Guo Fucheng’s "City Alert" style is out of place, not afraid of Xiong Dailin’s ridicule

Guo Fucheng was not afraid to be burned to death when compared with Andy Lau

        In addition to playing the clown, Guo Fucheng was also soaked in sea water after falling into the sea in the film. In order to achieve the feeling of obesity, he spent four hours a day applying makeup. "After the first day of filming, he went to the hospital. His skin was covered in red spots, and the glue and sweat were stuck together." Chen Musheng praised Guo Fucheng’s positive attitude during filming, but such a fat look inevitably reminded people of Andy Lau’s big fat image in the movie. "I’ve seen it, but I haven’t remembered it for too long." Guo Fucheng also said that the two looks are not comparable, "It still depends on the audience’s reaction, but I’m puffy, not fat."

        Not only did Guo Fucheng suffer a lot in makeup, but he also suffered a lot in filming such a movie with a lot of action and explosive scenes. "It was an explosive scene, with a total of 100 reaction bands. After one reaction band exploded, a martial artist was injured in the chest. If I want to shoot a hundred, I will be burned to death, and then the director said, ‘You can wear clothes,’ so I had to say, ‘Okay.’" Guo Fucheng, who was so desperate to film, said that he had no expectations of winning awards. Acting is endless, and he will never act with baggage. In addition, Guo Fucheng also sang the theme song of the movie "The Whole City Alert" "Forgot What".

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Yi Yatong set up a new company, including AI software development.

On February 26 th, Tianyancha showed that Shenzhen Yitongxing Marketing Technology Co., Ltd. was established recently with a registered capital of 10 million yuan, and its business scope includes: technology intermediary services; Development of artificial intelligence application software; Social and economic consulting services, etc. Tianyancha’s equity penetration shows that the company is jointly held by Shenzhen Yitong Digital Innovation and Development Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Yiyatong.


Central Bank: No compulsory collection of consumer financial information in disguise.

  On December 27th, the People’s Bank of China publicly solicited opinions on the Implementation Measures of the People’s Bank of China for the Protection of Financial Consumers’ Rights and Interests (Draft for Comment). The "Implementation Measures" specifically regulate the behavior norms of financial institutions, the protection of consumers’ financial information, and the settlement of financial consumption disputes.

  What should financial institutions do?

  Protection of consumers’ rights and interests should be included in the assessment.

  The "Implementation Measures" require that financial institutions should formulate the overall plan and specific work measures for the protection of financial consumers’ rights and interests in their own institutions. Establish a full-time department or designate a lead department to protect the rights and interests of financial consumers, clarify the responsibilities of departments and personnel, and ensure that they have enough manpower and material resources to work independently.

  Financial institutions shall carry out special training on the protection of financial consumers’ rights and interests at least once a year.

  When financial institutions carry out evaluation, they should take the protection of financial consumers’ rights and interests as an important content, rationally allocate the proportion and weight of relevant indicators, comprehensively consider business compliance, customer satisfaction, timely complaint handling rate and qualified rate, and not simply take the number of complaints as the evaluation index.

  Relevant information shall be kept for at least three years after the termination of business relationship.

  The "Implementation Measures" stipulate that when financial institutions disclose information on financial products and services, they should use a way that is conducive to the reception and understanding of financial consumers. The rules for the collection and use of consumer financial information should be made public, and the purpose, method and scope of the collection and use of consumer financial information should be clearly stated. For important information related to the immediate interests of financial consumers, such as interest rates, fees, benefits and risks, key technical terms should be explained according to the complexity and risk level of financial products and services, and financial consumers should be confirmed to have received complete information in an appropriate way.

  When explaining important contents and disclosing risks to financial consumers, financial institutions shall keep relevant materials in accordance with laws, regulations and regulatory provisions, and the retention time shall not be less than three years from the date of termination of business relations. Where laws and administrative regulations provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail. The retained materials include but are not limited to: product or service agreement confirmed by financial consumers, and risk warning letter confirmed by financial consumers; Record audio and video recordings or system logs and other related data messages that explain important contents to financial consumers.

  What can’t financial institutions do?

  Shall not handle business on behalf of financial consumers without authorization.

  The Implementation Measures require that financial institutions should assess the suitability of financial products and services to financial consumers according to their characteristics, reasonably classify the risk levels of financial products and services and the risk tolerance levels of financial consumers, and provide appropriate financial products and services to appropriate financial consumers.

  Financial institutions shall ensure the property safety of financial consumers when purchasing and using financial products and services according to law, and shall not illegally misappropriate or occupy financial consumers’ funds and other financial assets.

  At the same time, we should respect the real wishes of financial consumers to buy financial products or services, and we should not arbitrarily act as agents for financial consumers to handle business, modify financial consumers’ business instructions, or force tying other products or services.

  There must be no format clause.

  Unfair and unreasonable regulations for consumers

  Many consumers usually sign the format clauses of financial institutions without reading them clearly. In order to prevent the infringement of consumers’ legitimate rights and interests, the Implementation Measures require that when financial institutions provide financial products or services to financial consumers, they should draw financial consumers’ attention to the contents of financial products or services that are of great interest to financial consumers, such as the quantity, interest rate, expenses, time limit and method of performance, precautions and risk warning, and explain them according to the requirements of financial consumers. If the standard terms are in electronic form, they should be identifiable and easy to obtain.

