battery life version NEDC has a battery life of 55km and is equipped with 8.32kWh. Both of them have a pure electric cruising range exceeding the national standard and can be hung with a hybrid green card.

Due to the improvement of cruising range, Qin PLUS is also equipped with DC fast charging. Vehicles can be charged with DC piles, and the AC charging port remains, which is located on the left side of the DC port. Equipped with DC fast charging, the charging options of users are increased, and the car scenes are enriched.

The vehicle central control panel is still suspended DiLink, which is an intelligent networking system of DiLink 3.0. In the vehicle information interface, the SOC value of Qin PLUS can be adjusted between 15% and 70%, and a "SAVE" mode is added. After the SOC value wheel is turned on, a lock icon is added. What impact will it have on the driving mode will need to be verified by the subsequent dynamic test drive.

What is the real fuel consumption level and driving quality of the first DM-i super hybrid Qin PLUS with a dedicated 1.5L high-efficiency engine for Xiaoyun-Plug-in and a battery life of 120km? Weidian new energy vehicle community will bring dynamic measurement in the follow-up.

Afternoon comment on A-shares: Shanghai Composite Index bottomed out and rose by 0.26% in half a day. Major financial stocks rose collectively.

  The three A-share indexes collectively closed up in early trading. By midday, the Shanghai Composite Index rose by 0.26%, the Shenzhen Component Index rose by 0.24%, the North Stock Exchange 50 fell by 0.85%, the Growth Enterprise Market Index rose by 0.58%, and the half-day turnover in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets was 477.7 billion yuan. More than 2,800 stocks in the two cities fell, and northbound funds sold 1.014 billion yuan in half a day.

  On the theme of the sector, digital currency, cross-border payment, textile manufacturing and other sectors were among the top gainers; Diet pills, precious metals and other sectors led the decline.

  On the disk, digital currency concept stocks led the gains in early trading, () 20CM daily limit, () and () rose by more than 10%, and () and () both had daily limit; Banks, insurance, securities and other major financial sectors rose near midday, () daily limit, () rose by more than 7%, (), (), (), (), (), (), (), etc. rose one after another; The textile manufacturing sector was among the top gainers, with both () and () daily limit, and () rose by over 8%; The concept stocks of diet pills pulled back in early trading today, with () down limit, (), (), Kang Peng Science and Technology, () and other stocks falling more than 7%; In terms of popular stocks, () staged a day board and recorded 7 boards in 10 days.

  Plate analysis:

  Straight flush hot stock list:

  Transaction review:

  At 09: 25, A shares opened, with the Shanghai Composite Index opening 0.09%, Shenzhen Component Index opening 0.2% and Growth Enterprise Market Index opening 0.36%. Cross-border payment and digital currency concept stocks were active.

  At 09:28, the concept stocks of diet pills pulled back, Baihua Pharmaceutical fell by a word, Hanyu Pharmaceutical and Jinkaishengke fell by more than 6%, and many stocks such as (), Changshan Pharmaceutical and () opened lower.

  At 09:30, the cross-border payment sector was active at the beginning of the session. Huafeng Microfiber had a daily limit of 20CM, Kelan Software opened 11.82% higher, and Chutianlong, (), (), Zhongke Jincai and other stocks opened over 5% higher.

  At 09:37, the concept stocks of computing power continued to be active. (1) The daily limit again recorded 3 boards for 4 days, (2 boards) and (1) the daily limit, (), () and () followed up.

  At 09:39, orient securities fell rapidly in early trading, and its share price once fell more than 8%. In the news, orient securities’s shareholding () and other related matters are included in the scope of verification.

  At 09:47, lithium battery concept stocks bottomed out, () quickly pulled up the daily limit, () rose by over 15%, () rose by over 10%, and (), (), Zhenhua New Materials and () followed suit.

  At 09:50, the textile manufacturing sector rose in intraday trading, Fengzhu Textile rose daily, Jujie Microfiber rose by more than 5%, and Yingfeng shares, (), () and () followed suit.

  At 09:51, the securities sector rose, Huachuang Yunxin rose by more than 5%, and china galaxy, Huatai Securities, CITIC Securities and Everbright Securities rose one after another.

  At 09:52 (), the intraday price rose by 219.32%, hitting a temporary stop.

  At 09:54 (), the daily limit rose again, recording 8 consecutive boards, and the turnover exceeded 800 million yuan.

  At 09:55 (), shares and bonds all fell, and gemdale’s share price approached the daily limit. The corporate bond "16 Jindi 02" fell more than 25% and hit the temporary stop, "21 Jindi 01" fell more than 13% and "21 Jindi 03" fell more than 9%. Gemdale announced yesterday that Ling Ke applied to resign as a director, chairman and member of the strategy committee of the board of directors due to physical reasons.

  At 09:57, the precious metal plate fluctuated and fell, () fell by nearly 5%, and (), (), () and () fell by over 3%.

  10:00 According to () iFinD data, half an hour after the opening, the turnover of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets reached 239.9 billion yuan.

  At 10: 05, CPO concept stocks fell, () and () fell more than 7%, (), () and () fell more than 5%.

  At 10:08, oil and gas stocks bottomed out, () rose by over 7%, () rose by over 5%, and () rose by nearly 4%. The stock once fell by over 8% in early trading.

  At 10:11, the mask aligner plate oscillated lower, () fell more than 6%, () fell more than 5%, Torch Light Technology and Tengjing Technology fell more than 4%, and American and Egyptian technologies, () and () followed suit.

  At 10:25, the whole vehicle sector continued to fall, () fell by nearly 5%, () fell by nearly 5%, () fell by more than 3%, and (), () and () followed.

  At 11:03, the banking, insurance, securities and other financial sectors rose in intraday trading, Huachuang Yunxin had a daily limit, china galaxy and Guolian Securities rose more than 4%, and Capital Securities, Cinda Securities, Ruifeng Bank, (), New China Life Insurance and China Pacific Insurance rose one after another.


  1. CITIC Securities: Listed central enterprises frequently increase their repurchase, and the liquidity on the market continues to improve.

  Citic Securities Research Report pointed out that on October 16, a number of listed central enterprises issued announcements on increasing holdings (progress) and repurchase. Since August, listed central enterprises have frequently increased their holdings and repurchased, which is an important measure to implement the Work Plan for Improving the Quality of Listed Companies Holding by Central Enterprises, guide the rational return of the value of listed central enterprises and stabilize the capital market. From the historical experience, the repurchase tide has a positive effect on market sentiment and stock price in the bottom interval. In addition to increasing holdings and repurchases, the slowdown in financing, the slowdown in reducing holdings, and the countercyclical adjustment of policies also reflect the improvement of market liquidity, which is conducive to the re-opening of investors on the sidelines. In terms of configuration, according to the strategy focus recommendation, it is still recommended to divide the layout into three stages: pro-cycle, science and technology and white horse.

  2. Insiders: The transformation of villages in cities is expected to incite the trillion-dollar market.

  According to the Economic Information Daily, the reporter learned that the renovation of urban villages in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chongqing and other places is steadily spreading. A few days ago, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development made it clear that the reconstruction of urban villages in mega-cities in China will be divided into three categories: demolition and new construction, regular rectification and upgrading, and combination of demolition and integration. According to the information system of urban village reconstruction of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, there are currently 162 urban village reconstruction projects in China. According to industry insiders, the renovation of villages in cities has not only improved the living environment of residents, but also changed the space for new life into new development. According to some data, it is conservatively estimated that the annual investment in the renovation of villages in cities in China will reach 840 billion yuan.

  3. Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived at Beijing Capital International Airport by plane.

  According to CCTV news, today, Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived at Beijing Capital International Airport by plane. President Putin will attend the third "Belt and Road" international cooperation summit forum and participate in related activities.