  At the same time, financial institutions shall not make provisions with the following five contents in the form of standard clauses, notices, statements, notices, etc.: (1) Reducing or exempting financial institutions from the liability for compensation for financial consumers’ property losses; (2) stipulating that financial consumers shall bear liquidated damages or damages exceeding the statutory limit; (3) Exclude or restrict the right of financial consumers to inquire, delete or modify their financial information according to law; (4) excluding or restricting the right of financial consumers to choose financial products or services provided by other financial institutions; (5) Other unfair and unreasonable provisions for financial consumers.

  The "Implementation Measures" require that financial institutions should promptly revise or clean up the format clauses and service agreement texts that infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of financial consumers.

  Promoting non-guaranteed products should not mislead people into believing that profits are guaranteed.

  The "Implementation Measures" require that financial institutions should be responsible for the authenticity of marketing propaganda content. The actual obligations of financial institutions shall not be lower than the standards promised to financial consumers in the form of advertisements, materials or explanations in marketing and publicity activities.

  Financial institutions shall not engage in the following five acts when conducting marketing and publicity activities: (1) false, fraudulent, concealed or misleading propaganda; (2) Exaggerated propaganda on performance or product income; (3) misleading financial consumers into thinking that the financial management department has provided a guarantee for the financial product or service by using the procedures of auditing or filing the financial product or service by the financial management department; (4) The marketing propaganda contents of non-guaranteed investment financial products mislead financial consumers into believing that the principal can be guaranteed to be safe or profitable; (five) other acts in violation of laws, regulations and regulatory provisions related to the protection of the rights and interests of financial consumers.

  Shall not be forced to collect consumer financial information in disguise.

  The Implementation Measures has a special chapter to regulate the protection of consumers’ financial information, including consumers’ personal identity information, property information, account information, credit information, financial transaction information and other information related to the purchase and use of financial products or services by specific consumers.

  According to the "Implementation Measures", financial institutions should follow the principles of legality, legitimacy and necessity in collecting and using consumer financial information, with the express consent of financial consumers. Financial institutions shall not collect consumer financial information unrelated to their business, nor shall they collect information in an improper way, nor shall they collect consumer financial information in a disguised form.

  Financial institutions shall not take the consent of financial consumers to the use of financial information for external provision as a prerequisite for establishing business relations with financial consumers, unless the nature of the business relationship requires prior consent.

  Where a financial institution obtains the consent of consumers for the collection and use of financial information through standard clauses, it shall specify the purpose, method, content and scope of use of the collection in the clauses, and remind financial consumers of the possible consequences of the consent in a conspicuous way as easily as possible.

  At the same time, financial institutions shall use consumer financial information in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations and the purposes agreed by both parties, and shall not use it beyond the scope.

  Can’t "throw the pot" to the outsourcing service provider

  The "Implementation Measures" stipulate that the obligation of financial institutions to protect consumers’ financial information security will not be transferred or reduced because of their cooperation with outsourcing service providers.

  Financial institutions shall fully review and evaluate the ability of outsourcing service providers to protect consumers’ financial information, clarify the responsibilities and confidentiality obligations of outsourcing service providers to protect consumers’ financial information in relevant agreements, and take necessary measures to supervise outsourcing service providers to perform the above responsibilities and obligations. After the termination of the cooperative relationship, the financial institution shall supervise the outsourcing service provider to destroy the consumer financial information obtained from the financial institution in time.

  Encourage financial institutions to transfer their financial information to other financial institutions designated by financial consumers on the premise of technical feasibility.

  What if something goes wrong?

  The "Implementation Measures" clarify that if there is a financial consumption dispute between financial consumers and financial institutions, they should first complain to the financial institutions. If a financial consumer does not accept the handling of complaints made by a financial institution, he may make a complaint through the branch of the People’s Bank of China where the financial institution has its domicile or where the business behavior takes place.

  After receiving complaints from financial consumers, the branches of the People’s Bank of China can answer whether to accept them on the spot, and should answer them on the spot; If you can’t answer on the spot, you should make a decision on whether to accept it within 7 working days from the date of receiving the complaint; If the complainant needs to make corrections to the complaint application, he shall make a decision on whether to accept it within 7 working days from the date of completion of the correction. For complaints that are not accepted, the complainant shall be informed of the reasons for not accepting them. For the complaints received, the complaint shall be transferred to the complained financial institution for handling or to the financial consumer dispute mediation organization to provide mediation services within 5 working days from the date of receiving the decision.

  The financial institution shall reply to the complainant within 15 working days from the date of receiving the complaint forwarded by the branch of the People’s Bank of China. If the situation is complicated, the handling period may be extended, and the complainant shall be informed of the reasons for the extension, but the longest handling period shall not exceed two months. (Reporter Cheng Wei)

"Changsha Nightlife" reveals that Zhang Jingyi shares her deep bond with Changsha.

1905 movie network news The film produced by, producer, screenwriter and director, starring,,,,, Wu Jun and Luo Gang, especially starring, and friendship has recently released a reply notice. From "The Sender Changsha" to the reply notice, Changsha and Changsha people have formed a moving response in both directions.