  4. Asked about the announcement of the new M7 car care plan: the delivery delay is up to 10,000 yuan.

  According to Sina Finance, on October 17th, AITO asked the community about the new M7 car care plan, which announced that if the delivery of vehicles is delayed, users will be able to enjoy the car care subsidy up to 10,000 yuan. It is reported that for new M7 users who have completed the big payment before November 30th, 2023, the order status on AITO App starts from the date when the delivery plan is confirmed to the date when the vehicle has arrived at the store. If the waiting period in the table below is exceeded, they will receive the cash subsidy for picking up the car according to the number of days (the date when the vehicle has arrived at the store-the date when the delivery plan has been confirmed-the waiting period). The standard of overdue subsidy is 200 yuan/day, up to 10,000 yuan.

  5. Lei Jun: The official version of Xiaomi’s brand-new operating system 澎湃 OS has been packaged.

  Lei Jun announced in his personal Weibo that Xiaomi’s brand-new operating system, Xiaomi HyperOS, has been packaged for the official version. Xiaomi 14 series, the first mobile phone equipped with a new system, has been delivered to the factory to start production. From this moment on, Xiaomi 澎湃 OS will gradually replace MIUI.

  6. Baidu released Wen Xin Model 4.0 Li Yanhong: The comprehensive level is not inferior to GPT-4.

  According to the Securities Times, on the 17th, Li Yanhong, founder, chairman and CEO of Baidu, announced the official release of Wenxin Big Model 4.0 and started the invitation test. He said that this is by far the most powerful Wenxin model, which has achieved a comprehensive upgrade of the basic model, and has significantly improved its understanding, generation, logic and memory abilities. The comprehensive level is "not inferior to GPT-4".

  7. gemdale responded to the resignation of Chairman Ling Ke: it is a normal management team handover and will not have a significant impact on the company’s operations.

  According to, on the morning of October 17th, regarding the resignation of Ling Ke, the chairman of the company, gemdale responded to the reporter that the resignation of Chairman Ling Ke was really due to physical reasons. The relevant person in charge of gemdale said that the resignation of Chairman Ling Ke and the replacement of Chairman Huang Juncan were normal management team handover and would not have a significant impact on the company’s operation.

  8. China Mobile: Customizing the Mate 60 model is a routine action. This purchase also involves the Pro version.

  According to the Securities Times, recently, () Tendering and Purchasing Network disclosed five terminal procurement projects of mobile phone products such as Huawei Mate 60 Equity Edition-single source procurement information announcement. According to the announcement, China Mobile plans to purchase five mobile phone products including Huawei Mate 60 Rights Edition, with a demand of 1.2 million sets. China Mobile’s purchase triggered a heated discussion in the market. The reporter learned from relevant persons of China Mobile that this purchase belongs to the normal customized version (equity version) of China Mobile. It is understood that the rights edition model means that China Mobile will customize its own business such as mobile cloud disk on the terminal, which is not much different from the public edition model. In the above announcement, except for Huawei Mate 60 rights edition, the models of the other four mobile phones were not disclosed; According to the information obtained by the reporter, the other four models include Mate 60 Pro and Mate 60 Pro+.

The banned list of 141 anchors was announced, and the banned period ranged from one month to permanent, involving multiple platforms.

Original title: The banned list of 141 anchors was announced, and the banned period ranged from one month to permanent, involving multiple platforms.

The list of 141 anchors banned was announced, and the ban period ranged from one month to permanent ban, involving multiple platforms. sir For example, Xiao Li and Wang Mian on YY live broadcast platform suddenly said goodbye to fans in the live broadcast room, revealing that due to some "irresistible" factors, they will stop broadcasting for about half a year and quit the network. .

Subsequently, the anchors of other platforms also announced "rest" and quit the network.

For example, Tiger Tooth live broadcast platform "Little Cool Brother", Betta Zhang Qige, Liu Xiaoqi and so on. It is reported that there are many anchors of this "title", which are involved in almost all major live broadcast platforms.