In the preview, director Zhang Ji shared the story of his reconciliation with his father in Changsha after the college entrance examination. Zhang Jingyi, the leading actress, shared her experience of receiving the notice of Nortel Art Examination when she was studying in Changsha. The cheers of the whole class became an unforgettable memory for her. The comic actor soldier, who is also a native of Changsha, Hunan Province, also made a surprise appearance in the preview and shared his memories of Changsha.The preview focuses more on every Changsha person who lives here. Everyone is the protagonist in his own life. Through these stories, he will show the love and tolerance of Changsha to everyone. Changsha Night has both their stories and their lives.

Director Zhang Ji reconciled with his father in Changsha.

Starring Zhang Jingyi shares the exciting moment of the college entrance examination.

The reply notice invited director Zhang Ji and starring Zhang Jingyi to share their stories with people living in Changsha. This city has witnessed countless life choices, emotional stories, work experiences and juvenile growth, and cured countless regrets. The story of Changsha shared by Zhang Ji is related to his father. Changsha witnessed the departure of young Zhang Ji after the college entrance examination, and also witnessed his silence and reconciliation with his father.

In the director’s eyes, Changsha is a city with almost no boundaries between day and night. After the theme song was released, he wrote a letter specially for Changsha. The letter said: "At one o’clock in the middle of the night, the people in the west were crowded with people, and the fireworks came to my face. The young people in the street lived fearlessly." It is these ordinary people who keep fighting for their lives that bring him inspiration and strength to shoot Changsha stories. The memory of Changsha, starring Zhang Jingyi, is a youthful time. She studied at Tongshenghu Experimental School in Changsha. When she learned that she had passed the exam of Nortel, the whole class applauded and cheered for it. This was an unforgettable happy time for her.

In this city full of youthful memories, it also contains countless people’s lives. Five minutes before the New Year’s Eve, she proposed marriage, owned her own house in a city, walked alone by the Xiangjiang River after breaking up with her boyfriend, and watched fireworks on the Xiangjiang River on weekends. This reply to Changsha contains too many people’s happiness and regret. When it comes to Changsha, food is also a label full of Hunan flavor: "Changsha people’s day begins with a bowl of powder and ends with a bowl of powder." The night covered by fireworks cages is another soul of Changsha. In the food stalls in the middle of the night, three or five friends meet and talk about powder in the lively night market.In the long lane of the market in the early morning, diners who come out for breakfast will meet the snack board that has not yet finished, and everyone here is enjoying the happiness brought by delicious food. This is the mutual tolerance, mutual giving and mutual achievement between a group of people and a city. Whether they grew up in Changsha or came to Changsha from a foreign land, everyone got love and warmth here and realized their dreams at the same time. It also made many viewers begin to recall when their fate with a city began.

YIN FANG Zhang Jingyi LAY opens an emotional story

Changsha nightlife is also a city nightlife.

 The reply notice shows the story that happened here, which has formed a deep bond between Changsha people and Changsha, and the emotion between people and the city is touching. As director Zhang Ji said, "My classmates and friends have many emotional stories in Changsha". He also put these emotional stories in movies. The story of He Xixi (Zhang Jingyi) is about love. With the feeling of leaving the city, she meets Jing Weiwei (YIN FANG), who is frustrated and down. They meet for a night tour in Changsha and walk side by side through the streets of Changsha bearing countless life memories, turning an ordinary night tour into a journey to heal themselves. The story of He An (LAY), a talk show actor, is about family ties. Facing the frustration of his career, the contradiction between him and his father (Luo Gang) is getting worse and worse. How to resolve it has become a knot between them. Full of loss, he went to the food stall of his mother, Sister Li (Sophie Su), and was cured by a hug and a simple comfort … … If you don’t know how to start after dawn, let the fireworks of the city give you the strength and courage to move forward.

The film "Changsha Nightlife" takes Changsha as the carrier, and takes the young people whose lives are lost as the scene, why not; He An, frustrated in the workplace and injured in family of origin; From the perspective of ordinary people such as Chen Qingzhi and Liang Baoqi, migrant workers in a foreign land, they show the difficulties people face in their life choices, emotions, work and family, and build a real and emotional picture of contemporary urban life, just as the film’s main creator expressed: "What happened in the film is not only the story of Changsha, but also the story of China."

The film "Changsha Nightlife" was produced by Chen Kexin and Zhao Xiaoshi, written and directed by Zhang Ji, starring YIN FANG, Zhang Jingyi, Sophie Su, Wu Haochen, Bai Yufan, Zhou Siyu, Wu Jun and Luo Gang, with LAY as a special star and Zhou Dongyu and Wang Lixin as a friendly star. It will be shown nationwide on April 28th during the May Day holiday.

Crimes against the world are numerous-the beginning of American military hegemony

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 6th (international observation) Crimes against the world are numerous — — The beginning of American military hegemony

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Si Zhu Ruiqing

  "This country was established through a ruthless and soul-destroying war. Only by recognizing this can we understand the past and present of the United States. " Holger Hawke, a German historian, wrote in The Scar of America: The War of Independence and the Violent Gene of American Politics.

  The history of the founding and development of the United States coincides with its historical pace of war and expansion. Since its independence for more than 240 years, the United States, with its colonial genes and imperial dreams, has evolved from a new political power in a corner of North America to a global military hegemony through continuous wars and military expansion, and has used hegemony to bully and bully.