Fortunately, most of these anchors did not hang up permanently, and many of them were banned for one to six months. As for which anchors are on the "banned list" this time, many netizens are also very curious.

Secondly, for the banned anchors, there were no announcements on the major live broadcast platforms, but these anchors suddenly stopped broadcasting like "gone".

On the 10th of this month, the online performance (live broadcast) branch of China Performance Industry Association announced the seventh batch of black anchors to the public. 47 blacklisted anchors are not allowed to register and broadcast live in the industry within 5 years.

After the list was released, netizens also found that some anchors who suddenly "rested" and stopped broadcasting were not on the list.

Therefore, netizens are more curious about the reasons why those anchors "suddenly" stopped broadcasting. What is the reason why they stopped broadcasting?

Recently, a blogger broke the news about a list of "141 banned anchors", which involved online celebrity who violated the live broadcast norms of the whole network.

According to the blogger, the list is a special rectification action carried out by the relevant departments of the webcast industry.

These include YY Live, Momo, Betta, Yingke, Yibai, Penguin E-sports, Huya, Aauto Quicker, Tik Tok and other live broadcast platforms.

The blogger revealed a partial list of "141 banned anchors":

Among the banned anchors, there are many well-known anchors on the live broadcast platform. The ban period is from 1 month to permanent ban, and the penalty period is from October 8.

The list shows that the controversial betta anchorwoman "Dream Butterfly" was permanently banned this year.

Some time ago, the betta anchorwoman "Xiu Xiu" and Zhang Qige, who suddenly stopped broadcasting, were banned for three months.

The betta anchorwoman "SuenOlivia" was only banned for three months due to a serious live broadcast accident.

Online celebrity anchor "Xiao Zhi" of Penguin E-sports was also included in the banned list for three months.

Some netizens questioned the list published by bloggers, thinking that the list was printed by bloggers themselves, and no other authoritative media had published the list. However, the blogger revealed that he was only a little faster than the media knew, saying that the list was absolutely correct, otherwise he would be prosecuted by the legal department of the live broadcast platform.

The blogger said that the reason why the top 30 anchors on the list were not announced was because they were "of little use".

As we all know, the rise of live broadcast of games, live broadcast of entertainment, live broadcast with goods, and short video platforms has made the profession of network anchor and online celebrity a "hot industry".

Because of the low threshold and high return, more and more people are joining, but this circle is also "mixed fish and dragons". Many anchors and online celebrity broadcast their eyeballs live through "low quality" for the sake of popularity.

Therefore, some anchors ignore the moral bottom line in pursuit of so-called traffic, which seriously affects the network ecology.

The announcement of the list of "141 banned anchors" is considered to be a blow to the live broadcast industry on the right track and improve the live broadcast environment, and it is also a warning to other anchors.

Editor in charge:

Weinan Tiggo 8 PRO new energy has been greatly reduced in price, with the lowest price of 124,900! Preferential treatment waits for no man.

[car home Weinan Preferential Promotion Channel] Good news! The price reduction promotion is being carried out in Weinan area, with the highest discount reaching 13,000! The starting price of this plug-in hybrid model is only 124,900. If you want to know more about the discount, please click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get a higher discount.

The design of the new energy car series of Tiggo 8 PRO is very attractive. Its front face design is very exquisite, and the air intake grille is decorated with a large area of chrome, which is very luxurious. The overall style is very fashionable, the lines are smooth, and the body lines are concise and lively, giving people a very dynamic feeling. At the same time, the car also adopts a streamlined body design, which makes the whole car look more dynamic and sporty. In addition, the car system also adopts a unique lamp design, which makes the front of the car more refined and more recognizable. Generally speaking, the design of the new energy car series of Tiggo 8 PRO is excellent, which meets the aesthetic needs of modern people.

The side lines of Tiggo 8 PRO New Energy are smooth and dynamic, with a body size of 4745*1860*1747mm and a wheelbase of 2710mm, providing a spacious interior space. Tyre size with front and rear wheel tracks of 235/55 R18 provides excellent handling performance and stability. The design of the side lines of the car body is simple and elegant, showing a sense of modernity and strength.

The interior design of Tiggo 8 PRO New Energy is exquisite and fashionable, with a leather steering wheel and leather-like seats, giving people a sense of advanced. The central control screen size is 12.3 inches, which supports voice recognition control system, including multimedia system, navigation, telephone, air conditioning and skylight. The front and rear rows are equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces, which are convenient for charging and connecting devices. Both the main seat and the auxiliary seat can be adjusted back and forth, back and height (2 directions), and the second row of seats can also be adjusted back. The rear seats support proportional tilting, providing passengers with greater space flexibility. In short, the interior configuration of Tiggo 8 PRO New Energy is rich, and its comfort and convenience are excellent.

Tiggo 8 PRO New Energy is equipped with a 1.5T 156 horsepower L4 engine with a maximum power of 115 kW and a maximum torque of 230n m.. The engine adopts advanced technology, which can provide excellent performance and fuel economy. At the same time, the matching 3-speed DHT gearbox makes the shift smoother and the driving experience more comfortable. The excellent performance of this engine will bring more pleasant driving experience to the owner.

In the evaluation of the owner of car home, we can see that he spoke highly of the appearance and space of the new energy of Tiggo 8 PRO, and thought that it was domineering in appearance, large in space and comfortable. In addition, he also felt low noise during driving, which made the driving experience more pleasant. The biggest advantage is the design of seven seats, so that when he travels with his family, the whole family can easily sit down, which undoubtedly increases his travel convenience. In addition, he mentioned that the fuel consumption is low, only about 2 o’clock when driving with oil, which makes him very satisfied. These advantages undoubtedly make Tiggo 8 PRO new energy the best choice for his travel. It can be said that the new energy of Tiggo 8 PRO not only performs well in appearance and space, but also has a good performance in comfort and fuel economy, which brings a more pleasant driving experience to car owners.

Li Xueyong: In the era when you can’t afford to roll up and lie flat, the size of light off-road vehicles will reach 2 million

  "This is an era when you can’t afford to roll up and lie flat. More people choose to live a quality life that they think is more valuable." Li Xueyong, deputy general manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd., general manager of Chery Automobile Marketing Company and general manager of Jietu Automobile, said, "About 200,000 light off-road vehicles can better help users to pursue poetry and distance."

  During the Chengdu Auto Show in 2023, Jetway Traveler officially appeared and started the pre-sale. The price of the new car was 140,900-180,900 yuan. According to reports, travelers are positioned as "travel off-road SUVs", which have both the comfort of urban SUVs and certain off-road capabilities, and are suitable for multi-road travel. "Jetway is represented by travelers, representing travel and off-road, representing future light off-road cars and more traveling cars."

  Create travelers with users to continue their travel+positioning.

  Compared with traditional hard-core off-road vehicles, light off-road vehicles have better fuel consumption performance, and compared with urban SUVs, light off-road vehicles have better passability and ability to get rid of difficulties. The traveler positioned as "Travel Off-road SUV" continues the positioning of Travel+and is equipped with XWD fully automatic intelligent four-wheel drive system.

Li Xueyong: In the era when you can't afford to roll up and lie flat, the size of light off-road vehicles will reach 2 million _fororder_image001

Zhang Chunwei, Assistant General Manager of Jietu Automobile and General Manager of Jietu Automobile Marketing Company

  "XWD is the sixth-generation four-wheel drive technology of Borg Warner, which can automatically get rid of difficulties. It has two electronic locks, namely an electronic limited slip differential and an intelligent torque manager. Through electronic identification, its automatic intervention time is within 0.1s " In addition, the torsional stiffness of the traveler’s body is 31000Nm/deg. After being in harsh environments such as desert and Gobi, travelers can achieve a climbing degree of 45. The wading depth can reach 70cm. From the perspective of power selection, Jetway Traveler has two versions: fuel and hybrid. Among them, the power of 2.0T engine is 187kW and the torque reaches 390 N m.. According to Li Xueyong, the XWD fully automatic intelligent four-wheel drive system carried by travelers has a good ability to get rid of difficulties.