  Countless facts tell the world that America’s military hegemonic behavior of bullying and usurping power violates the general trend of peace and development, brings great catastrophe and endless harm to many countries, is the main source of world unrest and the biggest challenge that threatens the civilization and progress of human society.

  "Destiny is Destined by Heaven": Spiritual Hypothesis Supporting Hegemony

  The United States boasts itself as a "city on the top of a mountain", while Americans regard themselves as "God’s voters" and think that the United States is a country with a "destiny". For hundreds of years, Americans have given so-called "legitimacy" and "sanctity" to American military expansion and hegemony.

  According to the report "The Origin, Reality and Harm of American Military Hegemony" issued by Xinhua News Agency’s national high-end think tank (referred to as the report), the United States relied on force to expand continuously, and used the US-Mexico War and the Spanish-American War to expand westward and seaward. After two world wars, it rose to become a global superpower and formed a dominant unipolar hegemony after the Cold War. In the process of the United States moving towards global military hegemony, the theory of "Destiny by Heaven" has always provided a mental hypothesis and an excuse for action for the United States to develop and consolidate its military hegemony, and has constantly influenced American policies and behaviors — — It is not only the basis and excuse of using military means to expand territory and violently persecute aborigines in American history, but also the ideological root of the United States’ struggle for world dominance, exporting values and foreign military intervention since the 20th century.

  George Herring, an American diplomatic scholar, once pointed out that from expelling Native Americans, seizing one-third of Mexico’s territory, colonizing Filipinos and Puerto Ricans, and invading Iraq in 2003, "the United States ‘ Great mission ’ The understanding has been used to rationalize its military expansion. "

  In addition, Americans are constantly trying to find a theoretical basis for their own expansion behavior. Social Darwinists in the United States say that countries, like nature, follow the law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest. Scholars of international relations put forward hegemonic stability theory, democratic peace theory and so on, advocating that the unipolar system of the world led by the United States can bring lasting peace.

  The report holds that, in fact, these arguments can’t stand the test of history and reality. No matter how they are changed, they are all theories that defend and serve the military hegemony and interests of the United States, and their core reflects the imperial thoughts of the United States of belligerence, expansion, intervention and moral whitewash.

  Soft and Hard: Various Means to Maintain Hegemony

  "War has become an inseparable part of this country’s history. Rather than saying that the United States has been at war since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, it is better to say that the war itself created the United States. The war fought by the United States has made the United States today and will also shape the future United States. " French historian Thomas Rabineau described the "unbreakable" relationship between the United States and the war.

  War and military action are the most direct means for the United States to maintain its military hegemony. In its more than 240-year history, the United States has not fought for less than 20 years, making it the most combative country in the history of the world. Through successive wars, the United States laid military bases covering the whole world as strategic anchor points to control the world, regarded Latin American and Caribbean countries as "backyards", controlled the geopolitical throats of Eurasia such as the Middle East, deployed troops to Africa, and controlled important resources and raw materials by military means.

  According to a 2021 study by Quincy Institute of Governing the Country, an American think tank, at present, the United States has 750 military bases in 80 overseas countries and regions, almost three times the number of American embassies, consulates and missions abroad, and the annual operating cost may be as high as 55 billion US dollars. Since 2001 alone, overseas military bases have supported the United States in launching wars or military operations in at least 25 countries.

  The report pointed out that in order to maintain global military hegemony, the United States not only directly controls it by launching or intervening in wars, laying a global network of military bases, but also indirectly controls it by building an alliance system and using rules and mechanisms.

  Marked by the establishment of NATO in 1949, the United States began to build a military alliance, and then established bilateral alliances such as the United States, the Philippines, the United States and Japan, and the United States and South Korea, in an attempt to gain the overall military strength advantage through alliance so as to deter opponents and realize their own political and security interests. Nowadays, more and more countries find that the alliance system is actually a tool for the United States to maintain military hegemony, and as an "ally", it has to obey the will of the United States. As Sevim Dagdelen, a member of the German Bundestag, said, "What the United States wants is not an ally, but a loyal servant."

  Various rules and mechanisms are another important means of stealth control in the United States, such as using laws and regulations such as the Export Management Regulations and the Arms Export Control Law to build a dual-use and military export control system; Establish legislation in specific areas such as the Atomic Energy Law; Establish or lead multilateral mechanisms such as Paris Coordinating Committee, Missile Technology Control Regime and Wassenaar Arrangement. The existence of these international rules and mechanisms essentially serves American security interests.

  In recent years, Americans have also concocted the phrase "rules-based international order" to beautify packaging hegemonism. Alexander gusev, director of the Russian Institute of Strategic Planning and Forecasting, pointed out that the United States deliberately keeps the definition of "rules-based international order" vague, because the less specific these so-called "rules" are, the more it can "dress up" them at will. Once a country violates the will of the United States, the United States will accuse it of "violating the rules" and there is reason to punish it.

  Endless harm: the disaster caused by the abuse of hegemony

  "We can have a special national flag — — Our country can do the same: we can just keep our usual national flag, paint the white stripes black and replace the stars with skull symbols. " In 1901, Mark Twain, an American writer, wrote such words to condemn the imperialist behavior of the United States in waging war and bloody slaughter in the Philippines.

  The chariots driven by American military hegemony have brought endless harm. The war to conquer Indians directly wiped out millions of Indian population; In the colonial war in the Philippines, 200,000 to 1 million Filipinos died; In the Korean War, more than 3 million civilians died; In the Vietnam War, 2 million civilians died; In the Iraq war, 200,000 to 250,000 civilians died … … According to the figures released this year by Brown University’s "War Cost" project, after the "September 11" incident, the United States launched wars or "anti-terrorist actions" in at least 85 countries around the world, which directly led to more than 940,000 deaths, including 432,000 civilians, and 38 million people were displaced or became refugees.

  As Walter Russell Meade, an American scholar and professor at Bard College, said, "The United States is the most dangerous military force in the history of the world."

  American military behavior in the world not only directly caused huge humanitarian disasters, but also brought a series of complex social problems including social unrest, refugee tide, psychological trauma, ecological crisis and so on.

  For example, the US military left about 350,000 tons of explosive bombs and mines in Vietnam, and it is estimated that it will still take 300 years to completely remove them. From 2002 to 2016, there were at least 270 environmental pollution incidents at three US military bases in Okinawa, Japan, most of which were not notified to the Japanese government. In May, 2022, the US military base in Longshan, which South Korea is recovering, was seriously polluted by exposed soil and groundwater. The Ministry of Environment of South Korea found that the total petroleum hydrocarbons in the soil of the dormitory site in Nanyingqu of the base exceeded the standard by 29 times, and the carcinogens benzene and phenol in the groundwater exceeded the standard by 3.4 times and 2.8 times respectively.

  According to the data released by the Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs of Brown University in 2019, since the global war on terrorism in 2001, the US military has produced 1.2 billion tons of greenhouse gases in the process of equipment and deployment, combat operations, weapons manufacturing, etc. "It is one of the largest greenhouse gas emitters in the world".

  American military hegemonic behavior has brought disasters to all countries in the world, but also brought serious trauma to the United States itself. Rabineau pointed out in the book "American War Culture" that almost every generation in the United States has swallowed the evil consequences of the political, economic and social chaos caused by the war.

  According to the data of Brown University’s "War Cost" project, more than 7,000 American soldiers and about 8,000 American defense contractors were killed in the war launched by the United States after the "9.11" incident. More than 30,000 American soldiers committed suicide, which is four times the number of people killed in the battle. The sky-high military expenditure invested by the United States to maintain military hegemony has also put an increasingly heavy burden on American nationals. After 2001, the war-related expenditure in the United States has exceeded 5.8 trillion US dollars. More importantly, America’s military hegemony and foreign war acts have bred and encouraged extremist forces and self-consumed, and the "9.11" incident is a typical case.

  "It is for the United States to build a country in war, expand in war and dominate in war." The report writes that the military expansion of the United States continues today, and American military hegemonism is still bullying and destroying the world we live together.

The study of cultural history should have macro-consciousness

Author: Yang Shaowei, Master of Arts, China Academy of Art

When it comes to the cultural history of China, it is necessary to understand the specific meaning of this term first. What is China culture? What is cultural history? Mr. Yuan Xingpei wrote a set of two volumes of Light of Chinese Civilization, and Dr. Wu Jun, as a leading figure in the computer field, also published a set of Light of Civilization. From the title, we can see that their emphasis is on the keyword "civilization". Therefore, distinguishing the difference between "culture" and "civilization" is the premise of talking about culture, and then it can be called "cultural history".

The Light of Civilization by Wu Jun.

So, what is culture? What is civilization? In The Light of Civilization, Dr. Wu Jun mainly analyzes English roots. The word "Civilization" comes from the root word Civil, that is, the meaning of city. There are two criteria in western academic circles: one is the emergence of class, and the other is the emergence of city. Compared with "civilization", the definition of culture is loose and complicated. The word "Culture" in the west means farming and breeding, that is to say, when human beings settle down, they begin to have culture with agriculture and animal husbandry. When introducing the ancient society in China, we often use the words "Yangshao culture" and "Longshan culture" instead of the word "civilization". It should be said that this description is scientific and accurate. Some old historians, such as Mr. Qian Mu’s Introduction to the Cultural History of China, have made a perceptual and macroscopic interpretation of China’s culture and civilization. Mr. Qian Mu believes that civilization is outward and belongs to the material aspect, and civilization can spread and accept outward. However, cultural bias belongs to the spiritual aspect, which must be produced by the spiritual accumulation within the group. Culture can produce civilization, but civilization may not produce culture.

China culture is reflected in the whole history of China, and it is impossible to talk about culture except history. We should explain the truth of China culture from the objective aspects of all history. So, what is the relationship between cultural history research and historical research? In my opinion, there is a subordinate relationship between them. The study of cultural history should follow the academic norms and basic methods of historical research, and speak with historical materials and evidence. In terms of emphasis, historical research can be big or small, regardless of details. We can make a macro study of a historical period and grasp the trend of the times. For example, Mr. Chen Yinke’s Brief Discussion on the System Origin of Sui and Tang Dynasties and the Political History of Tang Dynasty, and Gu Jiegang and Mr. Shi Nianhai’s History of China’s Territory Evolution are all extremely grand works. We can also focus on the micro, and study the whole historical process through a person, an artifact, a food and even a Chinese character in history, such as Ji Xianlin’s History of Sugar, Li Bozhong’s Firearms and Account Books and Jared Diamond’s Guns, Germs and Steel, while the study of cultural history focuses more on macro aspects.