Li Xueyong: In the era when you can't afford to roll up and lie flat, the size of light off-road vehicles will reach 2 million _fororder_image002

  Regarding the question of why there are no girders, Li Xueyong said, "Without girders, driving will be more comfortable and fuel consumption will be lower. The fuel consumption of travelers is basically about 9 oils. There is no problem in walking in the city. If you want to cross-country, you will cross-country. " At the same time, Voyager is still a model created with users. To this end, Jietu has also set up a user-created organization in the R&D department and the marketing department. The launch time of the car is tentatively scheduled for September 20th, and the official delivery time is scheduled for around October 10th.

  Light off-road vehicles will reach 2 million in 1-2 years.

  "We were the Weining brand, the champion of Dakar Rally, and the Ring Tower Rally. Tiggo was also the champion. Therefore, our training ability and cross-country ability in the whole chassis have a history of 20 years. Therefore, I think that Chery has to talk about "genes" and it is based on global cross-country genes. " Li Xueyong said.

  In the past two years, many car companies have launched light off-road vehicles, and their appearance has gradually become square and tough. Zhang Chunwei, assistant general manager of Jietu Automobile and general manager of Jietu Automobile Marketing Company, believes that "in the past, people didn’t see this kind of hard-core car, and the aesthetic fatigue of round cars will stimulate some demand."

Li Xueyong: In the era when you can't afford to roll up and lie flat, the size of light off-road vehicles will reach 2 million _fororder_image003

  2010-2012 is the era of the rise of SUV in China. In 2015 and 2016, the sales volume climbed, accounting for half of the cars. "Now many people don’t buy city SUVs directly, but buy light off-road cars directly to meet their own needs." No matter from the economic and social background, user choice and product changes, I think light off-road SUV is not the Red Sea, and it will have a good development momentum at least in the next five years. Li Xueyong said that the light off-road market is not small, and he predicted that its market capacity will exceed 2 million vehicles in 1-2 years.

  In 2030, fuel vehicles will still have at least 30% market share.

  From 2019 to 2022, Jietu’s export sales have reached nearly 50,000 units, and this year’s export sales are expected to be between 120,000 and 150,000, mainly including overseas markets such as the Middle East, South America and Africa, as well as some markets in the European Union.

Li Xueyong: In the era when you can't afford to roll up and lie flat, the size of light off-road vehicles will reach 2 million _fororder_image004

  Based on the export of the whole Chery Group, Chery is also building globalization of product development, brand building, user operation and maintenance, digital marketing and new media. "The whole Jietu Division has fully verified the high degree of domestic and international collaboration, institutional collaboration, personnel collaboration and functional collaboration, so I think we will explore a brand-new model, which will enable a real brand to globalize faster."

  At present, the division of labor among brands under Chery Group is also very clear. "From the perspective of existing brands, Chery is a pragmatic family and builds cars for the public; Starway is high-end; Jietu represents off-road and travel, and there will be pickup trucks behind it, as well as more off-road cars with girders; ICAR is a pure electric, intelligent, electric and technological car. "

  Regarding the development trend of the fuel vehicle market, Li Xueyong believes that "even after 10 years, or in 2030, there will be at least 30% fuel vehicles. There are more than 20 million markets in China, which means that 67 million are fuel vehicles. I think this number will last for some time unless there is a fundamental structural change in the energy storage cost of the battery. " In addition, Chery will release a new energy brand series focusing on hybrids in December. "Jietu will also release a new energy brand series focusing on hybrids. You can also understand that Chery already has three series of Tiggo, Arrizo and Exploration, which may be the fourth series. For Jetway, it already has X70 and X90 series, all of which are based on Jetway’s DNA and system, Jetway’s marketing system and Jetway’s brand system. " (Photo: provided by Jietu Automobile)

BYD Qin Guangzhou started from 58,000, with the highest discount of 0.86 million.