If history is the study of "who we are" and "where we come from", then cultural history is the study of "why I am me" and "why we come from there instead of anywhere else". The macroscopic study of cultural history is similar to that of philosophy to some extent. Philosophy studies the nature of the universe, the general law of the evolution of all things in the universe, the position of people in the universe and other basic issues. Einstein once said that philosophy is the mother of all sciences, and its emphasis is on philosophical speculation and macro. Obviously, the study of cultural history cannot be said to be the mother of all historical studies, but it is also an extremely important part of historical studies. Culture involves everyone’s life, whether it is past, present or future. Therefore, Mr. Qian Mu believes that to answer what is China culture, we need to look for the value and significance of culture in the cultural tradition of China from a philosophical perspective and a historical perspective.

The Light of Chinese Civilization by Yuan Xingpei.

The complexity of culture requires researchers to broaden their minds and look at the general situation, instead of focusing on details alone, the study of cultural history must be grand. Culture is the life of a country and a nation. If a country does not have culture, there will be no life. We say that only China, among the four ancient civilizations, has never been annihilated, which is also in terms of its culture. From the narrow view of the founder of the regime, China died after Yuan and Qing Dynasties, and this view still exists, such as there was no China after Cliff Mountain, and China died in Manchu Dynasty. From this point of view, without a grand cultural view, it is easy to equate the study of cultural history with the study of history, or even fall into a narrower situation. The study of cultural history should not be entangled in the "gains and losses of a city", but should be strategically located and explain its views. Geographical background, life concept, writing, political system, literature and art, religion and other aspects can all be used as the starting point for the study of cultural history.

The integrity of culture causes its complexity to be reconciled into a whole, which can be summarized by "pulling one hair and moving the whole body". In fact, this is also very understandable. Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties is a chaotic era. The invasion of ethnic minorities has led to changes in the political system and social class, but it has also promoted the integration of ethnic groups. The corresponding life concepts, religions, literature and art are changing. The cultural variation looks extremely complicated, but it can eventually find a key point, thus being classified as a whole, and cultural psychology and cultural character will gradually become full and diverse in the change.

In addition, culture has an irresistible development. As mentioned above, culture is the life of a nation, and since it is life, it needs to grow and develop. Usually, the study of China culture is divided into several sections, and there is obvious change between each section, and the development between sections is even more obvious. Once a culture becomes rigid and stops moving forward, it is not far from death. One of the significance of the study of cultural history is to see its development law clearly, and to tell the past and think of the future.

Today’s cultural studies still don’t grasp these three points very well. The pattern is either too small and cumbersome, or too big and empty, because the culture is too big and everyone has something to say. The academic norms of cultural history research have not been effectively established, and the books published in the market are mixed, and everyone wants to get a slice of the "cultural fever". Of course, we can’t give up eating because of choking. The study of cultural history by predecessors such as Mr. Qian Mu, Mr. Liu Yizhi and Mr. Yu Yingshi has provided us with a macro idea and discipline norms. As a younger generation, we are more diligent than Ying Qin and make a modest contribution to discipline construction. (Yang Shaowei)

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Swimming beginners can learn quick skills in five minutes!

Swimming is not only a summer vacation but also a very good exercise to lose weight. It can also exercise our cardiopulmonary function and make our bodies stronger. For those who have never been exposed to swimming, it must be difficult to swim. But as long as we understand the following points, at least we will learn to swim much faster than others, and naturally learning to swim will become much easier.


People who have never swam before should start swimming by floating. First, they should make their bodies float in the water, so we should not rush to swim in the middle of the water at the beginning. We should start from shallow water, where the water level is almost half of our body. Relax your whole body, choose a casual posture, squat down or slowly try to climb on the level to see if your body will float. In short, put your whole body into the water except your head and feel the buoyancy of the water. Because in shallow water, there will be no danger, we should feel the feeling of the body in the water naturally and boldly, and gradually overcome the fear in the water.


We move freely in the water and gradually adapt to the water. After overcoming our fears, we can try to take a deep breath, submerge our whole body, even our head, feel the underwater world and feel our heartbeat. Slowly open your eyes and look at the whole underwater world. After you basically overcome your fear, you can hold your hands on the ground, beat the water with your feet alternately and practice floating yourself with your feet. At the end of this step, you can occasionally hold the ground without your hands. At this time, you will be surprised to find that your body has a sense of floating and swims forward.

tread water

When we gradually master the suspension, we don’t have to worry about the body sinking to the bottom of the water. At this time, we can go to the middle of the water, leave our feet off the ground, spread our hands, and then keep treading water to keep an upright position, so that our hands and feet can cooperate to control our body posture. When this step is practiced in the later stage, we can slowly change the direction of treading water and try to swim with the movements of our hands.

hands and feet

Practice the movements of hands and feet. Beginners suggest that it is best to learn breaststroke first. Breaststroke is the simplest swimming skill. You can practice the basic skills on the shore as in the video. When you get into the water, you can complete this set of natural and coherent movements, practice it repeatedly, and master the breaststroke skills completely.