In the cold winter of 2019, independent brands that rely on SUVs to achieve continuous growth were hit hardest. Eighty percent of independent brands failed to achieve their sales targets in 19 years, and it seems that they collectively fell into the ice hole. As for the new car-making forces at the forefront, many people think that in the general environment of falling sales and tightening capital, if they can survive 2020, they will win half. More people are worried that few of the capital investment industries in the past few years have become a climate. If the new energy and shared travel that are bet by many capitals next year cannot become new high-quality industries, what should we do? However, most consumers will think that these have nothing to do with themselves. What really matters is how much the car sells? How much cheaper can it be? Then let’s take a look at the new car market recommended for everyone today.

The biggest discount of BYD Qin’s transaction price in the past month reached 8.63 fold, the cash of new cars dropped by 10,100 yuan, and the national sales of new cars started at 75,000 yuan. Among them, the lowest transaction price of BYD Qin in Guangzhou is 58,000 yuan, and the price is for reference only. The actual transaction price is subject to the local dealer.

The figure below shows the sales data of BYD Qin. The national sales volume in the last month was 938 vehicles. I wonder if BYD is still satisfied with this result. Most people will follow the sales volume when buying a car, which is the main basis for most people to judge whether a car is good or not without in-depth understanding of a car. Although it is not accurate, it is not groundless, but if you have higher requirements for car selection, you need to make more efforts to fully understand it.

At this time, if you are planning to change a new car, you can evaluate the used car through our platform and see how much the car in your hand can sell.

When we buy a car, we will pay attention to all aspects of this model in advance, especially the posts and word-of-mouth posted by car owners in major forums and vertical websites. Apart from the navy, there are still some car owners’ real car experience that is worth learning. Let’s take a look at BYD Qin’s word-of-mouth score. BYD Qin’s comprehensive score is 4.75, and the result is not bad, so BYD Qin can consider it.

If you have seen the above, you still have doubts about whether BYD Qin is worth buying, then you can also look at the performance of BYD Qin Jingpin. Among the following competing products, Geely Vision sold the most last month, with 8,979 cars. There is always one for you.

If the price of BYD Qin is suitable in the near future, then the friends will hurry! 38 cities across the country have linked promotions, and there are even discount models as low as 30%.

Born for travel: Jietu "Traveler" takes you to explore distant places.

On April 18th, the Shanghai International Auto Show was grandly opened, and Jetway made a strong landing with its super product lineup. Jetway travelers have been receiving much attention since the official appearance of the second Travel+Conference, and the appearance of Jetway Night in 2023 has also attracted the attention of many media. After landing at the Shanghai Auto Show, Jetway Traveler announced more product information, which also made the outside world look forward to the listing of this car.


It made its debut at the first large-scale auto show in China this year, which showed the strong technical confidence and product strength of Jetway and Jetway travelers. Faced with the increasingly diversified travel scene demands of users, Jetway travelers boldly explore new travel scenes, bringing a new road trip partner to consumers, and becoming another heavyweight model of Jetway’s "Travel+"strategy. The new car will be launched in the third quarter of this year, and in the name of travelers, it will open a new "Yueye" travel experience with users.

Cultivate the beauty of toughness both inside and outside, and make the journey full of strength.

Jietu Traveler adopts the design language of "the way of vertical and horizontal", and the posture of the whole vehicle is square and powerful, with sharp lines and full profile coexisting, showing the beauty of toughness. The front of the car is tall and straight, and the front grille is equipped with the "JETOUR" brand logo, which shows the enterprising spirit and improves the recognition; The angular window frame, the wide black wheel eyebrows protruding outward and the tough vertical tailgate angle match, bringing a sense of strength.