Swimming style is actually not required for beginners. Beginners may learn to swim in a dog crawl or frog style, or even dive in a plunge. No matter which posture, once a beginner learns to swim, other strokes are no longer difficult.

Football News: The level of women’s football is not good because the local coaches are too poor. Japanese coaches are actually a good choice.

Live on November 3 rd, in the second stage of the Olympic preliminaries, the Korean women’s football team advanced to the top of Group B, while the Chinese and Korean women’s football teams were out of the group. As for the reasons for the gap between the strength of Korean women’s football team and that of China’s women’s football team, as well as the candidates for the women’s football coach position in China in the future, Football Daily published an analysis and gave some suggestions.

The living environment of Korean women’s football team is not clear to the outside world, but we know that there are no players studying abroad, and they all play in local leagues. One question is, is the level of Korean leagues higher than that of women? If so, doesn’t that mean that the league we have worked so hard to build is just a show?

But that’s the answer. Although the women’s super clubs didn’t get the bonus of "Jinyuan Football" in those years, most of them can survive now with government background. Moreover, because they undertake the task of the National Games, they are still valued to some extent, at least they won’t be easily abandoned. But the cruel fact is that the training level of the clubs, including women’s super clubs, is really not good, or even worse than that of the sports teams in those years.

The root cause is closely related to the level of coaches. An insider said: China’s local coaches prefer the men’s Super League, China A, China B and the echelon, and only when there is no place to go will they choose the women’s football team. Their level is not high, and even the coaches in the women’s football team are even lower. Even so, these coaches are highly mobile and can’t stay. So, will the players taught by this kind of coach have a future? Or "usable"?

At present, there are several options for the future women’s football coach. One is to keep water to celebrate the summer; The second is to hire foreign coaches; The third is to choose local male coaches.

The three choices have their own reasons and disadvantages, but what the China Football Association should remember is that the women’s football team has been tossing and turning, and foreign coaches have invited it. The men have Bruno and Eyjolfsson, and the women have domanski and Elizabeth. The only successful one is Bruno. Unfortunately, because of the poor record in the warm-up match, the China Football Association and others dismissed it, resulting in FIFA; Local men’s coaches have also been used, such as Zhang Haitao and Pei Encai in the early days, Li Xiaopeng and Hao Wei later, and Jia Xiuquan recently. It is true that Ma Yuanan and Ma Liangxing have found the right pulse and are close to success, but what they do now may not be suitable.

Therefore, the future China women’s football team, the coach must "fit" or "adapt", but what kind of fit? This requires Song Kai and representatives from all aspects of the women’s football community to conduct in-depth research and communication, and listen to opinions widely. If Shuiqingxia does not stay, Japanese coach is actually a good choice.


Shenzhen team will sign Serbian point guard, and CBA will usher in La Liga assists?

According to European basketball journalist Tolis Kotzias, Jovan Novak, a Serbian backcourt player who played for Spanish league team Fuenlabrada last season, may join CBA team Shenzhen in the new season.

Born in November 1994, Novak is 28 years old, 191cm tall and 85kg in weight. He is a skillful backcourt player with excellent passing ability. Novak’s career has been spent in Europe, and he has played in Serbian League, Adriatic League, Polish League, German League and Spanish League.

Novak spent the past two seasons in Fuenlabrada. Last season, he made 25 appearances for the team in La Liga, averaging 27.2 minutes, averaging 8.2 points, 3.3 rebounds, 7.6 assists and 0.8 steals, shooting 42.8% from the field, 39.7% from three-pointers and 76.7% from free throws. It is worth mentioning that Novak was also the king of assists in La Liga last season. However, Fuenlabrada, where Novak is located, did not perform well last season, ranking at the bottom of La Liga, and finally suffered relegation, which may be one of the reasons why he chose to switch to other leagues.

Novak is a player with relatively stable comprehensive ability. Although his scoring ability on the offensive end is average, it seems that his projection ability has also made great progress in recent seasons. His dribbling ability and his basic skills are very solid, and his passing ability and organization ability are also excellent. Of course, his performance on the defensive end is very general and his defensive ability is not ideal. For Shenzhen team, Novak’s ability is not far from CBA’s top foreign aid, but he is actually a good third foreign aid choice.

The new york Knicks signed a development league player, or will stay in the team to continue their struggle

The new york Knicks recently signed obadiah Noel, a young player who will strive for a stable position in the team. This transaction not only brought fresh blood to the team, but also gave the fans an expectation. Obadiah Noel is a potential striker with excellent rebounding and defensive ability. His height and wingspan give him a great advantage in the basket. He can easily steals the ball and block opponents’ shots. These advantages just meet the Knicks’ needs for inside defense. The Knicks have been facing the problem of understaffing inside, and the addition of obadiah Noel will undoubtedly make up for this shortcoming. His arrival will provide more choices for the team and increase the depth of the team. His presence will make the team more flexible in the game and can be adjusted according to the different characteristics of opponents. Of course, obadiah Noel is not a perfect player, and he still needs to improve his offensive performance. His scoring ability needs to be improved, especially in shooting in COSCO. However, the Knicks’ coaching staff is very optimistic about his potential, and they believe that with the passage of time, obadiah Noel will gradually grow into an all-round player. For the fans, the addition of obadiah Noel is undoubtedly an exciting news. The Knicks have always wanted to find a good inside player, and now they finally got it. The fans expect obadiah Noel to play his part in the team.Bring more victories to the team.The addition of obadiah Noel has injected new vitality and hope into the Knicks.His defensive ability and rebounding ability will bring important support to the team, and his offensive potential is also worth looking forward to.

Noel, 24, was drafted by the NBA and sent to develop league teams to fight hard. This is a challenging moment, but for this young player, it is also an opportunity to meet opportunities. Noel was highly anticipated in the NBA draft. However, due to some technical and physical deficiencies, he failed to rank among the top leagues. But this did not discourage Jeannoel. On the contrary, he regarded this defeat as a new starting point for his career. Development League is an ideal platform for training young players and upgrading their skills. There are many opportunities for players who are eager to prove themselves to show their strength. For Noel, this is an opportunity to reshape his image. He can improve his technical level through hard work and dedicated training. In the development alliance, Noel needs to make more efforts and perseverance. He must adapt to the faster pace of the game and more competitive opponents. In addition, he needs to further improve his skills, especially in shooting and defense. Only through continuous efforts and progress can he return to the NBA stage in the future. Noel is also a potential player for the team. His height and wingspan make him an excellent rebounder and defender. Moreover, his youth and vitality will also inject new energy into the team. Teams should be good at discovering and cultivating such players and giving them opportunities to show their strength. In this competitive sports world, success is not easy. However, Noel has firm determination and love for basketball.This will be his motivation to overcome difficulties. He believes that with enough efforts and perseverance, he will eventually succeed. No matter where Noel’s career finally goes, he has proved himself to be a top athlete.

Noel: An unknown development league star. In the NBA, there are many players who contribute to the team in obscurity. They may not be superstars, but their efforts and talents are equally admirable. Among them, Noel is such a budding young player in the development league. As an ordinary rotation player, Noel is not as concerned as those big-name stars. However, he gradually won the recognition of the coaching staff and fans through his outstanding performance. In the game, he always goes all out to give full play to his advantages and strive for every valuable rebounding and defensive opportunity for the team.Noel’s defense under the basket is a must.With his excellent physical fitness and keen reaction speed, he formed a strong barrier inside. Opponents often feel helpless when facing him, because his defensive ability often makes the opponent’s shooting inaccurate or blocked directly. It is with this excellent defense under the basket that Noel has become a solid defense line in the team’s defense system. However, Noel is not just a defensive player. He also performed well on the offensive end, especially in rebounding and secondary attack. He can always grab the key offensive rebounds by virtue of his height and bouncing advantage, and return the ball to the basket to win the second scoring opportunity for the team. This proactive performance can not only boost the team’s morale, but also make opponents feel depressed and powerless. Noel’s success is inseparable from his efforts and perseverance. As a development league player, he has experienced numerous trainings and competitions and paid a lot of hard sweat. He never gave up his dream and always maintained his love and persistence for basketball. It is this indomitable spirit that makes him gradually emerge and become an indispensable member of the team. Noel’s story tells us that everyone has a chance to succeed in his field, whether you are an ordinary rotation player or not. As long as you are willing to work hard and keep the persistent pursuit of your dreams, you will be rewarded. Noel’s success is not only his personal achievement, but also an inspiration and encouragement to all unknown players. Let’s cheer for Noel, the star of the development alliance.And expect him to continue to show his strength and potential in future competitions.

The Knicks’ signing of Noel has aroused widespread concern. However, this signing has an unexpected turning point. According to reliable sources, the Knicks signed Noel in order to cut him later and pay a bonus of $75,000. This move has aroused people’s doubts about the team’s decision-making, and also made people start to think about the future direction of the team. The Knicks made such a decision, perhaps for tactical reasons. As an excellent center player, Noel has excellent rebounding and blocking ability on the court. However, the Knicks already have a strong frontcourt lineup, including players such as Julius Randle and Mitchell Robinson. Therefore, they may think that Noel’s joining is not necessary, and they also hope to save some salary space by cutting him. However, this decision has also caused dissatisfaction among fans. After all, Noel, as a good player, has high potential. Fans have said that the Knicks should give Noel more opportunities instead of giving up easily. They believe that the team should focus on cultivating young players, not just pursuing short-term interests. The Knicks’ decision also raised concerns about the team’s future. As a team with a long history, the Knicks have always been a strong team in the NBA. However, in the past few seasons, the team has been in a low state and its record is not good. Does the decision to cut Noel this time mean that the team will pay more attention to saving salary space in the future, rather than pursuing the improvement of the team’s strength?This problem deserves our deep thought. In any case, the Knicks’ decision to sign Noel and cut him has become a hot topic at the moment. This also makes people full of curiosity and expectation about the future direction of the team.

Xiaobian thanks everyone for reading this article, hoping to bring some inspiration and encouragement to everyone. Noel’s story tells us not to be discouraged when facing challenges and difficulties, but to regard them as opportunities and a new starting point. As long as we make efforts and persevere, we can all achieve our goals and dreams.