The central control area with T-shaped flat layout is angular, simple and powerful, and it has an indomitable exploration passion from the moment you get into the car.

Intelligent four-wheel drive with Kunpeng power, calmly control multiple scenes.

Multi-road trafficability is the product strength of Jietu traveler’s appearance, that is, "Wang Fried". This is due to the fact that it is equipped with the leading XWD intelligent four-wheel drive system and the entire Kunpeng power combination, which can have excellent ability to get rid of difficulties and passability in many road conditions and scenes, so that the journey can be relaxed.


Jietu Traveler adopts the latest sixth-generation four-wheel drive system of Borgwarner, realizing "super four-wheel drive", taking into account strong sports performance and smooth and comfortable driving feeling, accompanying users to conquer at will and go to the wild with confidence. The leading four-wheel drive technology ensures good traction and ability to get out of trouble when slipping, and maintains free control at high speed. At the same time, it brings unimaginable performance in driving comfort and NVH, and enhances the sensory experience. 2-3 four-wheel drive modes are widely used in the same class, and Jetway travelers improve their coping ability in multiple scenarios with 4 four-wheel drive modes.

The new car is equipped with Kunpeng power. The fuel version has three power options: 1.5TD+7DCT, 2.0TD+7DCT and 2.0TD+8AT. The PHEV version is equipped with a 1.5 TD+3 DTH hybrid combination, which makes the more efficient engine have both strong power and low fuel consumption. It is worth mentioning that 2.0TGDI Kunpeng Power adopts the third-generation engine independently developed by Chery, with a maximum power of 187kW and a peak torque of 390N?m, which can continuously and stably output powerful power during the journey.

All-round active and passive safety configuration, guarding every journey.

In travel, beauty and adventure coexist, and nothing is more important than safety. Jetway travelers escort the journey with all-round active and passive safety configuration.

The sensing hardware such as radar and camera in many places in the whole vehicle has reached the level of L2.5 intelligent assisted driving, realizing many intelligent assisted driving functions such as active braking, adaptive cruise, automatic parking, etc., improving driving efficiency, relieving driving fatigue, and also realizing active safety of "preventing problems before they happen".

The hard-top cage body of the new car accounts for 80% of high-strength steel, and the torsional stiffness of the car body reaches 31000Nm/deg, which has the same body strength as Land Rover Defender. Integrated laser tailor welding, automatic laser brazing and other industry-leading technologies ensure welding accuracy and improve vehicle safety.

Enjoy the luxury driving experience and make the journey comfortable and leisurely.

The length * width * height (with spare tire) of Jietu travelers are 4785mm*2006mm*1800mm and 2800mm long wheelbase, respectively, creating a "big" and promising leapfrog luxury space and enjoying comfortable travel.


The new car is equipped with textured interior, suede seats and crystal gear handles, creating a sporty and textured driving atmosphere with a high sense of advanced, further enhancing the luxury of the whole car. The new car takes the user experience as the core, and is equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 intelligent platform, which brings a fast and carefree car experience, matches the 15.6-inch central control screen and 10.25-inch instrument screen with great visual impact, and enhances the scientific sense and operation convenience of the cockpit. At the same time, it is also equipped with more than 20 travel+ecological products to build a new travel ecology and create new travel equipment that integrates travel camping and travel leisure and entertainment, making the journey more relaxed and enjoyable.

Previously, Jetway X70 series and Jetway X90 series launched by Jetway have become the benchmark models for families to travel comfortably. Jietu Dasheng, who aims at Z generation consumers, is becoming a new partner for young people to travel in a cool way. Nowadays, Jietu travelers have once again entered people’s field of vision, which not only has the hard-core strength to control many road conditions, but also provides intimate protection for comfortable travel. It is a road trip off-road SUV that explores the real "travel+"diversified scenes, and will take you to punch in the "poetry and distance" around you and discover more beauty in life.